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Anyone here using the RPG Makers? Which version do you use? What are your favorite projects made with it?
Replies: >>163 >>224
>>67 (OP) 

Loqo(for the characters and setting. The gameplay is just the standard ass shit with needless other shit thrown in)

>Others(wolf,MX and shit)
Karryn's prison
Whole bunch of others I can't think of at the moment
I still have RPGMaker 95.
>>67 (OP) 

Finding Paradise 
Reincarnations (unfinished and abandoned, but the story has promise)

Tales Of The Drunken Paladin (funny, unique setting/worldbuilding, generally a fun ride)
Some Touhou Platformer (forgot the name)

Ruins Seeker
How is GraphicsGale compared to Aseprite? What about Pyxel Edit?
How does Wolf RPG Editor compare to RPG Maker?
Replies: >>310
>Anyone here using the RPG Makers?
Not for anything more than mods of other people's games anymore.
>Which version do you use?
XP is the best in my opinion, but I have copies of all of them downloaded.
>What are your favorite projects made with it?
My own? I never finished my own game in it even after all these years. Closest I got was heavy programming work for one, it was pretty close to playable, but it was something I lost interest in. I might consider reworking it into something different eventually, I kept the files. It would be especially badass to work it into two template projects for other people to use and then shit out a quick and dirty sample game.
>How does Wolf RPG Editor compare to RPG Maker?
It's more powerful with less programming knowledge from what I understand, but if you can script in a Ruby-derived RPG Maker you might find yourself wanting to use that instead. Wolf RPG Editor's engine is better too though. And there isn't an awkward split between script variables and database variables, it's all the same shit. I feel like Wolf RPG Editor overall is better, but having to relearn how to do shit for it or not being able to type code and instead doing everything the old RPG Maker way (events) would get a bit tiring. So while I had some interest in using Wolf RPG Editor, I quickly thought, "Yeah, I would only use this for mods too," and gave up trying to learn more advanced usage. I can tell why nips like it though. And it's free so they don't have to pirate RPG Maker and risk getting thrown in prison since they take piracy so much more seriously over there.
Replies: >>313
>XP is the best in my opinion
RPG Maker MZ is now out. It's basically MV with XP's multi-layered tileset system.
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