/late/ - Late Nights

Long nights, sleepy days

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Tell me your dreams, I can do an analysis on them
Just had a fucked up dream about a friend I knew that died years ago. Guy was a little younger than me. Grew up in a shitty neighborhood with the wrong principles for life and ended up being shot and killed for it. The one time I'd been to his house he was showing legit automatic MAC-10s and all this other illegal shit he had. Even pointed a loaded gun at me to try and fuck with me once. Drove like a maniac too, like Walter White in those scenes where he's racing home because of some emergency, but this guy would do this just going to and from work. Dude was wild, but he was my friend and I have many fond memories about him. 

Anyways, tonight I had a dream there was this big party in the house I grew up in. He was there and so were a bunch of people I haven't really spoken to in a while. He shows me this revolver he just bought and starts pointing it at me just like he did in real life ane I act super non chalant about just like I did in real life, only this time the fucking gun goes off and barely misses my lower back by a few inches. I moved just before it happened and remember telling everyone that I knew the gun was gonna go off pointed at me, but no one believed me. Anyways, my late friend starts apologizing and asking if I'm alright and how it was an accident, but I walk away from him into a separate room in the house and let my family know exactly what almost happened to me. My brother tells me to call the cops, hands me his phone to do so, and I convince him to subdue my friend before the cops arrive. I start sobbing because I realize just how close I was to being killed. I call the police hysterical and this nice old lady on the phone assures me that the police are coming and that he'll be taken away for a long time.  She even talks about the insurance check we're gonna get from the bullet hole and starts making small talk about whether my mom should start renovating that part of the home now. She was really sweet. There were things I missed as she was speaking to me and she gladly repeated them when I asked. The dream ended with me crying and hiding in a room by myself in my house as I heard the wailing of my friend as he realizes he's going to prison and his life is over. I noticed some kids in the neighborhood outside a window looking over at our house wondering what happened.

There's plenty more vivid fuckery that occurred tonight, but I'll only tell this one arc of it. I was thinking about this friend a bit today, so I'm not surprised I dreamt about him. Still though, I was very disturbed when I woke up and thought about it. I don't believe in dream interpretations, but came to late because of how messed up I feel and decided to share. The worst thing about that dream was hearing him wailing in fear and sadness. I can still hear it and it sounds so real. I contemplated for a sec about how me calling the police on him maybe would've saved his life, but realized that people make their own decisions. If he hadn't been killed in a gunfight, then it probably would be something else. Only then he'd resent me. I miss him till this day, but it is what it is. People die I guess, then they come back to haunt our dreams. 

Sorry for the fucked up story, but typing this out made me feel a lot better. Gonna try to catch some more Zs. Wish me luck
Had a dream where I basically desired an ephebe who was apparently a relative of mine. Not sure whether he was my brother or not. About 16 years old I think, maybe younger but his body was already alright - almost like a girl's but obviously without breasts and with smaller hips. It appears that we wanted each other - sexually. I felt extreme sexual desire in my dream, I was practically grasping his body on our way to a sort of public bath. It was pretty dark in there, I was hoping we could have an intercourse but there were too many people and they disrupted everything. I wasn't happy with that and neither was my companion. 
I believe Sigmund Freud would have something to say about this.
I was working on my car, and was jacking up the engine, which was disconnected for some reason, the whole front end was stripped of body pannels, when the jack slipped, breaking the oil pan, but the pan was nailed in instead of screwed in, so i couldnt fix it. For some reason this made me sad, prolly because ive been fixing that car up for a long time (shu runs great now) anyways, i decided to rip the nails out and try to replace it anyway, telling my grandpa fuck you ill fix it, but then my bro woke me up.
Replies: >>1752
What kinda car?
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I've had 2 dreams in the past 2 months where i was in a ps1 game. It('s clearly because i recently played LSD Dream Emulator for the first time.
 I really wanna have more dreams like these ones. 
Tell me if you're interested in hearing the ps1 dreams. I have them written down somewhere.
Replies: >>1858
Dreamt that I was playing Sonic and the Secret Rings or Sonic and the Black Night and I was having actual fun.
I played those games as a kid so they always stuck with me
Last night I had a dream I was living in a house out in the desert and kept getting bit by snakes. I think I was a kid in the dream and had other kids around me, and if I remember right they had to contend with the snakes too.

When napping earlier today, I had a dream that was focused on architecture. I was living in my hometown on the street I spent my early childhood in a retrofuturistic-looking house. It was hard to describe. It also had a few Victorian elements, but everything fit together naturally.  I remember looking out the window at the other houses, which were more standard in style but remember noticing a few that were similar to each other that I thought were interesting. Those ones were more wild versions of an actual house I remember from my childhood.

There was also another section where I was standing on a street corner that was seemingly inspired by a place a few streets down from where I live. I was looking at houses. It didn't really make sense, since I was supposed to be watching TV at the same time. It was apparently a show about old houses from all over my state, and those were somehow the houses I was standing in front of all in one place. I think the houses would change sometimes too. I remember one that reminded me of a castle. My brother was there too, but I don't remember seeing him. I just remember feeling his presence behind me, and I think I addressed him at least once.

I've always wished there was a way to record and play back dreams. I would have liked to bring back the designs of the houses I saw into my waking life.
A played that game for the first time relatively recently. It's definitely a unique experience.
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I was watching an apocryphal season of ReBoot.  Matrix walked into a bar to confront Megabyte, who was minding his own business, having a drink.  Matrix was literally just there to start a fight to make himself feel like a big man.  Not to kill Megabyte, either; he can't do that because he knows how empty his life would be without a villain to oppose.

But it was like the writers didn't know this, and were just writing themselves into corners with the characters all flailing their arms, also aimless with no idea what to do with themselves and unable to reflect on their lives and motivations.  Megabyte hadn't been up to anything in years.  He still had a different vision for how the world should be, but was tired and unambitious.  So there was nothing for anyone to do but sweep the floors and go through the motions until doomsday.

Most depressing shit I've ever seen.
I had a dream I was staying with KingCobraJFS on some property he had out in a rural area of Wyoming.  At one point we were sitting in a small structure that was like someone took a little sunroom out of a house and placed it off by itself. I'm not sure what he was doing, but I imagine it involved a lot of drinking. There were grizzly bears wandering around, even inside a massive garage-like complex on the property, which I found really concerning. I remember picking up a bear cub I saw at and setting it down somewhere else just to get it away from me. I was afraid that a mother bear would smell me on the cub, track me down, and kill me. I ended up stumbling across a bundled-up group of people near what looked like open garage doors who had guns among them. I knew they could be relied on take care of any meddlesome bears and felt  relieved.

That's most definitely what's up.
I had a dream I had two children. I didn't want to be a dad and was really salty about the whole thing at first, but I quickly came to love my offspring and wanted to protect them no matter what. I soon embraced my life as a dad and was happy that it all turned out this way. It was sobering, but also a bit sad waking up and realizing they were never real. Those emotions were definitely real though.
Tried to take a sip of water from my thermos, but it was full of ground beef.
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