/christmas/ - All Are Welcome!

Anon's heart grew three sizes that day...

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For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government will be upon His shoulders.

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I am GigaDev from 8chan /v/ and I hope you get lots of vidya for Christmas.
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Replies: >>266
>>239 (OP) 
Is there a wholesome regularsized boy relationship with one of the girls?
Replies: >>278
Yes, actually.
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We wish you a merry Christmas.
Replies: >>334
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I'm also a gamedev, greetings from ptchan and /agdg/
Merry Christmas you big faggot.

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Got a song /r/equest you know you want to make during radio tomorrow? This thread will be locked when I wake up tomorrow so go ahead and post it here in advance. If I don't play it another DJ might. Right now I'm sticking to old ones carols and traditional Burger Christmas music with an international twist here or there, and then tavern songs late in the evening, with some other impromptu blocks depending on how much time I'm filling in. Think another anon is planning a couple hours of psyrock/italydisco later in the night. 

Anons who post music or links are helpful anons.
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Oh for fuckssake it ate my songs. Let's try again.
>NOT crashing Mixxx
It's a feature, anon!
Replies: >>281
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I see
I'll just rec this one as well since I forgot this is christmas we're talking about
tbh flac is for archiving, not for active use anon.
Locking thread. Please move /r/equests to the radio stream!

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Stream on intermission. Connect to PLW's stream!
/animu/ stream: >>40
Good morning, anon! 
Merry Christmas! Have a wonderful Winter Solstice! Enjoy your Yule! Happy Hanukkah! Something something Kwanzaa! FUCK happy holidays Have some wonderful winter festivities! Eid Al-Fitr and Eid Al-Adha are a ways away but since we might not see each other until then I'll wish you guys a joyous Ramadan as well! I hope you are having a wonderful weekend before Christmas! Is anon eating and sleeping well? Make sure to stay hydrated and to take a nap if you're feeling tired since the event is gonna go for 12+ hours. Feel free to join in and out over the course of the day at your leisure! I had some beer cheese soup this morning that was quite delicious. Got some split pea/lentil and ham for later in the day.

There are various winter festivities that will be taking place. Officially, Gliding Simulator Veloren >>233 will be the social server since it can handle a lot of people and runs on potato PCs, but as more events comes up anon should keep an eye on the events sticky! I'll try to update it every couple hours or sooner: >>188

Current stream can be found here: http://radio.anon.cafe:8000/christmas.m3u
Just download the m3u and roll with it in your audio or video player of choice (mpv, vlc, and foobar are confirmed to work). If you're having issues with that, try accessing: https://radio.anon.cafe/
When/if it's time to swap streaming servers, I'll edit accordingly.
Fatchan has generously donated an IRC for your livechat pleasure: https://irc.fatpeople.lol/#christmas
Technical difficulties or info to import into your IRC client: >>160

With all that said, I hope anon will enjoy today. After a quick pre-stream connection test for a half hour, I will be streaming mostly traditional Christmas music (Manheim Steamroller, Bill Crosby, Trans-Siberian Orchestra) with some international (Read: Russian/German/Japanese) twists mixed in. /r/s in all languages are allowed! The other streamers will likely have their own music so I'm not totally sure what they will be doing, but it doesn't have to be Christmas themed all day if they want to play other things. If I'm back on later it might be weeb music for a while and some tavern songs later tonight. I mostly just sent out mass advertisements to what seemed to be the central hubs on each imageboard, but everyone is invited today! If I didn't get an invitation out to your board, or if your imageboard wasn't mentioned, then you have my heartfelt apologies since it was my fault for starting the process so late in the game. I was hand-typing the invitations outside of the copy/pasted greentext and was short on time, so I didn't get one out to everyone, but an invitation should have gone out to everyone in the grand scheme of things. Please enjoy the festivities and come on in; the fire is warm and the drinks are plentiful!
Last edited by NeneSeal
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Smug/tg/ is here.
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zzz/japan/ shitstirrer here.
Merry Christmas, everyone. Thank you for all the good times, and thank you for existing.
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All I want for Christmas is a kiss from my wife Eden under the mistletoe!
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It's becoming increasingly harder to communicate with my mother. My sister has a job and is away for the holidays. I almost envy her for being able to be away from it all, but her job is hard and stressful. I got my own work to deal with, even if I'm mental. I don't know what it is with my mother. Several times now she has just hung up on me during phone calls. As recently as a few minutes ago. I couldn't hear her, wanted her to move closer to her microphone or switch device, but she hung up on me just as I could hear her clearly. And then she blames ME for being irritable. Maybe I'll just fake a sickness on Christmas and stay home if this keeps up. I could use a Christmas miracle. Or get isekai'd. Wouldn't mind just escaping it all to some sci-fi, reincarnate as a robot. I could be a mechanic aboard a space-ship. That could be fun. I've taken up streaming movies for the guys over on cake/v/, it's been fun watching old action movies with everyone. Even showed some of my favorite stop-motion films.

Here's a manga recommendation for you all, read Super Doctor K, it's good fun from the late '80s.
Merry Christmas and a happy new year, guys. Here's hoping something good happens.
Merry christmas 

Fuck off redditor

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Will there be one? I can probably set one up myself, but I don't have much experience with IRC, so I am not exactly qualified to operate one.
It would be hosted from my home so it would be tor-only to bypass the NAT.
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Replies: >>130 >>223
It's not really spam when I've said that alternate imageboards can be invited. >>128 is your ambassador thread I guess, so you can post to your hearts content there, just don't post global-violating content. Did you want to be added to the whitelist?

Nanochan isn't spam either and the same offer of an ambassador thread and whitelisting is available. Feel free to advertise the event to them, I will add the default onion URL to the graylist in a little bit along with the above.
I'd participate in an IRC or Element. I lean towards IRC but happy with either. Anything that doesn't need an identifying account.
irc.fatpeople.lol 6697 (tls/ssl on), /join #christmas
 webidiotas: https://irc.fatpeople.lol/#christmas 
PicoIRC. The address is:
Thanks to >>127 whoever you are for posting the link. More information there.

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Wow, a lovely online Christmas board!
And everyone's going into their own designated groups of those they already know and talking among themselves! It's just like the real thing!
Replies: >>210
Festivities start tomorrow, so most anons are just making threads and advertising what they do or what they're planning to do tomorrow for now. Feel free to hang out, get comfy, and join us for music in about 11 hours. I really ought to go to sleep here soon.
>>165 (OP) 
Where's this little Tina character from fren?
Replies: >>212
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/co/ had a small hype about Satina (and the creator made some drawings for the board)

Satina Wants a Glass of Water (short pilot): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrywhCp1W1s
Bring Your Demon to Work Day (full episode): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjMh_iE8bf0

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FChan is a federated image board based on ActivityPub (https://activitypub.rocks). It is still in development, but is already usable.
All of your altchans are doomed to die a sudden death when the server gets destroyed because the neckbeard running it failed to notice it was raining and there was a leak right above the computer they run the server on.
>but we take measures to avoid this
>but we have bunkers and others places to gather if the chan disappears
All cope. The fact of the matter is that centralization was a mistake. With federation you can simply laugh it off on a fellow federated board when another dies. Hell, you can even still read the dead instance's posts if they are cached by the other.
In principle, any other IB engine can enter the federation if they comply with the protocol (which isn't that complicated to begin with). Accept that your centralized architecture can't compete with our federated superiority and take the fedipill.
Case is point: in October, the main instance (https://fchan.xyz/) got nuked off the face of this earth while the other instances remained up and running, gathering the lost anons.
Also, federation has already been achieved with tor and lokinet instances, any other darkne
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Replies: >>1838
echo aHR0cHM6Ly90aW55dXJsLmNvbS9zcGFtY2hhbgo= | base64 -d
echo 5k2tWE6P7gjuBSbBK4zjpFBPd9G3NiqGxvizpqEH | base58 -d
>>135 (OP) 

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