/comfy/ - A place to relax

Now with more tea :)

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Welcome back to /comfy/ Anon :)
Friends: /late//kind/
board rulesonion

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I wood like to invite anyone browsing to come and solve a few puzzles together. Post an image and I will make a jigsaw of it if you want.

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Coming along nicely, Anons.

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Comfy is a place to relax. Please be kind and keep the things nice.

The rules are:
>Follow the global rules
>Keep it cozy
>Keep it SFW
>No rabble rousing
That means no unrelated political posts, intentionally provocative posts, posts insulting someone's race or religion or promoting committing crimes.
>No boat rocking
That means no uncalled for insults, rudeposting, or instigating drama.
>No advertising
You can talk about comfy places, but blatant advertising is not nice.

Other nice boards:
/late/ - Late Nights
Last edited by anonyme
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I like the filters. Seeing "hobbit" always makes me chuckle, although I think it's "hobbgot" or something now.

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Post here when you visit /comfy/
Thread number nine

How are you today anon ?
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I was a tad inebriated, but it was actually good.  I think it might be better with potato chips or maybe a chip mixture.
If a pumpkin became a monk, wood it be called a pumpmonk, or a monkin?
Replies: >>10661
Mumpkin ?
I lost my tegaki because of my broken ass mouse. But the drawing was about impermanence.
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Autumn's coming, I'm habby.
Also where's foxkeh thread went ?

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share your comfiest desktops here!
(image is not mine)
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That looks like one of those Windows imitation Flash toys but made real.
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Replies: >>10527
Classic /comfy/ness right there, Anon.  :3
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Not posting pics today, but I've managed to hack a Nord desktop theme to my liking and now most of my programs are consistent. The main sore thumb is Tor Browser defaulting to light mode for anti-fingerprinting.

Are there any other widely-ported colour schemes like Solarized, Dracula and Nord?

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What's your favorite album or song to chill out and listen to in its entirety?
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For me it's Bossa Antigua by Paul Desmond. https://youtu.be/cftPx0MmLQE

Think I might have posted this before, but maybe that was in the anon cafe days. More folks need to chill to this.
currently chilling to some very relaxing soft piano music to some beautiful B/G scenery.
Amazing songs, thanks man.
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I look through Soundcloud bretty often to find new music. A lot of nice stuff on there. I need to compile a comfy playlist at some point.
Replies: >>10605
This is nice. It doesn't sound the same, but it makes me think of Mum or Sigur Ros or something.

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Since we done multiples of these as puzzles I think we need an official thread. Plus there's some that I just can' make a puzzle from because there being too much empty space or because of color choice.

Other retro formats other than Spectrum are welcome too of course. And don't forget to give >>>/retro/ a look.
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Peak /comf/ . Thanks, Anon!  :)
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I'm not going to include any that I think will make good poozls until we get a chance to actually poozl them but some of these wood just be a headache I think.
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Here's a real subtle gigascreen one.
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Here's one that we did that I mentioned was reconstruction of a lost ZX image file from the 80s. Also here's two edits I made.

What active altchans are there?
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There's /rozen/ on zzzchan.
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>dont want to shill my own chan site
>dont want to just repeat boards already in the webring
Replies: >>10385
I don't want it anyway if even the owner calls it a "chan".
Replies: >>10412
>I don't want it anyway if even the owner calls it a "chan".
*checks thread url*
I used 'chan' as a technical term, not to compare it with 'chan culture' (yuck). There are other types of imageboards too such as boorus (which I host as well) and plenty of self-described chans will ban you for greentexting, frogposting, poor grammar or other 4chan-like behavior.
Replies: >>10594
but reddit dont self-describe as a chan

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What was the most comfiest time in ur life anon?
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It's an odd feeling. I've seen that with old, low-effort /pol/ OC I made over a decade ago. I edited someone's Merchant variant and turned him into an Irish guy and made another into Kane from Command & Conquer. It's kind of funny that they got much traction considering how sloppy they were, especially the former. All I did was color in a black-and-white image, and it had crappy .gif artifacts and eberrything. I've never seen anyone else post the original either, even though whoever made it put more work into creating the image than I did.
They found 2 spiders fighting on the floor. They're making bets on which will win, while Bush shares the fight with his wife like he's a sports announcer.
I think before I hit puberty. It's not anything to do with hitting puberty, but my life circumstances just changed around that time.
I'd say 2021.
That's when I realized what I wanted in life, going to college, mom was still there. 
Not to say these days can't be comfy, but it's a bit harder without my mom being there
Replies: >>10550
Know that she still loves you, Anon. And I'm sure she's proud of you too!
Keep moving forward.

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Replies: >>9977
I had no idea what I thought of as the level 1 music from Circus Charlie was actually based on a well-known song.
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Post your comfiest webms, mp4s and others.
OCs welcome.
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Goony Golf FTW  :)
Replies: >>10081
comfy buny :)
I remember minigolf courses with similar statues (I recall a couple dinos as well). They really are peak comfy, perfectly encapsulating chill summer vibes.
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Replies: >>10530
I thought this one was posted before on here. Weird. Maybe I was thinking of /late/.

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