/late/ - Late Nights

Long nights, sleepy days

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Number 3, or is it 4? Who's keeping count, anyways?

Last thread hit bump limit, so now here's an all new Trashchan edition of the thread. I like this place. I think it will make a good home for us.

What's on your mind, tonight?
Replies: >>1870 >>1902
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>>1869 (OP) 
>What's on your mind, tonight?
Thinking about how I'm going to balance studies, work, saving money, and building robowaifus. Roughly in that order. You?
Replies: >>1871
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You could hear a pin drop in my brain right now. Think I'm gonna save the thinking for tomorrow.
Replies: >>1872
>repeatedly try expanding your image
>no results
Lol, you got me.
Replies: >>1873
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>on-call at work this week (required to be available 24/7 in the rare case of an emergency)
>my work phone
>gets a spam robo-call
>at 3:50 in the morning
I didn't choose the /late/ life. The /late/ life chose me.
Replies: >>1877 >>1879
People must have a solution for that, niggertech notwithstanding.  Like whitelisting numbers that can activate the ringer, and dropping random bullshit calls that you aren't going to answer anyway.

Surely this feature is standard in this, the year of our Lord 2024.
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RIP the anon.cafe visiting thread.

>What's on your mind, tonight?
In the midst of the chaos, I'm searching for a soft pillow that works for stomach sleepers, doesn't get hot, and preferably not too expensive for nice cozy nights.

I've found many candidates, the one I'm probably going to get is the Serta standard down alternative at Lowes. I stumbled across it by chance and have my misgivings with its low $15 price tag and its polyester filling, but it feels great. The fabric is super soft and cool (whether or not it stays that way while in use is still in question), and it's not too firm.
A manager at my previous employer tried to issue me a work phone for such a reason once.
I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.
I'm going to see the solar eclipse on Monday. I've picked out a field about 30 minutes out. Kinda worried about traffic from the fucking tourists, but whatever. Hopefully it'll be worth it.
Replies: >>1885
I'm going to take a look myself. Just from home I've got enough sky. And I found my rectangle of welder's glass from the last one.
my first time on late!
Replies: >>1887 >>1905
Get him
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i am here today on this night to that i can so to remind you that to ask you that you to contribute to the zine!!!!
Replies: >>1902 >>1907
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>>1869 (OP) 
I'd like to contribute!

At least I think I do

What's the email that I send stuff to?
Replies: >>1914
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Gonna listen to an episode of Gunsmoke in bed.

I haven't listened to a huge amount of old time radio, but this seems to be the pinnacle.
Replies: >>1910
OI!! You paid up on your loicense, lad?
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Is there still not enough material for the zine? Dang. Here, have cosmological horrors beyond your comprehension.
Replies: >>1914
I used to listen to old-time radio as a kid before bed. My dad was really into it and had a whole bunch of shows downloaded. The first I remember listening to were The Harold Peary Show and The Great Gildersleeve. I don't know what would be considered the best or anything, since I never became a radio enthusiast or anything. I remember my dad listening to Suspense a lot.
Replies: >>1913
Oh, yeah!  I have all of that and ESCAPE.  It's great stuff.
latezine (at) airmail (dot) cc
Please donate a submission to the latezine foundation for latefrens in need.
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I want courage.
Replies: >>1943
Courage the Cowardly Dog Show?
Replies: >>1944 >>1951
No but I had a feeling someone was going to respond with this anyways.
Replies: >>1945
Sorry for being predictable, but there is a lesson in there. Courage is scared shitless, and usually rightfully so, but he always does what he has to do, even when he's so anxious and afraid he can hardly breathe. The terror will pass, and your emotions cannot force you to do or to not do anything.
Replies: >>1947
NTA, but thanks for the good encouragement, Anon!  :)
I have such fond memories of that show, I remember at times it'd be so jarring to me as a kid but I couldn't get enough
Replies: >>1955
I think that show is a tiny part of why I'm such a night owl. It encapsulates the intoxicating weirdness of the deep night.
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I find myself beginning to tread a very dark path, metaphorically speaking. Or perhaps it's not so dark after all and it's all a matter of perspective.
Replies: >>1978
>beginning to tread a very dark path
Be glad your legs work to be able to tread otherwise you'd be due a visit from Doctor Vindaloo
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I just wish I did things properly. I got no one to talk to, imageboars get tiresome, and I can't be entertained by most of what is the current web nowadays.
What am I supposed to do? How do people find partners and friends? Am I stupid? I can only answer one of those questions sadly.
Replies: >>1980 >>1984 >>1989
Brother you gotta venture out into the world. Find a hobby, put yourself out there, spend time in social settings like bars, cafes, clubs.

Got any coworkers that pique your interest a bit? Well talk to them. Making friends isn't hard, but finding someone thats got your back and is trustworthy takes years of friendship to develop.

You know these answers already, so this isn't the problem. It's your mindset about the whole thing that's probably fucking you over more than you realize. Get outta your comfort zone a bit
Imageboards are great but spending too much time devoid of person will wear on your mental health. It's good to have somewhere you can go where you can be somebody real. Even if that's just somewhere online.
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>I got no one to talk to
Talk to people. Talk to people from whom you can afford to be told things like "No" or "go away"'.

If you are particularly autistic, then you will have to change from asking yourself "what good can come of it?" to the question of "what bad can come of it?" instead.

>Imageboards get tiresome
Good. They are supposed to.

>I can't be entertained by most of what is the current web
The current web can afford your ennobling as well as propagate your sin. I'm learning about an-priv herbs and pharmacology. Would be harder to do without internet.

>What is one supposed to do?
Seek out God and shelter your flock.

>How do people find partners and friends?
I tend to wing it anon. I don't have many. But take an interest in people and be prepared to deal with their unfriendliness.

>Am I stupid?
You are autistic, which reflects upon low IQ... But you're self-aware and capable of restraint. You've a lot going for you there frankly. Most people of the world don't have either.
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