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Merry Christmas /christmas/! Which cute robot would you want Santa to bring you?
Last edited by Chobitsu
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Here are some cute Nandroid/Padoru crossovers, and other cute robowaifus posted on our board. Seems they were too shy to come post them here in our thread on /christmas/, so I'll post them here in their stead.

Merry Christmas
Replies: >>3479
Now what's the one with the box and why does she have a cracked forehead?
Replies: >>3481
I'm not EtR/Nandroid afficionado, but as I understand it she's a fixer-upper that anon found on a waste dump and repaired her. Turns out she was a test robot for the company the manufactures Nandroids, and had become inoperable. Her name is Lulu, and I think she's part of the fandroid EU.

But don't quote me, best to check with the real pros, Anon:
Replies: >>3494
Bit late in this thread, but "Merry Christmas".
>>3481 You might as well call this story, "The Torturer's Wife." The grief is good, as is the comfort they take with each other, but the sex scene is uninteresting, and so I skipped most of it. Not enough is done with how Lulu smells, feels, and even weighs.  I feel that should be played up if you're in a relationship with a nonhuman being, whatever the stripe.

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Updated stream info:


Merry Christmas. Sorry for the late reply, this month has been very busy for all of us. We are a small Spanish speaking community of anons dedicated to animation and comics that started back in 2015 on Hispachan and over the years we managed to raise a unique board culture separated from the rest of the board which made it very special. Hispa passed away on mid 2022 but we didn't, we now operate as an independent board on 8chan dot moe you can come and say hello if you want, English speaking anons are more than welcomed.
Last edited by Chobitsu
18 replies and 12 files omitted. View the full thread
Whichever one isn't an infernal repository of disease.


Combination of crossover potential, humor, and Demencia hammering the Harley Quinn "crazy hot villain girl" button like nobody's business.
>Whichever one isn't an infernal repository of disease.
so fang, then
good choice
Replies: >>3409
Don't know anything about the snoot thingy, does she have clamidia?
Replies: >>3426
not clamidia
if i remember right, canonically loona has syphilis
Replies: >>3474
All the more reason to steer clear.

What about action cartoons?

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/ita/ here, hope you'll get to experience a tranquil, jolly Christmas this year.
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Buon Natale a voi poveri comunisti.
Replies: >>3382
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Lol. Welcome /ita/ ! Merry Christmas. Anything fun going on today?
Replies: >>3404
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We just burned some pile of trash for no particular reason.
Replies: >>3405
They tell me 'the job's not complete until the paperwork's finished', so yea.  :D
Buon Natale fratello mio in Cristo, e a tutta la tua famiglia!

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Christians and non-Christians, welcome to our dedicated thread. Thank you for the invite! We're from /christian/ and we're all here to have an incredible time with you all for the next week or so. Please, feel free to pay us a visit at >>>/christian/ or post in this thread.

We don't have much to offer unfortunately, as I made a thread asking us what we should do about less than four days before today, and we were only officially invited to post here with our own thread about yesterday. Regardless, in the spirit of Christmas and the Holy Night, I wanted to start by spreading goodwill and good cheer to everyone by sharing some verses that I hold close to my heart and invite others to do the same, even if they aren't a Christian.

Past sharing scriptures, this is meant to be a comfy thread, so really anything can be discussed as long as it's somewhat relevant to Christianity and follows the rules here (don't forget about Santa's Thunderdome, please do us all a favor and keep this thread clean at the very least!). This thread can also be for prayer requests, support, questions about faith, confessions, you name it!

Now that's all out of the way, here's some verses I'd like to share from my King James Bible and what they mean for me.
Matthew 17:20 - "And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you."
Proverbs 4:23 - "Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life."
Proverbs 20:29 - "The glory of young men is their strength: and the beauty of old men is the grey head."
Psalm 41:3 - "The Lord will strengthen him upon the bed of languishing: thou wilt make all his bed in his sickness."

These verses mean a lot to me, as someone who struggles with anxiety, self-doubt, and depression. Knowing He loves me, even as I struggle with my temptations give me hope and another reason to look forward to waking up every day. Even if you have very little faith in Him, He will still answer to you because He loves you. I went through some hardships in life that really made me question my faith, but every day I still wake up, living the impossible.

Do you have anything to share or talk about here? Go ahead! But remember,
Last edited by NeneSeal
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Not exactly a book per se, but how about this one by C.S. Lewis (et al) as well, Anon? Merry Christmas!


>this section is for professionals only:  :^)

1. Install this:

2. Issue this command:
yt-dlp -i
Last edited by Chobitsu
Replies: >>3378
Splendid art, and quite useful. Thank you.

Having an amusing account of Southern funeral tradition and church life in return.
And why not the other Georgia too?
christ-chan is p cute ngl
too bad i cant find decent r34 of her

Replies: >>3455
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Merry Christmas, /christmas/.

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it's the season of mutual aid!
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A merry Christmas to all. The glorious gift economy shall prevail!
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Put a hat on your cat.
Replies: >>3084 >>3381
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a /draw/friend contributed picrel
That's the spirit!
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This is a dedicated thread for drunkards and troublemakers who need to cool their head, discussion of meta drama, and other ills that come along with the holiday season. 
The board owner recommends hiding this thread for the duration of /christmas/.
Should you wish to ignore the above warning, then please do not complain if things you do not want to see appear here. Rules 1, 4, and 5 still apply here. Remember that it's the holiday season so don't have an aneurism.
272 replies and 112 files omitted. View the full thread
I am annoyed. I remembered the /christmas/ board from previous years, but didn't think to look this year. If it got advertised, I didn't see it. It wasn't a big deal, but I'm still annoyed because I got have gotten in on some festivities.
Replies: >>3445 >>3449
*I could have gotten in on some festivities.
Our apologies, Anon. What board are you from? We can try to make a point of not missing it in the future hopefully.
Replies: >>3450
Mostly /k/. To be fair, my personal life has been hectic anyway, and I was mostly just venting.
Replies: >>3451
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If it's anon/k/, I'm pretty sure we left an invite in their /meta/ thread? My apologies if we missed you anons, that was an oversight.

>and I was mostly just venting.
Hehe, no worries. Glad you're here now Anon! Merry Christmas Cheers.  :)

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Thank you for the invite! I haven't much to contribute but I'm glad we've managed  to carve out a tiny spot on the webring alongside the rest of you merry blokes. I'll enjoy my time lurking here and listening to the stream.

Yet still, we persist~
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Suigintou best doll.
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Hello /origin/ , welcome! Merry Christmas. Glad to have you here. Please make it a yearly tradition. Cheers.  :)
Replies: >>3442
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Hopefully we'll continue to endure, the internet is a pretty rough place!
Replies: >>3443
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Merry Christmas, anons. 

As a collaborative effort among true Christian boards, I would invite anon to make merry and enjoy the festivities by sharing our wonderful board-tan that has followed us through thick and thin on our journey after the collapse of 8chan. Please say something nice about Christ-chan in this thread, and of course, /christian/ wishes you a Merry Christmas. Co-sponsored by:

Let us be reminded that even in the deepest darkness there is still hope for a brighter future.
Romans 15:13
Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
And that should you seek THE LORD you shall find your answers.
Matthew 7:7
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you
In the face of adversity, be reminded that in our heavenly father's faith you can achieve all, so just as Sisyphus pushes his boulder up the hill, so too shall anon continue in his struggle.
1 Corinthians 15:56-58
The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
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Did you guys set up an entire christianchan imageboard? how cool!
Replies: >>2642 >>2975
Someone did and he has my thanks.
Replies: >>2975
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uh's down
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We're sliding in like those fags on ice! /japan/ was founded roughly last Thursday with the express purpose of finally leaving those oppressive tranny redditors behind and growing into the least moderated /jp/ spinoff on the planet. Our primary exports include:
Touhou imagery
Drama (Usually without us even being there!)
100% of quality posts on any board
…and more!

Drop by to shit up our board today @
Be forewarned that it's somewhat dead but fear not traveler for that's by design. Our agents are all worldly philosopher kings that spend little time on our home board other than to relax and take it easy.
46 replies and 20 files omitted. View the full thread
whats it about aya that makes her so fucking hot?
Replies: >>3300
Maybe it's the same reason people like April O'Neil and other fictional reporters.
That, or wearing men's clothes well.
Replies: >>3303
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>>3300 (checked)
yea i really want a cute reporter to offer me sex in exchange for top secret information for her scoop
>or wearing men's clothes well
yea ngl crossdressers are kinda hot
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Okay, that's impressive. Merry Christmas.
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/japan/ strm starts soon!!!
/japan/ strm starts soon!!!

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Hi everyone, it's a nice moment in the year to share kindness and comfy time so we are happy to spend this christmas with you.

We always have our comfy jigsaw puzzles thread here >>>/comfy/4861 so don't hesitate to join us for good old relaxed fun with us.

We wish you all, the Cafe, the webring and all anons wandering there a merry christmas.
6 replies and 2 files omitted. View the full thread
Replies: >>3158 + 1 earlier
what is /comfy/ and hows that different from /kind/?
Replies: >>3287
>>3123 (OP) 
With any luck I'll be making more ZX Christmas puzzles throughout the Christmas holiday.
Replies: >>3287
/kind/ and /comfy/ are friends, we're sharing the same vibe. Maybe /kind/ is more about kindness with comfy vibes and /comfy/ about comfyness with a kind vibe ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Yes, I like them :)
Due to a slight clerical error on my part we are currently overloaded with puzzles so this would be an excellent time for any puzzlers to take a shot at what we're offering. Including another 4 pack of Holiday Speccy puzzles.

Here's the puzzles thread:
Last edited by Chobitsu
Replies: >>3391
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Thanks for the headsup, Anon. I've added your puzzles to the Community Events listing. Merry Christmas Cheers!  :)

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