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Keep at it, Anon!

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Would you guys be interested in participating in the next iteration of the Infinity Cup? Asking cause some anon mentioned it on

hey all, recently became homeless but i still want to work on my game. i'm currently on a shitty laptop, are there any game engines that might be able to run on it? i'm thinking unity but i want to hear suggestions
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Replies: >>346 + 4 earlier
>ctrl+f 'sfml'
>no results
Step up your game, /agdg/. Here OP, this is an extremely easy to use engine that creates compact and fast executables.
Replies: >>346
>>105 (OP) 
lua + LÖVE (aka lua2d)

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Sorry you are homeless anon Xray engine is got its sauce openes. (Go to github)

Sift through the code copy, paste modify well enough and im sure nobody will notice.
Try one of those webgl javascript engines (frameworks). Also get on some support, I guarantee there's some charity that will hand you a better laptop.
raylib. ez

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Is there a free/paid engine preferably unity/godot that allows me to assign assets so they are interactive like this Paris scene from Bioshock infinite ?
My goal is not really a game but an interactive virtual world that are exactly like that scene. 
>NPC greets you
>NPC doing their own things
>First Person View
>Interact with objects
>Sitting, enjoying the slow pace
>Ambient and object sound
>To exit, just needs to enter back the door/go to sleep
Sort of a trip to the past where time was great. Reminiscing the childhood and buildings recreated from photos and scans.
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Replies: >>373 + 1 earlier
I-I'm more like an artist more than the programmer..
It doesn't stop requiring videogame logic just because there's no "gameplay" objective. Even "it's interactive" doesn't have any standard definition, do you interact with it by proximity? How far away? By clicking it? By pressing a hotkey when you're near it? By pulling a lever? Do you need an item or some other prerequisite? Does it cause something else to trigger elsewhere? There's no single solution that accounts for all possibilities, so you have to script it in.

It doesn't sound complicated though, I'm sure those engines have very simple ways to accomplish what you want, but I suspect it requires writing some code anyway. I'm not very familiar with the engines so I can't say exactly what.
Replies: >>357
Is there a specific genre for that? 
I know platformer. Or maybe it's point and click?
>>353 (OP) 
>i-i-is UNITY a good engine to use?
>wha about goDoT?

These unityfags i swear....
Go back to making garbage on your joke of an engine

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Next Demo Day: 02/02

>What is demo day?
A seasonal community event in which your fellow nodev anons show off their vidya, and for you anons to do what you do best.
>That is?
Play our vidya, and tell us how we can improve, show us the untapped potential you see, tell us how much our game sucks (or doesn't, after you've played it of course), and why it does or doesn't suck.

Obligatory Notices
Please post criticism/bugs/etc in this thread.
After this thread is culled, please post criticism/bugs/etc in this thread
Last edited by Shodanon
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Uncommon Time Rewrite Project - DEMO DAY 8/8 build


I will be releasing another demo when nuclear teagan is finished. At that point I'll begin to focus on art and music stuff.

(If I can remember exactly how much has changed)

-- Various sporadic corrections with character nameplates, typos and message box misalignment.
-- Added Yanfly engine's Victory Aftermath.
-- Day 1 post-rehearsal fully implemented, demo progress technically ends there, but I will eventually release a demo that has progress up to Nuclear Teagan completed.
-- Changed a dialogue moment in the Dal Segno Luthier's bakery where Soprano breaks character and says something nice to Alto.
-- Bosses for various mid/late-game arcs have been included. They are fightable through the debug boss room, accessible once you reach the end of the demo.
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Replies: >>304
just like in one of the threads, thanks for keeping the Demo Day tradition alive, bro. Hopefully we will have more entries on 11/11
Replies: >>305
You're welcome man. See you on 11/11.
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New anchor for 11/11/2020
Replies: >>340
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I know I'm late, but I already posted in other boards:

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Anyone here using the RPG Makers? Which version do you use? What are your favorite projects made with it?
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Replies: >>224 + 1 earlier
I still have RPGMaker 95.
>>67 (OP) 

Finding Paradise 
Reincarnations (unfinished and abandoned, but the story has promise)

Tales Of The Drunken Paladin (funny, unique setting/worldbuilding, generally a fun ride)
Some Touhou Platformer (forgot the name)

Ruins Seeker
How is GraphicsGale compared to Aseprite? What about Pyxel Edit?
How does Wolf RPG Editor compare to RPG Maker?
Replies: >>310
>Anyone here using the RPG Makers?
Not for anything more than mods of other people's games anymore.
>Which version do you use?
XP is the best in my opinion, but I have copies of all of them downloaded.
>What are your favorite projects made with it?
My own? I never finished my own game in it even after all these years. Closest I got was heavy programming work for one, it was pretty close to playable, but it was something I lost interest in. I might consider reworking it into something different eventually, I kept the files. It would be especially badass to work it into two template projects for other people to use and then shit out a quick and dirty sample game.
>How does Wolf RPG Editor compare to RPG Maker?
It's more powerful with less programming knowledge from what I understand, but if you can script in a Ruby-derived RPG Maker you might find yourself wanting to use that instead. Wolf RPG Editor's engine is better too though. And there isn't an awkward split between script variables and database variables, it's all the same shit. I feel like Wolf RPG Editor overall is better, but having to relearn how to do shit for it or not being able to type code and instead doing everything the old RPG Maker way (events) would get a bit tiring. So while I had some interest in using Wolf R
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Replies: >>313
>XP is the best in my opinion
RPG Maker MZ is now out. It's basically MV with XP's multi-layered tileset system.

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Is there anywhere I can read up on this, or a book or something? I wanted to make a 2D platformer, I made a crude framework of sorts, but there's no real physics system. I have no idea how to program projectiles, jumping, running physics, etc. Currently, i just have the player rise slowly until they hit the ceiling and then fall down when you hit the space key, and if you land on top of an enemy they die. And you can jump and collect coins, that's pretty much it. I did it from scratch in c++ with an old version of Microsoft Direct Draw and WinAPI, because Direct X is way too complicated and I don't want 3D, plus some ancient tutorials written circa 2001 that I grabbed from old 8chan /pdfs/ were direct draw based anyhow.
Replies: >>260
>>259 (OP) 
I'd recommend you abandon Windows-specific C++ and stick to modern C++. Everyone including yourself will thank you OP. Also, Bullet is a well-wrung out and open sauce physics system in C++. Use SFML for 2D platformers + Bullet.

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One thing I always wanted from making my own game, regardless of its kind, was to be able to emulate that "60fps Arcade Feeling" that you only get from oldschool cabinets, shit like super fluid animations and fast moving objects alongside large sprites or tons of entities on screen.
Is there any good way around doing that? Specifically, anything about optimization and data compression or whatever you've got?
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>Take the data-oriented design pill.
Replies: >>82
Isn't Civ IV developed via a data-oriented design? I recall their devs talking about it and how it allowed people to easily mod shit in and out of the game.
Thanks lad
Replies: >>121
They were probably talking about data-driven design, where your gameobjects, particle effects etc., are defined by some kind of text file, JSON or something, then read in by the game engine to construct the actual gameobjects.
Replies: >>122
Not sure if that's DDD. DDD from what I understand is a method is used to layout the whole project. Pretty much as high level as possible. It can be pretty much summarized by the quote from the 90s "Write programs that do one thing and do it well.", but made into an entire concept for pajeets and managers.
Replies: >>207
>but made into an entire concept for pajeets and managers.
nah, it's easy to mix up the component design pattern applied by unity and DDD. A game built around DDD will generally have a bunch of component which are absolute barebone member variable of a struct. Then you'll have entities which are just container of component. Then there's the system, which handle entities. Instead of calling the update() function in every single entity, you call the system's update() which is one function call instead 150 update() of 150 game object.

In this context you separate the data from the logic entirely. It's extremly efficient for RTS.

DDD is the first article of the first section of game programming gems 1: The magic of Data-Driven Design. It's usually harder to work with, but It's fun to work with because if you push the idea to the limit, even the number of team can be written in a text file.

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Hey there /agdg/. So I did some work learning the basics of OpenGL written by hand hoping to create a waifu simulator project. I'd kind of like to pick back up the project and figured if I posted the (far too many) details about the process I've gone through so far, it might spur some additional interest, and also maybe help other anons learn about the process of creating a game-engine-like-thing from scratch too. I also have a lot of unanswered questions still, so maybe someone here can help me get past them.

I used the examples and tutorials from learnopengl.
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The conditional for the gameloop is a flag that GLFW provides:
I could have used any flag of my own devising but there are some benefits to using the GLFW one, particularly with a multiwindow setup. The mwin argument is a GLFW window pointer that's being maintained in a specific namespace. More on that later.

Inside the loop is the call to the function where all the actual work gets done:
>muh_mrs.hpp snippet
// Wrapper to perform frame timing and draw scene elements
void time_n_draw()
  // Update per-frame timing & process realtime user inputs
  if (key::key_prsd) proc_RT_inputs();
  // if (key::key_prsd || mouse::btn_prsd) proc_RT_inputs();

  // Clear the back colorbuffer
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> Heh, I've seen C software that literally has the entire program--thousands of lines--all inside main()!.) I'm not really sure why C devs tend to do this, since sub-routines were a thing literally at the very beginning of computer science (eg, Edsac), and sub-functions were stressed all the way back in Algol60, as well as K&R.
It's likely to avoid cache/branching. A lot of C code has to squeeze out as much performance as it possibly can and subroutine have overhead + they fuck up the caching. It's ugly as fuck, yeah, but sometimes the devs work on embedded systems and have to cut literally every single corner.
Replies: >>199 >>200
>but sometimes the devs work on embedded systems and have to cut literally every single corner.
Sure, that situation I totally get. But with all due respect, in this case (ie, examples) that's hardly the case and makes reasoning about things difficult af for the newcomer. And after all, the entire point of his project is to teach novices the ropes with OpenGL. I very much appreciate his efforts, and I'm learning a lot from it myself but I hope it will be just a little more approachable with my code here.
Thanks for bringing that point up btw, Anon. Context switching, stack frames, shared memory, concurrency & parallelism, threads, fibers, cache-lines, Data-oriented-Design, &tc., will all come into play for our IRL robowaifus, so yea. :^)
testing codeblocks again.
#include <iostream>

int main() {
  std::cout << "Hello World\n";

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Hello, devs!
We're building up teams for the Infinity Cup and we'd really like it if we could have you on board! If you want to join us but you're too scarce in numbers, you can always just piggyback on the 4chancup's exports. What do you think?

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I was planning on making a small, clearnet IB containing several Self Improvement boards, including this one. How interested would you be in moving there?
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>But for /agdg/ as a whole it'd probably be better if we manage to congregate in one place.
Absolutely agree. We're small enough as a community even with that. There's an /agdg/ on 9chan as well btw. Maybe they could be encouraged to migrate as well if a dedicated site was up?
Replies: >>144 >>146
One suggestion was thrown out there to post progress across all the bunkers. Maybe even have a bot crosspost posts and replies between the bunkers.
Replies: >>145
>Maybe even have a bot crosspost posts and replies between the bunkers.
i've given this some serious thought, and vaguely followed robi's final solution/multiscraper, with this exact notion in mind. it will take collaboration to make it work correctly, but it's entirely feasible technically-speaking.

i'm currently re-writing my bump crawler, and intend to kind of facilitate multiscraper into it. it could easily be extended from there into a final solution 'multi-bot' i imagine.
Replies: >>146
I rally like the idea tbh, the bot would need some criteria to stop it from spamming or reposting language/engine shittery though.
We could just have 'bot spam' threads on every /agdg/ board, where it would aggregate discussion from other board progress generals and /v/ threads. but what about captcha
I'm currently crossposting away.

there's a wiki link leading to a list of bunkers in the welcome sticky on every agdg iteration I know of. Check it out.

>Perhaps reversing that trend would be good for us in the long run
that would be a return to 2014-15 state of things for sure. But there's one thing I keep saying: agdg threads on /v/ need to exist, if not solely as a recruiting mechanism. 
Should a single board be elected as king of aggydaggy, we can just put a link to it on the thread template to get people in.
Replies: >>148
>Oh same, but a normal registrar is a few bucks a year. 
I don't think cost is the primary concern, deplatforming is. Also, there's the general issue of anonymity as well.

>bot spam
Yes, I figured some type of specified containment thread would probably be the best approach, at least until Admins got more comfortable with the general idea of federation in the first place. 
Devising some sort of authentication process whereby it can be circumvented entirely for authorized accounts would seem best. Probably a difficult sell for a couple of reasons at least. Barring that, seems that having a human in the loop will be a requirement, at least as far as my work goes. I'm not in the business of devising captcha crackers heh. I do know a guy who just integrated the Indian mechanical-turk services into his utility to bypass 4cucks tedium. I suppose someone could devise something similar for Final Solution services.

>Should a single board be elected as king of aggydaggy, we can just put a link to it on the thread template to get people in.
fair idea.

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