/comfy/ - A place to relax

Pleasant things... And jigsaw puzzles :)

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Welcome back to /comfy/ Anon :)
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What's your favorite album or song to chill out and listen to in its entirety?
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If you enjoy the sound of leaves being blown in the wind, you'll like this.

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A trailer for an album I thought you guys would like.

You can feel the love he has for old videogame music, and how at home these songs would feel in in-game scenes that their titles describe, which I've poorly translated:

>1. The tree-scented city
>2. Wind over the grassy field
>3. Gloomy mountain pass
>4. Floating historical ruins
>5. Snowy village

Replies: >>9449
Reminds me the old point & clicks from my childhood :)
Replies: >>9456
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Such as?  I only played the Sierra games which had some bangin' choons.
Replies: >>9458
Not one in particular but the general feel and esthetic.

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Baking, brewing, and cooking are berry important hearth-building and health-building skills. They are a surefire way to make yourself /comfy/, Anon! What are you baking, brewing, or cooking at the moment? How is it coming out? What will you be trying next time? Is there anything you'd like to try improving? Is there something you'd like to learn? Maybe you have something you'd like to teach us? I tried some old things and new things today! Pics related are: >the bread I made earlier today; a shrimple white cobb loaf. This was the first time I was just able to make it from memory. It felt great to be able to just reach for the ingredients and go through the motions. As luck wood have it, the prove went well and the slashes formed up beautifully. I was worried that the crumb inside wood be a little wet but it turned out berry nice with a good chewy crust. The loaf is wrapped in beeswax cloth now so I can eat it over the week. I'm considering getting a sourdough starter going but I don't know if I'm good enough to handle it yet. >my first attempt at glazing carrots Apparently glazing (which I have found out is different from caramelising) is a basic technique that even professionals find difficult to get perfect eberry time. I think my first attempt here had just a touch too little water and a touch too little sugar, though I reckon I got the butter correct. See how the finished carrots don't have an even glaze? They still tasted berry good with some parsley and finishing 
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Went to Whole Foods to get lamb because The Mart didn't have any. Never going back, I felt like a soyboy hipster the whole time. Just stay with your local Mart or find an independent farm/butcher that has the meat you need.
Made a lamb lasagna, making the ragu was bretty straightforward but cooking the lasagna noodles was berry tedious, they kept sticking together and I ran out of counter space to dry them off before baking it. But in the end it turned out berry berry good, could definitely taste the half-bottle of wine it called for. If you have two hours to kill I'd recommend making it.
Replies: >>7742
Sounds a nice but a bit difficult thing to cook, I will try it but with beef in place because I don't like the taste of the lamb meat.

Sunday I cooked another pot of chicken mafé (a peanut butter based sauce from Mali) but I was not really satisfied so today I bought some raisins and will add some broth and more pepper into it.

I still have to bae a tatin but I wait a special occasion that may come sooner for that :)
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Some couscous on the run :)
Replies: >>9438
Couscous was good, I've got some leftovers for my weekend at work.

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Post here when you visit /comfy/
Thread #8
Comfy UFOs and Wintertime Edition
Prervious >>5351
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Added santorini4 :)
Replies: >>9399 >>9411
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Did someone say Santorini?
And then there are guys are who have no fashion but will dress in shorts in winter anyways.
I prefer the one on the left. The text blends into the background enough while still being distinct, it's a nice touch! The one on the right is just hard to read.
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Some more views.


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What are some comfy things you remember seeing online a long time ago?

I randomly remembered this image, have you seen it before? Do you know what platform it was posted on and the significance of it?
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The old Barbie.com when it had games, flash, and stuff like that.
Probably old Machinima like Arby n the Chief.
Desktop rice before the days of i3-gaps and neon color schemes. Blackbox and its forks were my favorites, and there were even ports to Windows that let me join in on the fun without jumping to Linux. Windows rice in general was at its peak too with all kinds of shell replacements and widgets.

Also old con photos. I remember being in my teens, seeing all those fun meetups like the ones 4chan used to do at Otakon, and thinking to myself "man I can't wait until I'm on my own and have money so I can do stuff like this". But by the time I got a decent job and moved out, they apparently became highly corporate, political, and overall uncomfy. Plus I'd probably be a fish out of water since I don't care for modern games or anime, just stuff from the 00s and before.

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ITT we make create our own comfy adventures
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Here is "new cyoa", I helped make a few years ago. Enjoy
Replies: >>7979 >>8381 >>9307
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This might be my new favorite
Replies: >>8015
Yeah its a good one. I always go for the Barry bonds upgrade route
Bumping this completely batshit crazy cyoa
How much is 12.7% has anyone counted?

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Tell me a short story from your life.
Anything mundane, exciting, nostalgia, emotional. Literally anything as long as it's a vaguely happy one.
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Replies: >>7780 >>9139 + 3 earlier
Don't know why but I have industrial England landscapes images coming to mind when reading this, like a Ken Loach's movie scenes.
Heartwarming :)
>>1133 (OP) 
Met a girl after lot of nice online chatting, was so tired because of a sleepless night so she invited me to take a nap with her. It was so sweet and comfy.
>be me
>married to amazing women
>used to be internet addict
>hide it from her before marriage
>all came out while on vacation
>had to explain insane discord images and why I used it so much
>realize there is so much more to life than internet
>quit almost eberrything internet related
>still miss comfy and lonely nights online sometimes

Can't tell if it's just remnants of addiction or what. But now I'm working nights again and miss browsing imageboards and discord bros. We had a lock on the obscure gaming niche.
Replies: >>7996
One day, I walked into a snack bar, thinking I had some extra change to spend. As I entered, I asked for a croquette and when I pulled my out wallet I noticed that I didn't have enough coins. Just then, a little old lady eating at the back of the snack bar tells the attendant to put the croquette on her tab. I got my croquette and thanked her for her generosity. It was a berry small act, but I still feel warm inside when I remember that day.
Replies: >>7996
Good luck Anon. I'd suggest you go all in with your wifey, since you're already committed there.

That's a kind story. Good for her.
>>1133 (OP) 

At one time I had the opportunity to serve in the Russian army, then I defended my PhD thesis and now I work in science and also teach at a university. Many of my colleagues are very surprised when they learn about my military background, because in Russia scientists are exempt from military recruitment.

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Post your comfiest webms, mp4s and others.
OCs welcome.
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I understand, despite feeling a bit weird there is a strong dreamy vibe in this video.
>Sorry if it wasn't comfy
It is ! Just that delicate creepy comfy vibe like being lost in a weird dream. Also the Ballad of Fallen Angels really fits it.
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Replies: >>9000 >>9001
berry nice
$ P 0 n g 3 VV a v 3
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Your board is cordially invited to participate in a SOKUNIGGER TOURNAMENT. Enter to compete for glory for yourself and your board.

TOURNAMENT STARTS AT MARCH 23RD, 8PM UTC https://time.is/UTC https://prolikewoah.com/t/20240323T20

MAIN THREAD: https://zzzchan.xyz/japan/thread/11497.html
BRACKETS LINK: https://challonge.com/SOKUAWAKENING
SIGN UP FOR THE TOURNEY HERE: https://challonge.com/tournaments/signup/KS4EWGAMZL#/signup/r6sdsoi3ztc
STREAM LINK (when the tourney starts): https://cytu.be/r/touhourney

For those that do not want to register manually, post the name that you are signing up with in the main thread. It will be added to the brackets.

Hisoutensoku is an expansion to Touhou 10.5 SWR and is a multiplayer fighting game made by Tasofro with ZUN's approval. It's easy to learn, hard to master battle system makes for fun and fast paced matches with counterhits often launching girls across the screen. Very fast when played right. As a P2P game, game hosts must forward ports in order to play it or use specific workarounds.


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-If final player count is below 26 players, the event will be a Best of 3, Double Elimination contest. Otherwise, it will be a Best of 3, Single Elimination contest.
-Use autopunch as a host when forwarding ports is impossible. Try to mention that it's used in the thread in case of connection failures - for some players, autopunch may simply not work. Link for non-modpack games here - https://github.com/delthas/autopunch
-Streamer is likely to be autistic, please put up with him.
-Take it easy.


From previous tournaments, there are some things that we've learned regarding the setup. Therefore, all participants are asked to get a couple things ready for when something inevitably goes wrong.


As spectating is unreliable at best, it's best to automatically save replays (enable in options). After the match, one of the players must upload the replays (found in Hisoutensoku\replay) and then give strmfag the link. This will let everyone see your matches on strm.

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Please enjoy the prestream. Tournament starts in approximately 1 hour. We apologize for the delay - and hope you have fun playing!
Tourney's over and Az (Sakuya) won! Congratulations!

Consider practicing more on our board!

Tell me your dreams, I can do an analysis on them
Replies: >>8572
>>8571 (OP) 
A couple of weeks ago I had a dream where I found a bug in a code I wrote years ago. When I woke up I immediately went to check it, and the bug was indeed there.
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I used to record my dreams and analyze them myself, but I started on medication not too long ago which seems to make them all nightmares. So I try my best to forget them these days.

The last one I remember was me in a room with my father. He was training me to throw better, but I wasn't sure why. He kept on getting me to drill this one particular motion, where I was to throw an object out of a window in my old house I lived at as a kid and let it get lost in the bushes. Later the police arrived and he gave me the object to throw as they entered my house. In that moment I realize he wanted me to hide evidence, probably drugs. I felt disappointed in him, and as if I had never really known him at all.

This is a weird one considering that I don't get on with my father, and he is maybe the person most opposed to drug use in my life. Not that I even do anything beyond weed myself, and that's only about twice a year.
>Driving with brother in law in some open top car, like a weird convertible
>I'm in a kitchen and I have a kid
>Some other kid comes in and does something mean to my kid
>I crouch down and calmly tell the kid off and he starts crying and swinging his legs about
>Tell him if he kicks me that he'll have to leave
>He does it anyway

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Lets create and share /comfy/ banners.
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The idea is good but unfortunately the uri is almost unreadable.
>That might work.
I'm thinking the Spleen font would do a great job. Hope I can found some time tonight to try something.
Replies: >>8616 >>8618
>unfortunately the uri is almost unreadable.
Yeah I was afraid of that.
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A couple more attempts but I really want to see your version because I'm at about the limit of what my graphic editors can do right now. I can already tell that second one is just way too small.
Replies: >>8619 >>8623
The first one is far way better than >>8613 in readability
For now I added the first one, honestly it's a good one. Maybe someone will try to do better. Lets see :)

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