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Welcome back to /comfy/ Anon :)
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What was the most comfiest time in ur life anon?
Right now. :)
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>>869 (OP) 
Replies: >>10498
Honestly me too, and I've had my fair share of berry long depressive periods. I'm a bit lonely sometimes, but life is pretty comfy and I might find a compatible roommate (whether a partner or a friend i dont care) one day to ease my loneliness.
High school, for many it's hell but i was there back in the economic recession and the overall vibe was that we knew full well the next years wood be tough. So we went out for eating and playing sports all the time, teachers were wrestling with their own problems so they were more lenient and we went away with many things. Not many close friends but almost no enemies, one could walk to the yard and be asked to cover a position in a game by someone who you didn't talk to often. Prices were going up so we took care of food and ironically enjoyed it more too. Not too tough but also not decadent, it was a comfy time and certainly freecare compared to hellish college or confusing middle school.
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same here, life has been rough on me for past couple of months. but its getting a bit better now.
>>869 (OP) 
school time, back when i was more sociable and outgoing.
The year or two surrounding the start of adulthood. Made friends for the first time, felt like I belonged to something, and overall I got to feel for a short time what all the other teenagers had been feeling since they started school. It felt wonderful being around people who tolerated me instead of seeing me as some tag-along. On top of that I finally got to upgrade my computer from the toaster I'd been using since I was 12. Thing was made in 1998, I got it in 2004, and it wasn't until 2010 that I could afford a newer machine. Wasn't able to do much else besides browse (most) websites and play a few games, mostly SNES roms and Doom wads. Once I got the new computer I started playing some of the games I missed out on in the 00s, as well as PSX games I missed in the 90s. They didn't run well at all, but at least I got to experience them.
unironically, quarantine. For almost a whole year, it was just me, my gf, and our dogs who just had a litter. We played video games all the time, and when we weren't, we were playing card games with my cousin who lived with us. Super hygge since we were indulging in sweets, coffees, teas, liquor, etc. whenever we wanted at any hour of the day. Not to mention when I needed "me" time, I wood just go to the backyard with my eldest dog, sit down with a glass of coffee, and just fiddle around with my guitar or write poetry. *Sigh* it makes me sad that I probably won't have an extended time like that again, but I'm glad I enjoyed it. Even if the world did seem like it was falling apart around us at the time.
Replies: >>879 >>903
>unironically, quarantine
Honestly, me too. I didn't have gf or anyone like that to spend time with but I played lots of vidya with mates (including one who I hadn't spoken to in a while) since we were all locked down. Only other time was after I've left school, I was severely depressed but I had a lot of time to myself thinking about stuff. It was also a great time for Youtube, remember taking comfort in a lot of those videos.
Replies: >>881
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The no-school, no-work period after graduating high school.
Replies: >>882
I think it's funny. Some of my fondest memories are of when I was most depressed. Looking back, it was a berry beautiful and comfortable point in my life. Only thanks to my friends who kept me company and distracted me from eberrything.
Ooooh that's a good one
The H1N1 lockdown we had in early high school, it was one month or a bit more of forced vacations, we were send homework via email maybe twice or thrice and we could complete them fairly easy within a day. I had such a relaxed time because there wasn't any fear mongering, so relaxed i don't recall much of it despite being 30+ days, sometimes we just woke up and walked into a friend's house to talk, drink a soda and then walk back, sometimes we kicked a ball or called another friend to eat at the pizza buffet. It is eerie to think about it as one of the only times we felt like kids, maybe some youths nowadays will see current days as such but back then we didn't have smartphones yet and internet was still blogposting rather than micro mingling, plus the fear mongering nowadays is vastly more rampant back then.
Replies: >>885
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Sitting at home playing video games as a kid when it was snowing or raining. It was super chill and extremely comfy. Also visiting the docks that were a couple of minutes away from my house was really comfy too. I loved going to that place growing up, and I'm glad I lived so close to such a comfy spot.
Replies: >>886
one of my buddies and i were just saying how it's weird how this whole era who will be perceived by current youths a decade or two from now. it'd be an interesting social study to observe that cohort
Replies: >>887
were you by a lake, or the see? either way sounds pretty great tbh
Replies: >>7694
>>869 (OP)  
I think high-school summer vacations, playing TF2 for literal hours without a care in the world! I'm going to get that comfyness back someday. 

I pity current youths a bit tbh. Between web 3.0, tiktok, and possible environmental catastrophes. Well, I'm grateful for growing up when I did.
When I had life insurance money and could afford a car for the first time.
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>>869 (OP) 
middle school for sure. Playing pokemon in 6th grade and watching anime in 7th. 8th grade onward was where the comfy times ended....
Replies: >>893
Summertimes when I was a kid, probably.
>>869 (OP) 
Before I started school. Like age 5 and below. Steady decline ever since.
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>8th grade onward was where the comfy times ended....
Probably around 14 when I didn't have any obligations, and right before caca hit the fan quickly. Didn't have any friends and lived in a poopy household, but at least I hadn't quite developed chronic mental health problems yet, and that's around when I started figuring out who I really was as a person, and finding media that's heavily influenced me from then on. Unfortunately I have berry foggy memory from then, probably because of some cognitive damage that noticeably lasted years after I stopped taking these meds I shouldn't have been taking. At least it means I can go back and rewatch things I saw back then and experience it for the first time, since I wasn't able to absorb much of anything back then, I was just a zombie.
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There was a time when media was still able to serve as a kind of escapism for me. That is not the case anymore. I am always longing for the kind of calm and serenety that I used to get from anime and video games. But I'm afraid it is gone forever. I feel so old. I feel like I'm wasting my time. But what else am I to do? There is nowhere I can run anymore. Escapism doesn't work anymore. It's all over.
There is only this crushing kind of melancholia of times long gone
Replies: >>897
God this is way too relatable.
My life keeps getting comfier anons
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I refuse to believe that it's all over, because if it is as you say it is, because that wood mean those before us had no autonomy over what they did or how they managed to get through.
gf havers don't belong here
Yes we do
Why not?
i did my time alone lol
Quarantine was bretty good, got laid off so I got some warhammer minis and painted while receiving government checks.
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>>869 (OP) 
probably quarantine era, now nothing feels comfy.. :(
>>869 (OP) 
Elementary school although it really wasn't that comfy for a number of reasons nya~
I know that feel, although I still enjoy anime, it's definitely not as enjoyable as it was when I was a teen and even 25 and under nya~
Replies: >>4135
So actually, my earliest memories were the most comfy, pre-Grade 1 nya~
>>869 (OP) 
2005 -- 2008 for me. I just lived rent free and played video games. the internet was still fun to use and hadn't got all political and serious yet. back then it felt like a another world full of people, like there were conversations on eberry topic going on eberrywhere all the time 24/7. now it just feels dead. not sure if it's because eberryone left or if people just don't have anything left to say anymore.
Replies: >>4962 >>4971
I am most at ease and happier chatting goalless.
Same here man, wood expand it to 2011 as some people still acted and tried to have things be pre-2007 but after that it was ogre
>>869 (OP) 
The internet ruined eberrything. 
I swear to god, eye contact used to be normal and even comforting. Now it almost feels intrusive.
Replies: >>5262
dang i've been feeling in a rut for this same reason.. now i just try to fill the silence with soft music other wise i'd probably just wallow forever
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Despite all adversities, I think there is no better time than today.
Replies: >>5272
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Right now :D
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this berry moment...is what i feel can be the only answer. no matter what anon strive to be content in this berry moment thats the only thing that matters
I had the best times on the internet around 2009, but mentally I have never been in a better spot.

Thus, a bit of then, a bit of now
When I was a baby.
I didn't have to think.
Replies: >>5558
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>I didn't have to think.
But you did anyway
I feel like my life peaked before I hit puberty.
Replies: >>5629 >>6985
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>>869 (OP) 
early 2010's playing ocarina of time on wii vc 
back when eberrything was easy and fun and i just coasted along
August 2022 in Saint Petersburg
Same, after 11yrs if age, eberrything in my life went downhill only.
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It's crazy how I'm only seeing this post almost a year later. Sorry for the long wait anon, I'm on the webring a lot but I mostly just visit /k/ and /retro/ when I come to anon.cafe.
Anyway, if you are still here reading this thread, I lived in a port town by the water. We lived on one of the coasts bordering the country so there was plenty of water around. I still live in the area, not too far from that little dock. It was closed for a while but they finally opened it again. I hope to go there soon so that I can visit and have fun at the docks again. I plan on buying a camera next year to take some pictures.
Replies: >>7696
>I plan on buying a camera next year to take some pictures.
NTA. Looking forward to seeing some nice pics, Anon!  :)
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>>869 (OP) 
>>869 (OP) 
Comfiest time in my life wood be during school vacations in hs where I wood lay in bed all day or pursue my interests (math, music, lit and of course, vidya)

I dont exactly despise school but interacting with groups of people diminishes my freedom so school vacations are the comfiest.
For one time, my teenage years when vanilla World of Warcraft was the only WoW release. One day I spontaneously asked a certain dungeon party I was in if anyone was recruiting for a guild. There was a recruitment, and I joined it. That guild then just so habbened to eventually become one of the Top 3 guilds of the server, with me eventually getting a full set of Black Wing Lair gear. I was also a Warlock. Meaning it was easy for me, in comparison to almost eberry other class, to obtain otherwise super expensive ground mounts. The Warlock class was also gifted a nigh-broken skill for PvP that helped me to fairly consistently make the Top 3 in Battlegrounds PvP matches. It was the first, and so far only, time in my life where I felt like I lucked into success. Or at least lucked into "success." Because it was also the shallowest time of my life that helped to set me up for reality hitting me like a brick wall in my early 20's, when it was suddenly time to start acting like an adult.

For another time, COVID quarantine. I didn't work for a little over a year. I spent that time watching, playing, eating, and reading whatever I wanted; and exercising and sleeping whenever I wanted. And all while enjoying the schadenfreude of the foolish fighting over toilet paper. I pray for the world to "collapse" again soon. It was truly a liberating time.
Hmmm good question. Probably when I was in middleschool, skateboarding and playing airsoft. Also figuring out how my weiner works was fun lol.
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Around a decade ago I got kicked out after a 2 years long NEETing phase. Id dropped out after undergowing a moral crisis resulting from my morals and value system colliding with the reality of capitalism.
I had idealized university and studies in general as an opportunity for learning, growth, development, improvement. But I instead discovered a dismal grind that pitted me and hundreds of other students against each other in a merciless competition to determine who wood whore themself out the best to catch the attention of some corpo that wood deign offer us an internship. Failing that, we wood have to repeat years because it apparently is the only testament to having learned things.
I was dejected by the dilemma and didn't have the strength to face it in order to think of a solution. I could only try out eberry form of escapism the internet had to offer to forget the feeling of my powerlessness.

These 2 years helped me outline a rough plan to learn a trade and start working, and although it was nothing more than a vague draft, I had already taken the first steps of getting a driving licence and doing my paperwork to register for a new year. 
I still lacked the discipline and willpower to go out and set my plan in motion, so I found myself outside having to look for a spot to spend the night in a big city.

I spent long hours assessing my situation, but because I wasn't pressed by a schedule or daily life, it was surprisingly comfy. Having the time to sort your thoughts really and cut yourself from the flow of life is a luxury.
I regularly visited mosques to pray, wash up and fill my water bottles.

That fall was mild, so I soon figured that the best sleeping arrangement was to only sleep a few hours after sunset before it got too cold, then finish my night in a park from the moment the morning warmed up to the beginning of the afternoon, by which point it was too hot to sleep. The soft grass, the warm sun, the cool breeze. Those morning naps were out of this world and I was surprised how they managed to set me up to face a day of homelessness when long nights in a warm bed couldn't help me face a day at uni.

A degree and several jobs later I still miss those times. Having time makes you feel much better than having money
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Fun fact: I made the image in the OP. Here's a less crappy version, file modification date says 2014.
Replies: >>10511
What'r'they talkin' about y'reckon?
Replies: >>10516
I was part of a community. The people I met were my best friends.
They don't talk anymore. At least nowhere I can find. 
I was so comfy. The comfiest. I cooked meatballs and talked with friends and streamed movies. So recent, and yet I can never go back.
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It's comfy to see someone reusing your reaction images. Back when I browsed 4 many years ago, I'd occasionally search in desuarchive out of curiosity and see someone else posting them on completely different boards.
Replies: >>10514 >>10803
It's an odd feeling. I've seen that with old, low-effort /pol/ OC I made over a decade ago. I edited someone's Merchant variant and turned him into an Irish guy and made another into Kane from Command & Conquer. It's kind of funny that they got much traction considering how sloppy they were, especially the former. All I did was color in a black-and-white image, and it had crappy .gif artifacts and eberrything. I've never seen anyone else post the original either, even though whoever made it put more work into creating the image than I did.
They found 2 spiders fighting on the floor. They're making bets on which will win, while Bush shares the fight with his wife like he's a sports announcer.
Replies: >>10747
I think before I hit puberty. It's not anything to do with hitting puberty, but my life circumstances just changed around that time.
I'd say 2021.
That's when I realized what I wanted in life, going to college, mom was still there. 
Not to say these days can't be comfy, but it's a bit harder without my mom being there
Replies: >>10550
Know that she still loves you, Anon. And I'm sure she's proud of you too!
Keep moving forward.
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right now and always, life is eternal and immortal, I have made peace with time, and I have stopped worrying about the days that pass, berry deeply I have become miserable, you could say that my whole life is miserable, and I just want it to end, but no, I live a comfortable and slow life, when the day comes I will rest in peace and forever, I have seen enough of this world, and I will enjoy my days learning and reading new things, and so on until all eternity. From today and forever, the best day of my life was yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
This makes sense. Probably true.
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>>869 (OP) 
Pandemic, I don't know what it was about the pandemic but it was a berry nice time for me.
Replies: >>10758
I can't say I liked it, but I have to say I enjoyed seeing fewer people in public than usual.
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I made a post here with an image I chose from a web search, thought nothing of it, and I've seen it show up on two other imageboards with the same filename.
feels nice.
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I am habby right now and my life is at its most productive, but the comfiest time of my life was during quarantine. I had just started teaching at a university and had to wrap up the spring semester remotely because of the lockdowns. Nobody knew what they were doing, nobody signed up for this, so there were no expectations and we (unofficially) weren't supposed to fail anybody. I spent the next few months on my back porch, grading half-assed assignments and collecting checks. By day I'd grill for hours at a time, playing with my wife and 1 year old. By night, I'd make fires and cast bullets while LPs and old monster movies played on my laptop. We were calm, we had money, and could do whatever we wanted. I now have three kids, two careers, and barely enough time to take a caca. Seeing anything that reminds me of that summer is sometimes enough to get me through a rough day.
Replies: >>10894 >>10896
>cast bullets

Are you into black powder rifles or something?
Replies: >>10895
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Yep. Make gunpowder, too.
I am on the opposite end, doing college on the pandemic was one of the worst times in terms of comfiness and productivity, got sacked out of home and had to deal with it practically alone. 
Right now i am OK but damn, remote semester kicked my ass.
Replies: >>10899
I recall one day walking to high school on foot because the weather was nice and I just wanted to walk a bit before school. It was the last few weeks of high school and there were no "real" lessons anymore, basically just coasting. School wasn't exactly great for me for many reasons but things were good and I literally had not a care in the world. I remember walking the path amongst a forest vividly and just enjoying the sun.

I'm in my 40s now and I never felt that light again. Wood I have known then what was to come I wood've probably jumped into the oncoming traffic.
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I went through college unsupported, too. It's rough. Eberrybody around you is making jokes about being "poor" college students while they're being supported by their parents and living from home eberry summer.
My COVID experience was definitely a weird one- eberrybody always talks about how hard it was when I was over here having the most peaceful time of my life. Entire dynasties have been rounded up and hanged for a lot less than what the people who're responsible for making the world so un-comfy for that long have done.
Right now, this fall, cup of coffee in hand - all is well. I'm turning my phone off and ignoring eberryone this week and it will be wonderful! Future me has a mess to clean up but I'm giving myself a break 8). 

RE: Ramen Days, I remember those. I took out a ton of loans so the college ride wasn't so bad (just extended ramen days for years while I paid it off lol). Wasted a few thousand on computers, guitars and guns which I'm bretty sure was against the loan agreement lol.
Nice.  1848 Dragoon?
Replies: >>10908
3rd model, yes. Lots of fun. Black powder guns are easy to get into, but the autism ceiling has infinite potential.
Replies: >>10924
That is awesome. Black powder is great.
What charcoal do you use as your base for your powder?
Replies: >>10925
I've ground up mesquite lump charcoal at first and it's usable. The last I made I was using willow chips I bought online and cooked myself in a paint can. Works perfect as far as I can tell. I came across a can of old authentic black powder and lately I've been using that because I haven't had the time to make my own. Pyrodex is the only synthetic brand in stores near me and in my experience it has a weird split-second delay I can't stand.
I'll probably make bullets again this week. Been stressed lately. I can feel the call.
i wood really like to learn how to hunt. My comfy time is swinging sticks and spears in the forest. Possibly finding dead kites and taking their talons.
>>869 (OP) 
When I used to browse this board back when I graduated high school. I was so depressed I was completely numb and had nothing to do except browse boards all day. Now my life is improving and I'm kind of realizing I feel caca all the time, first time I've really been given the chance to see my life that way. Hopefully one day soon I can come back to this board and say I'm truly /comfy/
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