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Home of comfyness and jigsaw puzzles :)

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Welcome back to /comfy/ Anon :)
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I wood like to invite anyone browsing to come and solve a few puzzles together. Post an image and I will make a jigsaw of it if you want.

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My plans for this week are another 4 pack on Sunday and then an additional one through the week and a special one for Christmas, even if the previous ones aren't finished yet so they'll be plenty if any anons stop by for /christmas/

If anyone wants to do another small one between now and Sunday go ahead.

GG anon.

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Comfy is a place to relax. Please be kind and keep the things nice.

The rules are:
>Follow the global rules
>Keep it cozy
>Keep it SFW
>No rabble rousing
That means no unrelated political posts, intentionally provocative posts, posts insulting someone's race or religion or promoting committing crimes.
>No boat rocking
That means no uncalled for insults, rudeposting, or instigating drama.
>No advertising
You can talk about comfy places, but blatant advertising is not nice.

Other nice boards:
/late/ - Late Nights
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Last posts regarding discussion about Figamin position on political issues deleted because it was slowly taking an uncomfy turn.

Please avoid drama.
Last edited by anonyme

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Post here when you visit /comfy/
Thread number nine

How are you today anon ?
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Oh that's cute.
Replies: >>11243
It's cute. I like its face.
Replies: >>11243
What a goofy boy. The zip tie collar is hilarious
Replies: >>11243

I used a bit of the tag end for the tongue too.   I'm glad a had a few red ones to work with.
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Is there away to get a peertube acount to post doujinshi music video without resulting at hosting your own instances? I tried to request for account eberrywhere I can find in public instances but all of them ignore my request. Is it because of copyright thing? but I think most of them didn't care about that because I saw some of the music videos that were posted clearly violation of copyright.

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Divulge your failures, your triumphs, and your struggles from the day. No event too small to mention!

Today, I had a lot of fun cleaning the floors in the home. I ran up and down the hallway with a soapy towel, got on my hands and knees and scooby-doo scrubbed the kitchen and bathroom floors, and was completely exhausted and satisfied by the end of it.
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You know, in a world where I'm constantly seeing those around me tumble and let their demons get the better of them and their lives, I'm glad to see someone stand up to the darkness and say "no" right to its face.
Replies: >>11213
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hate my job but I managed to help my brother with his studies this weekend so it made feel relaxed and at peace, not even dreading tomorrow
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Did i have any progress this week? to be fair it was practically a relapse week, downloaded tutorials but put them at hold for no reason; interesting things did habben:

>Day 8: Went to a family BBQ party, then after it got berry suddenly invited to a drinking sitdown with some old friends with berry common goals after years of no contact, closely related to the man that made me realize i need to step it up in envy. Seems they do not care that much to share insights without prompt, despite being relatively successful they lost a considerably bit of their motivations and goal sight. Found that i particularly enjoy a much more comfortable position in terms of economy and lifestyle than them despite my lack of job, mostly due to min-maxing my daily resources in previous months. Surprised at this, hope this doesn't demotivate.

<Day 9: Went with past weekend's frens to talk but i am noticing slight discomfort among us as a big group, seems some backhanded deals and attitudes are making us suspicious towards one another, then our smaller group went to eat and drink.

>Day 10-12: Overslept, ate and did nothing but see videos and an old comedy series plus video game. What am i doing.

<Day 13: Pizza day, did some minimal laundry, checked stuff. Overall an upbeat day.

>Day 14: Bad luck day traditionally, the less i interact with the outside world the better, did nothing but see a couple of movies, video game and eat leafover 'zza but some misunderstandings are habbening over fren chats that make me feel uneasy. What will habben?

<Day 15: Went to greet some street buddies i haven't seen in a while, hanged out and got invited to eat.
And had to habben, the party that talking weekend frens were planning had severe failures in communication and coupled with trying to say stuff with indirect taunts rather than trying to talk about it led to a silly phonecall standoff with myself as co-protagonist telling them to squawk off, i am probably at a point of no return and tomorrow (today) is supposed to be the weekly sitdown so either i expose the situation at the request of the curious onlookers who didn't attend yesterday, go to the sitdown to bash skulls on the sidewalk or do a no-show. 
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Replies: >>11222
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Part of getting to where we want to be is learning how to deal with our stumbles along the way. If you are stumbling, you are doing something right to begin with.
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Final exams are over. I feel incredibly relieved. I think I did alright. I'm 99% sure I passed eberrything. Though I ran out of time on the first exam, couldn't finish it all. So that sucks. It was a calculus exam, and I spent so much time preparing for it. Doing past exam papers, going over proofs, going over the material that the teacher put up. But it's all over now. The grades are what they are, I can't change them anymore.
I will go back to family tomorrow. I'll only have free time for the next couple of weeks, so I can return to my hobbies. Maybe I'll pick up Japanese again.

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Post your comfiest webms, mp4s and others.
OCs welcome.
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Damn really fun gachi, thanks for sharing anon.
I always liked that ELO song.
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comfy shrooms are comfy
Replies: >>11239
That's bretty neat.  I wonder if they are in lines over the tree's roots?
Replies: >>11260
>I wonder if they are in lines over the tree's roots?
That's berry likely exactly what's habbening. Aminitas are all root symbiotes.

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The first thing I do when I get home is to change my clothes for my "home outfit".
This is important for me because it allows me to mark a frontier between the outside world and my comfy den. This is an old habit from a time I was living in a big city and not wanting to bring the outside dirt and sadness inherent in that kind of environment into my home.
Now I live in the country but I have kept this ritual.

What's your favorite "home outfit" /comfy/ ?
I generally put some old jogging pants, old t-shirts or sweaters depending of the season. I also have a warm bathrobe I like wearing after a good shower and staying naked underneath. Also I never wear underpants, they're not comfy for staying at home.
I'm always barefoot, sometimes with socks when I feel a little bit cold.
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Heck yeah, as soon as I walk through my door all my jackets and sweaters come off. I usually wear pants that require a zipper and belt, so I switch those for sweatpants or sweat-shorts (i got a nice pair from adidas, wood definitely recommend). I like to keep my socks on because the warm smooth texture of walking in socks is nice, but that might just be because I don't have carpets where I live right now.
I've been wishing to get into that robe life, but I've never found anything that really suited my liking on online stores at least.
If you're looking for a new winter/warm kimono-style robe I'll definetly recommend a "chan-chan-ko," although quality ones are quite difficult to find online.
I'm home almost all the time, but even so I'll typically dress as I wood outside but I'll just wear a shirt and ranger shorts if it's hot. This is my way of telling my brain that I'm in work mode, and my comfy clothes is my way of telling myself I'm in comfy mode. When you're in the same environment nearly 24/7, little things like this are important to help keep your mind organized. When my work time is finished I'll change into a nightshirt.
I'm thinking about looking into getting a warm robe to wear for when I'm sitting at the computer in the cold months. I always keep a blanket around, but it seems like a robe wood make more sense.

At least on paper. I'm not sure I'd actually stick with wearing one.
I'm always in my boxers. Saves laundry and more comfortable.

If I need to warm up I put on a shirt or get under a wool blanket
Work jackets (like work shirts but heavier) indoors mostly. I don't want to turn the heat up any higher, I'm the cold one in the house so I can't sweat eberryone else out!

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Merry Christmas. I'm an anon from 8chan, and we are organizing our inter-board Christmas event. This project aims to gather around anons from different imageboard and anonymous communities from all around internet during a weekend and celebrate Christmas together. The planned date is December 14 and 15 and it's going to be here https://8chan.moe/christmas you can make your "embassy" thread talking about your IB, its history and local memes.

I hope to see you there. If you have any other questions please make me know, I'll be more than grateful to answer.
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Nah, it isn't. Those are mostly baseless gossip pushed by people who don't want the site to grow. But you can browse it and check by yourself.
Indeed, that's why I also added "principles". Anyone can make their own board, it's as flexible and easy as possible and it's advertised as a "platform for your anon community", just like original 8chan, therefore the same  thing for any practical reason.
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The event is starting now, it's going to take place all of Saturday and Sunday, you can go ahead and make your embassy board and send your regards in the name of /comfy/,
I'm going to stream some movies, picrel is the schedule. I'm streaming movies on Sunday too, but I haven't decided the schedule yet, so you can give some recs if you want.
Starting in 15 minutes.
Starting now
Get in here.
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Today's Schedule, it starts at the same time

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What was the most comfiest time in ur life anon?
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I've ground up mesquite lump charcoal at first and it's usable. The last I made I was using willow chips I bought online and cooked myself in a paint can. Works perfect as far as I can tell. I came across a can of old authentic black powder and lately I've been using that because I haven't had the time to make my own. Pyrodex is the only synthetic brand in stores near me and in my experience it has a weird split-second delay I can't stand.
I'll probably make bullets again this week. Been stressed lately. I can feel the call.
i wood really like to learn how to hunt. My comfy time is swinging sticks and spears in the forest. Possibly finding dead kites and taking their talons.
>>869 (OP) 
When I used to browse this board back when I graduated high school. I was so depressed I was completely numb and had nothing to do except browse boards all day. Now my life is improving and I'm kind of realizing I feel caca all the time, first time I've really been given the chance to see my life that way. Hopefully one day soon I can come back to this board and say I'm truly /comfy/
im in that period rn lmao.
>>869 (OP) 
the most comfy time was during covid lock down
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the first two years after graduating from highschool, still was in regular contact with my mates, no real responsibilities, and honeymoon phase of studying something I enjoyed in the second before eberryone kinda went their own way and drifted apart, and the cracks in post-secondary education became visable

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Because greenfriends are /comfy/
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Also my rosary vine bloomed.
Replies: >>11178
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I looked this up out of curiosity. Those are bretty fancy.
Replies: >>11182
Good job on the gardening anons! Sounds like it is going swell!

The tail end of my fall crops was a bit of a fizzle - some small snap peas and a few radishes. 

I set up a grow light indoors and am having smashing success with bok choy and lettuce all winter. Bunching onions aren't doing as well, more like chives but the flavor is still good.
Replies: >>11184
You woodn't think that this is related to periwinkle, but there you go.

What's the rest of your setup like?  Does it take up a bunch of space?

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This is just a shrimple article on sand dunes but it's really informative.
Galaxies that orbit other galaxies: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satellite_galaxy
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Replies: >>11169
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This is one of those games that fascinated me as a kid but that I was too bad to play or understand.

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