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Welcome back to /comfy/ Anon :)
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The first thing I do when I get home is to change my clothes for my "home outfit".
This is important for me because it allows me to mark a frontier between the outside world and my comfy den. This is an old habit from a time I was living in a big city and not wanting to bring the outside dirt and sadness inherent in that kind of environment into my home.
Now I live in the country but I have kept this ritual.

What's your favorite "home outfit" /comfy/ ?
I generally put some old jogging pants, old t-shirts or sweaters depending of the season. I also have a warm bathrobe I like wearing after a good shower and staying naked underneath. Also I never wear underpants, they're not comfy for staying at home.
I'm always barefoot, sometimes with socks when I feel a little bit cold.
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Replies: >>10499 + 2 earlier
If Ricky Nix was alive today, I think he wood post here.
I lost my kimono-styled robe. :C
>>606 (OP) 
I like being naked as much as reasonably possible. Nothing like a fresh spring breeze on the goochal area.
Replies: >>10510
Been doing this myself now that I work from home and it's been yet another hot summer. I'm surprised at how comfortable it is, at first I did it just to save some money on the AC but I thought it was going to feel awkward or something. It hasn't at all. In fact I feel more awkward with clothes now.
I always switch to pajamas at home, or soft comfy shorts if it's hot.

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Having a cup of tea.
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Think so. Gonna do it again.
Replies: >>10419
I hated it, but it's hard to qualify why exactly.  Probably better with sencha instead of genmaicha, and I probably oversteeped.
Replies: >>10460
What did you get? How was it?
Why not brew it normaly and then cool it?
Replies: >>10462
When it's stupidly hot outside, I don't want to run the kettle and then leave boiling hot water on the counter.  Or worse, put it in the fridge.

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‘’’Book thread!’’’ Anon, what is the best book you have ever read? Why do you like it? Has it changed the way you view the world?
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For children's books, I will have to go with 'The Little Prince'. 'The Secret Garden' is a close second. Both are berry beautiful philosophical pieces that you enjoy as a child and truly appreciate as an adult. I heard that 'Night on the Galactic Railroad' was another good one, and I watched the anime movie featuring the two cats but not the novel (Movies don't count). It's something on my to-do list once my Japanese improves.
Now, as for literature aimed at an older audience, one of my favorites has to be 'The Confederacy of Dunces'. As a short summary, you may as well call it 'Anon's Eberryday Life' (And yes, my phrasing of the summary is a reference to that guro manga). I was told to read 'Don Quixote' next so that'll be my next stop.
'The Brothers Karamazov' is also one that I have read a bit of and have yet to finish, but already I am enjoying it immensely. Dostoevsky has so far touched my heart with what I've read from him, and that is rare. People make fun of his prose but he enriches the heart, right down to its core.
Now this next book, 'Memories of My Melancholy Whores' isn't a contender for my best book but I mention it because I hear so little of it. It's by the same man who wrote 'One Hundred Years of Solitude' and the prose (well, the english translated prose by Edith Grossman) was berry bretty. Subject matter is somewhat similar to Lolita, take that as you will. I find it funny how two books about older men taking advantage of young girls can have such wonde
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I picked up The Count of Monte Cristo recently and am enthralled.

France in the 1810s or so.  Napoleon's era seems to have ended, but he's still around.  A 19 year old gigachad is thrown into a gulag on behalf of a member of a managerial class and other lowlives who are mostly lashing out at a better man out of ressentiment.

The description of such banal evil, and of this guy languishing in a hole without trial made me think ah caca, this is too real, but I don't think this is going to be 117 chapters about how eberrything is terrible and only gets worse over time.

I'm hoping for some Ulysses returns home levels of bloody vengeance, but I'll just have to find out.  I don't want spoilers, obviously.
Replies: >>10125
No spoilers but I heard that book was awesome. Not a revenge type of guy, but that's something I really want to check out.
Replies: >>10128
It had my interest up until chapter 12.  Then it also had my admiration.
I'm not this anon >>10089 but I just finished Brave New World. I won't make a super long analysis on it but I will make a small note on how I really enjoyed John and Bernard's characters.
I think failed-pedestrian is the perfect way to describe Bernard. He's one of those guys who loathes society, in the guise of how they hate the way it functions, but really it's because they aren't able to reap the benefits of it in the way others can. I find it entertaining how quickly he changes the moment he reaches a higher status among his peers. It's really pathetic but berry human, and I'm glad we were able to have him as our protag for the first couple of chapters.
John was an extremely personal and tragic character. He truly belonged no where, a true outcast of society, and because he lamented being alone, he eventually gave in to pressure and betrayed his morals and his philosophy in the end. And when he truly realized the extent of what he had done, he couldn't bare himself any more. To live was to go against all in what he believed in, to live was to be a hypocrite. What I found interesting is that the author later wanted to give John another ending, I wonder how that wood have tied into the story.
There's so much to say about both of these characters but I'm not going to make my post too long, but to different extents I related to them, so that's why I made 
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Are there any types of photos or art that remind you of your past? For me, its photos of lonely roads at night lit by street lamps. Growing up, my family took me on road trips across the U.S. and I've lived in a variety suburban neighborhoods, I've seen plenty of empty streets at night. These scenes make me feel at home.
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These are nice images. I've never seen these places, but they have that kind of generic feeling that they could be anywhere.
Replies: >>10250
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That first picture takes me back to the wooden playgrounds I remember as a little kid. There was one just down the road from me in my early childhood. I remember feeling a bit uneasy, like I was afraid it wood give me splinters or something. I remember there was at least one wobbly bridge like this one. Then there were the old-fashioned metal playground slides that could burn you on a hot day.

There were also a couple places I remember that didn't necessarily have the wooden playgrounds, but there were had rocketships that you could climb into. I don't know if either have them had a slide like in the pictures, but either way they were something along the lines of what they show. I also think one might have had a section that was more opaque.

I miss all that stuff. Those playgrounds had real character.
Replies: >>10251 >>10272
At the risk of doxxing myself....Aurora, Illinois in the early 90's.

I wish I were a capital 'T' traveler sometimes. Lots of power, and lots of fun!
Replies: >>10272
Yup. Even McDonalds' don't have playgrounds anymore.
Replies: >>10272
>Aurora, Illinois
I'm >>10230, and the playgrounds I was thinking of were in southern Wisconsin.
Looking at the PlayPlaces now they don't look that impressive, but I really liked exploring the tubes as a kid. I'm not surprised they shut them down though. They must have been a nightmare to keep clean considering how grubby and unhygienic kids can be. I think I might have seen an old employee in one cleaning it out once and yelling at some kids for horsing around, although at the time I thought it was someone's grandma.

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That's bretty cool anon.
sorry if this breaks the thread theme a little but, but its super interesting (atleast to me). theres this weird site/artpiece/schizo rambling collection thing called "Spook...."  . i dont think its "real", maybe some sort of early ARG/viral guerrila marketing or just weird art. the way i found it was on an ancient " /x/ creepy stuff iceberg" image, when they used to be good. the guy who did it is this fairly small artist from nyc that has done other art pieces at museums and some stuff online and seems to be active on ig. if you go on it youll understand better but it says that it was started as a project because this guy who ran an artzine back in the late 90s early 00s got a bunch of pings from a military email/ip and decided to track it(? im bad at computers) and it was basically looking at a bunch of schizo conspiracy and alien stuff. mostly alien stuff. it goes seriously deep , you can follow links that go into links for dozens of pages and different sites from back in the old internet. some of the pages are berry shrimple containing just links, some seem to be unrelated govt agencies (like a generic science grant money agency, for example), one page i got had like 20.000 word manifesto of some "alien truth" group called the nexus/nexus 7(???). about 20-25% of the links dont work anymore. artpiece or legitimate, its super creepy/interesting and has a real Deus ex vibe to it. Heres a link to it. browse at your own risk, but i think its safe(?)

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There's apparently a movie about Buzz from Home Alone going on a love quest to win the affections of Condoleezza Rice:
I think it's strange how much he ended up looking like John Candy as an adult considering he was also in Home Alone.
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What's you favorite season anon?
I usually love autumn for the melancholy feels and the smell of the forests under the rain.
Winter is really nice if you have a warm and comfy place to spend time in. I like being outside for long walks in the cold night tho, especially if there is snow.
Spring is pleasant, lot of flowers and nice perfumes in the nature. I can feel deep into my soul and my body the rebirth of the nature.
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Replies: >>7792 + 2 earlier
>>23 (OP) 
That was wonderful. Thanks to whoever OG OP who posted this back in the day.

I used to love Winter snow, but I hate to admit it, but I'm starting to prefer Summer now. But nothing beats a crisp Autumn day meandering throught changing leaves of the woods. OTOH, what can compare to Spring's eternal call to clear skies and renewal?
Don't make me choose, Anon!  :)

'You can do it Anon
May you warm & snug today.
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If you could add a season in Earth and make it in any way you want, what wood it be like?
Replies: >>10116
I love the autumn and winter. As a kid I loved the summer but it's been so hot recently. For me, there is nothing better than listening to the quietness of the leaves falling or the fresh snow in the winter. It's so nice to get chilly and then go inside to cuddle up and get comfy with some tea or coffee.
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>If you could add a season in Earth and make it in any way you want, what wood it be like?
You mean even including impossible fantasy scenarios? It wood be interesting if there was a season that had the appearance of winter but was warm instead. I can definitely see the beauty in snowy winters but can't handle the cold in the last.

My dream season wood be like the warmest part of summer with the greenery and all the flowering plant life of late spring. Dandelions, for example, woodn't have to turn into ugly puff balls as part of their life cycle. There wood be the occasional warm rain, but otherwise it wood almost always be sunny without the vegetation getting scorched.
i like winter the most because im a big fan of the snow

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Heya /comfy/. I want to hear your discoveries and experiences on the numerous adjustments you made to your life to make it as comfy as it can be. It can even be plans for future comfiness. I want to see it all. It doesn't even matter if someone else posted about a similar experience. I want to read as much as you feel comfortable sharing. It doesn't matter how small, since even the smallest change can yield a net positive.

Sometimes, I just become too complacent in uncomfy stuff and assume it can't be helped until I see someone set an example. I have difficulty letting myself be comfy due to personal reasons and as a consequence, I do nothing.

Being comfy isn't just about doing nothing, but it's also about going out of your way to do stuff to be comfy. I'd love for this thread to be a helpful resource into achieving the comfy mindset and serve as a source of inspiration, so share away!

To start, here's a bunch of experiences that I'd like to share.

I always liked Logitech keyboards, but the keycaps they come with are pretty shoddy. The letters washed off when I cleaned them. They even peeled away and stuck to my fingers after some light use. To top it off, I'd have to fork over more money for replacements that likely would do the same. It always stressed me out. I did a little investigation and found out that there are different types of materials used for keycaps. ABS, PBT, and pudding keycaps from what I remember. 90% of keyboards these days come with ABS keycaps and Logitech was no different. Basically, ABS keycaps are the cheapest type and they're thinner, but they're decently quiet for typing. PBT keycaps usually have better ink and sometimes even letters engraved into the material, but they're thicker which means they might produce a heavier thonk sound when you type on them. Pudding keycaps are the best of PBT and ABS combined, in my opinion. The very top is PBT which makes it very durable, and the letters don't get worn off, but the sides are ABS and not inked, which still keeps the quieter typing experience of an ABS keycap. Now, most Logitech keyboards have their unique switches that the keycaps would have to be attached to, and finding keycaps for those switches is a bit tricky, but I was able to find a keyboard from them that used those common cherry switches. I ordered that one and some pudding keycaps in my favorite colors and voila, I now have a comfy keyboard that looks aesthetically pleasing, functions well, doesn't feel greasy after a day, and doesn't fall apart after some soap and water!

Regarding outfits, I decided to embrace wearing oversized sweatshirts about 2 sizes bigger than what I am. For both loungewear and when I'm out and about. Since I like to present myself as a bit dressier nowadays, I just toss a plain-colored collared dress shirt underneath it and I get the style and comfiness all at the same time. The oversized nature of each sweatshirt is perfectly comfortable enough to lounge around in on its own. I can tuck my knees under it to keep my legs warm. It's also big enough to be thrown over some actual clothes without feeling a bit tight. They add an accent color to my outfits since I wear mostly black and white, and it also generally gives me an excuse to wear some vibrant, yet soothing colors I love without it being too much. Efficiency!

And the last one for now since I'd like to avoid blogposting: Shaving is no longer something I loathe. I thought my skin was just extra sensitive to shaving, so I just lived with razor bumps, nicks, redness from irritation, etc. Turns out, I wasn't preparing myself for a shave as well as I should've been. I thought just shaving wet in the shower was enough. I picked up a much newer safety razor that was appraised for being gentle to sensitive skin, switched over to a different brand of razor blades, and started using actual shave butter instead of using my 2-in-1 shampoo as a substitute. My eyes no longer burn and turn red from the 2-in-1 and to top it off, shaving has never been faster and more therapeutic. Most importantly, it's now a comfy experience.

I do have plans to pick up one of those scented shower steamers so shaving and showering is even more comfy. I think I'll try those out sometime next month and give an update here, and maybe ramble some more about more of my experiences after I read some posts.
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Sometimes I'm just going about my night while banning the thoughts (I wish it was as simple as flipping a switch, but at times it requires consistent effort) and sometimes it is full-on meditation. For me, meditation is generally devoting your full attention to your thoughts and feelings for a time (I say "for me" because the term 'meditation' has a vague definition these days). It creates an opening to eliminate confusion of what I'm thinking and feeling, just by getting in touch with what I'm thinking and feeling. When I can finally see what I'm thinking and feeling, I can instigate the causes, and question if my thoughts and feelings actually have any truth to them.

This meditation is a process of creating a window into your mind to see what's going on, as a means to take control, as you say. I hope you do find some peace of mind.
I mostly do low effort snacks.  I like meat snacks like jerky or salami. Salami can be a bit oily but toothpicks ore something could help keep your fingers clean.

I also like instant soup packets you mix into water.  Miso ones are generaly my favorite.
One thing that took the comfiness of my bedroom (where I spent 90% of my time) to another level is using indirect, warm light. I always hated those white LED lamps on the roof which make my place look like a quacking clinic, so I bought an adjustable table lamp with a yellow, warm lightbulb and put it on my working desk. It`s just so more intimate and cozy!
Replies: >>10023 >>10060
True a nice, warm and gentle lightning plays a lot on the comfyness of a room.
I usually do the same, just turning on a little lamp in a corner of my room, far from wher I need to be and it's nice.
Replies: >>10060
Staying hydrated is huge for staying comfy, so is having good cardio. I've been slacking on both, but I'm trying to do better.

My old light bulb in my bedroom burnt out. So I have replaced it with one that is dimmable by remote and can change heat temperature, which allegedly can make for better reading.

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Replies: >>9987 + 4 earlier
what the heck this is an almost year old thread lol
Replies: >>7052
Eh, I guess it's never too late to wish an happy birthday XD
Replies: >>7054
Its anon's birthday & 2/3rds!
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>>4118 (OP) 
Huh? Habby brithdwy!
Habby birthday, my dearest anon!!

May you have many auspicious and fulfilling years ahead of you.

What are some activities that you find are good for late at night? I find loneliness hard to keep at bay and thus difficult to relax.
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Replies: >>5014 + 3 earlier
bit of a goofy video, but the song itself is nice and right on-topic.
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>>4999 (OP) 
Just an idea for a late activity : >>>/late/125
smoke a joint and listening music or reading a book.
I envy you, anon. Unfortunately I can`t see neither the sunrise or the sundown from my windows.
I have an old radio which I bought on Craigslist awhile ago. Restored it, gave it a cleanup and it works just fine. Sometimes I just turn all my screens off and choose a random station playing calm music... And just listen to it, maybe drinking some coke and slowly smoking some cigarettes. Yes, this does it for me.

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confess your sins anons
Replies: >>9998
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>>9997 (OP) 
once gave a homeless man a fake 20 dollar bill.

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