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Next event: Demo Day 8/8

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1. Respect the global rules.
2. The board is SFW. Mature content should be spoilered.
3. Avoid shitposting and modernspeak (based, -pilled, etc.). This is a place of creation and should be treated as such.
4. Discussion regarding the board itself should be taken to the meta thread >>1.
5. Have fun.

The board was set up merely a bunker and repository for developers, waiting for 8chan to come back online, but since it's in the process of committing sudoku, this could be your new home.

List of other bunkers:
Last edited by sleepy
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Where's that link that explains what happened to the agdg community after the exodus? About splitting into groups and whatnot?
I can't find it.

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Post what you're working on.
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Rendering 800~ frames actually takes noticeable time, even if its around a second per frame. Still, its (autistically) pleasant to see thousands of images being generated and processed.
Replies: >>1564
Very cool stuff, Anon. Congratz on your good progress with this! Cheers.  :)
Replies: >>1565
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Spoiler File
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Thanks, its just a placeholder I made to test stuff, and to replace 5 minutes older, uglier placeholder.  

Now I need to either make a proper blender addon, or make temp animation system, and animation layering tool. 
For animation layering I can use brute force, or learn shit about blender depth measurements, but the last time I tried, it failed, and I wasted time. And I already use bruteforce to cut sprites (really lazy unoptimal algorithm), so brute force it is.
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I've been playing Night Raider doing research on similar games recently. More fun than it looks if you like hoarding items, very grindy (as expected from Chinese developer?) and too easy though.

I made a loot generation system, it's basically a linked list of entries. An entry can either select one from the child entries, roll for all the child entries separately, spawn an item, or defer to another drop table. It can also repeat the action between min/max times. I can create a fairly complex varieties of things with this, and I'm hoping it's easily moddable this way too. Another action I'll probably add later is rolling for random child entries until a desired total "value"/score is reached. That way if you want a super valuable treasure chest or whatever, you could just add a bunch of random items into a list and it'll keep spawning them randomly until a value quota is reached.

Here's how the loot in webm related is made:
// Create droptable.
int id0 = 0, id1 = 0, id2 = 0, id3 = 0, id4 = 0;

id0 = create(0, (Entry){.id="ammo_box", .minmax={1,1}, .action=SELECT});
	id1 = create(id0, (Entry){.weight=2, .minmax={1,1}, .action=ROLL_ALL});
		id2 = create(id1, (Entry){.chance=1, .minmax={1,1}, .action=SELECT});
			id3 = create(id2, (Entry){.weight=2, .minmax={1,1}, .action=ITEM, .item="pistol"});
			id3 = create(id2, (Entry){.weight=1, .minmax={1,1}, .action=ITEM, .item="pistol2"});
		id2 = create(id1, (Entry){.chance=1, .minmax={20,1000}, .action=ITEM, .item="ammo__pistol"});
		id2 = create(id1, (Entry){.chance=0.5, .minmax={10,200}, .action=ITEM, .item="ammo__pistol_subsonic"});
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Replies: >>1567
All of it should be in proper Item class, with most of it pre-defined. 
You want a table with IDs to unique items, which can only drop once per game, such as unique weapons, equipment pieces, keys/quest items. Items will be removed from this table on drop, or in some cases moved to common loot pool. 
vector<items*> good_items = {&fancy_pistol, &fancy_riffle, &fancy_rocket}
vector<items*>generic_weapon = {&pistol, &riffle, &shotgun ...}
vector<items*>generic_loot = { &shovel, &food_item_1...}
Just shuffle the vector and pull few items from it. And if you drop a weapon, call associated function to drop ammo for it. And ammo function should only drop ammo for weapons accessible to player, to save his time. 
itemdrop(pos, good_items, amountmin=1,amount max=1)
itemdrop(pos, generic_loot , amountmin=0,amount max=4)
At least pre-define all properties for all items. Writing droprates per item, in the middle of random item code is a bad idea. And while making data files is a good idea, it doesnt seem to be necessary for you, you can easily define everything in code.

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Found or thought of something interesting or helpful related to game development or design? Post it here.
68 replies and 33 files omitted. View the full thread
I often struggle with art, and I found this thing from Factorio blog to be inspiring. These are actually rotations of the same object, but you could think of them as different designs.

If I wanted to make this kind of display panel item, I'd probably just make a rectangle display and a platform and then be unsure what to do. But this shows that they come up with "pencil sketches" to find the design, and then do the final polished asset afterwards. This sounds obvious but it's so easy to forget, the problem is that I have a tendency to jump straight into some kind of colored pixel art, and forget that I can just draw design sketches, even if my plan is to turn it into pixel art later. It's much easier to design things if you're not autistically tweaking pixels all the time and trying to find the correct color to pick.
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Gonna upload the image or what?
How much effort would it be to recreate Dark engine's stealth? I'm learning dhewm3
Replies: >>1552 >>1554
>How much effort
Relative to what? Seems like regular gamedev stuff to me.
Have you looked at how The Dark Mod does it?

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So up until now, we've had a lot (lol) of off-topic posting, a lot a one-and-done "how do I make game tho" posts in various threads, especially the meta and progress threads. This is now the new dumping ground for those posts. Do try to put some effort into your posts though, you'll get more responses and won't have to face the wrath of jacked Carmack and his dragon dildo sword+2 that way.
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>Is art your only strong point?
I could do abit of music compostition, it.Well not much but at least something.

>You need to figure out what you're making because art is the last thing you work on
My game is fairly simple, which emphasizes on story and 2d graphics as its major attractiveness. It's an rpg kind of game like FE. What else of element do you think that is hard to implement? The battle, inventory and leveling system are pretty straight forward isn't it? Of course there's going to be a twist on the gameplay designing part, but it is not much harder than doing the artwork.
Most pre-dev art ends up altered or never used because what you can envision is almost always different from what you can realistically create within the confines of the real world.
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I'm working on music for my game, which version do you think sounds better? 
ao is just compressed, am has slightly more complex mixing.
Replies: >>1352
I don't know anything about music but I hate that thing where audio goes into one ear only, it makes my head hurt, so I'll say "am".
Replies: >>1371
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>I don't know anything about music
I just want it to sound good. 
>I hate that thing where audio goes into one ear only
This one is more mono, which half of the song do you think sounds better?

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Is the original 8/agdg/ owner in charge of this board, or was it started by someone else?

Also all-purpose meta thread I guess.
153 replies and 39 files omitted. View the full thread
Rest in piss. I may or may not have forgotten for a bit that it's supposed to go down.
Replies: >>1203
Eat your words. I don't know why they chose to close down, but we all owe them a debt of gratitude for all they did for the Internets over the years. In fact -- apart from the exit -- the Admins there were definitely some of the best on the Internets.
Replies: >>1310
I agree. We lucked out with them, especially considering how terrible imageboard admins usually are.
I'm bored out of my mind. What videogames do you normally play while developing?
Replies: >>1320
>while developing
Wut? If you mean as an ADHD distraction, then Solitaire or Noita depending on how hard I want to be distracted.

I don't play a lot of games, and the games I play are usually similar to the project I'm working on at the time (usually the game inspires the project rather than the other way round).

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Welcome to
The Second GAMEJAM!

You know the rules. This month-long jam ends on 4/4. Try to make a game based around the theme, and good luck!
<Current theme
Asteroids (1979) with your own unique twist.

>What's this?
A short exercise in creativity. Make a game in thirty days. Link your submission to the anchor post below on 4/4 or whenever you feel you're ready. Hopefully, it'll turn into a recurring event.
Because it'll give you a chance to unrust and improve your skills, and a short project helps with burnout on a longer one.
>What do I need?
Whatever language or engine you use is up to you. The only restrictions are that you need to make a game based on the current theme before the deadline.
>How do I make game?
If you really don't know where to start, give Lazyfoo's SDL2 tutorials a look.
Last edited by sleepy
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It just I did everything alright the first time, but it didnt work, so I have to redo it over and over, until I learned that I simply used radians instead of degrees. Not the first time angles fuck me up, its like every fucker invented his own measurement system for them. Yeah, I should have known that this thing uses fucking quaternions, and not degrees, and I am totally heard of them before.  
I spend few hours trying to figure out why textures dont work, and it turns out directX cannot keep textures in memory, if you resize the window. Do you know how hard it is to fix a problem, if you did everything right, but something slightly related has some weird quirk? 
But the good news is, its basically done, and I needed that stuff anyway.
Replies: >>1196
>Unrust on your math skills a bit and you'll be capable of pretty awesome complexity.
That reminds me, does anyone have some relevant math resources they'd recommend? I ended up using a function for circle-line distance in >>1160 that I don't understand and I figure developing a stronger foundation will be important.
>Do you know how hard it is to fix a problem, if you did everything right, but something slightly related has some weird quirk? 
The last missing piece of the puzzle always seems to take the longest to find! Looking forward to playing your game anon.
Replies: >>1197
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>maths distance
Its always the basic geometry and right triangles. 

//lazy square distance
if (abs((int) _a1.posX - (int)_a2.posX) <= 2 ) {
	if (abs((int) _a1.posY - (int) _a2.posY) <= 2) {

You basically check x1-x2 first (and mod it to get positive values), if its below threshold("radius") it collides. And than do it for Y too, because its faster to separate them. 

//advanced distance
/*	if (sqrt(pow(TargetX - posX, 2) + pow(TargetY - posY, 2) * 1.0) <= 5) {
It just works.
Replies: >>1198 >>1199
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In case first image is 100% transparent for you too.
Replies: >>1199
Ah, thanks for the explanation.

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Alright, that's enough dilly-dallying (Happy Valentine's day, Anon!)
This thread was meant to go up at the start of february, but instead got delayed until now.
Now, as I mentioned before, I can't create common codebases for anyone to pick up and work with, as I simply haven't the time. What I do have is an updated collection of resources which will probably go up later in another thread for anyone to use.
Demo day is still planned for 8/8, but now I'm having trouble placing this jam now that I know Ludum Dare is also planned for april. What should it be? March? May? Would you really do two jams in a row?

Let's make it a month-long event. From 3/3 to 4/4 it is.
Here's what's expected: It should be 2D. Preferably with some gameplay.
If you'd like to suggest themes, source codes for cannibalizing, genres, or complain, feel free.
Last edited by sleepy
31 replies and 20 files omitted. View the full thread
>no point in 3D 
Nigger its asteroids. There's no player movement anyway.
Replies: >>1113
You haven't played asteroids.
Surprised noone responded to this post - this is actually pretty impressive. Care to share the code?

Also, are you the guy who did Super Don't Give Up!! in the last jam? You got the same pixel art/pixel font thing going on. Would be to cool to hear you were still around.
Replies: >>1189
Yep, I did SDGU!! last jam. I'll try and find time to post the code with bit of an explanation.
Replies: >>1190
Nice. Glad to hear you weren't lost in the move.

Alright faggots, as I mentioned in the meta thread recently, I would like to start doing board game jams on a regular basis. Unlike other jams that just give you a theme and a ridiculously short deadline and then you're on your own, the game jams here will come with a ready-to-go, runs out-of-the-box codebase so that any participant will have a working, playable game from day one (however bare-bones and exactly like everyone else's it is). You may choose to use the provided code base if you want, but you're free to bring your own as well. Think the code is ass? Does something you don't want or need? Rewrite it then, I don't care. The provided code is simply to bring as many people up to speed as quickly as possible, as well as to provide a common ground for collaborating with and assisting one another.

The first /agdg/ Game Jam game will be making 2D platformers - no theme or gimmick restriction, it can be whatever. The provided game skeleton will use Raylib for graphics, sound, and input, and be written in an easy-to-grasp subset of C++ (nothing fancy or hyper-efficient). The Jam will officially start on June 6th, 2023 (6/6) and run until July 7th, 2023 (7/7), one month. By start, I mean a thread will be created and the code base, along with building instructions will be provided on that day. You are free to do whatever prep you like in the meantime, of course. 7/7 will be a "demo day" of sorts, where everyone uploads their games for others to play, and an informal competit
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65 replies and 51 files omitted. View the full thread
It's a fucking jam, quit overanalyzing and being a faggot.
Replies: >>864
>>Its a good genre to learn the ropes from
Now you're starting to understand.

Guy's salty about something, I just wish he'd make a point sooner or later. I'll let him air his greivances or whatever for now and bust out the dustpan and broom and clean up after him if I have to later. Maybe he's got something to contribute, who knows. We are going to have a post-mortem discussion after the jam - what went well, what didn't, what people would like to see for next time, etc.. Maybe in the meantime our guy can get some chill and think about what to post for that.
Any plans for a second jam yet?
Replies: >>1018
The first jam was poggers I can't wait until the next one!
It really was.

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used to make a lot of maps in hamme but never published any of them. i think i only have two of the VMFs left.

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This is my first ever finished videogame, and I think it's worth sharing here too. It was originally supposed to be just a little joke, but when another artist joined the team the project really kicked off until it escalated into a real full-size game.

Give it a try and me what you think:
Replies: >>726
Can you cut off their feet and put them in a microwave after you insemenate them??
Replies: >>473 >>1006
phenomenal post
>>297 (OP) 
I'm sure OP is long gone, and the subject matter isn't really my thing, but honestly I've seen worse renpy games out there. The art is consistent, the decisions had well foreshadowed outcomes instead of some of the COYA crap where by trying to improve a situation you worsen it or vice versa, and while the game is short I think that fits with its scope. In the end, you completed a game, and that's more than a lot of people can say. I hope you learned from the project and can go on to improve your dev skills for the future.
Replies: >>1006
In this game, you play AS a fluffy. XD

Thanks! I really wanted to avoid all the usual pitfalls of dating sims like fake choices and stretched out scenes, as well as break the curse of fluffy games by setting the scale to something I could realistically finish. I'm always glad to hear people enjoying it, because I practically live on the feedback I get for my works!

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