[Hide] (187.9KB, 1110x1239) for those who don't know, /sig/ is Self-Improvement General, a community dedicated to self-improvement. there used to be alot of /sig/ threads on 4chan, many got pruned because /pol/ over there went to shit over the past years. there used to be a imageboard dedicated entirely just to /sig/, called sigchan. unfortunately, sigchan has been shut down, and there was no replacement, until recently. that replacement is the /sig/ board from Hivechan.com, of which i am a representative. Hivechan is not simply just for /sig/ alone, it is a general board where anyone can make a board if they wish to, since the site respects free speech, as long as it is not illegal. the /sig/ board on Hive is a sort of continuation to sigchan, and i say "sort of" because it is tied to sigup.net, which can be considered as the official site of the /sig/ community. the /sig/ board has many anons who used to be on sigchan. this board is the official board of the /sig/ community, a board where people can discuss and advice for self-improvement. because one /sig/ thread is not enough, and this is also another reason why this board exists:
We hope you enjoy this board if you are interested into it. Unfortunately, as of the time this is written, the site has maintainance issues. this is why it is currently down, but the issues will be solved either today or i