/late/ - Late Nights

Long nights, sleepy days

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Welcome to the new /late/!

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Making a thread here now. Post any issues you have or changes you want to see in this thread

Radio worked without issues for few hours as my last post. So I think it's working

Radio: https://latestation.live/
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Bro, fuck off. Get a life, you seething little bitch.

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Welcome to /late/

The rules are:
>Global rules apply
>The Board is NSFW, however, just keep it to a minimum. Don't just go around posting porn just because.
>No politics
>You can talk about other boards. Just don't advertise them.
>Don't go around stiring shit up.

Radio - https://latestation.live/
Discord and IRC - https://discord.gg/hRe2yv96qY - IRC (Rizen) #late.city
/late/ Archive - https://anon.cafe/comfy/res/1512.html#q3453

friends of /late/
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thanks, added a bunch of em.

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Post some /late/ music. Playlists or recommendations are welcome too.
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I like Jerry Lee Lewis, Buddy Holly, and Hasil Adkins as far as rock and roll goes. I'm into even older recordings than that though.





I even listen to wax cylinder recordings sometimes.
>What is up with the anime people?  is this a generational thing?
It's a chan thing.
Midwestern Night's Dream by Pat Metheny. His music belongs in /late/ station.

Hi! How can we use clear net proxy or let me say a clean proxy at the end of proxy chain, sock5 proxy?

i want to use fb, yt and similar google but want to hide my ass

Im sexually attached to gay people, guys wearing motorcycle suit, gay furry porn, gay animals, gay dragons, gay cars with cocks, trains with cocks, gay stick mans, gay countryhumans. I don't think that this is normal, but im 15 yo guy and it all started when i was 12 and it is all the years escalating more and more where im gona end? im starting to losing controll of how mutch i watch this stuff and it is scaring me. I don't know how to stop. But i have one friend that i can talk about it and try to solve my problem so im gona discuss it with him i don't know if you somebody reading that wana see that porn or no ,so im not adding any pictures of it just in case somebody maybe disgusted
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Porn addiction sucks man and its only gonna get worse unless you try to stop. Try starting a new hobby that you can escape to every time you feel like watching or looking at porn. Or hey maybe you wanna try substance abuse instead.
Replies: >>2308
Porn addiction is a myth and a cope for conservative guys ashamed of their fetishes
Replies: >>2310
I do think it can exist. I've had periods where I've had an extremely high sex drive and couldn't stop jacking off to porn.

I wonder about the escalation thing people talk about. It happened to me to an extent, but I seem to have hit a wall with it years ago. I couldn't get off to most of the stuff OP does. It might have something to do with getting into porn at an older age than OP did.
Replies: >>2319
Cannot confirm.

I got into porn right around when OP did, granted this was over 10 years ago. I've hit a wall long ago and have been cycling through the same porn videos I've all seen probably over 3 years ago. I can watch new porn videos, but I gravitate to the ones that really struck a cord with me and rarely branch out. 

People always mention needing more intense porn to get off, but I have yet to experience it. If anything, it's been the reverse in some cases.
Usually it ends at sissy hypno.

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Number 3, or is it 4? Who's keeping count, anyways?

Last thread hit bump limit, so now here's an all new Trashchan edition of the thread. I like this place. I think it will make a good home for us.

What's on your mind, tonight?
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I want to ask what a "mouse jiggler" is and why your internet connection would require one, but these are both terrifying questions.
Replies: >>2323
just something that keeps my mouse moving so i look online to my work apps
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Cringe and 14pilled.
Replies: >>2326
I hate that this image has both rage comics and soyjaks mixed.
As if I needed more reasons to believe thar it's a good idea to mix past and current "memes".
Replies: >>2327
We must protect the purity of our memes.

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What games are you playing lately? Trying to beat Battletoads 1cc but I can't get past the 4th stage where it's all ice.
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Played some of "Ultimate Trial" which is an Ocarina of Time romhack oriented around combat.

The attract mode has the camera flying a loop through the Lost Woods.  You play as Link, as an adult, who IIRC has gotten himself lost at some point in his adventures.

Anybody who goes into the Lost Woods will be lost and become a Stalfos.

Everybody, Stalfos.

So you find yourself in this sort of purgatory.  A sprawling fortress-town, populated mostly by original characters with repurposed OoT/MM models.  You'll find the back alley bombchu guy selling bows and bombs a few feet from where the magic bean salesman offers heart containers whose prices increase much in the same way as his beans did.  Not having played much of Majora's Mask, I don't know if the models I don't recognize are original or not.

The gameplay loop consists (so far) of combat arenas you find in various parts of the fortress.  Each is a set of gated battles excepting the Crypt area, which is more like a conventional dungeon that you try to clear without running out of hearts.  No hearts drop from enemies, only money.  And unlike in the original, you definitely give a shit about money because arrows and bombs all cost; they don't replenish from enemies, shrubs, etc.  I see people calling it "roguelite" because of this, but I think the concept stands well enough without reduction to the dark souls of ocarina of time lmao.

It has a rather melancholic original score.  It lends the setting a dreamlike feeling, which might have been intentional, maybe to diffuse the sense of being trapped in a presumptous amateur's attempt at "continuing the story."  It's not a continuation, and probably isn't even a side-story, as I interpret it.  Just a what-if whose plausibility or legitimacy you can entertain or not.

We're here for the combat, after all, and given that this is an N64 game with crusty camera issues, maybe this concept was unwise?  It's frustrating in ways that aren't always the modders' fault.  It's meant to be difficult, and pushes your combat skills in ways that the orignal games wouldn't have dreamed.
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Replies: >>2279
>maybe to diffuse the sense of being trapped in a presumptous amateur's attempt
To be clear, I'm not saying the modders are presumptuous, just that people are apt to interpret fan-works in that way.
I've been playing through Unreal Tournament's single-player mode with the intent of finishing it.
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I played Minecraft Alpha 1.1.2_01 again. I built a house on a mountain (and burnt it down trying to make a fireplace), conquered dungeons, found huge caves that spawned endless waves of mobs, and built bridges connecting to other mountains.

But as much as I love being in these old janky worlds, I don't know what to do anymore. There's nothing I really want to build, and nothing I want to find. At one point I would've found no shortage of things to make and do, no shortages of ideas and anticipated adventures. But now I open the game feeling content not doing anything more. I played the Java editions, I played the Pocket Editions (the free and paid version), I played the console editions, and I played the Bedrock editions. I think I've arrived at the point where my adventure with this game is over. I think I've finally beaten Minecraft.

"And the game was over and the player woke up from the dream. And the player began a new dream. And the player dreamed again, dreamed better. And the player was the universe. And the player was love. You are the player. Wake up."
Replies: >>2320
Truly the most melancholy game. Along with Terraria. For similar reasons.

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Let's talk, you and I
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>the fey
You don't live in the states, do you? That would be pretty weird if true.
Replies: >>2219
I do actually, in Indiana. I've never been a big believer in the Fey but i've had my fair share of paranormal experiences so i'm not sure what it was i encountered. But i never felt threatened or scared, just that i was not alone.
Replies: >>2280
I wish you'd come back
>But i never felt threatened or scared
I've heard that they can turn on people in an instant, and it doesn't take much to rile them up.
Im too young to be here but fuck it.

i went to my childhood 'home' today after two years of working my ass off. What was i working for? I dont know. I returned today and saw the house still standing. It should be. My grandfather built it with pure hardwork and his two hands. Why? Because he wanted his favourite grandson to draw on the walls without the landlord on his ass. Literally the only reason. Its farther from the town for god's sake. Built it so big so i could ride my teensie little bike around the hallways and the living room. And i did when i was young. Came back to see it for my grandpa is getting weak. 85 and can still hear clearly,(flex). 

The stray dogs still kicking it out. The half rusted locks still smooth as a shotgun pump. My handstains etched into the wall. The crayons that touched wall etched up manuscript of a once blissful yet ignorant life. The cringe signs of a 4 year old who can barely write yet colors pouring out from the doodles made of cheap sketch pens that were guaranteed to dry out in a day yet lasting on the wall for a lifetime. the switches are still working yet less crisp. Lamps are flickering more and more with the day.  The more i stepped into the house...the more for the lack of better words, light i felt. Not faint, but light. My head feels severed from my body, lagging behind whenever i move. Cobwebs still in the corners of walls so tall not even sirenhead could reach it.  Yet now i can, and i hate it. I hope the waste of genetic materials called my parents die in a horrific way so that they dont have to fight with my uncle for inheritamce. They want their own fucking parents to die and its only fair i wish for it too, just a bit wilder. I hate to know enough the house will crumble one day. My vision is literally throbbing as i write this. A shade of red washing over my eyes from sleep deprivation kind of like blood stained glasses, I see a man/thing made of vaporizing crude oil opening  my head and raping it till i remember the times between me of 5 and me of 16 (im 17 now). Yet he will never make me cum so as to make remember things as the yellow infected eyes stare at me from the window covered in blood prints. I have forgotten them and will not and never even try to remember.  

The only thing on my mind is feeding the stray dogs and  hoping my grandparents dont get weaker and weaker till the only thing left alive is me and the house.  

they do not deserve my parents and i am willing for myself to not exist so my parents are never born. Just so they can be happy. They are though. Above the sand blasted body is a smile that i will never forget.  I hate this life and i hate this world. I hate this reality and i hate whatever is controling it. Fuck you god. I still love you but seriously, fuck you for messing with the stuff i love and nobody else does. Fuck you for making me too weak to change anything. G(oddamnit these fucking cunts of parents are slowly eating away my memory and my sanity. They scratch it so that the only thing repeats is the ones where im getting pissed on or sent of out of the house.   

theres too much fucking blood in my head.i want to cry but ive forgot how to. And i dont want to sleep either. Because i know this will end. And ill wake up in wasteland of a mind. Barren and devoid of humanity. Which i like the sound of but isnt worth losing my grandparents 

 Life is a double edged sword for humans. It can cut, but isnt sharp enough to have a point. 

Fuck this mind.
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i have a question. When is the 
LateStation on ?
Whenever radio anon gets around to it, really. He's a busy man, so who knows. If all else fails, figure out how to host it yourself.

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Since the fall of 8chan. Say 8chan did not get taken down and survived into today, how would things be? What would the culture be like in 2024? Would it have grown in more users or bled users?
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Replies: >>2165 + 3 earlier
Same. I was lurking cuckchan for a year before GG and when it popped off and 8chan came about. I went there instead and started posting there. It is sad that 5 years after 8chan's death. A replacement has still yet to grace us.
Replies: >>2277
>>1888 (OP) 
>how would things be?
Eyes would have flooded the site after Tarrant, propelling 8chan out of obscurity. /a/ would have had its shit slapped over Hoihoi. Infinity Next would still be dead. /qresearch/ would be an in-joke board. Ads would still be pushed onto the site, causing an exodus or two but to a more centralized imageboard. BOs would buy adspace on 4um. The Sharty would have started and stayed there. There would be a TikTok board and an Analog Horror board. Mark would proclaim /v/ the home of GG2. /co/ would be keeping Ongezellig on life support. /x/ and related boards would be flooded with posts about the latest e-celeb videos, but a few ARGs would start there, including the BEN DROWNED continuation. Liveposting would be the norm.
>What would the culture be like in 2024?
Far more normalfags alongside an aging oldfag population. Soyjaks and political content would be plentiful on mainstream boards.
>Would it have grown in more users or bled users?
Overall, it would grow in users, but it would bleed its original userbase for years. Think 4um post-Occupy. Lockdowns might have exploded user numbers, but not in a good way.
Replies: >>2286
With the amount of attention it got from the news and from glowies right there at the end, it will probably be quite a while longer before it can happen. Maybe when the pendulum swings on this current cycle of instant gratification 0 second videos, but it won't be until 8chan is a distant memory.
I for one think it would have been better.
Wish we could have found out. It would have been more interesting I think. Hopefully it would have meant moving less, at least.
>sharty gets contained on 8chan
>/co/ keeps ongezellig on life support
Oddly enough I like this.

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