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A sincere merry fucking Christmas from me and the boys at to each and every one of you webring bastards, anons, mods, board owners, admins and all of your families.
I didn't personally plan any good shit but anons have something going here >>161 so be sure to check that out.
Special mention and thanks to the anon that set all of this up and best wishes for you to get your shit sorted.

Yeah, video games or something.
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Merry Christmas from your pals at /tv/, /v/ =^_^=
Replies: >>2473
Big love to my dunkaccino broskis.
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Again, Merry Christmas to all the webring bros, hope you're all well.
Replies: >>3383
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Thanks zzz/v/ ! Hope you're having an enjoyable Christmas this year.

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Let's be honest, you will spend x-mass alone playing video games. Come talk about them afterwards.
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Replies: >>3362 + 1 earlier
>you will spend x-mass alone playing video games
im SO over my goomer phase
i dont even have the drive to look for new games to play, and when i do find new ones i dont really feel like playing
also i have a social life now
but if you nolifers need a recommendation for a game that will suck your soul for at least 2 weeks straight, go play Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead
its a hyperautistic post-apocalyptic survival roguelike set in $CURRENT_YEAR with only slightly more advanced technology
just advanced enough that you can perform genetic therapy on yourself to become a blood thirsty catgirl
Replies: >>3350
I bought a bunch of games off GOG not that long ago. I hardly ever buy games otherwise, since it's hard to find anything I like and have other interests to focus on too.
>>3314 (OP) 
Christmas is next of kin being needy for support gibs followed by stress relieve tuggin the sore thumb at the night, and also I'd guess three wise star followers and a lamb.

I'll piss away January maybe if I can get away with it. Sat playing Unciv when I have time; is it bad that I just prefer Civ II in every way? I want the FMVs and the Elvis cultural advice
I've got a tradition of getting up to remilia at new years so that I'm fighting her when the new year starts
I haven't played a shmup at all this year tho so I wonder how long the run will take me on the eve lole
I don't even have the drive to play video games. I woke up at 3 pm, ate something and I'm just mindlessly browsing imageboards.

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Broken English, Broken Software, Serious Discussion
Replies: >>3365
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>>3364 (OP) 
Merry Christmas, World 2channel. Welcome! Your visit is appreciated, may it become tradition between our sites.  :)

Do you have any special holiday traditions you like to practice during the Christian holiday of Christmas? And New Year as well, what special practices do you engage in?

Thanks for stopping by during our Christmas Festival!
Last edited by Chobitsu

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Greetings from /strek/ fellow anons
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...They do, now that I think of it.

Anyone from there read How Much for Just the Planet?
There's a thread up on /late/ rn, but otherwise I'm not sure.
Replies: >>3295 >>3313 >>3354
An endless mission to find a board which works.
To seek out new bait and new conversations, to boldly go where no anon has gone before.
Replies: >>3313
There's literally a board on the webring:
Replies: >>3354
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It seems like there's a lot to discuss considering how much Star Trek media there's been over the years.
Yeah, I've posted in there before.
I wasn't aware that there was one anymore. Glad to see that it's still going.

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Post away
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Replies: >>3143
Kek. I wanna habeeb!  :DD
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Replies: >>3337

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Merry Christmas anons. Hope you're dressed well for the festivities, even if you're dressed for the wrong ones make sure it's a good look.

Enjoy this terrible image of a graphic tshirt I'm wearing out on the town for the festive weekend. It's fat fuck Friday, after all
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I'm a footfag, and you might be right. They turn me on.
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let the man wear his rings
holy fuck im drunk

merry christmas 

i hope y'all have a wonderful night
Replies: >>3325
Heh, hope you don't feel too bad today, Anon.  :D

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zzz/tech/ wishes you a Merry Christmas, may your software be free forever.
If you haven't install Gentoo, do it now to keep your room warm.
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Replies: >>3140 + 1 earlier
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>>3137 (OP) 
I think you've got the best /tech/ and I recommend you whenever someone asks us about such things.
Replies: >>3161
Thank you.
It's cheesed to meet your harddrive.
Replies: >>3228
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>It's cheesed to meat your harddrive.*

Heh, I actually made a feeble attempt install Arch once. Apparently these things take more patience than I'm willing to expend rn.
Replies: >>3234
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Replies: >>3257
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The fluffy anime girls of >>>/kemono/ (mainly the /animu/ general, really) and their autistic appreciators send our warmest Christmas greetings! May you all have a blessed Christmas and a good year to come.
Replies: >>3141
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>>3138 (OP) 
Hello /kemono/ , welcome! Glad you stopped by. Have anything special planned for Christmas?  :)
Replies: >>3159
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yea fluffy animal ears on a girl is p gucci
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The board and general don't, no, although I do have some IRL Christmas stuff lined up.
Replies: >>3171
>I do have some IRL Christmas stuff lined up.
Naicu. I hope it turns out to be very enjoyable for you Anon. Cheers.  :)

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Christians have Christmas
Jews have have Haunakah
East Asian group have Dongzhi (winter solstice) 
Buddhists have Bodhi Day (Budda's enlightenment day)
Islam has nothing because their calendar is funny
Kwanzaa is under 100 years old and therefore does not count as a holiday or culture
So what do the people of Africa and the Middle East do this time of year?
Last edited by Chobitsu
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Replies: >>2976 + 1 earlier
>>2928 (OP) 
Mawlid (muslim holiday of the birth of Muhammad) is on September so close
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>winter solstice celebrations
Meanwhile, not very far away.....
Replies: >>3091
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I don't even see how they stay put on the ground, being upside down and all.  :^)
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Daily Reminder that Winter Solstice 2023 occurs in just about 20 minutes from the time of this post!
Friday, December 22, 2023 at 0327 UT

Have a good Wintertime this year, Anon!  :)

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Hey, thanks for the invite even tho we're not part of the webring. is a small portuguese speaking chan with users mostly from Portugal and Brazil that has existed for more than 10+ years, and thank god we've moved to jschan this year. Our mascot is MARTA, a portuguese girl living in Japan (, well anyways, this is a cultural exchange thread!
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Replies: >>3037 >>3131 + 3 earlier
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Christmas is coming ptchan !
Replies: >>2625
Danone reportando dentro. 
Merry Christmas everyone!
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>Do Angolans or Mozambicans ever visit your imageboard?
It's very rare, the admin LARPs as an angolan but that's as far as it goes in regards to african users. We do get a bunch of monkeys from Brazil, but they are far nicer than the ones you find at 55chan and other brazilian imageboards.
I don't think imageboards are very popular in Africa, they mostly use facebook from what I understand.

Truth be told, this imageboard is more like reddit than a typical imageboard.
>>142 (OP) 

Ten years? That's amazing. You must've accumulated a lot of memories, injokes and memes together.

I hope your board thrives for many more years.
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>>142 (OP) 
>that has existed for more than 10+ years
Impressive. Very nice.

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