/late/ - Late Nights

Long nights, sleepy days

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Welcome to /late/

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>The Board is NSFW, however, just keep it to a minimum. Don't just go around posting porn just because.
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>Don't go around stiring shit up.

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Clicked the wrong thread by accident, by bad.

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Making a thread here now. Post any issues you have or changes you want to see in this thread

Radio worked without issues for few hours as my last post. So I think it's working

Radio: https://latestation.live/
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I hate dolphins too

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Let's talk, you and I
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Replies: >>2841
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>>2000 (OP) 
Replies: >>2842
I doubt this is true.
Replies: >>2843
Nice try jew
Replies: >>2844
Asserting people are Jews without backing it up with anything isn't a convincing argument.
Replies: >>2845
They won't be convinced with an argument, they won't offer you one.

It's why I can't get a serious reply with the fun flags ('meme' flags) at 4chan. You know, it's as if mossad doesn't use VPN's or something.

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Number 3, or is it 4? Who's keeping count, anyways?

Last thread hit bump limit, so now here's an all new Trashchan edition of the thread. I like this place. I think it will make a good home for us.

What's on your mind, tonight?
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Replies: >>2840 + 2 earlier
Hopefully you can make it back. I'm lucky enough that I only live a few hours away from where I moved from, although it happened at a pretty young age. I'm kind of concerned that I'll be basically stuck in psychological limbo between a place I've never liked but have lived in for a long time and one that I'm strongly attached to but might feel like a stranger in now that so much time has passed. 

Were you just out of school when you moved?
I always thought it was bad enough the way a lot of Southerners basically disown their own history, but with all these people coming in from elsewhere that don't care about any of that it looks like it'll be gone for good.

I have zero real ancestral ties to the South and don't have any serious cultural connection to it in a broader sense, but I was surrounded by Civil War history growing up and I hate to see all that get forgotten and Southerners get demonized for what happened. It wasn't that long ago when rebel flags were used even outside the U.S. as symbols of sticking it to authority, and now people are gutless fags who clutch their pearls over it.
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I stayed up all night playing with smoke. The daylight revealed a fog. I drove back to what used to be my favorite place to take walks, back when I really believed it was magical. It's still just as beautiful.

I am farther away from who I wish to be. The only time I'm less than certain that things won't shake out in a way that's good for me is when I'm not sober.
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Sometimes think about hanging myself.
Replies: >>2839
Fortune: Try changing your outlook to obtain wisdom
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>>1869 (OP) 

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What’s a TV show you watch over and over? I hardly watch anything new anymore. Just Frasier, The Sopranos and House. I cycle through them yearly and want to shake it up with something new that people find rewatchable
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>The thought dawned on me that these sitcoms, and other shows as well, were probably brainwashing me, and slowly I began to hate television.

Wonderfully baste. Having a TV in your house is like having a jew in your living room.
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Too true.
Many such cases.  The world is full of people act like they just have a laugh track running in their heads every time they say something shitty to an actual person.  Has been for decades, really.
>>2752 (me)
>Futurama and '90s Trek seem to be about the only things I could rewatch without it being an anthropological exercise.
Degrassi High is an excellent anthropological exercise.  Propaganda so dated and uncanny that it reads as a parody of itself.

Also, a non-TV piece of media: CannibalK9's Let's Play of "The Void."  I still watch it every other year and reflect on life. https://yewtu.be/playlist?list=PLB8F47C6867017A55

Batman: The Animated Series is just plain good, as everyone on the internet is apt to repeat.

Season 1 of the '87 TMNT was also better than I expected, and something I want to revisit again sometime.  After season 1, not so much.
Judge Judy episodes 
Maybe some Jewish comedy from Larry David
And God, I just realized I named 2 Jews

But really though, nothing. I don't have a cable service. I only use YouTube nowadays
the cook and the chef is one of my favourite aussie shows, i've made a number of recipies on the show and they're all exquisite, if you like cooking shows you'll love this programm
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People need to start making sigma male AMVs of Niles like they do of Patrick Bateman and Travis Brickle.
>Pic related with Little Dark Age playing

Hey everyone.

What do you guys do before going to bed? Do you guys sleep well? 

Personally I just shut down my pc and just go to sleep.

For me it takes time to actually start sleeping (usually an hour). I'll go to bed but after some time I'm just thinking my own thoughts and I can't fall asleep.
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Replies: >>2805 + 2 earlier
>one of my many physical books
what do you have
Replies: >>2802
>Complete Works of H. P. Lovecraft
>Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe
>Tales of the Dying Earth
>Egyptian Book of the Dead
>The Silmarillion
>instead of reading any of these, I am reading The Lord of the Rings for the millionth time
It doesn't sound like a lot, but they're all pretty hefty. Trying to wait until I actually make progress on some of them before I get any more. I also forgot that I have a cheap e-ink tablet, but that's kind of annoying to use.
Replies: >>2803 >>2830
Not a lot of relaxing light reads there.
Replies: >>2830
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>>2679 (OP) 
I'll write in my planner what I'll do tomorrow, then I read a physical book, watch something, listen to music, meditate, or daydream. Despite it being the end of the day, it's at these times I feel the most lucid.
>Complete Works of H. P. Lovecraft
>The Silmarillion
peak comfy
LOTR is always a good option tho


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What games are you playing lately? Trying to beat Battletoads 1cc but I can't get past the 4th stage where it's all ice.
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it's kinda sad seeing how much of a bloated mess minecraft has become. i don't play anything above 1.8, and only played 1.12 with friends and it was a really annoying experience with all the combat changes they made. i usually only play it for a couple weeks a few times a year now, then i shelve it.
Replies: >>2336
I played Minecraft back in the early 2010s with a few other people and had a good time, but I couldn't get into it as a single-player game. I guess I'm more into games with more clearly-defined goals.
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just trying to dig through the backlog
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Counter Strike Condition Zero. It's my favorite Counter Strike. There's something about this game that brings me back to the early 2000's. I've been experimenting and modifying the bots, adjusting their classes, difficulty, and adding some of my own. Like Spike, who'll only use a TMP or Mac but can snipe you across the map with it.

I'll also occasionally play Counter Strike Condition Zero Deleted Scenes, the campaign for Counter Strike. Terrible as it is, I for some reason keep finding myself playing it again.
Been playing a lot of Wrestling Empire lately. It's so easy to jump into and out of while every play session is still satisfyingly part of a long form narrative.

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Merry Christmas. I'm an anon from 8chan, and we are organizing our inter-board Christmas event. This project aims to gather around anons from different imageboard and anonymous communities from all around internet during a weekend and celebrate Christmas together. The planned date is December 14 and 15 and it's going to be here https://8chan.moe/christmas you can make your "embassy" thread talking about your IB, its history and local memes.

I hope to see you there. If you have any other questions please make me know, I'll be more than grateful to answer.
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It's certainly worse, such as it is. At least it has less influence than 8chan did when it got corrupted by the glownigger, so there's that at least.
Replies: >>2821
It starts in 20 minutes
Nah, it's far better than 8prime, to begin with, the source code is far better, it has better infrastructure and global moderation does care about small boards. And in regards of influence, it's growing slowly, pretty much everybody knows it's just a matter of time before 4chan fucks something up and it gets a migration at the same level of gamergate in 2014.
Replies: >>2823
Starting now
Get in here.
Anyone who's been here for the interim between the actual h8chan and the current blacked.gov is well-aware of the treachery of the place. 8moe is a no-go zone for anyone who nootices ((( things ))).
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Today's Schedule, it starts at the same time.

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Any sites you want to share you have discovered that are interesting or useful?
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Replies: >>2577
>Prozac mentioned
It's neat to see him here. Prozac and Nobody are two enigmas that have never been cracked. I remember when Prozac used to cycle what was on the site every few months. I wonder what he's doing nowadays. Somebody on IA posted all of the YouTube season and first season of Nobody, though he's missing the second season and a certain movie. I hope no one on YouTube ever brings eyes on them. Years ago, Prozac and Nobody lashed out at that poo who recently covered /late/.
theres this weird site/artpiece/schizo rambling collection thing called "Spook...."  . i dont think its "real", maybe some sort of early ARG/viral guerrila marketing or just weird art. the way i found it was on an ancient " /x/ creepy stuff iceberg" image, when they used to be good. the guy who did it is this fairly small artist from nyc that has done other art pieces at museums and some stuff online and seems to be active on ig. if you go on it youll understand better but it says that it was started as a project because this guy who ran an artzine back in the late 90s early 00s got a bunch of pings from a military email/ip and decided to track it(? im bad at computers) and it was basically looking at a bunch of schizo conspiracy and alien stuff. mostly alien stuff. it goes seriously deep , you can follow links that go into links for dozens of pages and different sites from back in the old internet. some of the pages are berry shrimple containing just links, some seem to be unrelated govt agencies (like a generic science grant money agency, for example), one page i got had like 20.000 word manifesto of some "alien truth" group called the nexus/nexus 7(???). about 20-25% of the links dont work anymore. artpiece or legitimate, its super creepy/interesting and has a real Deus ex vibe to it. Heres a link to it. browse at your own risk, but i think its safe(?)

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I still have it bookmarked, but it doesn't work anymore and I don't think it will come back sadly.


It's in Japanese...you can find some of it archived (for now), but then you'd have to translate it on top of that. I need to learn Japanese.

It seemed like a live chat thingy, I don't know if it was structured around specific topics or what.

Anyway, when I do view the archived version, I see someting that was from the 90's, so I get that melancholic nostaligic whatever you wanna call it feeling.
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I want to share this website because it looks adorable to me! It's still being maintained and updated. https://www.mobyware.org/

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