/christmas/ - All Are Welcome!

Anon's heart grew three sizes that day...

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For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government will be upon His shoulders.

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FChan is a federated image board based on ActivityPub (https://activitypub.rocks). It is still in development, but is already usable.
All of your altchans are doomed to die a sudden death when the server gets destroyed because the neckbeard running it failed to notice it was raining and there was a leak right above the computer they run the server on.
>but we take measures to avoid this
>but we have bunkers and others places to gather if the chan disappears
All cope. The fact of the matter is that centralization was a mistake. With federation you can simply laugh it off on a fellow federated board when another dies. Hell, you can even still read the dead instance's posts if they are cached by the other.
In principle, any other IB engine can enter the federation if they comply with the protocol (which isn't that complicated to begin with). Accept that your centralized architecture can't compete with our federated superiority and take the fedipill.
Case is point: in October, the main instance (https://fchan.xyz/) got nuked off the face of this earth while the other instances remained up and running, gathering the lost anons.
Also, federation has already been achieved with tor and lokinet instances, any other darknet is also fair game. Centralized chans literally cannot compete.
Replies: >>1838
echo aHR0cHM6Ly90aW55dXJsLmNvbS9zcGFtY2hhbgo= | base64 -d
echo 5k2tWE6P7gjuBSbBK4zjpFBPd9G3NiqGxvizpqEH | base58 -d
>>135 (OP) 
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