/late/ - Late Nights

Long nights, sleepy days

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Irish men
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Polish men
Replies: >>1354
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Replies: >>1354 >>1355 >>1367
I don't think Poland even exists. It's a fictitious place, like North Dakota.
It checks out.
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I've been playing with the Mythic GME system as part of a way to play TTRPGs solo.  I've also been practicing the mind palace technique, and I've been toying with the following plan of action:
>Memorize Mythic GME generation tables.  Namely the fate chart and random event generator.
>Memorize RNG algo.
>Sit in closed room.
>Activate mind palace recording.
>Use daydreams/imagination supercharged with solo TTRPG gaming for personal enjoyment.
I'm interested in this because it provides one the capability to go full ascetic monk mode.  It really makes me wonder about how much of the potential of the imagination of the human mind could be unlocked with such techniques.  However, I recognize that all of the items I say here are actually rather complex and definitely easier said than done.

I've tried it with simplified charts to memorize, and it is incredibly taxing.  It feels like my brain is running at full kilt keeping everything in place, but it's also pretty fun.  I feel like if I did this enough, however, I would disappear into a complete maladaptive daydream spiral.
Replies: >>861 >>1043 >>1285
>>776 (OP) 
I've done similar things before, with my tulpa. Never daydreamed with Solo RPGs though. Good idea.

And yeah. The daydream spiral can definitely be real. No real advice for you on that one. Just don't give in to your schizoid instincts too much, I guess.
>>776 (OP) 
I'm doing this, just I basically made scripts for all the tables and possible rolls so I don't have to memorize shit and I also use AI. I don't do much of anything else anymore.Endless entertainment.
>>776 (OP) 
How did this go? A while back I was trying to think of a way to make RNG with my brain. As far as I got was some combination of using the colors you see when you gently press on your eyelids, and random noises, but I found being hypervigilant for random noises really distracting and not relaxing.

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Hello, As of today, I will no longer be BO. Its not that I've lost interest in imageboards or anything. It's that life has become a bit more complicated than it was when I restarted this board as a bunker back in January and I just don't have the free time I used to. So I've been making certain sacrifices to keep myself in a good headspace and not become overwhelmed. Sadly the board is one of those sacrifices. I will be transferring that duty to DD. Who I've spent the better part of the year moderating and maintaining this board with. I trust that they will take good care of the board. Maybe In the future I'll come back as a volunteer. Thank you all for your support. It's been a hell of a ride and take care of yourselves! <3
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>>1144 (OP) 
Thanks so much for all your efforts Anon! You managed this difficult transition well. Look forward to seeing you around often. Cheers!  :)
>>1144 (OP) 
Thanks for all the work of bringing this place back here and good luck with everything.
>>1144 (OP) 
Thanks for your work BO. Take care of yourself.
You did a good job in bringing back the board. Thanks for all the work you've put in.
>>1144 (OP) 
Thank you for your service, friend.

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Watching episodes from the simpsons.
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Early Family Guy is pretty comfy, American Dad too. IIRC Seth moved on from writing FG around 2010 or so.
I recently watched from season 4 to 10. Is there much point in watching past season 10? I was noticing diminishing returns in 9 and 10. Does it funny back up?
Replies: >>1280
Imho the show is still good till season 17 but then it starts to decline. I enjoy to watch it after the 17 but it's definitively not the same. Season 1 to (around 15) is peak comfy.
Currently I'm watching last seasons and I can't wait to finish to go back to the classics of my childhood. It's not really bad but it definitively evolved in a way I don't get the feeling.
Replies: >>1281
Seasons 4 to like 7 are just so good. Past the growing pains and utterly stuffed to the brim with jokes.

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I recently dug out my old nes and picked up some random games off eaby. I had never heard of guardian legend before popping it in to the console, man how did that game slip under the radar? 10/10 nes kino. I also picked up the nes port of wizardry, wasn't expecting much from old console port of a reasonably complex pc game however, it's quite good actually. As far as I can tell none of the games mechanics were cut, rolling characters, classes and races all seem to well represented and since it has a battery backup you don't need to fuck around with passwords or savedisks. Probably how I'll play the game from now on unless I find major bug or something. Are there any retard friendly resources for learning 6502 assembly? I'd like to pick it up but, I haven't done any programing in a long time.
Replies: >>1219
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>>1155 (OP) 
The Guardian Legend is a very good game. Gotta play it again soon.

Regarding 6502 Assembly, I did a quick search and found this: https://codeburst.io/an-introduction-to-6502-assembly-and-low-level-programming-7c11fa6b9cb9

Can't speak for its accuracy or effectiveness since I'm not a programmer though.

my headphones broke and that’s what normally gets me through the sleepless nights; in the room, at night, the light cannot be turned on, should I give into using my laptop? not sure how else to preoccupy time, my eyesight is declining lol
Replies: >>1197
>>1196 (OP) 
If you don't have any other options then go for it. What kind of headphones were you using?

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It's 4:00 AM. Reading Moby Dick in bed while hearing the rooster crow. Generally late night-dawn is the best time for reading. What do you spend your late nights on, anon?
HOI4, mainly.

Also been trying to solve Redheffer.
Many weeknights I've been popping an edible and watching live StarCraft 2. It could be comfier if my chair were comfy.
Watching stuff, reading, practicing an instrument or otherwise screwing around with music. All kinds of stuff that involves sitting in front of a computer.

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The spiders web
When I nightwalk and crawl inside the old buildings around, I get a lot of spider webs in my face. It's like a spiderweb bukake and I hate that >(

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What is more core to the /late/ experience than coffee? How you like yours? What brands? Cream? Sugar? Or, like me, do you take yours black as the night?
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Replies: >>1068 + 2 earlier
We are approaching pumpkin spice season. Will you be partaking?
Funny how work does that to you, I used to drink coffee that was a third milk. Now I'll settle for black burnt break room sludge. Happy Monday
I've never had pumpkin spice coffee before, I might actually try it this year.

Normally, I just drink pitch-black, cheap, drip brewed coffee. Weirdly enough, I prefer the flavor if it's become burnt/stale.
Replies: >>1085
>>9 (OP) 
Gotta have milk, lowfat preferrably. if I'm in a hurry, I use a kettle and an aeropress, and if I'm not, I use a siphon or moka pot. 

Good-shit coffee has always been more expensive than the cheap stuff.  Most stuff in the supermarket is pretty much brazillian-grown arabica beans.

Hell, I remember some coffee people who would pay the same price that most people pay for good bottles of alcohol.
Tired it, I don't understand the hype about it. It tastes just ok and all of the sugar in it gives me a stomach ache.

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Ok. Last chance to proov late's superiority over all :
How do i maximize the appeal of an illustration on the interwebs, so to gain maybe some 6 digits audience thru the content on its own?
Like perhaps multiplying itby its niche, what else are to be counted in the canvas itself then?


USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST Banned for an evasion and not drawing enough space marines. Thread will remain open for space marine posting

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I think your good /comfy/ BO. Looks like they replied to you in the thread. But you should still watch the appeals in case it was another anon
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