/christmas/ - All Are Welcome!

Anon's heart grew three sizes that day...

⊖ Thread has reached reply limit.

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government will be upon His shoulders.

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Stream on intermission. Connect to PLW's stream!
/animu/ stream: >>40
Good morning, anon! 
Merry Christmas! Have a wonderful Winter Solstice! Enjoy your Yule! Happy Hanukkah! Something something Kwanzaa! FUCK happy holidays Have some wonderful winter festivities! Eid Al-Fitr and Eid Al-Adha are a ways away but since we might not see each other until then I'll wish you guys a joyous Ramadan as well! I hope you are having a wonderful weekend before Christmas! Is anon eating and sleeping well? Make sure to stay hydrated and to take a nap if you're feeling tired since the event is gonna go for 12+ hours. Feel free to join in and out over the course of the day at your leisure! I had some beer cheese soup this morning that was quite delicious. Got some split pea/lentil and ham for later in the day.

There are various winter festivities that will be taking place. Officially, Gliding Simulator Veloren >>233 will be the social server since it can handle a lot of people and runs on potato PCs, but as more events comes up anon should keep an eye on the events sticky! I'll try to update it every couple hours or sooner: >>188

Current stream can be found here: http://radio.anon.cafe:8000/christmas.m3u
Just download the m3u and roll with it in your audio or video player of choice (mpv, vlc, and foobar are confirmed to work). If you're having issues with that, try accessing: https://radio.anon.cafe/
When/if it's time to swap streaming servers, I'll edit accordingly.
Fatchan has generously donated an IRC for your livechat pleasure: https://irc.fatpeople.lol/#christmas
Technical difficulties or info to import into your IRC client: >>160

With all that said, I hope anon will enjoy today. After a quick pre-stream connection test for a half hour, I will be streaming mostly traditional Christmas music (Manheim Steamroller, Bill Crosby, Trans-Siberian Orchestra) with some international (Read: Russian/German/Japanese) twists mixed in. /r/s in all languages are allowed! The other streamers will likely have their own music so I'm not totally sure what they will be doing, but it doesn't have to be Christmas themed all day if they want to play other things. If I'm back on later it might be weeb music for a while and some tavern songs later tonight. I mostly just sent out mass advertisements to what seemed to be the central hubs on each imageboard, but everyone is invited today! If I didn't get an invitation out to your board, or if your imageboard wasn't mentioned, then you have my heartfelt apologies since it was my fault for starting the process so late in the game. I was hand-typing the invitations outside of the copy/pasted greentext and was short on time, so I didn't get one out to everyone, but an invitation should have gone out to everyone in the grand scheme of things. Please enjoy the festivities and come on in; the fire is warm and the drinks are plentiful!

With all that being said, let's have a wonderful day together, anon!

Ah right, for those unfamiliar with Radio imageboard subculture, the idea is that we all gather and socialize in a thread together around some music. Banter, blogposting, etc. are welcome so long as anon doesn't get into a screaming match with each other (and even then it's fine unless it gets out of hand). That's why I'm mostly restricting banter to the Radio (polite banter) and Thunderdome (essentially fistfight) threads. I saw some wine aunts/grumpy uncles when I woke up this morning and I don't know the culture of every board so I'll probably issue some warnings around the board here during the technical testing/Old Ones Solstice block. If your board is alright with heavier banter just yell at me for doing it. If your board isn't alright with heavier banter in your exchange threads, file a report and I'll hop on it when possible.

And once more...
Thank you to anon.cafe's site owner for being a generous host for this event today!
I-I'll try to keep the headaches to a minimum. Seriously thank you for letting me do this though.
Last edited by NeneSeal
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>>267 (OP) 
Christmas is coming,
the Goose is thawing out.
We've all got salmonella,
And the Doctor's not about.
Replies: >>447
>>267 (OP) 
> an IRC for your livechat pleasure
I'd rather stay in the threads and go without usernames.
>Is anon eating and sleeping well?  I had some beer cheese soup this morning that was quite delicious. Got some split pea/lentil and ham for later in the day.
I'll be making chili later. I know some anons are absolutely disgusted by how I make it; i include crushed tomato and lots of beans. But I'm not disgusted and I'm the one who will be eating it, so nuts to those anons.
Replies: >>279 >>533 >>650
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don't touch me
Replies: >>282
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>But I'm not disgusted and I'm the one who will be eating it, so nuts to those anons.
I've had similar discussions with Anon over tea-drinking before now. Gotta make it the way you like it best.
Replies: >>447
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I can't believe the drawfag for the first gif just dissapeared from existence
I'm gonna go around and give boards a heads up that the event is live now. Old Ones carols soon. After informing anon I'll take a look at the /r/ pre-game thread (post /r/s after I lock it over here).
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I'm very sad that timezones mean I'll sleep through most of the stream, but I'm happy that I got to hear this little bit. Looking forward to listening to it when I wake up again. Good night.
Replies: >>286 >>288
Oyasumi anon~
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>>267 (OP) 
>Is anon eating and sleeping well?
Not at all. For some reason my eyes have been irritated lately, and I'm sure the left one is bit further forward than usual, hopefully just from some sort of inflammation. Now I'm buying a pizza. I just need to decide where to order it from.
Replies: >>302
Sleep snug, Anon. Waking up to Radio is a comfy feeling.
>>267 (OP) 
>Is anon eating and sleeping well?
Winter always fucks up my sleep schedule, I've stayed up until 8am+ for the past 4 or 5 days and then I sleep until 4pm. Gotta unfuck my shit, I miss the sun.
Replies: >>293 >>305
The sun is good for you. Have you considered a sun lamp or vitamin D pills? I used to think they were bullshit but they really do help. Also consider a redscreen program like Twilight or f.lux for your computer if they don't make your GPU shit the bed.
Replies: >>294 >>297
Seconding both of these. It sounds like a meme, but a good daily dose under a big bright sunlamp makes things much better. Gotta get a proper one though, not the Chinese knockoffs that don’t put out the full spectrum.
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so what is the idea behind this christmas event?
just talking about things in general?
Replies: >>298
Shit thread
don't listen to him. don't take pills and get a sun lamp, just go outside. if you don't you become so lazy
Just general merriment and holiday spirit while listening to music and playing games.
Replies: >>299
music and gaymes are for fags and there for not halal
Replies: >>300 >>304
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That's the thing anon, I'm gay
Now kissu
Replies: >>304 >>313
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Greetings from Prolikewoah /animu/. Merry (early) Christmas anons! What are you guys drinking tonight? For me, just some eggnog. It's always nice to drink that this time of the year. Instead of playing games, I'll just be reading visual novels for maximum comfy. Pic related, Slobbish Dragon Princess 2 came out a day or two ago. They're about dating and fucking dragon girl NEETs. It's comedy and romance.

>Slobbish Dragon Princess
>Slobbish Dragon Princess 2
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I want a pizza now. There's this place that does really big pizzas that also taste incredible.
Gonna get me some pepperoni for dinner.
Replies: >>306 >>310 >>311
>What are you guys drinking tonight?
Water. Green tea later.
Spoiler File
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It's funny you call it gay and haram because I was just thinking I want to join a Great Old One cult.
same I installed blackout curtains because they changed the streetlights to very bright led, now I can't if it's daytime or night some days unless I look at my compute clock and open the curtains but I became lazy because of work makes me tired to do anything on my days off especally this time of the year. I need a large clock in my room
On my end, friends of relatives presented pizza. I rejected it -- it is not the kind I consume.
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me i'm drinking milk
good morning sirs!!
Replies: >>332
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Aren't there supposed to be OJ games today?
I'm drinking root beer, the cheap kind.
I wish I could have a big pizza. Some places make XL, but it's usually shit.
Replies: >>312 >>332
Something is wrong with the stick of pepperoni I picked up recently, and it makes me ill. It sucks; I was planning to make pizza yesterday but I need to wait until I go shopping and buy more.
>Aren't there supposed to be OJ games today?
OJ-anon is probably gonna be asleep for another hour or three. If anon wants to get a lobby started I'll post it to the sticky though.
Replies: >>314
*spits on the floor*
what is oj???
Replies: >>318 >>320
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Right now I'm drinking coffee but I might open a bottle of wine later on.
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>>267 (OP) 
>is anon eating and sleeping gud?
yes. finished lunch of big ass soup and giant sammich. I do have to sort out the fact that my computer is screaming bloody murder at me for trying to join the stream however. minor problem though, so not worried too much about it.
Multiplayer party games: https://store.steampowered.com/app/282800/100_Orange_Juice/
I think there's a non-steam version as well but I don't remember.
Replies: >>321
oj bobby johnson
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looks gay as fuck. anime, really?
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Happy Christmas. Drinking absinthe and eating gas station pizza.
spooky x-mas
Replies: >>327
Good stuff. I like the licorice flavor when mixed with sugar cubes and sparkling mineral water.
Replies: >>329
I don't generally drink alcohol, but I do kind of want to try absinthe. I like anise flavour.
Replies: >>329 >>335
It's just some existential dread from the Old Ones to get us started, friend.
Replies: >>348
Haven’t tried it with sparkling water yet. Its really nice with the sugar and water though. 

. >>326
Its strong if you drink it straight. Needs water and sugar. Otherwise its really good. Gives you a very mellow buzz.
if you come by the green fairy tell anon says "hi"
Good morning!

>I wish I could have a big pizza
Why not make one? I love making big pan pizzas with a nice herby sauce reduced nice and thick, with tiled mozzarella underneath. You can always use a beer dough if you can’t or don’t want to wait. Last time my dough stretched so well that I was even able to roll the crust over some slices of mozzarella to make my very own stuffed crust.
Replies: >>343
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I have a little mead left from the other night, then some tea.
Replies: >>447
Absinthe can be strong and take people by surprise. Take it slow and it'll be nice and don't chug it like some frat guy would.
Replies: >>341
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>>267 (OP) 
>Is anon eating and sleeping well?
I'm on my 7th nightshift and stuck in work on my birthday, I shall be having copious amounts of tea however, finally got actual sugar cubes for extra aesthetics.
At least I have some tunes!
What type of tea anon?
Replies: >>389
>>267 (OP) 
>Is anon eating and sleeping well? 
Going to have some pancakes for dinner. As far as sleep goes not great. Been having a lot of nightmares lately due to stress.
I envy you anon, I wish I had some.
Replies: >>340
It can't be helped. How are nightshifts? I might be getting an overnight trucker job depending on what happens in the next few months.
Replies: >>389
Stress nightmares are the worst, but at least it's not stress-induced sleep paralysis. Right?
Yeah, a little bit goes a long way. One drink is ussaly all I need. 

That sucks but happy birthday.
Alright I'm gonna try loading into Veloren. Gimme a heads up if the stream starts crashing from internet shitting the bed. Moving into some proper Christmas music now.
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>gas station pizza
Gross, but at least you have pizza. Mine finally arrived, but I wish I had absinthe.
Self-made pizza means work and buying ingredients which I don't have.
Happy birthday, anon.
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Are any of you buying family/friends presents or getting anything from other people? I've bought presents for friends and family for years now but have gotten nothing in return, though I tell them not to get me anything since I already have what I want. 

I was thinking of grabbing some new cooking utensils and possibly another 5TB external HDD. 

That was me 2 months ago. Made the most of it by having tons of reading material and games to keep me busy during the night. I could have just slept but it was too cold to sleep.
Hello Christmas Radio, 

I hope everyone is having a joyous and fruitful holiday. Merry Christmas and Happy Saturnalia.
Replies: >>347 >>355
Yule modafockaaaaaaaaaa!
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i can appreciate
Replies: >>373
I jus buy stuff for my nephew. Figure adults can buy themselves stuff. Got the little autism so legos and Minecraft gift cards.
Replies: >>371
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I got stuff for my nephews/nieces and mother/father. Bought my Grandpa some fancy salami and my grandmother some fancy flowers with a practical vase that can be repurposed as a box later. Also bought birthday presents for my little brother and some D&D dice and crochet hooks for my Onee-sama.
Replies: >>368 >>371
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RIP billy
Welcome, Erischan! Thanks for the Saturnalia/Christmas wishes!
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Replies: >>357
Too soon.
>>267 (OP) 
>Eid Al-Fitr and Eid Al-Adha are a ways away but since we might not see each other until then I'll wish you guys a joyous Ramadan as well
Are we gonna get an /eid/ celebration going here too?
Replies: >>363 >>372 >>375
at this point the only thing that really happens on christmas is my idiot sister coming to my house. don't do gifts because of a combination of lazy and not knowing what to get each other. low key but eh, I can live with it.
Replies: >>371
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To the /v/ or /hgg/ anons out there. Have there been any good games to play as of late? I've been out of games for ages now as I've just been reading manga/LN and watching anime instead.
These events are a lot of work but I can show you the ropes if you wanna run one for /islam/ when it gets a little closer.
Replies: >>369
depends. what are your tastes?
Replies: >>387
I enjoyed Dohna Dohna. Keeping your whores in pristine state while keeping up with the story and finding good new "talent" was quite fun.
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I've been too autistic over the Black Souls games this year if that counts
Replies: >>387
I've been trying stuff like prosciutto and salami from a fancy butcher shop and they are really good. I can see why the Italians and Spaniards get so big.
I wouldn't even know what to do tbh, sacrifice a lamb in Minecraft?
Replies: >>377
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> reading manga/LN and watching anime instead.

Doing the same, and playing /tg/ since nothing vidya really has been worth investing the time.
Replies: >>685
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>Oomori Toshiyuki & Iwato Takashi - Christmas & Trance (Opening Arr)
Pretty comfy song.

Man I barely talk to my family so I wouldn't even know what gifts to get my younger siblings.

It is nice to just enjoy yourself, appreciate what you have, and not worry about gifts though.
Replies: >>471
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Replies: >>378
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Merry 67th of Aftermath.
Replies: >>408
As >>301 wrote, Slobbish Dragon Princess 2 is out now. Venus Blood Hollow recently received its international version, and I think it was even released on GOG. While its tags aren't great, they're mostly there for the non-vanilla route. Kimagure Temptation and the first Aikagi were translated last month.
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By Inshallah, have a happy heresy.
lol this is cute is she actually singing Jingle Bells?
Replies: >>380 >>387
A music stream would probably be fun. You can always use the Veloren server for social gatherings if anons want since it's just low-CPU autismblocks.
Replies: >>396
Finally some good Christmas music
It's a cute jingle bells, yep. I'll upload a song list post-stream and can pull individual mp3s at a later date for anon.
Replies: >>384
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Cool thanks. Merry Christmas greetings from /robowaifu/ BTW.
Replies: >>385
Thanks for stopping by, /robowaifu/!
Replies: >>390
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Fighting, visual novels, RPGs, beat em up, STG (I suck at these but like them) dungeon cralwers / DRPGs, adventure, TPS, turn based strategy, action RPG, action adventure, puzzle. Those are usually what I play. Last game I really enjoyed are Rune Factory 4, Sakuna of Rice and Ruin, Nitroplus Blasters, Arcana Heart 3 LMSSE, Cotton 2, and Fight N Rage. Looking forward to Little Witch Nobeta, DNF Duel, Rune Factory 5 and EDF6.

Haven't played any of those. How are they?

Wouldn't be surprised if it was a Vtuber.
Replies: >>401 >>405
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Rooibos and some lemon.

Securityfag so not bad now that people are off for Christmas. One site is comfy and i'm essentially paid to shitpost and watch animu, the other has cameras in the control room so 50/50.

>buying any presents
Just alcohol as usual, though my families small.

>too cold to sleep
Have you looked into heated vests ?
They're like wearable lightweight electric blankets you connect to a powerbank in your pocket, saved me a lot of discomfort.
YW, and thanks to you for /christmas/! It's nice to take a break from slaving over engineering for a bit tbh. :^)
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I recommend Hotdog Storm.
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Merry Christmas anons thanks for putting together this event.
Replies: >>398 >>399
Moving into a Mannheim/Trans-Siberian mix block in case some anons like or dislike that content.
Replies: >>398
It's gonna be some manner of stream, I suppose. We'll see if anyone would even want to participate from outside the board.
Replies: >>400
Merry Christmas Anon. There's this great story song about Australian Cowboys. Do you know it?

I don't know about it, but it seems fine to me. It's nice, thanks.
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Just remember old Revenants don't die, they just get more powerful.
I can't promise much but I'll at least stop by if I'm around at the time.
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been playing a gook game recently. don't drop it just from that, it's called troubleshooters
it's alright. tactical squad game, it's fun.
it feels less infuriating than games like xcom because you can't just randomly lose characters, they just go back to life, at most you lose a mission.
just play at the hardest difficulty from the start because it's not particularly hard
Merry Christmas and thanks for putting this together
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Happy birthday, dork, haha!
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merry christmas to all from Costa Rica
Replies: >>407
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>Haven't played any of those. How are they?
They're great, but require dedication.
The games have multiple endings, but to get to the canon route for each one of those you have to do certain things in repeated playthroughs. And to getting to finish each one of them is fairly obtuse.
The porn in the first game and the spinoff is not great, it improves in 2, but it does serve its purpose to the story. I never played a game that used sex as a narrative tool so well, so I can only say good things about it.
Combat can be a bit tricky, with many enemies one-shotting you and having to sometimes break the game to go forward. It's anything but boring.
The story is also really convoluted, cryptic and obtuse, so if you ever feel like there's something that doesn't make sense don't feel bad to ask about it if you know someone that knows about the game. Even then, it's still really good.
Oh and it's also really dark so you should take that into account. I think the game has a readme file for all the hidden routes if you ever download it.
Best games I played this year, and probably in a long time.
Replies: >>485
Happy birthday Anon.
Merry Christmas Costa Rica! Beautiful jungles there I hear?
Replies: >>414
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It's no holyday, but a holiday will do.
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Ah right, happy birthday, anon!
>slobbish dragon princess
Thank you for reminding me to continue that, very comfy shenanigans with forward dragons.
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>>267 (OP) 
Replies: >>415
>I've been out of games for ages now
No way, nigga. What about all those games you can emulate? It's impossible to run out of games. If you want recs, the stuff I've been playing is Freelancer, Ginga Force, Ape Escape 3, Baldr Sky, etc. Stuff like that. Play em.
Replies: >>417 >>485
yeah!, is like jurassic park irl haha
Replies: >>419
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Good morning!
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Am I supposed to actually install vidya today
what's the turnout gonna be
Replies: >>420
Anon probably hasn't had time to look through past libraries. 5th generation console games alone would take years to go through.
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How many different boards do we have represented here? Its nice to see anons from all over.
Haha neat. I've spent some time in the Belizean jungles near the Mojo river and the Bay of Guatemala. They filmed a movie there with the guy who played Han Solo.
Don't know. There's about 40 anons listening right now if you wanna play some games though.
I guess we should have a callout?

/robowaifu/ here.
Off the top of my head there's about 30ish-40ish split between about 20 imageboards? I'd have to go through and count which would take too long.
Smug/a/ is here.
Replies: >>432
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I came from /monster/.
Replies: >>429
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I was thinking it was a little early for role call but I guess we can do them throughout the day. Not like we have a limit of threads. Well, other than the global limit and I don't remember what that is.
/l/  - Virtual Livers/Virtual Youtubersreporting in!
Fun things are fun! Take care of your Oshi!
Replies: >>461
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>>267 (OP) 
Merry Christmas, fag.
Replies: >>433
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you anons have a nice robutt thread going, but that's about my limit haha.
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PLW resident here, I sometimes go checkout what's happening over at PTchan and sleepychan but these days I'm mostly shitposting on /animu/
Replies: >>431 >>436
I think someone on 83chan was asking about you earlier.
Replies: >>436 >>437
Merry Christmas Smug/a/, I stop by there once in a while.
cute miku
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Erischan reporting
Replies: >>438
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Why are people pretending it's Christmas?
Nevermind it was PTchan and I'm a baka.
Replies: >>443
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Sorry my monkey brother, but I don't visit the jungle.
Nice cats threads tbh.

Well, it's less than a week away now right? Pretty traditional I'd say.
Replies: >>444
Because most anons probably work on Christmas and the holiday spirit extends through most of December.
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It's /time/!
Replies: >>445
Oh yeah that's me hue.
thanks bro
Replies: >>448
neat, I didn't know about /time/. Where are you at?
Replies: >>462
lovely christmas cake itt
Replies: >>456
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Nice digits bro. Have a gondola.
Replies: >>453
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Its a Christmas party and were drunk.
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we slipped forward in time a bit so it's the 25th now, but for that, everyone who's here now goes back to 2006 after the event's over
Replies: >>454 >>455
Go back to the jungle (PTchan)
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cute gondola, thx
>everyone who's here now goes back to 2006 after the event's over
LOL. What I would give to be able to do that! :-DDD
>Go back to 2006
>Become millionaire on Crypto
Sign me up!
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The best.
Replies: >>484
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Anon.cafe /kemono/ on the scene.
Nice song actually pretty dramatic for Christmas music. I like it.
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>I hope you are having a wonderful weekend before Christmas! Is anon eating and sleeping well? Make sure to stay hydrated and to take a nap if you're feeling tired since the event is gonna go for 12+ hours. Feel free to join in and out over the course of the day at your leisure!
Nice, thanks christmas autist. I am not really a big fan of this holiday. Feels a bit too forceful at times, having to pretend to get along with people and all. But I can appreciate an event like this between anons and I've been looking forward to it.
I've been trying to cut back on some things a little bit to try and lose some weight. I've become a fatass over the course of the past year or so, due to a mix of depression and (resulting) alcoholism. Used to work out a lot and could even do chinups. Now I can barely manage a pushup. Sad, but what can you do. Wish I still had the drive, but at least I can work on a better diet.
My favorite part of the day. Mostly because you can forget about all your problems. It helps that it hasn't been terribly hot here or anything. If anything, this spring has been somewhat mild, outside of a few warmer days. One of the reasons I hate this time of the year is the sweltering heat. And this year we're mourning since grandma's doggo passed away last week. We've received her ashes yesterday, in fact.

Personally, I'm looking forward to spending this christmas by myself. No family. No annoying people or insane narcissists. Just me, some music, some vidya, and so on.
Replies: >>464 >>465
Welcome to the party, /kemono/!
Replies: >>526
Merry Christmas /l/
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Unfortunately just in memory for now, we were never a huge board in old h8channit, but we were a fun chibi board.
Replies: >>474
It was originally "have a Merry Christmas and a wonderful Christmas season up to and including all other traditional winter holidays you just so happen to be celebrating" but it got shortened down a bit over time as a matter of practicality.
>spending this christmas by myself
 Its kind of nice to be alone on holidays. Family can be draining.
Replies: >>487
some anonymous posts from all around the webring are here to keep your company in your solitude christmas, anon.
Merry Christmas, /kemono/
Replies: >>526
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And a warm hello from >>>/pro/.
Afternoon, /pro/! Hope you are doing well. How's the animal thing going by the way?
Replies: >>472 >>511
this is true. neither of us mind and/or care about it. makes things a lot simpler.  

another /monster/ fag reporting in
>How's the animal thing going by the way?
Uhhh, which thing? Animals go pretty good in general
Replies: >>476
Ah I see. We actually have Chibi-esque project started over at the board now. Maybe you can have your favorite ones real someday Anon. Sorry I missed you guys back on 8ch.

Merry Christmas /time/ !
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Are you guys reading something while listening to the radio? I'm working on college homework but later I'm going to read pic related. I recently bought the second novel of the Hilda series and I'm enjoying it a lot. It's quite comfy.

Regarding the radio, could you please add these songs?
You guys are one of the newer boards, right? I've lurked once or twice but I haven't had a chance to hang out yet.
Replies: >>486
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>>267 (OP) 
>I hope you are having a wonderful weekend before Christmas! Is anon eating and sleeping well?
You really wanna know?
I'm gonna spoiler my post because I don't want to openly be a debbie downer for everyone to unwillingly see. If you don't want second-hand suffering, I'll at least give you the option of ignoring it with spoilers.
>it'll be the first Christmas I'll spend without my mom because she decided to abandon the family
>probably not going to hear much from other family because my mom is a professional liar and manipulator who blatantly paints a false bad narrative about me and my dad and nobody is willing to talk to us yet(?)
>it was only a two weeks ago that I had a Jimmy Neutron Brain Blast™ that made me realize that a lot of my bad habits and shitty/self-destructive behavior is because of my mom emotionally neglecting me while my dad was overseas at war in the Middle East for 5 of my developmental years, and it's extremely hard to kick any of those habits due to how ingrained in me they are
>all of that lets me disown my own mother during the holidays, which are supposed to be a happy time meant to be spent with... y'know... family. how ironic.
>money is really tight right now
>been extremely busy with work for the past year so it doesn't even FEEL like the holidays like it used to when I was a kid
>don't really have any close friends IRL (I only have acquaintances from my day job), only people I met on the internet. they're good people and I have a lot of great memories with them from the last 2~3 years, but it's just not the same as being face-to-face
>in the middle of moving to another state too, and our landlord is a textbook example of a Scrooge (attempted fraud by trying to cash a check he said he'd throw away, actively trying to kick us out because we didn't pay rent due to trying to move at the end of the year, overall just a very shitty person that deserves a lead pipe to the shin)
>I'm one of those weirdos that pays a lot of attention to politics and it's mostly only bad news (RUSSIA WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING)
>there's no weed or alcohol around because we can't get a hold of our hookup and alcohol is expensive respectively, so I have to face most of this shit sober
>I don't want to do anything other than sleep these days


Now with all my retarded whining about my life out of the way, there's a few good things too.
>I'll see if I can make some time to hop into the Veloran server in a bit to get my spirits up.
>As an early Christmas present to myself I downloaded a shitload of old Sonic games. Sega did a lot of really weird experimental shit while trying to put Sonic in a 3D space, huh? I don't like how Sonic 2 did special stages though, it's really hard to make sure that Tails doesn't eat shit and lose all the goddamn rings. Thank fuck for save states.
>I got an idea for a webcomic that I'm strangely passionate about. I gotta learn how to draw because I didn't draw enough as a kid, but I've been discussing story elements and lore with some very helpful internet friends.
>There are a few people in the state I'm moving to that aren't blood related, but are still considered family
>Me and my dad are also basically hired for high-paying jobs in the state because of a friend too, so money will stop being an issue soon
I just need to push through until the move is complete, then things will likely improve. I hope the rest of you have a good Christmas.
Replies: >>496 >>499 >>508
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looks kino
Shit, I forgot to add the second video:
What I was going to add is that the first song basically sumarizes the entire christmas on latin america, since it's summer over here. And the second is the christmas truce sabaton song, I love it.
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Hope every admin puts up a board banner so we can shitpost in even more numbers
Replies: >>502
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Merry Christmas, /kemono/. I didn't even know you existed.
Replies: >>526
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Can haz a coon for Christmas plox?
Replies: >>488 >>493
love her so much
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Thanks, I'll give them a try.

Meant out of the gaming scene. There are always games to play, especially older games. There are plenty of PS2 games I need to play as well as 4th gen.
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Relatively new, we get some spikes in posts but don't have a major amount of visitors of course. But that's okay.
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I hate how forced it can be, especially since my family has all kinds of issues. But every damn year we need to get together and have dinner on christmas eve and lunch on christmas day and I've always hated it, even as a kid. I believe in the sanctity of tradition, but it has to be something that's nurtured naturally, and adapted if it can no longer fulfill its purpose. December is the time of the year when people are most depressed and most likely to an hero, yet everyone still pretends we should be happy and love our insane narcissistic parents because TV and shit said so. Don't even get me started on christmas movies; I hate those with a passion.
I guess I am kind of a grinch.
Be careful, coon is fragile.
I'm taking a break from working for the rest of the day. Just shitposting here and checking out a few other boards I usually don't see often.
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Replies: >>501 >>503
I have watched the animated series and i was thinking about reading the books, Hilda is the comfiest series there is.
Replies: >>504
thats why ((( ((they ))))) invented covid
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>*gets stuck in the chimney*
Replies: >>510
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I'd very much like the album for wherever these metal christmas tracks are from. They're great.
Replies: >>505 >>525
Thats some sad shit anon. I feel for you. Hope it gets better.

We do the same at thanksgiving, what am I supposed to talk about with people I see once a year and have no connection with?  Just pretend to watch football and talk about the weather and then go home. Waste of a day really.
Replies: >>514
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Merry Christmas. I need to remember to pay you guys a visit from time to time.
not him but anon you don't have to care about christmas or your parents. The only reason I care is because it gets people together, and after the 8ch shutdown/fragmentation i think bunkerchans should stick together. I dunno it's comfy
Replies: >>506 >>508
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>Are you guys reading something while listening to the radio?
I'm mostly jumping back and forth between Veloren and checking the threads and here.

Sounds like you've been having a pretty rough time, friend.
>all of that lets me disown my own mother during the holidays, which are supposed to be a happy time meant to be spent with... y'know... family. how ironic.
As they say, the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb. It sounds like you've had to make some tough decisions to find your true family. Hopefully you'll be able to reconcile in time, as time heals most wounds.
>been extremely busy with work for the past year so it doesn't even FEEL like the holidays like it used to when I was a kid
That's basically been every Christmas since I turned 20, so I feel your pain.
I'm the anon discussing them on /k/ if you want to check out a moderately pro-Russian opinion.
Ganbatte, anon. Sounds like tough times but from personal experience once you hit rock bottom you can only hit new rock bottoms learn to roll with the punches and see things get better.
Replies: >>514
>December is the time of the year when people are most depressed and most likely to an hero
Just a note that this is actually a false statistic, and December is the lowest rate for suicides. The highest point is in the spring and summer. That doesn't mean that depression isn't high in the winter, that being cooped up indoors from the cold doesn't contribute to deaths, or that suicide doesn't happen in massive numbers all-year round, but it's still inaccurate. The over-commercialized mess of the winter season is still a complete mess, though, and it's a shame how fake people behave. The more you can get away from those things, and just try to relax, the better.
Replies: >>508
Merry Christmas Anon
Good idea Anon
Merry Christmas /tv/, you did good work!
Yeah, the novels are more melancholic compared to the animated series and Hilda acts like a brat kid rather a sweet cinnamon roll in other words closer to the comics; not a bad thing, tho, I prefer the comic narrative so I'm really enjoying the novel. 
I'm missing luke pearson's illustrations, tho. Seaerra Miller illustrations are simply not as good.
I can post the Mannheim Steamroller albums later, but the more metal tracks are from Trans-Siberian orchestra who I mostly downloaded off of hitvk. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trans-Siberian_Orchestra_discography
>i think bunkerchans should stick together. I dunno it's comfy
I agree. In a large part you all are my family. Kek, what a family. :^)
guess i'll give downloading the vidya a go
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I guess I'm not the only one in a bad mood these holidays. Hope it gets better for you, anon. It really is strange how all these family issues seem to burst at the seams at this time of the year. I think all the focus on family gatherings makes some people snap. None of it feels genuine, and you can only play pretend for so long.
>As an early Christmas present to myself I downloaded a shitload of old Sonic games. Sega did a lot of really weird experimental shit while trying to put Sonic in a 3D space, huh? I don't like how Sonic 2 did special stages though, it's really hard to make sure that Tails doesn't eat shit and lose all the goddamn rings. Thank fuck for save states.
That's why I've always preferred S3&K. I'm not even as huge of a sonicfag as I used to be but I play it at least once a year.
>I got an idea for a webcomic that I'm strangely passionate about. I gotta learn how to draw because I didn't draw enough as a kid, but I've been discussing story elements and lore with some very helpful internet friends.
I always appreciate anon's creativity. Hope it goes well. What's it about?

Yeah, now that I'm older, I'm trying to develop my own traditions even if my family's against it. My mom insists on going a trip every fucking year and it's a pain in the ass because neither she nor the rest of my family are remotely good company but I ranted about that enough during last week's r/a/dio so I'll stop here.

Is that how it is? I guess that's what I get for relying on jewish psychology sites. Oh well. Still a shitty time.
Replies: >>514 >>527
Gonna move into a more unorthodox block to play some /r/s. I think Jazz Streamer was planning to play for a bit so I'll transfer to him when he's ready and then pick back up the playlist wherever we leave off for later while I make a booze run.
Replies: >>515
Oh noes! If Mr. Coon eats too much grease, he'll get stuck.
Help him!
Replies: >>512 >>513
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Also visit
https://anon.cafe/server/res/1218.html and 
for the best animal.cafe experience.
Replies: >>524
We are at least 50 men, we will pull him out
Replies: >>520
You can't fix stupid.
Replies: >>529
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I know exactly how you feel, but to a lesser extent. I've greatly enjoyed family time during Christmas, but a lot of the time I just want to be left alone. I only enjoy specific Christmas movies/specials that are animated too, like pre-Teen Titans Go Cartoon Network show specials, Polar Express, The Grinch (the live-action one everyone hates is a guilty pleasure because I grew up with it), etc.

Thanks fellas.

>I always appreciate anon's creativity. Hope it goes well. What's it about?
>>What's it about?
Uh... It could get really autistic. I'll vaguely warn you now, it's fanfiction autism with an original(?) twist.
Replies: >>521 >>527 >>528
Bring back enough for all of us Anon?
Replies: >>519
I've been a very light drinker, but you're welcome to some of my scotch and eggnog.
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>It could get really autistic.
Even better! Don't hold back for us, webcomicfag!
Replies: >>578
dat sweet canon in D
I like this song, thanks
Please post more in /bun/, I know someone who really loves bunnies and I like to send the pictures from there
Replies: >>532
Pretty sure that's trans-siberian orchestra
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The ultimate wife. Merry Christmas /robowaifu/! What's your favorite type of robot? I like girls with doll joints and some robotic features like Dorothy from Va-11.

Merry Christmas anons. The anon.cafe kemono board is merely a bunker for the Kemono Threads on /animu/. 
Replies: >>535 >>540
>Polar Express,
Really? The uncanny valley factor of that movie was absurd.
>Is that how it is?
Yeah. The thing with the holiday suicides is a pop-culture phenomena that probably developed because of the relative amount of attention suicide gets during the holiday season. I wouldn't be surprised if it had its root, at some level, in some corporate marketing push "better get everyone gifts so they know they're loved, you wouldn't want to feel responsible if they necked themselves, wouldja?" to help push more product. Which really just reflects on another problem - if you actually care about someone, you should care about them all year round, not just during the days; and if you don't care about them, you shouldn't start caring during the holidays. If more people understood that then you'd have a lot more happiness all around.
I wanna go to see The Matriks.
But i dont wanna get the nose rape thingy to get acess. :(
Replies: >>530
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We all have good points and bad points Anon!
I think matrix is being released same day on HBO so there'll be a torrent up on release night for you
I got you covered fa/tg/uys.
Sorry I don't have any bunny pictures, I'm more of a civet person. But Flickr usually has good photos https://flickr.com/search/?text=rabbit
Replies: >>534
>I'll be making chili later
The Instant Pot I'm cooking it in went into shutdown mode with a burn warning before it even reached pressure, despite this exact recipe working the past five times I cooked it. I have no idea why it failed.
I cut my knuckle on a knife while I was filling the dishwasher and I got hot cayenne pepper juice in the cut.
Replies: >>536 >>650
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That being said, this is a civet.
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>Site ate the Dorothy pic
Fuck that, have some more clang.
Good job. Dip your finger in milk maybe?
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The christmas truce always makes me cry.
What are we even fighting about? Nobody knows!
It really was a beautiful event. I don't think it will ever happen again, but it should if there is ever another war.
Replies: >>541
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>Merry Christmas /robowaifu/! 
Thanks! You too /kemono/.
>What's your favorite type of robot? 
The one that's real. That's the day we're all working towards. But till that day dawns bright for all men on earth, have a nice meido Anon. 
>like Dorothy from Va-11.
She would be fun to drink with.
Replies: >>575
There are wars ongoing right now...
Replies: >>545 >>550 >>552
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Not one of those men had a reason to kill each other - their lives were thrown away at the behest of wealthy, cowardly men trying to advance their own positions. It's not a miracle that the Christmas Truce happened, but a tragedy that it wasn't allowed to continue.
Replies: >>548 >>575
This song is great!
Replies: >>549
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Men were gentlemen back then.
Not at that scale.
Well there are but they are mostly in parts of the world I don't pay attention to.
santa claus is cumming
Sadly the chance for lasting peace after WW1 was squandered by revenge-hungry hawks who set the stage for WW2. Maybe things will get better now.
Replies: >>562 >>571
the sabaton one or this weeb overload one?
Replies: >>551
Wars only matter if the Europeans fight them.
Replies: >>554
Ah, so that's what it's called?
Replies: >>553 >>559
Are there?
Afghanistan is over, Iraq and Syria are mostly stable, and Russia is just saber-rattling.
Where are the actual wars? Apart from maybe Yemen?
Replies: >>576
The group is named Sabaton and the song is called Christmas Truce
Replies: >>560
Soon anon. When Putan goes into Ukraine.
Replies: >>563 >>565
>Don't even get me started on christmas movies; I hate those with a passion.
I guess I am kind of a grinch.
But there's some great ones. Such as
>National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
>A Christmas Story
>Die Hard
Replies: >>561 >>564 >>573
>that veloren soundbyte on the music stream
Replies: >>570
Also, i said something similar in IRC channel
Replies: >>566
Thanks, I'll look it up Anon. Merry Christmas.
Nice trips 

Die hard is best Xmas movie.
Replies: >>566
>chance for lasting peace after WW1
a 0% chance isn't much to be happy about, anon
In that case, how do you say I'm defecting in Russian?
Replies: >>567 >>572
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Don't forget webm related.
I don't think he wants to.  >>>/k/21172
Don't feel like reposting my opinions so here's a link.
Replies: >>572
>IRC channel
I don't know about that.

>Die hard is best Xmas movie.
Heh, it's a good one. But I like the classics. It's a Wonderful Life.
Replies: >>572
сука блять.
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If you guys are interested on the Christmas Truce, we are going to live stream later this day. If you want to hang out, check >>391:
We are starting in three hours
Eh? Did it accidentally cross streams?
Replies: >>574
The Christmas Truce was towards the beginning of the war. But then immediately after, the commanders told everyone to get back to killing. In the following years the commanders cracked down at "truce" activity, to keep the men killing each other even on holiday. If it was up to the regular soldiers and common people, the war would never have dragged on as it did - the only reason that happened was the politicians, government officials, military leadership (the ones nowhere near the front-lines), and the massive propaganda machine and militant system those people used to keep people killing each other.

The world would be a better place if all wars required the politicians pushing for them, to stand directly on the front lines. Then they could all get killed off in the opening volleys, and everyone else could go home.
Replies: >>577
I think he dreams of rebuilding the CCCP. And this is his best chance. Biden wont stand up to him. 

Я дезертировал

Its a wonderful life is good too.
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>Die Hard
Okay, you got me there, anon.  Good taste. I am a sucker for old action movies like this, even though I haven't watched nearly enough of them.
I think so
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I await my clang wife too. 

That's the moment they all should have joined together to kill their leaders and anyone in their country in power who would bow down to the Federal Reserves.
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Replies: >>579 >>590
'Sometime they'll give a war and nobody will come.'
Spoiler File
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Alright nigger you asked for it. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Okay, so remember Sonic.exe? One concept that I'm surprised that nobody has ever TRULY delved into was taking a video game/lost episode creepypasta and applying it to the actual game's world and lore. The premise is that it's a Sonic alternate universe with no anthros, only humans. The world is somewhat cyberpunk-ish, but it mainly resembles how most anime (like Sonic X, remember that shit?) depicts America from 1990 to 2030.

It also takes the "Eggman did nothing wrong" theory and makes it real, and the Eggman character is actually the main character. It's a (...female...) mad scientist that, by night, runs a shadow war against this world's version of GUN with robots because they're legitimately tyrannical in this universe. By day, she runs a distraction racket by staging battles with a trio of teenage mercenaries that are supposed to represent Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles. Due to her own brand of autism, she considers them her friends but has enough self-awareness to know that it's one-sided. She has several contingency plans to revive/heal them if something bad actually happens to them because of her antics. They are all fooled into thinking that the Robotnik woman is the bad guy, and actively chase the bounty on her head for all the various crimes and international agreements about nuclear devices she's broken.

The webcomic is planned to be in two parts. Part 1 is full of light-hearted (but violent and occasionally bloody) action, comedy, lore and worldbuilding, etc. Part 2 is where Sonic.exe comes in. Something happens to Sonic, and something evil manifests. The monster (which I've internally labeled as EXE in my notes) kills several animals, important characters, GUN soldiers, and many faceless civilians. Part 2 is mainly about the Robotnik woman's gruesome war against EXE and her attempts to rebuild after it's all over.

Pics related are the only concept art I've made so far. The quality of the images are the reason why I'm trying to learn how to draw.
The most autistic part about all of it is that it's inspired by the Friday Night Funkin' Sonic.exe mod. pls no bully, I just like the idea of musical battles, but find the lyrics in a lot of them to be cringy throughout various media.
Replies: >>585 >>599
So Mexican cartels, Yemen, something in Africa, and Myanmar which has been going on the backburner forever?
Replies: >>589 >>600
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Replies: >>584 >>587
anime tummy
Replies: >>595
Anon I cannot help but want to bully you
Replies: >>586
You ask for autism, you get autism. Don't blame me.
Replies: >>588
Merry Christmas
i wasn't the one who asked but i'm insulted anyway
>>579 Speaking of which, has there ever been a moment in history where there were no wars at all?
>18,900 deaths for Tigray War in Africa
>nobody gives a shit
>144 deaths with Russia and Ukraine
>Putin treated like the greatest threat to western civilization
The moment humans invented war, it never ended. If you define war as any conflict between two tribes of primates, then it's been going for a lot longer than that.
Replies: >>598 >>609 >>654
Globally, probably not.
After the fall of man, never.  It's not in his nature to do so.
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Be careful. Don't eat too much anime belly before bed.
Replies: >>597 >>602 >>642
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>Season unending 
Its part of being a hummie.
>humans invented war
Who invented it?
Replies: >>601 >>611
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I asked and anon delivered. Today will be a good day, it seems. I'm genuinely surprised this is related to Sonic, but you did say it's pure autism, so I suppose that was to be expected. I was really into creepypasta back in the day and sonic.exe always stuck to me for some reason, even if it's really crappily written. But stories like these almost always have great ideas behind them that were just poorly executed, and if you put that into a cyberpunk setting, it could definitely work. I can imagine this "sonic.exe" being some kind of rogue AI or cyber ghost looking for revenge or something, or simply following its prerrogatives of "tormenting and destroying everything and everyone" which works well enough. And that first pic you drew looks genuinely creepy. Something about the typical sonic eyes being drawn blackened with red pupils always gets to me.
Hell, if you're going full autismo, you should insert some Pokemon creepypasta in it. I've always thought all the glitches and bugs in Gen 1 were creepy as hell, and the garbled graphics of "gods" like Missigno always scared me as a kid.
Replies: >>633
Killago its worst than all those put together
Replies: >>604
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All I want for christmas is (you)'s
Dang it Bob! What were you thinking bro!?
Merry Christmas Anon. Here's your (you)
Replies: >>612
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Good afternoon, work kills the soul.
Thanks for reading my PSA.
Merry Christmas
Replies: >>610
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Replies: >>612
>humans invented war
It was mostly likely invented before modern humans even emerged as a species. Wars have been observed between chimpanzee tribes as well (e.g. the Gombe War) and I don't think it's unlikely that pre-human apes engaged in war too.
Replies: >>613 >>618 >>624
Merry Christmas. I hope you get off work soon Anon.
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Any group of people that wanted something from another group and said group didn't want to give it up.
Replies: >>616 >>617
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Replies: >>617
chimpz are just humans before prometheus mess whit them gens
I'll give it in exchange for a kiss.
Replies: >>621 >>641
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evening fuckos, i just woke up
Replies: >>620
Creepy. Do people actually want robot wives?
>saved to ~/robowaifu/

>saved to ~/caturday/
>e.g. the Gombe War
The eerie part here is that kind of wars had happened thousand of times during millenia without humans even noticing.
Would you rather have a biocunt who wont love you?
Replies: >>627 >>635
Merry Christmas Anon. Sleep well?

Sure, ofc I do.
Replies: >>628
Spoiler File
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>a kiss
come get it
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Esta es una corriente ahora mexicana.

Absolutely. You can even give her a spinning robot pussy attachment.
Are you afraid of losing video game to your wife?
>If you define war as any conflict between two tribes of primates
Which is what we certainly observe in chimps. The definition of "war" as used in a formal modern context applies to conflicts involving state actors, which would imply that formal war requires the existence of a state. But if you're considering any large conflict between tribes as a war, then it's not unthinkable their were pack-like dinosaurs slaughtering each other.
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Merry Christmas from /yuri/!
Replies: >>632 >>644
get a statue n' some shrums 
do it the aesclepius way
Replies: >>646
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Feliz Navidad, Senor
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Looks like /animu/ stream is starting over at: >>607
 So I'm gonna go on hiatus to grab some booze and take care of some stuff for a bit after Old city Bar plays.
Replies: >>636 >>690
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Replies: >>658
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Merry Christmas, /yuri/
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>I'm genuinely surprised this is related to Sonic, but you did say it's pure autism, so I suppose that was to be expected.
The funniest part is that I rarely get into Sonic autism, and I'm actually not even a massive Sonic fan. Most of my fandom autism lies elsewhere.
>I can imagine this "sonic.exe" being some kind of rogue AI or cyber ghost looking for revenge or something, or simply following its prerrogatives of "tormenting and destroying everything and everyone" which works well enough.
I want what EXE is to be vague and left up in the air. Sure in the original creepypasta/remaster it's a ghost or demon or some retarded shit, but I want ambiguity in my own story as to play into the fear of the unknown.
>And that first pic you drew looks genuinely creepy. Something about the typical sonic eyes being drawn blackened with red pupils always gets to me.
Really? You're the second person that's said it's creepy or disturbing in some way, which is surprising to me. I'll take it as a good sign. It's a scrapped design because I'm going for the lightly-armored look, though.
>Pokemon creepypasta
I see where you're going with it, and I'll definitely keep glitchy stuff in the back of my head while writing, but I think  I'll keep the autism confined to one franchise.
Thanks for indulging me, anon. It feels genuinely nice to discuss autistic creative ideas with other anons or people with imageboard backgrounds in general.
Replies: >>670
can you put the bean fart extract extension?
Replies: >>644
I want a loving human wife, yes, not Alexa from Amazon.
Thanks BO. Merry Christmas.
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[Hide] (4.7MB, 05:02)
/r/ing another type of All I Want for Christmas.
She will run free software, it is radically different than alexa.
Replies: >>648
[Hide] (1.3MB, 768x522)
Replies: >>651
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I want to stick my tongue in her belly button so bad, my benis hurts!
Merry Christmas. This was a cozy stream.
[Hide] (1MB, 868x1228)
>Christmas Eve - Yamashita Tatsuro
We played this on the /animu/ Jazz Night streams. But I don't remember what album it was.

>Tatsuro Yamashita - Opus- All Time Best 1975-2012 (2012, Warner-Japan).zip https://anonfiles.com/hcoey6Udu2/Tatsuro_Yamashita_-_Opus-_All_Time_Best_1975-2012_2012_Warner-Japan_zip
>Tatsuro Yamashita - 1999.02.11 Osaka LIVE https://anonfiles.com/t138L7V2ua/Tatsuro_Yamashita_-_1999.02.11_Osaka_LIVE_zip >Tatsuro Yamashita - 1998 - Cozy https://anonfiles.com/z035LfV8u6/Tatsuro_Yamashita_-_1998_-_Cozy_zip

Merry Christmas /yuri/!

Absolutely. But that will cost you many pesos my friend. Niche products cost more.
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Does anyone have a solution for network errors connecting to the stream? I got a blast of eurobeat from the bot when I tried smug's stream so I'm not sure what the problem might be.
Replies: >>649 >>661
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>not Pygmalion+Galatea
[Hide] (40KB, 446x534)
Merry christmas, slut!
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She isn't running anywhere
Replies: >>660
This is running on the ABS. PLW's is running on their servers over at http://prolikewoah.com:8989/radio
Replies: >>671
Despite the issues, I ignored the burn warning and just pushing through to keep cooking. It turned out pretty good, actually.
Very adorable.
Women don’t love men. They only love what the man provides her.  
The juice isn’t worth the squeeze.
Replies: >>663
[Hide] (151.3KB, 685x247)
>The moment humans invented war, 
Humans merely adopted the war, insects were born in it, molded by it!
[Hide] (101.3KB, 729x707)
>corriente ahora mexicana
Come one, hermano chicano you are making us latinos look bad.
Perú present.
Replies: >>661
do we stay here or do we go to the /animu/ thread?
Replies: >>662
That's actually an interesting problem to think about. Being a ballet or ballroom dancer will require some really aesthetics-oriented control & mechatronics software. Much better than the parkour robot from Boston Dynamics for example.
Replies: >>686
[Hide] (220.1KB, 1280x720, 00:05)
>Not a monstergirl wife

I've been using VLS to run the stream. So I don't have a problem with it.

DeepL can only do so much.
Replies: >>673
Before I drop the stream, is everyone able to connect to PLW's stream over at  >>659

Up to you. I'm fine with you using either thread tbh. Linked their thread at the top of the OP if you refresh the page.
They do love me.
Replies: >>675
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Cute Sophisticated AI with Desktop UI > Uncanny Valley Robots > Scummy Meat Humans
she cute
I'd have a robot maid, maybe, but not a robot wife.
Replies: >>672
It's all good, anon. I appreciate creative efforts like this, mostly because I've always wanted to delve into it myself, but lack the drive. You're letting your imagination flourish, which is a great thing.
Keeping it contain to a single-franchise autismo is a better idea for now, I agree. And the fact that you're playing with the fear of the unknown is already a good sign, as a lot of horror writers put so much emphasis on showing how horrible or violent the monster or demon or whatever is that you feel more 'tense' than scared. Keeping something's origins unknown is a good way to trigger your audience's fight or flight instinct. As for the creepiness of your art, I think it's a combination of the familiar sonic design, the simplicity of the art itself and the juxtaposition given by the black sclera and bloody mouth. As if it's a children's cartoon character, corrupted by something deranged, twisting and subverting it. It's offputting, in a good way.
This works for me.
 I am going to milk her hair 
She's really cute Anon. Naicu choice tbh.
If you believe that more power to you.
But ive dealt with enough women to see their true nature. They aren’t worth the effort.
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Animal woman or robot woman? Who would win?
>Kagerou Project
Haven't seen that in a long time, or anyone reference it before. Funny to see it here.
Replies: >>708
I will give my robowaifu a nucleer weapon, animalgirl has no chance
Replies: >>683 >>700
hey host if I make an OJ lobby do you want me to make a thread for it or do you just add it to the OP?
is anyone even up for some OJ?
Replies: >>684 >>703
That's only effective at very long range
I would be up for some OJ, but we need at least 3 people for it.
Same, for the most part. Just finished a Star Wars Saga Separatist campaign
Have a promising new game for the New Year. DM is obsessed with Christian barbarians, and wants to do a GURPS campaign in an alternate New World settled by converted Vandals. Also featuring are demonic Carthaginian ruins, savage Nephilim-led tribals, and hideous monsters, the three strongest of which are named after Noah's sons. And my character is obsessed with slaying one of things to become the "New David." Should be some autistic fun.
Replies: >>698 >>702
BD is boomer tier, the hotstuff is Ameca, anon.
Replies: >>696
Robo > bio
Replies: >>689
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did the moosics deded is it just me?
Floof is comfier than metal.
Replies: >>702
check >>630
The stream is in /animu/'s thread now.
It looks ded on my player too. Did the DJ pass out drunk again!?
Replies: >>714
Changed to /animu/ stream: >>40
anon you baka
pull this link into mpv, vlc, foobar or etc. http://prolikewoah.com:8989/radio
Replies: >>714 >>765 >>767
>BD is boomer tier, the hotstuff is Ameca, anon.
We have one Anon who stops by and really dreams of the day he can take his robowaifu ballroom dancing. Probably is a boomer, so yea.

But the problem got me to thinking about how to weave it all together to make it happen for him. Interesting issues tbh.
Did you/youguys ever read the SW books?
Replies: >>728
>robowaifu fires a nuke
>EMP disables all robowaifus in a 100 mile radius
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Replies: >>704 >>709
Nice. Saga ED is pretty good. 
Not sure about GURPs but a good group and Dm can make any system work. 

Implying you can’t put a comfy hole in your robot.
Replies: >>705 >>728
Mention it in the events sticky (it's not locked) and I can mention it in the OP too.
Replies: >>736
Oh, and uh, animal girls.
You don't wanna even cuddle with your wife?
Replies: >>711
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Jin is still alive and well, so KagePro still gets new releases, even now. Same for Evilious, for that matter, even after Mastery of the Heavenly Yard released.
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>cuddle robots will never get headaches or sleep with other men
Replies: >>713
But they are just robots. Cold, hard, calculating.
Replies: >>719 >>726 >>730
It's on /animu/'s end for now. Refresh the page and check OP or just connect to >>695 and stay in-thread if you want. I think the next streamer plans to hop on in about 7 hours on the ABS so I'll edit the OP when it's time or let him make a new OP at that time, up to him.
Bio cunts are just cold and hard. They’re programmed to steal your cummies and money.
Replies: >>723 >>731
But who programmed them? Who?
Replies: >>724 >>749
>cuddle with my cuddle robot
>suddenly google cloud goes offline
>firmware crashes because it can't record my conversations anymore
>get stuck in cuddle robot's grip
>can't even reach my VR headset so i can call the fire brigade in the metaverse
Replies: >>746
Yeah, why? Loved those things when I was a boy, especially the guides to vehicles and droids.

Right.  He cut his teeth with that Star Wars game we barely survived a close encounter with General Rahm Kota only thanks to the timely execution of Order 66, and should put his knowledge of how our ridiculous little group prefers to play to good effect. Pretty sure he's memorized the Song of Roland by now.
For added fun, I'm playing a converted Injun slinger, and a friend is playing a Vandal Cataphract. A Goddamn Cataphract.
Replies: >>751
>Cold, hard, calculating.
Meh, that's most of current era western 3DPD wahmen as well though? I for one welcome our future soft robot maids!
With or without tenctacles. No homo.
Replies: >>758
They are actually quite warm and soft.
Replies: >>739
[Hide] (158.8KB, 1000x905)
OJ lobby is up 
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You're mum is haha!
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non intellego. Hoc Latinum non est? Non sum ex patria tua, Quid venistis?
Replies: >>743
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https://youtu.be/vZbDkMRsM5o For some reason I think of this as a holiday song. Gives me similar vibes. What other non-holiday songs give you holiday vibes?
Replies: >>758
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I love baka sailor rabbits!
Romanes eunt domus!
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>suddenly google cloud goes offline
Lol. Stopped reading there. Only a F*NGS-NPC golem would attach himself to something so repugnant, Friend. Opensores all the way.
God made Eve out of Adam's rib.
Now man wants to do it again by himself.
He will never trump God.
Replies: >>749
[Hide] (1.1MB, 1587x1600)
You the saga anon from /tg/?
Replies: >>769
Should have been a bood boy
[Hide] (47.7KB, 736x460)
It's just a fat man with a big sack who wants to come down your chimney chute, no worry.
Don't worry, it's not like he can get into your house without a fireplace.
[Hide] (239.8KB, 2048x1585)
Replies: >>764
>With or without tenctacles. No homo.
leld. you can't hide, /monster/. what next snekgrils?

manuel's GAS, GAS, GAS.
Replies: >>785
[Hide] (251.1KB, 665x574)
The stream is up, right? I can't get any of the links to open.
Replies: >>765 >>767 >>768
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I think Usagi is a pretty cool Sailor. Esh kills gembithtches and doesnt afraid of anything.
Replies: >>784
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Help is on the Way / Slipknot
Replies: >>772
Replies: >>772
Not the one in the OP, we are listening to the /animu/ radio >>40
Replies: >>772
Tha's me, yes. Our sessions got a bit too convoluted for me to try and type out, but they also got batshit crazy, as you might've guessed.
Replies: >>781
god i love magical girls
Replies: >>775
[Hide] (293.3KB, 804x552)
I just figured it out as you posted.
Replies: >>773
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But do you make love to magical girls?
Replies: >>783 >>794
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This post reminded me the Futurama Santa.
Replies: >>796 >>804
Cool, nice to see you here. i played D6
I imagine. SW games can get crazy.
Replies: >>802
Hm, mixxx is doing some weird stuff on these newer versions... Here's the playlist, hope I didn't violate OpSec since file pathways are apparently included now. .txt now exports as ANSI instead of UTF-8 which is bullshit.
Saw some other embarrassing metadata that didn't used to be included but... Eh.
Not that anon, but yes, I married one.
[Hide] (14.3KB, 320x269)
>what next snekgrils?
That's silly, your silly, stop being silly.
Replies: >>796
i wish i could every day
[Hide] (27.8KB, 640x480)
Truly a great episode.

Comfy tbh.
I am also Carstein-anon, and have been mulling over possible things to do in the Aetern thread...orrr, if you went to /monster/ and have a long memory, the anon who made the Shoggoth and Pharaoh rewrites which were generally liked.  I'm waffling over finally getting over myself and posting a thread for that setting for anons to rake me over the coals help with.

Yep. Our sneaky operator man killed four ARC Troopers during our campaign (counting assists). Somehow we all survived to escape Kota. Might continue that campaign in the New Year, might not, we'll see.
Replies: >>846
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I want to make an honest woman out of Venus and make her my wife, sofa king much.
Replies: >>833
Never actually used an IRC before
True, I've only been browsing for seven or so years. It might sound like I'm being sarcastic,,but I'm not.
Anyone else getting an error for the stream? I tried VLC.
If you are using linux 
>install irrsi
>open irssi
>type "/connect lol.fatpeople.lol"
>after you join fat people network type "/join #christmas"
>you are in 
I have no idea what client works with windows
Replies: >>827 >>839
>7 years
Isn't the proper terminology agingfag? 7 years is a decent amount of time to be browsing imageboards.
don't feel bad anon. i guess it has uses, but i enjoy IB far more.
working fine for me w/ MPV ?
Replies: >>822
I like all these classic old songs. Thanks to the DJ, whereever he is.
>working fine for me w/ MPV ?
same here
Are you using the right link? VLC's doing me fine.
Replies: >>829
[Hide] (48.8KB, 437x251)
Not a big deal, IRC is stupidly simple once you've used it for more than 5 minutes.
I'd recommend AdiIRC since it has inline images which is nice, if you want something completely FOSS then use HexChat.
Replies: >>834
If on linux see >>816
If on wangblows and you don't want to use the web browser, consider hexchat since it's pretty intuitive.
we're in the wrong thread for the wrong radio
I'm using the fatpeople link
running vlc, it's fine for me.
Worked for me in mpv and foobar.
Sounds like your version of VLC needs to be updated.
Shit taste, Mars is best sailor.
Replies: >>840
you can see here pantsu
Replies: >>837
It works for me. I like to keep a log of the tracks so I'm running it in terminal with
mpv http://prolikewoah.com:8989/radio.m3u | tee -a StreamOutput-Christmas-`date +"%F"`
I don't know if code tags are enabled on this board.
It was the cafe link, not the PLW link. Thanks.
You shut Uranus mouth, Mars is a slut, S L U T!
Replies: >>854
Just type "/me waves" to pretend you're a pro.
Replies: >>845 >>848 >>851
neat. i've never heard this before. didn't know that sinatra sung this stuff.
Replies: >>852
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> to pretend you're a pro.
But I am an aminay pro, I've been aminaying since summer. This year!
Replies: >>847 >>850
You should post it, I think /tg/ needs something new to talk about these days.
Replies: >>990
pfft real IRC pros arrive (if they ever left, as you know they leave their PC's on for that e-peen IRC bonus) with their self-hosted proxy (to hide their IP) and say "h". they're so cool they don't even need to finish it with "ey" or "i".
gonna have to steal that.
Nano-chan best waifu tbh
/me slaps Anon around a bit with a large trout 

Replies: >>853
[Hide] (10MB, 3510x4950)
If you attach Rutracker plugin for your torrenting software, you can find a ton of music on that site. Even all of Frank's music. That's how I got it.
Replies: >>857
Do it pussy, i dare you
Don't you dare to besmirch Mars good name!  She is a pure and honest maiden. It is Sailor Venus who is the loose women!
Replies: >>875
a true classic
thanks i'll check it out anon.
Replies: >>891
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It's Christmas for fuck sake, stop talking about summerfags
Replies: >>861 >>880
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I want Anon to recommend me somethinh alcoholic I can get in a supermarket to drink that's not vodka, wine or beer.
Replies: >>865
It's summer in australia
Replies: >>864 >>866
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Have a blessed night.
Replies: >>863
Merry Christmas Anon. Thanks you too!
Do we have any australians? i hope not
Replies: >>872
Eggy nog and irish cream.
Replies: >>889
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Land of the Summerfags.
[Hide] (944.1KB, 1024x1001)
Frohe Weihnachten aus Österreich.
Replies: >>873
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I’m going to bed Its been fun chilling with anons from all over the webring. Glad we haven’t all abandoned our boards. 
Everyone have a merry Christmas.
Have a good night, anon. Festivities will probably still be going when you wake up.
[Hide] (1MB, 900x900)
>Do we have any australians?
Haven't seen that one in a long time Anon.

Merry Christmas.
[Hide] (34.6KB, 464x422)
>pure and honest maiden
>a miko
Pick one and only one!
Good night, man, I hope you have sweet dreams with Rei
[Hide] (80KB, 204x258)
Sleep well!
It's summer in latin america
Goodnight and Merry Christmas.
[Hide] (5.4MB, 3504x2336)
Good night.
Replies: >>890
[Hide] (640.1KB, 600x586)
Merry Christmas, digits man.
[Hide] (189KB, 1621x1263)
The site is great and I've been using it to find tons of music. Even discographies of 80-90s JP artists. 

Night anon.
Replies: >>900
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Meidos blew up my off-topic thread, so I'm forced to hang out with you faggots. What's up?
Replies: >>900 >>901 >>922
sounds good. btw
>  icy-title: ? - 4894165564489
not sure what that is, but i kind of like the ethreal parts of it like r/n

merry christmasing it up anon. you?
Replies: >>904
What was the thread's topic?
Replies: >>904
[Hide] (172.8KB, 1024x998)
its not christmas tho
I'm doing some calisthenics, and finding resources on how to built plastic model planes. I miss working with my hands, but don't want to get into 40k again. Plus it would be cool to have cute planes in my room.
It was basically cafe, but intended for just Saturday night. Seemed like something I could get away with since we have r/a/dio's on Saturdays. Oh well.
Replies: >>913 >>944
I'm getting a 404 when I try to play the .m3u in my music player.
Replies: >>906 >>907
we're in the wrong thread.
op stopped a while ago. >>40
is correct one
Replies: >>909
Whats your music player?
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Why are there two threads? It's making me feel like an idiot!
Replies: >>912 >>917
Well lads it's been fun. Time for me to get some Zzz's. Merry Christmas to every Anon on the webring.
Replies: >>916 >>918 >>919
because we're all idiots
>I'm doing some calisthenics, and finding resources on how to built plastic model planes
sounds interesting. keep it up.
Sleep snug, anon.
Because there's two threads? There might be three later.
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Merry Christmas
Replies: >>921
Merry Christmas, have a nice night.
[Hide] (888.3KB, 541x304)
cute gif
You can watch some anomay with some anons.
Replies: >>924 >>948
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thanks anon this is nice
i thought you might get away with it too, but I guess not.
kill yourself cringelord
Replies: >>952 >>965
No need to get upset.
But I have no life insurance?
Did someone just put moonman on the radio?
Thank you I was having suicidal thoughts
Replies: >>970
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Nooo don't turn it off ;_;
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That was a test, thank you for your attention.
Replies: >>977 >>978
So is the anon.cafe stream still on intermission?
How big is that box of tissues holy shit.
[Hide] (822.3KB, 796x621)
Well fuck you for shutting it down
And thank you at the same time for making me get out of a rut
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I'm just getting a little prepared and organized and giving PLWJazzanon a bit more time before starting up.
Replies: >>985 >>993

Thanks Anon!
So noted. I've been rolling it over and growing it in my head in the years since /monster/ chased me out for my mistakes.  It needs to be let loose.
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Watching a movie in one of the streams, will join in for a while in 4hs. or so.
Thanks, (You) Christmas ghost.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Thanks Anons. Merry Christmas!
[Hide] (7.9MB, 1280x720, 00:41)
Merry fucking (almost) Christmas, faggots! Let's get on with this shit.
[Hide] (439.1KB, 584x413)
1000 posts in a day probably makes this the fastest board on the webring right now.
Replies: >>1010 >>1012
[Hide] (1.8MB, 1022x590, 00:06)
Christmas miracle!
Around the time the stream switched from this one to /animu/'s, it was reporting over 200PPH.
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[Hide] (263.1KB, 2560x1440)
Merry fucking Christmas.
I'm gonna check these digits and no tightass meidos can stop me.
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I can't keep track of all these streams!
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Merry Christmas /christmas/ and all anons everywhere!
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Merry Christmas!
[Hide] (37.4KB, 500x491)
Oh right, 60-70% is
music, heads up.
[Hide] (68.5KB, 467x640)
Merry Christmas, and God bless us, everyone.
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The pizza place I order from has no power I am sad.
Replies: >>1073
>>1000 checked, nice get
[Hide] (319.7KB, 450x253)
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Thread is past the bump limit if you guys wanna make a new one. I can edit in details as needed.
Replies: >>1060
[Hide] (944.8KB, 394x338)
Oh shit, I almost completely forgot about the kurisumasu party. Am I late? I hope I didn't miss anything.
Replies: >>1061 >>1064
[Hide] (697.2KB, 500x376)
Merry Christmas Anons
Replies: >>1083
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>thread has been in lock
Make a thread and let's light it up like a slutty Christmas tree.
Sorry anon we already ate all the food and drank all the booze, sucks to be you.
We've got at least six more hours of partying. I'll stick around until anons are partied out.
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Was it a wood fired pizza then?
Replies: >>1075
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No just a local place with good pizza.
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>he watched an anime called boku
Replies: >>1078
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>he didn't enjoy an anime called boku
Replies: >>1081 >>1088
[Hide] (12.1KB, 472x357)
Replies: >>1080
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Replies: >>1087
Happy Padoru, anon!
[Hide] (2.5MB, 1280x720)
[Hide] (4.1MB, 854x480, 01:42)
I laugh every time.
[Hide] (661KB, 535x612)
I LOVED an anime called Boku!
[Hide] (678.4KB, 988x1062)
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Santa's a fucking nigger faggot fucker. Dance.
[Hide] (1.9MB, 824x897)
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Just in time, im about to make some burgar. 
What should i put in it?
Replies: >>1101 >>1109
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Mozart is going hard.
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Barbecue sauce. Trust me.
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New thread: >>1113
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This is something I'm surprised I never hear on the radio during Christmas season. The regular radio, not R/a/dio.
Replies: >>1145
Anon, this thread is dead. >>1113
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Smug/tg/ is here.
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zzz/japan/ shitstirrer here.
Merry Christmas, everyone. Thank you for all the good times, and thank you for existing.
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All I want for Christmas is a kiss from my wife Eden under the mistletoe!
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It's becoming increasingly harder to communicate with my mother. My sister has a job and is away for the holidays. I almost envy her for being able to be away from it all, but her job is hard and stressful. I got my own work to deal with, even if I'm mental. I don't know what it is with my mother. Several times now she has just hung up on me during phone calls. As recently as a few minutes ago. I couldn't hear her, wanted her to move closer to her microphone or switch device, but she hung up on me just as I could hear her clearly. And then she blames ME for being irritable. Maybe I'll just fake a sickness on Christmas and stay home if this keeps up. I could use a Christmas miracle. Or get isekai'd. Wouldn't mind just escaping it all to some sci-fi, reincarnate as a robot. I could be a mechanic aboard a space-ship. That could be fun. I've taken up streaming movies for the guys over on cake/v/, it's been fun watching old action movies with everyone. Even showed some of my favorite stop-motion films.

Here's a manga recommendation for you all, read Super Doctor K, it's good fun from the late '80s.
Merry Christmas and a happy new year, guys. Here's hoping something good happens.
Merry christmas 

Fuck off redditor

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