/comfy/ - A place to relax

Home of comfyness and jigsaw puzzles :)

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Welcome back to /comfy/ Anon :)
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There is nothing more comfy than midnight coffee with a light snack during some nightly watching or playing. I prefer quick sandwiches so it's usually honeyed and buttered toast, PB&J/PB&H, or bean toast.
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Does it taste any good, I like black coffee and black tea, wood you suggest I try it?
looking for a good but fairly cheap whiskey/scotch, i really like chivas but im not comfortable with spending $40+ a bottle that won't last a week. elijah craig is really good but local liquor store doesn't have it
Replies: >>9641

If you are looking for a 1.75L bottle for less than $40, I would sugest Cutty Sark or any of the widely available cheap bourbons like Jim Beam.  I don't iamagine anything in theat price range is going to be great.  I've probably become too snobbish in my whiskey taste over the years.  What sort of flavor are you seeking in a whiskey?
I usually have two or three at once.
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having some wine and peanuts

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Post here when you visit /comfy/
Thread #8
Comfy UFOs and Wintertime Edition
Prervious >>5351
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Added santorini4 :)
Replies: >>9399 >>9411
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Did someone say Santorini?
And then there are guys are who have no fashion but will dress in shorts in winter anyways.
I prefer the one on the left. The text blends into the background enough while still being distinct, it's a nice touch! The one on the right is just hard to read.
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Some more views.


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What are some comfy things you remember seeing online a long time ago?

I randomly remembered this image, have you seen it before? Do you know what platform it was posted on and the significance of it?
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The old Barbie.com when it had games, flash, and stuff like that.
Probably old Machinima like Arby n the Chief.
Desktop rice before the days of i3-gaps and neon color schemes. Blackbox and its forks were my favorites, and there were even ports to Windows that let me join in on the fun without jumping to Linux. Windows rice in general was at its peak too with all kinds of shell replacements and widgets.

Also old con photos. I remember being in my teens, seeing all those fun meetups like the ones 4chan used to do at Otakon, and thinking to myself "man I can't wait until I'm on my own and have money so I can do stuff like this". But by the time I got a decent job and moved out, they apparently became highly corporate, political, and overall uncomfy. Plus I'd probably be a fish out of water since I don't care for modern games or anime, just stuff from the 00s and before.

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ITT we make create our own comfy adventures
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Here is "new cyoa", I helped make a few years ago. Enjoy
Replies: >>7979 >>8381 >>9307
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This might be my new favorite
Replies: >>8015
Yeah its a good one. I always go for the Barry bonds upgrade route
Bumping this completely batshit crazy cyoa
How much is 12.7% has anyone counted?

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Your board is cordially invited to participate in a SOKUNIGGER TOURNAMENT. Enter to compete for glory for yourself and your board.

TOURNAMENT STARTS AT MARCH 23RD, 8PM UTC https://time.is/UTC https://prolikewoah.com/t/20240323T20

MAIN THREAD: https://zzzchan.xyz/japan/thread/11497.html
BRACKETS LINK: https://challonge.com/SOKUAWAKENING
SIGN UP FOR THE TOURNEY HERE: https://challonge.com/tournaments/signup/KS4EWGAMZL#/signup/r6sdsoi3ztc
STREAM LINK (when the tourney starts): https://cytu.be/r/touhourney

For those that do not want to register manually, post the name that you are signing up with in the main thread. It will be added to the brackets.

Hisoutensoku is an expansion to Touhou 10.5 SWR and is a multiplayer fighting game made by Tasofro with ZUN's approval. It's easy to learn, hard to master battle system makes for fun and fast paced matches with counterhits often launching girls across the screen. Very fast when played right. As a P2P game, game hosts must forward ports in order to play it or use specific workarounds.


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-If final player count is below 26 players, the event will be a Best of 3, Double Elimination contest. Otherwise, it will be a Best of 3, Single Elimination contest.
-Use autopunch as a host when forwarding ports is impossible. Try to mention that it's used in the thread in case of connection failures - for some players, autopunch may simply not work. Link for non-modpack games here - https://github.com/delthas/autopunch
-Streamer is likely to be autistic, please put up with him.
-Take it easy.


From previous tournaments, there are some things that we've learned regarding the setup. Therefore, all participants are asked to get a couple things ready for when something inevitably goes wrong.


As spectating is unreliable at best, it's best to automatically save replays (enable in options). After the match, one of the players must upload the replays (found in Hisoutensoku\replay) and then give strmfag the link. This will let everyone see your matches on strm.

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Please enjoy the prestream. Tournament starts in approximately 1 hour. We apologize for the delay - and hope you have fun playing!
Tourney's over and Az (Sakuya) won! Congratulations!

Consider practicing more on our board!

Tell me your dreams, I can do an analysis on them
Replies: >>8572
>>8571 (OP) 
A couple of weeks ago I had a dream where I found a bug in a code I wrote years ago. When I woke up I immediately went to check it, and the bug was indeed there.
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I used to record my dreams and analyze them myself, but I started on medication not too long ago which seems to make them all nightmares. So I try my best to forget them these days.

The last one I remember was me in a room with my father. He was training me to throw better, but I wasn't sure why. He kept on getting me to drill this one particular motion, where I was to throw an object out of a window in my old house I lived at as a kid and let it get lost in the bushes. Later the police arrived and he gave me the object to throw as they entered my house. In that moment I realize he wanted me to hide evidence, probably drugs. I felt disappointed in him, and as if I had never really known him at all.

This is a weird one considering that I don't get on with my father, and he is maybe the person most opposed to drug use in my life. Not that I even do anything beyond weed myself, and that's only about twice a year.
>Driving with brother in law in some open top car, like a weird convertible
>I'm in a kitchen and I have a kid
>Some other kid comes in and does something mean to my kid
>I crouch down and calmly tell the kid off and he starts crying and swinging his legs about
>Tell him if he kicks me that he'll have to leave
>He does it anyway

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Replies: >>8489
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>>8486 (OP) 
Hi there.

How are you ?

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...what a month, huh?
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Replies: >>6820 + 1 earlier
What a life my guys.
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>>6802 (OP) 
Yeah, what a month...
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Replies: >>6866
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Uncle Bob and Mr. Rogers are two of my favorites.
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Yeah, it's been a tiring few years, but the only refuge we have is in what's constant, certain, never changing; joy comes from finding an oasis that never changes, I hope you find that temporary bliss again anon

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do you have a comfy room 
what makes a room comfy 
how do i make my room comfy
also post comfy spaces
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I prefer the look of the more minimalistic ones, but they woodn't work for me. I've got too much stuff and not enough room to to put it.
this thread is making me want to get a wooden desk, anyone know some decent ones?
Replies: >>8033
Go antique-ing, estate sales, flea markets, wherever you can go to buy furniture older then you. Because modern equivalents are not as good as the ones that have weathered generations.
Isn't Amish furniture supposed to be good?
Replies: >>8253
It is. 

So are their straw hats.

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Lived long enough in spartan conditions to know that I'm quite ready and able to do it. I've done my stay in a cot on a navy boat down through the Suez and back a dozen times, living out of a cramped 1x3' locker for 9 months at a time. No man truly needs significant space. If you have room to lift your body with your limbs and to cook, you have enough space.
>It's time I hit the open road, boys
I saved up for a year so I don't have to finance anything. It's time to buy the van. I've got a few prospects in mind that I've been scouting out for half a year. One specific pre-built that has all my needs and wants covered. I do want to custom build one day, but today is not that day. Next year or the one after, maybe. More saving!
I'm pretty aware of the trials and tribulations of van life. I camp a lot already and again there was the military on various boats small and large. I am berry averse to staying in one place for too long and I can't really see myself continuing to rent. I don't know what I want off this post other than to give my friends something to talk about for awhile on a cozy night, but if there's any full timer's out there please respond. Anyone less active in their travels are welcome as well! Let's talk the outdoors and alternate lifestyles.
By the way, I'm going full in on an E-350 with an extendable top so I can actually stand my 6' tall self up in there!

Anyone got a good cassette toilet recommendation?
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> I am looking for a truck now.
I hope you find the perfect one you want Anon. If money is little object, why not have a brand new rig built by one of those custom shops?

Any ideas where you want to roam about? I'd like to go up into the great Northwest of the NA continent, and work remotely from wherever I'm at.

>I've been wanting a truck camper since 1999 when I saw one in x-men.
Wolverine was always my favorite of that series FWIW.
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>yfw you identify as an attack helicamper

I hope things are going well with you OP. Please keep us all up to date with your doings! Cheers.  :)
I hope OP comes back in time to find our new Tchan home.
Replies: >>8207

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