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>>>/islam/ is wishing you a happy winter.
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luv me toy trains
Replies: >>3094
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IKR? Trains are cool.
In shall ah and may you triumph over Israel
Replies: >>3117
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Finally, something that can unite us all this season.

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This thread is for consolidation of various ideas and contributions. Boards who have accepted being part of the event should provide a quote to be added to the sticky under a sponsors section, and describe the type of thread they plan to have here in order to not have too much overlap with other participants (or to request consolidation with that board as a joint-contribution thread if there is overlap). If there is a dispute over who gets to host what thread and both websites/boards have refused to work together, the board that has put more tangible effort into their plans will be given priority. Threads that don't directly compete (two different boards hosting different games for the event, for instance) will not be asked to consolidate.
Last edited by Chobitsu
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Should a draw thread be made?
Replies: >>117 >>120
Go for it.
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We'll probably be merging some threads here to allow for a bit more 'headroom' for the thread budget here on /christmas/ .

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Jesus and God:
Jesus and the Word:
Birth place of Jesus:
The Magi:
Killing of the Innocents:
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Looks like January 7. The more Christmases, the merrier!
Replies: >>3096
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>Looks like January 7.
Alright then. /christmas/ will stay open for business through January 7th then. Cheers.  :)
Wow, I really love that choral song around ~40mins.
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Since you left, I suppose this may be a waste of energy. But perhaps someone else here may benefit from it.

With all due respect: you go where the need is, Anon. You cannot mandate morality from without. Your "it's not church so it's fine" strawman reeeing is just silly. Christmastime is one of the very few times in the year when most unbelievers even stop to think about God at all. "To the weak I became weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all people, that by all means I might save some." [1] Are you in fact disdaining going out into the wheat fields ripe for harvest, friend? /christmas/ exists to bring some sense of community & camaraderie into a world ravaged by the Globohomo & their evildoers, ravenously bent on all our destructions. Would you destroy that venue of refuge & hope simply because it doesn't line up with your own personal sense of propriety ATM?

As to your apparent claim that God is in an angry rage at myself and other anons who participate in /christmas/, honestly I don't see where you derive that as being especially worse than other common human endeavors in life. All is vanity apart from the salvation wrought alone by the Son of God, Jesus Christ, Savior of the world. Trying to trample (as a purported Christian,) on the one board in the entire IB universe that is a general celebration of Christ's birth and the good news that God has come down to mankind is misguided IMO -- to say the least!  :^)  "For the foolishness of God is wiser than man’s wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man’s strength." [2]

Similar to the amazing, unexpected gift & plan that God chose to sacrifice Himself on all our behalves [3] and thus bring about the believing Christian's eternal redemption by God's grace alone -- saving us from eternal damnation in hell below -- who knows if He might also save some through /christmas/ as well? Please leave Him room enough to work here, kthx.


Regardless, God bless you and all the rest of us here, Anon. May we all learn the true meaning of Christmas during this holy season. Cheers.  :^)
Last edited by Chobitsu
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Merry Christmas (soon) to all! 
Welcome to the /geimu/ ministry thread, you have chosen, or been chosen, to relocate to the webring's finest remaining video game board. I thought so much of /geimu/ that I elected to establish an embassy/ministry, here, in the /christmas/ board, so thoughfully provided by our benefactors. I am proud to call /geimu/ my home. 
And so, whether you are here to stay, or passing through on your way to worse boards, welcome to /geimu/. It's uncensored here.
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Merry Christymas, everyanon
Please no bully /gaymu/
Replies: >>3000
>don't bully the son of a whoring company who did his best to destroy what's left of the 8chan crumbling remains
In a perfect world, someone would use his dox to find him and smash his ginger face in with a hammer and erase him from the gene pool, but seen how nothing good ever happens, his public humiliation is the best we can get and the least he should be expected to suck on.
Merry Christmas.
Replies: >>3013
Merry Christmas Anon. I hope you can join the festival this year: (>>2984)

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Thread dedicated to organize all the /christmas/ events. Please tell me if I'm forgetting something so I can add it later.
Hilo dedicado a organizar los eventos de /christmas/. Avísenme si se me pasa algo para agregarlo. 
Ghost Screen >>2591
Endchan movie night >>2577
Anime Nabe stream >>2587
/animu/ jazz night >>2557
Streamfag radio >>2558 
Last edited by christmas_anon
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39 replies and 21 files omitted. View the full thread
Go to the board-request thread, former-BO.

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Well, I hope it gets resolved.
Replies: >>2983 >>3012
me too 😢
Replies: >>3009 >>3012
Did it get fixed yet?
Replies: >>3012
My apologies this is the new events thread for this year: (>>2984). Please coordinate with everyone one there. I'll straighten the catalog out soon.

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Just wanted to wish everyone a merry Christmas and a happy New Year. Many thanks to...
List randomized in order and then randomized with a machine program.
/leftypol/ /siberia/
fatchan (IRC)
Last edited by NeneSeal
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26 replies and 15 files omitted. View the full thread
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Welcome, Anon! What habbernd to nano?
Replies: >>2965
It's dead, someone that made a clone with a different url is constantly attacking it and the current admin can't keep the ib online for more than a week since this shit started a year or so ago.
The old users went to other ib a while ago. I was there when the original admin ruled that place 4 or 5 years ago, it's hard to let it go. I'm also posting on the two alternative slow ib that we still have, but we are talking about 5 or 10 different active users in a good day.
Replies: >>2966
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>someone that made a clone with a different url is constantly attacking it and the current admin can't keep the ib online for more than a week since this shit started a year or so ago.
Was it that picochan guy? That's a glownigger op AFAICT.

>it's hard to let it go
That sucks. Nano was comfy. I've been too busy this past year or so, so I haven't been there at all. I hope you guys find a more-fortified landing spot this year.

Thanks and Happy New Year Anon, pardon my rude manners.
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Merry Christmas, anons!  I hope you guys are having a wonderful time.
Replies: >>3003
Thanks Anon! See you during the festival ! (>>2984)

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Thought I'd make a thread for drawings that aren't specifically for thread decoration.

Archive Autism
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Very nice! Lord bless you this Saint Stephen's Day!
Looks good anon. I'm looking forward to the finished piece.
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Well It's finally done.  I think someone must be wrong with my work flow for it to take so long.
Merry very belated Christmas and Happy New Year
Replies: >>2953 >>2954
Fabulous work again Arts-Anon, as usual!
>worth the wait/10
Nice, this needs to be the /christmas/ invitation card next year tbh.

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Alone on Christmas? Come shitpost while watching christmas movies.

/vhs/ Movie Night - A Christmas Weekend
Nightmare Before Christmas - Rocky IV - Year Without Santa Claus - Frosty the Snowman
Friday December 23rd
5pm PST - 7pm CST - 8pm EST
Pre-Show: Silent Night, Deadly Night Part 2 (3:30pm PST/5:30pm CST/6:30pm EST)
24th and 25th movies to be decided.

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/vhs/ Movie Night - CHRISTMAS
Santa with Muscles - Sampo - Emmet Otter's Jug-Band Christmas - The Family Man
Sunday December 25th
5pm PST - 7pm CST - 8pm EST
Pre-Show: Santa's Slay (3:30pm PST/5:30pm CST/6:30pm EST)
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Also Merry Christmas!
from /vhs/
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Thanks to all those who stopped by and have a Merry Christmas.
You're all welcome to come by and check out the stream when ever the mood strikes you.
Replies: >>2947
Thanks /vhs/ ! Blessed Saint Stephen's Day .

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Hello guys, we are from and we were here last year and I came here to say hello and wish you a merry christmas (even though the world is on fire outside) we are already setting up a movie night, I hope you guys could hang out for a while.
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Sup. I've seen homosuck pics posted a few times by mexicans in short succession both here and on your boards. Do you guys like it or something?
Replies: >>2847 >>2850 >>2866
Back when Hispachan was online some guy made an Homestuck "odisea", which is a kind of thread where the OP reads or watches an entire cartoon or comic and posts his thought as he moves forward. The interesting part of the thread is not only read the opinion of someone totally unfamiliar with the subject but also to see how his mental health degradates over time. That was back in late 2021 I guess? here's the archive of said threads:

Before that Homestuck were a meme on Hispachan because they were their bronies, it became a meme to bully them for some reason I don't remember, but modern Homestuck interest came from the guy who read the entire thing and documented it.
Replies: >>2850
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>mental health degradates over time
Just like the author's and the comic.
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¡Feliz navidad a todos!

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Thoughts on him?
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Replies: >>2848 + 1 earlier
>>2366 (OP) 
I don't understand this culture

I would like neco arc to commit a crime, that's why I gave her the gun.
Replies: >>2855
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>I don't understand this culture
Zwarte Piet is a figure with mixed history. One part of him is derived from the Moors. In that sense he's literally a servant that Santa has impressed into his service. Similar to how Krampus was made a servant of Santa. The idea being something along the lines of St. Nicholas, a Christian bishop has conquered non Christian elements in Europe and has put them into good service.
Speaking of Krampus, it's entirely possible that Karmpus, Pete, and Ruprecht are all the same character but filtered through different cultural lenses and and then integrated back into the Santa Clause legend.
Another take is that Pete is actually a chimney sweep and is a more voluntary sort of servant that aids Santa in his seasonal breaking and entering activities.
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Also on the subject of Krampus, he's really similar on many points to the Namahage of Japan. Although the Namahage on the whole are nicer Krampus according to than some of legends about him.
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Slightly different but related subject.
Replies: >>2882
that's true but in Italy we adopted Father Christmas only after Godless american contamination, before we had Saint Lucy and Baby Jesus delivering presents.
Like real christians.

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