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Let's bring back Christ in Christmas :)
Glory to God, the Triune, God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, the Most High and Most Holy, the Creator of Everything, the Creator of the World and of Humanity, the unequaled and unrivaled, Love itself, who around 2000 years ago decided out of piety and love for humanity, to be born among us, to show us our own way to salvation.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit,
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Good upcoming Christmas. And God Bless.
Replies: >>2635 >>2815
>>2627 (OP) 
>Good upcoming Christmas. And God Bless.
To you too Anon!
>>2627 (OP) 
/christian/ didn't implode, did it?
Replies: >>2836
Not sure. I know the /Christ/-tan thread was deleted because some of the pictures were lewd and it's impossible to delete individual images on cafe. 
Apparently someone thought that reason enough to splinter off.

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Christmas Radio 2022

Evening anon.
This is christmas radio, a thread where we listen to music while we drink, blogpost, banter and shitpost to our heart's content. That's pretty much it, so don't be afraid to talk about anything that comes to mind, be it your day, your life, games, movies or whatever. The point is to get together to share a good time with all dat Christmas Spirit™ and shit.  
That being said, last year we had multiple DJs through the whole thing so we ended up partying all night. That was good and all but time is different, because there's only me (heh) and we have around 7:30 hours of music if the night goes as planned and I don't mess around with the playlist after a few drinks. It all points out to a long, interesting, yet crowling slow night. No refunds! 
As for the playlist itself without getting into details: we'll start with instrumental funk and jazz, followed by some ska and weeb music for the first hours until we slowly move towards the west with slav and balkan tunes mixed in, then we'll get into proper western european and burger music. After that, I throw in a mix of everything. Don't like something? call me a faggot and /r/equest something of your own instead, I'll put it somewhere in the playlist as long as it's not SHIT. 

-All flavour of spics and hues are kindly welcome to post, as long as you keep español al minimo.    
-Don't forget to check out the other fun happening on the board &g
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animu stream happening tomorrow i think
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Don't care much about christmas, but I do appreciate the festivities. How's anon doing?
Replies: >>2793
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>How's anon doing?
Well, it's a lot to learn and to do. We could always need more help.
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8/a/ reporting

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>¿Qué es esto?
[Ghost Screen] proyecto de videostransmisora anónima organizada por los anónimos de; cada sábado en la noche nos reunimos para ver series y películas usando un hilo como "chat". También hay otros proyectos asociados: Un podcast, una radio y varios proyectos de programación.  
>¿Qué vamos a ver?
El origen de los guardianes, los especiales de navidad de Charlie Brown (la del 1965 y del 2021) y operación regalo. Entre películas veremos el especial de Invasor Zim, Good Will to Men (1955) y 12 pequeños cuentos navideños.
>¿A qué hora?

Nos veremos entonces
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bueno negros, nos vemos la proxima, otra buena noche con ustedes, no se si OP tiene planeado transmitir algo mañana,
Replies: >>2782
gran edición OP, gracias y también a los demás anons por su presencia.
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Bueno, eso sería todo por esta noche; espero que lo hayan disfrutado. Con muchos baches y muchas sorpresas de último momento, pero creo que al final salió bonito. Especiales gracias a los anons que pudieron presentarse en el VC y con quienes estuvimos pasando el rato, espero que el año que viene lo podamos organizar mejor.
Dudo muchísimo que vaya a poder organizar algo para la próxima semana, si sale algo se los comento en el hilo de organización, pero no prometo nada.
Replies: >>2783 >>2785
Gracias por el evento OP, como siempre siendo calidad.
Gracias OP por el evento

NO olviden pasarse por el stream de musica >>2643

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If you would like to assist in advertising the event on the 18th, please read at least "Part 2" of this OP!

Part 1:
I sent the following email out to all relevant Board Owners who are on the whitelist or graylist. Feel free to copy bits and pieces of it.
>Good Evening,
>I won't go into details, but long story short I should have gotten back to everyone sooner. The event is still on for this weekend and everyone is still invited if they would like to come hang out. Given the short notice, if anyone wants to make an advertisement thread (or if I just haven't seen it yet) consider it greenlit! The details are in the Christmas pudding, so here's what's happening in shorthand:
>There will be a Christmas radio on featuring music (Christmas and non-Christmas) from prolikewoah/animu, (probably, working out the details with that DJ), and 
>Music stream will happen on the 18th of December from 9AM Saturday American West Coast to roughly 9PM or later (5PM Saturday to 5AM Sunday GMT/UTC, or 2AM Sunday to 2PM Tokyo time)
>There will be a separate games thread for anons who want to play games, with servers and hosts edited into the OP (the radio thread will link back to this thread as well) [since the goal is for anons to socialize and enjoy themselves- OJ, EDF, and Veloren are probably on the books right now]*.
>Feel free to make an advertising thread promoting your board. If you want to have a fun activity attached, that is also welcome!
>I will try to check my email in the evenings. Tomorrow I'm wrapping up the playlist and emergency playlist, and then if I finish it in a timely manner I will try to advertise where possible. Otherwise I will send out invitations on Friday. I am also asking anons to help with advertising, so if your board has not whitelisted or blacklisted the event, I apologize for anons advertising on your boards in advance. Please email me if you would like your board removed from the graylist that will be posted to here shortly.
>Best Regards,
*forgot to include the [] part in the email.
Last edited by christmas_anon
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62 replies and 14 files omitted. View the full thread
Sure, are you BO?
Replies: >>2617
I'm the owner of another board. I went to bed, as soon as I wake up I'll send you the credentials.
Replies: >>2620
Sorry. We saw your email and have replied. The credentials you were using were already correct and we successfully tested creating a stream with them, no changes behind the scenes required.
Replies: >>2620
I wonder if bunkerchan will return this year.
You should check their IRC.
You should check their IRC (found through their FAQ).
You could try to ask through their feedback email.
You could email or chat with their admin (found through their FAQ).
You should check their IRC.
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>no changes behind the scenes required.
I just double  ̶t̶r̶i̶p̶l̶e̶,̶ ̶s̶e̶x̶t̶u̶p̶l̶e̶,̶ ̶o̶c̶t̶u̶p̶l̶e̶ checked and as it turns out, I was setting the port wrong this whole time, my bad. I'm indeed, a retard nigger. Sorry for bothering and thanks for the reply. 
No need anymore but thanks regardless.

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Hilo dedicado para borrachos y problemáticos que necesitan quemar un poco de energía; discusión de drama meta y otros problemas que surgen con la festividad. 
Si decides ignorar la advertencia de arriba, entonces no te quejes si aquí ves cosas que no te gusten. Las reglas 1, 4 y 5 aún aplican aquí. Recuerda que estamos en fiestas, que no te de un aneurisma.
Replies: >>2606
>>2586 (OP) 
BO, se nota que hablas la lengua de Cervantes así que lanzó unas referentes al meta.
¿Desde cuándo haces éstos eventos?
¿Por qué llamar a los hispano hablantes?
Replies: >>2608
>¿Desde cuándo haces éstos eventos?
Si hablas del crossover de navidad, los anons que lo organizaron el año pasado no pudieron hacerse cargo este año; así que decidí hacerme cargo.
>¿Por qué llamar a los hispano hablantes?
Porque luego de todo el autismo y drama de estos últimos seis meses pensé que sería una buena oportunidad para dejar de lado los dramas y pasar un buen rato juntos; al menos durante un par de días.
Replies: >>2609
Entonces esto depende más del usuario que quiera incentivarlo, claro, los demás también se unirán porque les gusta.
>Porque luego de todo el autismo y drama de estos últimos seis meses pensé que sería una buena oportunidad para dejar de lado los dramas y pasar un buen rato juntos; al menos durante un par de días.
Pues la verdad si que es buena idea eso mismo, se me hace que tú mismo te lanzaste a esto solo para que nosotros tengamos este momento de tranquilidad y unión entre hiaspachaneros.

Merry Christmas to everyone! From /co/.
Replies: >>2430 >>2486
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>>2427 (OP) 
And of course the dang card won't upload...
>>2427 (OP) 
Merry Christmas /co/!
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Yes you read that right, join /sw/ on watching this timeless classic!
Since I can't stream to save my life, I decided to webm everything and post it all in this thread, so get comfy and enjoy!
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true, that nigger had a personal vendetta against rogue squadron and single handedly bankrupted Factor 5 and many other ACTUAL third party developers. None of this Tranny shit of the 2010's-present. 

Also is the reason why Rogue leaders, a 100% finished remaster of all 3 games and the testbed example of all other SW wii games, is sitting on some disney exec's shelf somewhere in legal hell. 

I really hope it gets leaked. Its been almost 20 years and I know Disney is sure not going to acknowledge this game exists any time soon....
>current board alogs.theguntretort
/sw/ moved to cafe.
Replies: >>2540
life day
Replies: >>2569
There were some broken stuff in the css and stuff, so everyone went to cafe instead.

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Reminder we're watching Gaki New Years this year.
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>Doesn't even post a link to the stream.
Replies: >>2533
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eh, sorry. It's
bring drinks

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Hello, anon. We are /h/ from 83channel. This seens a fun event, thanks for inviting us.

We are a really small community and our imageboard is a buggy mess, but things will improve in the near future, we hope. I won't advertise the board here because it is is a portuguese-speaking place, so I don't think it will be interesting for you. But we made some collection music albuns that we would like to display on this event.

In /h/ sometimes we have this so called "discothreads" (album threads if you will). We stablish a genre and ask anons for music recommendations, therefore we select the best musics, ask a drawfag to make a drawing and create a album with it. It's simply a video with a static image and some tracks. The whole video must have a length set between 51 and 70 minutes.

Here I will post some of our albuns for you. You are welcome to make a album too! Just select some musics, join then on a video with a static image as background and post it here.
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Wow that actually sounds really comfy, never heard of your board before but it sounds like a nice place to lurk.
Nice to have you guys in here.
Listening to this one right now, pretty good. Do you mind posting the playlist? i'd like to have every song individually
Replies: >>2522
From the original thread:
1: 00:00/04:24 - Vinicius de Moraes e Baden Powell - Tempo de Amor
2 - 04:25/07:15 - Osmar Milito - Chovendo Na Roseira
3 - 07:16/10:12 - Tom Jobim - Samba de uma nota só
4 - 10:13/12:04 - Tom Jobim - Samba Torto
5 - 12:05/15:02 - Vinicius de Moraes - Berimbau
6 - 15:03/20:27 - Som Brasil - Fato Consummado
7 - 20:28/23:43 - Rogério Skylab - Abismo e Carnaval
8 - 23:44/28:09 - Rogério Skylab - Aqui todo mundo é preto
9 - 28:10/30:57 - Marcos Valle - Samba de Verão
10 - 30:58/33:46 - Agnaldo Rayol - Onde Estará Meu Amor
11 - 33:47/36:27 - Marcos Valle - The Answer
12 - 36:28/40:00 - Tom Jobim - Águas de Março
13 - 40:01/42:54 - Dori Caymmi - Flor Das Estradas
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Replies: >>2525
thanks brother.

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for those who don't know, /sig/ is Self-Improvement General, a community dedicated to self-improvement. there used to be alot of /sig/ threads on 4chan, many got pruned because /pol/ over there went to shit over the past years. there used to be a imageboard dedicated entirely just to /sig/, called sigchan. unfortunately, sigchan has been shut down, and there was no replacement, until recently. that replacement is the /sig/ board from, of which i am a representative. Hivechan is not simply just for /sig/ alone, it is a general board where anyone can make a board if they wish to, since the site respects free speech, as long as it is not illegal. the /sig/ board on Hive is a sort of continuation to sigchan, and i say "sort of" because it is tied to, which can be considered as the official site of the /sig/ community. the /sig/ board has many anons who used to be on sigchan. this board is the official board of the /sig/ community, a board where people can discuss and advice for self-improvement. because one /sig/ thread is not enough, and this is also another reason why this board exists:

We hope you enjoy this board if you are interested into it. Unfortunately, as of the time this is written, the site has maintainance issues.  this is why it is currently down, but the issues will be solved either today or i
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What is this guy's deal
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and so it is
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Replies: >>2418
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This is incredibly impressive and motivational pic Anon, thanks. Looks completely natural.

Merry Christmas /sig/ !

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