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Thread from /ent/

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Parfois je ramasse des insectes intéressants lors de mes balades dans la cambrousse.

Ici un beau spécimen de Neocerambyx raddei de la famille des Cerambycidae, plus connus sous le nom de Capricornes (ou Longicornes).
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Oiseau déposé à la LPO du coin ce matin, en fait il s'agit d'un Choucas des tours et non d'une corneille. Bon ça reste du corvidé, mais l'œil bleu/gris est un signe clairement distinctif.
c'est pas argot c'est gallo!
mais oui je me suis renseigné c'est apparemment pas trop difficile de devenir pote avec eux, mais va falloir que j'investisse dans un sac de cacahuète non épluchées
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Les bébés phasmes du jardin sont nés! Y'a a plein et ils sont tout petits
Replies: >>1302
Trop bien anon, merci. N'hésite pas à poster d'autres photos dans la saison histoire de suivre leur évolution.
En ce moment ici aussi la nature se réveille doucement, c'est un vrai ravissement. Pas encore trouvé d'insectes "rigolos" mais ça va revenir.
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« Cette recherche propose une solution en intégrant des insectes vivants à des contrôleurs électroniques miniatures pour permettre un contrôle programmable de type robotique et en proposant un nouvel algorithme de contrôle de l’essaimage. »

Le scenario d'une possible dystopie à la Skynet me semble plus probable avec des hybrides insectes/nanotechnologies que des purs robots.
Imagine un peu une armée de cafards contrôlée par une super IA qui aurait pété un plomb.

Thread from /comfy/

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I wood like to invite anyone browsing to come and solve a few puzzles together. Post an image and I will make a jigsaw of it if you want.

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Almost there.

Thread from /late/

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How does one get out of the house recreationally?
I love taking hikes and working out, but that's all I do. I need something else. I don't mind spending little money, but shopping gets stressful because I don't have a lot of space. My friends aren't in the area right now, and it's pretty tough to make any more when I don't leave the house. I don't drink and I don't particularly like boozers, so bars are off the table. Bands never come into my area, so concerts aren't viable. I've looked for stuff for ages, and come up with nothing.
Replies: >>1968
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personally i like to do graffiti or do urbex, maybe do a picnic with the friends or go for a swim. Oh yes i also i like to go read outside any manga or books i still haven't read.
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>>1966 (OP) 
Go to a place you like, perhaps a cafe, and sketch something. I've found that trying to draw what you see is a bit of a puzzle. It can be somewhat meditative, being there in the moment taking in the environment, using your mind to create, plan, and think.
Replies: >>1971
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I used to go to weird bars in random towns and chat up strangers. Find it easier to talk to people I will never see again. Other than that mostly wander around at night alone. Sometimes sit in diners, drink coffee. Being a night owl and a loner means a lot of time in diners.
I did some research and found a cafe near me. I'm gonna try to go there this week with a book.

Thread from /comfy/

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Post here when you visit /comfy/
Thread number nine

How are you today anon ?
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Herro comfy. Glad having found my way back after the death of cafe.
Replies: >>9479 >>9481
Hi anon, welcome back :)
Nice to have you here again.
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Feeling a little lethargic after being bogged down in work all week. Tried my hand at making some music and learning a DAW this weekend but didn't do too great. Need motivation to not drop it anons.
Replies: >>9486
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It can take a long time to learn. Do you have a MIDI keyboard? That might help speed things up for you. I actually ended up paying for Pianoforall a while ago, and I think it was worth it. It's essentially a series of .pdfs with embedded videos that teach you the basics of keyboard playing. I haven't made it all the way through, but I definitely feel like it's helped me out so far.

You could also try something with a different workflow. I really like the no-nonsense workflow of this chiptune tracker, for example:
I just wish it could export MIDI files. If it had that, polyphony support, and a bonus piano roll feature, I think it would be really good for making more conventional music.

Here are a couple loops I made shortly after I began learning how to use it after years of DAW use.

Ultimately though it takes motivation and a certain amount of discipline if you want to get good at something. I just stuck with music because I feel like it has some magnetic attraction that always pulls me toward it, even if I am lazy and not as good as I should be at this point. If you don't think music has that appeal for you, maybe something else will. It all comes down to finding a hobby that you find fulfilling.

Thread from /comfy/

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Having a cup of tea.
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Got a cup of tea.
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I don't have tea
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Having vodka.
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Having a cup of tea.
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Got tea and Pockys.

Thread from /l/

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Videos/Shorts Thread. Try to keep the file sizes down a little in consideration of the server.
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Thread from /ent/

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Puisque vous les mecs vous avez vos femmes-chat, pour nous les filles, postez vos meilleurs 
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Mon homme-cheval il est trop fort. Il casse la gueule aux méchants pabôs, et quand il ne fait pas du rock (oui c'est une star de visual_kei), il aime faire du ski (il est d'ailleurs très très fort).
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Enfin, j'aime bien le soir me blottir tout contre mon homme-cheval et m'endormir tout tendrement contre son poitrail musclé en sentant sa douce crinière.
Je l'aime beaucoup mon homme-cheval.
le plus normie des posteurs de l'/ent/remonde
Replies: >>1342
Je ne trouve pas. Les romances avec des hommes-chevaux ça me paraît assez incongru.

Thread from /ent/

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Elle fait danser anon, le fait rire, pleurer, jouir… Ici on partage de la musique.
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Replies: >>1340
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à juste titre
ptn sympa ça, t'as un lien? je trouve qu'un album live sur bandcamp
Replies: >>1341
Le morceau posté est tiré de la compil' "Hymnes & Motets Vol. 4" ici : https://micr0lab.org/mu0l_0100/
Je ne crois pas qu'il existe grand chose d'eux hormis le live cradingue qui traîne sur Bandcamp.

Au plaisir anon.

Thread from /ent/

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Notre position actuelle par rapport à l’architecture du IIIeReich, faite d’une grande proximité temporelle et d’une considérable distance idéologique, est à vrai dire la seule que la fiction ruiniste du national-socialisme, telle que nous allons l’étudier, ne se soit pas donné la peine de prévoir et d’imaginer. Nous sommes encore tout près du IIIe Reich, et pourtant nous vivons après lui, avec les conséquences que cela ne manque pas d’avoir sur le regard que nous portons vers cette architecture. Ou celle-ci s’offre désormais dans un relatif anonymat ou alors elle a connu ce que Françoise Choay qualifie d’anéantissement symbolique. Lorsque, entre ces deux extrêmes, elle existe dans un abandon révélateur, cette désaffection est encore trop légère pour se donner à lire, à même la structure des édifices, à l’aide de la théorie des ruines. Nous contemplons, là où la ruine s’annonce, comme au complexe de Nuremberg, plutôt que des voûtes effondrées, des marques qui ne sont pas à l’échelle de la démesure anticipée par la théorie de Speer: de simples meurtrissures de la pierre ou une graphie de lézardes qui n’ont rien des contours généraux échevelés ou du sublime effondrement des combles prévus par l’architecte. C’est peut-être en quoi la théorie des ruines de Speer rend particulièrement inconfortable. Elle rappelle que les grands édifices du Reich ne furent conçus, “ ni pour l’an 1940, ni pour l’an 2000 mais pour durer mille ans ”, comme le disait Hitler. Ce disant, le Führer pariai
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entitée musicale dépressive, née d'un monde sans espoir,
nous n'avons pas de genre,
pas de croyance,
pas de nom,
pas de valeurs,
juste l'amour d'une cause.

Buy a thinkpad x230 and install heads. Write protect the flash chip. Put nail polish on the screws and take high resolution pictures to ensure signs of tampering. Do NOT use a HDD or SSD. They have DMA so a malicious firmware could do a lot of damage, use of USB is preferred since they do not have DMA. Completely remove the microphone, sound card, webcam and the WWAN card from the laptop. Remove the fan to prevent binary acoustic data transmission. Replace the default wifi card with a supported atheros card. Disable wifi when not in use, preferably by physically removing the card. Make your own independent Linux distro from scratch. Most Linux distros value convenience over security and will thus never have good security. Your only option is to make your own. Use musl instead of glibc, Libressl instead of openssl, sinit instead of systemd, oksh instead of bash, toybox instead of gnu coreutils to reduce attack surface. Enable as little kernel modules as possible. Use a hardened memory allocator. Apply strong SELinux and sandboxing policies. Restrict the root account heavily to make sure it never gets compromised. Disable JavaScript and CSS in your browser. Block all FAGMAN domains in your hosts file. Monitor all network requests. Do not use a phone. Never speak near anyone who owns a phone, they are always listening. Never use any non-corebooted technology made after 2006. Never leave your devices unattended. Tape triple layer aluminum foil all around your room as tempest shie
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Replies: >>1313
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Lol. Based-schizo is based. This sort of thinking is the only hope of becoming halfway not-low-hanging-fruit for the POS Glowniggers and other troons.

As everyone knows, there's always the first line of defense as well...
Il serait utile de rappeler que les personnes racisées, les personnes musulmanes et juives, et les personnes LGBTQIA+ sont les premières cibles de l’extrême-droite, mais manifestement la Jeune Garde ne l’a toujours pas compris puisqu’à chaque manifestation, le cortège des personnes les plus vulnérables est reléguée en fin de cortège…la position la plus fragilisée et la plus invisible. Ces mêmes personnes qui se font agresser tous les jours reçoivent un message clair : “La lutte antifasciste, c’est un truc de mascu viriliste blanc, vous n’avez pas votre place dans la lutte antifasciste en dehors de notre utilisation de votre image de victimes de l’extrême-droite”.

Thread from /agdg/

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Post what you're working on.
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>finger food
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Immersion? Here's some immersion. I made a mod that adds a chance for certain foods to spill out if you move around too hard or if you take damage from something. You get a number of "spilled food" items that are in total worth about 1/3 of the satiety that the original food item had.

I also remade the inventory icons for beer/vodka bottles to be tall like other bottles. I've seen other mods that do the same, but they tend to look weird so I tried to make them look as similar to the original icons as possible. I just took screenshots of the in-game models and edited them, so they're slightly more accurate too. Also the beer bottle only has 1 use by default for some reason, so I made it have 3 uses like the other bottles.

I wasn't supposed to mod any more but here I am. I don't know if I will, but I want to do a complete foods overhaul, there's lots of different foods in Anomaly but it's hard to care because of how similar they all are. I want to make them more varied so you can make more interesting gameplay decisions. Here's my "vision" so far:
- Roasted meats are decent general purpose food and easy to cook, but also radioactive and an inefficient use of mutant meat.
- Cooked bowls are the best foods all around, but spill out if you move too hard so you have to keep a cooking kit with you and cook them on-the-go, eat straight out from a trader, or move slowly. The cooking recipe also uses some of y
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Replies: >>1239 >>1241
Sounds like something for cata:dda instead of stalker.
Replies: >>1240
I'd agree if you were talking about normal Stalker, but Anomaly is a clusterfuck of masochist survival and half assed ideas. Some of the systems like cooking aren't even useful unless you want to roleplay, I'm just trying to make some of it have more of a point. Why even have 20 different foods + 30 cooked ones (not including drinks) in the game if they're all effectively the same thing.
Replies: >>1241
>I made a mod that adds a chance for certain foods to spill out if you move around too hard or if you take damage from something.
That's an interesting mechanic, makes me think of Death Stranding somewhat.
>I wasn't supposed to mod any more but here I am.
Keep at it anon! The experience and fun will be worth it alone.
>Why even have 20 different foods + 30 cooked ones (not including drinks) in the game if they're all effectively the same thing.
This bothers me too, so many games have dozens of food items but little reason to care which is which.

Thread from /comfy/

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I thought this was an interesting story.
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>TFW no more mystery goca gola.


Thread from /retro/

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I know this is gonna sound weird, but you ever feel a sense of nostalgia for hentai you enjoyed from back in the day?

The 90's and 2000's had some good titles, and I'll include a lot of the 80's titles in this as well since most of them didn't get released in the West until the 90's or early 2000's.

IIRC, Legend of the Overfiend came out in 1987 in Japan but did not get a release in the West until 1993.

I think the first three parts of the Urotsukidoji OVA was the first hentai release in America ever.

Central Park Media took the different OVA installments of Urotsukidoji and edited them into four feature-length movies, the first of which got a limited theatrical release in the 90's.

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Replies: >>4250 + 3 earlier
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>>5 (OP) 
>you ever feel a sense of nostalgia for hentai you enjoyed from back in the day?
I'm ambivalent about it. I was growing up in the 00s so even a mediocre internet connection could get a young boy infinite pornography if he knew where to look. When I discovered SadPanda my life changed significantly and not in a good way. If we're just reminiscing about stuff that had strong impacts, then I think Asanagi's Victim Girls 3 defined most of my tastes.

One thing I do recall from my early years exploring erotic illustration is that the Japanese artists I saw tended to be a lot better at creating stuff with actual depth in it. Western comics seemed to be a lot more flat and dull by comparison, and I'm not sure if that was the result of worse art due to comics being mostly dead in the West or just due to different cultural values.
Replies: >>4264 >>4265
>not in a good way
I know that feeling. It's a hard habit to break, but not impossible. Just scoured the tabs from my browser bar a few artbooks and a pair of (non-pornographic) stories. Think I'll keep it that way.
Replies: >>4265
>It's a hard habit to break, but not impossible.
For what it's worth, I did so ~5 years ago, and the raciest thing I ever seek out now is
>a bunch of women with enormous tits running around on a beach
Replies: >>4266 >>4268
Inspirational. Been doing that for a year and a quarter at this point, hope I can manage as long as you have.
Replies: >>4268
I have made progress; when I was in high school and university I was spending at least an hour jerking off every day and these days I can go several days at a time without having much or any desire to do so as long as I keep myself busy. I just wish that I could have enough self-control to stop myself when I get into these deranged benders that take up an entire afternoon.

One thing I have noticed is that my tastes have seemed to become gradually less and less extreme, especially over the last couple of years, and my fantasies are now mostly focused on a single woman or myself and a single woman.

Thread from /retro/

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It has come to my attention that we don't have a wallpaper thread. Let's fix that.
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Just use >>536
Replies: >>4267
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Nice selection. A lot of these look really cool.

Nah. This is specifically for high-resolution images that would look good with desktop clutter spread all over them.

Thread from /ent/

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Replies: >>1306
>On ne contracte pas
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Thread from /meta/

Hey Admin, I'm trying to set my custom CSS on /comfy/ but it says
Bad Request
Custom CSS strict mode is enabled and does not allow the following: "@", "url("

I believe it's because I link the background image in it, despites I uploaded it in the "Assets" settings of the board.
and here is the line of the CSS file :
background-image: url(/asset/comfy/6c6f248c291c7e2674e510c6cdd3f33fb2564164176ab322109fe8788c9abcbb.png);

It works well when I test my CSS in the "on the fly" settings though so I believe it may be a permission problem that prevent me to put anURL in my CSS. Please halp !
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Hey admin, is there any way for trashchan to support animated thumbs for gifs? TIA.
Replies: >>731 >>732
I think it's a jschan limitation but not sure, also the topic was discuted somewhere else but I would love to see this implemented myself.
There built-in support in jschan with ffmpeg is pretty crap (most of the time the thumbnail ends up being bigger than the original, not counting the numerous glitches it can make), I'm personally not a huge fan of them, and there weren't enough people bitching about them for me to make anything about it.
Replies: >>733
What parameters is it passing? Maybe we could fix it.
Replies: >>734
The problem here is that ffmpeg is made to work on videos, not on gifs that have things like
+ variable framerate (where multiple frames can be displayed at the same time)
+ frames that only update/replace part of the image
+ different palette per frame... which combined with the previous two allows you to actually have more than 256 colors in a single frame
ffmpeg will internally flatten all this out into a series of single resolution frames, then downscale it using some interpolation (so even if the input gif didn't use any of these tricks, it'll still have tens of thousands of colors), which then will have to be quantized, resulting in thumbnails that are huge and look crap...

There's this thing I wrote a couple of years ago, this understands the gif structure and only does nearest interpolation (so it won't blow up the number of colors, even if it looks a bit worse), but needs some testing, and of course to be integrated into jschan.
Also at the moment it fails on 2 gifs on this site. From the error message I have a feeling that they're actually corrupt and it's just giflib being a bit more picky then other libraries/programs, but I didn't look into it in detail yet.

Thread from /l/

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General thread for Hololive & Holostars announcements, collabs, etc.
Previous thread: >>21

>Holocaust Archive
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In this episode of HoloGra: babies!

On the HoloENRepeat side, Ina tries to negociate with the Workers Association of Happytakomin (also known as WAH).
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Yesterday Gura came back with a multiplayer stream, with Fauna, Mumei and Kronii.
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Have you ever wondered what a Subaru VN would look like? If so, find out on this episode of HoloGra! I can't believe it will be 5 years of HoloGra in three weeks, time sure flies.
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Gura is playing MonHun Rise.
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In this episode of HoloGra: it's the battle of the giant mascots!

Thread from /comfy/

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ITT we discuss video games that possess the comfy factor. For me it's all manners of RTS games, taking time to gather resources and build a cool base is great fun. Driving games are cool too, I have fond memories of pic related (although I was pretty bad at it as a kid).
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I still need to play this. I think I have it in my library.
In fact the soundtrack was made by Dave Wise too!
Replies: >>9346
>In fact the soundtrack was made by Dave Wise too!
That's why I was curious if there's any connection or if the snake theme is just a coincidence.
Every year ever since 2012, I have this ritual of re-installing and modding Morrowind at least once for a single playthrough. I'll never get tired of this game. It's guaranteed to comfort me irrespective of what horrors life throws at me.
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This game is insanely fun, I feel a bit bad just discovering it now.
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I'm far from being a phonefaguser but there is a comfy pinball game I discovered recently : https://github.com/dozingcat/Vector-Pinball
The physic and sound design are really satisfying.

Thread from /server/

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Crystals and gems, salts etc
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If there's a real Melchior out there, then we'll be in luck.
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This is a cool board. Beautiful rocks!
Homemade opals...?

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Fusain it's fossilized charcoal.

Thread from /film/

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We can all agree they're reddit right?
Had two normalfags in class bring it up in their project, Part of me even wanted to step out of my comfort zone and go "Haha EPIC I too have seen films that are part of the Criterion Collection!" but thankfully didn't. 
In addition to the fact that towards the end of 2020 when they dropped a physical release bomb or something dozens of people made exposure videos that all got hundreds of thousands of views, we can all agree that as of 2020, they are officially Reddit right? Maybe in the 2010's they were obscure enough to be relegated to only cuckchan tier but now that normalfags jump up in excitement at the name, we can just confirm that it's reddit right?
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>i come back every so often
>I think in 2014 there were these two anons who were arguing
You have an iron memory, i do not recall that hence my doubts
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Criterion is now showcasing the finest in dollar bin DVDs?
Most of their promotion focuses on the fact that a nonwhite woman directed it
Thanks for the bump 2 years later fagola.
Unironically Kino Lober is still good but it and Janus are probably just gonna go the way of Criterion soon too before 2030/by 2030 if we're lucky.
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June releases, along with the usual shit, includes the Mexinoir Victims of Sin which was previously available in poor quality dvd or a cropped widescreen web-dl.
Replies: >>3279
There's plenty of decent mex shit that needs re-release and they go with Emilio Fernandez again, Criterion just loves their commies but even so there's pro-Insurgency/anti-gov stuff around that deserves some treatment if they want to scratch that itch

Thread from /film/

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Questions/Comments that don't deserve their own thread.

>Previous thread bumplocked >>34

Is Hawkmenblues completely gone? Don't want to scroll through his twitter account. hawkmenblues.net is no more.
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Karagarga freeleech ongoing icymi
Replies: >>3201
nice still, film?
Replies: >>3206
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The new list was posted and includes my choices, some of which I supplied the only vote. These one-vote films are classified as "Orphans".


Instead of ranking as a popularity contest they grouped the toplist chronologically. But sorting the spreadsheet reveals the top 25 votegetters:

L.A. Confidential
Uncut Gems
Pickup on South Street
The Big Heat
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Replies: >>3278
You need some shuteye and more stuff to watch

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