For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government will be upon His shoulders.
I'm going to make a Christmas/monstergirl themed stream in 21th of December at 4 EST If you have any suggestion about Christmas shows/movies with qt monstergirls leave them in this thread!
>>3652 (OP) Hi /monster/ , welcome! Respect teh Robot! :D I'm glad you're doing a stream, but I have no other real information to add you into the listing. Care to use the template in ( >>3570 ) to give us the details? Cheers, Anon. :)
>>3654 • Your board name : /monster/ • The name of your event : Monstergirl Christmas Stream • The dates/time of your event : 22 Dec, 4 EST • The URI of your stream/etc. : • The crosslink to your Embassy Thread here on /christmas/ if you have one :
>>3655 Great! Thanks very kindly for the help, Anon! Added. Cheers. :)
SATURDAY /monster/ CHRISTMAS STREAM REMINDER! At 4 EST this saturday I will be streaming, Itsudatte My Santa, Elf Bowling. My Hero academia Christmas in McDonald, Urusei yatsura Christmas and Help for the Holidays Christmas. Will start 1 HOUR
>>3785 Oh! I have your listing on the 22nd ( >>3655 ), not today /monster/ . Are you doing another tomorrow, too?
>>3788 Nope, only today, don't worry, I sent invites to a bunch of boards, got 13 anons tuning in.
>>3789 OK, good luck! Cheers. Needs moar xeno, tbh. :D
>>3791 Y/W and TY. Merry Christmas, /monster/.
Merry sciencemas fellow slime enjoyers!~ Viscous Santa will mold down the chimney very soon! (2 days)
Thanks /christmas/ it was fun, see you next year.
>>3865 You too, /monster/ ! We'll still be 'open' for several more days until after Orthodox Christmas. Cheers. :)