/late/ - Late Nights

Long nights, sleepy days

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Number 3, or is it 4? Who's keeping count, anyways?

Last thread hit bump limit, so now here's an all new Trashchan edition of the thread. I like this place. I think it will make a good home for us.

What's on your mind, tonight?
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>You're not manly enough. Men use debootstrap + chroot and have no need of graphical install!
I don't know what you mean by that but I'm fine installing Artix from the terminal and partitionning everything the way I want. Devuan's installer held my hand too tight and railroaded me away from things I wanted to do, I hate that pseudo graphical garbage.
Either have something like Calamares or let people figure it out on the term.

>I wish you were more specific about this one, because I did not face this particular problem so far.
I kept it vague on purpose because I don't feel like it's the maintainers' fault that some <1y programs aren't package yet on a distro that is known for thorough testing and stability.

>Nvidia GPU n-
Stopped reading there. 
Godspeed bro.
Replies: >>3024
>Either have something like Calamares or let people figure it out on the term.
Man let me show you some real Debian(tm) magic. Boot into a Devuan live CD, then
# mount -L your_sweet_root_filesystem /mnt
# debootstrap daedalus /mnt
# mount -t proc proc /mnt/proc
# mount -t sysfs sys /mnt/sys
# mount -o bind /dev/ /mnt/dev
# mount -o bind /dev/pts /mnt/dev/pts # not needed actually
# mount -o bind /sys/firmware/efi/efivars /mnt/sys/firmware/efi/efivars
# mount -L your_juicy_EFI_filesystem /mnt/efi
# chroot /mnt
# passwd
# apt install linux-image-amd64 linux-headers-amd64 
# blah blah bootloader, fstab, locales and the rest
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The pain is really bad now. I think it's the base of my skull, the C1 vertebrae, the Atlas, because that's what it normally is, but it's hard to tell. My teeth hurt. My eyes hurt. My head is throbbing. This is different than normal, but that's one of the tricks of this particular brand of agony. Just when you think you know what to expect you get a curveball. It comes with the territory of being the connection from the brain to the rest of the body. I don't know what I did to get into this situation and I don't know how to get out of it. I do yoga, I see a chiropractor, but I'm still jammed up.
Replies: >>3044 >>3050
praying you get better soon, bro.
does it disturb your sleepo ?

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What's your favorite music video at the moment and why?

mine is: https://youtu.be/SECVGN4Bsgg?si=4TUzmPq99H3KaeVU

I like how it shows his paranoia, the protagonist seems afraid of the outside world and wants to be left alone, possibly hinting at feelings of anxiety or mistrust.
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>Push the Tempo by Fatboy Slim
LMAO, I doubt I'd have ever seen that if you hadn't posted it here, Anon. Thanks.  :D

>tfw you thought 'Fatboy Slim' was just a euphemism for The Walken.  :^)
Yeah I can tell why you feel that way, some MV are dumb. I rarely watch them but some of them are actually good and interesting.
yeah, at the moment because that always can change. I remember I made this thread on the old late.city and this one was my favorite one:

Still a masterpiece. Or maybe Army of Me by Björk? Don't remember.

And damnnn, I almost forgot about Push the Tempo, it gives me nostalgia. So good.
LMAO. This one looks like a fever dream.
Replies: >>3048

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What’s a TV show you watch over and over? I hardly watch anything new anymore. Just Frasier, The Sopranos and House. I cycle through them yearly and want to shake it up with something new that people find rewatchable
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Replies: >>2893 >>2916 + 7 earlier
Modern day sensibilities in a different era
Creator completely and utterly ripped off one of his student's projects hence why he couldn't replicate anything similar years later
McConaughey is not a very sympathetic actor
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> Just Frasier

Frasier's cool.
>>2694 (OP) 
The Middle (2009) has been pretty good so far
>>2694 (OP) 
Rome and Fargo (esp S2)

>what could you criticize about it?
There isn't more of it (next seasons suck)

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The administrator fixed captchas, so /late/posting is once again possible. Thank you, administrator! I'm very thankful for you and your efforts and commitment to maintaining this website, and you resolved the issue right away. We're lucky you came along.
Replies: >>2894
Posting for testing new captcha.
GG Trashmin :)
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Thank you for looking out for us Trashmin
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>>2886 (OP) 
Oh is it functioning again? That's good.

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In honor of the new board




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Replies: >>2490 + 1 earlier
I've never seen it but I always thought the girl looked sad and a little confused.
Replies: >>1823
She is. She is confused. Some even say retarded.
>>1712 (OP) 
Mo Dao Zu Shi, it's a chinknime adapted from a novel taking place in a fictional wuxia setting with several clans watching over their respective region to exorcise ghosts and demons that appear because of "resentful energy"
The setting is a bit similar to Naruto since the various clans can attack and conquer each other, and the plot resembles Avatar the Last Airbender in that the most powerful clan wants to bully others around
the story follows Wei Wuxian who is adopted by one of the clan heads because he is the son of the clan head's crush but he had to marry a woman he doesn't love for politics
anyways Wei is a chaotic "free spirit" Black Star/Naruto/Onizuka kind of character but not as goofy, and he contrasts with Lan who is more mature, wise, always disciplined, always calm

I really enjoyed the first season and I'm now binging the second, but it turns out the original novel was a BL story, which doesn't at all transpire through the animated series because based CCP's censorship laws

Wolf's Rain

I'm gonna sound like a faggot but I like 3DPD too much to like waifus :(
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>post waifus


my mind is overflown too much.
Actually, the robot torso (Lain's "father") from the lesser-known PlayStation game is lifted directly from Key the Metal Idol, I believe Lain's character designer directly lampshades the fact in one of his artbooks. I've definitely seen crossover fanart of the two shows from around the time the anime came out, on one of those old ".ne.jp" sites, but I can't find it on the boorus and tracking it down on Google is totally out of the question as of two or three years ago.
It makes me a little sad to see all the anime I grew up with become the appropriated "nostalgia" of e-girl poseurs who find reprehensible everything about the original culture surrounding and generating those shows. I would rather old characters be lost to the sands of time rather than be Frankensteinishly revived and kept on life support with TikTok and ugly eating disorder fanarts.

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Merry Christmas. I'm an anon from 8chan, and we are organizing our inter-board Christmas event. This project aims to gather around anons from different imageboard and anonymous communities from all around internet during a weekend and celebrate Christmas together. The planned date is December 14 and 15 and it's going to be here https://8chan.moe/christmas you can make your "embassy" thread talking about your IB, its history and local memes.

I hope to see you there. If you have any other questions please make me know, I'll be more than grateful to answer.
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It's certainly worse, such as it is. At least it has less influence than 8chan did when it got corrupted by the glownigger, so there's that at least.
Replies: >>2821
It starts in 20 minutes
Nah, it's far better than 8prime, to begin with, the source code is far better, it has better infrastructure and global moderation does care about small boards. And in regards of influence, it's growing slowly, pretty much everybody knows it's just a matter of time before 4chan fucks something up and it gets a migration at the same level of gamergate in 2014.
Replies: >>2823
Starting now
Get in here.
Anyone who's been here for the interim between the actual h8chan and the current blacked.gov is well-aware of the treachery of the place. 8moe is a no-go zone for anyone who nootices ((( things ))).
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Today's Schedule, it starts at the same time.

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Any sites you want to share you have discovered that are interesting or useful?
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Replies: >>2577
>Prozac mentioned
It's neat to see him here. Prozac and Nobody are two enigmas that have never been cracked. I remember when Prozac used to cycle what was on the site every few months. I wonder what he's doing nowadays. Somebody on IA posted all of the YouTube season and first season of Nobody, though he's missing the second season and a certain movie. I hope no one on YouTube ever brings eyes on them. Years ago, Prozac and Nobody lashed out at that poo who recently covered /late/.
theres this weird site/artpiece/schizo rambling collection thing called "Spook...."  . i dont think its "real", maybe some sort of early ARG/viral guerrila marketing or just weird art. the way i found it was on an ancient " /x/ creepy stuff iceberg" image, when they used to be good. the guy who did it is this fairly small artist from nyc that has done other art pieces at museums and some stuff online and seems to be active on ig. if you go on it youll understand better but it says that it was started as a project because this guy who ran an artzine back in the late 90s early 00s got a bunch of pings from a military email/ip and decided to track it(? im bad at computers) and it was basically looking at a bunch of schizo conspiracy and alien stuff. mostly alien stuff. it goes seriously deep , you can follow links that go into links for dozens of pages and different sites from back in the old internet. some of the pages are berry shrimple containing just links, some seem to be unrelated govt agencies (like a generic science grant money agency, for example), one page i got had like 20.000 word manifesto of some "alien truth" group called the nexus/nexus 7(???). about 20-25% of the links dont work anymore. artpiece or legitimate, its super creepy/interesting and has a real Deus ex vibe to it. Heres a link to it. browse at your own risk, but i think its safe(?)

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I still have it bookmarked, but it doesn't work anymore and I don't think it will come back sadly.


It's in Japanese...you can find some of it archived (for now), but then you'd have to translate it on top of that. I need to learn Japanese.

It seemed like a live chat thingy, I don't know if it was structured around specific topics or what.

Anyway, when I do view the archived version, I see someting that was from the 90's, so I get that melancholic nostaligic whatever you wanna call it feeling.
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I want to share this website because it looks adorable to me! It's still being maintained and updated. https://www.mobyware.org/

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Winter is coming for the north hemisphere bros. Are you excited? Is winter bad where you live?
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Replies: >>2494 + 6 earlier
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>>1102 (OP) 
Man I am so pumped for winter this year. Cant fucking wait, fuck summer, fuck humidity, fuck bugs. I just wanna be bundled up in my cool winter clothes and just be comfy as shit. If none of you have ever been winter camping, its worth it, just make sure you have the proper gear.
Replies: >>2501
>Only good thing is eating bread with some soothing tea in your thermos whilst the wind coos outside.
Sounds comfy!

>What about you anon?
Well it's finally tapering off the long stretch of 100-110+ temp days now, and it's pretty comfy-cool at nights. So yeah, nice time of year.
>If none of you have ever been winter camping, its worth it
Yeah I've done that many times, it's the best.

>just make sure you have the proper gear.
Ehh, doesn't take much tbh.

*  STAY HYDRATED!111!!ONE!!!  Winter can be exceedingly dry, so you can dehydrate w/o really noticing it -- especially if you're exerting yourself (like climbing up hills).
*  LAYERS  If it's frigid, just bring a bunch of socks, shirts, pants to add more layers.
*  BOOTS  It's very important to keep your feet warm & dry. Have good wool socks on hand. BTW, if you lose feeling in your toes, YOU'RE HAVING A MEDICAL EMERGENCY...
Deal with it immediately!!
*  High-calorie nommies like chocolate trail mix is essential for comfy times in the wilderness.
*  Hot choco or other nice beverages, too (see above).
*  Strictly limit alcohol. None at all is even better.  :)
*  A good hunting knife. Essential for every man anyway, so yeah.
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Replies: >>2789
I wasn't looking forward to fall or winter last year, and I'm definitely not looking forward to it this year. I really dislike the climate I live in.
poorfag so can't heat my house, gotta put hot water bottles in my sleeping bag to sleep

solid advice anon

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Let's talk about torrenting and such.

I want to start with a question. 
What's your preferred torrent client and why? 
On my end I use QbitTorrent cause i don't know any better.
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thepiratebay.org for movies and films is one of the best.
These are the ones I use:
rtorrent which is a terminal client
I used to love using it on my computer but now it runs on my server that I access through SSH and it downloads at the speed of light and seeds all night long

yify torrents for movies
before it got cia'd rarbg was good too esp or show

skidrowreloaded and skidrowcodex and fitgirl for gaymes
nyaa for anime obviously
Replies: >>2786
you can get a cheap one for 30 bucks a year on lowendstock.com/deals
I especially like the AlphaVPS deal
love it too but it's a bitch to config

The worst part about getting sick is how it fucks up your circadian rythm. After being bedridden for a day and a half I need to somehow get back in bed and get enough sleep to make it through work tomorrow. And with my luck going to work on five hours of sleep will just make me get sick again.
Replies: >>2773
Feel better; and I hear ya. 

I usually just try to hide and ride it out on cold meds but that doesn't always work depending on your coworkers and their density. It's rough pretending to care on hangover or sniffles days!
>>2623 (OP) 
Winter always fucks up my circadian rhythm, then once daylight savings hits, good-night. I'm tired all the time and feel like I'm running a fever.

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