For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government will be upon His shoulders.
We're sliding in like those fags on ice! /japan/ was founded roughly last Thursday with the express purpose of finally leaving those oppressive tranny redditors behind and growing into the least moderated /jp/ spinoff on the planet. Our primary exports include: Touhou imagery キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!! Drama (Usually without us even being there!) 100% of quality posts on any board ACTUAL GAMES …and more! Drop by to shit up our board today @ Be forewarned that it's somewhat dead but fear not traveler for that's by design. Our agents are all worldly philosopher kings that spend little time on our home board other than to relax and take it easy.
>>6 (OP) Tell me about the bird. Why does she wear the hat?
>>17 lotta loyalty for a hired bun
tdkr is getting streamed on the 12th, more activities likely to follow closer to christmas
/bane/mas was a blast but next week we're doing our annual christmas thing: another soku tournament PLUS the newest gaki new years special this sssaturday there will be free booze pills so I hope to see you there
>>70 I'll make sure to promote the tournament in the announcements sticky when I make it tonight.
>>204 www
>>70 starts in 2 hour
>>345 where stream How do I fix the, "Checking your browser" bullshit that cloudflare does on cytube?
>>557 id starded :DDDD
The stream is laggy as fuck, fix your shit tengu nigger
IT'S OVER THE WINNER: PERFECT MAID (Your Az) TIME FOR GAKI after these short messages
>>947 A small explosion is heard in the distance. But now it is time for GAKI STREAM
>>962 Why must you bully?
>>962 so this.. is the power of the hehpill..
>missed >>1000 get
>>962 Issued a 1 hour ban and deleted post. Ban Reason: Doesn't really seem in the spirit of Christmas to gloat about hurting others, so I'm deleting the post. Glad you had fun with your tournament but please keep gloating like that to your board.
>>1023 /japan/ is secretly crewed exclusively by dorfs, striking a grudge is a very merry moment
>>1023 They used a Christmas event to fuck with another board over some petty grudge, and then gloated over it? We're supposed to think /japan/ isn't a bunch of mentally ill troons?
USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST Please take it to the thunderdome
>>1070 Can't have an event without drama, I guess.
>>1085 who?
>>1090 i dont know.
zenin outo
it's over
>>1658 Merry Christmas to all and to all a good FUCK YOU
I just heard the news Lmao /a/ ownedd
>>1602 デデーン
>>1662 Rude
Any plans for Christmas Day or Eve? Does Japan have any good live-action Christmas movies?
>>2298 we can watch the rest of muromi and a couple of christmas movies I guess
>>2302 where is the stream link? wtf is muromi?
>>2303 it's too early for christmas
>>2329 Christmas is now, old man.
christmas is renewed
Merry Christmas you meme loving fucks I am glad you exist
To live at Christmas is a merry thing.
birds are enjoying christmas
>>3146 Image has not uploaded correctly, here's a downscaled version.
>Our primary exports include: >Touhou imagery you won me there i never played 2hu but the girls sure are cute wait no, i did play that one fan game uhhhh taisei i liked it thats prolly where i got my youmu fever from tbh
>>2411 >To live at Christmas is a merry thing. /throd.
>>3294 WEW
whats it about aya that makes her so fucking hot? seriously
>>3297 Maybe it's the same reason people like April O'Neil and other fictional reporters. That, or wearing men's clothes well.
>>3300 (checked) yea i really want a cute reporter to offer me sex in exchange for top secret information for her scoop >or wearing men's clothes well yea ngl crossdressers are kinda hot picrel
>>3294 Okay, that's impressive. Merry Christmas.
/japan/ strm starts soon!!! /japan/ strm starts soon!!!