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Thread from /late/

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i wonder whether the wish is born out of otaku fiction, or the otaku fiction is made to entice our hidden wishes.

do you ever wish you were part of a crew
Replies: >>2707
>>2705 (OP) 
I've got a crew. The ship's been dashed upon the rocks and we may never be able to patch it back together again, but we keep in touch. Some more than others. I'm the others, but I've always been a bit of a rogue, and that's how I like it. I've got my own adventures to go on alone.

Thread from /comfy/

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I wood like to invite anyone browsing to come and solve a few puzzles together. Post an image and I will make a jigsaw of it if you want.

499 replies and 404 files omitted. View the full thread
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New puzzle.


Thread from /nep/

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To apply for a passport, you must be a citizen of that nation. It is not, however, as simple as it appears. In order to obtain a real registered passport online in the , you must go through a lengthy process. It will be a rough path ahead unless you were born here or married a citizen by birth. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with our selection of fake passports for sale. Buy registered passport online, there’s no need to submit any paperwork or undergo any background checks. We’ll take care of the backend while you relax in the comfort of your own home! Buy fake passport Fake passport online Fake passports for sale Fake ID card online Buy fake Driving license Buy fake ID card Fake drivers licence online buy IELTS certificate online Australia documents Belgium documents Canada documents Germany documents France documents Netherlands documents Italy documents Spain documents Portugal documents USA documents United Kingdom documents Buy Real Canadian passport buy real USA passport Fake ID card USA Buy fake passport Canada Buy US fake ID card Buy real US passport online Buy real Panama passport online buy real european passport online buy real france passport buy fake france passport Buy legit UK passport buy real Ireland passport Fake passport Austria Buy Legal Passport Buy British passport online Fake UK passport Buy fake UK passport buy real Lithuania passport buy real Malaysia passport buy real passport buy real passport online Buy fake Danish passport Buy Real Denmark
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Thread from /ent/

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Théorie de l'univers électrique.
Champ magnétique galactique.
Instabilité de Parker.
Nappe de courant galactique.
Physique des plasmas.
>=> zone de neutralité électromagnétique chargée de matière
>=>Sursaut électromagnétique + accrétion
1) Micronova :
☑ Etoile de Barnard (1998)
☑ Proxima Centauri (2012)
☑ AD Leonis (2021)
☐ Sol (2040s ?)
2) Excursion géomagnétique.
☑ Toba (-72 000)
☑ Vostok/Groenland (-60 000)
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La plus éclatante confirmation de l'existence du grand système magnétique cohésif de notre galaxie fut publiée en mai 2024 dans l'Astrophysics Journal :
En particulier, la découverte de la rotation en opposition des champs magnétiques nord/sud démontre un des aspects clés de la région centrale, où ces courants opposés se rencontrent, causant une ondulation caractéristique de l'instabilité de Parker bien connue en physique des plasmas, que l'on appelle la nappe de courant galactique.
>webm related

Cette nappe heurte notre système solaire tous les 12000 ans environ, est la cause du grand cycle des catastrophes, et nous tombe dessus en ce moment même. S'il nous reste deux décennies avant la prochaine, c'est bien un maximum.
Replies: >>1654
Si l'étude que tu cites démontre bien l'existence de ce champ magnétique, rien ne semble pointer vers une quelconque instabilité de celle-ci. Lorsque je regarde les recherches sur l'instabilité de Parker il est dit :
>Numerical simulations show that the density contrast generated by the Parker instability is generally of order unity before the instability saturates. This implies that the Parker instability on its own may not be able to drive collapse on large scales. Nevertheless, it may trigger gravitational instability in a marginally unstable disk and/or induce strong motions in the medium, thereby acting as a source of turbulence on large scales (see, e.g., Houjun Mo, Frank van den Bosch, Simon White, 2010, Galaxy Formation and Evolution, The University Press, Cambridge, UK).
Je ne suis pas astrophysicien, mais rien ne semble appuyer la thèse d'une perturbation majeure de ce champ magnétique.

>la découverte de la rotation en opposition des champs magnétiques nord/sud
Ce n'est pas le même mécanisme qui régit l'ensemble des astres qui possèdent un champ magnétique ? En quoi cela poserait problème ?

>Cette nappe heurte notre système solaire tous les 12000 ans environ, est la cause du grand cycle des catastrophes, et nous tombe dessus en ce moment même.
Désolé anon mais il va falloir nous apporter 
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Replies: >>1655
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>rien ne semble pointer vers une quelconque instabilité
Ta source parle des perturbations aux limites causées par l'instabilité de Parker lorsqu'elle arrive à saturation, pas des causes de l'apparition de l'instabilité de Parker elle-meme. Il est notoirement connu en astrophysique, en particulier en magnétohydrodynamique, qu'il suffit que la source d'un champ magnétique tourne sur elle-même pour que l'instabilité de Parker apparaisse. Il est également affirmé depuis des années que l'instabilité de Parker a un rôle crucial dans le maintien de la Voie Lactée dans sa forme spiraloïdale.

Donc l'instabilité de Parker existe bien au niveau galactique, et elle concurrence sérieusement le modèle relativiste qui cherche encore la "matière noire" grâce à laquelle les galaxies conserveraient leur forme.

>Ce n'est pas le même mécanisme qui régit l'ensemble des astres qui possèdent un champ magnétique ? En quoi cela poserait problème ?
C'est justement là une des grandes implications de cette découverte : La galaxie est soumise aux mêmes forces que n'importe quel système stellaire, et répond donc aux mêmes lois. Une autre implication étant que, le champ magnétique dans les toroïdes étant bien plus élevé qu'estimé, la quantité de matière emportée avec la nappe de courant pourrait être très importante.

>Désolé anon mais il va falloir nous apporter une source un minimum appuyée par des recherches scientifiques et factuelles là.
C'est justement le but de ce thread.

Le cycle des catastrophes est un grand puzzle que l'on peut attaquer sur plusieurs angles. La micronova, qui en est l'évènement phare, est un de ces angles d'attaque.

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Oui mais du coup, tout ça... C'est bien ou pas ? La fin du monde c'est pour bientôt ? J... J'ai peur là.
Replies: >>1657
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La mort fait partie de la vie anon. Ce n'est pas la mort qui te fait peur, mais ce avec quoi tu auras rempli ta vie.

Il y aura des signes, comme je l'ai dit plus haut, notamment au niveau du Soleil lui-même et de son apparence. Le champ geomagnetique sera devenu si faible que les gens, gravement exposés aux radiations, deviendront fous.
Radiation-induced impairments in spatial, episodic and recognition memory were temporally coincident with deficits in executive function and reduced rates of fear extinction and elevated anxiety.

>c'est pour bientôt ?
Deux décennies maximum avant la micronova, beaucoup moins avant la super-éruption qui anéantira le réseau électrique. Les aurores boréales visibles sous nous latitudes sont un funeste avertissement, il va falloir survivre sans électricité pendant au moins 10 ans avant le soleil noir. 

Au pire, profite du spectacle ânon. Dans l'histoire de l'humanité, peu de gens ont eu la chance d'assister à un cataclysme après tout. Et puis, d'après les bouddhistes, tu t'es incarné dans cette enveloppe physique parce que tu te sentais prêt à relever tous les défis de cette existence, apocalypse compris.

Car n'oublie pas que l'humanité y a déjà survécu. Lorsque le plasma, puissamment éjecté par le Soleil, atteindra la Terre et se déversera en couloirs là où le champ géomagnetique le permettra, il dessinera une aurore autour de son champ magnétique azimutal. Ce phénomène, appelé courant de Birkeland, sera visible à de multiples endroits tout autour de la terre. La dernière fois que c'est arrivé, traumatisés par l'expérience, nous avons dessiné ces formes caractéristiques sur les murs des cavernes où nous nous étions réfugiés. Fantastique papier qui en parle :
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Thread from /comfy/

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Post here when you visit /comfy/
Thread number nine

How are you today anon ?
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Sounds good to me. There's several gardeners and plant appreciators on /comfy/.
Replies: >>11050
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Here ya go :)
I ended up shooting a nice looking older buck.  I'm getting kitschy skull mont done and will probably paint it for fun.  I will share it eventually.
Replies: >>11060
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Life is full of possibilities /comfy/.  The last few weeks have been eye opening for me. To eberryone, I hope you are doing well, and I hope if anyone is feeling lost or down you can believe a stranger saying, "I wish you the best".
Replies: >>11060
I've got an old goat skull found in the wild and I painted it with some runish / tribal black signs. It's kitch but I love it.

Thanks for your berry kind words anon. I wish you the best to :)

Thread from /late/

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Let's talk, you and I
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>not a blackbox
If you truly want a CPU that is not really a "blackbox" consider RISC-V. The performance is still not as good as an x86 or ARM CPU but it's getting there.
Replies: >>2686
Just because RISC-V is an open standard doesn't mean the chinese RISC-V SoCs you can buy are open. They're just as propritary as everything else.

ARM is in a comfy place. I could bring my ARM SoCs up all by myself "bare metal", have their datasheets and some are also fully blobless.

RISC-V some day, but they don't capture me yet.
One of the few that lives to its name  both in appearance and performance. The 2000's one that looks like its sizing you up for a scuffle in elementary school and then challenges you for a running race.
Replies: >>2706

Thread from /britfeel/

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Alright you lazy slags? Couldn't make a thread past the bump limit this time eh? Had to wait for a natural decision maker such as myself to come around and make it for you? tsk tsk threadslaves, this is getting a bit sad 

thread question - how did you lads spend your new years?
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Remember the humiliating awkwardness in school when the teacher asked you to discuss with the person sat next to you, but you were sitting next to a normal girl.
Replies: >>6524 >>6525
No, I went to a boys' school.
They'd usually just turn around to the person on their other side, even if it meant they were talking in three.
Women will rip your heart out on a whim and be too cowardly to explain why.
The dumb bitch is coming to my house on the weekend to collect her things. I'm going to hand them over in a bin bag and be unnecessarily rude to her. I'm keeping her backpack too. It's a nice wax Barbour one.
I am on the absolute verge of giving up on women and shagging lads. I am filled with so much anger and hate right now. I can't wait to see her stupid face as I drop the bin bag full of her shit right Infront of her. I'll empty it all right Infront of her, throw the bin bag before her feet and then slam the door in her dumb fucking face.
Replies: >>6527
can't relate

Thread from /loomis/

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This will be a personal challenge for me. I will draw every day for 100 days straight and post my progress here. I have failed myself time and time again by losing motivation or getting distracted and I am sick of it. I've reorganized my schedule and devoted two hours each day to drawing. If I miss even a single day, I want you to bully me (all three of you) mercilessly. Nothing short of death will stop be from finishing this.
Here I go.
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DAY 94
More sketches and doing some basic coloring on this drawing.
Replies: >>1931
not my proudest fap
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DAY 95
Fixed the coloring so it doesn't look like a corpse and started adding muscle definition. Also noticed the knee on the left leg was too low and the feet were too small. But since it's digital I can cheat select and scale parts that need to be moved and fixed.
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DAY 96
Started some basic shading and fixed a few other things, will have it done by tomorrow and start a new one.
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DAY 97
I think I'm done with this, in the sense that it's the best it can be without major reworks. It has a lot of problems but I like how it turned out. Not going to waste any more time on the shading since I don't really know what I'm doing there. Will start something new after this.

Thread from /loomis/

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Post your art related woes here.
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Of course, it's mostly just /v/ermin with a crab bucket mentality that do that. Just ignore them and don't take it personally if someone says "dis sux lul"
Replies: >>1943
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So i cleaned up this one and made it into a thing. >>1941 (honestly its not even that its just watching them devolve into the typical coomer who realizes his identity is secret. It will literally have a critique thread and everyone in there will be talking bout cucking kamala harris r34)
Replies: >>1944
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You're getting there, now you may want to look into perspective and proportioning. For example, her right arm is too short at the shoulder (elbow should come down to where the ribcage ends when at rest). The perspetive between the girl and the creature is a bit odd too, I'm not sure where they're supposed to be relative to each other.
Here are a few references I saved over the years, you can look into Figure Drawing For All It's Worth for some more pointers on individual body parts. But the real way to learn is to just keep drawing over and over again, paying attention to the size and shape of each part and how they line up with the rest of the body. Always take a step back from time to time to see how each part aligns with each other (after every stroke, even).
Replies: >>1945
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Oh boy that second one is literally artist's redstone.
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So thats my still life drawing from like 2 weeks ago. Not much humans  but there one

Thread from /comfy/

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Because greenfriends are /comfy/
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I picked some stuff today.  The peppers are Caribbean red habaneros, red and yellow lunchboxes, and jalapeños. The tomatoes are a mix of sun golds, sun sugars, and super sweet 100s.
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I recently got a rosary vine. Not my pic but my plant is about this size.

Thread from /ent/

C'est peut-être ridicule, mais j'aimerai vraiment vivre sans avoir besoin d'un smartphone.
Mais aujourd'hui, tout est tellement connectés que ça devient impossible de revenir à un simple téléphone à clapet, ou quoi que ce soit.
Que dès qu'il y'a un petit peu d'ennuie, hop ça ouvre TikTok ou Twitter.
Je me suis récemment surpris à contempler et vivre le moment présent lorsque je m'ennuie, et j'ai trouvé ça incroyable, alors que pourtant, c'est ridicule.a
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Replies: >>1652
moi j'ai mon téléphone partout, je le regarde très souvent (réseaux socieux surtout) mais je le vis pas négativement, et je suis à peu près capable de m'en séparer pour faire des trucs comme lire un livre
t. zoumeur

>son feed facebook
elle avait 60 ans ta copine?
Replies: >>857
>quelques regards bizarres
J'ai connu ça aussi. Encore aujourd'hui que j'ai un smartphone j'évite au maximum de foutre des apps dessus si elles ne me sont pas rigoureusement nécessaires.
Hier je me suis fait une petite rando, j'en ai profité pour tester Organic Maps qui est basé sur OpenStreet Maps. Bah ça marche plutôt bien ma foi. J'avais tout de même pris ma bonne vieille carte papier et ma boussole par excès de prudence. J'imagine que partir une semaine sans électricité ne doit pas faciliter la chose. Après ça doit pouvoir se jouer si tu n'utilises le smartphone que ponctuellement.

En soi le smartphone n'est pas un mal, ça va dépendre de ta façon de l'utiliser oui.

40 ans (génération Skyblog tavu)
Replies: >>1649
>génération Skyblog tavu
le sangggg

je ne suis pas le copain en question mais ces apps emploient des techniques prédatrices pour exploiter les circuits de la récompense, même s'il est vrai que les enfants y sont plus sensibles
Replies: >>1651
Les enfants et les personnes manquant de vivacité cognitive si je puis me permettre.
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>>702 (OP) 
Ta seule compagnie t'effraie-t-elle donc tant, que tu as besoin de remplir de bruit ton espace intime ?

Thread from /late/

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The alien thread has gotten me nostalgic for some good old fashioned conspiracy theories. Nowadays it's all just commodotized creepypastas and political shitflinging, which is fucking laaaaame.

What are some of your favorite conspiracy theories of the more obscure or classic varieties? Thought provoking, entertaining, or just weird.

The more schizo, convoluted, detailed, and overcomplicated the better.
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retarded ass AI images with a VHS filter yaaaaaawn
Replies: >>2667
now that you mention it, the images really do look ai generated. much more unbelievable too bc it’s likely just the 2006 platte canyon high school hostage crisis with missing/different info provided
Someone linked directly to this thread on 4chan.
Replies: >>2692
I call BS. Pretty much nothing is consistent from photo to photo, ranging from the quality, to the location, the blood splatters, the victims (look at the clothes worn in photo 4-v compared to the first photo posted). I reckon that, at best, the pic of everyone alive and fine is the only real picture, whether of this incident or just a picture of a regular volleyball game, and everything showing the aftermath is AI.
Also notice how they're all meant to be from one recording, apart from the quality wildly varying from image-to-image despite being from the same footage, the first pic has the date and time in the corner, the others don't.
damned halfchan kids, get off my lawn
You were on flightreacts good job nigga

Thread from /film/

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 A lot of people tend to look down on television as disposable slop for nigger cattle, which a lot of it is. That said, I do enjoy seeing a story being told over a series of interconnected episodes as opposed to a single standalone feature. It allows a lot more time for the characters and plotline to develop, and makes a great vehicle for sci-fi/fantasy worldbuilding. 

The last show I saw was the Prisoner from 1968. It's about a retired glowie who gets kidnapped by a shadowy organization and made to live in a bizarre little town that runs on its own set of rules while they interrogate him about his past and play psychological tricks on him to get him to give away the information they want.

What are some other TV shows worth watching that make the most of what the medium has to offer?
Replies: >>3539
Most TV was completely disposable until recently - try watching a random episode of something produced in the sixties. Unbearable.
Even so, the emergence of television pulled audience away from theaters. The film industry responded by enhancing the moviegoing experience with new innovations like Cinerama, 3D and most importantly Cinemascope.
I could list some favorite TV content (and there are plenty of noteworthy miniseries and TV movies) but I was trying to think of people who developed a signature style working exclusively with television. There's Adam Curtis, Frederick Wiseman, but who else? These guys didn't just make downmarket versions of proper films, they took the TV format in a fresh direction. I suppose Ken Burns fits too, but he's a step below the other two.
Replies: >>3534 >>3540
>try watching a random episode of something produced in the sixties. Unbearable.
I don't think all tv shows from that time period were necessarily like that. We still got some unique or influential stuff like the Prisoner and the original Star Trek. There was also this whole subgenre of sci-fi/mystery anthologies like Twilight Zone and the Outer Limits or Into the Unknown in the UK.

>(and there are plenty of noteworthy miniseries and TV movies)
Like what?
Replies: >>3535
>Into the Unknown
Out of the Unknown
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>>3529 (OP) 
I am fucking slow, was gonna make this thread 2 years ago

>The Prisoner
Vast majority of the hype back in the day and references are from the famous series Secret Agent Man, aka Danger Man, which starred the same protag doing what the title would suggest, despite using a lot of James Bond material as a reference the irony is that the 007 film series ripped tons of ideas from SAM.

Now, as far as i remember the trivia story is one day the actor didn't want to renew because his demands were not met and was seemingly unceremoniously laid off/forced to resign, so later some previous writers and he did a seemingly unrelated series called The Prisoner based on previous ideas and which ended up starring the man as a former secret agent, having the same code number which replaced his name, reflecting about the very similar experiences and being played around by the organization either previous employer or the enemy's, or were they the same? in a Fantasy Island setting turned crazy which interestingly enough is supposedly very similar to a place he raided in the series

As you might expect this was a fucking phenomenon and a quite explicit showdown against his former character/series, doesn't help it was released at the h
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>Most TV was completely disposable until recently
Completely disagree but it is true that back in the day series were chuck filled with filler, which breaks a lot of narrative continuity. Although we can argue that's the entire reason for TV shows.
But like anon said we got the original Twilight Zone which is mostly very good.

One idea i had was separating the main plot from the filler in some series, The X-Files is famous for the fanbase doing that, with the so-called Mythology being 62 episodes compared to the 200 something the entire thing has.
For example The Fugitive is usually spouted as one of the most memorable series from back in the day but it's 120 episodes and all of them i saw on syndicated TV were filler, so that doesn't spell good news. 

My plan was to separate the main arc episodes from the "side quests" in series i was planning to see but ended up just watching other stuff not quite related to normal TV anime so i didn't do it, just watched a season of Renegade which was nostalgic as hell but certainly not very good and didn't really advance the plot from the pilot; a very decent time capsule of the 90's i admit, that's the only honor i would give it. 
Another idea i had was selecting what i would thi
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Thread from /p/

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A place for all things meta regarding our small dark room. Suggestions, banners, board exposure plans, they go here. 
Be not afraid to comment.
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>Something Broke
Oh, the famously descriptive jschan error messages. Next time try to open the browser's devconsole before posting and see if anything out of ordinary appears on console or network tab.

Thread from /l/

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Videos/Shorts Thread. Try to keep the file sizes down a little in consideration of the server.
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Thread from /comfy/

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What's your favorite album or song to chill out and listen to in its entirety?
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Ordinary Songs 3 by Snail's House 



Thread from /meta/

This is something I meant to write since some time, but now the impending doom of anon.cafe finally made me actually do this.

Originally this site was born as a tech demo after the demise of zchan, to modify jschan so it can run on multiple servers, for load balancing and maybe better ddos resistance. But the code never got merged upstream, so this site still runs a fork of jschan, originally on 3 servers, now on only two (and both of them at buyvm, so it's not much redundancy). On the other hand, zzzchan (probably the biggest imageboard running jschan) went with the original jschan and only using HTTP reverse proxies, so maybe this is overkill, after all. But anyway, whatever started as a tech demo pretty much stayed.
Which brings me to the current state of this site, it's pretty dead. There's /nep/, which is a copy of the old 8chan's /nep/, but at this point it pretty much functions only as an archive, it barely has any traffic. There's /quest/, it had some activity in the past, but now it has like 1 posts per week, one half-dead quest and a couple of dead ones. And /finance/, it also had some traffic initially, but now it's also pretty dead. I also have two BOs who never log in, so I have to delete the spam posted to their boards. (It's not that bad, filters catch most of the spam, and since the site is so dead, I can just open the global recent posts page, and delete any spam. I guess a dead site has some advantage too.)
In the past I didn't have any instructions on how to get a new board, because, to be honest, I didn't want to attract a lot of attention. I have better shit to do than dealing with courts and getting raided just because some anon said something on my site, or dealing with butthurt faggots ddosing my site. This site is not under cuckflare, and I'd very much like to keep it that way. On the other hand my gatekeeping was probably a bit too aggressive, even though I didn't do much (I think I only rejected one board). I guess just assuming that anons would randomly come here was a mistake. I'm also very bad at being proactive, if it's not already obvious.

So with that out of the way, I'd like to open an official board request thread. This is a free service, I reserve the right to reject any application or to shut down the service any time; don't expect 99.999999% uptime, blah blah blah. But unless you're one of those boards that are known to attract a lot of drama/shitstorm/lolcows/school shootings/etc, it's probably okay. I'd like to keep this site nice and comfy rather than having high PPH, there are better admins out there when it comes to dealing with that shit.
Required info:
>URI e.g. /uri/
>name of the board
>a short description/rationale
What is this board and why do you think I won't reject it, not the description that goes onto the board listing.
>planned rules
Include that global rules apply.
>what BO experience you have
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Replies: >>795 + 1 earlier
>>64 (OP) 
Replies: >>814 >>820
Hey trashmin, any updates ?
Replies: >>820
My bad, I was tryin with CrabNicholson but it's crabnicholson all lower cases.
You're now moderator on /.comfy/.

Thanks Trashmin.
Hey admin, I want to migrate my board here, we already have the shelter board we requested a while ago but is there any way to migrate the thread we have on the other site which also uses jschan to here so we dont lose our posts? I would really appreciate the help
I'm the the BO of /p/, the other previous/co-BO mentioned the other day that he can't seem to post images. I'm not sure what's causing it. Hopefully he'll follow up with a post here with more explanation. 

Thread from /late/

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What’s a TV show you watch over and over? I hardly watch anything new anymore. Just Frasier, The Sopranos and House. I cycle through them yearly and want to shake it up with something new that people find rewatchable
Replies: >>2695 >>2700
>>2694 (OP) 
regular show. it might not be /late/ material but the first 4 seasons are gold
The Simpsons since 20 years.
X-files. I always come back to this show. I love the characters, the stories, the real and it's comfy as it reminds me my childhood in a certain way.
For me it's Fraiser, the Nanny, King of the Hill, the first 10 seasons of the Simpsons, Law and Order Criminal Intent, Law and Order. I may also recommend Bob's Burgers, and if you like Fraiser, you might enjoy Cheers, and if you enjoy Cheers you might like Taxi. You could also try Seinfeld or the Golden Girls.
I used to get a channel called FTV, I think, and their /late/ night line-up was Maude -> Barnie Miller -> One Day At A Time (not to be confused with the remake) -> Designing Women (you've now stayed up too late)
I also find Gimme A Break, Laverne and Shirley, Magnum P.I., Father Brown, Columbo, Matlock, Crossing Jordan, Hart to Hart, Rizzoli and Isles, Midsommer Murders, Las Vegas, and Dynasty to all be pretty comfy.
I've only watched a couple episodes, but Midnight Diner seems good in this way, if you don't mind subtitles.
My favorite show is Lodge 49, whichbis good for a rewatch because it's so layered with meaning and symbolism.
Replies: >>2700
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>>2694 (OP) 
I've seen every episode of the original Beavis and Butt-head series (as well as the 2011 show) at least twice. It's my favorite show, although it didn't start getting good until a few seasons in. I always find it amusing, even more than shows which seem like they had more work put into the writing.

The old Simpsons seasons are also something I have as an option (although there were so many good ones even when the show was good that I haven't seen most of them more than once), and there are still shows I really like that I haven't seen all the episodes of. There are others like that too. I'm more of a movie guy than a TV guy, so I don't really watch all that many shows. It would feel like too much of a time investment for me.
>I used to get a channel called FTV, I think, and their /late/ night line-up was Maude -> Barnie Miller -> One Day At A Time (not to be confused with the remake) -> Designing Women (you've now stayed up too late) I also find Gimme A Break, Laverne and Shirley, Magnum P.I., Father Brown, Columbo, Matlock, Crossing Jordan, Hart to Hart, Rizzoli and Isles, Midsommer Murders, Las Vegas, and Dynasty to all be pretty comfy.
There's something comforting to me about the kinds of old shows TV Land was created to broadcast. Green Acres is my favorite as far as
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Used to love 90s Star Trek and watch an episode occasionally, but it's a bit too heavy to rotate though as you can with many others already named which I also do, it's more of a full time commitment. If you view it through the lense of current year, you'll also notice how hammy Star Trek is, how naive. Sometimes it is comforting, sometimes it is upsetting. I guess our timeline is very cynical.

I also have Becker in my rotation, IT Crowd and Father Ted. These are rather short though. Then the occasional McGyver and Monk but these I can only take in small doses. Another always-in classic is MASH. I don't think there's ever been anything comparable since. Also probably one of the few shows that doesn't really have a weak season and just gets better towards the end. The old Addams Family is also something I like watching occasionally. I'm not gonna lie, it's very dated and probably insufferable for some. It already was when I was a kid. I liked to watch old TV shows as kid so it has a special place in my heart.

There's few modern show I like and one is "What we do in the Shadows", and that's mostly just because I love Vampire/Ghost/supernatural-based media like this and it gets away with more than other stuff would. In the same vein: Ghosts (English one).

Thread from /ent/

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Replies: >>1648
Pareil à la campagne quand les arroseurs gros arroseurs aspergent les bords de route.
>slip loup
Où acheter ?

Thread from /retro/

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Anyone else here /retro/maxxing? I've realized there is no point in denying myself happiness and gigacoziness and I may as well go all in on my retro obsessions even if it's a bit weird. 

I could list a bunch of things I'm doing but I'll start with just a couple here

>film photography
I have never bought a digital camera and I have stopped being a NEET lately. I have a small comfy job so I have some money and I buy rolls of film on occasion and I carry a late '90s point and shoot camera with me almost everywhere I go. It's fun and super comfy. I also started developing black and white film myself, at home.

I have set up my windows machine to look like windows 98 (not completely accurate but I've changed over the icons and use a classic theme, etc. 

And on my linux machine I have set it up to look like some versions of UNIX from the late 80s to early 90s.

And for my browser I use Pale Moon and I have it set to look like Netscape.

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If it's a small section it can probably be spliced out (losing those few seconds of footage of course). I've never attempted this though, tapes were only a few dollars and effectively expendable in the 90's when I had some.
I'm a little late to the party, but just wanted to say Sony boomboxes got me through jr. high, HS, and college. Well worth the 20% markup compared to the lesser brands. 
And despite kinda getting into audio stuff, I never got serious enough to build a full home system with stand alone cd player.
If it's only crumpled and not broke or tore it may actually need "fixing". Just let the creases sit under many layers of wound tape and they will relax and straighten out over time. I've had it happen to me and vhs tapes are surprisingly resistant to crease and crumple damage. Just make sure it's all wound flat, tight, and even.
Replies: >>4564
*it may not
2000's symbian phones gather all of these while still not being addictive and SLOP like a smartphone. java games are very cool too

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