For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government will be upon His shoulders.
Thoughts on him?
He's alright. Knecht Ruprecht is better.
>>2366 (OP) >>2641 What about the Krampus?
>>2668 I think the Krampus is kinda nice.
>>2798 >krampus will never force you to dig coal
How many different companions does Santa have?
>>2839 If we count Christkindl (that may or not be Baby Jesus) then 4?
>>2366 (OP) I don't understand this culture >>2818 I would like neco arc to commit a crime, that's why I gave her the gun.
>>2848 >I don't understand this culture Zwarte Piet is a figure with mixed history. One part of him is derived from the Moors. In that sense he's literally a servant that Santa has impressed into his service. Similar to how Krampus was made a servant of Santa. The idea being something along the lines of St. Nicholas, a Christian bishop has conquered non Christian elements in Europe and has put them into good service. Speaking of Krampus, it's entirely possible that Karmpus, Pete, and Ruprecht are all the same character but filtered through different cultural lenses and and then integrated back into the Santa Clause legend. Another take is that Pete is actually a chimney sweep and is a more voluntary sort of servant that aids Santa in his seasonal breaking and entering activities.
Also on the subject of Krampus, he's really similar on many points to the Namahage of Japan. Although the Namahage on the whole are nicer Krampus according to than some of legends about him.
Slightly different but related subject.
>>2857 that's true but in Italy we adopted Father Christmas only after Godless american contamination, before we had Saint Lucy and Baby Jesus delivering presents. Like real christians.