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Thread from /christmas/

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The Season is upon us again, Anons.
Please coordinate and RSVP here about your board's Christmas / New Years festivities.
Anons please outreach to other boards and let them know.
BO will update this OP with relevant information as it becomes available.

Community Group Events Announcements :

>Christmas 2024 :

*  /vhs/ Christmas Movie Marathon  ( >>3571, [ >>3014 ]) :
*  /comfy/ Puzzling  ( >>>/comfy/11134, [ >>3123 ]) :
    (going on all year)
Last edited by chobitsu
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6 replies and 1 file omitted. View the full thread
Please pardon my asking, but which board is this again, Anon? (Also, do you know if you have an embassy thread here already as well?)

Thread from /christmas/

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You are cordially invited to watch the Uncommon Time Winter stream with anons from all over the internet. It's that magical time of year where bitter hatred brings us together to laugh at a terrible RPG maker gamer created (and I use that term loosely) by a tumblerite with daddy issues as deep as the grand canyon. Unless I'm mistaken this winter stream marks the 8th year of this traditional imageboard custom, and frankly it gets better every year with new content, and new fanart of Teagan's abs.

The current schedule has yet to be finalized, but it will start on the 18th and end as late as the 24th spending somewhere from 8-12 hours of play time a day because I have no life. It's possible that I may go beyond that time period, but I'll skip Christmas day so everyone can spend time with their families. Watch this thread for any further updates. I hope to see you there.

[Stream Link]
[Muzak Box]
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1 HOUR until the UT stream!
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Day 2 of the 2024 UT Christmas Stream in 15 minutes. Come see Saki die of AIDS and Teagan Punch a hole through Alto.
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Day 3 is starting now!
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I hate niggers! Also Day 4 is starting now!
Replies: >>3615
Oh hey Anon! So, if you'd like to leave me details about your streaming party, I'll add it to our events throd : ( >>3570 ). Cheers.  :)

Thread from /late/

Hey everyone.

What do you guys do before going to bed? Do you guys sleep well? 

Personally I just shut down my pc and just go to sleep.

For me it takes time to actually start sleeping (usually an hour). I'll go to bed but after some time I'm just thinking my own thoughts and I can't fall asleep.
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Replies: >>2772 + 1 earlier
>let us know when you make it back.
Wondering about it myself. It became a bit better but I ended up having nothing to reply to the >>2755 because life is truly about 'just do it', the only problem is that I neither have any idea what I should do and how. So I just thrash around like thousands of other losers failing each day to basically remain sane. I will gladly
just do it, but please teach me how. Who's gonna do that? Right, nobody. Nobody in the entire world cares for people so completely wrecked as me. You need to pass a certain threshold for people to start caring enough to help you. I can't ask family because they're as clueless as me, but I don't blame them! Most relatives are clueless too, and those who could give me some insight, I'm plainly afraid of them because they're not quite honest people and there's evidence they might turn out to be clueless themselves. Maybe it's something you don't need to understand. Like a skill given from birth or unconsciously acquired when you grow up in right circumstances. I don't know. There are so many variables, but the fact is I don't have this internal intuitive understanding of life and though I don't like I'll probably just gonna have to suicide at some point. I'll go on as long as I can but I can't see any light ahead. Bless you
Replies: >>2767
On the other hand what I'm describing sounds like stages through which, as far as I have seen, many people go though. Maybe it's just a part of growing up and I need to shut up and simply suffer through it until I reach enlightenment of something of that sort.
>>2679 (OP) 
>What do you guys do before going to bed?
Step 1. Floss
Step 2. Brush teeth
Step 3. Stay up way too late
Step 4. Journal
Step 5. Commune with the dead
Step 6. Pray
Step 7. Do my planner for the next day
Very very rarely I'll read a little after that.

>Do you guys sleep well?
No. Maybe?
>one of my many physical books
what do you have
Replies: >>2802
>Complete Works of H. P. Lovecraft
>Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe
>Tales of the Dying Earth
>Egyptian Book of the Dead
>The Silmarillion
>instead of reading any of these, I am reading The Lord of the Rings for the millionth time
It doesn't sound like a lot, but they're all pretty hefty. Trying to wait until I actually make progress on some of them before I get any more. I also forgot that I have a cheap e-ink tablet, but that's kind of annoying to use.

Thread from /comfy/

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What was the most comfiest time in ur life anon?
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What charcoal do you use as your base for your powder?
Replies: >>10925
I've ground up mesquite lump charcoal at first and it's usable. The last I made I was using willow chips I bought online and cooked myself in a paint can. Works perfect as far as I can tell. I came across a can of old authentic black powder and lately I've been using that because I haven't had the time to make my own. Pyrodex is the only synthetic brand in stores near me and in my experience it has a weird split-second delay I can't stand.
I'll probably make bullets again this week. Been stressed lately. I can feel the call.
i wood really like to learn how to hunt. My comfy time is swinging sticks and spears in the forest. Possibly finding dead kites and taking their talons.
>>869 (OP) 
When I used to browse this board back when I graduated high school. I was so depressed I was completely numb and had nothing to do except browse boards all day. Now my life is improving and I'm kind of realizing I feel caca all the time, first time I've really been given the chance to see my life that way. Hopefully one day soon I can come back to this board and say I'm truly /comfy/
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im in that period rn lmao.
>>869 (OP) 
the most comfy time was during covid lock down

Thread from /late/

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Let's talk, you and I
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Ill still go to work since atleast i have something to do. Probably meditate outside when taking a cig break Look at the smoke swirling up up and away. New year is gonna be so meh but ill make the best i can. Planning on making something with beef and bone broth. Ill workout and just relax maybe draw, defnitely write. Working on a dystopian fantasy setting where there is nothing but salt from seas drying up and nuclear reactors. Its like a survival journal of a guy in a satirical post global warming world. Too big to say here but yh. Thats mine
Replies: >>2787
>dream christmas/ new year
chilling wih the wife on these long dark evenings
>how near
still far but we're getting there

>nuclear ractor
curious how the fantasy element ties into it
Replies: >>2790
>curious how the fantasy element 

it was revealed to me in a dream
>whats your dream christmas/ new year
>how near do you think is it gonna from the actual
Replies: >>2801
Cheers up anon some festivals might be underwhelming or down right horrible. However...i got nothing. Anxy? Lets talk if not enjoy prissy chrissy

Thread from /server/

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Practices, spells, symbolism, etc
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I've been looking into telekinesis. It can take a long time to train oneself to be able to move small objects. I think eventually it might be possible to take it to the next level. I see it mainly as a skill to be trained. I'm looking through some books on the subject and have managed to move a psi wheel when my palms are placed near it. Its doable, it can work, but one must diligently practice it to get results
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 Now, you may find it inconceivable or, at the very least, a bit unlikely that the relative position of the planets and the stars could have a special, deep significance or meaning that exclusively applies to only you; but, let me give you my assurance that these forecasts and predictions are all based on solid, scientific, documented evidence, so you would have to be some kind of moron not to realize that every single one of them is absolutely true.
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There's something magical about the woods

Thread from /ent/

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J'ai envie d'une chèvre, /ent/ !
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Replies: >>1380
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>>1376 (OP) 
T'as plus qu'à attendre que ton cadet se marie à condition que tu ne le sois pas déjà toi-même.
Suivant la vieille tradition.

C'est vrai que c'est adorable ces petites bêtes. J'aime bien les Angora en plus on peu faire des pulls confits avec leur laine.
Replies: >>1428 >>1483
Voyons Anon, ce n'est pas une chèvre, c'est un mouton.
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Le proverbe irlandais "It's no use going to the goat's house to look for wool"" est donc faux.
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Bonjour anon, j'ai mis mon plus beau cosplay de chèvre pour toi.
Replies: >>1699
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Thread from /retro/

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A thread for artwork and content of anthropomorphic animals characters (or "furries") from the late 1990s and early 2000s.

Sources are encouraged.

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i appreciate it a lot
i wonder what kind of a person i would have turned out to be if it weren't for furry artwork?
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I don't have time to go into too much detail, but Atlyss released a few weeks ago into Early Access on Steam. It's a one man dev project making a game taking a lot of cues from 6th gen game aesthetics, MMO worlds, and kemono/anime aesthetics with solo offline and multiplayer online play. The character creator is really robust and you have five playable races (dog people, kobolds, bird people, rat people, and midna imps) with a lot of customization including boob, ass, and even belly sliders. There are jiggle physics where you'd expect, but they go beyond simple fetish fuel since your characters' ears and tails will actually be affected by the armor and items you equip. Also, there's a /taunt emote where your character slaps their ass.

The dev is a NSFW artist who initially started the project as your typical furry ERP vaporware, but he shifted to a suggestive-but-SFW style partway through development. It seems to have worked out for him. My only real problem with the game is how literal it is about MMO style world and quest design, for although it can be a lot of fun to explore these vast empty worlds filled with cartoony enemies, the questing leaves a lot to be desired. I'm a former WoW addict and I can say confidently this game reminds me of the numbing brain fuzz I felt while I played WoW.

>accept quest from quest giver in hub area
>teleport to dungeon
>get gear checked and die
>try dungeon on lower difficulty
>goal: collect 10 skeleton bones, kill 5 ghosts, acquire 15 mushrooms
>reality: 8 skeleton bones, 4 ghosts killed, 13 mushrooms
>run dungeon again, getting different layout
>finally finish quest and turn it in
>immediately presented with the same quest again; flavor text is "well, those undead are quite a nuisance, aren't they? seems you may have to clear them out some more..."
>desire to play game deflates

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Replies: >>4602 >>4604
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Your link was busted, fuzzball.
That aside, making into a straight game was probably a better idea. Balancing the porn with gameplay is a rough task, and honestly far from necessary.

Thread from /finance/

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how many shekels do you reckon Blackrock will burn trying to suppress it ? or did they learn their lesson
As of today Bitcoin reached 100k
Replies: >>391
And may the infinite crabbing begin!

Thread from /late/

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Number 3, or is it 4? Who's keeping count, anyways?

Last thread hit bump limit, so now here's an all new Trashchan edition of the thread. I like this place. I think it will make a good home for us.

What's on your mind, tonight?
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>What do you guys feel about 5 AM?
too late to sleep, too early to get up
I don't like it because I'm prone to staying up until around that time and then being mad that I let myself stay up that late again. My sleep schedule is all messed up.
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FUcking finally, I finally managed to get MITSUZEN HDI-10 to work flawlessly, Jesus, that took me 3 1/2 months
Despite being a night person 5 AM is the time I prefer to wake from. There's something about beginning your day at the same time the darkness begins to subside...
Replies: >>2800
nta but defo agree

Thread from /late/

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What’s a TV show you watch over and over? I hardly watch anything new anymore. Just Frasier, The Sopranos and House. I cycle through them yearly and want to shake it up with something new that people find rewatchable
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Replies: >>2788 >>2797 + 4 earlier
True Detective S1, Rome and Fargo S2

>>2694 (OP) 
>house first 4 seasons are really good
Star Trek: Enterprise. I was not a fan at the time but came to appreciate the smaller sets and slower pace compared to the high action Star Trek movies and TV from the last few years. 
Also Midnight Diner - pulled that tip from here (thanks guys!) and it will be in my regular rotation. I like slice of life stuff but I'm aged out of anime so this filled the void.
>>2694 (OP) 
Mystery Science Theater 3000 and The Joy of Painting. I can watch them free on yt and is just about the only western entertainment I can stomach nowadays aside from some edutainment videos also on yt, if that counts. Maybe Star Trek, too, if I had access to it. I do watch some anime, I suppose that's technically tv.

I share the same sentiment, and I came to the same conclusion about Seinfeld a few years ago. I used to love sitcoms and tv in general. I think seeing a clip of The Big Bang Theory without the laugh track over a decade ago is the thing that set me on the path to becoming the man I am today. The laugh track is essentially telling the audience what they should find funny. The average normalfag just goes along with the jokes and laughs because they hear another crowd of people also laughing, regardless of whether they get the joke or if they morally approve of the content; certain people can get some really nasty shit past them by abusing these conformist functions. Some time later, I began to see that people were acting like they were in tv shows, and that I had been letting these shows influence my own behavior and self-image and worldview, too. The thought dawned on me that these sitcoms, and other shows as well, were probably brainwashing me, and slowly I began to hate television.
Mythbusters, Come Dine With Me and the first 4 seasons of Law & Order, are shows I'll always watch whenever they come up on TV
Replies: >>2799
I'm thinking about watching again and show it to my gf.

Thread from /comfy/

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Because greenfriends are /comfy/
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Also my rosary vine bloomed.
Replies: >>11178
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I looked this up out of curiosity. Those are bretty fancy.
Replies: >>11182
Good job on the gardening anons! Sounds like it is going swell!

The tail end of my fall crops was a bit of a fizzle - some small snap peas and a few radishes. 

I set up a grow light indoors and am having smashing success with bok choy and lettuce all winter. Bunching onions aren't doing as well, more like chives but the flavor is still good.
Replies: >>11184
You woodn't think that this is related to periwinkle, but there you go.

What's the rest of your setup like?  Does it take up a bunch of space?

Thread from /christmas/

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it's the season of mutual aid!
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Lol, thanks Komrade.  :D
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to the festival that stopped a world war in its tracks!
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>What do you want for Christmas this great year of 1991?
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Replies: >>3613
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you've been saying this for the past 70 years
you know they're just gonna go scorched earth and burn the island to the fukn ground if gommies ever cross da gap
better dead than red

Thread from /l/

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Videos/Shorts Thread. Try to keep the file sizes down a little in consideration of the server.
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Thread from /comfy/

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Post your comfiest webms, mp4s and others.
OCs welcome.
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i wanna hear that storry
Replies: >>11180
Sorry it's not a file, but this channel is maximum comfy
Grabbing a warm cup of tea and watching these madmen explore the world has something to it
It's not so much the underground bunkers as the act of roaming without a schedule, having the time to explore and admire the landscape
It reminds me of the long walks I used to take as a NEET when I lived in a capital city and when I visited London too

I avoided busy roads and settled for the unending residential mazes sprawling on the outskirts of the city proper
accompanied by the song of birds echoing from a nearby park or the laughter of children coming from a school yard.
Looks like my own country. Love from le Pays Bougnat :)
Damn really fun gachi, thanks for sharing anon.
I always liked that ELO song.

Thread from /ent/

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>40 000 balles pour une fenêtre et une couchette
Tout va bien sur le marché du logement en France...
Replies: >>1683 >>1698
>>1680 (OP) 
Je sais que l'immo coûte cher dans certains coins mais la vache c'est abusé là.
Je suis sûr que ça doit bien se louer à des étudiants ou des contrats courts ça par contre, donc être bien rentabilisé, mais tout de même...
>tu vivras dans le pod et tu seras heureux
Je vis dans la campagne d'une région peu attractive et ça reste intéressant cependant pour acheter.
>>1680 (OP) 
je sais pas trop les prix à Rouen, mais franchement à ce prix là ça ne me choque pas tant
moi je compte commencer à chercher un appart l'année prochaine, mon objectif est
>T3 dans une grande ville de france, je me donne 200k de budget, je vis seul
>9m2 ou moins à Paris dans un second temps, pas pour le louer mais juste pour avoir un endroit ou dormir si je veux aller y passer des weekends

Thread from /ent/

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Est-ce vrai ? Est-ce le seul imageboard francophone en vie ?
L'Entremonde® ainsi que ses filiales se positionne en tant que leader sur le marché très compétitif dans le secteur dynamique des imageboards en utilisant un process-building optimisé ainsi qu'une approche disruptive de ses stratégies de communication affin de nous assurer d'être toujours à la pointe de notre leadership positioning entropy le tout au service d'une tactique de monopole global pour offrir le service optimal pour ses clients utilisateurs.
A ma connaissance, oui. On est pas nombreux mais déjà on en a un, alors je ne me plains pas.

Thread from /late/

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Write a few things about what keeps you going through everyday life.
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Replies: >>2626 + 4 earlier
>>1602 (OP) 
unironically knowing that God exists is such a reassuring thought
not really the "God loves you and planned good things for you" angle, but his simple existence is enough
I know everything was planned, not just my life, but everything, with wisdom beyond our comprehension. I know that there is more to this existence than this life.

It's not so much the expectation of new good things, but rather the knowledge of all past things we take for granted like sight, audition, health, free time (not so much now because wageslaving but i know itll come back as it has)

>Clearly a God who would invest this much time, space, matter, and energy to accomodate us for such a relatively-short period of time, our 'window of opportunity' so to speak (apprx. ~120Kyrs) is a rather extravagant being
from a human's perspective, is dropping crumbs to an ant extravagant ? God could spend entire eternities for his creation and it still wouldn't even register as an effort

and I'll even point out a blessing more precious than all the material things we have: the ability to find joy in contemplating the creator instead of crying like about every disease, most of which have cures and treatments anyways
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The only thing keeping me alive is that I don't want to die a retard.
My whole life, I have been put down and looked down upon and ridiculed by everyone due to my incompetence in daily life , my inability to communicate with others, my low executive function etc.
My family constantly reminds me that I am a complete failure and that I would be helpless without their hand holding.
I have a great desire to make myself better, and I have belief that I will improve one day, so until that day comes I will keep living and I will keep trying to improve myself.
Replies: >>2629 >>2791 >>2792
Things will be better as long as you fight for them to be.
Don't judge yourself too harshly by what others think of you, even if it's important for self-judgment. In any case, don't let them destroy your self-esteem and your will to move forward.

are you korean by any chance

very based, never give up
>My family constantly reminds me that I am a complete failure and that I would be helpless without their hand holding.
sounds like a nightmare
even tho a few of my relatives are like that, I thank God that most of them aren't
Proud of you, Anon.
Keep moving forward.
Just take it one day at a time, OK?

Thread from /britfeel/

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Alright you lazy slags? Couldn't make a thread past the bump limit this time eh? Had to wait for a natural decision maker such as myself to come around and make it for you? tsk tsk threadslaves, this is getting a bit sad 

thread question - how did you lads spend your new years?
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I'd be surprised if anyone here hasn't tried to suck their own dick. It's a rite of passage.
Replies: >>6577
The trick is to lie down on the floor with your head touching the wall, put your feet on the wall and then try to "walk into your mouth".
Replies: >>6578
Right...sounds easy enough im sure everyone knows how to walk with their mouth kek
Does the fact I haven't tried make me gay?
Replies: >>6580
Doesnt make you any more straight tho

Thread from /retro/

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Let's have a new thread without a tonne of broken images.  Have there been any new forms of /retro/ media (could be movies, games, anime, websites, etc.) that wanted to look old and actually succeeded?

There's an artist called BlueTheBone who makes "retro"-styled animations, cheesecake, and porn.  Like any modern hack, he overdoses on visual clutter and uses filters that don't actually resemble the time period he's trying to emulate - but despite that, I think his style is consistently decent.  If he relied less on computers and filters, then I think he'd be a much better artist, but that goes without saying for most contemporary artists.

The really weird things happen when he tries to make modern character designs and media look old, like pic 2.  It isn't exactly wrong, but there is something perplexing about viewing characters and series that were developed specifically with modern aesthetics in mind.
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Sounds like a good idea anon, it would be nice to see some art made on period hardware as well as your pixel art too!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebKCY4z0FGE  The artist's work continues. I encourage you to watch as well as listen.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulH05Ha5rkU Any idea what the deal is with this "I Miss the Quiet" stuff?
Replies: >>4600
I'm impressed, I didn't realize this is what EXE fans are doing these days.
Replies: >>4603
Legitimate surprise how well the instrumentation the medium while the vocals combine the style with vaporwave and menace.

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