/christmas/ - All Are Welcome!

Anon's heart grew three sizes that day...

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For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government will be upon His shoulders.

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>Just what the FUCK is Veloren?
Veloren is a FREE AND OPEN SOURCE spiritual successor to the short-lived Cube World. It uses similar combat mechanics to cube world, similar crafting mechanics to Valheim, exploration quirks like BoTW, and a minecraft aesthetic. It has both a third person and first person mode, and is all about running around as cute little cube people and murderhoboing your surroundings (or the villages). It is a community-led project that gets almost daily updates. Most importantly, it can run on potato PCs. 
copypasted from /vg/ because I'm too lazy to come up with something on my own 
So you heard that right, is free and you can set up an account in 10 seconds or less, no email verifying none of that shit. The game is light and can easily run in a toaster. 

Download it at: https://veloren.net/download/
/vg/ thread for more info https://smuglo.li/vg/res/10891.html
Just get the launcher, update the game and pick up your preferred RPG class and race (humans, orcs, dwarves, elves, etc) 
The server is paid, that means it'll be open all day and for the days to come until the owner decides to pull the plug. You may see anons getting in and out through the whole event, so don't be shy and ask for TP or help if you're lost. I'll probably join at around 21 UTC and will most likely stay there for several hours.

So if you want to have a comfy time by ethnic cleansing a village or raiding a dungeon with fellow anons, hop in our server at THIS IP
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Veloren is the social server that will be used for the event since it can run on potato PCs and host 50+ people without killing the server and I know for a fact it can run on a 10mbps VPN, albeit with mild lag. It's FOSS and the no-email-attached account registration: https://veloren.net/account/ is just because our server goes through the official authentication server for login. If you still don't feel comfortable entering a username and password, we can proxy handle it for you, just shoot the board admin an email (see rules) through guerillamail, stay on the line until he checks the email or something, and he'll make it for you.
I think I'll try this out, is anyone on right now?
Replies: >>316
The anon who was running that portion's computer is shitting the bed. I'll be on in about a half hour or so.
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OP here. Pic related, I don't know how to fix this. May not be able to join in a while or not at all tonight this really fucks my shit
Replies: >>964
Your game client is too new. Update the server to a newer version or downgrade your client.
Replies: >>1047
I'd think so too but I forwarded him my assets since his computer is being weird and I can log in just fine.
Are anons still playing right now? I'll try to hop on if so.
Replies: >>1742
They were about 20 minutes ago. Press "O" in-game to check.
Replies: >>1746
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Downloading now, should be on in 10 or 15 minutes at most.
Replies: >>1761
Cool cool. Classes and races are 100% aesthetic so don't think too hard on it. You can be any class later.
Be a loli dwarf.
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