/comfy/ - A place to relax

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Welcome back to /comfy/ Anon :)
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Lets create and share /comfy/ banners.
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The idea is good but unfortunately the uri is almost unreadable.
>That might work.
I'm thinking the Spleen font would do a great job. Hope I can found some time tonight to try something.
Replies: >>8616 >>8618
>unfortunately the uri is almost unreadable.
Yeah I was afraid of that.
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A couple more attempts but I really want to see your version because I'm at about the limit of what my graphic editors can do right now. I can already tell that second one is just way too small.
Replies: >>8619 >>8623
The first one is far way better than >>8613 in readability
For now I added the first one, honestly it's a good one. Maybe someone will try to do better. Lets see :)

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Getting ready for my final exam! How do you all relax after a busy week or day?
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>tiles with tiny bowls so that the animals can quench their thirst
Nice, I don't remember having seen those in Bulgaria but I will look closely next time I visit. I'll ask my gf which went to Turkey if she's aware of that, I'm sure she'll enjoy the idea :)

I'm still thinking about leaving [current country] to go in Bulgaria as I fell so in love with this country and things here tend to go worse everyday and we no longer even have the pleasure of dreaming of a serene future. Also I'm getting sicker and sicker about my compatriots.
I basically just change out of my work clothes and sit down at the computer for the rest of the night . I'm pretty much stay there other than eating or going to the bathroom until I'm ready for bed. I like to have some baked sweets late at night too on occasion.
chocolate, food, quality time on the computer and mostly opioids of all kind
Replies: >>8582
I had a "fantastic" team building today. It was airsoft. My comfy level is at negative infinity. Send help!
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I had very comfy times when I was into this myself.
And really uncomfy ones to :(
Glad I've weaned myself off :)

Be careful with opiates anon.

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Replies: >>8489
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>>8486 (OP) 
Hi there.

How are you ?

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...what a month, huh?
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Replies: >>6820 + 1 earlier
What a life my guys.
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>>6802 (OP) 
Yeah, what a month...
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Replies: >>6866
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Uncle Bob and Mr. Rogers are two of my favorites.
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Yeah, it's been a tiring few years, but the only refuge we have is in what's constant, certain, never changing; joy comes from finding an oasis that never changes, I hope you find that temporary bliss again anon

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do you have a comfy room 
what makes a room comfy 
how do i make my room comfy
also post comfy spaces
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I prefer the look of the more minimalistic ones, but they woodn't work for me. I've got too much stuff and not enough room to to put it.
this thread is making me want to get a wooden desk, anyone know some decent ones?
Replies: >>8033
Go antique-ing, estate sales, flea markets, wherever you can go to buy furniture older then you. Because modern equivalents are not as good as the ones that have weathered generations.
Isn't Amish furniture supposed to be good?
Replies: >>8253
It is. 

So are their straw hats.

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Lived long enough in spartan conditions to know that I'm quite ready and able to do it. I've done my stay in a cot on a navy boat down through the Suez and back a dozen times, living out of a cramped 1x3' locker for 9 months at a time. No man truly needs significant space. If you have room to lift your body with your limbs and to cook, you have enough space.
>It's time I hit the open road, boys
I saved up for a year so I don't have to finance anything. It's time to buy the van. I've got a few prospects in mind that I've been scouting out for half a year. One specific pre-built that has all my needs and wants covered. I do want to custom build one day, but today is not that day. Next year or the one after, maybe. More saving!
I'm pretty aware of the trials and tribulations of van life. I camp a lot already and again there was the military on various boats small and large. I am berry averse to staying in one place for too long and I can't really see myself continuing to rent. I don't know what I want off this post other than to give my friends something to talk about for awhile on a cozy night, but if there's any full timer's out there please respond. Anyone less active in their travels are welcome as well! Let's talk the outdoors and alternate lifestyles.
By the way, I'm going full in on an E-350 with an extendable top so I can actually stand my 6' tall self up in there!

Anyone got a good cassette toilet recommendation?
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> I am looking for a truck now.
I hope you find the perfect one you want Anon. If money is little object, why not have a brand new rig built by one of those custom shops?

Any ideas where you want to roam about? I'd like to go up into the great Northwest of the NA continent, and work remotely from wherever I'm at.

>I've been wanting a truck camper since 1999 when I saw one in x-men.
Wolverine was always my favorite of that series FWIW.
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>yfw you identify as an attack helicamper

I hope things are going well with you OP. Please keep us all up to date with your doings! Cheers.  :)
I hope OP comes back in time to find our new Tchan home.
Replies: >>8207

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Post comfy wallpapers, looking at the same screen eberry day can be tiresome.
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Replies: >>6253
Island pic is really comfy. Soothing.

Thanks Anon!  :)
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I have found the Katawa Shoujo backgrounds, and they are berry /comfy/ indeed
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This has been mine for a while, I rarely ever change it. It pairs nicely with the WinXP Noir theme.

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Post here when you visit /comfy/
Thread #7
Springtime Edition
Prervious >>1956
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Leaked from 4chan.
These videos are from the 1970's. There's lots of UFO activity captured on them. Maybe that is why NASA kept them secret from the pubic for so long.
Remember that NASA means Never A Straight Answer!!!
Be sure to thank the Leakers at 4chan.org/pol/ and look for more there eberry day!!!

Replies: >>7633
I know this is spam, but I guess we can leave it ITT for the lulz? I'll dispose of it properly if you'd prefer, BO.
Replies: >>7641
Internet still broken. They say it will take 15 days to bring it back so they lent me some sort of 4G tiny box you can use to connect your device with wifi. And most of all, by pluging it to the USB port of my tower desktop without wifi, it... IT WORKS. I wasn't aware you can use a USB port like some sort of networking port.

Posting again from the tower feels comfy guys.
Replies: >>7641
Let it there, I was thinking exactly the same XD
As soon as I've seen 4chan + /pol/ + leaked + UFOs I knew this needed to belongs here.

Sorry for late answer, see >>7640
And as we have reached 400 replies and springtime can't last forever...

New thread >>7642

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Bicycles were introduced in the 19th century and now number approximately one billion worldwide. They are the principal means of transportation in many parts of the world, especially in densely populated European cities.

Cycling is widely regarded as an effective and efficient mode of transportation optimal for short to moderate distances.

Bicycles provide numerous possible benefits in comparison with motor vehicles, including the sustained physical exercise involved in cycling, easier parking, increased maneuverability, and access to roads, bike paths and rural trails. Cycling also offers a reduced consumption of fossil fuels, less air and noise pollution, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, and greatly reduced traffic congestion.
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>and I think if you want a woodcycle, bamboo should be the best option.
True. But those men who created that applied some serious style to their work as well. Look at that curve up from the cockpit to the front fender. And the multi-curve for the main hull frame. Nice work tbh.
Replies: >>7007 >>7008
Sure they've put some serious work into it. If I had to build a bambike I could not go this far.
Replies: >>7008
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If you were to allow for stock wheels and gear system the rest of the bike shouldn't be all that bad.
Replies: >>7010
That's really what I imagined when I thought of a bambike. Now I want to try to build one.
Replies: >>7012
Rattan is another good option for a material. Of course bamboo is probably easier to source locally, depending on where any given anon is.

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Hello, could somebody help me understand the Imageboard webring? Is the project still going on?
Iā€™m berry out of the loop on this
Wait a sec I think I kinda get it now
Basically it's a federation of imageboards.
What is the current state of the project ? I don't know as I don't use it personally. Maybe ask on >>>/meta/

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