/late/ - Late Nights

Long nights, sleepy days

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What strange creatures dwell in the sunless world beyond the Witching Hour?
Replies: >>1946 >>1950
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>>1941 (OP) 
All manner of spooks!
Replies: >>1948
Drac's looking rough.
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>>1941 (OP) 
A gnome with a heater that makes your room hot at night. Will occasionally relocate frequently used items to random parts of your home as well.
Replies: >>1954
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Whatever it is all these women are running from it.
Replies: >>1954
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This one too.
What a cozy and mischievious little lad. Do they have a name?

Severe men that they are forbidden to love and fear they will never understand them?
Replies: >>1956
>Severe men that they are forbidden to love and fear they will never understand them?
Yeah, standard issue.
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There was an anon that used to tell a bunch of meth stories about, how after midnight, shit would start getting real. He slept in his car most nights and would stealth camp in some fly over state in the U.S. This guy swore up and down that if he parked anywhere in the woods to sleep, he could hear the trees flexing down towards his car and slowly constricting around it. Clear as day the branches steadily wrapping and taking hold of the metal.

He had some other stories about living on a friend's property and how he could hear some ungodly beast just beyond the light of this torch he was carrying. He was sure that he could hear an abomination somewhere past the treeline he was facing. Demon hound like growling. He kept trying to get this thing out into the light by heading towards it, but it would retreat further into the darkness the closer he got. I think I remember him claiming to see the eyes of this thing.

One last meth story, different anon and took place during the day so it kinda doesn't count for this thread, but there was another guy going through some insane meth withdraw that was absolutely certain he was being followed. Every time he turned around, however, the perp would be going just around a corner to hide. He'd get glimpses of their shapes, colors of their shirt and pants, small details about what they looked like, ya know? 

See, but none of it was real. Trees can't attack you, no one was stalking that guy and there was nothing in the woods beyond the torch light. Meth stories are insane, but what's even more insane is that these people's minds were so far gone that they were able to conjure these things up into their waking world. 

Can you imagine being so sure you saw or heard something, but then realizing that it wasn't even possible? 
>>What strange creatures dwell in the sunless world beyond the Witching Hour?

Whatever you believe is out there, I guess
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