/late/ - Late Nights

Long nights, sleepy days

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Aliens thrive in the dead of 🌙
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I thrive in the dead of banana too.
Replies: >>1974
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The guy to the right of the Flatwoods Monster reminds me of this little guy.
Replies: >>1976
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If you started arguing over who should have paid what to who the jobsworth botherer would spring to action making loud spastic noises and running around

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Gondolas gondolaing around
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You're welcome, it was a nice idea
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Visiting this board to post another Gondola from my folder. I hope you are doing well, whoever sees this.
Replies: >>1965
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>hope you are doing well
Tired and bored but things may be worse. Hope your fine to anon.

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What are your dreams /late/?
Not as in, those in your sleep, but those that you won't give up until you get them?
Mine involves breasts of the large variety
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I want to live in a van, and camp in the woods and be as far as possible from walmart.  I want to look at the stars through clear skies and never have to see, hear, or smell an urbanite.  I want to study and meditate and work on my projects without having to hear (much less worry) about the latest monstrosity governments are visiting upon their own subjects this week.
Replies: >>1962
I need money, and to write.
I want real friends who are actually interested in me
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I'd really like to join Starfleet.
You. I like you, Anon (no homo). Don't let your dreams be just memes!  :D

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The anons talking about their times in the Mississippi banks was pretty comfy. I'd never heard of the driftless area before, but it sounds mythical. I'd like to start a thread like that here. You're welcome to post your stories and adventures on walks in the city or out and about in nature, I'd love to read them.
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Been hiking a lot lately. Used to hike a lot in high school but it was usually just going to state parks at night and getting kicked out by cops. Going at night is better but never allowed, which I hate..
Replies: >>1919
The biggest bugs I ever encounter are some kinds of rhinoceros beetles. I always try to rescue them from parking lots and gas stations if I can. Same with the big moths.
That's neat :) I hope you get up there one day. Parts of nature like that always attract a strangeness Maybe because it, itself, is an anomaly in nature where thousands of miles can seemingly look the exact same. Strangeness attracting strange people. I don't mean strange in a bad way either...

I'm glad that brought on some nostalgia! It's always feels the best when it occurs naturally through something you read or see.

I understand completely!
>Going at night is better but never allowed, which I hate..
I know that feel. My sleep/wake schedule (can't remember the word) is both longer than other people's (about 30 hours), and I also prefer the night simply because the annoyance of other people's noise is much less (usually) overnights. So I naturally tend towards being awake/working overnights.

Once, I went to totally-wasn't-trespassing-after-hours-though a state park to try and spot a huge owl I'd seen earlier at night there. Fortunately I had a really nice Meade spotting scope with me, because when I came out a police cruiser was blocking my car in, with it's lights flashing (no siren).

I waited for the cops to come back out, then distracted them by using the telescope to show them Jupiter and it's moons, which satisfied them I guess because they didn't give me any further shit after that.
Replies: >>1920
>can't remember the word
Circadian Rythm

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The alien thread has gotten me nostalgic for some good old fashioned conspiracy theories. Nowadays it's all just commodotized creepypastas and political shitflinging, which is fucking laaaaame.

What are some of your favorite conspiracy theories of the more obscure or classic varieties? Thought provoking, entertaining, or just weird.

The more schizo, convoluted, detailed, and overcomplicated the better.
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You know the corn story also jogged my memory about this tale I once heard about a black eyed shaman, which I think had something to do with the kokopelli, but I only heard it once and that was a long time ago and I can't really retell it properly. Anyone else heard anything similar?
Replies: >>1890
>I found convincing is that corn is demonic
As someone who worked in one of them fields this sounds interesting
>Corn originated in South America
It originated in Aridarmerica which is around the Southwest US and Northern Mexico, far away from the South of the continent
>back when it was ruled by the Aztec gods
Even if you wanted to say it didn't actually originate in the place but the era where the Aztec ruled, this is still wrong, Aztec Kingdom was strictly in Central America (hence Mesoamerican cultures) and they used corn just like everyone else did, the real problem is when they used it in rituals to cook and eat it refined after lacing it with blood, kinda like jews do with their bread.
>Demanding human sacrifices and preventing them form achieving the technological prowess that they aught to (wheels for toys but not for carts, etc.)
The demand is indeed fishy, the technological prowess is highly debatable as Aztecs were advanced in many fields and even surpassing European prowess in others (agriculture, building foundational construction, building acoustics, astrology, medicine) while grossly behind in others to the point of being just barely ahead africans (textiles, metal, weaponry, maritime navegation).
The wheel argument is a meme because aztec peoples were living in mountainous areas with harsh volcanic soil, the wheel was so impractical that even the spaniards went down using donkeys, mules and horses like the ones before in that region until civil work had razed and made roads centuries after conquering.
The mayans had the same ordeal but in highly-dense jungle environments, not even the brits used the wheel when they had the same lands or similar ones like the amazon jungle.
>All the legends on corns origins concur that it was a gift from these gods (demons)
Not really but it is an archetype
>Now corn is very bad food
Completely and utterly wrong
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Replies: >>1891
Aztec anon is that you?
Replies: >>1897
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This is like the third or fourth time my good anon friend but it isn't me, who knows what happened to that fellow but certainly he was much, much more advanced in that field than me.
The other day i saw some posts in spanish and it fitted his description but the anon didn't know the obvious weaponry knowledge Aztec anon had so false alarm. Many anons i wish i knew their posting grounds, perhaps some of them weren't kidding when they said they would quit if previous sites went down.

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post any ethereal nighttime shots from any "night" movies/tv/anime (if it makes nighttime look cool or comforting). the more obsure it is the more points you get
Replies: >>1227 >>1228
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This immediately came to mind for me. It's the opening of "The Rabbit Who Ate Las Vegas," an episode from the first season of The A-Team.  This scene takes place in L.A., but I think it has a similarly grungy feeling to depictions of '70s New York.
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>>1167 (OP) 
The Indian Runner had some good ones.
>>1167 (OP) 

I host TV nights every Wednesday night if anyone's interested (including Babylon 5, Buzz Lightyear of Star Command, The X-Files, and Miami Vice), we start in two hours from now.

there used to be a thread like this on og /late/ - post every time you're on late!
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I can't stop dancing furiously!
I appreciate the warning anon, I was able to suspend my outrage just in time
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Listening to Transilvanian Hunger.
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Hello /late/, let's be friends...

Is it late yet?
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Replies: >>1837
Gettin' there.

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In honor of the new board




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Replies: >>1719
>>1712 (OP) 
I was watching SlamDunk! a while ago, but I wanted to play games on my phone and draw in bed while I watched stuff, so stuff that's not in English kind of got pushed down the list.

Lewd AI female Polnareff makes me feel funny.
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Key the Metal Idol

Robot girl tries to become human, it's got 'puters and it talks about identity. 

Also watched Haibane Renmei recently and loved it. I watched both the sub and dub, i think i'm growing more fond of amateurish voice acting in anime and jrpgs.
Replies: >>1725 >>1729
People sometimes compare Key to Serial Experiments Lain. I wanted to watch it at some point but haven't brought myself to doing it yet.
I've never seen it but I always thought the girl looked sad and a little confused.
Replies: >>1823
She is. She is confused. Some even say retarded.

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Hello again /LATE/ !

What's up?!
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real joycultists hours
Replies: >>1763
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schway and joypilled, real psyop hours
kitsch PSRcucks nowhere to be seen
Replies: >>1791
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My argument Vs Y0U!!
Replies: >>1803
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please refrain from generating this type of content, there is enough of that already out there
thank you
Replies: >>1813
it's more like a parody of it tho

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