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Thread from /late/

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Let's talk, you and I
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I learned about the tiktok drama from imageboards, otherwise I would never know. You're not so out of touch as you think!
...That just sounds like he made everyone miserable and then absolved himself of all remorse in his final hour. I didn't like that story at all.
Replies: >>2931 >>2944
>That just sounds like he made everyone miserable and then absolved himself of all remorse in his final hour.
Ehh, God alone knows the personal torment he went through during all his years of suffering. Clearly his change towards me during those last few years showed God was working in his heart. God literally sent a saint into his life at the "last second" to offer him eternal life if he would only take it.

I personally don't begrudge him that good choice on his part.
>Just need to somehow manage the last decades I have in front of me in a dignified and acceptable way and then I can finally shuffle off. This place is hopeless.
Same feeling, I just can't bang the privacy and online safety gong anymore - collectively humans have chosen not to listen. 
I look forward to tea in my garden and feeding the birds for the rest of my days - I won't be doing anything great for society or bailing them out when this implodes. 
I'm content though personally... just wish I had missed the computer age and didn't have to see this. Peasant life with a farm would have suited me.
Seconded. Not a fan of "we're cool, right?" apologies after someone is terrible to the core for so long. I won't waste calories hating them but I will absolutely steer clear.

Thread from /meta/

Sorry if the answer to this is buried somewhere in jschan's docs, I'm a bit lazy. Is there a way to exclude a whole board from the overboard view in the user settings? I can't read French and I don't care about vtubers but I otherwise do like to check on the pulse of the whole site.
There is, but it looks like it's disabled by default. Should be a customization dropdown now there.
Replies: >>895
I don't see it. (What's a post stub? I haven't seen that setting before.)

Thread from /retro/

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What is your favorite operating system? Do you prefer MS-DOS, Windows 3.1, 95, or something else? FreeDOS? Some flavor of Linux?
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Dude, if you look at the man in >>4714 and take a comparison to him as an insult then that's your own crippling self-loathing talking, and if you don't find any humor in a thread about the usability of modern OSs being derailed into griping about windows slave boys then you're beyond help.

Please remember the internet is for having fun.
Replies: >>4723
Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry. Thanks for grounding me.
Replies: >>4724
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*hugs u*
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What if I had bought an old Mac after Commodore went belly-up, instead of a brand new 486? The old models ran fine from a floppy disk too, just like Amiga 500. Saw some of them in the library at school in 1989-90 and they looked sweet! And there was tons of software for them, of course. Yeah, that would have been a perfectly good solution instead of jumping into Bill Gate's world. Also those computers are smol and fit on the corner of a desk, leaves plenty of rooms for spreading out your books and papers for studying. Man, this is the kind of stuff that keeps me awake at night 30 years later. I just feel like I made the wrong choice somewhere, and that's why I've been wandering around aimlessly for decades like a sailor lost at sea.
Replies: >>4730
>Man, this is the kind of stuff that keeps me awake at night 30 years later. I just feel like I made the wrong choice somewhere, and that's why I've been wandering around aimlessly for decades like a sailor lost at sea.
DUDE!! You gotta let it go!
>*slaps you around a bit*

Go find a hobby, learn to paint, learn to code, scuplt a robowaifu model... just do something productive with yourself than eternally
< "Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda..."

You still have some time left, but not as much as you had! Make your remaining years count for something, Anon!

Thread from /agdg/

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As the title says. Anyways, here's mine:

- i5 2th gen (2c/4t)
- 8gb ddr3 ram (2x4)
- 256 gb ssd (sata)
- Manjaro (gnome DE)

It's okay for some development with python..
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> I have to be very careful not to slip and scrape the traces on the motherboard.

Wow that's fucking awful to do.
Probably because it would happen to me.
Replies: >>1896
What does the inside of your computer look like? Mine's full-size everything but still so cramped that once everything's installed, it's a puzzle to take any one component out. I guess I got the wrong model of motherboard...?
>AMD Ryzen 7 2700
>4x8GB Corsair Vengeance DDR4
>MSI Radeon RX 5700 XT 8GB
>512GB Samsung PM951 NVMe SSD
>500GB Samsung 850 EVO SATA SSD
>8TB Seagate Barracuda SATA HDD
>Devuan Daedalus 5 (Debian Buster 12)
p much no problems, all the problems i've had are as a result of debian with its old packages and not devuan without systemd
overall i'm happy
For Heaven's sake if any of you are about to build/upgrade a computer, do NOT get two of a kind storage devices.
Replies: >>1912
Not in insurmountable task, but I did give myself a chuckle installing a few SSDs of the same make and size and trying to sort it out by UUID later. Wouldn't do it again on purpose unless trying my luck building a NAS box or something.

Thread from /agdg/

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Post what you're working on, won't you?

Previous thread: >>123
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Replies: >>1907
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I'm about to write a manifesto about how little I want to hear about programming languages. It's like you're halfway through building a holiday resort and struggling to figure out how to connect the bathing area stairs to the second door on the outdoor balcony, and someone starts talking about what hammer to use to drive in nails again.
Replies: >>1909
Well, sorry. You(?) said that C++ is not helping you with a design problem, and that you don't struggle with languages, so I suggested taking a peek at some languages that are radically different to open your mind to how things can be done differently in the language you're already using, not necessarily that you should rebuild everything  in a different language for its own sake, which you would know if you read my post. The idea that all programming languages are effectively interchangeable is a flawed one probably propagated by OOP-oriented language dominance in universities and the industry. In a nobler less pants-on-head retarded time, Scheme (LISP dialect) was required learning in American computer science courses, now it's all OOP-only C/++/#, Python, and sometimes Java, and see where that got us.

Remember, there is a tool for every use case. Besides domain-specific languages, almost every programming language tries to be a Swiss Army knife, and all of them fail, some harder than others. Sometimes using one language to do one problem is like using English words to write Japanese. That doesn't mean that you have to move to Japan and integrate, but it can mean that learning a bit of Japanese may show you how to better express certain things in English. Do you get what I'm saying?
How to spot a LISP user: don't worry, they'll tell you.
Replies: >>1911
I don't use LISP, I'm just better off in everything else that I use after learning it, and it was the FP-oriented language I learned first. Haskell is probably as enlightening but I don't know because I've never used it. OOP is embarrassing and decreases IQ points, just learn FP already, it's 20th century technology.

Thread from /late/

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Number 3, or is it 4? Who's keeping count, anyways?

Last thread hit bump limit, so now here's an all new Trashchan edition of the thread. I like this place. I think it will make a good home for us.

What's on your mind, tonight?
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>Me personally I'm actually quite miserable, chronically suicidal since I was barely twelve years old in fact, but I still have things like goals to work towards and values to keep
You do realize these things directly contradict each other?
>Trust me that this nihilism shit is not it
I have no idea what is nihilism, to be honest. Read the wiki article a bunch of times still no clue.
>You choose what's important
You do realize it doesn't work that way? You can't "choose" something you don't believe into. And you can't believe something until you learn it to be true. And I don't see much capability in me to distinguish true and false.
>What end? You choose.
Really? How is that supposed to happen? Should I just spontaneously become eager to bang my head against the wall just because... because what?
>because it is the recognition of holding a belief system that reveals nor accomplishes anything
There is no system of belief that reveals or accomplishes anything except a lie to hold onto to not be shattered to pieces. Like a mental comfort zone. Everyone needs a footing, but since there isn't one, holding onto a lie is all that's really left. In a way, the lies are the truth, but that hardly makes me enthusiastic. Perhaps the only truth is that there isn't anything to life except following the immediate impulse while trying to ensure survival and minimize pain.
>B. kill himself
Yeah really. That's quite a top tier argument. Not happy? Kill yourself. But that just doesn't work like that. And it's the whole point. The whole intricacy of the trap that is life. You may be begging for death and yet unable to deal in onto yourself.
>So just choose a reason to live.
Chosen a few minutes back, you can rest assured.
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Replies: >>2938
I really wish you would just listen and try instead of Neo-dodging the point so you can deboonk everything with your "nothing really matters, man" epiphany.
So nothing really matters. Go live your life. Or don't. It doesn't matter.
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why Cachy particularly ? never heard of it before, I was aware of Artix which offers freedom from soystemd and Arco which comes with a lot of ricing otb
in fact, now that Arch has a graphical installed I don't see what's the appeal of Manjaro anymore

>if they managed to find anon.cafe, then they will find us here at trashchan.xyz
>How many people even paid attention the the Webring though? I was under the impression that a lot of people would just stick to their main site and not really venture out onto other parts of the Webring.
that's how I ended up here

Based for unapologetically sticking to low brow no-nonsense attitudes which is what masculinity has always been about
but cringe for feeding an obviously drunk self-indulging little bitch
Remember that Nietszche predicted this: humanity will divide itself between those who have the will to power and the rest who will embrace nihilism. It's not a prediction when you think about it, but the way the world has always worked
Replies: >>2941
>Based for unapologetically sticking to low brow no-nonsense attitudes which is what masculinity has always been about
Masculinity is not relevant to me. I can't control everything, but nothing is immune to my influence. Apply the spirit of engineering to direct qualitative experience, everything else is superfluous, even self and value systems. That is the bottom line of what I am saying.
>cringe for feeding an obviously drunk self-indulging little bitch
Feeding how? What he refuses to realize is that he is nearly identical to a past version of me. I'm as close as he will ever get to seeing his future self step out of a time machine and saying hello. He also refuses to realize that there are a million of him alive today (mostly teenagers) and that a gorillion of him were alive in the past. He just thinks that he's too uniquely enlightened by the void for any of his ilk's present and historical experiences to teach him anything. See the way that he reflexively dismisses everything with moral/merit/intellect/truth/antinormalcy value judgements? (For Heaven's sake he puts hobbies in the same category as consumerism).
It's abundantly clear he has contracted/developed a sort of, er, how should I put it, memetic pathogen which guards itself with self-prioritizing beliefs and values at the expense of the host, similar 
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>Then live dangerously.
Too afraid.
>I don't know what you mean by imprisoned in your body.
I'm none of that other shit. I just know I'll go somewhere better than this place when I die, and that is my home. I see it in my dreams. How I get there is irrelevant. A car isn't the driver, this body isn't me. That's all there is to it.
>Do you have any talents to hone or passions to kindle?
Maybe. My mind is a little too messy right now, and I'm not in any position to be able to follow passions due to life circumstances.
>then you must fundamentally transform as a person and stop being who you are now
I agree, it happens every night. I try to do meditation, but I have trouble focusing. The conclusion I've reached is that the most expeditious path to transformation is death.
>Psychedelics can expedite the process
I want to try psychedelics, but I'm not in any position to attempt that, either. At any rate, bringing psychedelics into the conversation is point where everyone gives up on me and tell me that I probably should just kill myself. If I'm willing to go that far to heal myself, then I'm better off dead.

All that other stuff that was posted sounds like pretentious faggotry, so I'm not engaging in it.

Thread from /retro/

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So, what are some of your favorite memories of the old internet?

Can be websites, memes, events or any other aspect of the days of Web 1.0 and 1.5

For a quick reference, here's what I would define as Web 1.0 and Web 1.5

>Web 1.0: Usenet, Geocities and Angelfire, AOL (1991-2001)
>Web 1.5: Early YouTube, ED, 4chan in its "wild west" days, MySpace, YTMND, Newgrounds and the peak years of dA and Fanfiction.net (2001-2008)

You also had cross-generation stuff like GameFAQs and IMDB which are still around today, although sadly IMDB's infamous message boards are gone
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That's called a subdomain. The old convention of every website redirecting to a "www." subdomain is actually due to a misunderstanding...
Replies: >>4725
>The old convention of every website redirecting to a "www." subdomain is actually due to a misunderstanding...
Is www itself supposed to be a subdomain, but everyone added it all the time? I though it disappeared from the URLs because at some point browsers just hide it.
Replies: >>4726 >>4727
Every subdomain can be mapped to a different IP address in the DNS, so that makes it more flexible if at some point they wanted to move the web server to its own separate computer or something.
Because yeah as far as the browser is concerned, if you type a URL with http:// prefix then it's going to connect via web protocol, not ftp or something else. But the web browser doesn't know the IP address, it has to ask the DNS resolver for it, before it can establish TCP/IP connection. And the DNS resolver doesn't know or care about those URLs, it only translates between hostname<->IP.
And also it's a convention to use www subdomain for a web server. It makes it very obvious what this hostname is for! It's also very stupid that browsers later started hidding parts of the URL, but basically the web went full retard at 2.0 and it's just getting worse constantly.
Replies: >>4727
I remember browsers definitely hiding the "www." unless you clicked on the address bar (or "Awesome bar" in Mozilla's case, Jesus fucking Christ), but I don't know if they do that anymore. It's much much more common that websites just make their "www." subdomain redirect to the root domain (just the website with no subdomain) or vice versa. There's also some poorly documented fuckery with some browsers autocorrecting the URLs you type (e.g. the common typo of www.google.con with an N turning into .com)
Have you heard that the web is not the net? The web is mostly HTTP(S) protocol which gets you websites and such, but the net is much bigger than that, with stuff like FTP (file transfer protocol), torrent, and Gopher, and even newer ones coming out, like Gemini. If you ever get the chance to check out a Gemini or Gopher site, take it! They're weird and fun.
Replies: >>4728
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I don't remember Netscape version 3 or 4 hiding the URL, so it must have been later versions. But I've always been mainly a text browser user. And actually Lynx was my very first browser, because I only had a dialup Unix shell account at first, without SLIP/PPP and no way to run Mosaic or Netscape. Back then the web wasn't so important, there were lots of sites running on gopher and ftp. Forums were all on Usenet, or mailing lists. A bunch of people didn't even have a real ISP, just some kind of limited access (email, maybe also some newsgroups, but no direct access to web and other things that require direct connection instead of store & forward) through a local BBS. Of course they also had the various local "conferences" and often access to FidoNet, plus local private messages and files.

Thread from /meta/

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Merry Christmas, Trashmin!
I don't think I've thanked you properly before.
Thank you for letting anon.cafe's legacy live on.

I hope you have a good one.
Replies: >>860
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>>859 (OP) 

Merry Christmas, Trashchan!!
Hello Admin. I'm not sure which is the proper thread for such a request, and this one was labled 'Meta', so yeah.

Back during anon.cafe days, if a special stream or other event (iCup, for example) was occurring, a request  could be made for the site admin to make a special announcement banner and link to whatever was going on.

As you may know, David Lynch recently passed away. He's very popular among Anons, and one of the webring boards ( /digi/ ) is planning special airings of some of his films during streams. Can we possibly get a site announcement made here, once the details have been set?
Replies: >>894
Sorry for the late reply, feel free to bump the thread if I miss a message again.
About sitewide announcements, there could be if it's something that concerns multiple boards and not too frequent.

Thread from /ent/

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Elle fait danser anon, le fait rire, pleurer, jouir… Ici on partage de la musique.
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Thread from /comfy/

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Post here when you visit /comfy/
Thread number ten

Pour yourself a nice hot chocolate and stay warm anon :)
Previous >>9418
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I wanna learn Blender. Help me bros!
I got to experience three cryoseisms in last 24 hours.  This was a totaly new experience for me.

 I had had about five inches of sleet with maybe five or so inches of snow on top until a few days ago.  It got really warm for a couple days and it rained, so most of it melted and the ground was completely saturated. The temperature then dropped about 35 degrees right after the rain. It has been cold enough since then for the water in the ground to start freezing, expanding, and popping in little mini earthquakes.  One was strong enough I could feel the vibration though the floor.  They are surprisingly loud.

Wikipedia on cryosesim:

I'm sure there are tons of how-to guides out there.
Replies: >>11594
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but using blender for real is not that fun.
Also surprised there are nip people using Blender, they like to only use expensive proprietary garbage
But if you still want it, and you haven't done it yet, you should probably start with the donut tutorial:
Then maybe the chair or couch tutorial from here: https://www.blenderguru.com/tutorials
Afterwards you should probably ask the guys over >>>/agdg/ there are a few blender pros there
Replies: >>11594
Looks like we've got a new one :)
First, what >>11591 said, Blender is probably one of the most tutorialed software package on Earth, right behind Python. At the berry least, you will never find a 3DCG program with more free online guides and video tutorials than Blender.
Second, what >>11592 said. Blender is not fun or enjoyable. There will always be cacaty workflow friction and design flaws taking you out of your flow state while working. The UX is only just beginning to not suck donkey balls, but it doesn't matter because they change so much about the UI eberry other sub-version that you're better off never updating once you've gotten the hang of it. (The UI/workflow changes are often so radical that it outdates many of the extant tutorials to worthlessness, INCLUDING BLENDER'S OWN ONLINE MANUALS AND DOCUMENTATION).
Third, why Blender? What about it suits your use case? SideFX Houdini, for instance, does bretty much eberrything Blender does, but better and more consistently. It's also actually fun to use and doesn't crash nearly as much. Check that out and subscribe to/pirate it if it looks good for what you want to do.

Thread from /ent/

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Thread from /ent/

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Je n'arrive pas à comprendre les normets : Pourquoi travaillent-ils ? Pourquoi font-ils des enfants ?
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Alors Anon(ette), qu'est-ce que tu attends pour aller voir un psychiatre et revendiquer l'AAH ? C'est facile : il suffit de simuler la schizophrénie.
Replies: >>1743
Est-ce que l'on peux toucher l'AAH et continuer à travailler ? Je veux dire occasionnellement, pour le plaisir ?
Je demande parce qu'on m'avais par le passé proposé lors de gros épisodes dépressifs de toucher ce genre de trucs mais je ne voulais pas m'exclure de l'esclavagisme du salariat.
Perso j'ai une copine, et une vie relativement traditionnelle. Mon univers ne gravite pas autour du divertissement de masse facile, je prends le temps de me balader, de bricoler, de faire des trucs "à l'ancienne" et je me sens loin d'être un normet quand je me compare à ce qu'est devenue la normalité. J'ai l'impression que tout ce qui est cool aujourd'hui touche à la pure beauferie.
Replies: >>1770 >>1776
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Tu peux cumuler Salaire et AAH à taux plein pendant les six premiers mois. Au delà de six mois, ton AAH est minoré en fonction de ce que tu gagnes (il y a tout un barème pour ça).
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>1 016,05 € d'Allocation Adulte Handicapé
>104 € de Majoration pour la Vie Autonome
>100 € d'Aide Personnalisée au Logement (il me reste 16 € de loyer à payer, c'est un logement social)
>Aide à domicile gratuite pour faire le ménage et la vaisselle chez moi 2 heures par semaine
>Curatrice qui s'occupe de mes factures et de mes papiers

Aurai-je trouvé le Cheat Code de la vie ?

Thread from /ent/

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Combien de temps avant que nos racailles se rendent compte qu'il existe des revolvers à six coups en vente libre en France ?
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Pour tirer avant tout, il faut que ce soit assez simple à mettre en œuvre sans sacrifier la performance et rester assez maniable. Pas de systèmes à complications, sans fioritures. Côté esthétique j'aime que ce soit rustique et pragmatique.
J'avais repéré un modèle sympa sur un site d'armurier à l'époque mais incapable de me souvenir de quoi il s'agissait.
Replies: >>1754
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Il te faut un Remington 1858. Il a la particularité d'avoir un barillet facilement démontable. En utilisant des barillets préchargés et préamorcés par tes soins, tu pourra recharger aussi rapidement qu'avec un revolver moderne (mais ça va te coûter un peu cher en barillets de rechange).

En finition, il te le faut en acier inoxydable : l'acier bleui est plus historique, mais l'inox est plus facile à nettoyer.

Alternativement, tu peux te reporter sur le Starr : le seul revolver à percussion à double action (pas besoin de réarmer le chien entre chaque tir). La marque Pietta en fait une réplique.
Si tu aimes l'esthétique et le pragmatisme, le LeMat devrait te plaire aussi. Il peut tirer 9 coups + 1 de chevrotine. Invention française.

Il te faut des amorces en bon état, pour assurer un bon départ et parce que le fulminate est corrosif.

Si tu ne veux pas entendre parler de poudre noire, il existe un substitut qui s'appelle Pyrodex : ce sont des petits cylindres de poudre agglomérée que tu enfonces dans le barillet comme des cartouches.

Si toutefois tu voulais passer à la poudre noire, voici les charges recommandées :
15 à 25 Grains pour un calibre .36
23 à 33 Grains pour un calibre .44
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Je m'avance peut-être, mais il me semble que la consolidation des réseaux criminels, et plus spécifiquement de traffic, s'est stabilisée au début de la dernière décennie en IDF. Je ne peux pas parler pour Marseille et autres foyers de traffic, j'y ai pas vécu.
Dans le contexte post-Sarkozy de plus en plus permissif, les réseaux se sont rodés et enracinés avec leurs routes d'appro, réseaux de distri, partage des territoires... et les forces de l'ordre ne semblent jouer qu'un rôle de contrôle plutôt que de lutte à proprement parler, pour maintenir le statut quo et éviter les débordements. Peut-être parce que le traffic a presque abandonné les drogues dures (sauf la C qui a explosé, mais c'est une exception que je laisserai de coté) ? Ou parce qu'ils préfèrent que le game soit tenu par des acteurs identifiés dont les habitudes sont connues ? 

D'après mes observations en 20 ans dans un foyer de traffic de stup dans les Hauts de Seine, la réduction drastique du traffic de quartier, et par conséquent l'écosystème de délinquence qui le maintient et s'en nourrit, ne s'est pas faite à travers les raids policiers et les perquisitions, bien qu'il y en ait eues. Ce sont surtout des mesures de décloisonnement et de développement économique, à travers respectivement des politiques d'aménagement ciblées et une gestion holistique et intégrée des services publics essentiels, qui ont permis d'asphyxier la petite criminalité. Je doute fort que ce nouveau paradigme ait été conçu de façon intentionelle par l'administration ; je le soupçonne plutôt d'émerger de la désillusion causée par les 2 doctrines qui s'opposaient radicalement à l'époque. La délinquence était à son paroxisme à l'ère du tandem karcher sarkoziste/développement culturel SOS racisme. Ni la pression policière ni le réflexe gauchiste (hérité du communisme?) d'innonder les banlieues de millions de subventions pour """""l'accès à la culture"""" (=le financement de milieux """artistiques""" exclusivistes, décadents et insipides) n'a donné de résultat, et il semble que l'approche plus lente mais pragmatique qui lui a succédé a connu un succès qui ne manque pas d'impressionner par le contraste de certains quartiers où l'immobilier a triplé alors que c'était des squats à héroïne sous Chirac.
La délinquence a beaucoup de mal à reconquérir ces territoires innervés par le réseau de transport et assez avides de développement économique. Un ami à moi y a ouvert 2 salons de coiffure assez rentables, ses cousins éloignés tiennent un kebab qu'une clientèle étudiante fréquente attirée par une relative tranquilité.
Toutes proportions gardées, je pense comprendre pourquoi les Américains natifs ont combattu aussi férocement le chemin de fer. Ça défigure et reconfigure un territoire avec une facilité déconcertante.

La compétition la plus forte à laquelle se frottent les traffiquants de quartier me semble être le CBD et les antidépresseurs. Je me souviens encore de l'incursion de morceaux de Rap gangsta dans les lecteurs MP3 des filles au lycée alors qu'il s'agissait quelques années avant d'un marqueur social assez univoque. Cette prolifération coïncide avec le glissement progressif des rappeurs des thèmes de Thug Life vers celui des drogues récréatives et la promiscuité, qui s'est fait en 2 temps: l'introduction du vocodeur par T-Pain au début des 2000 et l'intégration progressive de codes musicaux du Zouk dans la Pop et même le Rap.
L'essor de la culture 420 a vu en quelques années une réduction drastique des produits résineux bas-de-gamme souvent coupés avec des solvants chelou au profit de produits plus purs et potents issus de techniques d'extraction hollandaises et canadiennes. 
Les traffiquants ont aussi tiré des leçons de profitabilité: l'immiscibilité culturelle des banlieues fournit certes un environnemet relativement abrité pour conduire son biz, mais aucun argument raisonnable (aux yeux d'un traffiquant en tout cas) ne peut justifier de se contenter d'un bassin de dissipation aussi limité lorsque la demande est également présente ailleurs. Les mosquées poussant comme des champignons en banlieue, ils ont dû voir que les marées de radicalisation religieuse, surtout chez les jeunes connectés, ne présagent pas une évolution très favorable du chiffre d'affaire dans ces zones marquées culturellement ; à l'inverse des régions désindustrialisées fortement touchées par le chômage: la France profonde, qui avait traditionellement pour refuge chimique le vin, dont le prix a le désavantage d'être sous les feux croisés de l'inflation et de la taxation.

Les derniers éclats de violence dont je me souviens étaient liés à l'introduction d'un nouveau type de gibier sur l'échiquier: les Tchéchènes et les Albanais attirés par l'appel d'air causé par la négligence par les réseaux africains du secteur de l'héroïne et des cachetons. La non-miscibilité culturelle des concernés empêche la coopération et la coordination, sachant que contrairement à la culture "coporate" globohomo, l'inclusivité et la lutte contre le racisme ne sont pas vues comme des priorités dans un milieu sous-tendus par le chantage, la menace, la cupidité et qui baigne en permanence dans la traitrise et le parjure.
Je citerai par exemple les tensions qui ont culminé à l'époque du confinement, et qui avaient laissé apparaître des armes automatiques sur les réseaux sociaux et même des attaques au véhicule bélier.
J'ai eu vent d'autres évènements moins spectaculaires ayant résulté de tensions communautaires entre les criminels gitans et maghrébins qui se disputaient l'usufruit de la cité Mirail, à coté de Toulouse. Les autorités ont instrumentalisé l'attribution et la réattribution de logements sociaux pour relocaliser diverses familles et les distribuer de façon à éviter les tensions.
Cela n'a pas réglé l'origine du problème, ni l'origine de son origine, mais l'escalade a été avortée dans l'œuf.
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Replies: >>1783
C'est simple : si il y avait plus d'armes à feu, il y aurait plus de violence, tout bonnement parce que l'arme est un catalyseur de violence. La possession d'arme facilite l'idéation même, et le passage à l'acte. Je n'ai pas de statistiques sous la main, mais je pense que tu peux regarder celles du FBI américain et les comparer avec un pays où les armes à feu sont rares pour t'en convaincre.

J'ai pas l'impression que les trafiquants à Marseille soient particulièrement hostiles à l'usage d'armes pour régler leurs comptes.

Aussi, j'ai du mal à voir en quoi le CBD et les antidépresseurs feraient de la concurrence aux stupéfiants, vu que ni le CBD ni les AD n'ont de vertus récréatives. Il y a une idée fausse mais répandue que les AD seraient une drogue : c'est faux, ils ne font que stabiliser l'humeur pour que le patient arrête d'avoir des pensées suicidaires. Personne ne se "shoote" aux AD.
Replies: >>1792
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>La possession d'arme facilite l'idéation même
Basé matérialiste

Sinon, quid du FGC-9 ? C'est une arme semi-automatique dont la plupart des pièces peuvent être imprimées en 3D ou achetées dans un magasin de bricolage.

Thread from /comfy/

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Galaxies that orbit other galaxies: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satellite_galaxy
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Replies: >>11169
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This is one of those games that fascinated me as a kid but that I was too bad to play or understand.
Replies: >>11590

That's really odd altogether.

Thread from /comfy/

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I wood like to invite anyone browsing to come and solve a few puzzles together. Post an image and I will make a jigsaw of it if you want.

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are chonking!

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Thread #8
Comfy UFOs and Wintertime Edition
Prervious >>5351
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Did someone say Santorini?
And then there are guys are who have no fashion but will dress in shorts in winter anyways.
I prefer the one on the left. The text blends into the background enough while still being distinct, it's a nice touch! The one on the right is just hard to read.
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Some more views.

New >>9418
New >>9418
New >>9418

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Thread number nine

How are you today anon ?

Previous >>7642
Last edited by anonyme
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I'll have to tell you on the way, Anon.
Replies: >>11576
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Replies: >>11577 >>11578
Always like riding in style tbh.
I have one of these. I drive it when I go out egging houses.
New thread >>11581
New thread >>11581
New thread >>11581

Thread from /late/

Hey everyone.

What do you guys do before going to bed? Do you guys sleep well? 

Personally I just shut down my pc and just go to sleep.

For me it takes time to actually start sleeping (usually an hour). I'll go to bed but after some time I'm just thinking my own thoughts and I can't fall asleep.
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Pretty much this, except the last part. I have a during the week routine that I’m in bed by 22:30 at the latest, hopefully asleep by 23:00. My sleep varies on inebriation level, and/or what I’ve eaten and how close to bedtime. dark chocolate gives me pretty wild, and vivid dreams sleeping with a gril not necessarily banging either tends to be the best sleep ever for me.
Replies: >>2917
>Suggesting that anyone cut back on any of it usually elicits a curious reaction.  Kind of like when Gandalf tells Bilbo to leave his ring behind, or if you try to part a meth addict from his meth.
Spot on. I used to be like this about fapping, until the excrutiating horror I went through the first time I attempted NNN.

>Step 7. Do my planner for the next day
That's a good one, or at least roughly sketching out the main things to do.
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My brother in Christ, you are not falling asleep you are becoming unconscious.
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Whether I sleep well or not has to do with a few variables. 

One, I have to feel clean, so if I feel dirty then I typically shower before bed. If I don't then I won't sleep well. The bed being made before hand is also a big one that I didn't realize effected me until recently. Climbing into a nicely made bed every night feels amazing. If the sheets are untucked or my pillows are all over the place, then I find it much harder to sleep.

Two, if I've just eaten something high in sodium, like fast food, then I know I'll be awake for a while, so I try to keep the eats to a minimum at least 2 hours from sleep time. 

Three, I sleep much easier if I go to bed before my set time that I typically go to bed. The longer I stay up past bed time, the more anxious I am about how painful the next day is gonna feel when I inevitably have to wake up and don't feel well refreshed. 

Something else I've been doing lately is watching a streamer play a couple games I used to play religiously back in the day (haven't been back in years, but I enjoy watching this particular streamer). It's very soothing and normally puts me to sleep in 15 minutes if I don't fight to keep watching. Without him, having recently eaten, sleeping in a junky bed, and already being up past my bed time, I can sit there for hours tossing and turning as my mind races thinking about the most irrelevant things. It's literal hell.

A couple years ago I moved for work and now have a roommate I share a kitchen and bathroom with. The person I'm living with is really disgusting and loud, so it can be hard to stay consistent with things like sleep as I have to wear earbuds every single night or I simply cannot sleep because I can hear other rooms around me as well.

A couple years prior, however, I had one of the most consistently good sleeps of my life and this went on for years. I don't remember my late night routine much, but I remember waking up at least two hours before work to get ready, which was really unnecessary but I enjoyed that job so much that I would go out of my way to wake up earlier and get to work an hour before we opened. 

I really liked that job, but I also really looked forward to the commute from my home to work. It was just long enough to not be annoying and I had a car at the time that I absolutely loved to drive to and from work, so there was this excitement every morning that I'd be able to enjoy that car and then get to work with people I loved doing a job I was good at. The streets were so empty that early in the morning, so I'd tear ass.
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Replies: >>2937
<based "Gas Gas Gas" knower...

Thanks for the good advice, Anon!

Thread from /late/

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Write a few things about what keeps you going through everyday life.
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Proud of you, Anon.
Keep moving forward.
Just take it one day at a time, OK?
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I would want mayuyyyybe to be like him. or at least I want to be the guy who can actually hurt women
For me, it's a couple things. I really don't live life for myself, not saying I make decisions based entirely off of what others say. I just wouldn't want to stick around if it was soley for me. I'm in this weird middle ground where I don't like life enough to want to participate in it, but I don't hate it enough to kill myself. But since other people like me being in their lives, I stick around. I don't particularly understand why they like me, but I don't have to. Not only that, I'm in a place where I get to help people almost every day. Most of the time, it's not much. It's just being polite when other people aren't. but sometime I get the opportunity to make a larger difference in a person's life, even if I'm just a trasiend chapter in their story. 

The other thing that keeps me going is nature. Sometimes, if I feel like crap and want to lie on death's doorstep, I'll go take a walk in the woods. It doesn't matter if it's a clear winter morning when the woods lie quiet or a humid summer evening in a feild filled with an ochestra of crickets singing as the day fades. It all seems to say to me "one day, it'll all be okay. God will bring the dawn agian."
Replies: >>2930
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Admiring the creation and helping creatures are the best ways to serve God

Thread from /ent/

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Quelle est cette mode des sièges de voiture de course pour jouer sur PC ?
Replies: >>1791
>>1781 (OP) 
Je ne sais pas mais je trouve le design fort disgracieux, pour tout dire je trouve même que ça fait "jacky tuning". Après si c'est pour rester le cul posé pendant 8 heures devant un jeu vidéo c'est sûrement très confit.
Je préfère pour ma part un fauteuil de bureau plus sobre.

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