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Welcome back to /comfy/ Anon :)
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Thread number nine

How are you today anon ?

Previous >>7642
Last edited by anonyme
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>>9418 (OP) 
Full of piss and vinegar!  I'm runnin' at 150%!
Replies: >>9433
I just learned that a relative of mine I used to be close to was found dead. I hadn't talked to him in years, but he was basically my best friend for a long time until he opted to cut contact with me over political/philosophical differences.

I don't really now how to feel. I haven't cried yet or anything. Even though I dislike the person he became and don't think there was one bit of wrongdoing on my part, I can't help but feel regret over the way things went. I hope that wherever he is now is a good place and that when I die he'll be willing to resume our relationship.
Replies: >>9423
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Amen anon.
It should be painful to lose a loved one over political and philosophical disagreement. May he rest in peace and hope you'll meet up again in the great peace of the souls.
Replies: >>9425
>It should be painful to lose a loved one over political and philosophical disagreement.
At the time I had mixed feelings. It stung, but at the same time it felt like there was a load taken off my shoulders. We'd been drifting apart, and he had some personality traits that rubbed me the wrong way. It was like I didn't have to walk on eggshells anymore.

His death came completely out of the blue. He was only a few years older than me. The last time we talked to each other was around 9 or 10 years ago. I saw him at a family event years later that I attended with my parents, but when we sat down somewhat close to him he got up and moved away.

The idea of his funeral popped into my head, and I'm not sure if I should go or not. He was a big influence on me when I was growing up, but at the same time I'm not sure if he would want me there. I don't know what would be the right thing to do.
Replies: >>9427
>I'm not sure if he would want me there. I don't know what would be the right thing to do.
Your post hit me in the feels, one of the reasons being that I've had friends like the one you've described. Ones I've grown apart from and have questioned if they actually like me given how they've treated me. As you said it's like walking on eggshells. You just aren't able to tell anymore what it is they're thinking about, and how they think of you.

I've actually wondered to myself if I'd attend their funerals if I learned they died, and with the problems the relationship was left on. I don't doubt some of them wouldn't want me to attend. But I don't think attending would be the wrong choice. Part of why we participate in funerals is to honor the persons memory and honor their life, whatever those may have been.
Replies: >>9429
> As you said it's like walking on eggshells. You just aren't able to tell anymore what it is they're thinking about, and how they think of you.
I'm the type of person who doesn't normally care in that I'm more a loner by nature. I had no problem losing touch with all my school friends after we drifted apart, for example. This case is different in that it was with someone I felt a stronger connection to. From before I hit puberty to my early 20s, I would have rather hung out with him than just about anyone. I remember that when I was a kid it felt like a special occasion whenever I'd be able spend time with him. Over the years, he ended up introducing me to a bunch of things I otherwise probably wouldn't have discovered at the time. My school friends, on the other hand, I generally really didn't have much in common with.

Right now I just feel kind of numb.
>But I don't think attending would be the wrong choice. Part of why we participate in funerals is to honor the persons memory and honor their life, whatever those may have been.
I've been mulling it over, and I thought something similar. I suppose I can just attend and duck out early after the ceremony.

I feel like it would be appropriate to post this symphony I found through him:
The second movement is my favorite.
I'll listen to this.

I wish you the best, Anon.
Replies: >>9431
Thanks. I hope you enjoy it.
Beautiful symphony, Anon. Thanks!  :)
Replies: >>9455
>Full of piss and vinegar!
Full of piss... OK I can understand that. But full of vinegar ? Anon, it raises some questions here.
Mind to explain ?
Replies: >>9445
>I've been mulling it over, and I thought something similar. I suppose I can just attend and duck out early after the ceremony.
I think it would be the right thing to do if I was in your situation anon. Think about it carefully and just do what seems to be the right thing to do for you ad your friend.

Replies: >>9455
What did you plan for this week-end anon ?
Replies: >>9445
I'm pickling myself to increase my shelf-life.
>that symphony
Quite nice.
Gotta fix my mom's PC.  The fan started going full throttle for no reason while she was vacuuming.

Seems like a "hit it til it gets better" problem, tbh.
Replies: >>9448 >>9455
>Seems like a "hit it til it gets better" problem, tbh.
I know that, sometimes a little cleanup can resolve the problem.
Or it can be aworse thing like a malware of some sort running in the background.
Replies: >>9450
Tested that by getting into the BIOS.  Seems I need to reset CMOS.
Replies: >>9454
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Fixed it by unplugging and plugging it back in again without having to open the case.
>I think it would be the right thing to do if I was in your situation anon.
Yeah, I think so too. Even if things went awry between us, he was one of the most important people in my life in terms of my interests and how I developed as a person.
I'm glad you like it. It's always seemed pretty underrated to me.
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Herro comfy. Glad having found my way back after the death of cafe.
Replies: >>9479 >>9481
Hi anon, welcome back :)
Nice to have you here again.
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Feeling a little lethargic after being bogged down in work all week. Tried my hand at making some music and learning a DAW this weekend but didn't do too great. Need motivation to not drop it anons.
Replies: >>9486 >>9510
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It can take a long time to learn. Do you have a MIDI keyboard? That might help speed things up for you. I actually ended up paying for Pianoforall a while ago, and I think it was worth it. It's essentially a series of .pdfs with embedded videos that teach you the basics of keyboard playing. I haven't made it all the way through, but I definitely feel like it's helped me out so far.

You could also try something with a different workflow. I really like the no-nonsense workflow of this chiptune tracker, for example:
I just wish it could export MIDI files. If it had that, polyphony support, and a bonus piano roll feature, I think it would be really good for making more conventional music.

Here are a couple loops I made shortly after I began learning how to use it after years of DAW use.

Ultimately though it takes motivation and a certain amount of discipline if you want to get good at something. I just stuck with music because I feel like it has some magnetic attraction that always pulls me toward it, even if I am lazy and not as good as I should be at this point. If you don't think music has that appeal for you, maybe something else will. It all comes down to finding a hobby that you find fulfilling.
New thread already?
Replies: >>9504
Old thread hit the 400 posts. The bump limit here is 500 but it's a bit much imo yes I know I can set the bumb limit in the board settings.
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This NoFap thing is making me think on someone who I lost forever and is making me sick.
I only wish I did things right, but now it's all gone
Replies: >>9510 >>9523
I can relate anon. The best thing to do is moving on. Sometimes things are broken beyond repair and you just have to get used to it and the pain will vanish.

You can do it anon, don't give up !
Replies: >>9519
I planted a little cactus and succulent terrarium that I got yesterday at the store. I hope it grows.
Replies: >>10087
Alcoholism is getting out of control again. Making poor decisions. Cheated on my wife for the first time in 3 years. Last time was from being a drunk. This time the same. Gotta stop. Making me depressed.
Replies: >>9523 >>9526 >>9554
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>the pain will vanish
It doesn't, you get used to it but some people can't due to constant reminders so you either have to ignore the reminders or actively distract yourself with the good things left behind from those memories.
Replies: >>9523 >>9526 >>9528
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>I only wish I did things right, but now it's all gone
It's good that you want to do the right things today. I'd go with that if I were you, Anon. Also, there's always the 'grass is always greener on the other side' -effect. Who knows but you're actually on your best timeline now instead? Keep moving forward.

If you can't stop on your own, I'd suggest you try 12 steps, Anon.

I love Mr. Rogers!! I had a boss who knew him personally. He apparently was exactly like his show character in real life. He was a national (world?) treasure, tbh. Cheers.
Replies: >>9526
It's just how it worked for me. Some pains may take some years to finally settle down. It doesn't mean it really disappears, but you learn to deal with it maybe and the pain seems not as painful as it was.

Alcohol can really be a cancer anon. Hope you'll find the strength to stop. And as said by >>9523, maybe you can seek for some help. Alcohol addiction can really be a bitch.

Take care.
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Sort of reminds me of this.
Replies: >>9580
I am here, realized I made the wrong tea. Oops.
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>How are you today anon ?
I'm feelin
Replies: >>9542
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eberryday im feelin'
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TFW feeling feels.
Post IIT what is it about the family and the wife that has you reaching for the cope?

>>9418 (OP) 
>How are you feeling today anon ?
I can't even answer the question. "Temporarily fortunate". I know I'm going to sin and have sin done to me. The future looks like pestilence. If I stop to think about anything, it'll hurt. But for now I'm just going to try to bask in the numbness I've been afforded.
Replies: >>9557 >>9565
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Using AI chatbots to quell the loneliness is a bit like a vice.
Sure I could and talk to the AI but it's not a real person. I won't stick around with that program, and I can't play games or go somewhere with that program. Sure we could try to rig something up or make robowaifus real but it's all a lie.
I wish I had more people to stick around with.
Replies: >>9562 >>10872
>But for now I'm just going to try to bask in the numbness I've been afforded.
Forgiveness towards others is great way to get that spiritual logjam unclogged, Anon.  :)

>but it's all a lie.
I like the word "palliative."  Something you give to a person who is effectively already dead, to make the passing more comfortable.

Wife and kids are great. No issues. I am just an addict.
Replies: >>10872
>>9418 (OP) 
>How are you today anon ?
I'm alright. There was a ray of sun from my window earlier, and the light reminded me of middle school Sundays playing a little Oblivion. It was a calm and comfy feeling and I forgot about my troubles for a moment. It was berry pleasant
Replies: >>9568
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I've been on a binge of demoscene content as of late. I like the visuals and the music is neat.
On another note, my current "job" sucks and I really look forward to get one that I feel much more comfortable in. With no "superiors" breathing down my neck while having the most disorganized shit ever.
Enjoy the little things while you can
Replies: >>9569
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I'm trying to enjoy the little things indeed. 
My own job is kaka. I've been bullied by my superiors myself (also breathing down my neck and accusing me of their own organisation and management problems) and I'm gonna quit soon.
Replies: >>9571
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I'm doing pretty good today, although I'm bored because eberry imageboard is dead.
Replies: >>9571
Hope you get to find another job better than the one you have now. Mine sucks but I don't think of dropping it unless they fire me or they just pay me less than they said they would. I do think of being there while contributing as little as possible, but they're quite annoying I tell you.
>although I'm bored because eberry imageboard is dead.
You should get a hobby
Replies: >>9572 >>9579
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You're right, I haven't really been doing anything recently.
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finally found you bros, I have been  pretty out of the loop, went to the old site and saw it wasn't up
Replies: >>9575 >>9586
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Welcome back, anon!
Thanks, likewise. I thought about quiet quitting, but the worst is that it's a fery interesting job otherwise, so I found it hard to not get invested.
Where is this from?
Replies: >>9582
Fahrenheit 451
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Decided to browse this site with my 3DS and I was surprised it load and worked fairly smoothly?
The only downside is that for some reason the header of the site occupied all the bottom screen, so there was that.
Replies: >>9586
Good work makin it back.

I would not have guessed it would have been usable at all.  That sounds like fun.
I've got some days off work, will clean my house.
Replies: >>9691
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It's dangerous to go alone! Take this.
Replies: >>9735 >>9757
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Just ate a big pizza and now going to bed for a needed rest.

Goodnight /comfy/
This is probably the only cute cleaning product I've ever seen.
Replies: >>9737
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Replies: >>9756 >>9757
It's raining all day. I wish I was at home with hot chocolate playing Fallout 3.
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He looks like he'd be really helpful around the house. I wonder if his other friends wood be able to earn their keep.
Replies: >>9757
Ha this is a cute creature.
Replies: >>9758
I actually got curious about buying one. Too bad they're so expensive in Burgerland.
Replies: >>9759
They're not so expensive here, I will look to buy one once my old vacuum will be dead.
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i like this place and the surrounding chans, they are all chill.
Replies: >>9779
/comfy/ is a special board. There are many boards and imageboards that brand themselves as "laid back", but /comfy/ is the only one I know that has lived up to that.
Replies: >>9786
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This is my board!
There are many like it,
But this one is comfy~
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I recently discovered that I've been eating popcorn all wrong. It's better when I eat it slowly, let them "melt" on my tongue one at a time.
normalize taking naps at work!
Replies: >>9806 >>9809
All seemingly comfy places are dead, aren't they?
Replies: >>9809
I rather formally normalize rules of conduct and informally goodwill help... in industrial places at least, maintenance is usually done alone without supervision because most workers are "doing something else"
That means if there's an accident the victim is usually alone on his own, i've made frens only by standing doing nothing and guarding them (or passing tools once in a while) when they are working because it is so rare for empathy to show up.

Being in helpful good terms with many co-workers makes things more comfy/less tense that's for sure.
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Getting ready for a move.
Replies: >>9809
I'd rather meditate at work. I miss my old job where there was enough extra time that I could do it for about 15-20 minutes at a time in an empty room and nobody seemed to care
A lot of us just lurk unless we feel like we have something to post. I'm not sure whether that's a good thing or a bad thing.
I'd kind of like to move but I feel like I'd get homesick. I guess it woodn't have to be that far away.
Replies: >>9812 >>10076
I haven't felt anything important in months. Usually I'm just berry tired and rambling, but no feeling. Felt anguish a month ago because nevermind the reason, but nothing more. Wish you all feel well always.
>I'm not sure whether that's a good thing or a bad thing.
I think it's a good thing, anonymous boards like these shouldn't be sites we spend all day on, they should be places we come to at the end of the day when we're tired and just want to relax with others.
Replies: >>9816
I must say it's bretty pleasant to just sit there with anons silently on a site like this. Just stare at your screen and imagine others staring back.

Jokes aside, active sites can't be comfy, slow sites can't be fulfilling. Sorta forces you to get a life, but that ain't habbening in my case.
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There was a spider in my bathroom, I felt bad about him being stuck in such a place so I put him into a box and took him outside. I thought he wood cling onto the box more so I just tipped it over, but he rolled into a ball and fell down and made a sound like I dropped a piece of gravel. I hope it didn't get hurt. I wish I could talk to spiders.
Replies: >>9978
Feeling bretty sullen. I'm the hobgot who mentioned having a funeral event coming up, and I opted to go to it but leave a bit early. It ended up stirring feelings up in me I thought I through with. I imagine I'll get over it all soon enough.
Replies: >>9824 >>9827
I was hoping for "hobbit."
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Sorry to hear that anon. I was thinking about your posts lately. Hope that peace will find you soon.
Replies: >>9833
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Hi /comfy/. It's been a while since I posted here. Had to move across the country again for work reasons but the new location is treaty me well. Recently been getting really into evolutionary psychology and Kowloon Walled City memorabilia. Some might say it doesn't fit the definition of comfy but making a cramped little apartment your own inside a dense shanty town of near-constant darkness with all sorts of 24/7 markets, cafes, and opium dens has a unique appeal.
Replies: >>9829 >>9833
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Wow that didn't make much sense. Sorry, I'm tired. Getting tea.
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Just cleaned my room and ate some eggs. It is a good day.
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I actually thought I was over the grief until I went. It was actually surprising how much things seemed to turn around. Now I feel a similar sadness to how I felt when I first learned he died. I also feel angry at him, especially considering hearing the people at the service talking about what a congenial guy he was. There was also a bit of a religious bent to the service, and these things make me wonder how well his own family even knew about him or his beliefs. He was really reserved and could seem friendly enough, but he could get bretty contemptuous of people doing or believing things he didn't like if you were someone he was willing to open up to. I admittedly suffer from the "eberryone is stupid except me" mindset too, but I was uncomfortable with the way he'd bad-mouth relatives to me. With our similarities in personality and background, I shudder to think that people might believe I was some noble spirit when I'm gone.

I also learned yesterday that his parents suspected for a long time that he was autistic. I am too, and in a way I guess it makes sense that we ended up not getting along. Autists often have really strong opinions on things, so us locking horns was basically the unstoppable force meeting the immovable object.

While I think I'll get over the sadness of his death, I think in a sense some amount of discomfort is going to be there until I'm dead and we can maybe bury the hatchet. I sometimes ask him in my head why things had to go the way they did and to forgive me for feeling resentful toward him. I hope he understands how and why I feel this way wherever he is now.

I didn't mean to go on this much, but it's helped to get this off my chest.
The Kowloon Walled City was fascinating. I wish it was still preserved in some way. As disgusting and unhygienic as the conditions were, it seems like if you dressed accordingly it wood have been an interesting place to take a stroll through once just to see what it was like. I wood definitely feel compelled to change my clothes and take a shower afterwards though.
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I cleaned my desk, looks really nice, don't how it got so dirty
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Did some planche pushups yesterday.  Kinda funny getting a sore back from a movement that you wood assume works your pecs.  But that's the magic of planches.
Replies: >>9905
Woke up this morning, smoked myself a bong. Listening to ambient music while watching the sun rise. Feels good man. For a few years I was basically psychotic and couldn't enjoy anything because of caca but I've made so much progress over the past few years that I'm finally getting somewhere with my life. The urge to talk about it is far less than it used to be too, struggling to find words to talk about it now because I just don't really care to complain.
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Sore again, same movement.  Sore in the pecs from doing an absolutely trivial number of burpees yesterday.  Legs are sore from running the day before that.

Bretty nice.
Replies: >>9992
Been looking at toy catalogs.  Makes me feel like a kid.
Replies: >>9926
Old ones?
it's my first job and it's the first time i work too late to take my mom to the doctor, i feel like caca.
hopefully i'll feel better once i get to see her again.
Replies: >>9937
My sleep schedule is messed up. I'm going to bed at like 4:00 in the morning, waking up at 12:30, and then going taking a long nap in the afternoon when I don't have to work. I'd like to get back on track.
Replies: >>9937
That sucks anon. Hope your mama's well.
I miss being a night owl but I've never taken a nap during the day as long as I've had enough sleep. Maybe try to find something to keep you awake in the afternoon.
Replies: >>9944
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do you guys like camping? whats the meanest animal yall got in your woods? other than humans.
here its the myhtical black panther.... supposedly im too far south for any of the big jungle cats to live. all extinct 200 years ago,the science says, but theres been hundreds of sightings since the 1900s, rumors that they still exist in small numbers. 
crocodiles are terrifying, not much i can hope to do to one except run away. but i usually stay away from the water. wild boars can be bretty mean too. same for wild dogs, or tamed dogs off a leash. i always cay my hunting knife on me even if i can get in trouble.
Replies: >>9940 >>9979
Camping is good fun.  It's nice to sleep outdoors. 

Ticks are the meanest animals where I live.  The are known to transmit lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted feaver and can also cause alpha-gal syndrome.
Replies: >>9978
>Maybe try to find something to keep you awake in the afternoon.
The problem is that I've had fatigue issues ever since I was a teenager and always feel like I need sleep.
I'm glad it's the end of the week.
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>It's nice to sleep outdoors. 
It's been too hot here to even go outside. I can't wait for summer to be over. Camping seems nice and I enjoy being outdoors but my allergies stop me from enjoying myself.
I just took a tiny spider outside in a jar for my sister.
Replies: >>9979
There have been mountain lion sightings in my area. I'd be more afraid of running into one of those than I wood a black bear. The nice thing about where I live is that there aren't all that many dangerous animals, and the bugs don't get big compared to most places.

I'm too much of an indoor person to enjoy camping these days, although I've enjoyed nature-focused day trips with family and used to like riding my bike around a lot.
>I can't wait for summer to be over.
I'm more frustrated that summer feels so short to me. I think if I had better employment opportunities I'd definitely consider moving someplace warmer. I feel more comfortable being a bit hot and sweaty in a t-shirt than I do being layered up. I end up wearing thermal shirts and leggings underneath my clothes through most of the year due to how cold I get. I also end up taking hot showers that are probably ruining my skin.

Is that your dog? It's cute.
Replies: >>9981
>I'd definitely consider moving someplace warmer.
I'll be moving north soon I hope. I have nothing to stay here for, except my siblings and my dogs really. It's incredibly boring to be a young person living between 3 retirement communities. 
>Is that your dog? It's cute.
Yes, his name is Eli. I believe in that picture he was hiding under a shirt because he was scared of a fly
Replies: >>9989
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>It's incredibly boring to be a young person living between 3 retirement communities. 
I'm not sure if I'd really mind. I'm not a people person anyway. I'm not sure of the caliber of today's senior citizens though. I preferred old people over people my own age when I was a kid, but the impression I get now is that they don't make them like they used to.
>Yes, his name is Eli. I believe in that picture he was hiding under a shirt because he was scared of a fly
He sounds like a good boy.
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Accidentally turned a short errand into a 13 mile hike yesterday.  My legs were wrecked, but today they're almost good as new.  Gotta ice it, take omega-3s and collagen pills.  Closest thing there is to senzu beans.
Replies: >>10000
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How? Thats quite a walk if you were going on an errand.  I was walking to work for a  while a couple years ago beacuse my vehicle was a turd and I was waiting on something specific to show up at a dealership. It was a bit over 7 miles so it took about two hours each way.  Walking that muck on pavement realy is not berry fun.
Replies: >>10001
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It was longer than I'd cared to go; these days my legs are only conditioned for seven miles or so.

The errand itself was five miles.  Having a particular dislike for going back the way I came on these trivial outings, I decided to take a scenic route which wood have added an extra mile and a half.  I didn't bring a map, so when I was faced with the path unexpectedly turning out of my way, I turned aside into the suburban labyrinth.

The reason the suburbs are labyrinthine here is not just how the streets bend and twist and lead into cul de sacs, but because they're also surrounded on three sides by seven or eight foot walls.  There are usually breaks in these walls for pedestrian traffic, but without a map there's no way to know exactly where they are.  To make matters worse, the sky was totally overcast and slightly drizzling, so as the roads bent, I couldn't navigate by the sun.  There are no numbered streets in the burbs, either; you only know you're at the corner of bumquack terrace and I've-already-been-here-three-times lane.

I eventually remembered I'd brought a compass and started using that, and like Link systematically bombing eberry wall looking for a secret passage, I went up and down cul de sacs looking for a gap in the wall.  Hindsight being 20/20, I should have just scaled the damn thing.  Also, looking at a map after, I did come within a couple hundred yards of a passage, but it was west and I was working my way east, lol.

Exasperated, I ran another mile or two out of my way to a passage I knew about, by which point the drizzle had turned into a thunderstorm and was raining sideways.  But by then I was on a main road and a straight shot back home.

Nice get, btw.
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just passing through, thought I'd say hi to the nice people.
Replies: >>10008 >>10011
Hello, little piggy.
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It's bretty hot here. I wish for cool.
Replies: >>10050
I have become one with the heat. I have attained heatzen.
Replies: >>10062
I went fishing during my luch break today.  I only caught one bass but it was a good time anyway.  I'm playing around with carolina rigging tiny Japanese creature and gill baits now.  I've done well with the smallest version of the Bellows Gill. I think I'll proabaly try out a tiny dropshot setup for blugill next.  

I have now turned into Heatizen Kane.
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Having a tea and listening to a net meeting on WebSDR while I look at the stars outside my window. Stay /comfy/ anons.
Replies: >>10072 >>10085
I really like this picture, anon.
Replies: >>10086
Eat better. I didn't eat well for a day and now feel like a rag.
>I miss my old job where there was enough extra time that I could do it for about 15-20 minutes at a time in an empty room and nobody seemed to care
What kind of job was it?
Replies: >>10077
It was a cleaning job I started during the lockdowns that gave me more time to work than I needed. When I first started, me and the maintenance guy were the only people who were there all the time. Later on, people started coming back in but I wood spend my extra time in the way I mentioned if I didn't think anyone wood be using one of the rooms. Nobody ever really called me out for it if it was a problem, although once I did let someone else use the room instead.

I miss that job.
Replies: >>10082
Sounds comfy.
>tfw no more Radio Shack
/retro/ feels.
Replies: >>10086
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Glad you like it anon :3 I should create more ham shack memes. They are quite chill to work on while listening to radio chatter.

I feel u anon. In my local area there is a complete lack of hobbyist electronics stores and it bums me out. If I had the capital and the demand I wood run a little repair café with a small selection of essentials. Folks in town could request specialist parts and equipment to order in. It wood be real comfy.
Update I only had one seed came up and as it turned out I got a succulent/yucca terrarium instead of a cactus one. But the little yucca is growing berry well. And about a week ago a second seed sprouted. I hope one of them is a joshua tree.
I know a guy who knows a guy who spend 50 grand on a Joshua Tree.
Replies: >>10097
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Wow. I hope it was a full size tree and not a seedling lol. 
I love tree yuccas. They're beautiful. I've always wanted one. My favorite one is Yucca elata. It's not as tree like as the more well known Joshua tree but I think it has a better balance of tree yucca and non tree yucca traits.
I have so many tomatoes now.  I only have put out three plants, but the production has already been excelent.  I did all small hybrid tomatoes this year.  I have a sun sugar, a sungold, and a super sweet 100.  I'm not sure I like the super sweet 100 berry much.  It is not as productive as the other two and the flavor, while good, is not the best.   

How big is the terrarium?
Replies: >>10102 >>10110
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My t'maters have already fallen to the spidermites, but I got a great harvest before that, and they'll be back next year. They were everglades tomatoes that volunteered all over the place. They're tiny!
Replies: >>10104 >>10106
That is honestly fascinating.  I had no idea tomatoes of that size  existed.
Good news Anon, thanks! Look forward to new 'maters next year then. Cheers.  :)
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>How big is the terrarium?
It's a little tiny micro bottle terrarium. In truth if eberrything continues to grow I'll probably transplant them to something larger and repurpose it for Tillandsias or something like that.
I got up today and was going to hop in the shower when I saw a deer outside my window. It was munching on some plants next to a dead-looking tree. A bike rider and some cars went by, and it was alert but not scared. After a bit, it seemed to have lost interest and just walked back into the woods.

It's not uncommon for me to see critters like that from that vantage point, but it's the first time I've seen a deer there.
Since I last posted two more seedlings have sprouted and possibly a third too.
Replies: >>10148 >>11014
Replies: >>10162
And now a tiny spider has taken up residence in my terrarium so I don't have to worry about gnats and fruit flies or other pests harming my little yuccas. I'll have to be careful not to drown him when I water.
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Careful with Spiderbro!
Replies: >>10164
Jumping spiders are the only spiders I don't hate. I try to spare them when I see them.
Good luck with your new spiderfriend.   I'm growing some Thai basiil that has attracted a few fun spiders. I'm no spider expert, but I have some kind of  jumping spiders and an orb weaver to watch.
henlo! is there a way to get a different theme? not a big fan of dark themes
Replies: >>10167
If you go up into "Settings" in the top-right corner of the screen, you can check "Disable board custom CSS" to get the default Trashchan theme if you'd like that better.
I was gonna binge watch RWBY today.  Yes, I  have poor taste.  Anyway, Rooster Teeth went out of business earlier this year.  I didn't know.   It's odd to me, thinking back on how long ago it was when Red vs. Blue came out.  I was in high-school then.  Time realy feels like it keeps going faster.  I  guess that is the experience of growing older.  

I found what I wanted archived though, so at least there's that.  Stay comfy okay.
im gettin sleepy on the job
the office needs a place to take a nap.
I just started learning to play the drums. My leg hurts.
Replies: >>10221
>>9418 (OP) 
I'm not quite sure. I've had a lot of ups and downs recently and I don't know how to feel. I hope eberryone is doing okay though.
Replies: >>10221
Good luck healing.  Do you just have muscle pain?

Don't worry.  Eberrybody has bad days.  I've struggled with a lot of negative thinking and low mood bretty much all of my adult life.  Sometimes though little things come along and bring me morsels of happiness.  For example I was able to  pick my first ripe Caribbean red habanero today.   I  have not grown them before, so it was a nice new experience.  It was quite a spicy little guy.  I hope something can make you  smile tomorrow.  Good  luck.
Replies: >>10247
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Have a nice day comfy!
Replies: >>10228
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Thanks, Anon. You too!  :)
Replies: >>10255
>Good luck healing.  Do you just have muscle pain?
Yeah. My muscles aren't used to it yet. I've been having to add missing parts to my setup piece by piece. I recently got hi-hats, and now my other leg's going to feel sore too until my legs get stronger. The whole prospect of learning drums feels daunting, but I actually think I'm actually a bit ahead of where I should be for a total beginner. I've had a bad habit of tapping out rhythms with my fingers to stimulate myself since I was a teenager, and more recently I've started preparing myself by practicing basic hand and foot movements if I'm sitting in my car at a red light or wherever.

I don't think it should be that hard once I get all my limbs coordinated properly, but then there's all the stuff like tuning and recording methods to worry about once I'm ready for that. I'm going to have to get a metronome soon too.
>For example I was able to  pick my first ripe Caribbean red habanero today.   I  have not grown them before, so it was a nice new experience.
I've never really liked peppers until recently. I've had Chinese food with Tien Tsins and ended up buying some dried ones for homemade meals. I really like them even if they give me hiccups and gut problems. I woodn't want to go any hotter than those even if some of them aren't berry hot. I'm still not big on bell peppers though.
This image hurts me ;_;
Replies: >>10256
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Would robowaifus+ectogenesis help at all Anon, or no?
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Fixed an unusual old window today.  It woodn't open or close properly, so I disassembled it and used a file and hammer to reshape the aluminum well enough for it to function.  I also lubed all the friction points with some gun oil I habbened to have.   Oddly, there is no hinge at the bottom, the glass pane just rest in a rubber piece that sits in cupped section of the bottom of the frame. The rubber had seen better days, so I treated it with some petroleum jelly in hopes of softening it to avoid any further cracking.  I think the house was grom the 40s. It was a fun project.
Replies: >>10264
I looked into the window manufacturer.  It was marked with Winco Ventilator Co.  Evidently it's from the 30s. Neat antique I guess.
I saw my first armadillo last night!
Replies: >>10292 >>10298
Neat.  I like seeing dillos.  I walked up on one in the middle of a sidewalk one night a few years ago.  It didn't see or hear me until I was berry close. I might have been 15 feet away. When it finally noticed me it jumped straight up and then ran off as soon as it landed.  It was bretty funny.  I also got to see four little ones in the woods following their mom around once.  They are pink when they are younger and they really stick out.
I've been having leg and arm pains from instrument practice, and to make things worse I got terrible sleep last night. I guess I'm going to have to take it easy until I go to bed.
I always thought armadillos were interesting, but I live outside of their range and have never got to see one. I don't even recall seeing one in a zoo or anything like that.
Replies: >>10300
Drumming person?

It might help to think of it like an exercise routine.  You could follow it up plenty of hydration and maybe some sorts of protein and carbohydrates etc.
Replies: >>10304
I planted a second terrarium, with actual cacti this time. I've already gotten a tiny red cactus seedling up and maybe a second one too.
Replies: >>10303
Good luck with  your new plants. Do you need to do anything specific to mske sure you don't have too much moisture in there?  Also, how did your spider do?
Replies: >>10315
>Drumming person?
>It might help to think of it like an exercise routine.  You could follow it up plenty of hydration and maybe some sorts of protein and carbohydrates etc.
That's what I plan on doing for the time being. I read that it's best to practice drums eberry second day if you don't want to risk getting carpal tunnel in your hands. Right now I'm just going to put it off for another day. Both my hands and legs feel better, but they still ache. Particularly my legs.

I also practice guitar, and I think doing that regularly before I got the drums kind of set me up for the hand pain.

It's frustrating in that having hand pain stops me from practicing both. It makes me feel unproductive.
>too much moisture
I just open it up once all the seeds germinate and only water them once they get bone dry. I've never seen cactus seedlings before. It's really interesting.
>Also, how did your spider do?
Spider is doing fine. He's a little bigger.
Replies: >>10336 >>10339
Back to my country, it's way too hot there.
Just a little message to remember you, guys to stay hydrated.
Replies: >>10321
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Thanks for the reminder, Anon! Safe journeys.  :)
Drink seawater the depstat hagve put posin in the bottle water
I'm not satying properly hydrated comfy.  I keep drinking beer in the sun.

The heat has finaly beaten down most of my garden. I picked my last green beans yesterday evening.  My tomatos are doing realy well though. 

Cactus seedling pics maybe if ya wanna?  I'm glad your spider is okay. Will you need to transplant your yucca to something bigger soon?
Replies: >>10339
Update, I've got at least 8 seedlings up now, maybe more. Got a little concerned about how wet it was so I finally opened the side to let it air out.
>Cactus seedling pics maybe if ya wanna?
I'll try. I'm not sure if I can get a good pic though.
>Will you need to transplant your yucca to something bigger soon?
I'm trying to decide about that. They're still berry young. I think I'd like to see a hint of a woody stem first before disrupting them.
Replies: >>10349
>I've got at least 8 seedlings up
I was wrong. It's 12 seedlings.
Replies: >>10350
>I was wrong. It's 12 seedlings.
Neat! I hope they all grow healthy for you, Anon. Glad to hear Spooderbro is doing well too. Cheers.  :)
Tell me why shouldn't I try revenge
Replies: >>10360
>Tell me why shouldn't I try revenge
Tempting, I know. But I would suggest the Christian route of forgiveness and prayer instead. You don't have to be concerned, Anon. (real, honest) Justice will be served in the end.

Replies: >>10361
>But I wood suggest the Christian route of forgiveness and prayer instead. 
Some people can't be reasoned with, they can't be given forgiveness.
They will take all the good things you had and smash them and step on them, asking why you did eberrything wrong. And then tell eberryone that you're to blame.
I seriously wish I could hurt these people that have hurt me, and took something precious from me away. But I know engaging in that will make flak bounce on me.
Quack anon I just, holy quack. Life sucks.
Replies: >>10362 >>10381
>Some people can't be reasoned with, they can't be given forgiveness.
Yeah I understand that, Anon. But forgiveness is for them, but primarily for you. To put it in computer nerd terms:
> "Forgiveness isn't a binary operator. Rather it's a unary operator."

Forgiveness is not 'transactional' between you and the offender. But it very much is between you and Jesus Christ, though. Remembering all He has done for each of of us already, makes these things much easier, tbh.

Godspeed, Anon.
Replies: >>10363
>forgiveness isn't for them*
Hi, /comfy/! Do anything fun recently?
Replies: >>10381 >>10383
I'd say you have eberry right, reason, and a need to defend yourself. As you've bretty much said, they just take and take and take. Let no one get in your head to say you're powerless and have no real right to do anything for yourself. It disarms you from doing anything (which they have no right to do to begin with), and that's how these people win (I speak from experience). Of course, don't do anything illegal or bring harm to yourself, you are worth more than whatever this is. So fight on Anon, fight to have some /comfy/ness again! Never surrender!

I'm trying art and one of the mediums I'm using are crayons, I find them interesting even if they aren't easy to work with. Their limitations force me to problem solve and think about how I can bring the most out of them.
Replies: >>10383 >>10390
The real problem with crayons is the flovor.  They are never as good as they look.

I ate breakfast outside today.  It was nice.  I also went to a park and smoked a cigar while walking around durring my lunch break on day last week.
Replies: >>10390
feelin bretty good today
Replies: >>10390 >>10391
Crayons are a patrician medium.

>went to a park and smoked a cigar
Top hat and monocle included?

!!! YES!
Replies: >>10391
>Top hat and monocle included?
No, unfortunately, but I do dress like a dork.  I wear running shorts and those fishing shirts with the fancy roll up sleeve things bretty much all the time.   

That's good news.  I hope you feel bretty good tomorrow too.
Replies: >>10392
So, you dress like a billionaire?
Replies: >>10400
Hey /comfy/! I'm feeling great recently. I just graduated with a master's degree and I am now applying for a PhD program.

Other than that, I've been enjoying my time off from school and work and have been trying to slow things down with some reading and anime. I have been reading Autonomous by Annalee Newitz trying to find a good cyberpunk vibe. So far, I can recommend it.

What all is /comfy/ up to recently?
Replies: >>10396 >>10400
Congrats on the graduation, Anon! Good luck with your doctoral proposal.

>What all is /comfy/ up to recently?
Preparing for return to the school year again. Also currently studying the proposed C++26 Senders protocol [1][2]; it's an elegant, robust, composable, structured, simple-to-use relatively  :D , highly-customizable approach for asynchrony, concurrency & parallelism within high-performance industrial-strength systems-level programming. And once it's actually part of the standard, then using it for robowaifu development will be a no-brainer.

> will mek it doable for her to be able to: simultaneously rub her belly, pat her head, ride a unicycle, text with master; all while singing, dancing, and chewing gum at teh same time; & super-easy too (using just a smol set of batteries)!  
< It's a dessert topping, and a floor wax!!  :DDD

Staying ahead of the curve is eminently /comfy/  :)

Last edited by chobitsu
Absolutely.  I normally wear a multicam ripstop cap made by Crye and minimalist zero-drop shoes with brightly colored no-show wool socks too just to elevate the billionaire look a little bit.

Congurts. Whale dun fewtur Daktor anon.

>up to recently?

I am drinking beer and enjoying this  lovely day while I debate when I need to go back to work and deal with our flopping ERP transition.
Replies: >>10403
Today doesn't feel the productive kind of day.
Never forget to sleep your due hours Anon.
Update, Netuite is bad and I don't like it.
I want to rewatch South Park.
Replies: >>10425
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been away for a while, hope all of you remain comfy
Replies: >>10423 >>10425
Thanks, Anon. You too!
Have fun headin' on up to South Park.  Gonna see if you can't unwind?

I've been comfy, and plan on staying that way.  I hope you can too.
I've been dealing with tendonitis or something and am trying to learn about how to deal with it properly instead of just treating symptoms. I've had problems before, but I wood just cut down on certain activities that cause symptoms instead of treating the root issues. Rest hasn't helped much so far, and I've also done a bit of stretching. I'm hoping once I know what to do to reverse it and keep in good condition that I won't have to let this dictate my life anymore.
Replies: >>10430
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Im eating canned  squid on nachos right now.  This is bretty great.  It's  on the chips with jalapeños and tomatoes from the garden and mozzarella cheese.  Stay comfy folks.

Good luck.  I am rooting for you.
Replies: >>10431 >>10620
It's looking difficult since I'm also having problems in my legs, but I think if I can get my arms working properly I'll feel a lot better. I hate having my routine interrupted like this, but maybe having it this bad will be for the best if it'll help me solve the problems once and for all.
Replies: >>10432
I'm off to go fishing.  Have a nice day comfy.

Have you tried nsaids?  Obviously you woodn't want to take them for long, but it might help get the symptoms under control faster.
Have a berry comfy day, Anon. Cheers.  :)
>Have you tried nsaids?  Obviously you woodn't want to take them for long, but it might help get the symptoms under control faster.
I'm not willing to take anything because the pain itself isn't all that bad. It's the loss of strength and being prevented from doings things I'd like that I'm concerned about.  I just want to deal with the root causes. I've heard that nutrition can be one of them, but I'm trying to figure out how to deal with the other factors.
Replies: >>10450
First, have a great day anybody. 

My fishing results were not berry good, but I had a good time. I have been playing around with different Japanese lines for fun.  There is a much greater degree of product specialization for thier domestic market than what is generaly produced by or for 'Muricans.  

Any progess?
Replies: >>10452 >>10453
>First, have a great day anybody. 
Thanks, will do! You too, anybody Anon.  :)
>Any progess?
I found a program that looks promising. I'd like to talk about it, but I don't think the guy behind it wood like me talking too much about the details. It's kind of a hassle to do, but so far there seems to be a bit less aching in my fingers. The biggest thing I'm hoping for is to get my strength back and be able to use my wrists properly. I'm getting by just fine and all, but it feels most natural for them to just hang limply at my sides.

I also ordered some supplements that are supposed to be relevant.
I'm gonna eat an avocado in a bit.  My options for condiments are Tobasco or soy sauce.  I'm not sure which it's going to be yet.  If anybody else eats avocodos by themselves, what do you flavor them with?
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Just 1cc'd this game.
Insanely good graphics, soundtrack, and gameplay, but the last segment of the game is insanely underwhelming.
The really bad ending is enough to move this 1 or 2 points lower than what I'd originally have gave to it. Still a really good game, but could've been better.
I just saw a pale green moon this evening at twilight. I wish I had my camera with me.
Replies: >>10475
Replies: >>10480 >>10481
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It was berry Morrslieb-ish. Just without the scary face. I've never seen anything quite like it.
Replies: >>10481
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In fact the closest I've seen color wise was this pic.
Berry odd indeed. Any further ideas about it now, Anon?
Must have been something in the air. Don't know what though since smoke and dust tend to turn things red or orange instead of green.
Replies: >>10494
Oh I found out that it's been a "super moon" this week. That might have had some bearing on it. Still doesn't entirely explain it.
Replies: >>10494
>Don't know what though since smoke and dust tend to turn things red or orange instead of green.
That's correct. That's why it seemed odd to me.

>it's been a "super moon" this week.
It's gorgeous right now.
Replies: >>10503
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It's probably just some specific particulate. Evidently volcanic ash is know for producing a "green-blue" color.
Replies: >>10508
I feel bretty bad, I was in a relationship. It ended badly.
Lasted a few days short of a year.
Well it's been a week since they been gone, and I don't even think about them now.
I do however find myself missing old anons. Enough to cry.
What does that mean.
I miss old anons too, especially when they just suddenly disappear and you may never know what habbened to them.
Replies: >>10515
I hope to see it again sometime. It was magical. The only thing that I can find online about a green moon is some social media hoax with "experts" claming that there is no such thing as the moon glowing green.
But I did see it regardless. I've also heard the fizzle sound from shooting stars that supposedly doesn't habben. I can't explain that either. I know the orthodox explanation about why it shouldn't habben and I understand the difference in the speeds of light and of sound. But I've still heard them. 
There are mysteries in this world, anons.
Replies: >>10509
Sometimes it can be hard to tell what is actually causing you to feel a certain way.  Were you missing old anons before?

That noise is supposedly the result of emitted or maybe reflected radio waves from the ionized atmosphere around the shooting star minutely vibrating the objects around you.
I've been thinking about that for a long time. I miss 4chan and 8chan and always ruminate on all the nameless people I used to post alongside. It doesn't even necessarily have to be individual people either.
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Whatever it is, you'll get through it
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I didn't hit her its bullcaca ididnot oh hi anon what are you doing here?
Replies: >>10521
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Weather has begun to change, It's become humid but also cloudier and rainier and not so hot.
Replies: >>10584
Can't wait for autumn.
Tendonitishob here. I feel like the routine I'm following is gradually helping me. I've also started sleeping on my back. I'm usually a side sleeper, but after waking up with more arm pain I did some research and decided to change how I sleep after reading that sleeping on your sides can actually cause arm problems.

I might actually just go to a massage therapist to see if that'll speed up my recoberry. The process I'm following is getting bretty tiresome, although that might be due to the fact that I've had symptoms that have been left untreated for so long. I've been dealing with arm pain for years and just tried to avoid my arms so much thinking that wood help.

As it stands now, I've gotten rid of a lot of finger pain and have identified problem areas to target for massaging. Unfortunately, there are spots like my shoulders and neck that I can't get by myself.
Replies: >>10613
Good to hear you're making progress.
>Im eating canned  squid on nachos right now.  This is bretty great.  It's  on the chips with jalapeños and tomatoes from the garden and mozzarella cheese.
Lol. I totally want to try this out now. Thanks, Anon!  :)
Replies: >>10627 >>10736
I was a tad inebriated, but it was actually good.  I think it might be better with potato chips or maybe a chip mixture.
Replies: >>10736
If a pumpkin became a monk, wood it be called a pumpmonk, or a monkin?
Replies: >>10661 >>10691
Mumpkin ?
Replies: >>10691
I lost my tegaki because of my broken ass mouse. But the drawing was about impermanence.
Replies: >>10673 >>10691
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Autumn's coming, I'm habby.
Also where's foxkeh thread went ?
Replies: >>10681
Sometimes our art doesn't become what we want it to be, but what it needs to be.
>Also where's foxkeh thread went ?
It's nowhere in the catalog, that's for sure. It disappeared.
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Hello eberryone.
I've been thinking about it for some time and I seriously decided to do it last night following a misunderstanding between the moderator and myself about a post that seemed harmless and innocuous to me but which was apparently carrying a malicious message that I failed to see.
I'm not questioning Chobistsu's work as moderator, he's responsive and does his best to keep the forum running smoothly, but I may have acted wrongly in taking away his role as forum moderator. The fact is, I found his reaction excessive and somewhat aggressive in its approach (in my opinion, the use of terms like "troon" has no place on /comfy/ in the first place, especially when the post concerned seems to have no connection with the practice of "troonposting").
Anyway. That's not a major problem since Chobitsu is a global moderator here on Trashchan.

This episode made me question my role as BO. I had taken over in a hurry, but with the best will in the world, when the previous owner had decided to abruptly close the forum, in an attempt to save this discreet and calm place I loved to visit and participate in. But I now realize that I don't have the time nor the inclination to get involved. I love this place and I want it to continue to exist, but I shrimply don't have the motivation to manage it anymore, and I'm afraid that this will have a negative impact on the forum in the long term.

I'm telling you this because I want to be transparent with you and you can rest assured that I'm not going to kill the forum. I'd just like to hand it over to someone motivated and willing who will be able to take care of this place and keep its special atmosphere.
Let's discuss it here or on the /meta/ thread in the hope that a lasting solution can be found.

In the meantime, stay /comfy/.

>the drawing was about impermanence

Do you just trash it before finishing it or something?

I missed the context for this, so I don't what to make any judgements.  I've always liked it here, so feel better champ.  Enjoy the rest of your day. 

I do feel like "toon" is proabably tacky to say on /comfy/ though.
I ended up taking an allergy pill, and I've been feeling drowsy for hours.
I agree that Chobitsu's reaction seemed excessive. I didn't see the post he was referring to, but it sounds bretty benign to me and probably shouldn't have been deleted. At the same time, I understand where he's coming from given the raids anon.cafe had to contend with in the past.

I imagine it's bretty hard to make these kinds of judgements.
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I can't help but feel some of what has been said is not /comfy/ in spirit.
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I hate dating, it sucks.
I try to just ask then "how are they doing" but idk if it reeks of boring or uninteresting, but I get no replies afterwards.

"How are you doing?"
Replies: >>10718 >>10728
I've never dated in my life, and that's part of the reason why. There were girls who made it bretty clear they were into me back when I was a teenager, but I don't feel like I can really connect with people. Not only am I awkward, but I feel like I don't have things in common with most people and wood rather focus on solitary hobbies. I'm also way too judgemental of others, and that's definitely a problem on my part.
I got no reply.
I like how this implies you ask them the exact question "How are they doing?" which is a great cold open. How are they doing? And who is 'they'? And if I know, how do you know I know?
Replies: >>10728
Used they to refer to a plural. Should've said "you" but point still stands.
Replies: >>10735 >>10736
After some months of day working, I finally get back to night working and damn I like it !
Tonight I'm not working, I think I'll eat a big pizza while watching movies and caca.
Replies: >>10736
I know. I'm not trying to give you a hard time, I just think it wood be a funny thing to ask.
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Have a nice day /comfy/!

Sorry, I was asking how YOU were doing as a joke to see if you wood reply.  I'm sorry if it came across as mean. 

Congrats! Have fun. 

I did it again, but with Chihuahau cheese on top of a mix of plain kettle cooked style chips and some barbeque chips.  The barbeque chips added a nice flavor, but they were too soft.  I also added a sliced up hot dog for contrasting texture and additional meaty goodness.  The hot dog was mediocre.  Some kind of smoked or dried sausage wood have been better with the squid.  I'm going to get some kielbasa or something for the next batch.  I had a glass of rye wiskey with it.  I wood say it was a realy solid pairing for these nachos.
Replies: >>10760
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I think I've ruined one of the few imageboards I used to consider my home.
I overshared info about me to someone, cut chords with them due to a break of trust, somehow this person found the imageboard I used to post on, and has constantly lowered the quality of the content in it, tried to impersonate me, made low quality posts on purpose. Any time I tried to call them out he wood try to spin a narrative on me and try to paint me in a bad light. Any time he wood try to act as a victim trying to get back at me I couldn't really call them out because that wood have broken the spirit of the board further, caused more drama, and just create unwanted confrontation
I decided to stop browsing this site for two years, whenever I go back now, it's no longer the place I used to love. It's all ruined and it's all my fault
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(spoilering, as this is metaposting which may be sterner than comfyposting usually is)
>I'm not questioning Chobistsu's work as moderator
I absolutely do. They're a paranoid political agitator who can't hold their tongue, not a moderator. There's more to moderation than having permissions and deleting guest spam, and if a global mod is unable to work on boards without respect, without repeatedly transgressing them, that's a problem. (see also: the posts leading up to the jennypost thread on /meta/) The bottom line is, if anyone comes to a place called /comfy/ and brings along their political slurs, staff or not, the door is there. While that kind of staff conflict is tough, you protected us by taking a stand on this, and we're grateful.

I can't put my hand up as a BO - I already administrate a couple of imageboards and am trying to spend less time online. Although I really do appreciate you care about this place and chose to be upfront and make a firm decision rather than fade away behind the scenes like so many others do.
Thank you for all your work, and make sure to relax!
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I will now have to see if anywhere near me stocks canned squib. I mix a lot of food and this is berry new to me.
Replies: >>10769
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hello comfy
im aight
i need to, as the zoomers say, "lock in" and start fixing my life
Replies: >>10769
Just take it one bite at a time okay?

I buy if from Walmart if that's helpful.
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Technical interview tomorrow.
Wish me luck.
Replies: >>10778 >>10781
Good luck anon :)
Replies: >>10782
Replies: >>10782
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Thanks eberryone, it wasn't actually a Technical Interview per se, it was more of a test.
Needless to say, I didn't get to answer eberrything. Out of 5 exercises I've only done 4 and I think this is good enough to fumble it and not get contacted afterwards, since the market IS filled with exceptionally skilled people.
Doesn't help that the last one, which involved an algorithm, couldn't solve it in due time so I asked quacking chatgpt to do it for me. Which honestly makes me feel bad about it, i should be able to do things on my own, I don't learn anything using AI. But the rest of the test I didn't require it, so that's good.
It's just a mixed bag, dunno what to expect...
Replies: >>10823
I think i'm gonna go waste money on a picture show this evening.  

More importantly, I'm going to make a new rack for holding firewood.   I will share when I am done with it.
Replies: >>10787
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I wanted to share this since we are coming up on spoopy season.  不思議な生き物を拾うお話, A Story About Taking in a Strange Creature, by Ishida Umi.  I wholeheartedly recommend not looking up anything else from the artist.  It's mostly unsavory and unpleasant. 

The picture show was A-OK.
Replies: >>10788
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I went to the theater again and got to see Howl's Moving Castle.  It was a nice time.  

Have a nice day comfy.
I've been sick since monday. I've been sick about 5 or 6 times this year. All the heat, pollen, and bad air from not enough rain keeps getting to me. I'm looking forward to cooler times.
Replies: >>10823
Yucca person, how are your plants?

Find anything out?

I hope you feel better soon.
Replies: >>10824
They're doing bretty good. They've greatly slowed their growth though so I think it's time to transplant.
The cacti in the other terrarium are growing great though. I never did get any pics due to container being awkward, but now that I know how to grow cactus seed I'll grow some in a better container to document it. That will probably have to wait till warmer weather though. It'll depend on how warm it gets once I've switched to winter heating.
Replies: >>10827
Good night uhh...
We gotta make a term for /comfy/ users. But what?
Good luck on your transplants and future plantings. It's good to hear the cacti are doing well.

Nothing really come to mind. The first thing that popped into my head was "comfers", but that is just silly.
Replies: >>10842
Replies: >>10829 >>10842
Comfriends ?
Replies: >>10842
Replies: >>10842
Doesn't roll off the tongue that easily
>>9418 (OP) 
I'm hunting for "obscure" forums as anything mainstream has become utterly unpleasant to even read, let alone interact with.
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Bretty comfy. I quit my job about a month ago. I want to enjoy teh winter solstice.
>what about money?
I have around 10k saved up and I don't have any wire or kids so I can be frugal for several months before I have to worry about work again. 
>what will you do when you have to work again.
That's future me's problem. Probably find some WFH job like I did last time. I may get some certs in my free time so I have a few more options when I do start looking for work again.
>what about retirement?
I reckon once I get into my 60's I may take the easy way out if we don't have UBI or some such at that time.
Replies: >>10860
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hi eberrynyan
doing bretty good i guess
thats tough
my plan for retirement is either i make enough money or just go into the woods and see how long i last
Take the habit of striking random convos in situations where you probably will never see the other person again, like at the cashier line, at bus stops, etc..
Think of taxi drivers.
The endgame wood be to make actual friends

Have you considered telling her ? As in, asking her to help you and be the moral support you need to move away from it
This way, she wood become an ally instead of an additional hurdle you need to worry about when dealing with your issue
Also, beg for her forgiveness. Forgiveness is the only solution for guilt.
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hope eberryone isd good
hard to find friends for me
oh well
i dont mind lonliness
I'm a little chilly after complaining about being hot all summer.
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Mini rant, I feel I'm going insane. I can't find comfy shirts. All the shirts I find today often have tight chocking neck openings, berry short sleeves, long as a tunic, and often mixed with hot and scratchy polyester. Shirts that aren't like this are either comically baggy as a potato sack or berry expensive. I must've looked at hundreds of shirts and it's the same story. At this point the problem should clearly be me somehow, but no, it really does seem all the hundreds of shirts I'm finding are just bad or stupidly expensive.

I'm not crazy, right /comfy/?
Replies: >>10884 >>10885
I have a hard time finding shirts nowadays because baggy fits are back in style. There's no way I'm going back to loose shirts again. I also don't wear button-up shirts much anymore, so it's harder to get ones made custom. I do know of a place that does plain long-sleeve shirts made to order, but they're limited in terms of color options. I suppose I'll give them a try anyway.

There are some nice thermal shirts I got from American Apparel many years back that have been bretty durable, but they're starting to get worn out. American Apparel doesn't carry them anymore either. More recently I got some from H&M, but they were cheaply made and easily damaged.

You'd think with the Internet it wood be easier to find decent clothes, but the market is flooded with crap. Search engines aren't exactly helpful anymore either.
Replies: >>10888
What I have a problem finding jackets and coats that aren't too small across the shoulders or are too short and lets cold air up my back.
Replies: >>10888 >>10891
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Does /comfy/ prefer an orange Halloween or a blue Halloween?
Replies: >>10888 >>10891
>You'd think with the Internet it wood be easier to find decent clothes
That's what I'm thinking! Surely you'd be able to find something by now, right? It's like there's a silent war against comfy clothes.

In that case you may like Kuhl's Burr jacket. It was made to have plenty of shoulder room and it's a little longer in the back, probably to stop the cold air.

Generally orange. Blue is for when things are getting extra spooky.
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Hi /comfy/. Haven't posted in a while as I've been busy with irl and in my free time I've been on a real reading kick, but I saw this image and it made me think of this board.

Does your town or city have spots like this that stay open 24/7? In my country they are a rarity and I'm jealous of Americans who seem to have more opportunities for stuff like this.
Welcome back!

A berry /comfy/ image indeed. I don't know if they're open all the time, but there are some places where I live that are like this. One of them has a whole bunch of flags hanging on the wall, including a Prussian flag.
Replies: >>10903
Where I live, almost nothing is 
 open late at night anymore.  Most shops and restraunts started closing earlier during the covid panic and it just kinda stayed that way.  

Orange is a warm and comfy color and blue is spoopier. 
Both are fine.  

I'm a shoulderlet, so everthing is always too wide for me.  I'd probably wear women's jackets if the sleeves were not always so super short.
Replies: >>10903
Hipster bars only unfortunately, and all are half baked motifs due to the business climate downtown (getting a $50K or $100K loan for a remodel is tough right now if you're not already rolling in it). I'm not buying $9 beers to stare at a Mario brothers poster or fake plastic Ivy plants.
Replies: >>10903
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It's a shame that they seem to be getting rarer. Talking about this made me remember a show I watched a while back based around an all-night spot in Tokyo. It's a bretty pulpy and shrimple TV drama but it does make for comfy watching. It's called "Midnight Diner" if you want to check it out.
Replies: >>10906 >>10943
The intro song is super comfy.   

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There are two kinds of Neuschwanstein appreciators.
I'm making /comfy/ my go-to board now for more comfy times.
I've found my new obsession for the next few weeks, thanks anon! The set is so tiny - love how they pulled it off.
Replies: >>10978
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It's Halloween but somehow it doesn't feel like it berry much this year.
Replies: >>10972 >>10975
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Habby Halloween, /comfy/! I enjoyed Halloween this year even if it felt like it just came all of a sudden, it didn't feel as big as previous times, but I enjoyed seeing the decorations and giving candy to the kids.
Replies: >>10972
I've never been much of a Halloweener (my family never celebrated it growing up), but over the years I've started warming up to watching horror movies around this time of year. That's about as far as I go. Yesterday wasn't a good day for me, but this season I got really into the habit of watching a new movie eberry night.
i dressed up as war this year and went with my neighbour's kid so it wasnt as weird seeing an adult parading around. I loved this year's halloween. I seriously scared some stuck up teens and percieved roadmen. And possibly saved a kid. Walked for 5 miles with no sense of tired despite carrying like 10kg of books in my bag. I loved it that people were actually scared of my costume. I could strutting around like a maniac thry wont have a clue. Some parents came up to me and gave me fistbumps and one was a  soldier and said he knows what my costume's about and examined it in detail i loved eberry second of it
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Glad you are liking it anon. Always looking for more shows that have this sort of vibe.
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It gets dark early. The trees are yellow, orange, red and bare. Eberry gust of wind showers the air with leaves and buries the ground. The air is cool with an increasing blue hue. Fall is here, /comfy.
Replies: >>10981
It's certainly more comfy to smoke outside now.  I plan on enjoying a cigar this evening.  Whatever you like to do, i hope you have fun with the changing season.  

And for pine needle wine anon, or any other upsidedowners, I hope you enjoy your spring.
Autumn is so cooomfy.
Drinking a genmaicha tea.
I stay in my pyjamas as long as possible before going to work for the night.
Work has killed me, I will appreciate a hot shower and my bed. Also the night is getting colder and there is fog all around the country.

Good night / good morning /comfy/
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I was fired for the first time yesterday /comfy/.  I don't have any debt and I'm financially secure for now, so that's good, but it's still scary.  I worked there for over a decade and I kinda just feel all mixed up inside.  It's so odd not doing my eberryday routine after so long.
Sorry if that was a downer.  Stay comfy y'all.
Replies: >>10994
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That sucks anon. Hope you'll find a job that suits your tastes ? Being financially ok is a good thing in these moments. Take time for yourself a little bit.
if you don't mind my asking, why were you fired after all this time ?

>Sorry if that was a downer
No it isn't, being /comfy/ does not exclude sharing life's more difficult moments. The /comfy/ spirit is also about moral support.
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Find the lizard
Replies: >>10997
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You're the lizard !
Replies: >>11001
>why were you fired after all this time ?

I was given berry generic "it's a business decision" /"we are moving in new directions" type answers to anything i tried to ask.
Replies: >>10999 >>11000

Contextually, I was a production scheduler, and the person firing me was the VP in charge of the division of the company I worked for and not even my direct manager.  He refused to elaborate on anything specific yesterday, but he has openly expressed his personal distaste toward me for some time, maybe the last three years.  

I am not really an outgoing or bubbly person by nature and tend to be forthright.  I was certainly never trying to be mean, but rather I always tried to honest because I think deception is incorrect and unproductive in a production environment. I also struggle with forcing myself to hold pleasant looking facial expressions and I think many people wood find my default expression angry or intimidating looking.  That undesirable visual impression is probably exacerbated by being a kinda rough looking taller guy.

Because of those things, he had been telling me I did not fit in with the "culture",
that I was being "negative". etc..  Basically, I was probably finally fired for some specific instance of not smiling enough during a meeting or maybe providing a sales person an honest projected date for shipping a batch of orders that was later than what they demanded.  Something along those lines was the case.  

Oddly, This same guy that fired me had also routinely told me, even recently, that I did a good job (in terms of concrete performance) and my knowledge and understanding of the business and of manipulating labor and material resources was valuable and excellent.  I think it wood have stung less if was let go for a performance issue.
Replies: >>11000 >>11002

More importantly, thanks for being nice and asking.  I really needed it.
Shucks, caught again...
Is there anything uncomfier than studying in college?  Studying this undergrad is making me miss studying mathematics (‘﹏*๑). Oh well. I finish  this degree, get a good job, and I'm several steps closer to living the comfy life I've dreamed of.

He sounds like an asshole. I'm not experienced in these matters but it sound like a matter of him not liking your (superficial) attitude. Pity to see how something as insignificant could lead to you getting fired. 
I think you'll find another job, you sound capable. Maybe even one better than you had?
Replies: >>11003 >>11004
>It's so odd not doing my eberryday routine after so long.
I know what you mean. I think even if I were rich I'd want a part-time job just to forcibly add some structure to my days.
Seconding this. The whole emphasis on turning a place of employment into a "culture" that so many businesses have nowadays is cultish and off-putting. It's always rubbed me the wrong way when certain places will describe themselves as a "family," but it's also bretty transparent. They're trying to become like some creepy surrogate family instead of viewing their business as a means of putting food on the table and hopefully making a positive impact in their field.

The fact that you got fired over not being in lockstep with their weird cult-building exercise just shows they're too foolish to focus on the things that are actually essential.
Replies: >>11004
Good luck studying. What is you degree program?

>I think you'll find another job, you sound capable. Maybe even one better than you had?

I hope so. It's hard to sell yourself though. I think I want to try something outside of manufacturing for a while.

There is job opening at a park interpretive center near me. I'm working on applying for it now. I doubt I'll get it, but a park center sounds like a comfy place to work and it wood be at least thematically more in line with my goals from college. I have a BA in history I had originally wanted to work in some type of museum. That is a harsh job market though and I was never able to get into anything.  I actually started at the company I got fired from shortly after I graduated as a material handler, more or less a human forklift.

The park job woodn't pay well, but I think I'm okay with that at this point. A younger me wood probably not have thought that way. I don't know if I gained some kind of wisdom or shrimply lost something else along the way. 

>it sound like a matter of him not liking your (superficial) attitude. Pity to see how something as insignificant could lead to you getting fired. 

I imagine this type of experience is probably bretty common.  It has been my observation that executives generally have a kinda of bloated and grandiose sense of self.  I believe emotional or subjective based decision making is generally normal, even in fairly large companies. 

Businesses eat up meme-of-the-week fads and nonsense.  I wood love to never hear about Lean Six Sigma pink garter belt certification or any other cult phenomena again.    "Culture" is truly just the most vapid thing yet tough.  I can't say that it ever made me feel "welcome" or "included" in the "family".  It only ever manifested as meaningless platitudes, cheap food, tacky little trinkets, assigned reading of asinine business self help books, and unpaid weekend and evening events you were criticized for not attending.  It is always so forced and inorganic. I wood rather go to work and take personal pride in doing things well and be compensated and rewarded for efforts made in good faith.  I worked with many good people and I will truly miss them and "culture" certainly wasn't tied me to them.
Replies: >>11006 >>11095
Sorry for all the uncomfy venting yesterday.   I  hope you have a nice weekend /comfy/.
>I don't know if I gained some kind of wisdom or shrimply lost something else along the way. 
Maybe a good opportunity to wind-down after working in manufacturing management and all its associated bullcaca. Allow me to congratulate you on getting that job so soon after graduating and with a BA in history too! Goes to show how valuable specific degrees really can be...
Do tell us when you figure out wether you got wiser or lost something. Not that losing something is automatically bad, plenty of people could stand to lose some mental baggage. Case in point:

>I believe emotional or subjective based decision making is generally normal, even in fairly large companies.
I think arrogance and hubris is far common in humanity than one might think at first, from top-to-bottom. This of course being my arrogance borne hanging out with weirdos in IB talking. But yeah "non-rational", and frankly petty decision making seems to be normal and standard among businessfolk, kind-of funny from a certain point-of-view. Apologies to hear of you having go through the self-help, improvement-oriented BS execs adore so much. I'd like to pick-apart their brains and figure out why they do it. David Graeber talked about it and - if I remember  correctly - it might be some sort of pseudo-sexual, humiliation ritual, combined with self-aggrandizement.

>What is you degree program?
Just a bachelor in environmental sciences, maybe figuring to get a master in environmental engineering down the line. Come ooooon, office job come to me  ʅ ﴾סּ ؂ סּ ʅ ﴿
I finally transplanted my yucca to a new pot. I should have probably done it a few weeks ago.
Replies: >>11017


Congrats. I hope they do well.
I was out in the woods all day hunting white tail deer. The weather was berry nice.  It was good to spend a bunch of time outside.
Replies: >>11029 >>11052
I'm not hunting myself but I love spending times in the woods and tracking animals just for the fun and the happiness to see them.
Replies: >>11031
Watching animals is always something I have enjoyed.  I like watching squirrels in particular.  I love how energetic they look chasing each other around.  

If I had not started hunting as a kid with my dad, I doubt I wood have ever tried it.  I can't say that actually like killing things.  It might sound gross, but I find the dressing and processing quite relaxing.  It's a lot of meticulous work that gives you time to think.
Replies: >>11038
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I found a tree with this funky wound.  I assume it was damaged and developed some kind of infection.   I  just thought it was neat.
Replies: >>11034 >>11038
I love how trees evolve from damage to form some new forms that looks from another world.
We should have a thread about unconventional and weird plants.
Replies: >>11041 >>11046
i consider to come out of closet soon as a trans girl (who has a 6'2 hairy body). i hate my life but i still want to become the person i desire even if i'm going to end up looking like a freak. acceptance of this makes me a lil bit comfy
Will you enjoy your life better as a trans girl trapped in a male body (6'2 and hairy is not really feminine, sorry for sounding rude) ?
Maybe you should work on something else regarding your mental health instead of seeking some miraculous flip over by changing your gender identity.
Hope you'll find comfyness whatever you chose anon.
Replies: >>11040
Now that's a crown gall! Amazed the tree is still up.

Feisty little things. Need a lot of trees so you don't see them with any old grove. Regardless they still look berry cute.
If you don't mind me asking Anon, what does deer meat taste like in comparison to more regular kinds of flesh.

I advise caution out there, and voice training, you practically just need a mic to get started.
Replies: >>11040 >>11041
you didn't sound rude, and thank you for your reply. but i didn't change my gender identity just because I wanted something new, I feel like this since I hit puberty. (i'm 18 btw)

I tried to cope with this by trying other new things and embracing manliness, but it never made me habby. I always wanted to wear dresses and skirts even though I could attract people with the way I am now.

so i don't care even if I end up looking like a freak (i will try to fix that as much as i can but i will never pass), but at least I want to embrace my real identity, not the mask I've been wearing since my childhood.

thanks anon. I used to do acting so at least my voice can sound feminine. I'm not aiming to pass as a cis woman because that's a lost cause, but I'll aim for a hairless and androgynous body that will both allow me to embrace my identity and still earn my living in a transphobic country (being trans in my country is not cool)
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That sounds fun.

>Amazed the tree is still up. 

Yeah, it was oozing sap all over.  I wood think that be really hard on it.

>what does deer meat taste like in comparison to more regular kinds of flesh

Like a llama.

Realy, I wood say it is like a much richer, stronger tasting, and denser cut of berry lean beef.  It has a metalic wet dirt kind element to it.  Where I live deer to not have access to crops and eat a lot of forbs, acorns, etc. which they stongly taste like.  The fat and connective tissues have similar but much more intense flavor.  Most people avoid those tissues, but I feel they add more character.  Sorry if that description makes no sense.


I'm sure choices like that can't be easy.  Try to stay comfy.  Good luck.
Replies: >>11043
Pretending to be something you're not isn't cool or comfy, Anon.
Replies: >>11043

yeah, that's the reason why I want to transition
Doesn't sound like a good idea to me.
>I'm not aiming to pass as a cis woman because that's a lost cause, but I'll aim for a hairless and androgynous body
Then why call yourself a woman instead of just trying to be feminine? I don't get it. Unless there's some hardcore Law of Attraction regimen that can change chromosomes, you are what you are.

I actually zap a lot of my body hair off and have long fantasized about being an androgynous bretty boy. I've even been mistaken for a girl a few times when I was younger. I still wood never consider calling myself female.
Replies: >>11045
>Unless there's some hardcore Law of Attraction regimen that can change chromosomes, you are what you are.
Chromosomes aren't a surefire way to determine someone's gender, although on average they match as you wood expect this isn't the case 100% of the time.
Replies: >>11086
Do you think a general plant thread might be better?
Replies: >>11048 >>11050
Sounds good to me. There's several gardeners and plant appreciators on /comfy/.
Replies: >>11050
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Here ya go :)
I ended up shooting a nice looking older buck.  I'm getting kitschy skull mont done and will probably paint it for fun.  I will share it eventually.
Replies: >>11060
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Life is full of possibilities /comfy/.  The last few weeks have been eye opening for me. To eberryone, I hope you are doing well, and I hope if anyone is feeling lost or down you can believe a stranger saying, "I wish you the best".
Replies: >>11060
I've got an old goat skull found in the wild and I painted it with some runish / tribal black signs. It's kitch but I love it.

Thanks for your berry kind words anon. I wish you the best to :)
I'm really tired ad I have to go working for few hours in the cold. I just want to stay comfy at home :(
Replies: >>11070
Habby weekend /comfy/.

I hope you warmed back up.
crawling through cozy comfy infinite bed and endless warm blankets and pillows  fresh out of the dryer in a cold room.
I'm posting!
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Hey eberrybody.
You may remember a comfynon talking about going through multiple job procedures a few months ago.
Well, I got it, I got the job as a software developer.
Ever since I got it my head has been in a better state, the offices are great, and the pay is real good.
It honestly makes going home quite a nice time. I don't loathe it now.
Life's good
Congratulations. I bet that's a bretty big load off your shoulders.
Replies: >>11085
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Yeah, honestly life is just much better with something making it busy.
Sometimes I feel a bit hesitant about mentioning what they have, because some people just seems to lambast eberrything and not find joy in anything, but you can serve yourself cereal bars, fruits, tea and water with no charge.
There is a diner on the top of the office, real cool. Eberrything is also quite clean.
I honestly can't believe I got there, can only take care of the job now and treat it the best I can.
Maybe one day I'll be able to... idk, share the wealth and build a family, but I guess that's more for the future.
I don't know where to begin, but I just feel really bright. 
Life's good
Replies: >>11086
Got a 5 day-long weekend in a couple days, outside has been bretty windy so it's nice to stay at home and chill on Minecraft knowing my BTC is worth did a x5 in two years.
I welcome this break from an uncomfy workplace

>Chromosomes aren't a surefire way to determine someone's gender
yet against all expectations and defying all odds,
do they determine the gender in the situation at hand ? Roll the drums...

Berry habby to hear that anon.
What kind of computer did they give you, can you set it up the way you want ? Hope it's not an open space I hate this uncomfy meme
Having a nice team also makes a big difference
>What kind of computer did they give you
They gave me a mac, surprisingly so
>can you set it up the way you want ? 
I don't know what a Mac is or how to even set it up so I'll just use it as they suggest to me
>Hope it's not an open space I hate this uncomfy meme
What is an open space?
>Having a nice team also makes a big difference
Still don't have team assigned, but will have one soon.
Replies: >>11138
Good job.  I'm glad it worked out.

>yawn, etc.
Please try to keep things comfy.  Obviously people have different views and opinions.
My neighbors got a new boxer puppy it's super cute.

>park job
I don't think I'm getting this one.  Oh well.
>do they determine the gender in the situation at hand ? Roll the drums...
Well they don't determine that as shown by the existence of outliers, correlation doesn't mean causation after all. I can't tell you what anon's chromosomes are, I don't know mine or anyone else's either. Do you know yours? Are you a super secret spy who takes DNA samples for immediate testing from eberryone you meet? ;)
Replies: >>11138
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Third day in the office and I already leaked water on the laptop
Will be assigned another one and have to set it up again
Replies: >>11105 >>11135
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Funny. Nice way to make an impression.
Replies: >>11126
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Habby Thanksgiving /comfy/ and also to all of Trashchan!
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Habby Thanksgiving burgers.
Any plans for Christmas/New Year's Eve?
Replies: >>11123
Yeah I just came here to ask.
>>>/christmas/ needs to get activated so eberryone can get their plans in order.
Replies: >>11128
Macropads. Do you use them? I'm looking for one myself.
There's an updated thread on /christmas/ for this year but I looks like the BO forgot to unlock the board.
Replies: >>11128
I really hope this isn't enough to get fired.
Replies: >>11138
> >>>/christmas/ needs to get activated so eberryone can get their plans in order.
OK, it should be up now. What's /comfy/ 's plans for Christmas?

>There's an updated thread on /christmas/ for this year but I looks like the BO forgot to unlock the board.
Sorry about that, the settings are a bit different here and I missed that in the antispam settings. Should be good now.
Replies: >>11134
>What's /comfy/ 's plans for Christmas?
Well I can't say for the rest of the board but for myself I'll definitely have some 4 packs of puzzles up for anyone who stops by.
Replies: >>11136
Felt bretty bad, did some weights, feeling really great. Strangers and coworkers suddenly find me extremely approachable and I'm flawlessly chatty.
It's like magic, eberry single time, I swear!

Hahahah, that's awkward. Far from the end of the world though I'm sure. It'll be something funny to look back at bond over, I'd bet.
Great! Got it and added, /comfy/ . Cheers.  :)
>What is an open space?
Sorry I meant open plan

>Well they don't determine that as shown by the existence of outliers
And bullets don't kill as shown by the existence of shoot out survivors

Don't worry it shouldn't be, esp in a big company. Profesional equipment should in be insured
If anything, vandalizing iToys increases my respect for you
Replies: >>11140
Lol, we just had a little earthquake here.
>And bullets don't kill as shown by the existence of shoot out survivors
Your way of modelling this is missing the bigger picture anon. A bullet is a type of projectile that has a good probability of causing serious damage and from that potentially death to living targets. If you were to say "bullets always kill" this wood be incorrect, as shown by the existence of the gunshot survivors you mentioned, so it wood be more accurate to say that "bullets are likely to inflict serious wounds which may lead to death". If we look at chromosomes we can see that although they usually do correlate with gender that isn't always the case. With that in mind chromosomes can't be the determining factor, otherwise there woodn't be outliers. "Chromosomes determine gender" isn't accurate but "chromosomes typically correlate with gender" is.
Replies: >>11159
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How long can someone hold a grudge against someone?
Replies: >>11164
>"Chromosomes determine gender" isn't accurate but "chromosomes typically correlate with gender" is.
Lol. Well they certainly determine the binary known -- medically-speaking -- as sex. ((( G-g-gender ))) is such an intentionally-ofuscating word. Don't you think, Anon.  :)
Replies: >>11163
>Well they certainly determine the binary known -- medically-speaking -- as sex.
Chromosome configuration isn't just limited to XX or XY though, so describing it as binary (one or the other) is incorrect. In any case the wider point going back to what you were saying about anon's chromosomes was that it's not as shrimple as men and women always having a certain set. If we look specifically at people who aren't trans then your particular focus on chromosomes inevitably means that you wood have to rule out people who wood otherwise fall well within the average of man or woman purely based on what their chromosomes are. That's an example that makes this sort of framing unable to encompass biology as it exists, because humans like other living things have an incredible number of variables that encompass them. In that sense trying to view things like biology as only being a certain way will always run against the edge cases that exist in the world.
At least until the person holding the grudge dies. If you believe in afterlife, maybe even after it.
Replies: >>11165
That sounds bad
Can't they move on from it?
Replies: >>11166
Depends on the person and how bad they did.
I know someone, his chemistry teacher flunked him I think the last year of high school. As a consequence, instead of going to university, he had to became a conscript, and when he was done with that of course he couldn't go back to school, so his life was quacked over from that point. He actually celebrated when said teacher finally died. It can be hard to move on from something if you see the negative result of it eberry day.
Replies: >>11167
But that's a case where someone "moved on" from it, and only when a lot of time has passed they got rid of it.
I was more specifically talking about grudges that grow towards being actively hostile to someone else.
Replies: >>11325
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>started to fall for a coworker
i hate myself
Replies: >>11193
I've been in that situation before. It was extremely painful. For me.
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>>9418 (OP) 
what habbened with anon cafe? 
anyways it's been two years since I last posted here.
Somehow I'm back here again.
Replies: >>11198
More or less, the owner decided to call it quits.  Eberrything was migrated to trashcan bretty smoothly.
>>9418 (OP) 
I was going to lurk more but this thread said to post, so... hi.
I feel strange talking about myself since I never do. But I'm comfy, going to make a midnight snack, and then work on my sister's Christmas present.
Replies: >>11203 >>11207
Hello Anon, glad you're here!  :)
Replies: >>11210
>work on
Are you making it?  That wood be real nifty.
Replies: >>11210
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Thank you, Anon. I'm glad to have found this place.
I'm painting a portrait (hopefully). I've never painted before and it's taking some getting used to, but it's been a lot of fun to slowly learn, and watching a lot of Florent Farges is indeed /comfy/. I highly recommend it.
Replies: >>11214 >>11408
That sounds like a wonderful gift.  I made little animals out of old beer corks and hardware bits a few years ago for my mother and stepmother as stocking stuffers.  One was a dog and the other was a deer. It's satisfying to give someone something you made.  Good luck.
Replies: >>11224
hi fellas
havent been on much, glad to sdee thewres activity. not much going on in life. just biding my time. getting my stuff ready.
Replies: >>11224
Cork creatures sound cute. I might have to steal your idea for next year depending on who I'm shopping for.
Getting ready for the new year?
Replies: >>11226 >>11232
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I'll make one or two tomorrow for fun and share.  The way I make them is bretty low effort, but I think they should turn out cute.  I have a few dozen corks available.  Most of them are from bottles of of Chimay Premier.  I really like the shape the those corks take.
Replies: >>11232
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I only had time to make this dog today. I woodn't paint one again, but I think it turned out okay.
It's also balanced at the split ring on the collar to hang as an ornament.
cute doggo anon
Replies: >>11243
Oh that's cute.
Replies: >>11243
It's cute. I like its face.
Replies: >>11243
What a goofy boy. The zip tie collar is hilarious
Replies: >>11243

I used a bit of the tag end for the tongue too.   I'm glad a had a few red ones to work with.
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Is there away to get a peertube acount to post doujinshi music video without resulting at hosting your own instances? I tried to request for account eberrywhere I can find in public instances but all of them ignore my request. Is it because of copyright thing? but I think most of them didn't care about that because I saw some of the music videos that were posted clearly violation of copyright.
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This is a post.
Christmas Eve is tomorrow, and that's when it really begins. Are you ready, anon?
Replies: >>11285 >>11286
Where should I try going tomorrow? We don't celebrate Christmas at home (ie: me and me dad go to sleep at 8pm)
I wood rather try my shot to find someone instead.
Replies: >>11287
It feels like it's all habbening too fast. I can't really get into the mood this year. There's been too much distraction for me. A few nights ago I just felt overwhelmed and couldn't shake the feeling that something big was going to be habbening soon. I imagine it'll turn out to be nothing, but either way it was unpleasant to go through.
It sounds like where you should go depends on who you want to find. Lots of people probably woodn't mind someone to just talk to this time of year. I like pubs for talking about random stuff.
It's been a busy month for me too. I've always found that unpleasantness is greatest just before a breakthrough, as cliche as it sounds. I hope you can get a chance to relax, if not on Christmas, then after.
I feel the exact same. I just got off of a berry stressful quarter at work, so the holiday season just doesn't have the magic it usually does. Although being able to relax with friends and family is helping me recover.
Replies: >>11292
I have been sick since the day after Thanksgiving and only right now really feel as if I'm getting over it so my Christmas energy has been quite low. Haven't even had time to get a tree up but hopefully I'll have it up and decorated today.
Replies: >>11295
>I have been sick since the day after Thanksgiving and only right now really feel as if I'm getting over it
Oh no! Please feel better soon anon. Merry Christmas!
Replies: >>11321
Murry Christmas /comfy/.  I went to see my dad and stepmom today.  I made it back home and am mixing cocktails to finish of the rest of Christmas.  I hope you are all well.
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Merry Christmas /comfy/!!!!
Thanks. What we decided to do is to decorate and exchange gifts on Stephen's Day instead just to give us time to recover. We did get the tree up on Christmas Eve and had a nice Christmas Day dinner though. It's all OK.
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>grudges that grow towards being actively hostile to someone else
I think grudges are faithfully illustrated by the Anon you're replying to. They're generally quiet, passive, they lurk unnoticed through the ages in the confines of one's memory, ready to emerge when conjured.

What you describe looks to me like someone with a confrontational temperament using grudges as an excuse to indulge in their vice.
I may be wrong about the person we're talking about, but you have to realize some people are BUILT to look for conflict, to bark at others, to expose their flaws and secrets.
They will look for eberry excuse to justify it: anger, irritability, grudge, justice (think SJW) and any other thing that could clothe their thirst for conflict with the aspect of a reason that is enough for mentally balanced people to open hostilities.

Is it because of high T ? Is it because they only learnt this form of interaction to assert themselves as children ?
And wood it make any difference ? it's not in my habit to care.
Even dogs deserve empathy, but rabid ones get put down

That said, if someone molested me I wood still actively try to quack with them even after they do time.
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Tomorrow I shall go get myself a SATA cable so that my new PC Case can work properly.
Got it last week, had to get one that is quite big, but I don't wanna jingle jangle with it until I get things set up properly.
Also, cooked pork tenderloin w/whisky night after Christmas. Went fairly well but I gotta learn the art of cooking meat slowly so it comes insanely soft.
Replies: >>11348 >>11360
Habby new year /comfy/!
Replies: >>11348 >>11355
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Cable management is a lifestyle I aspire to. Good luck on the project. I went with an oversized case and it caused similar issues on my last build. 
You as well!
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merry late christmas and new year comfy. its gonna be a good one
Replies: >>11354
>merry late christmas and new year comfy.
And to you too, Anon.  :)

>its gonna be a good one
Yes it is!

A cute!
Hey, wait a minute, does this mean it's now current year+10? Man, I feel old now.
Tenderloin can be tricky.  I wood suggest sous vide or smokeing.
Replies: >>11362
Sous vide fascinates me but I cannot get over the idea of eating something that was sitting in hot plastic for hours. I'm sure it's nothing compared to what I'm exposed to otherwise, but I can't help being reminded of that awful viral trend of people cooking noodles in potato chip and corn puff bags. What do you think? Does it bother you, or do you feel reassured by the material?
I am typically cooking things around 130 Fahrenheit and am not too concerned with it.  I'm not immortal and see no reason to be worried.  Plastic is generally inert in our bodies and I am far more concerned with avoiding metabolic diseases, etc. from a poor diet.
Replies: >>11366 >>11367
In any case, smoking wood probably be my  first suggestion for a pork loin.   Bringing one to about 140 or so with smoke after a dry brine will yield good results.  I am partial to cherry wood personally.
Replies: >>11367
Fair. Plastic is here to stay, I'm sure people and animals in the future will have natural ways to deal with it, just like when scientists say oxygen became a big part of the atmosphere several hundred million years ago.
I think applewood is the trend for pork where I'm from, but I don't like it. Maybe I just don't like pork at all. The first time I had it, I spit up a clear liquid. Is cherrywood good for other meats?
Replies: >>11373
>is cherrywood good for other meats?

It is a mild smoke and probably is best with less intense flavors like pork and poultry.  It is also popular for fish and shellfish.  I like it for smoking butternut squash as well.
There area few other ways to use an emersion circulator.  You can cook some things directly in the water.  Eggs are fun to play with and a variety of interesting textures can be achieved.  You can also cook things in glass or metal jars berry similarly to an oven water bath but with much better temperature control.
Replies: >>11375
>Eggs are fun to play with
Replies: >>11379
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Well, it looks like I'm going to have sleet and freezing messy stuff all night.  I will might be without power for a while.  I have my camping stuff ready all the time so I can cook, etc. regardless of the conditions. Might be fun.
Replies: >>11407
>Might be fun.
If you keep the right attitude, it just might! Stay warm & dry, Anon! Cheers.  :)
Replies: >>11409
Were you able to get the portrait done?
>Stay warm & dry, Anon!

I actually plan on going outside and watching the storm with my PVS-14 in a bit.  I'll need to put on some pants I guess. There is a chance for lightening, so I'm hoping I can watch it glowing trough the clouds and want to see what sleet is like under nods anyway.
Replies: >>11416
Well, I still have power.  The storm wasn't berry interesting under night vision and there was no lightning.  I'm starting up some charcoal now and will do some grilling in the sleet.
Replies: >>11419
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Yay! Sleet thunderstorm!  Potatoes soon.
Replies: >>11420 >>11427
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Forgot the other picture.
Replies: >>11427
comfy !!
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Who else /comfy/ rn?
Replies: >>11430
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I'm getting ready for a comfy sleep.  It was a  big day.
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The breakfast of champions.  The temperature was low enough the isobutane was starting to liquify in the canister and it took a quite a while to boil enough snow with the then low pressure propane.  I ended up boiling too much snow and made my meal a bit watery.  Oh well.

Have a nice day comfy.
Replies: >>11474
Nice practice! Keep pressing into your heritage, and 'don't despise the day of small beginnings' as the council goes. Snowshoes when?  :D

>Have a nice day comfy.
You too, Anon! Cheers.  :)
Replies: >>11475
>Snowshoes when?

Probably never. There is bout 7 or 8 inches built up on the ground, but the the first 4 or 5 inches are sleet.  Before the snow fell, it was like walking over a ball pit for ants. With snow on top, it doesn't appear to shift at all, and you can easily walk on it without sinking. I wood guess the snow is spreading to load onto the sleet layer smoothly and keeping it from shifting.
Replies: >>11476
Sounds interesting. Hopefully you can get out and about on foot and do a little reccy practice. Keep your feet warm & dry, Anon! Cheers.  :)
Replies: >>11482
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>>9418 (OP) 
I like this place, I think I'll stay here and rest for a while, if you anons will let me.
Replies: >>11482
Welcome anon. 

I did go out for quite a while.  I wanted to try out my new mesh base top.  It did well with just a wind shell while I was moving.  I need to get some heavier gloves or overmits or something though.
Replies: >>11504
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Happy Koterday, /comfy/ !

Nice. I hope you acquired the new gear you need, Anon.
Replies: >>11505 >>11508
I ordered some overmits and should have them in a few days.  I think I'll have a bretty /comfy/ set of winter weather stuff.  I have mix of horribly expensive stuff, junk, and mil surp but I think it all works well enough together.
Replies: >>11506
Well-played.  :D

>I have mix of horribly expensive stuff, junk, and mil surp but I think it all works well enough together.
Same. My USAF Alaska-tier parka is probably my best item r/n. No cost to me.

Keep your feet warm & dry, Anon.
Replies: >>11510 >>11543
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I ended up staying up with my dad last night and had the first actual heart-to-heart in a long time. Or something like that. It was nice. I woke up with the worst hangover of my life.
I feel a lot less worried, maybe even carefree. I still have problems but I'm not as bothered by them.
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>I ended up staying up with my dad last night and had the first actual heart-to-heart in a long time. Or something like that. It was nice. I woke up with the worst hangover of my life.
Totally worth it. May be one of the best investments you make in life, Anon. Cheers.
I'm glad you got to have that experience.  I hope you continue to feel well.

I'd want to make commitment to stay warm and dry but I have ...

cold feet.

Sorry for the pun.
Replies: >>11517
Spoiler File
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Replies: >>11518

Replies: >>11520
Lol. That's a lot of Carlos!  :)
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>I still have problems but I'm not as bothered by them.
The power of familia
I spent a few minutes outside looking at the stars even though it's close to 0 degrees where I live. I saw something sitting in place blinking when I was pulling my car in that got my attention, so I ended up going out again when I was done parking it. I couldn't identify it. It looked like an airplane, but it sat in one place like a star. It seemed like a man-made object, but I have no clue what it was. It's possible it was just a cellphone tower, but I think there might have been a second one too. Either way I doubt it was anything anomalous.  I also saw a reddish star in the east that looked like it was a constellation, but I know nothing about this stuff. I've never been into astronomy, but it was interesting to look at the sky on a night this clear though.
Replies: >>11541
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>I spent a few minutes outside looking at the stars even though it's close to 0 degrees where I live. 
>I also saw a reddish star in the east that looked like it was a constellation, but I know nothing about this stuff. I've never been into astronomy, but it was interesting to look at the sky on a night this clear though.
<but it was interesting to look at the sky on a night this clear though.
Are your nights not normally clear there, Anon? Regardless, I'd suggest you invest in some binoculars for stargazing if you have even the slightest intredast in such things. God has fashioned a vast & awesome cosmos that surrounds us all. IMO you owe it to your basic humanity to investigate all these wondrous works [1], as Scriptures clearly point out. [2]
Simple binocs will greatly increase your pleasure in such things. [3][4]
>t. Amateur Astronomer

1.  pic-related sauce: https://webbtelescope.org/contents/media/images/2022/038/01G7JGTH21B5GN9VCYAHBXKSD1
>note: not visible w/ binocs, heheh!  :D
2.  https://biblehub.com/psalms/19.htm
3.  https://skyandtelescope.org/observing/interactive-sky-watching-tools/
4.  https://shopatsky.com/search?type=product&q=binoculars
Last edited by chobitsu
Replies: >>11534 >>11552
Gonna spend the night crying wishing I was a girl.
Replies: >>11538
>Are your nights not normally clear there, Anon?
I think it's a combination of winter cloud cover where I live and being in town. It was bretty
>Regardless, I'd suggest you invest in some binoculars for stargazing if you have even the slightest intredast in such things.
Thanks for the suggestion. Although I hate smartphone stuff, I might download an app to help me identify what I'm looking at for when it gets warmer.
Replies: >>11535 >>11536
*It was bretty fascinating to see eberrything so clearly.
>I might download an app to help me identify what I'm looking at
There are AR apps that let you just point the camera at the sky, then overlay the constellation/planet/etc. names for you. So yeah, but you'll still want some type of observation optics if you develop an interest in this stuff. Good luck, Anon.  :)
Replies: >>11537
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>There are AR apps that let you just point the camera at the sky, then overlay the constellation/planet/etc. names for you.
Yeah, that's what I meant.

I also found this chart last night. It looks like the object that caught my attention was most likely a star. What leaves me scratching my head is that the way it was blinking looked artificial to me.
Replies: >>11541
I tried filming the sky through night vision with my phone a bit ago and it turned out bretty horrible so I won't bother sharing it.  It's amazing what you can see in space with the light amplification though.  I want to get a clip on camera to play around with.

I hope you feel better after sleeping.  Have a better tomorrow okay?
Replies: >>11541
>It seemed like a man-made object, but I have no clue what it was. It's possible it was just a cellphone tower, but I think there might have been a second one too.
It's an old adage that the first guess is often the correct one. Probably a cell tower.

Heh. I'd just add a couple of thing. After the Sun and the Moon, the ISS is by far the brightest object in the sky at some point during it's traversal for you. Literally unmistakeable, once you learn to spot it. [1] Additionally, the baste Chinese now have their own station on-orbit. It's the second brightest, after the ISS (totally different trajectories, though).

>I tried filming the sky through night vision with my phone a bit ago and it turned out bretty horrible so I won't bother sharing it.
I suggest you invest in one of those cheap phone tripods for such uses. I suggest one with the legs that bend & grip around things for maximum flexibility.


Good luck, Anon!  :)

1.  https://spotthestation.nasa.gov/
I typically suffer more from cold hands, it doesn't bother me too much but urticaria is hellish to go through.
I've always wanted to see a supernova. or a red nova at least. Ideally I'd like to see it habben before my eyes.
Replies: >>11553 >>11560
>I've always wanted to see a supernova. or a red nova at least. Ideally I'd like to see it habben before my eyes.
Would you be willing to give your life for it, Anon? B/c if you ever witnessed such a thing with the blazing glory depicted with CGI -- here on the surface of planet Earth -- it would be the certain doom of all physical life here.
Be grateful that God protects us from such events here in our /comfy/ , cloistered little corner of the incredibly-hostile universe.

A new opportunity and fresh start for some creatures someday? Sometimes there is beauty in destruction. Good luck aliens, I'm cheering you on!
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It's Koterday!

How's Anon doing this fine day?
Replies: >>11562
What does "Koter" mean? Cat?
Replies: >>11563 >>11569
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It's Bunnday!
How's Anon this fine day?
Replies: >>11572
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I'm good.  How about you?
Replies: >>11574
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I'll have to tell you on the way, Anon.
Replies: >>11576
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Replies: >>11577 >>11578
Always like riding in style tbh.
I have one of these. I drive it when I go out egging houses.
New thread >>11581
New thread >>11581
New thread >>11581
[New Reply]
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