
Home of comfyness and jigsaw puzzles :)

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Welcome back to /comfy/ Anon :)
Friends: /late//kind/
board rulesonion

I wood like to invite anyone browsing to come and solve a few puzzles together. Post an image and I will make a jigsaw of it if you want.
Comfy is a place to relax. Please be kind and keep the things nice.

The rules are:
>Follow the global rules
>Keep it cozy
>Keep it SFW
>No rabble rousing
That means no unrelated political posts, intentionally provocative posts, posts insulting someone's race or religion or promoting committing crimes.
>No boat rocking
That means no uncalled for insults, rudeposting, or instigating drama.
>No advertising
You can talk about comfy places, but blatant advertising is not nice.

Other nice boards:
/late/ - Late Nights
/kind/ - Random Acts of Kindness
Post here when you visit /comfy/
Thread number ten

Pour yourself a nice hot chocolate and stay warm anon :)
Previous >>9418
Post here when you visit /comfy/
Thread #8
Comfy UFOs and Wintertime Edition
Prervious >>5351
Post here when you visit /comfy/
Thread number nine

How are you today anon ?

Previous >>7642
Post comfy wallpapers, looking at the same screen eberry day can be tiresome.
Because greenfriends are /comfy/
Baking, brewing, and cooking are berry important hearth-building and health-building skills. They are a surefire way to make yourself /comfy/, Anon! What are you baking, brewing, or cooking at the moment? How is it coming out? What will you be trying next time? Is there anything you'd like to try improving? Is there something you'd like to learn? Maybe you have something you'd like to teach us? I tried some old things and new things today! Pics related are: >the bread I made earlier today; a shrimple white cobb loaf. This was the first time I was just able to make it from memory. It felt great to be able to just reach for the ingredients and go through the motions. As luck wood have it, the prove went well and the slashes formed up beautifully. I was worried that the crumb inside wood be a little wet but it turned out berry nice with a good chewy crust. The loaf is wrapped in beeswax cloth now so I can eat it over the week. I'm considering getting a sourdough starter going but I don't know if I'm good enough to handle it yet. >my first attempt at glazing carrots Apparently glazing (which I have found out is different from caramelising) is a basic technique that even professionals find difficult to get perfect eberry time. I think my first attempt here had just a touch too little water and a touch too little sugar, though I reckon I got the butter correct. See how the finished carrots don't have an even glaze? They still tasted berry good with some parsley and finishing salt. Next I'm going to try blanching with asparagus. >sous vide pork tenderloin >fell for the sous vide meme Yes, and I love it! Weirdly, the garlic I put on these pork tenderloins was stained bluish-green by the other herbs during the water bath, but they cooked down to a tasty colour during the two minute finishing sear. I had the pork together with the carrots for dinner. They tasted great and I felt a great upswell of wellbeing after I finished them. Your turn, Anon!
Divulge your failures, your triumphs, and your struggles from the day. No event too small to mention!

Today, I had a lot of fun cleaning the floors in the home. I ran up and down the hallway with a soapy towel, got on my hands and knees and scooby-doo scrubbed the kitchen and bathroom floors, and was completely exhausted and satisfied by the end of it.
Post your comfiest webms, mp4s and others.
OCs welcome.
As our friends of /late/ are offline and posting on /shelter/ is not really convenient it may be a good idea to have a thread here for the latefrens.
>follow the rule and keep it /comfy/
I strongly dislike emojis. I am so thankful that after all these years of imageboards, even halfchan users barely ever use emojis. One time, I asked a tech support group how to configure my system such that emojis wood only display in the default colorless fallback font, and I was called a maniac and laughed out of the place. The lack of emojis is part of what makes imageboards inherently more comfy, in my opinion.

I think someone should do something about the Unicode Consortium and especially Ms. Jennifer Daniel.
What's your favorite album or song to chill out and listen to in its entirety?
We all appreciate being comfy. Part of the process implies staying at home doing nothing but watching some enjoyable things.

ITT we share good watch to spend some cozy moments in front of.
I wish I could sleep for that long period
What was the most comfiest time in ur life anon?
Today I woke up and I feel relatively not lewd, which is odd.

As normal, I was spending hours of last day scrolling through countless dialogues with poor translation of Last Origin bioroids talking with each other with erothemes, however I stopped. Then I went to sleep. The story is far deeper than that but I will leave at this at it now.

As I wake up, I feel no sexual desire or nor carnal desire when it comes to all women, not much of serious. In fact, even then I had some kind of difficult conscience pulling me back from masturbating. So, I was thinking in this merry and VERY merry morning, that maybe Christmas spirit is merrily habbening. With grunts and few squeals I go off my bed and with awfully cheerfully open fresh air. As I take one and two bites of such air, I am wondering what made me do that? New Year! I look upwards upwards, no downards, but so hard to tell. And finished whole 8 SETS of the rep squats AND I so thought I'd never gone THERE! Then, I thought jolly thought that maybe THIS christmas buffet could last in spirit for the rest of new next year! With that, I went typing and typing on board, from the small ones to big ones, I have typed so quite lot, my hands got all rubby and my gazes were burning from the computer brights glaring and staring, but once I finished typing so long, I've decided to finish this final message. Shalom!
The first thing I do when I get home is to change my clothes for my "home outfit".
This is important for me because it allows me to mark a frontier between the outside world and my comfy den. This is an old habit from a time I was living in a big city and not wanting to bring the outside dirt and sadness inherent in that kind of environment into my home.
Now I live in the country but I have kept this ritual.

What's your favorite "home outfit" /comfy/ ?
I generally put some old jogging pants, old t-shirts or sweaters depending of the season. I also have a warm bathrobe I like wearing after a good shower and staying naked underneath. Also I never wear underpants, they're not comfy for staying at home.
I'm always barefoot, sometimes with socks when I feel a little bit cold.
Merry Christmas. I'm an anon from 8chan, and we are organizing our inter-board Christmas event. This project aims to gather around anons from different imageboard and anonymous communities from all around internet during a weekend and celebrate Christmas together. The planned date is December 14 and 15 and it's going to be here you can make your "embassy" thread talking about your IB, its history and local memes.

I hope to see you there. If you have any other questions please make me know, I'll be more than grateful to answer.
Lets create and share /comfy/ banners.
share your comfiest desktops here!
(image is not mine)
Art thing
Heya /comfy/. I want to hear your discoveries and experiences on the numerous adjustments you made to your life to make it as comfy as it can be. It can even be plans for future comfiness. I want to see it all. It doesn't even matter if someone else posted about a similar experience. I want to read as much as you feel comfortable sharing. It doesn't matter how small, since even the smallest change can yield a net positive.

Sometimes, I just become too complacent in uncomfy stuff and assume it can't be helped until I see someone set an example. I have difficulty letting myself be comfy due to personal reasons and as a consequence, I do nothing.

Being comfy isn't just about doing nothing, but it's also about going out of your way to do stuff to be comfy. I'd love for this thread to be a helpful resource into achieving the comfy mindset and serve as a source of inspiration, so share away!

To start, here's a bunch of experiences that I'd like to share.

I always liked Logitech keyboards, but the keycaps they come with are pretty shoddy. The letters washed off when I cleaned them. They even peeled away and stuck to my fingers after some light use. To top it off, I'd have to fork over more money for replacements that likely would do the same. It always stressed me out. I did a little investigation and found out that there are different types of materials used for keycaps. ABS, PBT, and pudding keycaps from what I remember. 90% of keyboards these days come with ABS keycaps and Logitech was no different. Basically, ABS keycaps are the cheapest type and they're thinner, but they're decently quiet for typing. PBT keycaps usually have better ink and sometimes even letters engraved into the material, but they're thicker which means they might produce a heavier thonk sound when you type on them. Pudding keycaps are the best of PBT and ABS combined, in my opinion. The very top is PBT which makes it very durable, and the letters don't get worn off, but the sides are ABS and not inked, which still keeps the quieter typing experience of an ABS keycap. Now, most Logitech keyboards have their unique switches that the keycaps would have to be attached to, and finding keycaps for those switches is a bit tricky, but I was able to find a keyboard from them that used those common cherry switches. I ordered that one and some pudding keycaps in my favorite colors and voila, I now have a comfy keyboard that looks aesthetically pleasing, functions well, doesn't feel greasy after a day, and doesn't fall apart after some soap and water!

Regarding outfits, I decided to embrace wearing oversized sweatshirts about 2 sizes bigger than what I am. For both loungewear and when I'm out and about. Since I like to present myself as a bit dressier nowadays, I just toss a plain-colored collared dress shirt underneath it and I get the style and comfiness all at the same time. The oversized nature of each sweatshirt is perfectly comfortable enough to lounge around in on its own. I can tuck my knees under it to keep my legs warm. It's also big enough to be thrown over some actual clothes without feeling a bit tight. They add an accent color to my outfits since I wear mostly black and white, and it also generally gives me an excuse to wear some vibrant, yet soothing colors I love without it being too much. Efficiency!

And the last one for now since I'd like to avoid blogposting: Shaving is no longer something I loathe. I thought my skin was just extra sensitive to shaving, so I just lived with razor bumps, nicks, redness from irritation, etc. Turns out, I wasn't preparing myself for a shave as well as I should've been. I thought just shaving wet in the shower was enough. I picked up a much newer safety razor that was appraised for being gentle to sensitive skin, switched over to a different brand of razor blades, and started using actual shave butter instead of using my 2-in-1 shampoo as a substitute. My eyes no longer burn and turn red from the 2-in-1 and to top it off, shaving has never been faster and more therapeutic. Most importantly, it's now a comfy experience.

I do have plans to pick up one of those scented shower steamers so shaving and showering is even more comfy. I think I'll try those out sometime next month and give an update here, and maybe ramble some more about more of my experiences after I read some posts.

So, anon, what were your revelations, and what are you up to?
Tell me a short story from your life.
Anything mundane, exciting, nostalgia, emotional. Literally anything as long as it's a vaguely happy one.
ITT we discuss video games that possess the comfy factor. For me it's all manners of RTS games, taking time to gather resources and build a cool base is great fun. Driving games are cool too, I have fond memories of pic related (although I was pretty bad at it as a kid).
To get away from the world. Post comfy cabins.
Getting ready for my final exam! How do you all relax after a busy week or day?
Since we done multiples of these as puzzles I think we need an official thread. Plus there's some that I just can' make a puzzle from because there being too much empty space or because of color choice.

Other retro formats other than Spectrum are welcome too of course. And don't forget to give >>>/retro/ a look.
Having a cup of tea.
‘’’Book thread!’’’ Anon, what is the best book you have ever read? Why do you like it? Has it changed the way you view the world?
Are there any types of photos or art that remind you of your past? For me, its photos of lonely roads at night lit by street lamps. Growing up, my family took me on road trips across the U.S. and I've lived in a variety suburban neighborhoods, I've seen plenty of empty streets at night. These scenes make me feel at home.
What's you favorite season anon?
I usually love autumn for the melancholy feels and the smell of the forests under the rain.
Winter is really nice if you have a warm and comfy place to spend time in. I like being outside for long walks in the cold night tho, especially if there is snow.
Spring is pleasant, lot of flowers and nice perfumes in the nature. I can feel deep into my soul and my body the rebirth of the nature.
What are some activities that you find are good for late at night? I find loneliness hard to keep at bay and thus difficult to relax.
There is nothing more comfy than midnight coffee with a light snack during some nightly watching or playing. I prefer quick sandwiches so it's usually honeyed and buttered toast, PB&J/PB&H, or bean toast.
What are some comfy things you remember seeing online a long time ago?

I randomly remembered this image, have you seen it before? Do you know what platform it was posted on and the significance of it?
ITT we make create our own comfy adventures
Your board is cordially invited to participate in a SOKUNIGGER TOURNAMENT. Enter to compete for glory for yourself and your board.


STREAM LINK (when the tourney starts):

For those that do not want to register manually, post the name that you are signing up with in the main thread. It will be added to the brackets.

Hisoutensoku is an expansion to Touhou 10.5 SWR and is a multiplayer fighting game made by Tasofro with ZUN's approval. It's easy to learn, hard to master battle system makes for fun and fast paced matches with counterhits often launching girls across the screen. Very fast when played right. As a P2P game, game hosts must forward ports in order to play it or use specific workarounds.


Full installation:!ashhnZza!cWdD2mqnQSfpzow5h_LDABQzHOnAiHDL62ceAOF6z9k

Get soku, then extract contents of swrs toys (modpack archive) directly into the same folder. 

To host, a hosting player forwards a port (detailed instructions are available on the internet) and provides IP with a port in an IP:Port format, launches the game and uses the Vs Network menu to start the server. Client connects to provided IP and port and plays game. For hosts, please be sure to check the options menu to set a port and disable the "post to bot" checkmark if you don't want random people from the lobby to join instead of people in the thread. If no one's joining in the thread, playing people from the lobby can be a good idea to practice!

Should a port be unable to be forwarded, workarounds exist - Autopunch is installed in a modpack and is used automatically in case of un-forwarded ports. Keep in mind that it can fail on some routers and workplace connections and that ping will likely be less desirable, so please forward your ports.


People are advised to check the main thread for hosted practice games and topical discussion. You never know what you may find!
Tell me your dreams, I can do an analysis on them
...what a month, huh?
do you have a comfy room 
what makes a room comfy 
how do i make my room comfy
also post comfy spaces
Lived long enough in spartan conditions to know that I'm quite ready and able to do it. I've done my stay in a cot on a navy boat down through the Suez and back a dozen times, living out of a cramped 1x3' locker for 9 months at a time. No man truly needs significant space. If you have room to lift your body with your limbs and to cook, you have enough space.
>It's time I hit the open road, boys
I saved up for a year so I don't have to finance anything. It's time to buy the van. I've got a few prospects in mind that I've been scouting out for half a year. One specific pre-built that has all my needs and wants covered. I do want to custom build one day, but today is not that day. Next year or the one after, maybe. More saving!
I'm pretty aware of the trials and tribulations of van life. I camp a lot already and again there was the military on various boats small and large. I am berry averse to staying in one place for too long and I can't really see myself continuing to rent. I don't know what I want off this post other than to give my friends something to talk about for awhile on a cozy night, but if there's any full timer's out there please respond. Anyone less active in their travels are welcome as well! Let's talk the outdoors and alternate lifestyles.
By the way, I'm going full in on an E-350 with an extendable top so I can actually stand my 6' tall self up in there!

Anyone got a good cassette toilet recommendation?
Post here when you visit /comfy/
Thread #7
Springtime Edition
Prervious >>1956
Bicycles were introduced in the 19th century and now number approximately one billion worldwide. They are the principal means of transportation in many parts of the world, especially in densely populated European cities.

Cycling is widely regarded as an effective and efficient mode of transportation optimal for short to moderate distances.

Bicycles provide numerous possible benefits in comparison with motor vehicles, including the sustained physical exercise involved in cycling, easier parking, increased maneuverability, and access to roads, bike paths and rural trails. Cycling also offers a reduced consumption of fossil fuels, less air and noise pollution, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, and greatly reduced traffic congestion.
Hello, could somebody help me understand the Imageboard webring? Is the project still going on?
I’m berry out of the loop on this
Post here when you visit /comfy/
Thread #6
Underwater Edition
Previous >>3976
It begun with a small tale of an old man dressed in eastern clothes, how he described the actions of a hero who never returned. As he was speaking actions of martial arts and combat were in the background, sketches of them, until he names the title of the event entuthiastically, where the characters strike a pose and the art gets detailed in the middle of the screen. The last segment of it there was a map like thing, it showed the progress that was made in the story, the last bit the protagonist made was on a boat that was turned upside down, the bodies were floating under it. For eberry step before it, a small scene wood habben in the map, the last scene had the hero pushing over the giant baron from a cave and going to the coast to get to his their boat Before getting out of the sea, there were two demons protecting a pagoda thing in a berry abrupt cliff with a thin bridge. One of them had one arm as the wing of a dragon and red, he protected the door, the other one was green and had tenctacle like hair and protected the bridge. The villain in the tower always has a story of where the characters that dissapointed him are thrown to a pit where the character's mother died. it consists of a destroyed staircase where the way out is by jumping to the cliffs that have been separated. Many just end up falling to their deaths. And in one point, the red winged man gets sent to it, tries to get out, only for some force to slap him on the head and his skull to hit a wall and slides to his death There is also at one point a baron of hell like creature emerging from one giant hole, only his head is seen, but it's huge and hides the sun in a moment. The sky was dry orange and the ground was like the grand canyon. Imagine Mario Kart 64's Yoshi's Canyon with all the roads being small and falling from them sending to your doom, it was like that but with more highs and lows, a pagoda/eastern castle hidden between the mountains, and small bridges and ropes connecting small locations The appeal of the story is that it was narrated by anons from one imageboard since many years and as it went on it got expanded. story of one man who went to the island of twisted cliffs and canyons to get revenge at those who killed his mother. The visuals were similar to those old greek myth movies from the 50s. The character may've worn a torso armor that only covered his torso, and brown leather shorts, but he did look like a greek warrior from those movies with his hair curled and an absolute unit. Unrelated, I was stuck on a high tree at some point, like 20 meters tall. I asked a man down there if he could call the firefigters for help. I descended with a rope tight in my waist. When I got to the ground the sky was oddly clear, a colour combination between light blue and chrome. I came across an old man, we exchanged some letters and he gave me the name for a writer of a book. then I walked to the horizon where there was more light blue/chromed things, probably a city, probably a pier. probably a path in the middle of the water, probably a path with the waters next to it and leading to the city. Been a while since I had dreams like this, I think it's due to practising something I like to call "Musical Visualisation" where I imagine a setpiece, scene, or environment from the music I'm listening. This time it was pic related, I think getting to focused on Corona-Chan's journey is letting me forget the things I was capable or I am capable of.
He even says "G"
Comfy tattoos
Post here when you visit /comfy/
Thread #5
Sunshine edition
Previous: >>3507
Post here when you visit /comfy/
Thread number four.
"It's warmer in the south" edition.
Old thread: >>2990
Post here when you visit /comfy/
Thread number three. 
Autumn edition.
old thread
ITT: We all rebuild /comfy/ together!

First things first; we have a raw archive of /comfy/ saved from back in June 2022. There are five, ~500MB pieces to it here:  (524.29MB)  (524.29MB)  (524.29MB)  (524.29MB)  (496.87MB)
Download all 5 archive files into a single directory, then they'll need to be reassembled together again.

-For UNIX, you can concatenate the pieces together thus:
cat comfy.7z.* > comfy.7z
Then, expand the full archive out locally:
7z x comfy.7z

-For Windows, just use the 7zip program (it deals w/ multipart, ie '.001' files, automatically)


The basic order of business here is for you, Anon, to download and reconstruct your own local copy of the archive of /comfy/ to your local machine. This consists of thread directories with their raw HTML & JSON files. All the associated media files for any given thread are under it's 'media' subdirectory. These are the raw original files, as provided by to the /robowaifu/ BUMP software over the Internet, and organized by threads. 

The simple idea here is to work through the old board, thread-by-thread, post-by-post, restoring both the texts of the post, as well as the files (images, etc.) themselves for that post -- by hand. It's a tedious, autistic process (and it's also how we rebuilt /robowaifu/ after the 8ch debacle). If that sounds like something that you'd like to be a part of then sweet! Sign up right here & now Anon! :^)
We need anons to manually copy paste these old posts/images back onto /comfy/ again! Just pick a thread from the archive, start a new thread here for it, and begin working away. Simple as. Also, pay careful attention to relink the old crosslinks/quotes to point to the new post's numbers instead.

Hopefully, someone might eventually devise an appropriate automated mechanism to: parse through these files and either a) convert the entire thing "into a LynxChan 2.5.14 database" (>>>/meta/16085), or b)  walk through the archive material as-is and post it here in an automated fashion (ie, with a custom bot). Who knows?
Till then, we must work by hand with what we have.

If you know of a thread you wood really, really wood, like to see restored (and you're also willing to work hard to accomplish it) then Just Do It! :). No point in crying over spilled milk Anons, this is what we have to work with. It's way, way better than nothing so let's all roll up our sleeves together and rebuild the board we love!

Copy Paste Restorers FTW
The adventures of the Traveller and Genet Season 2 
Previous season: >>178 
The stage is set ten years after the encounter with the wicked merchant Olivarius:
This video is so comfy for some reason
It's a shame that shipposting seems to be frowned upon here, I think ships can certainly be /comfy/.
A story. One sentence at a time. Previous threads: 

Once upon a time there was a mighty tree waving in the wind.
A story. One word at a time. Previous thread: >>116 

A story. One word at a time. Once

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