/late/ - Late Nights

Long nights, sleepy days

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Welcome to the new /late/!

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Welcome to /late/

The rules are:
>Global rules apply
>The Board is NSFW, however, just keep it to a minimum. Don't just go around posting porn just because.
>No politics
>You can talk about other boards. Just don't advertise them.
>Don't go around stiring shit up.

Radio - https://latestation.live/
Discord and IRC - https://discord.gg/hRe2yv96qY - IRC (Rizen) #late.city
/late/ Archive - https://anon.cafe/comfy/res/1512.html#q3453

friends of /late/
/comfy/ - https://trashchan.xyz/comfy/index.html
/ent/ - https://trashchan.xyz/ent/index.html
Last edited by dd
Replies: >>14 >>1658 >>1715
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>>1 (OP) 
>understandingly, aggressive towards us
Have I missed something ? I went to the wirechan link when the board was just created but didn't noticed anything wrong. Care to elaborate ?

Also did you plan to tweak the CSS ? Tomorrow fits better for /late/
Did you plan to restore some old threads from the robowaifu archives, I can help on that. Also I understand it's a bunker nad hope we will found our new home soon.
Still have music to share but I'm quite busy lately and have to convert FLAC to OGG.
Anyway thanks for the Cafe admins to give us this space and hope /late/ will rise again from the ashees in all its glory.

t. a friend.
Replies: >>19 >>22
>I went to the wirechan link when the board was just created but didn't noticed anything wrong.
Some people had gone over to the rest of Wirechan and replied to posts without learning wirechans culture. prompting wirechan users to ask us to lurk more. Some of them kinda just wanted us gone. Besides, there was kind of a culture clash there anyways. 
>Also did you plan to tweak the CSS ? Tomorrow fits better for /late/
yeah I do, just gotta find the time. I will probably do it later tonight
>do you plan on restoring old threads?
I personally wasn't since this is a bunker. but if you want to, go for it.
Last edited by Otts
Replies: >>18 >>27
I'm having trouble getting lateradio to play (seems to work, but no sound). Also, I tried to upload one of my favorite albums ('Forgotten Dreams' Mix, by Suicide Sheep) after converting to .OGG format, as indicated on the site.

It said the 'entity was too large'. The file is 71MB. Can you adjust the size limit there please?
Replies: >>20
>I personally wasn't since this is a bunker, but if you want to, go for it.
I wouldn't personally advise that approach, since it's a lot of autistic tedious work. I'll even lend a hand at it once you're in your new home, but a bunker isn't the place to do a restore. Keep it lightweight for now would be my advice.
Replies: >>21
>Anyway thanks for the Cafe admins to give us this space and hope /late/ will rise again from the ashees in all its glory.
This. Let's all do our best.
Put this in >>3 I do not run the radio. That is another user
Replies: >>23
You're right, its a good idea to save rebuilding for when the site is recreated.
>and have to convert FLAC to OGG.
[code]ffmpeg -i my_input_file.flac my_output_file.ogg[/code]
Simple as. This can be scripted easily as well.
Replies: >>27
>Put this in >>3 I do not run the radio. That is another user
Thanks, that what I have in mind. But first I have to do some sorting in my music library. Also I barely don't even have tiùme to use my personal computer these days.
>I personally wasn't since this is a bunker
Yes, makes sense, was asking just to be sure and give some help.
can we move external comms from discord to irc/non-pozzed alternative?
Late is dead, as far as I am considered. It had a vibe this place just doesn't have. I personally blame discord and their ilk.
Replies: >>84 >>87
I get it. its not the same. It never will be the same. Quilt's /late/ was special. It was put together after 8chans deletion and had a while to develop, grow and change. It was built by what was effectively a group of friends. I believe the discord was put together by quilt and was to be removed when the IRC came about. This might be why invite permissions were removed from the admins. Shit happens and while this might not feel the same, I wouldn't blame others for using something the original BO brought about. I wouldn't say late is dead, but i would agree that its not going to be the same
Replies: >>87
You're just having the 'Bunker Blues', Anon. It's like Cabin Fever. Just you wait until the board is fully-restored from the archives. It will feel very comfy once again.

On that note:
When is /late2/ getting a board of it's own?
Replies: >>88
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Yes, I definitively have the feels to. Hope things will get better when we have a proper /late/.
Late just can't die this way. We had a nice place with a nice community. It just can't die this way...
Replies: >>90 >>95
>digits confirm
>It just can't die this way...
It won't. Just someone needs to step up with a new site & IB server. Then we'll all cooperate to do the heavy-lifting of restoring our board.
What even happened?
Replies: >>102
Basically on January 1st of this year /late/ went down. About a week or 2 later. so did the rest of the infrastructure. This has been no word from the owner at all, it's widely assumed they've moved on and won't be restoring the site.
Replies: >>103
this, plus /late/ was suffering from pizza spam and DDoS for a year at this point
I'd like to make a request to whoever the new Admin/BO team is going to be, please allow Tor posters. I could only read the site, never actually contribute. Which was a bummer, but w/e.

Anyway, glad to see /late/ has a bunker now. Looking forward to your new board soon!
Is it you aon ?
Replies: >>151 >>162
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Please, change the color of the captcha pop-up, too bright and text is almost unreadable.
Try this :
  position: relative;
  padding: 0.5rem;
  background-color: #292929;

Replies: >>151
Fixed, Thanks.
I don't know who that is nor do I have contact with them
Last edited by Otts
We're getting a real bad rap.
Replies: >>163
We just want our board back
the old site seems hacked?
Replies: >>224
Maybe the old owner sold it to someone to host that weird Bitcoin payment system instance, or maybe himself...

It saddens me a little bit in a certain way seeing the og late domain hosting this shit.
Replies: >>347
Not likely at all. What's far more commonplace is that the ISP pulls such a slimy kike-ish trick once a domain """expires""" (ie, their sheqel supply gets reduced). The previous BO was upstanding.
>t. have had this exact thing happen to me before
Replies: >>348
haven't been here since the late.city domain and Quilt vanished. nice to be back. i'm still lonely but this place always helped me kinda keep my spirits up
Replies: >>407 >>408 >>414
Glad to see. you back Anon.
Welcome back anon.
Does anybody know what happened to late.city?  that website was great.  i found it a month before it disappeared.  been using wayback machine to see if any news was given before it disappeared.
Replies: >>429 >>483
Quilt pulled the plug without any explanation.
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Someone else pulled out of the project and quilt couldn't manage the board by his lonesome.
Are you the spaz who used to spam the board?
Replies: >>539 >>548
Wich one ? Schizo watercolor painter or /k/nigger ? Maybe they are the same.
Replies: >>540
There used to be a guy on /late/ who would post "redpill" shit that would end up getting deleted.  Now that I think about it, there was also someone who would spam negro phalluses, and it might have been the same guy.
He's just buttmad he was banned off the MC server for being a spaz there. 

He needs to take his meds, or preferably take a sledgehammer to the skull
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Me and another anon met up today. Turns out we live in the same area in France. Crazy! 
So here we are proudly posing for the cameras !
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You are two brave boys, I wouldn't have the courage to meet with someone from an imageboard irl. I would instantly think it's a nice but glowing police officer.
That's pretty wild that you found someone local to you. Maybe there are some in my area too, although people in Burgerland are more spread out.
Jolis carrousels mes anons. C'est au Parc Asterix ?
How come did you meet the guy? Did you arrange on meeting through IRC or were you talking through the actual imageboard itself?
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I don't know if you're still alive anon but I pray for your health and safety. I've seen on the news that France is going through a few hiccups.
Replies: >>714 >>715
I heard that the worst seems to be open, but like you I hope he's okay.
Replies: >>715 >>717
Not him but another frenchanon. Depend on where you're living things are not that bad. i mean the riots are located in some specific suburban places and they mainly target state representative things (cops, schools, city halls and urban furnitures). Sure you don't want to roam in the streets during those episodes (you can end up being beat up by cops and / or rioters).
Things have now  settled down but as the 14Th of July is coming (our national celebration day here) the state plan to deploy big police presence to counter any seditious movement.
Replies: >>717 >>721
Yeah, I figured it was something along those lines. Those huge riots we had in the U.S. a few years ago mainly stayed in urban and suburban areas. My own town was completely unaffected as far as I know.
Rioters also targeted shops for free things (phones, sneackers, clothes, alcool...).
Because, as most of the french people now, the only horizon of their revolt is the will to consoome more.

Today, some cities have canceled the national celebrations as they fear some malicious acts targeting this moment of republican fellowship.
Replies: >>722
Tomorrow, the 14th.
I'm quite disoriented due to long working nights
It's been a little while since I visited here and it seems that a few threads are gone, did something happen?
Replies: >>777
No they're on a different page. If you scroll to the bottom and click the 2 you can see all the posts that have not been replied to in a while
Replies: >>778
i went to page 2 and the catalogue but unless i'm blind they seem to be gone. there was a self improvement thread that is gone, and the late setting thread is gone, i am guessing some other ones are gone too because it doesn't feel like there are as many threads as there used to be, excluding the newer ones that i see now.
Replies: >>779 >>780
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Looking at the board settings it seems I fucked up. There are settings for thread limit and a maximum threads per hour. it looks like instead of limiting threads per hour, I made it so there can only be 20 threads at all times. It was my mistake, and its fixed now. Im sorry anons, I failed ;_;
Last edited by Otts
I wasn't sure but yes >>778 was right.
Hey, sometimes mistakes happen.
That's fine, you clearly caught it in plenty of time BO.
>t. another webring BO
And I guess those threads and now gone and can't be restored. What a bummer indeed.
Shit happens >>779, don't torture yourself.
Just now seeing this. Yeah, things like this are part of being a board owner. I'm sure we'll all get by without those threads. We'll add this as a footnote to a future(?) /late/ iceberg format.
It’s been so long since late.city shut down. I miss you all dearly, i’ll start a thread back up soon that I remember loving back in the day. Right now i’m phoneposting from my bed feeling sad though. First 8chan /doomer/ than /late/. It really feels our world keeps getting smaller. I know we’re still here but it feels like we lost a lot of anons.  I’ll try to breath some life back into this place soon.
Replies: >>1114 >>1115
>It really feels our world keeps getting smaller.
I know what you mean.
>It really feels our world keeps getting smaller
Since 2019 everything feels different
>it feels like we lost a lot of anons
It's a factual blackpill but as long as we post once in a while we can bounce
>No politics
Err, Doc... politics is in everything now, whether or not you'd still rather not speak about it
Replies: >>1117
yes I know. my plan was to just keep the rules from late.city. basically what I mean is dont /pol/ post
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Hello, /christmas/ here. We want to invite you participate in our annual Christmas party again this year. It's already started, and the main stream will be from Friday 22nd, through Monday 25th : 3 pm PST / 22 UTC . 

Please come and share some Christmas cheer with your fellow anons!

Pretty sure some of you Lateanons visited with us before, right?  :)
Replies: >>1375
We'll be late.
Replies: >>1376
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They tell late is better than never! Cheers.  :D
Replies: >>1380
Is that Gandalf? A wizard arrives precisely when he means to.
Replies: >>1381
Yes, though it's Saint Nick the Red, fren to teh Anonymous Elves & Shirefolk & Breelanders; much like his cousin Gandalf. He's a bit lazy, really working only a month or so during the year. The rest of the time he mostly vidyas, much to the dismay of his waifu.  :D
Any ideas on where to go now?
Replies: >>1491 >>1494
The three big sites are sleepy, smug, and prolikewoah.
Replies: >>1492 >>1493 >>1494
>reddit, discord and tumblr
Replies: >>1493 >>1494
I'd proritize more Smug and/or Sleepy because I don't think PLW is open to having more boards, but I could be wrong.
Either that or we do a late.city revival. I just don't want to lose this place again.
Replies: >>1494 >>1495
Could you anons please monitor/contribute within this thread :

Let's try to solve this all together!
Trashcan and wap are options, seen in >>>/shelter/4994
Both seem less drama prone then some other options.
/comfy/ has an application on trashchan, I say we follow them.
Replies: >>1497 >>1498
Yeah, 3 of my favorite boards moving to the same place would be nice
My vote's for Trashchan.
When in doubt, I always say go independent. /late/ and /kind/ were at their best post-exodus as their own sites. /kind/ is doing okay on Wapchan so I say go there.
Replies: >>1500
I agree. I think we should still have a bunker just in case on either wapchan or trashchan (I prefer wapchan personally), but I feel the objective should have always been "become independent again ASAP". 
When this anon cafe board started I thought "so this is just gonna be a temporary refuge and we get our own site again at some point... riiiiiiight?"
This is the second time an imageboard that's hosted us is shutting down. Independence would hopefully at least give us more control.
Replies: >>1501 >>1508
In theory.  In practice, site maintenance on top of moderating is such a burden on the single-purpose BOs that I think it increases the chance of burnout and thus migrations.

I think permanent migratory habits is the norm for anti-establishment sites.
I cast my ballot for Wapchan.
>AI blacked art
>outside of halfchan
>outside of /pol/
youre looking for a website called "4chan", go onto it, go onto the "politically incorrect" board and post this there, that is the board for "special" boys like you, youre clearly lost
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Hello, I am the guy that's been running the board since Otis left. I am open to suggestions for other temporary refuges. But to be quite honest with the death of anon.cafe upcoming I plan on looking back into an independent /late/ website again.

I hope to one day find that mythical (night) city on the hill.
>the death of anon.cafe upcoming
Where did you hear that anon.cafe was getting shutdown?
Replies: >>1510 >>1513
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I missed the post on /meta/. RIP another imageboard, guess /late/ will be on the move again.

If we have any /late/ dwellers who is able and willing to make and maintain an independent /late/, then I think many will agree that this is where we'll be at our best. Otherwise, follow where ever /comfy is going.
Replies: >>1512 >>1513
real sad, gonna miss it here.
Replies: >>1513
I made a site to collect /late/ links and archive /late/'s creations that I will keep up to date to the best of my ability for the foreseeable future. It's www.late.mom
Replies: >>1515 >>1516 >>1521
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Thank you.
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Return to the independent /late/

Replies: >>1517
Independent /late/ would be optimal. Then at least we'd be in control of our own fates again. I just don't know how hard it is to set up an imageboard.
If you guys don't end up doing an independent /late/ then consider trashchan since it looks like /comfy/ and /retro/ are headed there and you fit in perfectly with us. Good luck to you all where ever you decide to go.
Replies: >>1534
Nice. While this whole thing is rather sad & mysterious, I'm just glad that you /late/ anons are displaying your fighting spirit and mean to carry on regardless. Good you you!  :)
Replies: >>1534
Very impressive. You even saved the mascot. I think late.city briefly had a neocities status page.

Back on 8ch, /late/ and /kind/ were two of my favorite boards.
/comfy/ has migrated to trashchan. Will we follow, or go our own way?
Replies: >>1533 >>1534
Are we followers?
Replies: >>1534

This is DD: 

We are going to trashchan when this site shuts down. Ill keep you guys posted, keep your eyes on the announcement field.
Replies: >>1554 >>1556 >>1701
Yeah I'm happy to see you'll move there. Trashchan seems a promising place :)
Good to hear guys. Will be glad to see you there.
Is the Discord still active? I'd be interested but the link has expired..
Replies: >>1658
link at >>1 (OP)  should work
Replies: >>1660
Seems the browser messed up the link somehow. Pasting it into discord and then clicking it worked
You guys do have your board set up on Trashchan already right? I assume it's  there but just locked and hidden right?
Replies: >>1702
It'll be available soon >>1552
Replies: >>1703
Good to hear. Just wanted to touch base. See you all soon.
Nice to see you back here guys.

t. /comfy/
>>1 (OP) 
>friends of /late/
>/comfy/ - https://anon.cafe/comfy/
>/ent/ - https://anon.cafe/ent/
This section is no longer necessary.
Replies: >>1716 >>1717
It should be updated.
Replies: >>1717
Updated to their new homes for sure. They're still our friends.
Replies: >>1733
Unfortunately with transfer of board to new site I cannot modify original post.

Nevermind I suck cocks
Last edited by dd
Replies: >>1734 >>1737 >>1742
Oh yeah I've been wondering about that. Is there really no way for BOs or vols to edit posts?
Replies: >>1742
When is latestation coming back?
Weird, I can modify OPs as a BO here, even after migration.
Replies: >>1742
You should be able to edit every post on your board if you're a BO (or vol).
Replies: >>1748
I figured it out, thanks.
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A gift to /late/ from /retro/comfy/.
Replies: >>1788 >>1794
Thank you so much guys! Really appreciate it!
Added to the rotation, thanks lads
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Recovered some banners from cafe/late/ and late.city. Feel free to use whichever you want.
Replies: >>1810
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Replies: >>1811
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Replies: >>1832
thanks, added a bunch of em.
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