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If you behave as nothing better than a Filthy Commie here on Trashchan, then don't be surprised if you wind up here in the trashcan of Trashchan.  :DD
Its not specifically trashchan itself but the concept of starting off an interaction by already lowkey insulting the other person and implying all interactions have to be the same low quality retard shitposting typical of 2hu secondaries on imageboards.

>"hey anon, lets go participate in the SFW legal hobby contest!"
<sure where is it?"
>*some site named around obviously illegal shit or lowkey insulting the anons by default "Trashchan" for example*
<uhhhh no. kys asshole. 
>"What's wrong with (obviously bad fed honeypot) or insinuating random strangers are automatically human trash?"
 <blocks them and moves on with their life.
>discordnigger goes on to laugh about it with their clique behind the scenes and continue shitting up other imageboards looking to find more people to troll.
>shitting up other imageboards looking to find more people to troll.
Projection much? The only one doing any such thing here is yourself, friend.
why would you say that? Im not spamming the board with what you would find on 4chan.
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a)  your post amount to nothing better than a blackpill, clearly intended to insult, denigrate, and discourage. and it's typical 4cuck kikery, now you mention it, heh.  :^
b)  you're not contributing a single thing of value to the conversation yet.

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>not contributing
lmao. wasn't even talking to you and elaborating on what I meant because another anon asked.

The only one trolling here is you anon.
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I will discuss any/every thing I see fit to, ITT or otherwise, if I feel it concerns the common good of either this board or this site. Your only effort towards the /agdg/ Game Jam thus far is just a type of well-poisoning.

Remove yourself.
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I got a good laugh out of that. You have quite the god complex there dont ya buddy?
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No, not really. But I'm pretty fiercely protective in general of those I care about. /agdg/ , for instance.

BTW, since you clearly don't intend to help out here, I'll be migrating this little tet-a-tet to /test/ in a sh*tepost-containment thread. Cheers.  :^)
Last edited by chobitsu
So I see you are just going to hide your bullshit like every other janny does. Enjoy your dead board with your useless schizoposts.
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Don't the door.
I can see why now.
Hey, both of you, calm the fuck down.
I am a literal communist and don't feel a need to shit up trashchan with shitty political discussion I would go talk shit on any other imageboard If I wanted to do that
Replies: >>135
dont you have like 3 different leftychans wtf
imo i cant be assed to shit up leftychan now anokchan is something else
Replies: >>136
tbh I only regularly use one of em and the way I see it is that each imageboard I post on I post for different reasons. leftychans are for talking shit abt politics and trashcan is for getting comfy. If you ever do want to shit up one of the leftychans just post deng and call random ppl ultras works everytime.
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Testing China post.
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