/late/ - Late Nights

Long nights, sleepy days

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Already have a coffee thread, and I think alcohol is just as /late/.

What’s your drink of choice, anons? I’m basic and go for rum and coke most nights. Cream soda instead today, can’t say i regret it.
Replies: >>945
>>924 (OP) 
For me, it's usually whisky. Got into making Highballs and Old Fashioneds a while back. Nice and simple to learn, but still lots of variables to play with and make it your own.
>coconut rum
>lime juice
Favorite drink is probably a citrus soju highball
>Line a glass with citrus juice
>Add two ice cubes
>Fill with 1-4 shots of soju until the ice is floating
>Add two more ice cubes and stir
>Fill with sparkling mineral water (or fizzy water/soda of choice) to the brim
>Enjoy with something salty, umami, and/or greasy
The formula works just as well with whiskey, vodka, or gin. The best part is that you don't get as strong of a hangover and the extra water content keeps you from drinking them too quickly. Best used as a digestif after eating questionable food.
I used to drink a lot of gin mixed with soda. Best combination imo is gin and moxy
Replies: >>1034
Been a whie I didn't drink gin. I sometimes want to try it out again but I'm really not into alcool anymore. But I will try again the classic tonic with lemon maybe.
I'm not much of a liquor guy myself. I think the last bit of liquor I had was a shot of straight everclear, just to see what it was like. I honestly kind of like it
Replies: >>2018
Chilled water on warm nights. Warm tea on cold nights. Not a fan of liquor.
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Be careful with the fucking alcohol, I opened my finger because of being drunk the previous night
Kind of the same deal for me. I've tried all sorts of mixes and combinations to mask the alcohol flavor but they always end up tasting too much like alcohol. So I've decided just to take one or two shots of straight vodka if I want a buzz. If my mouth is going to get assaulted by alcohol I might as well get it over as quick and efficiently as possible.
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