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Long nights, sleepy days

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Making a thread here now. Post any issues you have or changes you want to see in this thread

Radio worked without issues for few hours as my last post. So I think it's working

Radio: https://latestation.live/
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I hate dolphins too

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Number 3, or is it 4? Who's keeping count, anyways?

Last thread hit bump limit, so now here's an all new Trashchan edition of the thread. I like this place. I think it will make a good home for us.

What's on your mind, tonight?
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>What if I don't want to grow old? What if I find shame in letting age rot away my entire mind and body until some disease does me in?
Then live dangerously.
>What if I don't belong here? 
No one who ends up on this board does. Normalcy and belonging are ironically extremely narrow criteria, as I'm sure you're aware.
>What if I am forced to acknowledge as truth the overwhelming feeling of dread and homesickness and the feeling that I've been imprisoned in this body against my will?
Are you transgender, otherkin, something like that...? I don't know what you mean by imprisoned in your body. You are your body, and all you choose to do with it. Figure it out. Life's not fair, some of us are dealt a truly rotten hand, but you won't get anywhere by pubescently bellyaching about it. I'm speaking from experience, not from on high.
>How does any of that "get better"? 
It doesn't, and anyone who tells you that it does doesn't understand either the question or/and their answer. Nothing just "gets better," you make it better, or don't.

>What kind of "fulfillment" do you have to offer?
I offer you nothing. It's everyone's own responsibility to find their rhythm, and you know that. Do you have any talents to hone or 
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Replies: >>2934 >>2936
Based advice.
>Me personally I'm actually quite miserable, chronically suicidal since I was barely twelve years old in fact, but I still have things like goals to work towards and values to keep
You do realize these things directly contradict each other?
>Trust me that this nihilism shit is not it
I have no idea what is nihilism, to be honest. Read the wiki article a bunch of times still no clue.
>You choose what's important
You do realize it doesn't work that way? You can't "choose" something you don't believe into. And you can't believe something until you learn it to be true. And I don't see much capability in me to distinguish true and false.
>What end? You choose.
Really? How is that supposed to happen? Should I just spontaneously become eager to bang my head against the wall just because... because what?
>because it is the recognition of holding a belief system that reveals nor accomplishes anything
There is no system of belief that reveals or accomplishes anything except a lie to hold onto to not be shattered to pieces. Like a mental comfort zone. Everyone needs a footing, but since there isn't one, holding onto a lie is all that's really left. In a way, the lies are the truth, but that hardly makes me enthusiastic. Perhaps the only truth is that there isn't anything to life except following the immediate impulse while trying to ensure survival and minimize pain.
>B. kill himself
Yeah really. That's quite a top tier argument. Not happy? Kill yourself. But that just doesn't work like that. And it's the whole point. The whole intricacy of the trap that is life. You may be begging for death and yet unable to deal in onto yourself.
>So just choose a reason to live.
Chosen a few minutes back, you can rest assured.
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Replies: >>2938
I really wish you would just listen and try instead of Neo-dodging the point so you can deboonk everything with your "nothing really matters, man" epiphany.
So nothing really matters. Go live your life. Or don't. It doesn't matter.
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why Cachy particularly ? never heard of it before, I was aware of Artix which offers freedom from soystemd and Arco which comes with a lot of ricing otb
in fact, now that Arch has a graphical installed I don't see what's the appeal of Manjaro anymore

>if they managed to find anon.cafe, then they will find us here at trashchan.xyz
>How many people even paid attention the the Webring though? I was under the impression that a lot of people would just stick to their main site and not really venture out onto other parts of the Webring.
that's how I ended up here

Based for unapologetically sticking to low brow no-nonsense attitudes which is what masculinity has always been about
but cringe for feeding an obviously drunk self-indulging little bitch
Remember that Nietszche predicted this: humanity will divide itself between those who have the will to power and the rest who will embrace nihilism. It's not a prediction when you think about it, but the way the world has always worked

Hey everyone.

What do you guys do before going to bed? Do you guys sleep well? 

Personally I just shut down my pc and just go to sleep.

For me it takes time to actually start sleeping (usually an hour). I'll go to bed but after some time I'm just thinking my own thoughts and I can't fall asleep.
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Pretty much this, except the last part. I have a during the week routine that I’m in bed by 22:30 at the latest, hopefully asleep by 23:00. My sleep varies on inebriation level, and/or what I’ve eaten and how close to bedtime. dark chocolate gives me pretty wild, and vivid dreams sleeping with a gril not necessarily banging either tends to be the best sleep ever for me.
Replies: >>2917
>Suggesting that anyone cut back on any of it usually elicits a curious reaction.  Kind of like when Gandalf tells Bilbo to leave his ring behind, or if you try to part a meth addict from his meth.
Spot on. I used to be like this about fapping, until the excrutiating horror I went through the first time I attempted NNN.

>Step 7. Do my planner for the next day
That's a good one, or at least roughly sketching out the main things to do.
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My brother in Christ, you are not falling asleep you are becoming unconscious.
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Whether I sleep well or not has to do with a few variables. 

One, I have to feel clean, so if I feel dirty then I typically shower before bed. If I don't then I won't sleep well. The bed being made before hand is also a big one that I didn't realize effected me until recently. Climbing into a nicely made bed every night feels amazing. If the sheets are untucked or my pillows are all over the place, then I find it much harder to sleep.

Two, if I've just eaten something high in sodium, like fast food, then I know I'll be awake for a while, so I try to keep the eats to a minimum at least 2 hours from sleep time. 

Three, I sleep much easier if I go to bed before my set time that I typically go to bed. The longer I stay up past bed time, the more anxious I am about how painful the next day is gonna feel when I inevitably have to wake up and don't feel well refreshed. 

Something else I've been doing lately is watching a streamer play a couple games I used to play religiously back in the day (haven't been back in years, but I enjoy watching this particular streamer). It's very soothing and normally puts me to sleep in 15 minutes if I don't fight to keep watching. Without him, having recently eaten, sleeping in a junky bed, and already being up past my bed time, I can sit there for hours tossing and turning as my mind races thinking about the most irrelevant things. It's literal hell.

A couple years ago I moved for work and now have a roommate I share a kitchen and bathroom with. The person I'm living with is really disgusting and loud, so it can be hard to stay consistent with things like sleep as I have to wear earbuds every single night or I simply cannot sleep because I can hear other rooms around me as well.

A couple years prior, however, I had one of the most consistently good sleeps of my life and this went on for years. I don't remember my late night routine much, but I remember waking up at least two hours before work to get ready, which was really unnecessary but I enjoyed that job so much that I would go out of my way to wake up earlier and get to work an hour before we opened. 

I really liked that job, but I also really looked forward to the commute from my home to work. It was just long enough to not be annoying and I had a car at the time that I absolutely loved to drive to and from work, so there was this excitement every morning that I'd be able to enjoy that car and then get to work with people I loved doing a job I was good at. The streets were so empty that early in the morning, so I'd tear ass.
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Replies: >>2937
<based "Gas Gas Gas" knower...

Thanks for the good advice, Anon!

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Let's talk, you and I
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>Just keep loving him is about all you can do, probably.
It's hard. I'm the only one left in our family who loves him, he's driven everyone else too crazy to put up with his shit anymore. He treats time (mine especially) like it's worthless, he's neurotic, he "traumadumps" onto me and my baby sisters despite having friends and therapists, he's a compulsive hoarder not too unlike the ones you see on TV, and he wrecked my car (I live in USA in a city with zero public transit which basically means I am stuck at home until it gets fixed). I still love him but all he does is make me miserable and he's miserable too so I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do in this situation.
Replies: >>2925
I know the type.  :^)

My grandfather was literally the singularly most-offensive & angry man I have ever known. He offended everybody. One day while praying, the Holy Spirit convicted me that I was offended with my grandfather & long story short I began to both pray for his salvation, and to visit he and my grandmother during my yearly vacations instead of adventuring in the mountains.

Year after year this pattern of prayer and visits continued. He eventually called me on the phone and asked me about my Christian life and said it's the best way. I was flabbergasted. He had hated God most of all!

Eventually he grew ill (fatally so). As it became clear he was about to die, my Aunt quietly asked him in private if he'd like to give his heart to Jesus, since he was soon to meet God face to face.

He did (though because of his stroke he couldn't speak). He died the next day. At the funeral my Aunt related the story to me in private, and how my grandfather's whole countenance had changed into one of grateful joy, with tears flowing down his face.

To this day, I'm completely-convinced my grandfather got saved that night. I will meet him in Heaven. An important part of that -- possibly the most important part -- was that I continued to love him despite his abuse towards myself and the rest of my family.

All that
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Replies: >>2929
I learned about the tiktok drama from imageboards, otherwise I would never know. You're not so out of touch as you think!
...That just sounds like he made everyone miserable and then absolved himself of all remorse in his final hour. I didn't like that story at all.
Replies: >>2931
>That just sounds like he made everyone miserable and then absolved himself of all remorse in his final hour.
Ehh, God alone knows the personal torment he went through during all his years of suffering. Clearly his change towards me during those last few years showed God was working in his heart. God literally sent a saint into his life at the "last second" to offer him eternal life if he would only take it.

I personally don't begrudge him that good choice on his part.

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Write a few things about what keeps you going through everyday life.
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Proud of you, Anon.
Keep moving forward.
Just take it one day at a time, OK?
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I would want mayuyyyybe to be like him. or at least I want to be the guy who can actually hurt women
For me, it's a couple things. I really don't live life for myself, not saying I make decisions based entirely off of what others say. I just wouldn't want to stick around if it was soley for me. I'm in this weird middle ground where I don't like life enough to want to participate in it, but I don't hate it enough to kill myself. But since other people like me being in their lives, I stick around. I don't particularly understand why they like me, but I don't have to. Not only that, I'm in a place where I get to help people almost every day. Most of the time, it's not much. It's just being polite when other people aren't. but sometime I get the opportunity to make a larger difference in a person's life, even if I'm just a trasiend chapter in their story. 

The other thing that keeps me going is nature. Sometimes, if I feel like crap and want to lie on death's doorstep, I'll go take a walk in the woods. It doesn't matter if it's a clear winter morning when the woods lie quiet or a humid summer evening in a feild filled with an ochestra of crickets singing as the day fades. It all seems to say to me "one day, it'll all be okay. God will bring the dawn agian."
Replies: >>2930
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Admiring the creation and helping creatures are the best ways to serve God

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What’s a TV show you watch over and over? I hardly watch anything new anymore. Just Frasier, The Sopranos and House. I cycle through them yearly and want to shake it up with something new that people find rewatchable
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Replies: >>2893 >>2916 + 7 earlier
Modern day sensibilities in a different era
Creator completely and utterly ripped off one of his student's projects hence why he couldn't replicate anything similar years later
McConaughey is not a very sympathetic actor
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> Just Frasier

Frasier's cool.
>>2694 (OP) 
The Middle (2009) has been pretty good so far
>>2694 (OP) 
Rome and Fargo (esp S2)

>what could you criticize about it?
There isn't more of it (next seasons suck)

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What games are you playing lately? Trying to beat Battletoads 1cc but I can't get past the 4th stage where it's all ice.
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doesn't play for others
no audio for me
Guess I'll just use mp4!
Playing Blasphemous 2 the dlc since i spent xmas by myself, dope game, sad situation, HEY ALEXA play Souvenir d'un autre monde by Alcest
I play single player though.
Replies: >>2885
what ◊o you play?

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The administrator fixed captchas, so /late/posting is once again possible. Thank you, administrator! I'm very thankful for you and your efforts and commitment to maintaining this website, and you resolved the issue right away. We're lucky you came along.
Replies: >>2894
Posting for testing new captcha.
GG Trashmin :)
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Thank you for looking out for us Trashmin
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>>2886 (OP) 
Oh is it functioning again? That's good.

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