There hasn't been a need for that so far, thankfully, i don't think it's a medical condition other than being easily distracted due to the amount of options/hobbies i am currently shuffling.
I don't waste too much time with that but it is almost daily, no more than 20 minutes AFAIK
>screen time
Too much but i want it to be productive
>diet and exercise
A lot has habbened since my last post, wanted to do it monthly but so far i went with a couple of friends to the gym but it's been hell, those guys are /fit/hobs who also take mild gear and i cannot keep up entirely with their 3+ hour routines without feeling like a wreck after, also too much people due to New Year's and got sick from a virus/fever caca that's been in the air.
I've gotten thinner via suffering rather than exercise.