/christmas/ - All Are Welcome!

Anon's heart grew three sizes that day...

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For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government will be upon His shoulders.

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Hi guys, thanks for the invitation. We are the anons from the /ac/ - Animación and Cómics board from hispachan (https://www.hispachan.org/ac/) and we are currently hosting a lot of chirstmas related events like a Christmas card: 
and we livestream cartoon series and movies on Sundays at 0:00 UTC:

And if you don't know spanish you can just hang out using google translate, we don't mind. The cartoon livestreams are usually in english with spanish subtitles so you won't have problems with the language.
Replies: >>246 >>319 >>2410
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>>227 (OP) 
Hay que escribir en inglés acá?
Replies: >>250
Lindo gato
Quiero cogerme a ese gato y casarme con ella.
Replies: >>253
Porque tendrias sexo con un meme.
Replies: >>270
Hay que hacer los memes realidad, guey.
Replies: >>271
ya empezaron a llegar los amedio, no apesten el chan ajeno con sus gergas de mierda por dios
Replies: >>291
Quedese tranquilo, yo no lurkeo chispajuan.
Replies: >>391
>>227 (OP) 
Hispachan is fun, I have an extremely low knowledge of Spanish but it's fun to shitpost with you all.
Replies: >>391 >>1369
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Today we are going to livestream some cartoons at 0 UTC. which is in around four and a half hours (https://ghostscreen.neocities.org/cronometro.html), pic related is the schedule, the first half is in spanish but War Game, Arthur Christmas and Polar Express are in english so I hope you will be able to enjoy it. I would've organized a parallel transmision totally in english but all this was a total surprise, I hope we would be able to organize something better the following year.


I'll try to embed this thread on our website, however the last time I try that anoncafe rejected the connection. 

/ac/ doesn't really have a mascot but we have Hilda who is a character from a cartoon that the anons really like a lot. We are doing a marathon of the series the 26 and 30 of this month because of the premiere of the movie so you are also invited to hang out if you want.

A veces se me olvida que también hay latinos en los chanes en inglés. Es bueno verlo por acá, anon.

Glad to hear. I also enjoy to shitpost with english speaking anons!
Replies: >>930
Streaming starts in one hour and ten minutes.
No visito el chispa desde hace mas de 6 años creo que la ultima vez fue por curiosidad de la vez que mataron al gordo de hacking mexico 
creo que empece a postear ahi alla por 2013. Zeta sigue siendo puto? 
>Habrá una sorpresa al finalizar la transmisión
Replies: >>971
Livestreaming starting in five minutes.
Zeta stopped being admin one year ago.
Livestreaming starting now!
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We are starting with Marco de los Apeninos a los Andes in spanish dub. I'll make an annoucement when the english content starts airing.
Replies: >>1772
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War game starting soon
Arthur Christmas is starting right now
I always mix up despertarse y acostarse when speaking spanish for some reason
Polar Express starting now

That's odd. In my case I never understood the difference between the Future tense and the conditional (like the difference between Escribiré y Escribiría), I started understating It when I studied the same topic in English
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I hope you all enjoyed the livestreaming of today. It wasn't something really big since everything basically came out of nowhere; I'll try to put something more elaborated next time. 

I had a lot of fun, you guys truly recover my hope on modern Image boards. I hope we could do it again the next year. We are still putting out some events for the rest of the month like the christmas card(https://www.hispachan.org/ac/res/197694.html), December 24th we are going to set up a radio and the 25th, 26th and 30th we are streaming cartoons again, around at the same time 0 UTC, so if you are interested in animation, you can hang out with us.

See you next year.
Replies: >>1762
I only managed to catch the tail end of the Polar Express but it was still nice.  I appreciate you taking the time to stream for us!  

Be sure to post here and give us a reminder when your other events are coming up, I'd love to be a part of it.
Replies: >>1764
Are you going to keep the board open for the rest of the month? if that's the case then I can post a reminder for the following events.
Replies: >>1771
Not that anon I'm streaming and was trying to troubleshoot other streamer's problem, but this board will be open through the end of the month for anons stopping by.
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Marco argentino carajo, VAMO MESSI
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We are setting up a 24 hours radio for this December 24th, if you want us to put your favorite christmas related music, feel free to post your suggestions ITT or here: https://www.hispachan.org/ac/res/200347.html
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The Ghost Screen radio is ON. You can hang out with us, we are going to livestreaming christmas music the whole day. 
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>>227 (OP) 
Merry christmas to everyone who tuned during the December 24th marathon. Today we are having our last regular livestream, we are starting at 0UTC, so if you wanna hang out, you are more than welcomed
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