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Does anyone have experience with web dev? I tried some javascript engines, but had big issues with them
On Impact js I couldn't even change the font
and on MelonJs the instructions are unclear as to where the files should go
Other engines I tried were either too simple and with predefined stuff to the extreme, or few to no tutorials
Replies: >>93 >>94
>>92 (OP) 
I guess impact works
Can just use tiles for displaying font
Replies: >>94
>>92 (OP) 
I figured it out, the impact font tool site needs flash enabled, but the font tool might not really be needed, one just needs to have a pic with all the letters and single pixel lines at the very bottom for showing the width of each letter

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I'll just drop this here.
It a browser game.
Alpha as fuck, when you reach the end, you'll fall off the map.

I'm disappointed that vch isn't on the webring. I'm curious why you guys are here instead of the /agdg/ thread on mark's board?
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Has anyone informed Viva Project guy where /agdg/'s bunker is located yet?
Replies: >>17 >>19 >>20
Where is the guy anyhow? I'd do it.
Replies: >>18
He runs a dickcord now.
he's on vch, which has the bunker thread.
he knows of this place, as many others do
The VivaDev guy from the old 8/agdg/ Shinobu2 Project thread has just released a tutorial to add any waifu's head onto the character that you'd like instead inside his game.

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