/late/ - Late Nights

Long nights, sleepy days

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Welcome to the new /late/!

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Making a thread here now. Post any issues you have or changes you want to see in this thread

Radio worked without issues for few hours as my last post. So I think it's working

Radio: https://latestation.live/
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Yeah, it's the issue that the stream sometimes drops dead. Didn't have time to look into it before. I made it now so that i'll generate log file if the stream goes dead. I'll see what's causing it then as this issue seems to only exists when I put the thing online. On my computer it works just fine

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Welcome to /late/

The rules are:
>Global rules apply
>The Board is NSFW, however, just keep it to a minimum. Don't just go around posting porn just because.
>No politics
>You can talk about other boards. Just don't advertise them.
>Don't go around stiring shit up.

Radio - https://latestation.live/
Discord and IRC - https://discord.gg/hRe2yv96qY - IRC (Rizen) #late.city
/late/ Archive - https://anon.cafe/comfy/res/1512.html#q3453

friends of /late/
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thanks, added a bunch of em.

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This is DD, to clear up any further confusion I have decided to move us to trashchan. I have been in correspondence with the admin of trashchan and finalized our movement there. It is scheduled for the same day of this site's closure: March 15th

For us the Ides of March will hopefully mean a new beginning
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The migration is complete, welcome to the new /late/

Tell me your dreams, I can do an analysis on them
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Last night I had a dream I was living in a house out in the desert and kept getting bit by snakes. I think I was a kid in the dream and had other kids around me, and if I remember right they had to contend with the snakes too.

When napping earlier today, I had a dream that was focused on architecture. I was living in my hometown on the street I spent my early childhood in a retrofuturistic-looking house. It was hard to describe. It also had a few Victorian elements, but everything fit together naturally.  I remember looking out the window at the other houses, which were more standard in style but remember noticing a few that were similar to each other that I thought were interesting. Those ones were more wild versions of an actual house I remember from my childhood.

There was also another section where I was standing on a street corner that was seemingly inspired by a place a few streets down from where I live. I was looking at houses. It didn't really make sense, since I was supposed to be watching TV at the same time. It was apparently a show about old houses from all over my state, and those were somehow the houses I was standing in front of all in one place. I think the houses would change sometimes too. I remember one that reminded me of a castle. My brother was there too, but I don't remember seeing him. I just remember feeling his presence behind me, and I think I addressed him at least once.

I've always wished there was a way to record and play back dreams. I
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I was watching an apocryphal season of ReBoot.  Matrix walked into a bar to confront Megabyte, who was minding his own business, having a drink.  Matrix was literally just there to start a fight to make himself feel like a big man.  Not to kill Megabyte, either; he can't do that because he knows how empty his life would be without a villain to oppose.

But it was like the writers didn't know this, and were just writing themselves into corners with the characters all flailing their arms, also aimless with no idea what to do with themselves and unable to reflect on their lives and motivations.  Megabyte hadn't been up to anything in years.  He still had a different vision for how the world should be, but was tired and unambitious.  So there was nothing for anyone to do but sweep the floors and go through the motions until doomsday.

Most depressing shit I've ever seen.
I had a dream I was staying with KingCobraJFS on some property he had out in a rural area of Wyoming.  At one point we were sitting in a small structure that was like someone took a little sunroom out of a house and placed it off by itself. I'm not sure what he was doing, but I imagine it involved a lot of drinking. There were grizzly bears wandering around, even inside a massive garage-like complex on the property, which I found really concerning. I remember picking up a bear cub I saw at and setting it down somewhere else just to get it away from me. I was afraid that a mother bear would smell me on the cub, track me down, and kill me. I ended up stumbling across a bundled-up group of people near what looked like open garage doors who had guns among them. I knew they could be relied on take care of any meddlesome bears and felt  relieved.

That's most definitely what's up.
I had a dream I had two children. I didn't want to be a dad and was really salty about the whole thing at first, but I quickly came to love my offspring and wanted to protect them no matter what. I soon embraced my life as a dad and was happy that it all turned out this way. It was sobering, but also a bit sad waking up and realizing they were never real. Those emotions were definitely real though.
Tried to take a sip of water from my thermos, but it was full of ground beef.

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Number 3, or is it 4? Who's keeping count, anyways?

Last thread hit bump limit, so now here's an all new Trashchan edition of the thread. I like this place. I think it will make a good home for us.

What's on your mind, tonight?
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I find myself beginning to tread a very dark path, metaphorically speaking. Or perhaps it's not so dark after all and it's all a matter of perspective.
Replies: >>1978
>beginning to tread a very dark path
Be glad your legs work to be able to tread otherwise you'd be due a visit from Doctor Vindaloo
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I just wish I did things properly. I got no one to talk to, imageboars get tiresome, and I can't be entertained by most of what is the current web nowadays.
What am I supposed to do? How do people find partners and friends? Am I stupid? I can only answer one of those questions sadly.
Replies: >>1980 >>1984
Brother you gotta venture out into the world. Find a hobby, put yourself out there, spend time in social settings like bars, cafes, clubs.

Got any coworkers that pique your interest a bit? Well talk to them. Making friends isn't hard, but finding someone thats got your back and is trustworthy takes years of friendship to develop.

You know these answers already, so this isn't the problem. It's your mindset about the whole thing that's probably fucking you over more than you realize. Get outta your comfort zone a bit
Imageboards are great but spending too much time devoid of person will wear on your mental health. It's good to have somewhere you can go where you can be somebody real. Even if that's just somewhere online.

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How does one get out of the house recreationally?
I love taking hikes and working out, but that's all I do. I need something else. I don't mind spending little money, but shopping gets stressful because I don't have a lot of space. My friends aren't in the area right now, and it's pretty tough to make any more when I don't leave the house. I don't drink and I don't particularly like boozers, so bars are off the table. Bands never come into my area, so concerts aren't viable. I've looked for stuff for ages, and come up with nothing.
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Replies: >>1968
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>>1966 (OP) 
Go to a place you like, perhaps a cafe, and sketch something. I've found that trying to draw what you see is a bit of a puzzle. It can be somewhat meditative, being there in the moment taking in the environment, using your mind to create, plan, and think.
Replies: >>1971
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I used to go to weird bars in random towns and chat up strangers. Find it easier to talk to people I will never see again. Other than that mostly wander around at night alone. Sometimes sit in diners, drink coffee. Being a night owl and a loner means a lot of time in diners.
I did some research and found a cafe near me. I'm gonna try to go there this week with a book.
Replies: >>1982
Well how did it go?

I have to say, reading a book in public is quite lame.
Replies: >>1983
Normally id agree with you, but not in a cafe

Aliens thrive in the dead of 🌙
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I thrive in the dead of banana too.
Replies: >>1974
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The guy to the right of the Flatwoods Monster reminds me of this little guy.
Replies: >>1976
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If you started arguing over who should have paid what to who the jobsworth botherer would spring to action making loud spastic noises and running around

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What strange creatures dwell in the sunless world beyond the Witching Hour?
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This one too.
What a cozy and mischievious little lad. Do they have a name?

Severe men that they are forbidden to love and fear they will never understand them?
Replies: >>1956
>Severe men that they are forbidden to love and fear they will never understand them?
Yeah, standard issue.
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There was an anon that used to tell a bunch of meth stories about, how after midnight, shit would start getting real. He slept in his car most nights and would stealth camp in some fly over state in the U.S. This guy swore up and down that if he parked anywhere in the woods to sleep, he could hear the trees flexing down towards his car and slowly constricting around it. Clear as day the branches steadily wrapping and taking hold of the metal.

He had some other stories about living on a friend's property and how he could hear some ungodly beast just beyond the light of this torch he was carrying. He was sure that he could hear an abomination somewhere past the treeline he was facing. Demon hound like growling. He kept trying to get this thing out into the light by heading towards it, but it would retreat further into the darkness the closer he got. I think I remember him claiming to see the eyes of this thing.

One last meth story, different anon and took place during the day so it kinda doesn't count for this thread, but there was another guy going through some insane meth withdraw that was absolutely certain he was being followed. Every time he turned around, however, the perp would be going just around a corner to hide. He'd get glimpses of their shapes, colors of their shirt and pants, small details about what they looked like, ya know? 

See, but none of it was real. Trees can't attack you, no one was stalking that guy and there was nothing in the woods beyond th
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Gondolas gondolaing around
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You're welcome, it was a nice idea
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Visiting this board to post another Gondola from my folder. I hope you are doing well, whoever sees this.
Replies: >>1965
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>hope you are doing well
Tired and bored but things may be worse. Hope your fine to anon.

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What are your dreams /late/?
Not as in, those in your sleep, but those that you won't give up until you get them?
Mine involves breasts of the large variety
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I want to live in a van, and camp in the woods and be as far as possible from walmart.  I want to look at the stars through clear skies and never have to see, hear, or smell an urbanite.  I want to study and meditate and work on my projects without having to hear (much less worry) about the latest monstrosity governments are visiting upon their own subjects this week.
Replies: >>1962
I need money, and to write.
I want real friends who are actually interested in me
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I'd really like to join Starfleet.
You. I like you, Anon (no homo). Don't let your dreams be just memes!  :D

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