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Scheduled downtime 2024-02-04 18:00 UTC

There's a scheduled downtime by our VPS provider (...

Backup domain change

The registrar of .monster decided they go hyperjew...

jschan translations

The jschan project is looking for translators to m...

Discontinuing NL node

The VPS provider there is being a dick and the amo...

Status page

The site was down for a few hours due to a HW fail...

/late/ - Late NightsLong nights, sleepy days014132938
💼 /comfy/ - A place to relaxHome of comfyness and jigsaw puzzles :)012911591
💼 /agdg/ - Amateur Game Development Generaljust like make game01071906
💼 /retro/ - Y2K1990s and 2000s Nostalgia0534725
/ent/ - L’Entremondeplanche à images0111791
/nep/ - Hyperdimension NeptuniaNow with 200% more Nepping0007440
/britfeel/ - Feel BritanniaGeneral discussion for British lads who feel0006664
💼 /icup/ - Inter-Board CompetitionsNow on Trashchan0005109
/film/ - FILMFILM v 5.00003592
/f/ - Flashcome home wandering friends0002467
/l/ - Virtual Livers/Virtual YoutubersFun things are fun. Take care of your Oshi.0002250
/p/ - PhotographyResources & discussion regarding the heliographic practice0002021
/loomis/ - loomisFun With A Pencil (or tablet)0001980
💼 /server/ - 188Thread Specific Utility Board0001836
/quests/ - QuestsQuests & Forum Games0001447
💼 /lego/ - Lego CentralJust Imagine...0001432
💼 /meta/ - metaGeneral sitewide meta000891
💼 /finance/ - FinanceNobody on here is a financial advisor000399
/test/ - test boardTesting grounds000196
Local Stats
There are currently 19 public boards, 23 in total. Sitewide, 42 posts have been made in the last day, 0 in the last hour, 65386 in total.
29812 files are being served, totaling 35.7GB.
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jschan 1.6.2