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Let's be honest, you will spend x-mass alone playing video games. Come talk about them afterwards.
Replies: >>3318 >>3362
>>3314 (OP) 
Greetings, /kong/ . Merry Christmas! Have anything special planned besides vidya?
Imagine, all it took for /v/ to find a successor is use a one-syllable name and not have silly mods.
>you will spend x-mass alone playing video games
im SO over my goomer phase
i dont even have the drive to look for new games to play, and when i do find new ones i dont really feel like playing
also i have a social life now
but if you nolifers need a recommendation for a game that will suck your soul for at least 2 weeks straight, go play Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead
its a hyperautistic post-apocalyptic survival roguelike set in $CURRENT_YEAR with only slightly more advanced technology
just advanced enough that you can perform genetic therapy on yourself to become a blood thirsty catgirl
Replies: >>3350
I bought a bunch of games off GOG not that long ago. I hardly ever buy games otherwise, since it's hard to find anything I like and have other interests to focus on too.
>>3314 (OP) 
Christmas is next of kin being needy for support gibs followed by stress relieve tuggin the sore thumb at the night, and also I'd guess three wise star followers and a lamb.

I'll piss away January maybe if I can get away with it. Sat playing Unciv when I have time; is it bad that I just prefer Civ II in every way? I want the FMVs and the Elvis cultural advice
I've got a tradition of getting up to remilia at new years so that I'm fighting her when the new year starts
I haven't played a shmup at all this year tho so I wonder how long the run will take me on the eve lole
I don't even have the drive to play video games. I woke up at 3 pm, ate something and I'm just mindlessly browsing imageboards.
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