/late/ - Late Nights

Long nights, sleepy days

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The anons talking about their times in the Mississippi banks was pretty comfy. I'd never heard of the driftless area before, but it sounds mythical. I'd like to start a thread like that here. You're welcome to post your stories and adventures on walks in the city or out and about in nature, I'd love to read them.
Replies: >>135 >>729 >>1113
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>>134 (OP) 
>I'd never heard of the driftless area before, but it sounds mythical.
It's pretty nice. There are a lot of places in that area that seem like good hiking spots if I wasn't too much of a shut-in to visit them. Pic related is one that interests me. It's a dry prairie with prickly pear cactuses and lizards running around, which sounds exotic to me. I only remember seeing a wild lizard one time in all my life and have only seen one prickly pear (and that one was states away).
Replies: >>150 >>1315
My job as private security implies I walk a lot by night in an old industrial place in the countryside. I enjoy it a lot.
Damn this makes me want to go for a hike there. Spring is coming slowly, I crave for walks in the nature during this time.
Replies: >>183 >>192
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Here's another one in the area that looks like it could be worth a visit. It's technically within Devil's Lake, so it's not that far from Spring Green.
Replies: >>189
Seems a nice place for hiking. I enjoy walking along water.
Replies: >>197
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Guys... I'm affraid...
Replies: >>191 >>197
spooky, what is that place and what are you doing there.
Replies: >>192
Been  while I haven't done proper urbex for the fun of it tho.
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I went for a little night walk, it was pretty good, fairly uneventful other than it started raining, but I made it back home before it got bad. not my pic
It's the gorge part that piques my interest.
I would never be brave enough to do something like that. I don't even like walking outside at night.
I love to be outdoors at night but it wouldn't be safe to wander around where I live too late. I typically settle for sitting outside with my dogs
Replies: >>203
That sucks, hopefully my area continues to be safe, but unfortunately, I have been noticing some undesirables moving in over the past few years. Anyway, I went for another walk, but it was cut short because it was too windy and cold for me to enjoy it.
Just got back from a 5 mile walk, feels good. I am going to try to film one of my walks and comment on stuff, if it turns out good I might post it here.
Replies: >>222
Please share with us. I sometimes think filming some part of my night walks in the old creepy industrial place, there is a special atmosphere there. Maybe in few weeks when there will be no workers and I can have the entire place for me.
Replies: >>235
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Here are another shots from this night. I really like the one with the pipes.
I altered them a bit to fix colors and light so they look better this way, expect the pipes one.
Replies: >>226 >>227 >>266
* except
Very nice, I like the 2nd one the most. 4 and 1 are great too. I can almost smell that place.
Replies: >>228
And man it have a smell : old machinery oil, cereal dust, dirt, rat piss and cat shit. Damn I like this place.
I'm pretty happy with the 2nd one myself and even more because I didn't tweak it afterward. It's the first tie I use my phone camera trying to do something nice. So I'm happy you like them :)
Replies: >>230
>old machinery oil
Yeah, this is what I imagined. I just got my first phone after managing to go a long time without one. I am going to try and make good use of recording stuff with it. I used to film a lot of stuff, but my camera broke like 10 tears ago and I never got a new one. I'm the one who is going to film my walks.
I filmed my walk today. I have like an hours worth of footage so I have to figure out how I want to post it. I feel like it's a pain in the ass to create a youtube channel. I was hoping I could upload some mp4s here, but I don't know what the size limit is and It's going to be an even bigger pain to chop up the footage. I also don't know if I want to add music to make it more interesting or not, so I will probably post something tomorrow.
Replies: >>239
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Yes,openning a youtube channel is a painful process as long as you don't want to be part of the google swarm.
There are decentralised options like peertube if it worries you.

Here the size limit is 20 MB, so maybe you can just share little clips and post a link to a place to watch it.
Take your time and have fun. What video tool did you use for montage ?
Replies: >>243
I went ahead and made a youtube channel. I am using windows video editor so it's not going to be anything fancy, but I will experiment with adding some music to it and see how it goes. I will have something ready today and hopefully it's enjoyable to watch.
Replies: >>249
I dunno how's Windows video editor working (last time Iused it was on XP) but if you're looking for a good but yet simple to use video editor, you can try Shotcut.
It's FOSS btw.
Replies: >>250
The windows video editor is kind of shit and I had some trouble getting it to work properly. I have plans to do more complicated stuff, plus I have my own original music that I plan on using later but it is going to take some effort to get all that ready. I am just uploading the footage with no editing or music and I will trim it up with whatever youtube has. It's painfully slow uploading though, it's only at 7% and it's been going for a couple hours now, hopefully it speeds up towards the end.  I will check out shotcut for future videos thanks.
I really like these. I haven't done much urbex in a while, but a few years ago I used to find ways into abandoned malls and take a bunch of liminal space esque pictures before it was a big thing. 

Just recently I found out one of my favorite malls I used to hit was completely torn down a year ago
The video finished uploading, it took 24 hours. I think I am too embarrassed to post it though. Sorry for hyping it up so much lol. It's pretty boring so you aren't missing out on anything.
Replies: >>270
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anon, I...
please let me watch senpai
Replies: >>271
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I'll think about it, I still need to cut a few things out and maybe blur some signs if I plan on posting it. In the meantime, I'll contribute some screenshots so that it isn't a completely wasted effort.
Replies: >>272
Thanks, I like the feeling of suburban night of melancholy and loneliness.
Replies: >>282
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>I like the feeling of suburban night of melancholy and loneliness.
Well I have plenty of that. I recorded another video, here are some more screenshots. I hope you don't mind them being a bit blurry.
Replies: >>283 >>284
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All for now.
I like the blurry touch, it really add some nice aesthetic to the thing.
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Replies: >>290 >>296
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Replies: >>290 >>296
Very nice, it reminds me of spending time at the mall growing up, I think malls are going to disappear though. I also used to like Kmart and another store that I can't name because it's too specific, but being in those stores leading up to them closing for good was surreal, it really felt like the end of an era.
Replies: >>291
>I think malls are going to disappear
This place doesn't exist anymore haha
Replies: >>294
I figured. There are a couple malls near me, but the only reason they are still open I think is because they have movie theaters, and even with that they are struggling.
Cool, I would like to wander in desert malls like this.
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Cherry trees start blossoming here.
Replies: >>306
cool, do they smell nice?
Replies: >>307 >>311
As the air is still cold not really but as soon as the sun starts to warm the, the air is filled by their delicate smell. Spring is coming !
( ^∇^)
I'll probably go for more late bike rides once it warms up and the weather clears up. I love exploring at night when most people are asleep and you're left with mostly quiet, just occasional breezes, a few nocturnal people, and some crazy homeless depending on the city.
Tonight is way more warm (at least for now) and I can smell their perfume all around the night. I'm crying.
Replies: >>312
cool, i don't think i ever smelled them, there are some flowering trees around here that smell really good in spring, it's still early for them though.
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Found a nice waterfall then drove randomly on comfy little country roads. Was alone with the music in my car, the sun was warm...
Replies: >>446 >>448
very nice, i took a break from walking because of bad weather but then it broke my routine, i need to get back into it
Replies: >>447 >>448
I had to pay for a gym membership because of this, I struggle to make regularly something (or when I have to) if I'm not doing it everyday or at least a few planed days per week. I have same issue at work, studies... It's frustrating but it's the only way I found to be a productive person irl.
That hilly scenery look enticing.
I do so much walking for work that I don't feel like doing it outside my job.
Replies: >>450
Same here, I walk a lot during my job but I need to walk in different places to see new landscapes and feel new sensations. The job walking is cool but not that nice.
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Found this cool dude while nightwalk tonite :)
Replies: >>606 >>681 >>695
Hey I've been looking for this guy, he owes me money.
Replies: >>608
Sorry anon he give me all the money and I spent it on apple pies.
Replies: >>615
Ok, so send me at least some of the pies.
Replies: >>616
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Too /late/ anon, I eat it all.

Replies: >>618 >>619
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Replies: >>695 >>1828
I'd shit my pants if I ever came across one of those things. I get freaked out enough by June bugs.
Replies: >>1828
>>134 (OP) 
havnt left my house in 6 months, i used to do night walks a few yrs back but lost the habit
>>134 (OP) 
One nightwalk I did last winter was surreal for me. Light snow on the ground, but could see the area around me for miles in the middle of night without any lights.
do you guys keep any protection on you while you walk? conceal carry anything? i would love to night walk again but i live in a pretty shitty area with lots of shady homeless, so its safer to drive.
Replies: >>1132 >>1136
Usually when I was living in the city I used to carry a big knife or a brass knuckles. But most of all I used some common sense for not going on shitty places. Now I'm in the country so it's way more secure, but anyway I still carry a knife because I always carried knife till my younger ages when going outside.

Maybe you should drive to a more secure place then enjoy your nigjht walks outside your unsecure neighbourhood.
sometimes i go walking with my dogs at night. people dont fuck with you if you have two big dogs
One time I met a girl off of the whisper app. She said she had a brain there that made her sensitive to light, so we could only meet at night. We made plans to meet at this traffic light intersection around 2 or 3 in the morning. I was sure enough i wasn't going ot get killed since we were texting. 

I did end up missing her the first trip, we eventually ended up meeting up. We took a stroll next to this big corp campus. Back then you could walk in  and no one would question you. Now they have gates and turnstiles that need badging.

We sat at the park and just vibed and talked. Besides the security that was doing foot patrols, we were the only ones there. It was very comfy
Replies: >>1152
That's a nice comfy story.
I used to go on night walks semi-regularly, but then one day I got robbed and then soon after there were various stabbings in my city. Ever since then I am too scared.
Replies: >>1181 >>1269
That's really sucks. I'd be afraid of things like that happening to me if I went out at night, not that I'm not also afraid of going for walks in the dark by myself anyway.
My town just installed extremely bright ass LED street lights everywhere earlier this year and are replacing any old street lights more each passing week. It's so soulless and sterile that I can't even tolerate it any longer. Luckily the street light outside of my window is still an old amber orange light but for how much longer I truly wonder considering just a street over has every single light changed. I'm just ready to move away at this point. Any town/city that's doing this bullshit is literally killing the true essence of nightwalking. Society is against any of us who lives in the night. The injustice and widespread prejudice is getting out of control.
Replies: >>1224 >>1233
I'm glad it's not just me who hates the new LED street lights. Walking at night isn't the same without those warm, comfy orange lights. I also have an LED one right outside my house and it's VERY bright, I have to keep the blinds completely closed.

I do need to do more night walks though, I find afternoon when everyone are just finishing work is great. It's dark but not dead empty.
Replies: >>1241
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There was a thread on old Late about this exact thing. I remember it fondly

Amber orange will always be king and the white LEDs are kinda depressing, but have you ever seen the purple street lights? I thought they were by design a while ago, but it turns out they're actually malfunctioning white LEDs. It's a common occurrence and most times the city just leaves them be! They are such a refresher and add a dreamy vibe to a walk when you happen upon one
Replies: >>1234 >>1241 >>1288
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Ah yes, I remember that thread too. My neighborhood's orange street lights are getting phased out bit by bit. I've been taking pictures of them at night, it seems like they're on their way of becoming an old memory.

>turns out they're actually malfunctioning white LEDs
I've seen those before! I thought it was the city being goofy.
Replies: >>1237 >>1239 >>1288
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Did you take this picture? It's really nice! 

It's nowhere near as good, but I'll share one of my own.
Replies: >>1238 >>1288
I didn't, but I sure wish I was there to take it!

That's a groovy pic. Is that a car with pop-up lights? It's been a long time since I've seen one of those.
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From /comfy/ with love.
Replies: >>1240 >>1250
I'll be taking that
Replies: >>1249
I'm hoping by Spring I can get moved somewhere that isn't doing all of this LED shit. I'd love to get back into nightwalking again. Sadly, trying to move these days is worse than a job application in even getting accepted to look at a place. Also the fact that shitty airbnb is popping up everywhere ruining every neighborhood.

I remember that thread as well. I posted in it actually talking about how my town luckily hasn't shifted to LED lights yet but wasn't exactly safe enough to go nightwalking in most parts. I guess I fucking jinxed myself in that thread. I haven't ever seen the purple lights. I'm not sure how I'd feel about it, but it clearly can't get anywhere as bad as what most of us are stuck with. What's the brightness levels of it compared to a regular LED light? I'm just not getting a good enough idea from the pictures here.
Replies: >>1242
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>What's the brightness levels of it compared to a regular LED light?
The best I can describe it, is that it turns the area it illuminates into a Half Life 2 map with broken lighting. You can clearly see everything, but it's not fun to look at.
Replies: >>1246
/late/ needs more orange light banners
Replies: >>1246 >>1248
Doesn't seem comfy and just irritating as the LED being white are. I guess perhaps better aesthetics for photos but that's not saying much for the whole nightwalking experience that we'd personally want or enjoy. I have to have dim lighting at night in order to relax. I even have the temperature on my screen usually around 2000k unless I'm watching something where I need to raise it. I NEVER TURN IT COMPLETELY OFF! I don't see how people don't go blind looking at a screen these days.

I'm down with that.

post some and ill add em
Replies: >>1250
It would make a good banner for late all it would take is some judicious cropping and zooming.
Replies: >>1250
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Here's an animated banner of that gif, including the template.
Looks good, I like it.
Replies: >>1259
Nice anon, I was planning to give a try but yours are just perfect :)
What's the name of the font you used on the first one ? I really like those retro fonts.
Replies: >>1259
Oh that's neat. Good job anon.
Replies: >>1259
Thank you Anons!
Determination Mono Web
Be the Night Stabber Blaster
the /late/ night combater
Splatter thugs into red pasty matter
chanting banters, piling cadavers

Dagger clutching crooks will scatter
spilling bladders, tipping like tractors
Skulls going off like a firecracker
no one's faster than a goon wacker of the Night Stabber Blaster
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I miss mercury vapor lights. They have a green color that just unreal. When I was a kid I use to go visit this old lady with my grandma, and she had an old cobbled together little house and she had one of these lights on a pole at her back door. I'd sit there until almost dark under the glow and pet her cats.
added it
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I created another banner with orange lights. Well, 2 banners. I couldn't decide on which design and just made both. The template is included if anyone thinks they can make something better out of it.
Replies: >>1313
The first design is pretty neat. If the "e" was elevated just a touch to follow the curvature I think it would be perfect.
It felt suddenly very strange to read this while outside looking at a lizard.
Replies: >>1317
I'd like to see a lizard again. The one I've seen was a five-lined skink that scampered out of sight as soon as I went closer to it. I've seen a few small snakes before, but that was the only time I've ever seen a lizard outside.
Is the guy who said he encountered Anthroposophists in the Driftless Area still here? I'd like to hear his story.
Replies: >>1783
That sounds like an interesting story.
Replies: >>1786
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Yeah, he mentioned it in passing and said that maybe he'd share the story another time. I'm curious if they had any special reasoning for being there. It seems like an odd place to come across them. I think I might have posted this a while ago, but it goes into some of the weirdness in the Wisconsin sections of the region:
Just about every place has strange stuff going on though.

It makes me wonder if they thought there was some spiritual significance to the area or if they just thought the scenery was pleasant. The Upper Midwest is generally a pretty flat place, but the Driftless Area has bluffs and rocky outcroppings that bring in outdoorsy regional tourists in warmer weather from the surrounding area.

I actually just got curious and looked to see if there were any local Anthroposophical Society branches located around there. I didn't see any in the Minnesota, Iowa, or Illinois sections of the area, but I did come across a study group listed in Viroqua, WI. Maybe those people are who he ran into. Viroqua's a small town, but I see that it's known for organic farming and food tourism. It has one of the highest densities of organic forms out of anywhere in the U.S. apparently. I wonder if that's got something to do with it, since Rudolf Steiner was one of the first people to popularize organic farming.

I'm curious about his story, so hopefully he comes back at some point and fills us in on the details.
Replies: >>1797 >>1800
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Man, reading stuff like this towards the end of the night as the world sleeps is a real feeling. Now you've got me wondering...

Hope that guy comes back. In the meantime, what makes you so interested in his story anyway? Does that religion strike a cord with you, or are you just curious?
Replies: >>1800
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*densities of organic farms
I guess it's really a convergence of several different factors.

I'm curious as someone with some ties and fondness for that region. My ancient great grandmother was from Baraboo, for example, and I remember my family used to visit her when I was a little kid. I remember seeing road signs for Devil's Lake at that time but have still never been there.  One of my earliest childhood memories also took place at a family reunion in a town not that far from there. As someone with a bit of experience in that neck of the woods, it seems pretty interesting to me to run into people like that out there. It's a pretty rural place, mostly farmland, forests, grasslands, and small towns. I would definitely say it leans more hicklib than it does Deliverance country, but the population density is pretty low for a place east of the Great Plains.

I really don't know that much about Anthroposophy, but I've always been into paranormal stuff and general weirdness. I was kind of thinking that when he made that post I imagined they might have been into some kind of ley line stuff or "energy vortexes" something. I know Sedona, Arizona has become a tourist mecca for certain New Agers who seem to believe there's something like that going on there. I think the red rocks would be reason enough to visit, but whatever.

All this rambling has got me feeling nostalgic now.
Replies: >>1801 >>1918
>I was kind of thinking that when he made that post I imagined
I really botched this line, but you get the picture.
Replies: >>1918
Been hiking a lot lately. Used to hike a lot in high school but it was usually just going to state parks at night and getting kicked out by cops. Going at night is better but never allowed, which I hate..
Replies: >>1919
The biggest bugs I ever encounter are some kinds of rhinoceros beetles. I always try to rescue them from parking lots and gas stations if I can. Same with the big moths.
That's neat :) I hope you get up there one day. Parts of nature like that always attract a strangeness Maybe because it, itself, is an anomaly in nature where thousands of miles can seemingly look the exact same. Strangeness attracting strange people. I don't mean strange in a bad way either...

I'm glad that brought on some nostalgia! It's always feels the best when it occurs naturally through something you read or see.

I understand completely!
>Going at night is better but never allowed, which I hate..
I know that feel. My sleep/wake schedule (can't remember the word) is both longer than other people's (about 30 hours), and I also prefer the night simply because the annoyance of other people's noise is much less (usually) overnights. So I naturally tend towards being awake/working overnights.

Once, I went to totally-wasn't-trespassing-after-hours-though a state park to try and spot a huge owl I'd seen earlier at night there. Fortunately I had a really nice Meade spotting scope with me, because when I came out a police cruiser was blocking my car in, with it's lights flashing (no siren).

I waited for the cops to come back out, then distracted them by using the telescope to show them Jupiter and it's moons, which satisfied them I guess because they didn't give me any further shit after that.
Replies: >>1920
>can't remember the word
Circadian Rythm
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