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Home of comfyness and jigsaw puzzles :)

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Welcome back to /comfy/ Anon :)
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I wood like to invite anyone browsing to come and solve a few puzzles together. Post an image and I will make a jigsaw of it if you want.

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are chonking!

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Comfy is a place to relax. Please be kind and keep the things nice.

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You can talk about comfy places, but blatant advertising is not nice.

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Last edited by anonyme
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Trying to be habby is a much better than my silly cocktails.  I hope you can shape things to work out.

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Thread number ten

Pour yourself a nice hot chocolate and stay warm anon :)
Previous >>9418
Replies: >>11585
bumpino O_o
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>>11581 (OP) 
>Pour yourself a nice hot chocolate and stay warm anon :)
Thanks! Having one all snug 'n comfy under my sleeping bad with my trusty 'puter resting on my knees. Stay safe out there, Anons!
Oh did we get a new /comfy/ thread?
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I wanna learn Blender. Help me bros!
Replies: >>11591
I got to experience three cryoseisms in last 24 hours.  This was a totaly new experience for me.

 I had had about five inches of sleet with maybe five or so inches of snow on top until a few days ago.  It got really warm for a couple days and it rained, so most of it melted and the ground was completely saturated. The temperature then dropped about 35 degrees right after the rain. It has been cold enough since then for the water in the ground to start freezing, expanding, and popping in little mini earthquakes.  One was strong enough I could feel the vibration though the floor.  They are surprisingly loud.

Wikipedia on cryosesim:

I'm sure there are tons of how-to guides out there.

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Galaxies that orbit other galaxies: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satellite_galaxy
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Replies: >>11169
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This is one of those games that fascinated me as a kid but that I was too bad to play or understand.
Replies: >>11590

That's really odd altogether.

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Thread #8
Comfy UFOs and Wintertime Edition
Prervious >>5351
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Did someone say Santorini?
And then there are guys are who have no fashion but will dress in shorts in winter anyways.
I prefer the one on the left. The text blends into the background enough while still being distinct, it's a nice touch! The one on the right is just hard to read.
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Some more views.

New >>9418
New >>9418
New >>9418

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Thread number nine

How are you today anon ?

Previous >>7642
Last edited by anonyme
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I'll have to tell you on the way, Anon.
Replies: >>11576
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Replies: >>11577 >>11578
Always like riding in style tbh.
I have one of these. I drive it when I go out egging houses.
New thread >>11581
New thread >>11581
New thread >>11581

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Post comfy wallpapers, looking at the same screen eberry day can be tiresome.
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Replies: >>11556
That last one looks like an actual photo to my eye. I'm really looking forward to seeing Christmas decorations in Japan one day! Thanks, Anon.  :)
Replies: >>11557
2 are real 3 are AI
Replies: >>11559
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Ahh. Thanks Anon, these are nice. Please continue! Cheers.  :)

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Because greenfriends are /comfy/
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Remember these? >>7730
Here they are today! 3 of the 4 survived longer than a year and are still sound and are dried up. Hope to make pies soon.
Replies: >>11494 >>11497
That's good news, Anon! Thanks for the update. Hope to see pics of your pies if you make them. Cheers.
That's awesome.  I'm amazed they lasted so long.  I'd love to see your pies too.
I got an nice bretty black aralia from the store today. I hope it will grow big for me.
Replies: >>11554
Good luck with your new plant.

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Baking, brewing, and cooking are berry important hearth-building and health-building skills. They are a surefire way to make yourself /comfy/, Anon! What are you baking, brewing, or cooking at the moment? How is it coming out? What will you be trying next time? Is there anything you'd like to try improving? Is there something you'd like to learn? Maybe you have something you'd like to teach us? I tried some old things and new things today! Pics related are: >the bread I made earlier today; a shrimple white cobb loaf. This was the first time I was just able to make it from memory. It felt great to be able to just reach for the ingredients and go through the motions. As luck wood have it, the prove went well and the slashes formed up beautifully. I was worried that the crumb inside wood be a little wet but it turned out berry nice with a good chewy crust. The loaf is wrapped in beeswax cloth now so I can eat it over the week. I'm considering getting a sourdough starter going but I don't know if I'm good enough to handle it yet. >my first attempt at glazing carrots Apparently glazing (which I have found out is different from caramelising) is a basic technique that even professionals find difficult to get perfect eberry time. I think my first attempt here had just a touch too little water and a touch too little sugar, though I reckon I got the butter correct. See how the finished carrots don't have an even glaze? They still tasted berry good with some parsley and finishing 
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Very nice! I feel like we're being treated to a gourmet restaurant's menu selection photos.  :)

Keep up the nice work, Anon.
Replies: >>11530
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This is an oatmeal and chia "pudding" mixed with defatted peanut powder.  It was topped with honey, pecans, black sesame seeds, and a Cara Cara orange.  The glass of milk is a glass of milk.

Thanks.  I'll try.
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This is a bowl of ground venison round flavored with cumin seeds, garlic, oregano, black peppercorns, cayenne pepper, salt, and pickled habaneros.  It was topped with some chihuahua cheese and a further topped with a raw mixture of bok choy, yellow onion, and thinly sliced carrots tossed in Cholula hot sauce.  This was bretty   great.  

I had a glass of Nikka Coffey Grain Whisky with it.  It is a shrimple and subtle predominantly corn based drink that has a  suitable flavor for pairing with many meat dishes.  It's not exceptional by itself.
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Hoe-deopbap. I used yellowfin tuna, romaine lettuce, and cucumber on top.  Eberrything got mixed together with chogochujang.  I somehow added to much water to the rice and made it too soft.  Oh well.
Looks lovely, Chef-sama.

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Divulge your failures, your triumphs, and your struggles from the day. No event too small to mention!

Today, I had a lot of fun cleaning the floors in the home. I ran up and down the hallway with a soapy towel, got on my hands and knees and scooby-doo scrubbed the kitchen and bathroom floors, and was completely exhausted and satisfied by the end of it.
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Part of getting to where we want to be is learning how to deal with our stumbles along the way. If you are stumbling, you are doing something right to begin with.
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Final exams are over. I feel incredibly relieved. I think I did alright. I'm 99% sure I passed eberrything. Though I ran out of time on the first exam, couldn't finish it all. So that sucks. It was a calculus exam, and I spent so much time preparing for it. Doing past exam papers, going over proofs, going over the material that the teacher put up. But it's all over now. The grades are what they are, I can't change them anymore.
I will go back to family tomorrow. I'll only have free time for the next couple of weeks, so I can return to my hobbies. Maybe I'll pick up Japanese again.
I got in an hour of drum practice, so at least that's something. I'm trying to get used to playing to a metronome, but I've been getting thrown off so far.
>Perhaps i will get some Ritalin
quack that
unless you try for months while having a healthy and disciplined lifestyle without success, you have no business being anywhere around that addictive crap
you first need to sort out all the things that mess with your ability to concentrate like porn, screen time, sleep schedule, diet and exercise. If all of it is sorted out but you still can't focus then yes it probably comes from a medical condition and Ritalin should be prescribed
Replies: >>11542
There hasn't been a need for that so far, thankfully, i don't think it's a medical condition other than being easily distracted due to the amount of options/hobbies i am currently shuffling.
I don't waste too much time with that but it is almost daily, no more than 20 minutes AFAIK
>screen time
Too much but i want it to be productive
>diet and exercise
A lot has habbened since my last post, wanted to do it monthly but so far i went with a couple of friends to the gym but it's been hell, those guys are /fit/hobs who also take mild gear and i cannot keep up entirely with their 3+ hour routines without feeling like a wreck after, also too much people due to New Year's and got sick from a virus/fever caca that's been in the air. 
I've gotten thinner via suffering rather than exercise.

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