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Welcome back to /comfy/ Anon :)
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I strongly dislike emojis. I am so thankful that after all these years of imageboards, even halfchan users barely ever use emojis. One time, I asked a tech support group how to configure my system such that emojis wood only display in the default colorless fallback font, and I was called a maniac and laughed out of the place. The lack of emojis is part of what makes imageboards inherently more comfy, in my opinion.

I think someone should do something about the Unicode Consortium and especially Ms. Jennifer Daniel.
Funny thing I had the inverse problem (only seeing DejaVu fallback black-and-white emojis) until I spent a half day messing around with emoji fonts and fontconfig. (And no, generally I don't want those annoying emojis either, but DejaVu's emoji support is bretty weak, and when I go to a github page where the author had the brilliant idea of using random emoji instead of yes/no in a feature matrix, and all I see was empty squares... Apparently having above room temperature IQ is no longer a requirement to be a software developer).
With chrome based browsers, it should be enough to uninstall all (color) emoji fonts from your computer. With mozilla browsers I don't know what you can do, they seem to come bundled with some random emoji font, so you will have those idiot emojis even if you don't have any emoji font.
And yes, Unicode became a caricature of itself.
Replies: >>11339
What is your PC environment? I've never heard of anyone using DejaVu because they wanted to. Some kind of Linux thing...? I've only just abandoned Microsoft, and I was under the impression that most sites were loading emoji fonts remotely anyway, but I will try uninstalling whatever emoji fonts I have. I am trying the "Zen" Mozilla-based browser, I hope I can strip it of emojis. Ironically, its GitHub page is littered with the things. It seems eberry new GitHub project just can't resist using meaningless little pictograms as section headers. I have seen cyclones, rocketships, and even spinach as section headers. Who does it appeal to? Are they trying to ape the Google "googoo gumdrops" nursery design language?
I truly hate Linux, but I hate Windows even more. I wish that Haiku was viable, since it's bretty polished otherwise. It doesn't seem like being comfy on the computer outside of the web browser is possible for me.
I use emojis in my professional emails
You should escalate things a bit and start replying to emails only with images.
Replies: >>11388 >>11395
i agree with you, there's other fun elements to text conversation than just emojis
It’s as if Terrence McKenna wrote about this.
Replies: >>11398
He did?
Replies: >>11448
In one of his books or maybe a speech I was listening to, he said something along the lines of:
“A time will come when humans will communicate to one another with pictures, or symbols” 
You could probably look that quote, which isn’t exact, or something along those lines and his name up.
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