/late/ - Late Nights

Long nights, sleepy days

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Welcome to the new /late/!

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Hello again /LATE/ !

What's up?!
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real joycultists hours
Replies: >>1763
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schway and joypilled, real psyop hours
kitsch PSRcucks nowhere to be seen
Replies: >>1791
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My argument Vs Y0U!!
Replies: >>1803
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please refrain from generating this type of content, there is enough of that already out there
thank you
Replies: >>1813
it's more like a parody of it tho

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Hello everyone! I was talking to someone the other day and we discussed hikki things. One thing he mentioned that I never really considered is that solitude can become loneliness depending on your perception of yourself. 

What I've come to ask you all is, do you enjoy your own company? Do you make yourself laugh and enjoy being alone with yourself? It's proven that, too much time by yourself will make you go mad, but in short bursts it's actually very healthy. This leads to striking a balance between human interaction and solitude being the best way to live life. How do you feel when you're alone? How do you feel when you're around friends? Do you look forward to the transition between being alone and sharing a space with other individuals and vice versa?

I enjoy my own company and although I'm very timid and nervous when it comes to imminent human interaction, I enjoy it in the moment and am glad it happened after the fact. I look forward to being by myself at the end of the day and maybe even for a full day to detox from the world, but after a few days of not seeing anyone or hanging out with anybody I become more and more lonely and seek interactions, even if they're just phone calls. I grew up with many friends in my neighborhood, but they all ended up moving away by the time I was in my teen years and the only friends I had up until recently were people online that I'd speak to almost every day. These days, I have a large circle of good friends in real life, so I m
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I make myself laugh often, even all alone. I'll break into bits too just for myself. 

I'm often alone, but almost never lonely. I do feel very isolated, if that makes sense as a different feeling.

I don't see a lot of people.

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What keeps you up, late at night, while the world quiets down ?
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Yes, and all too soon the nauseousness of the world comes back as it stirs awake.
I'm the monkey.
Replies: >>1684
You bastid.
Replies: >>1685
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Replies: >>1686
Damn it, I knew it! I knew it was you.

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I come back here a lot hoping for that same magic I felt on the original board and I hate to be a debbie downer but it's nowhere near as strong as the OG vibes.

Late City felt like a real place sometimes. The discussions on that board and the type of content you could find was nothing like any board I'd ever been on. A prerequisite to visiting was a nice somber almost Silent Hill esque ambience I'd play through my speakers, no lights on and of course it had to be night time. It felt like I was in another world and no board has ever made me feel like that.

I appreciated it so much whenever I'd visit, but damn I wish I would've known it was all just gonna disappear one day. I don't go on boards too often, so every time I had that feeling about coming to Late City on a nice cool night, it was an event.

That's all. I don't have more to say if you even consider anything I wrote as saying something. Just wanted to vent a slight frustration and post for the first time in forever. I miss it, lads :/
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Replies: >>1668 + 2 earlier
I googled it and looks like they are on 8kunt. I'm sure as hell not going anywhere near that site to check it tho.
Replies: >>1581 >>1583
Sad, absolute honeypot. Explains why I never found them in my travels at least.
dubs of truth
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>>1187 (OP) 
seconding this.
When I was NEET I was a regular on the original late and it was such a unique experience. 
Playing deep lofi, lights off, in my room, everyone asleep it was magical. I love the magic unique asthetic that /late/ is. I loved to post in the visit thread and giving updates on my life situation, reading others posts and partaking in the friendly and kind convos. I hope we can make the new board akin to the original one.
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>hunting for pixel art
Here you go

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Happy New Year, /late/!
With the coming of a new year we are presented with a perfect time both to reflect on the past and look forward to the future.
>What were some of your favorite memories of 2023?
>What did you accomplish?
>What have you got planned for this new year, anons? 
>What are you looking forward to? 
>What do you want to accomplish? 
>How do you intend to move forward on your long term goals and dreams this year?
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Replies: >>1584 >>1587 + 1 earlier
Hey, I don't really have much to respond with but it's fun reading your opinions on this stuff. I would like to hear the story of the rotary powered japomobile you owned. How you got it, some misadventures, the mods you did and how it ended up out of your life again.

I'm glad this conversation sparked interest in someone. Rotary engines are fascinating, even if you're not into cars. It's a widely misunderstood motor that has it's drawbacks, but they're incredible engines that have a cult like following all thanks to Mazda and what they did with them. Mazda was the only car manufacturer willing to take a huge risk in investing in them for decades despite many companies like Ford and Suzuki experimenting with them early on and deeming the rotary a failure. Mazda never lost faith.

Because of modern emissions standards, rotary engines will likely never be the sole power output of a new car ever again, but that makes them all the more fascinating to me and was a big reason why I bought the above car. The story and legacy of the rotary engine inspires me.
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Happy belated new years everyone, here's to a good year for my fellow owls.
Replies: >>1589
>>1433 (OP) 
>What were some of your favorite memories of 2023?
Some video game nonsense news. The world is becoming more crap. 
>What did you accomplish?
I've learned more about myself
>What have you got planned for this new year, anons? 
Learn more to being sorta normal. 
>What are you looking forward to? 
Vidya games
>What do you want to accomplish? 
More internal struggles that show to the surface. 
>How do you intend to move forward on your long term goals and dreams this year?
Good question
>>1433 (OP) 
>What were some of your favorite memories of 2023?
Visiting a beach for the first time with my brother

>What did you accomplish?
Not much outside of the norm

>What have you got planned for this new year, anons? 
Hopefully a better future filled with knowledge and guidance for the situations that arise

>What are you looking forward to? 
Having my "own" place for a quadrennial term

>What do you want to accomplish? 
Learning a new language and reading quite a lot of books on theology
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Happy New Years ; final Cafe edition. May /late/ move to a good home soon!

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Do you like Strek, anon? What series? What characters?

(nuTrek Need Not Apply)
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This. I wonder if there are any other campy shows that fit this bill?
DS9 is the only Trek show I accept. It's grittier, it has a focus point with the station, nice space battles, multifaceted characters, rogue ones, religious themes and some very intriguing alien species. You pretty much learn to love and hate the Dominion. Cardassians are fantastic.
Older Trek movies were OK before they turned into Space Rambo. JJA's stuff is a waste of reel.
>the empath alien from planet hedonism "not get/understand anything" is canon to the entire run of the show, she's a useless bimbo and bad counsellor
She's ugly.
>Harry Mudd comes back for a third time in the cartoon, if that's something that would be up your alley.
It depends on the width of his alley.
At the very least TNG introduced the Borg and Earl Grey. That has to count for something.
Maybe but it's a true point. That, or having the dead vote.
Technically it's the same.

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I can only watch gay porn at night because I feel ashamed to watch in the light...
>I'm completely straight during the day
>At night I go completely gay
>Get horny for twinks and sissies
>I ended up seducing an Asian twink in Belfast
>Took his boyish virginity (He's 19 so legal)
>But in the morning I feel so ashamed
Why am I super straight in the light but gay in the night?!! WTF why is the night making me gay??
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It is soo interesting to see a actual AI bot trying to damage IB's in the field.
It used to be the job of CREST subhumans and even they were better than these bots. The good thing is if they are spending time trying to make this ib worse, it means we are doing something good.

To the OP, if you aren't religious just accept your sexual attraction and live your life without a worry about stupid shit like "sexual orientation" (which is not even real outside religious context). If you are religious then try to do shock therapy but make sure it hurts a lot  because i am fairly confident you will enjoy that if the pain isn't too much.
Replies: >>1419 >>1424 >>1429
Well, it wouldn't be a proper imageboard if we didn't have at least one person daftly spewing this sort of rubbish.

So, to whoever you are: thank you for doing your part for /late/ and for us (the shitposts could use some polishing though)
I never considered the possibility of it being a bot.

You will live to witness manmade horror beyond your comprehension
>8 replies to yourself
you can stop larping anytime dude
go back

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What animals do you absolutely detest? That you wish were exterminated? For me its dolphins.
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Pit Bulls!
Replies: >>1300
Why? I don't see many where I live but they are usually adorable.
Replies: >>1301 >>1303
Except for when they eat people. 😭
Check out the statistics on dog bite fatalities.
I agree with you, If they can't survive in nature, then it's just natural selection taking it's course.

I feel dumb, I forgot to check back on anon.cafe, but I kinda liked how late.city was almost a stand alone thing.

Miss this community.
Replies: >>1134 >>1423
>>1133 (OP) 
Yup, I'm glad we're back though.
Part of why I didn't post so frequently was because the place ip banned mobile data, and that was unfortunately the only way I could access the web from home at the time.
Indie boards are always comfier.
>>1133 (OP) 
Welcome back

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What's your favorite /late/ night memory?

For me, it's probably sitting at my window at 4AM with a cool spring breeze blowing, staring out on to the darkened street listening to Watermelon In Easter Hay by Frank Zappa, and just reflecting.

Or that time me and my dad some how found Pom Poko on cable and we were baffled by everything we were seeing.
Replies: >>1378 >>1404
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>>1377 (OP) 
That's hard to say, there are many. One of them is playing on a handheld game as a kid waiting for Christmas morning.
Replies: >>1379
Anyone got the anteater version?
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I used to do night photography a bit when life was a tad bit simpler. I wasn't a professional, I just liked taking pictures with a gopro my aunt bought me a few Christmas' ago.

One night, I woke up right at 3am. I tried getting back to sleep, but you know that feeling when you just can't? You can't and you know somehow that you're just gonna be laying there for hours having those half sleep half awake thoughts. It was Saturday and I knew work was out the next day, so I said fuck that.

I grabbed my gopro, mounted it to my JDM shitbox and just drove with no direction for over an hour intentionally getting lost and taking some of my most coveted pictures yet. 

It's really something when there are no other cars on the road. You feel like you're in a dream or your the only person left awake as the rest of the world sleeps. It was Winter at the time, so there was nothing but this incredible silence every time I stopped and took photos.
>>1377 (OP) 
Hacker digits gets
>What's your favorite /late/ night memory?
Me smoking heroin while listenning some comfy night radio programs and playing Fallout 3 on an old CRT I found in the trash. Stopping to cuddle and fuck with my gf.
Doing this during one week, sleeping in the day and didn't have to get out of my home because the gf went to the grocery and used to cook for us.

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