/christmas/ - All Are Welcome!

Anon's heart grew three sizes that day...

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For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government will be upon His shoulders.

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Thread dedicated to organize all the /christmas/ events. Please tell me if I'm forgetting something so I can add it later.
Hilo dedicado a organizar los eventos de /christmas/. Avísenme si se me pasa algo para agregarlo. 
Ghost Screen >>2591 https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Ghost+Screen&iso=20221218T00
Endchan movie night >>2577 https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=endcorner&iso=20221220T00&p1=%3A
Anime Nabe stream >>2587 https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Anime+Nabe+stream&iso=20221217T22&p1=1440
/animu/ jazz night >>2557
Streamfag radio >>2558 https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Streamfag+radio&iso=20221217T23
Last edited by christmas_anon
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steps to playing OJ with us
>have steam
>buy 100% Orange Juice (like 6$)
you can now play OJ with us
images help you find the lobby
if you are new to the game just join and learn by doing
it's not a hard game, just really unfair and based on luck
have fun
Replies: >>789 >>1122 >>2165
>5 years later
Still can't skip those annoying fucking VN sections every time you boot up the game after a few months.
Replies: >>808
right click should skip em
Is the lobby dead? I can't find it.
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Replies: >>1360 >>1578
Since we had enough people for another lobby, I made one. 
Lobby is /christmas/. 
Password is padoru
Replies: >>1479
What happened to the second lobby?
Replies: >>1597
It was full, now it looks dead. Some just come and go.
Replies: >>1597
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Share your castles.
I was hosting it, but decided to take a break for now. This makes my eyes hurt for some reason. Or maybe I'm just tired. Anons should feel free to make lobbies if they don't find any. Just make sure the lobby name is easily searchable and that the password is padoru.
Lobby currently has two in it. Feel free to join for a round or two.
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Moving finished events to an archived post to promote ongoing events in the sticky.
Past Music
/christmas/ Radio hosted by /l/: >>1113
^More r/a/dio-oriented.
/animu/ Christmas Stream Thread: >>40 
^More Christmas-oriented.
Past Vidya
OJ 1: >>733
As OJ servers and such pop up, gimme a heads up and I can edit them in.
Past Videos/Streams
/tv/ Short Film Festival: >>32
/japan/ Soku Tournament (finished): >>70
Guntstream: >>276
Hispachan Cartoons livestream: >>391
Anime: >>922
Thanks for all of the holiday fun and events this year. I hope /christmas/ becomes a regular staple and that more community activities occur between bunkers and boards which wish to participate not only during the holidays but throughout the year as well. It felt a little like being on 8chan again and reminded me of smug's meta threads. Happy New Years.
Replies: >>2822
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So, looks like the board is open. December starts the following week, are we going to throw up the crossover event this year? what are you guys planning? which boards should we invited? I'ld like to help a lot this year.
Replies: >>2548
I'm currently waiting for the original owner to come back. However, if he's still MIA I'll transfer the board to someone else (see >>>/meta/15957)
t. /l/ BO
Edited the OP so it has the up to date events now.
Added the music section. Also added the universal time converters. PLEASE tell me if I put the wrong time and date so I can change it. Then again, use UTC time.
I think that /vhs/ will be hosting three consecutive movie streams, beginning the Friday of Thanksgiving week. Streams start at 5pm PDT - 7pm CDT - 8pm EDT, but pre-stream is 1 1/2 hours earlier. They hosted an event for /christmas/ proper last year, so please invite them next year.
Thank you once again for /christmas/. It wasn't as active as last year, and that's probably because invitations weren't sent out on time. I'm glad that we brought in the Iberians this time, but I wish that we could have extended an olive branch to less agreeable boards like last year. It's still my hope that we will have more community activities between boards. Maybe we could get the /icup/ guys to help out or have /wooo/ host an /icup/-style virtual wrestling event next year?
Replies: >>2823 >>2828 >>2838
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Where are they located at now, Anon?
Replies: >>2838
Delete the cp pls.
Both on cakechan and on sleepychan. They meet for a stream once a week on fridays. Sometimes for special events it will be friday and sunday.
>Thank you once again for /christmas/. It wasn't as active as last year, and that's probably because invitations weren't sent out on time. I'm glad that we brought in the Iberians this time, but I wish that we could have extended an olive branch to less agreeable boards like last year.
I think the trick is getting it started early. First week of December at the latest.
>Maybe we could get the /icup/ guys to help out or have /wooo/ host an /icup/-style virtual wrestling event next year?
That would be good. I like that.
Replies: >>2843
The /icup/ guys are on a break from the last cup so I have no idea if doing an invitational could work
/wooo/ is not responsible for it, that's /v/ (whichever one the former organizers are on if they are still)
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This anon >>2955 brings a good point/idea: is anyone available or interested in doing something for New Years? I know that last time there was a Gaki marathon, but if there are plans for something else that should be good too.
Replies: >>2960
I think the entire Christmastide period should be one of community for the Internet, Anon. I'd certainly enjoy participating in something if it was within the spirit of the thing.
Replies: >>2973
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It's coming to an end soon. 
It was a good Christmas. See you next year.
Replies: >>2974
Yep. See you next year Anon.
See you next year, /christmas/
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Hello, I'm former /christmas/ BO, unfortunately I lost my credentials and there's no way I can take them back. So it would be really cool if anoncafe admins could give back the board to the anon that owned the board before me, because I don't want to commit to organize this year's event since it's quite likely I won't have enough time to organize something fun.
Replies: >>2980 >>2981
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Any updates on who's in charge or what's going on?
Officially less then a month, and advent is about to kick off. At least of the boards I lurk in is talking about Christmas so I figured I would drop by.
Anyway, here's hoping, planned or unplanned, that people still come together.
Replies: >>2981
Go to the board-request thread, former-BO.

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Well, I hope it gets resolved.
Replies: >>2983 >>3012
me too 😢
Replies: >>3009 >>3012
Did it get fixed yet?
Replies: >>3012
My apologies this is the new events thread for this year: (>>2984). Please coordinate with everyone one there. I'll straighten the catalog out soon.
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