/christmas/ - All Are Welcome!

Anon's heart grew three sizes that day...

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For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government will be upon His shoulders.

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The Season is upon us again, Anons.
*  Please coordinate and RSVP here about your board's Christmas / New Years festivities.
*  Anons, please spread out and outreach to other boards and let them know.
*  BO/Vols will update this OP with relevant information as it becomes available.

For Anons leaving event info for /christmas/ , spell it all out for us bro.    :^)
> (tl;dr  please copypasta this template into your announcement post) :

•  Your board name :   
•  The name of your event :   
•  The dates/start-time of your event :   
•  The URI of your stream/etc. :   
•  The crosslink to your Embassy Thread here on /christmas/ if you have one :   

> (protip: this is a crosslink : >>3570 )

Community Group Events Announcements :

>Christmas 2024 :

•  /vhs/  Christmas Movie Marathon  ( >>3571, >>3656, >>3777, >>3786 [ >>3014, >>3798 ]) :
    Dec 24th & 25th, at 3:30pm PT / 6:30pm ET / 2330h UTC :  https://prolikewoah.com/t/20241225T2330

•  /comfy/  Puzzling 4-packs  ( >>>/comfy/11134 [ >>3123 ]) :
    (puzzles go on all year at /comfy/ )

•  /animu/  Christmas Music Stream  ( >>3575 [ >>40 ]) :
    Dec 24th & 25th, at 3pm PT / 23h UTC  :  https://prolikewoah.com/t/20241225T23 mpv http://prolikewoah.com:8989/radio
•  zzz/v/  UT Christmas Stream  ( >>3625, >>3632 [ >>3016 ]) :
    Dec 17th, at 3pm CT / 21h UTC  :  https://prolikewoah.com/t/20241217T21

•  /vhs/  Christmas TV Night Event  ( >>3609, >>3656, >>3752 [ >>3014 ]) :
    Dec 18th, at 7pm ET / 00h UTC  :  https://prolikewoah.com/t/20241219T00

•  8moe/christmas/  Christmas Stream  ( >>3659 [ ??? ]) :
    Dec 14th & 15th, 3pm PT / 23h UTC  :  https://prolikewoah.com/t/20241215T23

•  /monster/  Monstergirl Christmas Stream  ( >>3655, >>3785, >>3788, >>3789 [ >>3652, https://smuglo.li/monster/res/136137.html ]) :
    Dec 21st, at 4pm ET / 21h UTC  :  https://prolikewoah.com/t/20241221T21

•  /vhs/  Lord of the Rings Trilogy  ( >>3846, >>3850 [ >>3798 ]) :
    Dec 27th, at 10am PT / 1pm ET / 18h UTC :  https://prolikewoah.com/t/20241227T18

>New Years 2025 :

•  /comfy/  Puzzling 4-packs  ( >>>/comfy/11134 [ >>3123 ]) :
    (puzzles go on all year at /comfy/ )

•  /vhs/  Godzilla/Kaiju Movie Marathon  ( >>3846, >>3887 [ >>3798 ]) :
    Dec 31st, at 3:30pm PT / 6:30pm ET / 2330h UTC :  https://prolikewoah.com/t/20241231T2330

•  /yuri/  Saturdays Seasonal Yuri Streams (recurring)  ( >>3902 [ >>21 ]) :
    Jan 4th, at 9pm ET / 02h UTC :  https://prolikewoah.com/t/20250105T02
    https://pomf.tv/stream/ShizurusLoveHut mpv rtmp://streamserv.pomf.tv/live/ShizurusLoveHut
•  /yuri/  Sundays Backlog Yuri Streams (recurring)  ( >>3902 [ >>21 ]) :
    Jan 5th, at 9pm ET / 02h UTC :  https://prolikewoah.com/t/20250106T02
    https://pomf.tv/stream/ShizurusLoveHut mpv rtmp://streamserv.pomf.tv/live/ShizurusLoveHut
If you spot any errors with this information, please let us know ITT.
TIA, Anon.


Last edited by chobitsu
Thanks! Listing added. Just fill us in and I'll add the deets.
Replies: >>3602
Spiked my tea with eggnog and will sike my eggnog with alcohol later today. I am ready for the Season.
Replies: >>3610 >>3616
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We will have our Christmas TV night event on Wednesday, December 18 at 7:00 PM ET. The full lineup is not quite ready yet but A Charlie Brown Christmas and How the Grinch Stole Christmas! will be played for sure.
Replies: >>3617 >>3634
I hate this fag, but this recipe for eggnog is easy and really good. I make it every year now.
Replies: >>3616
Eggnog sounds really good!
Please pardon my asking, but which board is this again, Anon? (Also, do you know if you have an embassy thread here already as well?)
Replies: >>3619 >>3621
NTA but it's the /vhs/ board from zzzchan. They have a thread here >>3014
Replies: >>3621 >>3624 >>3634
Additionally /vhs/ hosts both a movie night thread and a TV night thread and has also started acting as an outpost for the /monster/ stream as well.
Replies: >>3624
Oh! Thanks, Anon. I guess they're already on the list. Still need details about the dates (and the stream name doesn't match?)
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I saw your message and this is the schedule now as a result of me overwriting a save file by accident. Times are 3pm CDT/1pm PST/9pm for Britbongs/10pm for the rest of Europe
[Day5] Arietta Arc (God help us) and Ending 1. If I have time I will start CODA, but I probably wont even finish ending 1 completely. It's that long.
[Day6] CODA and Duet mods followed by Tactics+ReTuned. I may play ReTuned first to give Tactics(Predecessors) dev more time to finish a new version.
[Day7] Complete one of the aforementioned mods either Tactics or ReTuned and finish start the other. I hope.
[Day8] Finish the UT mods, and play(by request) Anon's Bizarre adventure: Featuring Teagan from the Uncommon Time series. If we have time I may embrace pain and play Sullen Boku Girls Alliance, but I doubt I will have the time or the endurance to play that again.
[Day9] Finish any content or games I may have forgotten relating to Uncommon Time, and upload the videos to internet archive.
I still don't know if I'll be able to stick to this schedule as this game seems to get longer every year, and I discover new bullshit I have to deal with. So please be patient, I have autism.
Replies: >>3629 >>3633
What board is this again, Anon? I'll be happy to add it to our listing in the OP. Good luck with your streaming party!
Replies: >>3632 >>3641
Replies: >>3633
Ahh, thanks. I'm going to make a whole bunch of assumptions here, and just add what I think you mean to the listing. Please correct me if I mess it up.


I suppose I need to add something like this to the OP ITT :
Please spell it all out for me :
•  Your board name :
•  The name of your event :
•  The dates/times of your event :
•  The URI of your stream/etc. :
•  The crosslink to your Embassy thread here on /christmas/ if you have one :
Last edited by chobitsu
I need to confirm your board name, Anon. Is it zzz/tv/ ? This Anon (>>3619) says you're /vhs/ . The stream for /vhs/ from before is
but you clearly said

Please help me out here, Ano.


I'll try to set up some kind of template for next year for this to help reduce the confusion right up front. This year we'll just need to muddle through.  :D
Replies: >>3651
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There are threads on zzchan.xyz/v/ and 8chan.moe/v/
Replies: >>3643
Thanks for the information, Anon. Please spread the word about the upcoming trash/christmas/ party! Cheers.  :)
It's a part of /vhs/, the ZZZTV is just the cytube name
Replies: >>3653
I see. So, I'm still a bit confused. Is the overlook stream no longer in effect now?
Replies: >>3656
They're both in effect. They're two separate cytube rooms. One for the TV show stream and the Overlook for the movie night stream.

FYI Overlook will have a Christmas stream on 24 & 25. Movies have not been picked yet.
Replies: >>3657
>They're both in effect. They're two separate cytube rooms. One for the TV show stream and the Overlook for the movie night stream.
>FYI Overlook will have a Christmas stream on 24 & 25. Movies have not been picked yet.

Oh, no wonder I was confused lol. I suppose this counts as two different events. Please let me know when your movies start, and I'll add that into your list entry. Thanks, Anon! Cheers.  :D
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While technically they haven't invited trash/christmas/ , they've been posting invitations elsewhere. Since I know of it, I'll make so bold to add the 8moe/christmas/ event into our listing here.  :^)

•  Your board name :   8moe/christmas/
•  The name of your event :   Christmas Stream
•  The dates/time of your event :   Dec 14th & 15th, 3pm PT / 22h UTC
•  The URI of your stream/etc. :   https://8chan.moe/christmas
•  The crosslink to your Embassy Thread here on /christmas/ if you have one :
Last edited by chobitsu
Replies: >>3661
>3pm PT / 22h UTC
Lol. I just realized this is incorrect for standard time. I'll patch the listings.
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Is this where the webring Christmas events are organized now that anon.cafe is kill?
Replies: >>3674
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>How the Grinch Stole Christmas!
>Kung Fu Panda Holiday
>Shrek the Halls
>The Madagascar Penguins in a Christmas Caper
>A Charlie Brown Christmas



The links are shared here so you can download them in advance in case you have issues streaming it from cytube.
Replies: >>3753 >>3756
Thanks /vhs/ , sounds fun! Cheers.
For any Anons on Tor, trying to grab the files. Maybe this will work:

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Just letting you know that the Uncommon Time Winter stream is now over. Thank you to all who attended.
Replies: >>3758
Thank you, zzz/v/ ! We'll plan to be open for business through Orthodox Christmas, so if you have a New Year's event to do, just let us know ITT, Anon. Cheers!

Merry Christmas
In a shocking turn of events Overlook movie night managed to get it's act together and nominate mostly Christmas for the Christmas stream.

A Christmas Carol (1951)
Jingle All The Way (1996)
The Pagemaster (1994)

Ico, el caballito valiente (1987)
Jack Frost (1998)
Bad Santa (2003)
Replies: >>3782
Noice! What time will you be starting, Anon?
Replies: >>3786
Standard Overlook hours unless something different is announced.
4:30pm PST/6:30pm EST/11:30pm UTC

Also this is cutting it a bit close but /monster/ is having a Christmas stream starting at 4EST TODAY
Itsudatte My Santa, Elf Bowling. My Hero academia Christmas in McDonald, Urusei yatsura Christmas and Help for the Holidays Christmas.
Replies: >>3787 >>3794
Thanks for letting us know, Anon!

>11:30PM UTC
Actually your numbers seem off here, Anon. Presuming that 4:30pm PST is correct, then the UTC is at
00:30h UTC the next day. [1] (ET is off, as well BTW.) But I've corrected it your listing in the OP ITT. Just let me know if you sort things better, and it needs another adjustment.

>Also this is cutting it a bit close but /monster/ is having a Christmas stream starting at 4EST TODAY
Thanks for the reminder. Yes, they had let us know beforehand. Cheers, Anon!  :)

1.  https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converted.html?iso=20241224T1630&p1=137&p2=0
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>Also this is cutting it a bit close but /monster/ is having a Christmas stream starting at 4EST TODAY
Thanks again for the reminder, Anon. It was needed too, as I had a mixup on the date. Cheers!  :)
Overlook Christmas Eve movie night now already in progress.
Replies: >>3810
OK, I'll presume 1530h PT. Adjusting now...
Overlook Movie night 2 is about to start.
The remainder of /vhs/'s Movie nights have been determined.

Friday the 27th:
Lord or the Rings Trilogy

Tuesday the 31st:
Godzilla/Kaiju movie marathon

Hope everyone can attend. Start times for LotR night will probably be a bit earlier than typical.
Replies: >>3848 >>3850
OK, Added. Cheers, /vhs/ .


Please post your New Years 2025 events ITT, Anons!

>(kindly use the template provided in the OP, thx)
Last edited by chobitsu
An update:
LotR stream will be more than just a bit earlier.
STARTS AT (10am PST/1pm EST/6pm UTC)
Replies: >>3852
Got it. Corrected, Anon.
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We're about an hour away from 13 or so hours of LotR.
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Just around 2 and a half hours away from the New Years Kaiju stream over at the Overlook.
Featuring, in no particular order-
>GMK, Giant Monsters All-Out Attack
>Godzilla vs. Megagirus
>Space Monster DOGORA
And a 5th mystery hopefully kaiju film.
Hope to see everyone there!
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might as well...
These are not festive streams, but our regular ongoing yuri streams we always have.

•  Your board name :   /yuri/
•  The name of your event : Saturdays Seasonal Yuri Streams.
•  The dates/start-time of your event :   Every Saturday at 9pm EST. New season starting TONIGHT on 04/Jan/2025. That's 2 hours from now.
•  The URI of your stream/etc. :  https://pomf.tv/stream/ShizurusLoveHut

•  The crosslink to your Embassy Thread here on /christmas/ if you have one : >>21

The schedule for that one is
BanG Dream! Ave Mujica.
Momentary Lily.
Sorairo Utility (TV).

Shit, you won't miss the war streams with that on the lineup. I won't be joining that streaming, personally, but they should be very entertaining... Streamer and other staff members are definitely excited about it. Now the other one:

•  Your board name :   /yuri/
•  The name of your event : Sundays  Backlog Yuri Streams.
•  The dates/start-time of your event :   Every Sunday at 9pm EST. That's 26 hours from now. We're currently on Episode 10/12 of our shows, so the new season will start in two weeks.
•  The URI of your stream/etc. :   https://pomf.tv/stream/ShizurusLoveHut

•  The crosslink to your Embassy Thread here on /christmas/ if you have one: >>21  

The current schedule for that one is:
Dungeon no Naka no Hito.
Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete.
Valkyrie Drive Mermaid.
VTuber Nandaga Haishin Kiri Wasuretara Densetsu ni Natteta.

We're gonna watch Episode 10 of each tomorrow, one episode every week. So you can join tomorrow or wait a few weeks for the start of a new backlog season. Check our board, the new schedule will be announced there.
This one I can promise is extremely cool and nice and fun and cute and yuri and you'll have a great time if you can follow it with all of us. I can promise that for both the current and the next schedule. I know we probably won't be able to match this amazing anime list for next season, but it will be like the 6th consecutive season that we put together an awesome backlog schedule so I'm confident we'll have an amazing list again.
You're all cordially invited to join us.
As always, you can ask whatever you want on our thread here on /christmas/ or just post on our board
Have a great 2025, and I hope to see you all around. I repeat, it's an honor to share a little community with you.
Replies: >>3903
OK, I've added your streams into the OP listing. Thanks & Cheers!  :)
Happy New Year /yuri/ !


ps. my apologies for not catching tonight's stream notification in time. Sunday's will still be fine, and anyone can still refer to the listing after the fact even once /christmas/ goes into the 'deep freeze' just a few days away from now.
Last edited by chobitsu
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