/late/ - Late Nights

Long nights, sleepy days

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Welcome to the new /late/!

there used to be a thread like this on og /late/ - post every time you're on late!
Replies: >>164 >>424 >>1021
Wish you /late/friends nothing but the best
Test post attempt 8
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Good luck /late/.
>t. /robowaifu/
Are there plans to get the original /late/ css implemented?
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Hello from Junkuchan
It's so late here that it's almost early. Working a lot lately but in few days things will calm down and I'l enjoy some good time with the gf.

Hope all my late friends are fine and I crave to see a proper /late/ rebuild.
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Sometimes I take a nap late in the day and wake up around midnight. I don't know why but I always get an overwhelming sense of loneliness and doom whenever this happens.
Replies: >>53 >>69
As a night worker I do this sometimes and I must admit I hate it.  Always give me a depressive feeling when waking up. I think waking up in the middle of the night confuse me.
I prefer to sleep early in the morning after work or in the night like a normal person.
Replies: >>69
>open /late/
>affraid of being granted by the whiteness of the Yotsuba CSS
>instead comfy dark CSS
Replies: >>65
Let's All Love /LATE/ !
It does make a big difference.
weird, i always found that comfy
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How I make a sandwich:

1: Lightly toast the bread.

2: Put vegetables, sliced hard boiled eggs, and pepper in between 2 cheese slices.

3: Lightly cook sandwich meat, and assemble the sandwich.

4: Place a napkin under the sandwich and microwave it for about 25 seconds to melt the cheese and warm the sandwich (a napkin is necessary to prevent the bottom of the sandwich from becoming soggy).
Replies: >>104 >>106 >>107
you put pees on a sandwich? never seen that before
Replies: >>106
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this thread doesn't feel right without the 1000 get image, or any image at all
some one please save us before the sun comes and obliterates our cover...
anyway, I'm grateful to be around you late frens again. hi guys. hello. missed yoooouuu
Replies: >>108 >>122
ngl this san'wich looks good. I would not use the microwave personally as I didn't even have one but a classic oven.
vegetables in a 'dwich are nice, feel free to use what makes you happy :)
Looks good, although I'm not sure if I'd like the peas that much.

For me it's mayonnaise, romaine lettuce, a hard-boiled egg, a slice of cheese, and 2-4 slices of meat (depending on thickness).
You too. We'll have our board back soon, just wait you'll see.
Does anyone have the owl mascot? I liked it soo much.
Replies: >>117
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Here ya go
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Happy National Annoy Squidward Day /late/
Replies: >>119 >>120
I'm Squidward
I'm Squidward
I'm Squidward, Squidward, Squidward
Spoiler File
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>National Annoy Squidward Day
Lol. OK, here's my contribution /late/.
>oh wait,
is this really annoyance?
Replies: >>1312
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Missed you too lateanon. That rabbit's got some veiny ears.
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Replies: >>133
hey late. It's 3 am where I am and I was thinking of you while playing old Amiga games. I'll eat my Ramen cup in a bit and then maybe try to catch some sleep before the sun is up?...

Status: Tummy-aching.
End of shift soon. Can't wait to back home. A hot shower, my comfy pajamas and wrapping myself in my bed with a bowl of cereals, my pipe and some old school Simpsons.
Replies: >>146
I've been meaning to jump into the Simpsons, I've never seen it before. I hear season 3-8 are the best. What do you think?
Replies: >>147 >>148
Not him, but the first season feels more like a sitcom than the ones after that do. It's not considered as funny, and the animation's sloppier. I'm actually really fond of it for the rough animation and how grounded it felt early on in comparison to the direction the show went in.
>he never seen The Simpsons
Where I live it was a ritual for the kids and their families to watch The Simpsons every sunday evenning. It was the end of the week-end and it marked a whole generation.
From almost 20 years I use to watch it for sleeping so I've seen all the show multiple time. It really help me to sleep.
My favourite seasons ? All before around the 20. I'm not a fan of the recent ones as the humor is not the same (the humor relies more on gags instead of the situation), the characters are shallowers and I like the old school animation from the first seasons. My favorites are between 3 and 10.

Other old school show I enjoy : The X-Files (really popular when I was young to). Besides that I'm not a lot into series nor TV things.
can't sleep but have nothing else to do. i have had some respiratory bs for a week now and haven't been able to have a proper smoke without coughing up a lung. picked a bad time to try nofap. at least i am improving with my exercises, i went from barely being able to do 3 pushups to doing 12. still need to lose like 20-30 pounds. took a bath today and felt disgusting for letting myself get fat. maybe i'll find an old movie on youtube to watch.
Replies: >>153
You're on the right way anon, don't give up until you feel you're happy with yourself.
As a smoker myself, I hate it when I need to smoke but my body won't.
Replies: >>204
>>32 (OP) 
I can't believe late is back and active. Literally bliss. Live on 100,000,000 million nights late. Let the moon shine on until the sun implodes (good riddance).
[We regret to inform you that your childhood has left you behind]

Been spending many long nights this month playing around with imageboard software for the first time. Started doing it because there's no dedicated communities for my hobby and thought maybe it's time to do something about that. The few people that share my interest on a higher level are sadly either on Twitter or Discords for related topics, both of which I don't enjoy using. Unfortunately not much interest for it on imageboards even though the format is a good fit for it.

Got a bunch of progress adding new features, fixes and specifics I had in mind for the board and had fun doing this, but I'm not sure if there's any point in continuing. Might keep doing this for fun on the side even if I never make it into an actual community, but I should probably go back to working on my other projects for now.
what hobby?
Replies: >>172
Hope you'll succeed building up you board and hope people will using it. I know it could be difficult for some of them to get out of pozed structures and come back to image boards type sites.
What hobby are you into ?
Replies: >>172
Anon, you have to tell us what your hobby is. This is very important.
Replies: >>172
I miss the early days of post-Exodus 8chan when there were active boards for all kinds of hobbies. Even ham radio guys had their own board, and I loved seeing that even though it's not something I have any interest in.
Replies: >>171
I really enjoy lurking on specialized topics little boards. I love the idea there are some niche communities here and there and you can learn some nice stuff if you tka the time to find them. I don't use social medias and I love the image board culture.
Replies: >>175 >>176
Watching Ib's get destroyed by external groups is soo hard. I saw them come, i read the posts against them when they post for soo long but they are clearly winning the war, there are less and less resistance. I am not obsessed with keeping that board usable but that group seems to do it fulltime. Why are people like this, why do they want to talk about the niche thing on soo many different websites when they alone never create any discussion, just ruin it? One more ib to ignore in the webring, less ground of good content on the internet.
Replies: >>174
I also finished 2 books and reading the third just this week(they are all fiction, nothing deep )thanks to scrolling less. Soo things aren't all doom and gloom in the real world. Maybe i will just keep late and comfy from my daily scrolling and start doing more in real life.
i don't understand.
Replies: >>176
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There is a video to downbload. Here it is. I think >>172 is into retro CG.
If you like this, I may suggest you to lurk our neighbour's thread on >>>/retro/152
Replies: >>177
oh okay, that's pretty cool. i always liked the way the art looked in snes games. i think i might try to make some art in that style for fun.
/late/, what song will play at the end of the universe?
 I think something like "eminem-stan" would play but i truly hope for "how applejack won the war" because that would be really funny.
The Neu Products Era's Enter the Mirror song by Les Rallizes. Period.
All Star by Smash Mouth
Passing afternoon by Iron & Wine
/late/, what was your first album you got, or one of your first? Does it bring back any special memories or hold anything special to you? Do you still listen to it?
Replies: >>185 >>187
The first Gorillaz album. The summer before fifth grade I met this kid named Kyle who just moved to my neighborhood. We found out that we would have the same teacher once school started and I went to his house to play. His room was a mess and smelled like piss. He told me he doesn't like playing in there, so we went into his living room, and he showed me his Bionicle collection. He had two highschooler goth sisters who I quickly developed an infatuation with. The music video for the Gorillaz song Clint Eastwood came on MTV which was on at the time and his sisters said they liked it. I liked it too. Sometime later my sister took me to BestBuy and she got the album for me because I had recently received a portable CD player and it was just the first album I thought to get. I am not a fan of the Gorillaz. I later realized Kyle was autistic and was very immature and gross, so I stopped hanging out with him. He got even weirder in high school, but he was mostly harmless.
It's corners like the old late and this one that are the only ones I still even remotely bother posting in. I especially miss the chill atmosphere of the old late, people are just so aggressive everywhere these days or obsessed with status on their little internet platform and "calling out" others, I just don't really bother talking with people online anymore because of that. late was kinda like the old internet in a way, where people were just excited to talk to other people and nobody had to prove anything or was overtly eager for the attention of complete strangers.

Sadly the old late disappeared, as these places somehow don't tend to last in the new internet. It's like the toxicity of it just erodes them away.
Replies: >>187 >>201 >>214
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Anon, there's still hope for a proper /late/. These little corners of internet should be preserved. There are still some of them running here and there. I almost don't interact on internet expect on some of these quite little places.
La Schtroumpf Party, an eurodance album of remixed resmurfed songs. Before that I used to have some cassettes of kid music, Henri Dès being my favorite (I still listen to it from time to time). I also had the Paradisiaque album from MC Solaar.
yes I'm french
Replies: >>188 >>198 >>342
>Does it bring back any special memories or hold anything special to you?
Yes it does. It was the same day I got my first CD player. It was a revolution at this time as it was the first steps of the CD support for everyone. I still remember how me and my friends used to dance and laugh on the Smurf dance album or making contests on who can song the Sollars's song by heart in the school yard. Some of the few kid memories I enjoy.
>yes I'm french
I spent many a summer as a kid in southern france. It was beautiful and I didn't appreciate it enough. Also remember all the slim french women in summer dresses. So long ago, the last time I was there was the late 90s. I guess everything's probably different now.
I haven't posted yet on the new board, but just checking in on this late night. 
Growing old is weird, sad, etc. etc. I hope you all are doing well.
Replies: >>207
>people are just so aggressive everywhere these days or obsessed with status on their little internet platform and "calling out" others

Agreed. To me it seems there's a growing obsession about being right, and being in the right. As you'd expect, this can make otherwise pleasant people viscous. So focused on negativity and a need for superiority over others. It makes me wonder, do these people live in such discomfort with themselves that they can't bare being wrong in front of others? Do they keep doing this to assure themselves and others that there's nothing wrong with them? In that case, this is an insecurity issue with oneself.

It reminds me of a quote I heard: "Confident people aren't confident because they know they're right, it's because they're not afraid of being wrong."
Replies: >>202
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Nice and accurate quote anon, thanks for sharing. Did you recall  by any mean where did you read that ?
It perfectly describes how internet works imo.
Replies: >>205
Thanks, the respiratory thing cleared up. I built a DIY pullup bar today. I wasn't really able to do a pullup yet so tomorrow I will rig up some rope to it with another bar so I can do those leaning back pullups where your feet are on the ground. Once I build some strength doing that I should be able to do one full body pullup and go from there. I need to start counting calories and I am already going for night walks, so I should be on my way to losing weight, which make it easier to do pullups also. I have had some false starts over the years with self-improvement, but I'm determined to stick with it this time.
Replies: >>210 >>392
I know it came from this channel. I tried to find it, but could not.

Glad to see you back Anon. Hey, you're only as old as you convince yourself you are! :) Convince yourself you're young by acting young, and I think you'll feel better soon. Cheers.
Hasn't been written yet, from our dimensional timeline. Handel's Messiah is probably the closest thing we have ATM though.
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I'm here.
Replies: >>212 >>213
>I'm determined to stick with it this time.
Don't give up my friend, you've already put some effort in building a pullup bar. I like your determination and it may help to motivates other anons in need.
Take care /late/
I don't believe you. What proof do you have that you really are here? Do you even know if I'm here?
Replies: >>213
These posts were made by bots. I know it because I'm real.
Proof : I'm here.
What's most upsetting to me that this atmosphere trickled down into anon spaces. 

One day I hope an imageboard can have both staying power and a relatively relaxed vibe. I'm fine with trolling in the classic sense, but the "modern" troll employs vitriol is so strong and without humor it repulses me.
Replies: >>215 >>220
Nta but I think a lot of people justify being douchebags because it's the internet and they don't understand the concept of holding yourself to personal standards. I get a lot of comments like "do you know where you are?" when I tell them they can choose not be assholes. I'm glad places like this exist and we don't get many edgy boys stumbling in.
Replies: >>220
>the "modern" troll
The problem with the "modern troll" is that it's not troll anymore. Young generations discovering the old school spirit have take it way too seriously and they just seen it as a way to express on a first degree their social deviancy.
That's what we used to name the netiquette back then and even at this moment it was not always easy to maintain but nowaday it really seems to fade out. Just maintaining a good atmosphere just fr the sake of it. That's why I interact this few on the internet and I carefully chose where to do it. Trolling is still fun, sometimes, when it's well made but just spitting the shit everywhere like a /b/ot is just a noway for me.

sorry poor english, it's late here and too lazy to use a translator
Is the moonchan anon here, what happened to your site?
Replies: >>232 >>242
different anon wondering the same thing, I tried visiting awhile back and was bummed to see it out
Replies: >>242
Stayed up way too late working on a secret level the majority of players will miss out on. Even got the rewards and the secret boss all implemented. Feel exhausted but it was worth it. I'm sure the few that will experience it will appreciate it.

It's basically a secret inside a secret inside a secret inside a secret. Only true easter egg aficionados will discover it.
Replies: >>234 >>245
Congrats anon, it's always rewarding finding little hidden things like that.
What game ? Maybe a Dark Soul one, no ?
I like the idea of secrets hidden in secrets.
Replies: >>244
Yeah I am here. I put it offline (which maybe it was dumb to do without warning beforehand) as I felt it was kinda without purpose. There wasn't really a topic or theme to focus on and I had no clue what to do with it. I archived all the posts in html files though so nothing was really lost. I'll maybe put them on some static website hosting sometime in the future.

The only thing I can imagine doing with it, is going 8chan route and make it possible for everyone to create their own board. I had that "reputation spam thing" system in place there so keeping shady people out and moderating shouldn't be too hard. But I'm not sure if I'll get it running again.
Thanks and yeah it's inspired by Fromsoft games. The Ash Lake is still one of my most fond hidden areas. It was an amazing experience to discover that place on my first playthrough.
If nobody finds it in a timely manner (say, 6 months after release) will you give a hint, larp as somebody who "discovered" it, or continue to wait patiently?
Replies: >>246
Where's the fun in spoiling it? Besides someone might find it but never post about it online. I'll also be hinting at its existence (and for the other easter eggs as well) in the extra epilogue scene for the true ending.
Replies: >>247
I wouldn't spoil it either, just curious what you'd do.
Replies: >>251
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Ey, welcome to the party
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I'm here.
Replies: >>269
Hey there Anon, glad you finally made it! :^)
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first time posting here (and on boards in general). this place looks pretty fun and interesting.

i hope you all are having a good day :D
Replies: >>275 >>277 >>278
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/late/ is a really nice place. Welcome and have a nice night.
Right back at you.
Getting comfy today watching youtube videos to sleep.

I'll try to maybe start some small conversation by a question. What's some simple pleasure in life you really enjoy?
Replies: >>293 >>298
>What's some simple pleasure in life you really enjoy?
When you find a moment to just sit silently and stare into empty space not thinking of anything.
Drinking my coffe whuile listening music when waking up.
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Wake up /late/, a new TheSurvivorOfAll video just dropped.
Replies: >>300
Probably should include the link: https://youtu.be/kPxnT63ymMA
anyone got the discord link? i miss the comfy pics
Replies: >>303
Check >>1
It's late.
I visit /late/.
I post on /late/.
I'm a simple man.

Take care.
I fell down a youtube rabbit hole of people getting evicted from their homes recently, pretty kino.
If you think you're stupid, I bought $100 worth of expensive socks, found they are too big, found I can't return them because I wore each and every one of them, and can't shrink them because they're made of materials that don't shrink. I am now stuck with expensive socks that I can't wear. I'll be kicking myself over this for months (preferably with socks that fit).
A thought recently came across my mind. If/when AI voices become realistic enough, its possible they may be used in the place of human voice actors. This makes me wonder then, if prices for AI voices would rise to an undesirable amount to the point companies would rather stick to the cheap human voice actors. If not, voice actors in the future may be in trouble. Sometimes I wonder if technology evolves too much for our own good.
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Hey anon ! It's late, you're bored or just want to spend some nice time doing jigsaws with us ? Don't look further and come visit >>>/comfy/4861
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the night begins
>Anon, there's still hope for a proper /late/. These little corners of internet should be preserved.

So, apparently this is /late/'s home now?
Replies: >>343 >>345
Oh, I meant to ask. Is the /late/zine gonna be restarted too? I hope so tbh.
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That's how it looks to me. We don't seem to have any capable hands to build/maintain a /late/ with its own domain as of now, so we may as well get /comfy/. I wouldn't say this /late/ is bad, we even have a new radio we can easily add songs to.
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hiiii lateys... in case you're looking for a challenging puzzle late at night here's something for you: https://youtu.be/JeBWmkR_15I
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visiting today :)
Replies: >>356
Hello, and goodbye
Replies: >>354
Goodbye and hello :)
>tfw cold lolis r in ur freezer
Won't someone please just think of the children!?

Thanks for stopping by today Anon.
had promised to make a blog, last year on /late/2.0. Here it is.

Almost one year has passed since then and I really didn't post a lot on it (far from the 100 posts promised earlier). Was busy with other things.
Replies: >>363
My girlfriend just complains and yells all the time and is generally difficult to deal with lately. It's just complaints day in and day out, about her work, about her coworkers, sometimes about me. She's always been kinda like this but lately it's been amped up to 11. I have no idea why.

We are doing long distance right now (she moved for work, I'll move too as soon as I finish my current job) and quite honestly.. I think I dread it. I've enjoyed living alone the past few months. The idea about living with her and that non-stop complaining gives me anxiety, it's already difficult to handle from a distance. Sometimes I come to my phone and there's a bunch of text messages about her complaining about something and I just don't open them, pretending to be busy. I was supposed to drive down to her this weekend and I made some work related reason up why I can't, just so I can be by myself and play some video games.

We've been together for 8 years at this point. It's only been like this for one year and I don't really want to break up with her. I just want more space. She's suffocating me. I don't like being around people to begin with.
Replies: >>364 >>365
looks great
tell her in the most polite way possible that she is being a negative nancy. it's just a bad habit she picked up somewhere, you guys can get through it.
She might be cheating on you bro and is using this as an indirect way to get you to break up with her so she can pursue the other relationship guilt free,
Replies: >>366
nah, she prob just misses him and is trying to connect the best way she knows how which is complaining about shit. if she was cheating she would most likely be super nice to compensate for her guilt.
I have a friend i really liked hanging around and who has done a lot for me but Jesus he is becoming insufferable. He recently got really into social justice stuff and became addicted to arguing. Every time he starts with his opinion based on youtubers' opinions, he tries to poke me or keeps asking for my opinion until we end up fighting and i can't stand it anymore. I'm not even unironically bigoted or anything, but he will try to fight me even about semantics or using the wrong word for something and insist this should interest me and i should be more engaged when i already said i don't really care, and i don't know what to do anymore. I just don't feel like hanging out with him. We are grown adults but our friendship has been reduced to childish squabbles over the silliest shit.
Replies: >>376
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I wish I had more free time.
Replies: >>375
Dont we all
Replies: >>390
I used to really enjoy the company of someone a bit like that, but he ended up cutting off contact with me because I didn't agree with his views and refused to give into his passive-aggressive browbeating. Good riddance, I say. I'm at the point where I avoid getting close to anyone with that mentality, although it's even common for supposed free speech advocates to get their underwear in a knot when ideas they believe in are questioned.
Replies: >>387
No Politics
Replies: >>389
It really sucks, but i feel like i'm not getting through to him and he won't quit until he has converted me to the "good side". I think i've had enough for now. It makes me sad as he was one of my closest friends, and like any imageboard regular user, i don't even have that many friends. But being alone is slightly better than fighting over everything all the time. We've had yet another fight and i'm really done with this shit.
Replies: >>390
4:20 33 mason moment
I don't even want to be a complete NEET. I tried that for a little bit once I got out of high school and didn't like it. I was eager to start working and making money. A few hours of work a day would be ideal for me, but unfortunately that's not feasible.
I know how that feels. The guy who did that to me was one of the few people I could talk to in real life about things that went beyond the usual pleasantries you get a lot of people. I had a lot of fond memories of the stuff we did together, and my life was better for it. I think we ended up drifting apart though. That would have been fine if he hadn't reacted the way he did. I actually don't consider myself to be good at handling differences of opinion, but what happened wasn't on me.

You can only do so much. For me it felt freeing in some ways, like I didn't have to walk on eggshells anymore. In other ways I miss what we had. I'd known him a long time.
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Anon, I highly recommend looking up the concept of 'greasing the groove' if you haven't already. It's great for building progress and strength with certain movements, particularly pull-ups as I can attest myself. You've already done the hardest part which is starting the momentum, so keep at it.
Replies: >>395
thanks, will do.
dream sweet in sea major - miracle musical
what's up everyone, I haven't been over in like a month. i hope you are all well. i'm currently listening to night lights by gerry mulligan
Replies: >>404
For some reason I only read visual novels at night.
Hey, things are ok there. Take care.
Very happy it's friday tomorrow. Can't wait to tuck myself in bed under 3 covers, put on some comfy radio, and just nap like a king
Woke up really /early/ this morning. Not slept enough and have a long day awaiting.
Replies: >>417
I hope your day is better than you anticipate anon!
Replies: >>419
It was nice to spend a day in the daylight, been a while. Was even better because it's springtime here. Once back home I took a hot bath and went to sleep early.
>>32 (OP) 
I've woken up too early. It's around 4 am where I'm at, but it's comfy. I keep getting this feeling like I could do something extraordinary with my life, but I just can't fully streamline my focus at the moment. Still, it's ok I guess. A learning curve. Thank you for this board existing. It's rare to find a good place like this.
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It's a shame activity in /late/ is so sparse now. The previous /late/ wasn't booming with activity either, but now it feels just about everyone is gone.

Other social media was used to keep in touch with each other as we hoped from one place to the next when the previous /late/ was shut down, but now it looks like everyone has settled into those groups. Perhaps that's not surprising, there is a reason the majority of people use modern social media instead of imageboards.

I hope my /late/ frens return home.
>Perhaps that's not surprising, there is a reason the majority of people use modern social media instead of imageboards.
So you're saying Jews did this? Meh, their day is coming soon enough. 

For us, it's just a matter of finding something interesting to share with one another here Anon. Whining/niggerpilling about it doesn't improve anything. Just pick a topic.
I come by here daily even though I don't always post anything.
been busy, i will start posting more once i get more free time
Bros, i had to wake up early for some /soc/ bullshit. İ am soo out of my element and comfort zone. I miss the night.
>I hope my /late/ frens return home.
Never leaved /late/, never was a huge poster tho but I'm still here.
Need to work on rebuilding some threads but damn I'm really out of free time lately.
Gonna watch some old TV and go to sleep.
we do have a discord server that should keep everyone updated with what's happening.  discord shouldn't disappear by surprise.
What should I say?
Replies: >>457
How's life going ? Maybe share some nice things, a little story...
Replies: >>496
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Checking in. Hard times are coming soon for me might not be able to check in anytime soon. Wish me luck.
Replies: >>467 >>468 >>469
Good luck anon. Stay strong.
You're gonna make it Anon!
Get one of those US-taxpayer phones. Get it through Alliance, and you'll have mobile hotspot 4G. Stay on your toes out there mate.
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I stumbled into something bizzare. A searched for someone I know from online community by their nickname, and holy shit. I discovered like decade, if not more, worth of internet drama they were involved with, lots of personal info and even real life pictures. I don't know why but it's so bizzare to see. It's like if I got a time machine and could observe someone's life who I assumed was a completely enigma just few days ago.

I kinda am grateful I never had a set in stone online identity, and pretty much what little I had, I never related it to my real life identity. I don't know how I would feel if this was me
Replies: >>474 >>503
This always was and still is one of my biggest fear : having my real identity online. I like internet as an anon and becase I can play with multiple perosnas when I want.
Replies: >>503
End of the night soon, will finally enjoy some well deserved sleep.
Early for me today. Friend who had been away for a year or so messaged yesterday, was good to hear from her. Work is soon. Glad to see /late/ survived, love you guys.

Alright, I met a guy I knew in high school for the first time in eons. His parents suddenly moved to Florida this morning, so now he's "moved out." I was opening a million tabs of porn before my dad invited me to go to church, and the sermon was about porn. We had some nice wings, beer, and fried Twinkies afterwards.
Every time I am even mildly jealous of the tech/information people younger than me got to grow up with (accessible tablets, art tutorials, stuff of that nature) I temper that thought with the comfort of what what little remains of my online identities is next to impossible to trace to me. It's not even that I was spouting anything particularly heinous (the "worst" of it is just fanfiction, lol), so I can't imagine what it's like for a person who is in their 20s now to have a footprint from 2010 that is just a google away.

Crazy that your acquaintance didn't even try to rebrand.
what's up anons? Just checking in before I finish up the last chapter of a book I'm reading
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drinking coffee, eating instant ramen, and watching haibane renmei from a park bench outside my apaato as light rain drizzles over the screen. this is good.
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4 in the morning, is it early or late? I suppose it depends on how you think. Was supposed to get my car fixed today, but they ordered the wrong part. Will try again Thursday. Spent most of today resting and messing about. Have a picture of my cat, his name is Butters.
Replies: >>515 >>516 >>517
Anything past 4am I would consider early.
Also, cute cat
So, green cat real ?
CIA cat. Gotta run it over with a car
God I'm tired. Need to really fix my sleep schedule eventually.
Late night I worked on my bass playing and now my finger is all fucked up. Need more training XD
have a week of holidays, started a pretty big modeling project, been doing a few hours every day but today feeling kinda tired and lazy for no reason so not sure when i will continue it
Replies: >>522
What are you working on anon ?
Replies: >>536
Hey y'all. It's almost 4am over here. I gotta get my shit together.
So sad to see late.city go... I loved that board and its unique vibe and asthetic. So comfy. Sad to see it go, it had so many great posts that went years back. So much nice content . I will miss it... 
But so glad to see /late/ survived somehow. Lets make this place as comfy as /late/ deserves!
Replies: >>527 >>529
Oh same. Just started remembering the sites I used to lurk on and /late/ was one of them. I just found out today that it disappeared and that the owner took it down for some reason. I did post quite a bit on there, so I feel you on that. The CSS might be lacking a bit, but let's start anew!
old board was spammed with CP on the reg. I wonder if that pushed it over the edge.
There is an archive of old postshere : >>125
Feel free to bring'em back :)
calm , lonely , i just wanna sleep forever
Replies: >>531 >>1156
Thinking about this a lot this night. I'm with you anon.
Take care.
I am a 3d artist and I typically make buildings, recently started a big government building, city hall or courthouse looking thing, it's gonna take months probably. I already started procrastinating by developing an html/js calendar thing which I don't need at all...
Replies: >>542
1:08 am here. Hope everyone is doing well :) Listening to some nice lofi
Replies: >>542
You'll do it anon. It's necessary sometimes to do something else to help you keep gocused on the main project.

02:43 am here, I'm fine anon thank you. Was in a sad mood lately but tonight I feel some fulfiling joy in the night.
Night was boring AF, can't wait to go to bed.
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It feels like I'm still in the fall and winter of last year. It doesn't feel it weather wise, but it does in mood. I've noticed I'm listening to the same few playlists and the same songs over and over for the past several months, been doing the same exact things, thinking the same things, each day feels the same as if time has stopped moving. I'm not against it, it feels somewhat peaceful. I do wonder though how and why I feel this way.
Replies: >>612
I feel the same myself, music and everything. I feel like each day is exactly the same as the one before it. It wasn't bad at first, but now I find myself longing for September, on which I move, start college, and everything starts to feel new again.
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Here lurking just got blessed with enough for a three night stay which is good amount of time to relax and get comfy and lurk.
Replies: >>614
Excellent. I'd think of it as a kind of 'base camp' as it were, and plan to use it to make forays to try to scout out resources, etc. You might pick up that Gideons Bible while you're there as well Anon. Hope things improve for you soon! :)
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I have always wanted to play some instrument, and now that I have an acoustic guitar, I can't bother to it. An opportunity arose, and I went to a guitar class, there the teacher told me that I needed to do more than just attend the class, and reflecting on that he was right. That was the last time I went there, not out of resentment or grudge but out of shame. I had that guitar for some time already and never gave it much thought, except for some lazy attempts at playing simple songs. I've realized that throughout my entire life, I never put much effort into anything, always going along, pushing with my belly (I'm not fat). maybe it was due to laziness, brain fog, despondency, or wage-slaving away, but for the first time, I sincerely wanted to put my heart into something. I'm not gifted, but I want to be happy. I hope that, someday, I can play a comfy song for all of you. Until then, goodnight my niggas.
Replies: >>620 >>621 >>622
Goodnight. I hope that you can find the resolve to achieve something great.
I know that feel. I'm a great music enjoyer but never felt the sufficient motivation to learn an instrument despite wanting it.
I got a concertina and a bass and sometimes I enjoy doing some basic music with them but never tried to achieve something that good.

Not being gifted don't prevent you to be happy and I'm sure sooner or later you'll play something nice on the guitar.

Take care anon.
I learned to play a little bit of guitar by practicing while watching YouTube videos. It's not an ideal way to learn, but  for me I wouldn't have had the dedication to learn otherwise.
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I wrote out some maudlin garbage about a panic attack I had recently but forgot to solve the captcha. It was long winded and very personal, so I'm actually kind of glad it got deleted. It was enough to at least organize my thoughts without any existing record of them.

Take care of yourselves. Stay sober, drink plenty of water, don't smoke, don't hang out with promiscuous gay guys while you're on acid.
Replies: >>635 >>636 >>640
Comfy sphagnums anon.
Hope your panic attack aren't that bad, I'm glad you wrote about that even if I can't read it, I know sometimes writing about yourself is good.

Take care :)
I've always loved moss. Probably one of the coolest plants on the planet. It looks great almost everywhere. Hope your panic attacks arent that bad anon.
>don't hang out with promiscuous gay guys while you're on acid
I need to hear the story on this.
Replies: >>645
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Checking in. Fuckin' with old camcorders is bery berrryy comfy anons. Stay comfy /late/.
Replies: >>654
I don't want to get into the specifics, but when you've been hanging out with someone and you come to after blacking out to a bj, it does things to your head. Especially once you realize that it probably wasn't an isolated incident.
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I've gone through some boxes in my garage, and found relics of my past life. Crayons I got when I was just 6, pencils from elementary school fairs, a floppy disk of pictures of old pets long gone, random rocks found on a beach, a journal of dreams I had when I was 14... I'm in my mid 20s now. It's hard to describe, but it feels strange that these are my memories, and had a life that's different from the one I have now.
Just like George Orwell predicted in his book 1984 IngSoc Globohomo wants to memory hole all truth, since they think it will give them absolute control over people's minds. It seems their plot is working, kids today literally have no idea how good things were just two generations ago.

Treasure the fact you have tangible artifacts from your past. Don't let anyone take that away from you! Not yourself, (any future) wife, your kids, no one. 

Pass this truth on to your progeny Anon:
>Always remember and treasure your past, it's the key to who you are and will become.
Replies: >>656
I love old analog cameras (and technology in general) but sadly most people prefer digital nowadays. I like both for different reasons.
Replies: >>660 >>663
That's one thing I hate about things moving digital. You lose the tangible ownership and sentimental value of physical things. Cherish your belongings, especially your family history.
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That actually happened to me, too. My mom's moving and decided to dump a couple boxes of baby photos and old keepsakes in my place. The photos were pretty jarring (especially seeing how unhappy I was as a child). Not sure if I'm gonna keep my old crayons and pencils, or my plastic sports trophies.

I bagged up all my old teddy bears, probably gonna give them to my uncle who just had his fifth kid.
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There's a quality to tape that nothing else can really match. None of my 'corders are digital and the little quirks that come with that are what makes it fun. The analog process is what makes the hobby. 

Looking for more stuff locally to film but not coming up with much. Maybe something at the local train station.
Replies: >>666
I did still photography a while ago and got into film, and now there's no going back for me. Unfortunately, it's been so long since I've done anything that I forgot how to do basic stuff like load my camera. I always planned on having enlargements made of my pictures but never got around to it. I'm paranoid about sending out my negatives in case something happens, and I don't have room for an enlarger. At least I've still got my negatives put away in one of those security boxes.

Someday I'd like to try shooting some Super 8 films maybe.
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Was gonna film some ships today but something came up. We'll get 'em next time bros...

also in my mid 20s, my personal stuff always meant a lot to me, i hoarded all of it in my room and even remember in middle school writing about how wandering through all those toys and junk felt like i was in some kind of time machine.

but i left all of it behind when i finally got a job and moved out. i wondered if i would ever return to pick any of it up but i probably won't. i spent my childhood either angry, feeling violated, frustrated, sad, or lonely. too many awful memories and that country is a shithole - even just thinking about it seems to affect my mood every day - not sure that i'd respond well with any of my old posessions with me now
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Checking in again. Had a weird day where I had to negotiate with doctors to get my meds sorted all afternoon. Was kinda shitty but made better when I happened across a hard drive from about six years ago with back-ups of some content from old /r9k/ comfy threads.
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Sad way to end the night. When I rolled my trash bin down, I found too late there was a ring-necked snake hiding underneath it. The tail area of its body got and smashed under the wheel and was left dangling by a thread. I brought it inside, cut off the end (there really was no saving it), treated its wound, and keeping it in an exotic pet container. I'll be taking care of this snake the best I can, but I have doubts it'll survive. But hey, a chance is always a chance.
Replies: >>683 >>689
Poor little snek. Hopefully he pulls through.
Wich snekfren will get better :(
Hanged out with my friend today, it felt depressing seeing how addicted people these days are to their screens.
I left all sorts of social media quite a while ago, I only have a couple of discord servers with close friends that I've known for a long time, and I have an RSS feed setup for news and YouTube channels I care about (around 10 channels most of them post once a month). My life personally has been great thus far, I got a decent job in something I'm passionate about, but my friend, seeing how he is destroying himself is saddening, what is even worse is how he knows he is destroying himself and actively choosing to do nothing about, he just sits around all day like the NEET he is, while his father is making minimum wage.
How can I fix him?
Replies: >>691 >>694
Some people cannot be fixed until they chose personnaly to change. It's sad seeing friends drowning but sometimes there is nothing to do.
Replies: >>693
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Giving up on someone you care about isn't easy, I don't think I can just leave him like that. He is his father's only son.
I've been feeling like crap since yesterday because of this :/
How can I fix him?
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My best advice I could give you is to ask him to go out and do stuff with you. A hike, a movie, a restaurant, a tennis court, anything. Getting out of the house and distance from electronics helps refresh the mind, and think about our life and ourselves a bit more. Things like this helped me get off a self destructive path.

But whatever you do Anon don't pretend you're a repairman, because you're not. I wouldn't want my friend to look at me as "broken", with him seeing it as his responsibility and having the authority to interfere with my life, even if it was a wreck. I'd want my friend to be there for me, and to believe in me. That's all I could ask of them, because really that's all we can do.
How's the little snake doing?
Replies: >>700
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Sadly, the snake passed away, and has been buried in the backyard.
;_; RIP Snake fren.
Last edited by Otts
Poor little guy. At least he's  hopefully not suffering anymore.
RIP little snek.
rip lil buddy
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Another night here, and I hope that is not the last. Reading The Bible and praying so I can be calm enough to sleep. I will pray for all of you /late/.
Replies: >>708 >>709 >>716
Thanks Anon, that's kind!
Thank you, that comes back to you double!
Thanks fr your prayings anon, godspeed.
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sup my fellow /late/ goons
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Replies: >>744
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huh guys
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s'happening /late/ ?
I'm glad to see /late/ remains intact.
Replies: >>749
I am too.
I can't believe it's /late/ again tonight. It keeps happening.
i feel like im going insane from how isolated i am. i have so many friends yet most of the time im the one that has to initiate everything, and at night it feels like i just sit and stare at my PC. wasting away my youth and life. it feels like ive always just been in the background of most friend groups in my life, not really interesting enough to  be the focus of attention (which i both like and hate) and im seeing no real way out of this.
oh well, gotta play the cards your given i guess.
Replies: >>784
So far I've been solo traveling. Keeping busy keeps my mind off my loneliness and depression. Sadly it costs money unless I become a normalfag travel vlogger. (I don't want to, but even if I did I'm not extraverted enough to make interesting commentary.)
Returning home to wageslave and save up again is an eventuality.
Replies: >>785 >>786
You could try becoming the next Vagrant Holiday guy. :^)
i'm thinking about doing this, but i still haven't decided. what do you do when you visit somewhere new? just visit tourist attractions? walk around aimlessly?
i feel like it wouldn't be so financially bad with some kind of travel cred, but it's still like hundreds and hundreds of dollars no?
Replies: >>787 >>789
>walk around aimlessly
As i avoid tourist attractions, this is mostly what I do when going somewhere. I like to just go without knowing where to go and even lost myself in a place I don't know. The best way to fully embrace the local culture.

Some touristic things are nice but I hate when tehre are too many people and places just looks like sad Disneylands.
>do when you visit somewhere new? just visit tourist attractions? walk around aimlessly?
Bit of both. When I went to Venice all I did was wander aimlessly. It's the perfect city for it. Other times I'll look for famous stuff or improvise if it's crowded, if it's not as enjoyable without speaking the native language, etc.
I also recommend staying in hostels if possible. They're cheap, full of other travelers, and some have lists of recommendations for local places to visit or eat. You'll have less privacy though if you care about that.
I should also mention I never fully plan trips, for better or worse. When I'm in a city I can get recommendations from locals or other visitors that are less popular, but without proper plans or reservations I'm making last-minute plans or changes mid-trip. In Europe, when a night train I needed was full, I was forced to sleep on the floor until a non-reserved seat opened up 2 hours later. It's not a travel style for everyone.
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Evening /late/. My boyfriend left me two days ago, for his tinder date he met only a week before. Unemployed because my arthritis is getting worse. Financially reliant on a man who I thought loved me for a year and four months but does no longer. Really losing hope, now. Even in a state I hate in a town I hate even more, cause I followed him everywhere. Attached is the last gift he got me. At least I still have you guys.
On that note, any ideas as to what I do next? I know that’s a hard question but all answers are welcome. Aside from the obligatory “kill yourself” cause that’s the backup plan anyway
Replies: >>800 >>802
I wish I could help, but I don't have any good advice. I'm a partial NEET myself and still live with my parents because I don't think I can hold down full-time work. Do you think you can at least find a part-time job that isn't too physically taxing and look for roommates to pool resources with? I don't have any answers. I'm just throwing that out there.

I really don't think killing yourself would be a good idea.
That sucks but don't give up on hope. Life can be this hard sometimes but don't kys before even trying to find a proper solution. It may not be easy but just the fact you ask about that here prove you've got the will to go forward.

I really don't know what to tell you, maybe try to find a job compatible with your health problem (can't you have a financial compensation for health related issues where you live if you can't work properly ?)
Step after step, things will go better and you'll can move on. It's not an easy nor fast way but take your time and always rely on your inner will to go on.
That hurt my heart to read   : (

That sounds like a tight situation Anon. I thought about it, and this is what I would do if we swapped places.

First, I'd destroy any remnants of the honorless prick to establish I'm beginning a new chapter in my life.

If possible, I'd get help and maybe move in with friends and family.

But if that's not on option, I'd consider and research what my options are to help myself right now, and use the internet to my advantage.

I'd do research on what other people have done that were abandoned by someone they were financially dependent on. There may be good advice and information for what I could do. This is something that can be Googled or YouTubed.

I'd seek a job that I could manage with my arthritis, or even accommodate it (having disabilities myself, I know how limiting this is...). I'd also search what people with my specific condition have done to get a line of work/income. Someone at some point had to have come up with something, whether it was posted on some blog, or discussed with other people on some forum. Hell, there may even be forms that give job/financial advice for those with disabilities.

That'd be my advice to you. Do homework on your situation, know what your options are, and fight forward, even if options are scarce.
Yeah I’m still alive, sorry. May be looking at a bank job soon, easier on my legs. Have friends over in Georgia I might stay with? Not quite sure yet. All isn’t yet lost, though.
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Always keep good faith anon. Just because its a bad situation. Does not mean it will get worse. Also remember, sometimes things will get worse before they get better! Glad to see that you're getting back on your feet so quickly! I hope everything ends up working out in the end.
I'm rooting for you Anon
Kinda dumb question but Georgia the country or the US state?
Replies: >>890
I need to work on some stuff for the zine soon.
Replies: >>888
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/late/zine is cursed. Every time one is made, it's not long before /late/ moves to another imageboard. Don't do it Anons, if we make /late/zine anon.cafe edition™, we'll be back on the streets of the internet.
Replies: >>891
The state. Not my first choice, but hey, I’ll take what I can get. I don’t have the money to go THAT far.
That reminds me, /agdg/ once tried working on a gondola game. I wonder what happened to that?
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Usually I'm a night bird but exceptionally they asked me to come and work during the day. It's still /late/ and I'm a bit anxious because the day job bores the shit out of me. No nightwalks, no driving around with the music. Just sitting in the office during 12 hours and doing secretarial tasks.
Replies: >>908
End of shift is coming. Can't wait to take a good shower and spend some comfy time with the gf.
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After losing my bookmark, I finally found this place again. Even though I'll mostly just lurk, it feels good to be back.
Replies: >>976 >>977 >>982
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Welcome back to the /late/lurk club
how the fuck do you forget such a simple website name? my only guess is that your some ultra schizopilled dude who's too scared to go to the hidden service by going to the regular domain first because muh exit nodes are activated for 0.000001 seconds.
Replies: >>980
I have no idea what this place is.  I legit just found it.
Replies: >>983
Welcome back Anon!
Welcome home, Anon!
Funnily enough, I don’t think I’ve ever posted in this thread when visiting late. How dare I.
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6 months sober from life as a fifth a night drinker. It's hard to believe I poured 7 years of my life down the drain waddling in my own filth. My complexion's cleared up since then and I lost 30lbs.

For awhile, I was considering re-enlistment into the armed forces, but I don't like the idea of being surrounded by abusive alcoholics who would more than likely bully me for my sobriety. I think I have a good enough idea of where I'd like to be in 5 years now.

I'd like to save some money up to take a trip out to the Rockies. I think I need a vacation.
That's good news anon, as an ex-drug addict I'm proud of you. Keep it up !
Replies: >>1017 >>1018
Proud of you Anon. Now keep it up!

a) what can you do now? (what's 'in your hand' atm?)
b) what are your interests/passions? maybe you can make money with them.
Replies: >>1019 >>1020
GG Anon!  :)
Good on both of you. That's a hell hole many can't say they've climbed out of.
I have the opportunity to help design the sets for my secondary school's theatre program (high budget at an expensive prep school). That experience will help me foray into carpentry. Later I'll return to university for forestry.

A) I'm holding a cup of blueberry juice and some souvlaki
B) See above
Replies: >>1028
>>32 (OP) 
/loomis/-fag here.

I really fucking hate how lolcow culture has created a subset of beginner-artist haters who roast beginner or even intermediate art that doesn't fit their unrealistic perceptions of art.  That on top of some bad shit I've had to deal with emotionally, really used to make it excruciating just to even try and make art and not want to immediately quit due to the shame.

I've been getting better at it, it still fucking hurts because for whatever reason I used to hold these people up on a pedestal and thought that they knew better. The reality is, they don't. They just want a cheap laugh at seeing people suffer, and an idiot who deserves it is usually the target, but for real, well-meaning artists that just want to improve get caught in the crossfire.

But really, my biggest problem with just trying too hard to improve at art... It's me. I just want so hard to be good, so I can get some projects I want done, but fuck me, the urge to be perfect is fucking debilitating. Hell, even though the antidote to that is just simply iterative drawing (doing multiples of the same subject), just even the idea of doing that hurts because I feel like it's wasted time... even though really, it's not.  It's just practice and honing the craft. 

I wanna get to the part where I can draw things and just let it happen. That's gonna be tricky too. Perfectionism's a bitch.

Alcohol is killer. I've lost a close family member of mine to it, and it was a slow descent that left close family members wondering why they didn't be there for them.
Good on you for getting out of that hole.

If you got out of the Armed Forces with a clean record, and you're US, you could easily get a job with the National Park Service if that's your thing. They have quite a few jobs for both indoors and outdoors.
Replies: >>1023 >>1027
My father worked was one of the best employees at his park and still knows people there, so I doubt I'd have any trouble scoring a position with them. I've considered doing seasonal work with them here soon, but I need to get my ducks in a row before I commit to something like that.

I have a general and I'm elligible for an upgrade, but I'm gonna leave it until this war blows over. I heard they've been pulling NCO/COs' DD214s.
>I've been getting better at it, it still fucking hurts because for whatever reason I used to hold these people up on a pedestal and thought that they knew better. The reality is, they don't. They just want a cheap laugh at seeing people suffer
I've experienced that too. I would say though to just not care about it. I used to post and lurk on 4chan's /ic/ a lot few years ago, and kinda realized how stupid these criticism were. Especially when there was one guy who redlined a figure someone drew to show how the anatomy was bad, and then the original poster showed how it was drawn from reference and the photo and drawing looked the same. All the so called mistakes weren't there.

Hold on there anon. It will take a bit, but after few months/years you'll get good at drawing. Getting feedback is important, but chans aren't place to get it. I wouldn't even know where to go for that. Nowdays for me I just look at artist I enjoy and try to compare their art to mine. Lot of books about art are great too if you want to get better.
Replies: >>1031
Haha, OK. I'll leave you to it then Anon.  :^)
Thanks, anon.

If anything I'm thinking of may actually get proper criticism on Deviantart of all places, if anything at least it theoretically. Drawfag threads on chans have been hit or miss, but /loomis/ has been the most consistent board for good art criticism.
I don't really post much but the simple fact that /late exits again fills me with joy. By the way does anyone play yume 2kki online at night? If you don't you should it's perfect to play at 1 AM. Unfortunately I might not be able to be awake at the wee hours of the night like I like to be. I wish all of you guys the best.
Replies: >>1044 >>1045 >>1048
>yume 2kki online
I've actually just started not too long ago. You're right, it's best played /late/ at night.
>I wish all of you guys the best.
Thank you kindly Anon, good hearing from you again!
>does anyone play yume 2kki online at night?
I've only ever played the original Yume Nikki. I always played it late at night, so late that it was actually very early. BTW, where can I go to play Yume 2kki?
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I have a few gun ideas I'd like to see in a video game. One of them is a Mac 10 with the magazine going on top of the gun. When pressing the mag release button, the magazine will eject out of the gun like an M1 Garand. I just made this model with Microsoft Paint 3D.

Do you have any gun ideas /late/?
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it's only 4:00 but i'm posting here anyways because i check all my bookmarked boards after work
Replies: >>1054
Doesn't have to be late to post on /late/
I moved my mattress from its stand to the floor. Feels great; I love it.
Replies: >>1062
Been thinking about doing that for a while now. The only thing stopping me is the possibility of mold growing on the underside
Replies: >>1067
>The only thing stopping me is the possibility of mold growing on the underside
I never considered that as a possibility before now. I doubt that will be much of a problem for me, though. My floor doesn't seem like it's wet enough to foster mold. Not to mention, part of the reason I did this in the first place was so that it is easier to move and clean under my bed.
Replies: >>1067
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Took my dog from a surgery today. It doesn't like the meds the vet say it needs for a good recovery. After a lot of trials I gave up and decided to relax for tomorrow find a solution. Wish me luck /late/
Replies: >>1066 >>1067
Good luck and hope dogfren will get better :)
That's what I like about having a sleeping bag. At least it's easy to move around, which means it's less likely to develop mold.
Have you tried mixing the medication in with food or some kind of treat you know he likes?
lately i've been annoyed at how hard it is to use youtube with adblock, i ended up finding a site that's attempting to emulate the old youtube experience https://www.bitview.net/

idk why i wanted to share this, i miss the old internet, back when it wasn't this sterile inoffensive ad delivery platform
Replies: >>1070
You should check out Invidious, a very light frontend for Youtube that avoids all the Google bloat.
Replies: >>1072
Woke up aerlate for a long sunday work day. Having slept one hour.

I just want to go back in bed...
Not him, but my problem with Invidious is that it tends to load videos slowly for me.
Replies: >>1074
hope everyones having a chill night c:
Depend on the instance you use, but yeah some are pretty slow.
Generally I use two, because one loads video slowly and the other is really late to show new vids of my subs.
Replies: >>1075
I only really use Invidious when I can't watch videos on YouTube without logging in, and even then I do it with the expectation that I won't necessarily be able to watch a video right away.
Replies: >>1076
I didn't have used Youtube since years, as long as there is a working instance somewhere.
Also mpv + yt-dlp does the job well.
Replies: >>1077
I shy away from doing stuff with the command line like that.
Replies: >>1079
It's simple as
mpv https://youtube.com/watch?v=MJqlpdD7AfI

Be sure to install both MPV and yt-dlp first.
If you're more comfy using GUI, just use VLC as it can read natively  youtube links, but sometimes it can't because Google don't want you tu use this method and block it.
Replies: >>1081
Neat tip Anon, thanks. Been using both for years but didn't know that MPV could take advantage of yt-dlp like that. Please tell me if you know, does MPV properly dispose of the downloaded data after playback?
Replies: >>1082 >>1084
In what sense? Metadata or the video file?
In either case it doesn't matter because yt-dlp is just feeding mpv links to open.
Replies: >>1083 >>1084
>In either case it doesn't matter because X...
I simply don't want yuge files wasting space on my drive is all. Since that data has to go somewhere to playback, I was asking if you knew if this was properly disposed-of by mpv. Maybe I should have phrased my question before more clearly.
I use yt-dlp. I'm curious, what is this "downloaded data after playback"? How do you get it?
Replies: >>1100
I currently have over 160 tabs open.
I simply meant that data streaming tools like mpv typically store (at least temporarily) streamed data (ie, the bits that make up the video file) at least temporarily to disk, simply as part of it's buffering strategy. When you use yt-dlp alone, you intentionally want to store this data to disk -- that's literally the whole point. When mpv's orchestrating the sequence however, it seems not unreasonable to assume that data may be shuttled off to some oddball location on disk that it alone is marshalling.

I just wanted to make sure the mpv cleans up after itself is all, Anon.
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it's not late (more like morning for me) but I do remember when I used to wake up at 4, mostly due to insomnia but I enjoyed how it was super early to where no one else could bother me. I would eat breakfast very early, watch some cartoons and go back to sleep and wake up at 7. I've had the idea to start doing that again, but knowing that I have slept better the last few months has made me call off the idea. I've wanted nothing but to eat breakfast alone for the past few days and not see the face of anyone. the fact I can't have that in a time like this gives me a somewhat trapped feeling.
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Late frens I'm so sad. I've been trying to have some success on dating apps for a while now and put effort in and work out and am conversational and all. Crickets, absolute crickets. I'm only 25, I'm not "old" but feeling that way. The absolute demoralization point is making a grindr to test If I am attractive and literally getting dozens of men in my age range asking me to fuck upfront. I'm not really interested, I want a girl, I'm not unattractive, I'm not a total deadbeat, what is wrong with the world.
Replies: >>1119 >>1120 >>1121
I know that feel. I tested a dating app lately and it was a huge disappointment. I mean, I'm an average good looking guy, not dumb and put some effort in my profile but it was like I was invisible for the girls.
Also one thing that pissed me off are the girls profiles : they have one photo and an empty profile and I'm sure they have to deal with dozens of guys a day and so they don't respond to messages.
I believe they just rely on the profile pic and until you're not the chad face they simply ignore you.
I knew it will be difficult but not as this. It depressed me more than it helped.
I met my current gf on an app but it was mostly a lucky move.
Just be glad you're all there behaviorally anon.

Peak value in a woman is basically initial fertility then a slope all the way down. Peak value in a man is around 30-35. That's kinda your problem anon. Although the attitude you'll want to have is that yours just keeps going up and up and up until you become a nincompoop with senility.

Cheat and wear the tall shoes and take photos with expensive things. Women get a clit jigglin from money with a 6'2 attached to it. And if you're weedy lookin go bear mode until you look more like that 30-35, then when you actually get there in 10 years, switch to health mode cause you'll have filled out and the weight won't drop off the same no more.

It's all the consequences of becoming an immoral meat market. Our dreams are all filled with trad wives anon.

>what is wrong with the world
lack of male leadership since NY 1848
lack of Jesus Christ
Replies: >>1122
You should try getting out and doing things in social setups, noone wins from dating apps and people you want to date won't surf dating apps for sure. 
If you want to date but have no hobbies you can do in social setups you should get one. It will be far easier to get into painting/theater or million other things than grind dating app hell. The people you can find from hobby groups are also infinitely better people than the best people you could find on dating apps.
>Just be glad you're all there behaviorally anon.
Frustrated with parents man.

Last few months my best friend has gotten in the worst fights with his parents in a long time. Shit like that for him happens a lot more-often than it does for me because. well. I'm blessed with good parents. for all their faults they've been amazing for me.

But with my BFF, he's had yelling matches over potential problems that could've resulted in financial calamities. The problem is, his parents are fucking tunnel-visioned that the problems are because of things that he owns, but it turns out that problem wasn't even linked to the stuff he has.

That shit drove me up the fucking wall with anger. I got so fucking pissed, I was ready to call his parents and bitch them out, but I didn't. I didn't because I didn't want to be "that guy," or ruin my relationship with his parents, even though I barely talk to them nowadays. Shit I don't think I've actually talked to them directly in years. I really want to call out their parenting methods on the whole "respect vs independence" shit they did to him. They bitched him out and want him so badly to be independent, but at what fucking cost? If they want him so badly to be independent, then why be cunts about it? 

It's the same fucking line of thinking that shitty old cunts do: They say they want "respect", but in their mind, they want obedience. Those two things are completely fucking different.

At the same time, having to take care of your adult son is hard. I feel like I know a lot but at the same time know so little. I want my best friend to be happy, even though he's lived with depression his entire life. I know his parents want what's best for him, but at the same time they're really controlling, and I feel like they're choking his self agency out.

Keeping things vague for privacy's sake, but I needed to get that out of me. It's so fucking hard seeing my best friend suffer like this. I wish he could be happy all the time, but between his depression and his controlling family, it's so fucking hard.
I'm sad. Things will be better soon. I just need to take some time for meand take care of myself.

Stay safe /late/.
Replies: >>1125
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Anything specific you'd like to talk about anon? maybe we can help you figure it out, company is good in rough times <3
Replies: >>1126
Just another gf disillusion. I'm starting to move on now. Thanks for you words.
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Replies: >>1128
Those look like some good peas.
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Late night, early October.
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I just finished reading The Drifting Classroom and am feeling weirdly emotional.
Replies: >>1162
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>The Drifting Classroom
Manga I assume?
Replies: >>1163
Yeah. I began reading it over a year ago but only recently started it up again. I've seen people criticize the characters for being simplistic, but I became oddly attached to them and wasn't satisfied by the ending.
>hey i wonder what happened to /late/
>find here
>the banner at the top is one of the ones i made back in the day
nostalgia, hope you guys have been keeping well
Replies: >>1171 >>1172
Welcome back.
Nice to see you again anon.
I'm so tired of the internet or what became of it, I find it difficult to put in words. Life just seems to move faster and faster and people are so evil to each other. Everything gets weaponized, and instrumentalized and I'm sure I'd just need to drop some political opinion in this very post and I could kick off a flamewar almost immediately, even on this relatively dead board. What is happening?

Lately I've been spending a lot of time with world building and day dreaming with AI, in between retro gaming. I'm creating my bubble of one. As a 40 year old NEET, why not? I'm just along for the rest of the ride, I know I'll have no influence on it anymore.
Replies: >>1175
I feel the same way. I'd like to start focusing more on other hobbies, not that I'm going to stop coming to boards like this one.
Been so long since I've been on this board. Used to mod /late/ back in the day.
Started applying to colleges, trying to figure out that financial hellscape. Life getting on the road soon... weird...
Here's to the future, I guess.
Replies: >>1178
I just bought a new Junji Ito compilation and am pretty disappointed so far. I bought it because I liked the Window Next Door and knew it had Slug Girl in it. If it wasn't for those stories, I'd probably give it away. Hopefully there' s something I like among the last four stories.
Welcome back Anon, thanks for the post. Good luck with your studies!  :)
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Stuff actually got [worse] for me but yknow what? i'm vibing, i'm alive, and generally having a great time. It's currently,,, 5 in the afternoon, still no job (looking to fix that) and with freshly stolen drinks and snacks. today's a good day, need to lurk this board more.
Replies: >>1431
Can't sleep this night so I finally get out of the bed and drinking a dark coffee while listenning jazz and black metal. Been a while I wasn't up this earlate.
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I'm trying to learn to make tracker music with Furnace, but it's not letting me save anything for some stupid reason. I give up for tonight.
Replies: >>1189
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What's up /late/? Haven't been on since around March, have I missed anything interesting?
Replies: >>1186
I think you missed a bunch of boards on this site getting attacked with soyjaks. The spam was being used to slide threads off boards with the intent of nothing being left. That's what that warning at the top of the page is all about. At least most of the older stuff was archived, and it seems like a successful attack on that level shouldn't happen again.
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It's wonky, but I think I've found a way around it. I think the next step  is trying to learn how to get the effects working and how in the world I get those bloopy arpeggio sounds.

I seem to be getting the hang of rhythms at least.
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How's everyone doing?
Replies: >>1191
Just studying as usual. How are you doing Anon?
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whatsup /late/ frens. Im visiting again, havent been here since may. Been busy with work and stuff. Also Autumn/Winter is the prime season to enjoy comfy nights with bad weather outside. I wish I could be NEET again and enjoy that time to the fullest. But at least I dont gotta go today since im sick ! Ive seen that /kind/ has been down?? Sad to see was a really comfy board aswell where I used to post. Got it recommended from here I think. Anyone know what happened?  

Lately and right now I have been listening to vaporwave again. Got a huge nostalgia wave like a month ago and now have been listening through some albums and have really enjoyed them. Listening to pic related currently. Also have been watching more anime lately. Something about Atumn just gets me in the mood. Im about to make myself some tea and stir up some kratom and enjoy the rest of my day off. Thinking about taking off tomorrow too :^}
Replies: >>1193 >>1195 >>1198
Hello again Anon, good to hear from you again.

>Anyone know what happened?  
The Kind2 (probably the /kind/ you mean) threw in the towel. /kind/ (3) has been re-established on wapchan.

Please enjoy your day off.  :)  Don't be a stranger an keep us up to date with things in your life. Cheers.
Replies: >>1194 >>1195
thank you for the info!! 
Will do :)
Replies: >>1195
That's an interesting image.
>The Kind2 (probably the /kind/ you mean) threw in the towel. /kind/ (3) has been re-established on wapchan.
Isn't it more like /kind/ #5 by now? I don't remember the exact order, but there was the 8chan /kind/, then a standalone /kind/, then the 2kind domain, then the most recent independent incarnation of /kind/, and now /kind/ on Wapchan.
Bear in mind that the site has just been reworked with new board software and that the restoration of posts from before that time is still ongoing. The images haven't been brought over yet, although the text from old posts should all be there.
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>Anyone know what happened?
Hey guys, its been awhile. I hope you're all doing well I've been so busy with school and life that i almost never get the chance to check on here anymore. The winter nights coming in have been a welcoming feeling.
Replies: >>1201
Hello Anon, nice digits. I hope school is going well for you. Thanks for stopping by with your updates, please continue them! See you later.
Replies: >>1397
Late nights are the best. Everything is calm and peaceful, and my family is asleep instead of miserable. But I also love sleeping, so I don't really get to use the time productively.
Replies: >>1203
from my observation... it seems many, if not most, late nighters enjoy that particular time in their youth due to unpleasant family members. (incl myself)
it's sad that for some people the only time of true peace is when they're family is in a "dead" state.
although I'm grateful we've been here for each other if for nothing else than some sincere attempt of connection and understanding. and I'm honored to be a part in giving back some of what helped me get through my own though times.
hang in there bud, your own life under your own control is just ahead of you.
Replies: >>1204
I've been living in my own apartment with my wife for a while but I still enjoy doing it. 
I guess the nostalgia gives us that special instant comfy time, because of our family related issues from the past when we were edgy teenagers.
It happened, i became a morning bird. I sleep around 10pm and wake up before 8. 
Can i still post here?
Replies: >>1209 >>1213
Same here. I am in bed around 9pm and up at 5 every morning. I am the old man now.
We need an /early/ board anons, we are already getting too old for this shit.
Replies: >>1211 >>1213
Whether it's night, or whether it's morning, it's always /late/.
Replies: >>1213
I've never had a problem with using /late/ during the day.
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Some screenshots from my new Alpha 1.1.2_01 world.
Replies: >>1217 >>1221
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I am so happy /late/ is still alive. When late.city disappeared I was pretty bummed about it. I hope you're all taking good care of yourselves.
Replies: >>1218
i forgot how comfy alpha could be, such a simpler game compared to how it is today
Replies: >>1218
It's great that /late/ survived. You take good care of yourself too

Yeah, I recently tried playing a version on Bedrock right before the aquatic update but I just couldn't bring myself to enjoy it. It feels like a game of tasks now. "Defend the village, beat the boss, find the item, build this and that".
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the paranoid gangstalked part of me just had their heart drop. I thought these were ancient screenshots of my own world from way way back when hahaha
just goes to show how deep rooted the nostalgia is I guess. man I was so excited for its potential being realized, but look what is become these days...
well, I guess like most things: the great times were had. at least in the case of gaming, luckily the golden times are more easily available than ever.
pic unrelated, just funny marketing
Not /late/, not even /early/. I don't care, I'm posting.

Take care.
Replies: >>1223 >>1279
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>Not /late/, not even /early/
Are you a wizard?
You have been struck with a curse that lets you choose 4 different video games you're allowed to play for the rest of your life, and prevents you from playing anything else. What are your 4 picks?
Doom (the original one)
Hollow Knight
Silent Hill 2
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Late is subjective
The older I get the more I notice that things that used to not bother me, bother me a lot. I was a very edgy teenager. Things rarely could be too extreme for me, from music to porn. Now I find myself often shocked at the things I see and I can only really deal with comfy things anymore. I stopped reading the news because they genuinely upset me sometimes, not in a rage way; more in the way of "How can people be like this to each other?"

I see stuff like drone footage of people getting killed or the go pro videos from various terror attacks, younger me would've eaten that stuff up, me now is just appalled that such things even exist. I actively avoid it wherever I can. I don't want to see it. Don't even want to hear about the contents. Frankly, it makes me sick. It makes me even more sick how people seem to be desensitized to this.

I live in a quiet and suburban area. At night I can just pretend the other people don't exist. I don't feel save around them. Humans are fucked up.
Replies: >>1262 >>1263 >>1267
I don't even think I could decide.
I know what you mean. The older I get, the more sensitive I become. I used to like learning about serial killers and murders and everything, but even though I still have a sense of morbid curiosity I become emotionally exhausted pretty easily nowadays. I don't know if it has to do with hormone issues or what, but I find my eyes tearing up at things I used to have no strong reaction to previously.

At the same time, I try not to just ignore all the bad things in the world either. I try to maintain a middle ground.
I've been getting sick of a lot of that too. The way I see it, it's human nature taking its course cue the song Red Sun.

I find that interesting though. Why do you think this attitude shifted so radically?
Tried to sleep in vain. Just closed my eyes 2 hours and as I was at the doorstep of sleeping I woke up. Couldn't find the sleep so I decided to drink a coffee.
Today I'm going to meet a girl I met online. We've talked a lot and there is a deep connection between us, we have lot of common things and we are both romantics. I can't wait to meet her but I'm affraid of being a bit tired.
Hope she'll let me sleep with her. Not because I want to fuck her (yes I want but that's not the priority rn) but because I just want to shrug her in my arms.
Replies: >>1270
You're not alone in that regard. I too feel the exact same way in recent years. Same with anything regarding news/politics and all of the problems going on in the world today. I just get appalled, disgusted, and mentally can't handle it anymore. I was a little kid browsing around on rotten.com, watching faces of death, gore from any corner of the web I could try to find, extreme porn, and even later on would find myself in rekt threads. I can't handle all of that anymore. Who knows what internally happened to us. Perhaps we were so desensitized that our minds created an anomaly within snapping ourselves to realizing that's not stuff we genuinely want to see. We were younger and shocking content on the web was just something we sought out more for curiosity along with the fact we were capable of finding it. I messed up a chance to get with a girl I really liked because I thought being an edgelord with her would make me more interesting so I showed her 2 girls 1 cup and BME Pain Olympics. Yep, that went about as well as many of you could imagine. I look back with it in ultimate shame now.
That was a really good moment, we've planned to go for a walk in the forest but as I was so tired, she instead proposed me to take a nap with her. We were both so shy and at the same time so happy to meet each other, that was a moment filled with sweetness, those moments when the time stops and the world seems to disappear around you...

I hope feel she's the one I was looking for all these years.
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First visit to /late/ since late.city died. There are two mice in my apartment that are probably gnawing their way through my books that refuse to get rekt by the traps I laid all over my house. I wanted to see it the radio was up since lain station is down but it seems late station is down as well (temporarily hopefully).

I'm reading The Heavenly Country: An Anthology of Primary Sources, Poetry and Critical Essays on Sophiology and waiting helplessly to hear more mice sounds at 5AM.
Replies: >>1291
I am semi-rural right up against a decent stretch of woods so mice and rats always find a way in. Rodents are decently smart and would avoid the traps I placed down, or take the food with/without triggering the traps and surviving. It was only when I started using the no-kill traps that I started catching them. Now I throw them out in the field to take their chances against snakes, owls, and hawks.
Replies: >>1293
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I want to try to come to /late/ more often.
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I'll try the no-kill traps and maybe some glue boards. I'm bumfuck Rural myself but this is only the second time I've had a rodent issue. It's probably because I started keeping my trash bags on the back porch.
Replies: >>1294 >>1304
Glue boards sound really fucked up.
Replies: >>1302
it's probably cheating but...
Garry's mod lol
if that doesn't count, then uhhh
new Vegas
animal crossing.... city folk? or GC.. hard to choose!
My family used them a lot but and if you don't check them regularly they don't last long. It was very cruel indeed.
Like the other guy said, the other methods are much better, those little guys aren't doing something wrong, they don't deserve to be punished.
Catch and release is tiresome once you've done over a dozen and they still keep you up at night in the walls... Finding the gaps and plugging them is always something I've wanted to do, but I've only seen this done with an infrared camera followed by expanding foam in the crevices they were getting into.

So, once you're resolved to using lethal traps or poison when none of that other stuff works; then you want to wall off as much of the trap that's not the kill zone as you feasibly can, so they approach from the front. Bait is virtually any kind of carb item. Mix cotton wool strands into the bait and anchor it properly if they keep having the bait away. It tangles up the teeth and their instinct is a tugging.

For poison put it where it's not going to entice anything in that was content to live outside. Do put near to droppings/trails and such. Smear a bit of peanut butter on there, with the handle end if it's out of a mistakeable set of knives/spoons/whatever. I don't know if rapid kidney failure is fair but I had to use what people handed over and said "figure this out it isn't working" and so that's what I used.

Mice will bite immediately and are usually dumb. Rats will figure a trap out soon as they see a more naive critter get inside one. You need to feed them on top of the unsprung traps over days to build complacency in the cleverer ones, then they'll eagerly jump over one another.

Pets obviously, children obviously, try and account for them.

Once your rodent friends are all cease and desisted try to stop enticing them in. Leaving doors open in the evening, weaker food packaging in low cupboards, turning the heating on in rooms that immediately face outside like a porch or a conservatory, providing places for them to hide, etc. I wish it was nearby farmland and things but mostly it's only ever been urban stupidity.
Replies: >>1306
>Mix cotton wool strands into the bait and anchor it properly if they keep having the bait away. It tangles up the teeth and their instinct is a tugging.

If this works you are probably the smartest man I've ever spoken to.
Replies: >>1307
I hate most of what I know about it. I even hated having killed the wasps that lived by my bedroom window at one time. They weren't threatened by me at all but the clumsier ones chose the less obvious window pane gaps and found their ways into tucking into bed for the night.

A few hundred drones' wills to live later and I wasn't being woken up by that particular wildlife any more.

On the cleverness point there are some rodents that trigger the trap/knock the bait off with a stick. They can be caught with a funnel entranceway, covered up armatures and finely adjusted trigger... but I think that they are the most deserving to live too.
Just caught a huge rat in my no-kill trap the other day. I should have took a picture of this guy to show everyone. He was a big fluff ball 🤣. This trap is 5 gallon bucket, with a lid that has a floor segment that tilts down and the rodent falls in. I use peanut butter to lure them in. I put him out in the field.
Replies: >>1309
That's good you're getting results. It's not a bad idea to keep the rats inside for a bit. When other rats see the rat inside the container, they think "Hey, how'd you get in there? I want in there!". At that point, the rats themselves become the bait for other rats that's almost impossible for them to ignore. I had a teacher do this same thing, and worked like a charm
Replies: >>1310
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always going to think of Spectre when someone mentions rat traps
Looks like he just got done with an intense BBW facesitting session.
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I am here today to remind you all everybody to do something for the Zine! It can't happen with out (you)r contributions!!!!
I want to do something, and believe me, I've thought about it. But I don't know what!
Replies: >>1325
Actually, I just had some ideas. Expect to hear from me soon(ish)...
Replies: >>1325
i told myself i would contribute to the next issue but the fact is that /v/ has become so insufferable that i don't want to be a part of them anymore, everyone gets so angry and hostile over everything that it's just not fun anymore. considering there are maybe a dozen people at most that use it i can't bring myself to get motivated over it.
i'm sorry, i really am
Replies: >>1325
Same guy? We better! (And godspeed)

What's /v/ got to do with it?
This doesn't have anything to do with the rest of the conversation happening but I wanted to point out that zucca gourds are considered to be potentially the world's largest gourd variety.
It's a little hard to nail down because some of the African drum or bushel type gourds might be as big or larger but they have a completely different shape. Zucca's certainly 'one of'' the largest types though.
Replies: >>1327
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I might try to grow some this year, just for fun.
Replies: >>1339
If I wasn't locked out of my laptop I would
Replies: >>1332
Don't let this gay world piss on you! Write it on your phone. Write it on paper and take a picture of it. Go to the library and use their computers. You can do it, anon! I believe in you!
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Wasted get...
They're pretty easy to grow and have a short maturation time for such large gourds. They're also an edible variety, if they pure anyway.
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Yeah its been awhile, the rest of the semester actually went really well for me. Pretty much all the loose ends i was worried about ended up fixing themselves up. Now its just one more semester and i can finally close this chapter of my life.

hope you all are doing well and have a merry Christmas
Replies: >>1399
Spoiler File
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Very cool pic, Anon!


happy new year, /late/. Or, it will be, for me, in 2 and a half hours or so.

Might have new prospects in Texas with some girl. Really the only option I have because it's hard for me to live alone. Better than dying in this shitty apartment with two mentally ill losers, i guess. All and all things are looking up. Spending new years eating cheap egg rolls w/ two full throttles in my system.
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Happy New Year, /late/ !
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According to all the research I can find, people with Downs Syndrome really are just overall more content in their lives, and the philosophical and existential implications of that are really bugging me.  In particular, I think about Aristotle's conception of eudaimonia and virtue ethics, and it feels like people with DS are as much of a "gotcha" critique as experience machines are to utilitarianism.

Like I know there's the whole meme about "stupid people are happier", but I always just kind of assumed it was a cope that people just told themselves.
Replies: >>1435
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>In particular, I think about Aristotle's conception of eudaimonia and virtue ethics
Aristotalism was always cope, mostly from people whose station is out of line with what they imagine to be their abilities. Whether those people are unhappy retards who think they're smart or indolent geniuses who refuse to tend to their own desires makes little difference.
>I always just kind of assumed it was a cope that people just told themselves
It is. The people that tell themselves that don't imagine themselves to be stupid, though.
It's a mistake to conflate DS directly with intelligence anyway. DS is measurable and visibly apparent, so sufferers are trained to have humble ambitions essentially from birth.
Replies: >>1437
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Damn, late.city is kill... that place was so unique, I hope this board grows to capture that same energy. Lots of love to you guys
Replies: >>1438
>It's a mistake to conflate DS directly with intelligence anyway.
What do you mean by this?
Replies: >>1439
Glad you found your way here, Anon. Happy New Year! BTW, nice pic of Saturn.  :)
Are you retarded?
Replies: >>1440
Replies: >>1441
>What do you mean by this?
I mean that having down syndrome and being stupid aren't 1:1 the same thing, with DS including both being retarded but also other factors such as facial mutations that indicate that you have DS. There is a cultural awareness of downsyndrome, especially among the carers of and other people close to DS sufferers, which contributes to the way downies are treated. They're retarded, but in many advanced societies they're also given the physical and social leeway to be useless shiteating overbearing liferuining NEETs. When you're comparing downies to the average person you're comparing profligate nobles (retarded) to the average person, not the average retard.
Replies: >>1442
Hmm.  All very interesting.  Thanks.
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Replies: >>1475 >>1479
This feels like it'd be the image displayed to some really melancholic vaporwave.

Can someone find a fitting one?
Replies: >>1477 >>1479
Replies: >>1481
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Replies: >>1481 >>1519
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Nice to see everyone again; a year ago I assumed this place would probably evaporate along with the main site, but it looks like it's taken off nicely.  I wasn't online much to see it.

I don't have much to say that wouldn't be unhinged blogorrhea.  Except for one thing: "dekopon."


I hope you'll all enjoy a nice citrus fruit today.
Replies: >>1526 >>1527
You guys work fast.
My submission:

In all seriousness, that image is fucking haunting me.  The amount of hurt shown in a single frame just stings and burrows into my brain.
I guess I should have memed more carefully with this edit. Sorry.
>I hope you'll all enjoy a nice citrus fruit today.
Thanks Anon! I just had some delicious, very-ripe-and-sweet grapefruit quarters.
thanks anon, I think I am going to make citrus tea!
>closing March 2024

..and another place disappears. It feels the internet is getting smaller and smaller. I wonder if late will survive this or if it is going to die this time for good.
Replies: >>1538
Blackpill much? /late/ can easily move to Trashchan with other comfy boards.
Replies: >>1539
Ys please /late/, move to Trashchan :)
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Replies: >>1543
Damn that hurts...
Replies: >>1555
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/late/ is the adult swim of /comfy/
Replies: >>1546
Yeah, that's a humorous way to put it but I think that's about right. /late/ seems a bit more irreverent, but a similar vibe to /comfy/. I sure hope you don't let this board die anons.
Replies: >>1547
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/late/ is comfy but with a pinch of darkness feeling. This is what makes this place so cool :)
did you planned your move ? have you find a site to migrate on ?
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The cycle of oppression never ends
Even though Trashchan looks promising, I'm going to miss anon.cafe.
Replies: >>1593
I wish there was a way to cherish it, like a journal you could skim through with ease, seeing its starting and end.
Replies: >>1597
An anon was working on saving everything on the wayback machine, so hopefully nothing will be lost.
Replies: >>1600
I hope it goes well
Replies: >>1606
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any Genshin fans on here? <.<
I'd suggest a very proactive pursuit of this. Hoping is one thing, doing is another. Once anon.cafe closes it's doors forever, all further opportunity is lost. You have 1 month, and a few days Anons.
hi /late/ :)
i wish i knew of this place when i worked nights, seems very comfy! i still like to stay up late on the weekends so i guess the atmosphere won't be totally out of place.
hope you're all doing well frens.
Replies: >>1628
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>be me
>20 yo Caelus
>invite Dan Heng over from Myspace
>he’s super cute
>Jing Yuan in front of me
>he drops his phone
>he bends down to pick it up
>turns around to look at us
>”like what you see?”
>there’s an AOD note on his phone saying “>.<“ in red handwriting on a black background
>Dan Heng goes “ah yeah”
>it’s falling out of my pockets already
>Childe’s spaghetti
>mfw: https://youtu.be/lQ7iOd8uCJU
Hey there Anon, g'morning.  :)

Thanks for stopping in, and hope to see you here on the weekends! Cheers.
I knew it, the Zine is cursed. One was made in 8chan, and it got shut down. One was made in late.city, and soon closed. One is being made on anon.cafe, and now it's going to get shut down.
Replies: >>1640 >>1682
Lol no, you silly. The Zine is based.
Its sad to see anon.cafe go. Makes me wish I posted here more often.
How's everyone been spending their late nights recently? I've been playing Elden Ring on my weekends and trying to discover new music to listen to!
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I've been thinking about where I want to go in life, and have planning how I'm going to get there. I've got a long and bumpy road ahead (or a rather short one if things go to hell).

What music have you found?
I've been watching The Ricky Gervais Show over the past week.
Listening to asmr, slowly buckling down for bed.

How's Elden Rings plot?
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I watched a performance of Das Rheingold last night and now I'm going to try and watch the entire Ring cycle. I first heard an album of instrumental snippets of Wagner's work over a decade ago and thought it was alright, but I have more of an appreciation for it now since I've heard some of it in context. I will say it can be a slog as someone who's not into opera, but there are still some pretty magical moments. It seems harder to find good versions than I figured it would be, since so many of them have such gimmicky staging and costume design rather than keeping things traditional.

My sudden interest in Wagner was spurred on by getting more into Germanic mythology recently.
Replies: >>1670
Every night is different, but my favorite nights are when I muster up the energy to go out and do night photography in my car. It's a lot of fun finding good shots and coming back and seeing which ones turned out good and editing those for aesthetic effect. If anyone is interested, I can post some as I don't really have an outlet to show others except for friends and a couple family members
Replies: >>1664
Please do.
I think different hours have different lengths, but it's impossible to measure it.
3 AM is one of the longest hours. 9 AM is pretty long too. 6 AM isn't as long as 9, but it still lasts a while. 4 PM? That's one short hour. Same with 2 AM, 2 PM, and 7 PM.
Replies: >>1667
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visiting again and seeing we are in for another move now...
Lets hope we dont lose even more users since last time 
Lets make the next late borad as comfy as this and the first were. Also I am starting a petition for getting the old CSS back! 
I like that thought and have had similar thoughts about the hours of the night. 
For me 3AM is the comfies, deepest, darkest hour where I feel the most secluded and sheltered from the noisy world.
It's been slow going for me, but I finished Siegfried late last night. I've been resorting to watching the operas an act or less at a time. It's far from an ideal way to watch them, but I figure it's better to watch them this way than not watch them at all.
I'm up late, in a crummy mood, some personal issues, stressed about work etc.

and also AI and cybersecurity stocks crashed yesterday, and it looks like they will continue crashing today - I've already lost thousands

thinking about buying plane tickets to las vegas over a weekend and just relaxing for a bit. I've been wanting to watch cirque du soleil again
Replies: >>1672
gonna sell some of my positions, but if NVDA beats earnings and the market rallies I'm gonna feel like a real sucker
Replies: >>1673 >>1679
Why not help get robowaifu production off the ground instead, Anon?
Hello everyone! Hope you're all having a good night :)

I just upgraded my gaming laptop after 7 years and I'm really enjoying not having to use a graphics card that's completely burnt out! High spec games can run again, but what really changed was my ability to render edits again and start making videos like I used to do a couple years ago. I finished one up the other day and felt great about it.

What's your creative outlet, late chan?
Replies: >>1675
Hi anon
I slept well but not enough and I have a long boring work day... Anyway if everything works as planned all this shit must stop soon.

>gaming 'puter
I recently bought my first computer with a graphic card, I never really was into gaming and I was content with a few retrogaming to do without until then.
Did I play more now ? No. Few days ago I did try to install Steam on my Linux Mint and it was a pain in the ass, nothing I tried worked expect the Flatpak and I avoid installinbg Flatpaks. Also Steam is clearly not my cup of tea : too much focus on social and multiplayer, too much crappy DLC, too many bloats and a crappy interface. Also I just noticed how modern gayming is clearly not my thing.
Guess I will stick to Linux, emulators and indie games or maybe try Lutris instead a day or another.
they beat earnings, QQQ up 1.33% after hours. ffs, yeah I'm going booking a weekend vacation, I need a break. I haven't spent any of the points on my credit cards, so the plane tickets will be free, just gotta cover the cost of a night at the hotel
Replies: >>1687
Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence.

Don't you want to know what three times is, anon?
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Have been listening to the same vaporwave mix for the whole week now, listening again while visiting. Have bought some HHC yesterday and smoked it. Spent the evening going schizo on wikipedia though. Gonna work from home tomorrow so I can stay up later today. Hope the evening/night treats you well everyone 
what're you gonna do in vegas?
Replies: >>1688
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I'd like to hear the mix you're referencing. I used to bop vaporwave so much for years until recently. Genre went good with almost anything. Some mixes had this flow to them that felt so rich and real like you weren't just listening, but also experiencing. 

This was my first mix I ever heard. I used to conflate lo-fi hip hop and vaporwave before I listened to this mix. I thought I was just going into yet another lo-fi style beat when I first clicked the pretty thumbnail, but boy was I in for it. I've heard most of that mix at least a thousand times at this point. Sometimes on various drugs. The first time I tried Ket, I was in my room with this lamp that would slowly transition to other colors. The part at 08:24 when morning swim slowly fades in. I remember hearing that and seeing the lamp, the only thing in my room providing light, before just melting into my bed with no worries whatsoever. You can't plan those moments and you certainly can't recreate them.

I lead a pretty professional straight edge life these days, but damn that mix takes me right back there to those long nights tripping my ass off on Minecraft and feeling like I was in my own personalized curated reality meant for pure enjoyment. No time, only good.
I've listened to plenty (and I mean PLENTY) of great vaporwave mixes through the years. Some I'd rank much higher than the linked mix, however, that one will always be special to me. 

Thanks for the trip down memory lane, anon. Glad I checked the board tonight.
Replies: >>1689
ohhh I am happy i could evoke those memories of good times through my post ! 
Its this mix https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJ0vYbUkSFU
Im definitely going to give that playlist a listen you referenced. It was nice reading about your experiences with ket. Only tried it once but was fun. Now I wanna do shrooms and listen to vaporwave lol
What chair are you rocking? I'm using the realspace sensi chair and the adley.
Replies: >>1700
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Hello /late/,
hope you are all doing well. Recently I have been busy with studying into Buddhism/Hinduism and also reading my book on LISP.  Have also started watching cowboy bepop and I love the scenery and atmosphere of this cyberpunk-esque reimagined wild west. What have you been up to?
>realspace sensi chair
Interesting question ... I am still on my DX Racer back from the days I was 13 and wanted le epic hax03 gaming Chair xddd ive stuck with it just out of habit. Its quite worn out now and tbh its never been the comfiest chair. I wonder what Chair I should get though. Idk if I like office chairs. Thought about getting a leather one for maximum comfort. Has someone tried them and can chime in on the chair discussion?
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one last post... 

so have we moves to trashchan yet?
You might recognize our current puzzle >>>/comfy/8831
Please join us in completing it assuming someone hasn't come in and completed it since I last checked lol.
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We've arrived. Cheers to the new /late/
Replies: >>1718
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Welcome aboard, latefrens.
Replies: >>1718
I'm glad it's here now.
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Anyone have insight to where I can find the zine and how I can submit to the next one?
Replies: >>1731
Let's see if this is how cross thread posting works.
In the zines there's an email address that you can send contributions to.
I haven't been here in a long while, glad to see it's still around!
Replies: >>1745
I am here.
Replies: >>1745
>Risk of Rain 2
I'll decide on the other two later.
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Congratulations. You made it. If you're reading this (You) made it too, unless you're reading this a very long time from now; in which case: Happy Birthday!
why did late.city go away? i just found out that everyone moved here
Replies: >>1750
>>1749 tl;dr is this:
Guy that ran the place vanished. Site lapses hosting and shuts down. So moved to anon.cafe, that place shut down. So now we're here.
Replies: >>1753
thanks, i wonder when the next migration will be lol
Replies: >>1754 >>1755
Please don't even joke about such things!
It'll be the next time the zine starts development or is released.
Replies: >>1758
Woke up early, drank my black coffee listenning some black metal. Ready for a full sunday at work. At least I will be able to roam the place freely and wash my car. Sunday mood is sad/comfy and I enjoy that.

Have a nice sunday, /late/.
Joke's on you. The zine is ALWAYS in development.
Replies: >>1770
I can't believe this is my shot at life, I wish there was a way to end all this, thank you /late/ friends for being here with me.
Replies: >>1768
A wise man and /late/ fren once told me: https://youtube.com/watch?v=kDY1y0OL50A
Replies: >>1769
Thank you fren
Glad to hear you're still doing that.  I'm interested to see how trashchan survives this peculiar acid test. ;)
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I have visited.
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Not even midnight, here, yet and it already feels late.
Nothing to do out of the house.
No money.
No job.
Bored and lonesome.
All my friends either live too far away, don't drive, and/or are in the middle of psychopathic breakdowns that they need to work out themselves before they can be any fun. They're still my friends. We still talk, but they might as well be people I met on Omegle at this point.
Just one of those nights, I guess.
Replies: >>1781
It's good to have hobbies.  Something you create ex nihilo with your hands.

The devil's playthings, you know.
Replies: >>1782
Very much this. When I was unemployed my hobbies kept me from a downward spiral. Something productive, anything really.
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Nice to see the place migrated safely
i'm here /LATE/ !
Replies: >>1802
The world keeps spinning.  Somebody really ought to put a stop to it.
Replies: >>1799
with the night comes peace
the family now slumbers
all is well for now

>captcha: 1sus54
Where's the brakes on this crazy thing?
You're late.
my life has changed so much since the times i were active on this board. i hope everyone is doing ok
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Replies: >>1840
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Warning: (This) is a LOW QUALITY post.
Replies: >>1842
>Must stop listening to this webm
>Must stopppp
Replies: >>1841
I can't stop dancing furiously!
I appreciate the warning anon, I was able to suspend my outrage just in time
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Listening to Transilvanian Hunger.
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Hello /late/, let's be friends...

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