/comfy/ - A place to relax

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Welcome back to /comfy/ Anon :)
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I wood like to invite anyone browsing to come and solve a few puzzles together. Post an image and I will make a jigsaw of it if you want.

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Comfy is a place to relax. Please be kind and keep the things nice.

The rules are:
>Follow the global rules
>Keep it cozy
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>No rabble rousing
That means no unrelated political posts, intentionally provocative posts, posts insulting someone's race or religion or promoting committing crimes.
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That means no uncalled for insults, rudeposting, or instigating drama.
>No advertising
You can talk about comfy places, but blatant advertising is not nice.

Other nice boards:
/late/ - Late Nights
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oh that makes sense, I wood've never guessed
No need to apologize, this is my favorite board :)

*n     e*    *w   -   *c     *p   - *f    *i    *l    *e    s*   -   *2    0*    *2    4*

*p    r*    *e    w*


*s    i*    *t    e*   -   *w    i*    *t    h*   - *l     i*     *n     k*    *s


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Thread number nine

How are you today anon ?
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I've been having leg and arm pains from instrument practice, and to make things worse I got terrible sleep last night. I guess I'm going to have to take it easy until I go to bed.
I always thought armadillos were interesting, but I live outside of their range and have never got to see one. I don't even recall seeing one in a zoo or anything like that.
Replies: >>10300
Drumming person?

It might help to think of it like an exercise routine.  You could follow it up plenty of hydration and maybe some sorts of protein and carbohydrates etc.
Replies: >>10304
I planted a second terrarium, with actual cacti this time. I've already gotten a tiny red cactus seedling up and maybe a second one too.
Replies: >>10303
Good luck with  your new plants. Do you need to do anything specific to mske sure you don't have too much moisture in there?  Also, how did your spider do?
>Drumming person?
>It might help to think of it like an exercise routine.  You could follow it up plenty of hydration and maybe some sorts of protein and carbohydrates etc.
That's what I plan on doing for the time being. I read that it's best to practice drums eberry second day if you don't want to risk getting carpal tunnel in your hands. Right now I'm just going to put it off for another day. Both my hands and legs feel better, but they still ache. Particularly my legs.

I also practice guitar, and I think doing that regularly before I got the drums kind of set me up for the hand pain.

It's frustrating in that having hand pain stops me from practicing both. It makes me feel unproductive.

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What's your favorite album or song to chill out and listen to in its entirety?
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Not one in particular but the general feel and esthetic.
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I enjoyed these two earlier today. I feel like these albums realy blend their seemingly mismatched influences nicely into something cohessive despite having such a silly presentation. 


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Comf moosics from the jigsaw bread!  :)

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For me, it's schizoid MPB
Replies: >>10301
Strictly speaking, i don't like it as music, but this nonsense puts a smile on my face.   


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share your comfiest desktops here!
(image is not mine)
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Replies: >>10299
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and this one too!
Replies: >>10293 >>10299
>maim -u scrot.png


I like the blanket.  That's bretty comfy.
Replies: >>10297
It's just an app for taking screenshots through the terminal, like xwd or scrot.
Making the terminal look like a notepad is a cute touch anon, berry good!

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Having a cup of tea.
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Morning coffee in the nature :)
Replies: >>10059
Hot choccy rn

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I should order food!
Replies: >>10282
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Tried cold-brewing genmaicha, since we're solidly in the too quacking hot all the time part of the year.  I used about double the amount of tea I normally wood.

The taste is somewhat weak even after steeping for 11 hours or so, but I suspect it'll have the same kick.  Has the same aroma, though without steam you can't really smell it.  Okay result considering that I didn't have to run the kettle.
Did you order food?

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Are there any types of photos or art that remind you of your past? For me, its photos of lonely roads at night lit by street lamps. Growing up, my family took me on road trips across the U.S. and I've lived in a variety suburban neighborhoods, I've seen plenty of empty streets at night. These scenes make me feel at home.
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These are nice images. I've never seen these places, but they have that kind of generic feeling that they could be anywhere.
Replies: >>10250
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That first picture takes me back to the wooden playgrounds I remember as a little kid. There was one just down the road from me in my early childhood. I remember feeling a bit uneasy, like I was afraid it wood give me splinters or something. I remember there was at least one wobbly bridge like this one. Then there were the old-fashioned metal playground slides that could burn you on a hot day.

There were also a couple places I remember that didn't necessarily have the wooden playgrounds, but there were had rocketships that you could climb into. I don't know if either have them had a slide like in the pictures, but either way they were something along the lines of what they show. I also think one might have had a section that was more opaque.

I miss all that stuff. Those playgrounds had real character.
Replies: >>10251 >>10272
At the risk of doxxing myself....Aurora, Illinois in the early 90's.

I wish I were a capital 'T' traveler sometimes. Lots of power, and lots of fun!
Replies: >>10272
Yup. Even McDonalds' don't have playgrounds anymore.
Replies: >>10272
>Aurora, Illinois
I'm >>10230, and the playgrounds I was thinking of were in southern Wisconsin.
Looking at the PlayPlaces now they don't look that impressive, but I really liked exploring the tubes as a kid. I'm not surprised they shut them down though. They must have been a nightmare to keep clean considering how grubby and unhygienic kids can be. I think I might have seen an old employee in one cleaning it out once and yelling at some kids for horsing around, although at the time I thought it was someone's grandma.

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The first thing I do when I get home is to change my clothes for my "home outfit".
This is important for me because it allows me to mark a frontier between the outside world and my comfy den. This is an old habit from a time I was living in a big city and not wanting to bring the outside dirt and sadness inherent in that kind of environment into my home.
Now I live in the country but I have kept this ritual.

What's your favorite "home outfit" /comfy/ ?
I generally put some old jogging pants, old t-shirts or sweaters depending of the season. I also have a warm bathrobe I like wearing after a good shower and staying naked underneath. Also I never wear underpants, they're not comfy for staying at home.
I'm always barefoot, sometimes with socks when I feel a little bit cold.
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Maybe he's Richard Nixon.
Replies: >>8555 >>10071
I promise I'm not xD
In general, people here just put on their pyjamas just before bedtime, or simply go to bed in their underwear. I guess it depends if they're used to showering at the end of the day too?
>it allows me to mark a frontier between the outside world and my comfy den.
Ive never thought about this before, but around 2021 a friend brought it to my attention. I was berry unconcious of my outfit choices and used to wear the same clothes all the time, no matter where I went (this, of course, does not include work). Then I decided to go through all my wardrobe and separate what I wood donate and what I wood keep, then did some research and thrift shopping and got some basic outfits that wood be more suitable (and make me more presentable) to use outside. Right now my official home comfyness outfit is an Adidas sweatpants (theyre quite old, berry loose, the fabric is amazing) and a cotton t-shirt. I usually dont put on underwear while on this pants, which make them great for masturbating too - the contact of the fabric with my genitals is just... Something else! Also, if its too cold I also put a cotton robe on top of that.
If Ricky Nix was alive today, I think he wood post here.
I lost my kimono-styled robe. :C

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That's bretty cool anon.
sorry if this breaks the thread theme a little but, but its super interesting (atleast to me). theres this weird site/artpiece/schizo rambling collection thing called "Spook...."  . i dont think its "real", maybe some sort of early ARG/viral guerrila marketing or just weird art. the way i found it was on an ancient " /x/ creepy stuff iceberg" image, when they used to be good. the guy who did it is this fairly small artist from nyc that has done other art pieces at museums and some stuff online and seems to be active on ig. if you go on it youll understand better but it says that it was started as a project because this guy who ran an artzine back in the late 90s early 00s got a bunch of pings from a military email/ip and decided to track it(? im bad at computers) and it was basically looking at a bunch of schizo conspiracy and alien stuff. mostly alien stuff. it goes seriously deep , you can follow links that go into links for dozens of pages and different sites from back in the old internet. some of the pages are berry shrimple containing just links, some seem to be unrelated govt agencies (like a generic science grant money agency, for example), one page i got had like 20.000 word manifesto of some "alien truth" group called the nexus/nexus 7(???). about 20-25% of the links dont work anymore. artpiece or legitimate, its super creepy/interesting and has a real Deus ex vibe to it. Heres a link to it. browse at your own risk, but i think its safe(?)

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There's apparently a movie about Buzz from Home Alone going on a love quest to win the affections of Condoleezza Rice:
I think it's strange how much he ended up looking like John Candy as an adult considering he was also in Home Alone.
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