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Welcome back to /comfy/ Anon :)
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We all appreciate being comfy. Part of the process implies staying at home doing nothing but watching some enjoyable things.

ITT we share good watch to spend some cozy moments in front of.
Replies: >>4785 >>11434
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I have a ritual for at least 15 years that consist of putting some Shrimpsons episodes for sleeping. I really enjoy this moment when I feel sleepy, going to bed with a bowl of cereals and watching some episodes before sleeping. I have seen the entire show many times since then but I don't care. I don't even watch, but just having it at low volume really help me to sleep. The computer is programmed to go to sleep after one hour so that I am not disturbed by its light when I'm sleeping and when waking up.
I prefer by far the first seasons, especially for that nostalgia feel.

Have you got some comforter rituals like this for sleeping ?
Replies: >>4770 >>4785
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>I prefer by far the first seasons, especially for that nostalgia feel.
Including the first one? I'm surprised so many people don't seem to like that one berry much.
Replies: >>4771
ngl I'm part of these people. Season one is good but you can feel the show only aquire its maturity past some episodes. I woodn't say season one is less good, just have a  different feel regarding next seasons.
Replies: >>4774
It's definitely somewhere between The Tracey Ullman Show and classic Shrimpsons, before it found it's groove.
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Is Otto the most /comfy/ Shrimpsons character?

>>4767 (OP) 
The first episode of Acacaa no Joe 2 gives me oddly comfy vibes. The film Hard Times (with Charles Bronson) is another odd comfy pick. Maybe its the melancholic yet accepting vibe of the story.
Replies: >>4787
Otto is definitively a nice fella I wood enjoy spending time with.
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Just ate a biiig pizza while watching X-Files.
I really like this show.
Replies: >>4828 >>4851
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Watching The Wire for the first time in my life, I started it last week and I'm already halfway through season 2. 
Enjoying it quite a lot.
While it isn't like The Sopranos at all, I got quite the same joy and entertainment out of it so far.
I've got the entire series downloaded, I should do the same tonight!
who else here finds old 1930-60s black and white films to be berry comfy?

Alfred Hitchcock's shorts in particular, but im interested in other directors. Of course theres the greats i.e. Keaton, Chaplin, Kurasawa
Replies: >>4865
Watched (again) Lost in Translation this night. Nice movie, slow and aesthetic. It moved me emotionally, even more because last time I watched a decade ago it was a special moment.
I like that show too :)
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For me movies from the '80s and early '90s are like cinematic security blankets, but I find movies from the '20s and '30s to be the most aesthetically pleasing in terms of things like camera work and editing.  Eberry decade prior to the 2000s after movies really got going in the 1910s had tons of good stuff to watch, but there's something about those decades I find really appealing.
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Watched this yesterday. For some reason Jennifer Lawrence never fails to portray a struggling woman. From Winter's Bone, the Hunger Games and now this (and probably some other movie from her I've yet to watch).

It's a basic but well made flick. Like all other movies from her it always let you wonder what will habben to the characters when the movie ends. Don't want to spoiler anything but it's a worth a watch in my opinion.
Replies: >>9730
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I'm watching Fear and Trembling (Stupeur et Tremblements in its original language).
It's based on a book by Amélie Nothomb, a popular french writter. I msut admit I never read anything by her but the movie is berry kino.
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You know it feels a bit childish but I just cannot stop watching Bluey, it's my ultimate /comfy/ show. I'm not exactly sure what it is, the cute character design, the fact that it's written with a level of respect that I think most TV shows now period don't have, or the fact it's just about characters growing up and living good lives. It's just so beautiful...
Replies: >>7992
Sounds berry comfy Anon. I've never seen it, I don't think.
I host TV nights every Wednesday at 7:00 ET over on Cytube if anyone wants to join.
Replies: >>8661
Starts in five minutes
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Maybe a bit of a silly choice but Death Note. Watched it as a kid and it rewrote my brain. Coming back to it now is like cuddling an old stuffed animal.
Replies: >>9227
TV night in an hour
Showing the new The Grand Tour special tonight at ~9:00 ET, you're welcome to join and come in early for Tulsa King and Babylon 5
TV night again in two hours
My friend told my I would probably be able to enjoy Death Note if I watched it with the perspective that every main character has autism. Haven't tried yet, but I intend to.
We have our grand finale of Miami Vice tonight at 7:00 ET if any of you want to show up (less than 3 hours from now)
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I like to read a chapter of some comfy comic/manga before bed. Currently going through Akita Land Gothic.
If I'm not reading, I'll probably watch an episode of some somber anime. Top so far have been Haibane Renmei and Girls Last Tour.

speaking of Jennifer Lawrence movies, have you seen Silver Linings? It's about a man with mental illness trying to live in the real world. Nice touching story, I think you'll like it.
I went to one of those 'retro' theaters that only play movies from like 1990-2000ish... gotta say I don't see the appeal (other than it weeds the kids out). Bretty run down, just like the last drive-in theater I went to. It only reminded me that my hair is falling out and friends and family are dying, and that my sense of style might be lagging. 
Nostalgia is good over drinks or lunch, but I don't want to be stuck in the past.
Replies: >>9886
>I went to one of those 'retro' theaters that only play movies from like 1990-2000ish... gotta say I don't see the appeal (other than it weeds the kids out). Bretty run down, just like the last drive-in theater I went to.
There's an old movie palace from the silent era that sometimes plays silent movies well within range of a day trip for me. I bet tickets cost a lot, but I think it wood make for a fun experience. Especially if there's an organist playing and eberrything for the full experience.
>my sense of style might be lagging.
With the way people dress nowadays, I don't know that that's such a bad thing. I have a hard time even finding clothes that fit these days.
>Nostalgia is good over drinks or lunch, but I don't want to be stuck in the past.
I think there's a healthy balance between the two. I'm not going to pretend I don't live in the 21st century, but I also try to avoid most modern culture as it doesn't connect with me at all.
picked Kyou Kara Ore Wa lately and it's peak to help me comfmaxx
planning to follow it up with GTO
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>>4767 (OP) 
rewatch noukume, bretty good show imo!
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