/christmas/ - All Are Welcome!

Anon's heart grew three sizes that day...

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For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government will be upon His shoulders.

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Gokigenyou, everyone. We, representing Smugloli's board dedicated the purest form of love, would like to thank the organizers for inviting us to this Christmas event. In turn, we would like to invite all of you to pay us a visit.


Please bear in mind that though we have picked up activity in recent months, we still take things slow here and prefer it so. Our open, user-centric approach separates us from other GL communities and we hope to continue this tradition.
Replies: >>23
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One of our members has expressed interest in making a contribution in form of a movie stream. However, the event's date at the 18th (Saturday) conflicts with the /yuri/ weekend streams, so the streamer wishes to plan a stream marathon prior or following the event proper. If the organizers are reading this right now, please let us know if you are fine with this arrangement.
Replies: >>69
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>>21 (OP) 
Hello /yuri/! It's good to see you again. I hope you have a slow and dramatic Christmas.
Replies: >>24
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>that pairing
Damn, slow and dramatic death indeed...
Since I'm here, I'll take the chance to ask about this board's NSFW policies. Back at home in /yuri/ everything is allowed, unspoilered, anywhere. How about here, are lewds allowed? Should we spoiler them?
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Streamer here.

The good news is that I may be able to accommodate the festival (or least my part of it) with my weekend streams. But since the organizer has been unable to organize the event to the extent that he wanted to, I decided to make my holiday stream into a 7-day marathon to compensate for the lack of momentum. Also, although I'm technically representing /yuri/, I'm planning on streaming war movies since among other reasons, I feel those will be more broadly appealing to everyone on the webring. I'll post the full details as soon as possible.
Replies: >>72
I've got a stream setup for my imageboard too. Well, it's just an RTMP server on hostwinds.com. I've got about 300 Mbps bandwidth. I'm not sure if there's a way to connect multiple servers with an RTMP connection, but I can help if need be.

Our imageboard will not be joining, so it'd just be me.
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Streaming event is now official and will start December 18 at 7:00 PM EST. Content lineup, schedule, and details are on pic related, but feel free to ask any other questions you may have. Hope to see you guys then.

The 1st Annual /christmas/ War Film Festival


For direct streaming
Replies: >>1365 >>2265 >>2632
Starting stream.
Just giving anon a heads up that this is a multi-day event so he might want to consider it later in the week even if he's not considering it tonight.
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We've had a few people asking, so here, this is the seasonal schedule we've had this season. It's almost over, of course, new schedule in a week or two.
Yakunara Mug Cup Mo: Niban Kama
Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru: Dai-Mankai no Shou
Jahy-sama wa Kujikenai!

And this is the themed band-sluts schedule we've gone with on Sundays this season.
BanG Dream! S2
BanG Dream! Garupa☆Pico
D4DJ Petit Mix
K-On! Ura-On!
Show by Rock!!#
Show by Rock!! Short!!

That's the one for tomorrow after the war movie.
Replies: >>2168
>- original - by hachiko (hati12) - 7a0d06d959af40d7886783f5386bde6e.png
That thumbnail looked a lot lewder at a glance than it actually is. I need new glasses. But not yuri glasses.
Starting day 2 of the stream.

The Bridge (1959)
Replies: >>2231
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That was a good film. Although it was late at night and I was really tired I still enjoyed it. 
Thanks for hosting the stream, /yuri/.
Day 3 of the stream starts now.

Cross of Iron (1977)
Come and See (1985)
What do these films have to do with yuri?
Replies: >>2272 >>2283
War movies are the purest form of cinema.
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Just trying to reach out to anons who may not have heard of such a nice thing, by sharing something related that currently may have wider appeal. For example, now, on Sunday we watched this after screening The Bridge. It may be the best WW2 origin story ever depicted, and also part of our regular yuri schedule.
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Day 4 of the stream starts now.

King of Hearts (1966)
The Winter War (1989)
Day 5 of the stream starts now.

The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957)
Stalingrad (1993)
Day 6 of the stream starts now.

Paths of Glory (1957)
Beneath Hill 60 (2010)
Last day of the stream starts now. 

 All Quiet on the Western Front (1930)
 Journey's End (2017)
Replies: >>2387
I can't join you for the last day of streaming, but thank you for these past few days. I had never watched a war movie beyond Apocalypse Now, and these really made me appreciate them. It's surprising how tearjerking they can be.
Thank you for streaming these, it had been too long since I watched an old war movie.
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2nd Annual /christmas/ War Film Festival when?
Replies: >>2634 >>2878
Replies: >>2878
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Last year's streamer did not step up, so I'm considering hosting on the 24th and 25th. Is there enough interest? Exact time and movies would be announced tomorrow, but I'm in EST. 
I'm considering Battle of Britain (1969) and Kelly's Heroes (1970) on Christmas Eve, Pretty Village, Pretty Flame (1996) and Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence! (1983) on Christmas Day.
Replies: >>2883
I am interested.
Replies: >>2896
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Alright then.
Merry Christmas!
Replies: >>2897 >>2917
It's probably a good idea to actually post the link as well.

The 2nd Annual /christmas/ War Film Festival

Password: Xmas
Replies: >>2917
Apparently Cytube's player doesn't support HEVC so tune in at https://pomf.tv/stream/XmasStream
Password: Xmas

Stream starts in 15 minutes unless that doesn't work either.
Replies: >>2918
Ignore this. I'd be glad if mods could delete it, can't seem to do it myself.
Got Kelly's Heroes working and I'm uploading the fixed files for the rest right now.  Stream will go on as intended.
First movie starts now.

Kelly's Heroes (1970)
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Next up:
Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence (1983)
Replies: >>2936
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Next up:
Battle of Britain (1969)
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Next up:
Pretty Village, Pretty Flame (1996)
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Crap, I'm watching this right now. If I'd known you guys were going to watch this, I would have watched it with you.
Thanks to all who joined over the past ten hours, and Merry Christmas!
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/yuri/ is hosting a New Year's stream if anyone here is interested.

Replies: >>2959
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Hello anons, /yuri/ manager here! Last year's streamer was a bit too busy for Christmas and couldn't set up a proper schedule on time, we have no idea who the anon making his own version this year was, but we're extremely glad for having someone stepping up to the plate. That's some real Christmas spirit right there! These webring-wide events are super important for us and we always have a nice time participating in them, so you can count on us hanging around for the next edition and for many more to come. However, for any anons that start organizing the event next year, could you please leave us a message back at home on smuglo.li/yuri/? With some anticipation, that'd help us organize things a bit better on our end too, probably some War Schedule again. With a twist to keep things interesting.
Also, if I recall correctly this board is closed during the year, right? Because otherwise Streamer-san said he's interested in picking some other date to stream what he was planning for Christmas. Obviously we'd like to invite everyone here so, will this board be open on... say, 4th of July? Or maybe at least Thanksgiving? So we don't have to wait all the way to next Christmas for the same schedule.
Replies: >>2959
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Now about the New Year! Like anon here was telling you >>2957 this week we'll be replacing our regular yuri schedule with three consecutive Yuri Movie Nights. Starting this Sunday night at 9pm EST we'll be streaming two movies per night, full schedule posted there. It's not the usual war movie theme, instead it's something I like to call Cute Girls Doing Cute Girls, but I can definitely promise fun. Most movies belong to franchises known and appreciated on many boards aside from /yuri/ and even if you haven't heard of them before they are all easy enough to follow and quite enjoyable. Relaxed fun times to be had. Some other movies including the first one are completely original so you can jump on the stream completely blind.
So here, this is an invitation to anyone reading this, we hope to see you around. I'll try to keep an eye on this thread to answer any questions you may have, and Streamer-san will surely announce each part of the Festival on this thread too, but honestly you should stop being shy and come make your questions or commentaries on https://smuglo.li/yuri/res/20802.html instead.
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Stream starts in 3 hours.

Black Fox (2019)
High School Fleet Gekijouban (2020)
Starting stream.
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Stream starts in 3 hours.

Frame Arms Girl: Kyakkya Ufufu na Wonderland (2019)
Gekijouban Kin`iro Mosaic: Thank You!! (2021)
Starting stream.
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Stream starts in 45 minutes.

Glass no Hana to Kowasu Sekai (2016)
Yuru Camp△ Movie (2021)
Starting stream.
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testin' testin'
Replies: >>3029 >>3032
I'm excited!
Will there be a war movie stream this year? I always look forward to it.
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Sorry, sorry. Really should've replied like a month ago. We HAD plans to stream some War movies and assorted stuff on the week between Christmas and New Year, but Streamer-san forgot to feed the Salamence and then some stuff happened.
But don't you fret, and don't you frown, this only means our streams will be pushed back by a few days. We'll be posting invitations and schedules later this week, so look forward to them. We apologize for the disorganization.
Personally, not sure I can make it to any of the events going on tonight, but my heart will be right here as every year. See you soon, and Merry Christmas to any and all anons.
Replies: >>3407
No worries, /yuri/ . Welcome! Merry Christmas.

So, once you've pinned down details, make note of them and I'll add the information into our Community Events listing. Cheers.
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>war movies
ahhh based yurichads
let me share with class my favorite yuri war comic: Negev Kar98k
this gay ass ib doesnt allow archives to be uploaded and i dont feel like spamming several pcitures so this is a good change as any to shill my own site in here
there you go, the complete comic plus the epilogue
enjoy and thank me later
Replies: >>3431
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anon, dear, you're among pros here...
You may visit our own guns thread here https://smuglo.li/yuri/res/18560.html and thanks for the site rec.
Just to share the spirit, here's a war trilogy. WTF-factor aside, I think it captures the desolate atmosphere of the war movies in our streams, so they are fitting.
>(C84) [Takotsuboya (TK)] Yukiyukite Senshadou (Girls und Panzer) [English] [N04h] [Colorized] [Decensored]
>(C85) [Takotsuboya (TK)] Yukiyukite Senshadou Battle of Pravda (Girls und Panzer) [English] [N04h]
>(C86) [Takotsuboya (TK)] Yukiyukite Senshadou Kuromorimine no Tatakai (Girls und Panzer) [English] [N04h]
Replies: >>3452
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>anon, dear, you're among pros here...
aw shucks
here i was hoping to spread the gospel of ryona to newfrens smh
>You may visit our own guns thread here
cool its one of those threads where ppl just spam several pics but never say anything
kinda like a booru but with shittier UI
>Just to share the spirit, here's a war trilogy.
wow absolutely zero of those downloads worked
why is it that catbox.moe always times out now?
it has been months since i was last able to download anything from there
id have preferred if you had just uploaded everything to my mailbox tbh
well, at least you had the decency to post the titles so i could just look them up myself
looks based, thanks

btw what is that gif? the gif version of the comic i posted?
Replies: >>3480
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Anon, I just checked and all links worked. You should add them to your download manager of choice, or just keep browser retrying I guess?
catbox.moe has been shittier for a while now, but my main concern is that I can't trust it for long-term archival anymore, since many of my oldest shares there keep getting pruned. Anyways, the titles are in order and that war properly ends with no survivors, enjoy!
>the gif version of the comic i posted?
yup, tried to directly post it here, but the thumbnailer keeps getting killed. But the link does work, and it's still a cool thing, back at home on /yuri/ it's even considered a mandatory reading.
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>I just checked and all links worked
glad it werks on your machine
>download manager
what the fuck?
like a curl script that keeps spamming the server with requests until it goes through?
anyway i just scrapped them off nhentai, it was easier
>my main concern is that I can't trust it for long-term archival anymore
you shouldnt be trusting other ppl to keep your files safe for you to begin with
hard drives are fairly cheap these days and 1TB fits plenty of data unless youre packing it full of poorly compressed anime
>back at home on /yuri/ it's even considered a mandatory reading
you got anything else on the realm of ryona or petplay? or anything with strong dom/sub dynamics, really
btw whats /yuri/'s stance on futanari?
Replies: >>3491
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>long-term archival
I should've said long-term sharing, then. I want to post a couple links for stuff I share in imageboard posts and give anons nearly-permanent access to them, various places so there's no SPOF. There are very few options for that, besides smug itself. I do have the stuff hosted myself, but FTP access or torrents would be useless to anons because my fucking country's upload is shitty. I'm just thinking of my fellows' convenience.
>you got anything else on the realm of ryona or petplay?
I guess everyone back at home would recommend the works of sakifox. And I'd add a mention for piripun's hard stuff; the guy only makes the most loving, heart-warming, and sensitive amputee yuri ever; or hardcore S&M. No in-betweens.
However, I'd personally recommend much softer stuff. Because I'm a softie, to be honest, and not really into BDSM. Sorry. Going with my own preferences then, I'd recommend things like:
>[Inuzuka Clinic (Inuzuka Bowl)] The Dog's Desire and the Reality of Discipline (Love Live!) [English] [GiB]
>(C94) [Deadnoodles] Yohaneko Choukyou Nikki _ Yohaneko Training Diary (Love Live! Sunshine!!) [English]
You only need the titles, right? Once again, I'm leaving our relevant thread here, it does not have much discussion but you can still find more recommended titles there and other anons can find the files themselves.
My own top recs are still the 4 things I mentioned in this post.
>whats /yuri/'s stance on futanari?
It's absolutely not allowed, at all.
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>long-term sharing
too bad free file hosting is kinda unsustainable so any site you use goes to shit sooner or later
sending files to each other directly is only thing that can keep working indefinitely longterm, even if its not as scalable
>You only need the titles, right?
the gallery id would work too
but titles are more versatile
>It's absolutely not allowed, at all.
wow fucking cringe
worst board ever
futa yuri is best yuri
my favorite yuri series is exclusively futa-on-girl
Please don't abuse the kindly welcome here with overt degeneracy, anons. Thanks.

So, is /yuri/ going to do a stream this year? Maybe something for the New Years festivities.
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Streamer here. Was too busy with personal things to organize for this year's /christmas/ event, so I'm cobbling together an impromptu movie marathon stream at 12:00 PM EST (around 7 and a half hours from now). Still gonna stream warkino, but this time I'm going for a medieval theme. Please feel free to drop by if you're interested.


Replies: >>3547
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OK, sounds good Anon. Thanks for the heads-up, I'll add your event into the Community Events listing. Happy New Years Cheers /yuri/ !  :)
Starting stream.
>missed the war stream
First year that I have. I hope everyone liked it. I remember watching the Bridge, Stalingrad, Winter War, and Pretty Village Pretty Flame here. Merry Christmas and happy New Year, /yuri/.
Replies: >>3555
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Thank you very much kind anon, and the same to you!! Sorry for the late response, I'm kinda just waking up from the 1st. We had some unexpected circumstances near the holidays, otherwise we would've had more nights and a more extended schedule. We hope to be much better prepared next time, but we'll definitely be back with something at least. For starters, the streamer has been relegated to take care of the piplup and nothing else. As for this year's schedule, the streamed features were:
The 13th Warrior. (1999)
Kagemusha. (1980)
Excalibur. (1981)
We'll see what we can find for the next festival. By the way, I'm totally on board with /christmas/ BO's idea of extending the next festival up to like Jan 6th, for Epiphany. It's kinda like that in my country anyways, since we celebrate the visit of the Three Wise Men. See you all next year, anons.
For war-unrelated streams, you can always find us on smuglo.li/yuri
We are a few weeks away from starting a new  Backlog schedule, and you can check previous ones on the streams threads for some recs, we have a thread on smug /a/ too. Or just pay us a visit and ask whatever, door's always open.
I hope you all have a great 2024, and even if you don't, we'll always have a place to come back here in the webring.
Happy New Year, /christmas/!!
We'll be waiting for our next invitations...
Replies: >>3804
Will there be a war stream this year?
Replies: >>3817 >>3820
I can't believe smuglo.li is still up after all these years. I love girls so much that I want to be a lesbian.
Replies: >>3820
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Sorry for the late response. The idea was to have war streams from tonight to New Year, but the streamer has been busier than expected so we'll have a shorter schedule.
News soon, probably. Merry Christmas, anons!
The board is still fine as always and you're all obviously welcome.

Personally, I'll be checking it tomorrow morning and I may join the radio threads. We didn't get an invite this year, but /yuri/ is still the most devote catholic board on the webring and proudly part of the /christmas/ festivities since the beginning. Same goes for the war streams.
Have an awesome night!
Replies: >>3821 >>3822
Hi /yuri/ , welcome!

>war streams is go
Great! Please use the template in ( >>3570 ) and give us your details, will be very happy to add you into the listing!

Merry Christmas, Anon  :)
Last edited by chobitsu
>We didn't get an invite this year
Oops! Sorry /yuri/ that's entirely my fault. I'm simply too swamped this year to have a hope of tackling that myself probably the same thing next year, too...  :P

But alway rember:
All Are Welcome
Please consider this a permanant invitation to the entire Interwebs! Cheers.  :)
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Hey, /christmas/-chan, I have bad news... There is Peace on Earth. Despite appearances, must be a seasonal thing.

Streamer-san was too busy for Christmas, then the pomf site had some issues until yesterday morning, and now after our stream I asked him again and pic related.
No festivities schedule this time from us, but we'll work (him) hard to join again next time.
I am leaving you a few invitations as usual, for our regular streams:
1)  If you reaaaaaaaally missed our war streams and want some psycho horror with a decent soundtrack... Our next seasonal schedule will be starting next Saturday at 9pm EST. Personally won't be joining that one, because I'm kinda fainthearted. you've been warned.
2) A couple weeks from now we'll be starting a new Backlog schedule. Action anime, cute anime, short musical anime. Anime rezus included. I can promise that one will be cool and fun. Right now we're on the last couple episodes of MahoAko, Valkyrie Drive Mermaid, and some others. New schedule will start after those are over. This is every Sunday at 9pm EST.

If you never joined us for war streams, you can also check our previous Christmas schedules up in this thread. I can definitely recommend you watch any of the entries listed here.

I'll probably be around for a while in the other board's music streams on New Year, and of course you can contact us for whatever reason in this thread or back on our board at smuglo.li/yuri
Come say hi!

Thanks again to Chobitsu for organizing this, and many thanks to all the anons who contributed this year to /christmas/ or with the events. I'm really looking forward to next year's festivities, we'll be glad to join again.
Sharing the Webring with you is an honor, guys...
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
See you around...
Replies: >>3876
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Replies: >>3876
Hi /yuri/ thanks for the update. N/w things happen. BTW, we'll still be open for another weekend+, and we'll be happy to add your stream in the New Years section if you care to?

>I'm really looking forward to next year's festivities, we'll be glad to join again.
Great! I'll plan to open up the board on or around Dec 1st, 2025, Lord willing. What we all can use here is Anons who will volunteer to spread out all over teh Interwebs during that month and spam invite every active board evar to join together for the /christmas/ party!
The more the merrier!  :D
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