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Long nights, sleepy days

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Winter is coming for the north hemisphere bros. Are you excited? Is winter bad where you live?
I've always liked winter, but winter isn't much winter anymore, especially here. Too hot for it, too humid. A damn shame too.
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>>1102 (OP) 
I hope that we get a real winter this year where I am. It's been half a decade since we got a really consistent one. I really love winter because it gets so much quieter without all the industrial noise of normals mowing their lawns or riding their adult toys. Maybe one day I'll move somewhere like Vermont or Minnesota and have a proper winter every year.
>>1102 (OP) 
i love winter but i hate ice a big heating bills. overall its my second favorite season to autum
Replies: >>1151
>>1102 (OP) 
It's been long time we don't have a real winter there. I like winter a lot.
>>1102 (OP) 
with my schedule, winter is usually a more peaceful season for me, even if the weather itself is schizo.

I like winter. You can always put on more layers, but you can only take off so much.
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I like Christmastime, the look of freshly fallen snow, and listening to certain kinds of music (black metal and dark New Wave/post-punk bands). That's mainly it though. It feels pretty gloomy to me otherwise, and I'm not the least bit cut out for the cold. Sunny winter days can be beautiful, but with the way the weather is at that time of the year there's still no way I'm going outside if I can help it.
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I love Winter! Love to hate it lol

Winter is fun, but the fun for me is getting out of the cold and warming up with some hot chocolate or hearing howling wind outside as you grab a big comfy blanket hit the lights and throw on a special movie that only you appreciate. 

There's also nothing like running out into the cold dawn air just before sunrise and jumping into your shitbox 90s RWD Japomobile with the heat blasting as you zoom off to work with some post punk blasting through your speakers as your car fishtails all over the frosty roads.
Replies: >>1153
I love in the PNW and work on ships sailing from Washington up to Alaska. The snow is working its way down to the water line and it's starting to get cold. 

Yes, autumn is definitely the best season.
Replies: >>1154
That's a nice car.
>work on ships sailing from Washington up to Alaska
That must be a nice job. I would like to do ship work sometimes. Especially in winter.
I'm just glad that it's not 100 degrees anymore. Forgot what cold weather was like now that I've moved.
I love winter but with the cold the skin on my hands becomes dry and tears at the knuckles. I guess I need to put more moisturizing cream.
Replies: >>1265
I'm going through the exact same thing right now. I wash my hands very frequently and until I'm getting ready for bed lotion/creams aren't too much of an option. Seems like it's been much more harsh on my skin this year compared to last year around this time.
Replies: >>1266
Same, at work I wash my hands frequently to and forget top put cream after. I don't remember experiencing this previous winters despite I know i have a dry skin and I have to take care of it during cold times. I guess this year I wait a bit more before caring ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>>1102 (OP) 
I hate winter because drama tends to follow the season for me. This winter my cousin will find out for sure if she has leukemia.
Replies: >>1607
I’m sorry to hear that, is she doing better now?
>>1102 (OP) 
Winter’s ending now, sadly it’s been a mix-mash of chaos; snow mixed with rain forming ice wherever you go.

Only good thing is eating bread with some soothing tea in your thermos whilst the wind coos outside.

What about you anon?
Replies: >>2500
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>>1102 (OP) 
Man I am so pumped for winter this year. Cant fucking wait, fuck summer, fuck humidity, fuck bugs. I just wanna be bundled up in my cool winter clothes and just be comfy as shit. If none of you have ever been winter camping, its worth it, just make sure you have the proper gear.
Replies: >>2501
>Only good thing is eating bread with some soothing tea in your thermos whilst the wind coos outside.
Sounds comfy!

>What about you anon?
Well it's finally tapering off the long stretch of 100-110+ temp days now, and it's pretty comfy-cool at nights. So yeah, nice time of year.
>If none of you have ever been winter camping, its worth it
Yeah I've done that many times, it's the best.

>just make sure you have the proper gear.
Ehh, doesn't take much tbh.

*  STAY HYDRATED!111!!ONE!!!  Winter can be exceedingly dry, so you can dehydrate w/o really noticing it -- especially if you're exerting yourself (like climbing up hills).
*  LAYERS  If it's frigid, just bring a bunch of socks, shirts, pants to add more layers.
*  BOOTS  It's very important to keep your feet warm & dry. Have good wool socks on hand. BTW, if you lose feeling in your toes, YOU'RE HAVING A MEDICAL EMERGENCY...
Deal with it immediately!!
*  High-calorie nommies like chocolate trail mix is essential for comfy times in the wilderness.
*  Hot choco or other nice beverages, too (see above).
*  Strictly limit alcohol. None at all is even better.  :)
*  A good hunting knife. Essential for every man anyway, so yeah.
*  A durable tarp you can fold up compact, or spread out to shelter from snow storms.

''Don't go too far back into the wilderness your first couple times out, and always try to go with a buddy if you can manage it.

That's about it. The rest you can basically ad-lib on-the-fly. Cheers.
Replies: >>2789
I wasn't looking forward to fall or winter last year, and I'm definitely not looking forward to it this year. I really dislike the climate I live in.
poorfag so can't heat my house, gotta put hot water bottles in my sleeping bag to sleep

solid advice anon
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