/comfy/ - A place to relax

Home of comfyness and jigsaw puzzles :)

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Welcome back to /comfy/ Anon :)
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I wood like to invite anyone browsing to come and solve a few puzzles together. Post an image and I will make a jigsaw of it if you want.

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Wow this website does really not like macs
As they should

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Comfy is a place to relax. Please be kind and keep the things nice.

The rules are:
>Follow the global rules
>Keep it cozy
>Keep it SFW
>No rabble rousing
That means no unrelated political posts, intentionally provocative posts, posts insulting someone's race or religion or promoting committing crimes.
>No boat rocking
That means no uncalled for insults, rudeposting, or instigating drama.
>No advertising
You can talk about comfy places, but blatant advertising is not nice.

Other nice boards:
/late/ - Late Nights
Last edited by anonyme
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Trying to be habby is a much better than my silly cocktails.  I hope you can shape things to work out.

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ITT we discuss video games that possess the comfy factor. For me it's all manners of RTS games, taking time to gather resources and build a cool base is great fun. Driving games are cool too, I have fond memories of pic related (although I was pretty bad at it as a kid).
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No, not the arcade, the NES game.
2hu seems to have implemented in my head the need to 1cc games so I can say that I really beat them.
Replies: >>12600
Oh I see. I got confused when you said 1cc.
Should I buy a R36S for /comfy/ retro emulation?
Replies: >>12760
I've never held one, but the placement of the sticks looks berry awkward to me with the overall size of the device.  I have long fingers and it looks a bit awkward.  In terms of shape, I wood prefer something less like a GB pocket and more like a GBA.
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Anyone remembers playing Singularity ? Maybe it was because the game was a bit easy but teenager me found it comfy at the time, especially the Soviet setting

Back when I played Fire Emblem on 3DS I couldn't WAIT for the day I could emulate the game
Maybe Im too attached to the keyboard, maybe it's just the ability to take screenshots and record footage or to easily switch to other programs

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Divulge your failures, your triumphs, and your struggles from the day. No event too small to mention!

Today, I had a lot of fun cleaning the floors in the home. I ran up and down the hallway with a soapy towel, got on my hands and knees and scooby-doo scrubbed the kitchen and bathroom floors, and was completely exhausted and satisfied by the end of it.
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I think it's great when your hobby is related to what you do on a daily basis, or even better to your job. A lot of people are against hobbies becoming jobs, but I don't think so. On the contrary, it's more inspiring.
I work on a computer so I try to minimize the time spent looking at screens outside of work, I don't think tracking the exact time wood be as efficient as actively finding ways to spend my time doing something else
I stayed in touch with a chatty ex-neighbour through mail, and a current colleague gave me her address to send her letters when she learnt I was about to leave. They are both older than me so it's easy but at least the time I will spend writing to them won't be on a screen
Also started listening to audiobooks
Many options when you think about it
Replies: >>11753
Yes audiobooks are a cool alternative to wasting time on "small and maybe pleasant conversations". I listen to some myself, but more just relaxing music.
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 i feel so lonely
at times like this it makes me feel i wood give 1 million people liberation for the sake of a small conversation.

i think i posted here, i saw a pic of uhhh yeah habbened to se it ofa shortstack anime loli but i relented i looked at what was at stake and accepted both sides of alchemy.....
basically i managed to mentally improve myself.
i just trained but have lots of things to do.
you're crazy prometheus fan.

i was actually dreaming of how I wood impress remilia scarlet i thought if i beat her up in danmaku id win her over marriage.

imagine two vampire lolis as personal wives and they have servants who are bounded to them by fate
that is 4 more women
koakuma patchouli... wait ok. i need to go bye frens

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Post here when you visit /comfy/
Thread number ten

Pour yourself a nice hot chocolate and stay warm anon :)
Previous >>9418
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I caught nothing. There was a temperature dip today and that is generally unhelpful.  I'll try again tomorrow.
Replies: >>12905
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Better luck next time, Anon!
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by coughing and acting worried the trainees might catch my cold I managed to make a lazy supervisor who always pushes his work on us to deliver a training course he pushed on me then started acting like it was piss easy work because "all i had to do was talk"
he budied up to the self important people who took covid like a religion and can't back down in front of them now HA! HA!
best part about it is that I know he is scared cacaless of having to explain stuff as he knows berry little but brags all day long using complex words to impress eberryone

>mfw thinking about him being at a loss eberrytime someone asks him a question
Replies: >>12907
Those types seem to float to the top. In my world they'd get a mop and be told to get back to work. 
Enjoy your sick day though!
Replies: >>12930
>Those types seem to float to the top
It's so crazy to me
They literally can't do anything on their own and are physically unable to think a problem through

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I think there was one of these on og /late/. post what you've been building, or just whatever about old mc
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I love the Minecraft paintings!
Replies: >>12909
this has gotta be peak comfy. these environments are so good
Replies: >>12911
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Peak comfy you say?
Replies: >>12926
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Replies: >>12929
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Heya /comfy/. I want to hear your discoveries and experiences on the numerous adjustments you made to your life to make it as comfy as it can be. It can even be plans for future comfiness. I want to see it all. It doesn't even matter if someone else posted about a similar experience. I want to read as much as you feel comfortable sharing. It doesn't matter how small, since even the smallest change can yield a net positive.

Sometimes, I just become too complacent in uncomfy stuff and assume it can't be helped until I see someone set an example. I have difficulty letting myself be comfy due to personal reasons and as a consequence, I do nothing.

Being comfy isn't just about doing nothing, but it's also about going out of your way to do stuff to be comfy. I'd love for this thread to be a helpful resource into achieving the comfy mindset and serve as a source of inspiration, so share away!

To start, here's a bunch of experiences that I'd like to share.

I always liked Logitech keyboards, but the keycaps they come with are pretty shoddy. The letters washed off when I cleaned them. They even peeled away and stuck to my fingers after some light use. To top it off, I'd have to fork over more money for replacements that likely would do the same. It always stressed me out. I did a little investigation and found out that there are different types of materials used for keycaps. ABS, PBT, and pudding keycaps from what I remember. 90% of keyboards these days come with ABS keycaps and Logitech was no different. Basically, ABS keycaps are the cheapest type and they're thinner, but they're decently quiet for typing. PBT keycaps usually have better ink and sometimes even letters engraved into the material, but they're thicker which means they might produce a heavier thonk sound when you type on them. Pudding keycaps are the best of PBT and ABS combined, in my opinion. The very top is PBT which makes it very durable, and the letters don't get worn off, but the sides are ABS and not inked, which still keeps the quieter typing experience of an ABS keycap. Now, most Logitech keyboards have their unique switches that the keycaps would have to be attached to, and finding keycaps for those switches is a bit tricky, but I was able to find a keyboard from them that used those common cherry switches. I ordered that one and some pudding keycaps in my favorite colors and voila, I now have a comfy keyboard that looks aesthetically pleasing, functions well, doesn't feel greasy after a day, and doesn't fall apart after some soap and water!

Regarding outfits, I decided to embrace wearing oversized sweatshirts about 2 sizes bigger than what I am. For both loungewear and when I'm out and about. Since I like to present myself as a bit dressier nowadays, I just toss a plain-colored collared dress shirt underneath it and I get the style and comfiness all at the same time. The oversized nature of each sweatshirt is perfectly comfortable enough to lounge around in on its own. I can tuck my knees under it to keep my legs warm. It's also big enough to be thrown over some actual clothes without feeling a bit tight. They add an accent color to my outfits since I wear mostly black and white, and it also generally gives me an excuse to wear some vibrant, yet soothing colors I love without it being too much. Efficiency!

And the last one for now since I'd like to avoid blogposting: Shaving is no longer something I loathe. I thought my skin was just extra sensitive to shaving, so I just lived with razor bumps, nicks, redness from irritation, etc. Turns out, I wasn't preparing myself for a shave as well as I should've been. I thought just shaving wet in the shower was enough. I picked up a much newer safety razor that was appraised for being gentle to sensitive skin, switched over to a different brand of razor blades, and started using actual shave butter instead of using my 2-in-1 shampoo as a substitute. My eyes no longer burn and turn red from the 2-in-1 and to top it off, shaving has never been faster and more therapeutic. Most importantly, it's now a comfy experience.

I do have plans to pick up one of those scented shower steamers so shaving and showering is even more comfy. I think I'll try those out sometime next month and give an update here, and maybe ramble some more about more of my experiences after I read some posts.
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>the sounds of flowing waters...
Ahh. The OG ASMR. Nature has been gifted with several of these, but I think water takes the crown tbh.
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is it because of contact with the hard floor or because the weight distribution of the head and arms

I got rid of scented candles because i don't want any chemical to enter my body unless it comes directly from a plant or an animal.
But candles in general are uber comfy, especially in the evening

a cracking campfire is fine too
Replies: >>12841 >>12842
>is it because of contact with the hard floor or because the weight distribution of the head and arms

I believe for me the discomfort comes from concentrating too much pressure on my shoulder if I roll over. I end up supporting a good portion of my weight right on the bone at the joint and the hard surface is not forgiving.
>is it because of contact with the hard floor or because the weight distribution of the head and arms
I don't know.  A while ago my pain was a source of worry, but now I'm managing it better since I've learned to do door frame stretches. I still wake up with some pain, but I feel like I get arm and wrist issues from sleeping on my side anymore. That leads me to believe that the problems from my fingers up through my arms were due to whatever is habbening in my shoulders and back.
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Greeting the old cleaning lady as I leave the office is the comfiest part of work.
She probably doesn't realize how good it feels to hear her thick Ukrainian or Polish accent, it's like it washes away all the cringe accumulated through the day.

It seems like only boomers smile these days. Idk if anyone else noticed this but people younger than 50 never smile

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Eberryone's known an animal that was different from the rest, special. This thread is a place to remember them, tell their stories, and pay tribute. Dogs, cats, birds, horses, or any others you'll never forget, all are welcome. And while it may get sad to say goodbye sometimes, don't forget to keep things /comfy/.

My sister's dog fell ill, practically overnight, and while she's still processing it, I'm afraid I know what's coming. I've been thinking about the kind of dog he's been. I've never seen a dog more dog-like than him. A German Shepherd, 80 pounds of raw muscle. If you flicked water out of a bucket, he'd do insane flips and twists to try and catch it. He'd bark at all our cars and try to bite the tires and run in circles to try and herd us if we drove where he could get at. If he got frustrated, he'd go find the heaviest log he could get his mouth around and whine while dragging it, or trying to. He loved barking at birds. But he wasn't just a brute, he was a sweet dog, and always knew to be gentle with kids. And eberry single day he wood run, run, run, even after 10 years. He was just always excited. Maybe none of that sounds berry specific or special, and I'm sorry that I can't think of any specific stories about him, but there will never be another dog like him, for any of us. He was endless.
Replies: >>12908
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>>12904 (OP) 
I got teary eyed reading this, I'm so sorry Anon.
Replies: >>12915
When I was a kid, my family ended up getting a mutt puppy. He was apparently a mix of boxer, Australian Cattle Dog, and I think some kind of bulldog too. He looked the most like a boxer in terms of coloration but not as much in terms of features. He loved people but could also get really rough with them as he got older. It wasn't just jumping all over them. When we were outside with him doing work around the yard, he wood shoot around the yard like a rocket and ram right into people. He also used to come up to me and bite down on my arm really hard, and at I wood hit him out of desperation to get him to stop. He genuinely loved spending time with people though. It was other animals that he was a danger to. He wood attack anything that he came in contact with (although he got on well with the neighbor's cat as a puppy; I've never been a cat person even if I possibly fit the psychological profile of one, but I liked that cat too), and he couldn't be trusted off his leash at all. He ended up mauling two different dogs, and we had to put him down. It was a shame, but with his aggressiveness it unquestionably had to be done. I still feel bad that as I got older I didn't spend enough time with the little dummy. He was an outside dog, and as time went on I didn't want to go out in the cold as often to see him. If I could communicate with him, I'd apologize for that. I also feel bad for the other dogs he hurt and their owners. It might sound like he was a bad dog, and in some ways he
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I am reminded of this little comic.
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Are there any types of photos or art that remind you of your past? For me, its photos of lonely roads at night lit by street lamps. Growing up, my family took me on road trips across the U.S. and I've lived in a variety suburban neighborhoods, I've seen plenty of empty streets at night. These scenes make me feel at home.
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Replies: >>12891 + 1 earlier
At the risk of doxxing myself....Aurora, Illinois in the early 90's.

I wish I were a capital 'T' traveler sometimes. Lots of power, and lots of fun!
Replies: >>10272
Yup. Even McDonalds' don't have playgrounds anymore.
Replies: >>10272
>Aurora, Illinois
I'm >>10230, and the playgrounds I was thinking of were in southern Wisconsin.
Looking at the PlayPlaces now they don't look that impressive, but I really liked exploring the tubes as a kid. I'm not surprised they shut them down though. They must have been a nightmare to keep clean considering how grubby and unhygienic kids can be. I think I might have seen an old employee in one cleaning it out once and yelling at some kids for horsing around, although at the time I thought it was someone's grandma.
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>>6759 (OP) 
incandescent lightbulbs need to be brough back
Replies: >>12897
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Agreed. Where I live the street lights have been slowly phased with the bright white ones for the past couple years. Sometimes when I walk at night I'll see another incandescent bulb has been replaced. Only a few remain now. I've taken pictures to remember what the area looked like when they still had them.

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How do you maintain a comfy and relatively stress-free internet experience? What should I cut out?
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Well, for starters, I never go to Bluesky. It's the worst.

Beyond that, I try to spend as much time as possible in nature & the outdoors. Really helps connect the heart of man to the Creator.
Replies: >>12874
I always cordially greet my fellxw Latinxs.
Replies: >>12848
this is bait
I also ask myself the same question anon, so far I have found for myself the topic of complete stopping the consumption of any content for 30 minutes eberry day. That is, instead of the Internet, I look at my feelings and needs, and then try to move towards their solution. It's like meditation or something like that.
That's just a species of Twitter.

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