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Thread number ten

Pour yourself a nice hot chocolate and stay warm anon :)
Previous >>9418
Replies: >>11585
bumpino O_o
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>>11581 (OP) 
>Pour yourself a nice hot chocolate and stay warm anon :)
Thanks! Having one all snug 'n comfy under my sleeping bad with my trusty 'puter resting on my knees. Stay safe out there, Anons!
Oh did we get a new /comfy/ thread?
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I wanna learn Blender. Help me bros!
Replies: >>11591 >>11592
I got to experience three cryoseisms in last 24 hours.  This was a totaly new experience for me.

 I had had about five inches of sleet with maybe five or so inches of snow on top until a few days ago.  It got really warm for a couple days and it rained, so most of it melted and the ground was completely saturated. The temperature then dropped about 35 degrees right after the rain. It has been cold enough since then for the water in the ground to start freezing, expanding, and popping in little mini earthquakes.  One was strong enough I could feel the vibration though the floor.  They are surprisingly loud.

Wikipedia on cryosesim:

I'm sure there are tons of how-to guides out there.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but using blender for real is not that fun.
Also surprised there are nip people using Blender, they like to only use expensive proprietary garbage
But if you still want it, and you haven't done it yet, you should probably start with the donut tutorial:
Then maybe the chair or couch tutorial from here: https://www.blenderguru.com/tutorials
Afterwards you should probably ask the guys over >>>/agdg/ there are a few blender pros there
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