/christmas/ - All Are Welcome!

Anon's heart grew three sizes that day...

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For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government will be upon His shoulders.

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Welcome to /christmas/! In the interest of making sure everyone has a good time, please read below:

1) Follow all global rules of anon.cafe trashchan.xyz
2) Take it easy, don't be an idiot.
3) Fights and dumb drama here >>2
4) If you want to invite a board read this >>94
5) No gore. Porn is okay as long it's ontopic and spoliered.
6) Moderation reserves the right to ban troublemakers.

En español:
1) Sigue las reglas globales de anon.cafe trashchan.xyz
2) Calmao compare, no te portes como un idiota.
3) Peleas y drama van aquí >>2586
4) Si quieres invitar a un tablón lee >>94
Last edited by chobitsu
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Just wanted to wish everyone a merry Christmas and a happy New Year. Many thanks to...
List randomized in order and then randomized with a machine program.
/leftypol/ /siberia/
fatchan (IRC)
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34 replies and 20 files omitted. View the full thread
Hope you guys are having a good Christmas.
Replies: >>3841
Merry Christmas anons. To you and yours as well!
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Merry Christmas anons.
Replies: >>3869
Merry Christmas (belated), anon.
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Just wanted to extend a hearty thank you to everyone who participated in the /christmas/ festival this year. Each and every one of you make this event special. Special thanks to our new host, /trashchan/ for giving us a place to call home.

I pray that each of you have a safe & healthy year, Anons. Always remember there's a God up above, and always love those closest to you while you still can. Cheers.


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Merry Orthodox Christmas, bros!

May it find you in peace and tranquility all the year long, Anon. Cheers.  :)
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The Season is upon us again, Anons.
*  Please coordinate and RSVP here about your board's Christmas / New Years festivities.
*  Anons, please spread out and outreach to other boards and let them know.
*  BO/Vols will update this OP with relevant information as it becomes available.

For Anons leaving event info for /christmas/ , spell it all out for us bro.    :^)
> (tl;dr  please copypasta this template into your announcement post) :

•  Your board name :   
•  The name of your event :   
•  The dates/start-time of your event :   
•  The URI of your stream/etc. :   
•  The crosslink to your Embassy Thread here on /christmas/ if you have one :   

> (protip: this is a crosslink : >>3570 )
Last edited by chobitsu
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We're about an hour away from 13 or so hours of LotR.
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Just around 2 and a half hours away from the New Years Kaiju stream over at the Overlook.
Featuring, in no particular order-
>GMK, Giant Monsters All-Out Attack
>Godzilla vs. Megagirus
>Space Monster DOGORA
And a 5th mystery hopefully kaiju film.
Hope to see everyone there!
Last edited by chobitsu
Replies: >>3889
>ywn teh ebin match between Mega-Santa & Megalon
>atop teh world trade center towers
>on Christmas Eve
Why even?
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might as well...
These are not festive streams, but our regular ongoing yuri streams we always have.

•  Your board name :   /yuri/
•  The name of your event : Saturdays Seasonal Yuri Streams.
•  The dates/start-time of your event :   Every Saturday at 9pm EST. New season starting TONIGHT on 04/Jan/2025. That's 2 hours from now.
•  The URI of your stream/etc. :  https://pomf.tv/stream/ShizurusLoveHut

•  The crosslink to your Embassy Thread here on /christmas/ if you have one : >>21

The schedule for that one is
BanG Dream! Ave Mujica.
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Replies: >>3903
OK, I've added your streams into the OP listing. Thanks & Cheers!  :)
Happy New Year /yuri/ !


ps. my apologies for not catching tonight's stream notification in time. Sunday's will still be fine, and anyone can still refer to the listing after the fact even once /christmas/ goes into the 'deep freeze' just a few days away from now.
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Happy New Years, /christmas/ ! Got anything fun planned, Anon?
Stay Safe!  Cheers.  :)
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They tell me this is 'The year of the Snek'. Is this why the baste Chinese have amazing drone display of a yuge dragon?

Replies: >>3898
How do they even control such a horde without crashing them into each other?
Replies: >>3899
Are you asking because you think they're controlled by humans, or because the software is Chinese?
Replies: >>3900
Neither. It's simply an incredibly-difficult engineering & control task, I'd imagine. Absolutely amazing thing to watch as well, very creative!
Replies: >>3901
It's certainly stunning to think about everything that came together to make this show possible, but the drones already come with most of the infrastructure to accomplish this.

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Merry Christmas

wish you all the good stuff that doesn't belong to Russia.
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Replies: >>3891 + 2 earlier
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that doesn't happen.
nice снегурочка picrel
Replies: >>3856
That foot is scary.
Replies: >>3884
ну говно.
Replies: >>3893
>>3800 (OP) 
Belated Merry Christmas, tovarish.
And to think I was happy here because I couldn't see any soyjaks...

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We are looking for decorations for the board! If you would like to contribute a banner, custom CSS, spoiler image, or other decoration to the board, please do so here.
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I think the process should be straightforward in both GIMP and Photoshop, but those two have been made by monkeys and for clowns for years now, so I'm not sure. I'm certain there's a plethora of CLI tools that are up to the task, but maybe Krita is equipped with such capability if you're not comfortable with the commandine. FFmpeg and ImageMagick are indispensable tools and very much worth knowing, but if you don't care and just want to accomplish this one task, ChatGPT is a useful crutch for generating the appropriate commands from natural language, even in a niche application like this. Sorry, I would do this myself, but I am away from home and my PC, and I should really keep my promise to myself to end the cycle of working for free my whole life. Merry Christmas.
Replies: >>3878 >>3880
Thank you, Anon.
Merry Christmas

May you have a prosperous & healthy year ahead of you...one filled with plenty of golden opportunities! Cheers.  :)
Replies: >>3880 >>3882
I suppose the obvious question is: Is the .apng issue something that's intrinsic to jschan or could the Admin just simply allow that file type? Unlike something like .svg, I don't see that it could be a security issue, unless I am wrong.
Replies: >>3881 >>3882
It doesn't matter. Even if you submitted a pull request to Mr. Tom or yourself committed to maintaining an APNG-enabled fork of jschan and convinced the trashchan administration to switch to it, APNG still has broken, inconsistent behavior across every browser I've used.

Your best bet is to convert the snow APNG to WebP, host that file remotely (e.g. ImgBB, personal website, etc.), and then embed that remote file in the board CSS.
Replies: >>3882
Sorry once again for the double-post, but I was just reading the jschan GitGud and it appears that WebP might be hostable locally, but it's not clear to me. It's been a long time since I administered a jschan board and I don't remember WebP ever being allowed, even as an attachment file type.
Thank you. All the same to you.

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Gokigenyou, everyone. We, representing Smugloli's board dedicated the purest form of love, would like to thank the organizers for inviting us to this Christmas event. In turn, we would like to invite all of you to pay us a visit.


Please bear in mind that though we have picked up activity in recent months, we still take things slow here and prefer it so. Our open, user-centric approach separates us from other GL communities and we hope to continue this tradition.
67 replies and 45 files omitted. View the full thread
Hi /yuri/ , welcome!

>war streams is go
Great! Please use the template in ( >>3570 ) and give us your details, will be very happy to add you into the listing!

Merry Christmas, Anon  :)
Last edited by chobitsu
>We didn't get an invite this year
Oops! Sorry /yuri/ that's entirely my fault. I'm simply too swamped this year to have a hope of tackling that myself probably the same thing next year, too...  :P

But alway rember:
All Are Welcome
Please consider this a permanant invitation to the entire Interwebs! Cheers.  :)
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Hey, /christmas/-chan, I have bad news... There is Peace on Earth. Despite appearances, must be a seasonal thing.

Streamer-san was too busy for Christmas, then the pomf site had some issues until yesterday morning, and now after our stream I asked him again and pic related.
No festivities schedule this time from us, but we'll work (him) hard to join again next time.
I am leaving you a few invitations as usual, for our regular streams:
1)  If you reaaaaaaaally missed our war streams and want some psycho horror with a decent soundtrack... Our next seasonal schedule will be starting next Saturday at 9pm EST. Personally won't be joining that one, because I'm kinda fainthearted. you've been warned.
2) A couple weeks from now we'll be starting a new Backlog schedule. Action anime, cute anime, short musical anime. Anime rezus included. I can promise that one will be cool and fun. Right now we're on the last couple episodes of MahoAko, Valkyrie Drive Mermaid, and some others. New schedule will start after those are over. This is every Sunday at 9pm EST.

If you never joined us for war streams, you can also check our previous Christmas schedules up in this thread. I can definitely recommend you watch any of the entries listed here.

I'll probably be around for a while in the other board's music streams on New Year, and of course you can contact us for whatever reason in this thread or back on our board at smuglo.li/yuri
Come say hi!

Thanks again to Chobitsu for organizing this, and many thanks to all the anons who contributed this year to /christmas/ or with the events. I'm really looking forward to next year's festivities, we'll be glad to join again.
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Replies: >>3876
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Replies: >>3876
Hi /yuri/ thanks for the update. N/w things happen. BTW, we'll still be open for another weekend+, and we'll be happy to add your stream in the New Years section if you care to?

>I'm really looking forward to next year's festivities, we'll be glad to join again.
Great! I'll plan to open up the board on or around Dec 1st, 2025, Lord willing. What we all can use here is Anons who will volunteer to spread out all over teh Interwebs during that month and spam invite every active board evar to join together for the /christmas/ party!
The more the merrier!  :D

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Begins tomorrow and we hope to see everyone there who can come.
Of course there will be a regularly scheduled movie night on Friday night as well (we haven't spun the WHEEL for it yet).
Replies: >>3799 >>3808
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>>3798 (OP) 
Thanks for the invite, /vhs/ .
Merry Christmas!
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>>3798 (OP) 
Replies: >>3812
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WOOHOO!111 Party started..
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We're about an hour away foe Overlook Christmas Movie Night 2.

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I'm going to make a Christmas/monstergirl themed stream in 
21th of December at 4 EST
If you have any suggestion about Christmas shows/movies with qt monstergirls leave them in this thread!
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Replies: >>3792
Y/W and TY. Merry Christmas, /monster/.
Merry sciencemas fellow slime enjoyers!~
Viscous Santa will mold down the chimney very soon! (2 days)
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Thanks /christmas/ it was fun, see you next year.
Replies: >>3867
You too, /monster/ ! We'll still be 'open' for several more days until after Orthodox Christmas. Cheers.  :)

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