/christmas/ - All Are Welcome!

Anon's heart grew three sizes that day...

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For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government will be upon His shoulders.

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Information updated for 2023:
(>>3162, >>3525)


Greetings, Christmas! You are cordially invited to anime nabe, anibe stream on Saturday, December 17 /2022 at https://cytu.be/r/animenabe

More details can be found here https://smuglo.li/a/res/1161894.html if you wish, Merry Christmas!
Last edited by Chobitsu
Replies: >>2588 >>2590
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>>2587 (OP) 
Sounds nice. Thanks /a/non.
>>2587 (OP) 
Will join !
More like newfag nabe. I wonder if you niggers realise how you've disaffected smug with your homosexuality.
Replies: >>2603 >>2614
>Disaffected Smug
>Implying they didn't do that to themselves just fine
You have all the opportunity in the world to express that in nabe or on smug, yet you come here with your tail between your legs. Why?
Replies: >>2604
So you think the topic hasn't been broached before. I feel dirty to see your kind elsewhere and am reacting in kind. May the mods delete our posts in accordance with Rule 3.
Replies: >>2614
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>finds the safest place where he thinks nobody will argue back
>"m-more like a b-bunch of NEWFAGS!"
>refuses to elaborate
>mods pls delet
Smug doesn't seem to be any better off with your special flavor of retarded newfag either.
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What's up, FAGGOTS?? Christm/a/s n/a/be is ON!!!! What the fuck are you doing? Don't you want some good ASS christmas anime?!?! Get your gay ass here NOW!!!!!
Today's stream will be at 5 PM EST!
Replies: >>2905
>the only stream on smug that isn't some kind of CP stream.
Replies: >>2906
How so?
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Evening /christmas/! Merry Christmas! Nabe is doing an icebreaker stream tonight to promote Christmas Nabe happening tomorrow so there will be an anime stream starting in a few hours. Friends are just watching Shiro Seijo to Kuro Bokushi right now if you wanna tune in to that.

>What is nabe?
It's just a cytube hangout of anonymous anime fans for watching anime and Japanese videos all comfy. Normally we've got weekly showings on Saturdays and sometimes there's events on Fridays/Sundays or other days of the week like a movie showing yesterday, but this week is Christmas so it's a special Christmas nabe on Saturday being prepared mostly by the Euros. In preparation for Christmas Nabe, there's a freestyle stream happening tonight in a couple hours. Feel free to show up for Christmas Nabe tomorrow as well!

>What is airing tonight?
Tonight is a freestyle nabe. All users can bring forward anime or Japanese content they want to show. Otherwise a couple anime will be prepared in the background to keep the party rolling if nobody wants to share. Yatogame-chan S1, Tamayura's OVA, and the anime parts of Gal & Dino have been prepared in case there aren't contributions.
>What are the rules?
Just don't be a shitcunt doing things to ruin everyone's experience, and try to avoid posting outright porn to the chat/stream list if it can be helped.
Nabe Link: https://cytu.be/r/animenabe
Replies: >>3163
Merry Christmas /a/ , welcome! I've updated the OP ITT with a link to this post, so anons can quickly get to this year's information. Thanks for running the streams, Anon. Cheers!  :)
Replies: >>3172
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Starting in about 10-15 minutes. Adding Goblin Slayer movie.

Thanks for updating and thanks for having us!
Replies: >>3201
why even create a huge fucking complex guide to reencode anime using bloatware when a singular line on ffmpeg would do the trick and you could even turn it into a script so any retard could use it without having to spare more than 1 braincell?
oh god why are you using h.264 instead of h.265?
Replies: >>3236 >>3542
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Replies: >>3241
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An effort was made. Thanks Anon!  :D
Nabe poll: https://strawpoll.com/DwyoDzEl0nA/
Replies: >>3278
>VPN user voting is not allowed.
Lol. Sorry, I only sh*tpost across Tor.
my vote FWIW:
Replies: >>3280
Huh. I'm on a VPN and it didn't even notice.
Thanks n/a/be it was fun!
Replies: >>3305
Thanks for coming. Make sure to tune in in 30 minutes for the Euronabe Christmas Special. See the pinned thread on this board for the schedule.
Replies: >>3344
That OVA is a masterwork
Replies: >>3379
Thanks for coming! There will be a New Years Special as well, but what will run hasn't been decided yet. However, you can expect it to be as varied as the Christmas Special.
Replies: >>3389
>There will be a New Years Special as well
Please make note of it. I will (re)pin your thread and add it into the Community Events listing.
Here's the schedule for the nabe/Euronabe New Year Special:
>Kyousougiga 2011 and 2012
>Gundam Thunderbolt Movies
>Tetsuwan Birdy
>Shounan Junai Gumi
>Castle of Caligostro
>Pichu to Pikachu
>K-ON Movie
Sometime during this will be the last episode of cooking with Emiya, and sometime at the end will be an eight episode marathon of the end of Shichinin no Nana as the first and last of the episodes in this marathon are about the New Year.
Replies: >>3552
>oh god why are you using h.264 instead of h.265?
Unless you have a $3000 computer, it takes upwards of an hour per minute to process in h.265 as compared to about 2-5 minutes per minute in h.264.
Sorry that Akira, Caligostro, Pichu to Pikachu, and the K-ON Movie didn't play yesterday. There were some technical difficulties with the encodes. Feel free to join now, as we're only a quarter through Akira!
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