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Home of comfyness and jigsaw puzzles :)

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Welcome back to /comfy/ Anon :)
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ITT we discuss video games that possess the comfy factor. For me it's all manners of RTS games, taking time to gather resources and build a cool base is great fun. Driving games are cool too, I have fond memories of pic related (although I was pretty bad at it as a kid).
Holy ship, I love Crazy Taxi, good post OP.
Personally I think Kirby is essential /comfy/. The nature of the game is pretty lightweight and only becomes slightly harder when you try to 100% it. A shame that emulating them sometimes is impossible (Kirby 64 crashes in some mid bosses for example)
I mean exploration games like Minecraft, Subnautica etc. are really calming for me because It feels good doing things
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I've recently been spending my evenings fused with my couch, playing Kingdom Hearts. 
Sometimes you have to tryhard, but aside from that I'm really enjoying it.
Seconded, Meinkraft and Subnautica are the vidya equivalent of melatonin (especially the latter one with its Solar Fields-like soundtrack).
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The Tony Hawk games are all still fun after years of playing them through. The comfiest part is cruising through the levels enjoying the fun music.
Replies: >>7860
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Driving games can always be considered /comfy/
They don't ask too much but at the same time you have to not be a bumbling goober. My only issue is that I seem to be stuck with the most formulaic and basic ones. Things like Wipeout or Asseto Corsa are more complicated for me when I just want to be chillin>>964
>>962 (OP) 
Simulator games in general. In another thread someone mentioned Rollercoaster Tycoon, that was comfy.
>pic 5
Good taste, the City Lights add-on track is top comfy.
>Diddy Kong Racing
The music alone is just so comfy.
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I'm a big guy 4 RTS games. They're my favorite genre by far. I really like tile-based puzzle games too. I also like early first-person shooters and older arcade-style action games, but those make me feel more tense than anything.

As far as console games go, I mostly stick with the older ones I grew up with and ones I never got around to playing. The NES is the console I find the most relaxing.
Replies: >>972 >>976
Interesting, i was about to make a vidya thread yesterday. My favorites are deadbolt and rainworld. Soothing soundtrack and comfy atmosphere, highly recommended.
SMW is nice

up till now i've still yet to complete all the stages :P
Replies: >>974
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To me there's nothing comfier than sinking in my bed sheets and playing some of those game that are like halfway in between a vn and a puzzle game. I miss my Ds
Replies: >>975
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It's a game that's close to me heart, even though I never play it by myself anymore. It was the first Super Nintendo game I ever played and is probably the Mario game I feel most nostalgic for after the original (although it's hard to pick).

The last time I played I had trouble with all the special stages, even though I think I beat them when I was younger and have no problems with the other ones. As a kid, the Soda Lake level was the only one I remember standing out as one me and my brother had never gotten to because it's the only stage that has those submarine enemies that are featured in the end-game sequence where all the enemies are listed.
The DS and (maybe 3DS, I didn't have one) were underrated.
Replies: >>976 >>977
NES games are so hard that I am curious how you find them relaxing.
They both had good stuff but they hurt to play for long periods of time as an adult.
Replies: >>977 >>979 >>980
I don't know underrated but definitely one of the best handhelds
>they hurt to play for long periods of time as an adult
That's true, that' s why I stuck with stuff you could play using only the touchscreen.
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the free racing game Nitronic Rush is still pretty good after like 8 years since its release.
it was only a pity that it isn't openworld.

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>NES games are so hard that I am curious how you find them relaxing.
Largely nostalgia for the aesthetic and the games themselves. I don't really like easy games either. People say that the original Castlevania is a hard game, for example, but I've beaten it like two or three times. A lot of the games aren't so hard once you start to recognize patterns and memorize things like level layouts. If I'm trying to beat a game, I usually just train myself with save states on an Everdrive to go through the difficult areas and then do a clean playthrough. I'm far from any kind of a pro.

When I was younger, I don't think I cared that much if a game was too easy and really liked stuff like Kirby 64. Nowadays I can still appreciate that for its presentation and my memories of it, but as far as gameplay goes it's lost its appeal. I'm a lot more into challenges now.
Replies: >>980
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>NES games are so hard that I am curious how you find them relaxing.
Not that anon but there are definitely a bunch of NES games you could say are relaxing once you get the hang of them, I always play Super Mario Bros 3, for example.
>People say that the original Castlevania is a hard game
Castlevania 1 is 100% muscle memory, I beat it consistently in about an hour. Another game I always play when I have a few hours is the original Metroid, another game that can be berry frustrating if you don't know what to do but once you memorize the map you can just beat it over and over.

 There are also games which are frigging hard but I don't mind dying because they're so good, like Mr Gimmick
Replies: >>981
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>Castlevania 1 is 100% muscle memory, I beat it consistently in about an hour.
Yeah, exactly. The hardest part is the final boss, but I can easily beat the game without much trouble now.
>Another game I always play when I have a few hours is the original Metroid, another game that can be berry frustrating if you don't know what to do but once you memorize the map you can just beat it over and over.
That's one I should play more at some point. I usually dislike Metroidvania-type games (other than Clash at Demonhead), but for some reason Metroid appeals to me. I think it's how spartan and somewhat creepy it feels relative to the other games in the series.
>There are also games which are frigging hard but I don't mind dying because they're so good, like Mr Gimmick
Don't remember how far I got in that one, but the soundtrack is good from what I remember.
>>962 (OP) 
I've been playing Super Mario 64 on my DS which I'd say is pretty comfy. It's too bad I don't have the original version but the DS version is nice anyway.
Replies: >>1015
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the new Microsoft Flight Simulator is pretty comfy. They have an activity mode where you can fly bush routes in small planes, where all navigation is by landmarks and the flight plan is written like a guided tour of the region. It's got just the right balance between active and passive to be comf. I like getting up in the air, setting my trim, and then gazing out the window at the scenery going past as I find my way to the next flight leg.
Replies: >>985
I love flying IRL the few times I've had the chance, and Flight Simulator looks pretty realistic tbh.
can you name pic 3 and 5 anon?
Replies: >>987
Not him but pic 5 is Super Tux Kart
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>>962 (OP) 
Replies: >>990
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Playing Sakuna as of late, berry comfy indeed
Replies: >>10732
Great game.
Probably isn't comfy for most, but One Way Heroics+ for me is one of my best comfy games. Whenever I'm in a poor mood, going to that perks me up.
Okay so Controversial pick, but Modded Fallout 4 is comfy to me personally because it feels to me somewhat nostalgic for 2016.
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Haven't played one, but could Citiy management  games be comfy? I always loved building up bases in RTS. I'm afraid the sheer amount of systems to manage maybe too much.
Replies: >>998
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S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl
Comfiest game of all time.
Replies: >>998 >>999 >>1000
Does Rocksmith count as a game
Replies: >>998
agreed :-)
How buggy is it? I've heard you can't go an hour without it crashing.
Replies: >>1001 >>1008
It's not that bad, I played vanilla and could beat it without much trouble, and at this point there are mods that fix pretty much eberrything.
While they may be comfy megamods like Anomaly are superior
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>>962 (OP) 
Replies: >>1005 >>1039 >>1053
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Stronghold's peak comfy, atleast the original was. Crusader's more challenging but that kinda takes away the comfiness a little
Replies: >>1006
I really need to play the gamecube zelda games
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While I don't like many games released in the 2010s, the first half or so of Grow Home is quite comfy. It had an open-world sequel called Grow Up, but I don't find it worth recommending.

The camera in Stronghold is problematic in my opinion. While the pixel graphics can look nice, there's a problem with building walls, when you never know if there's a gap the bandits can get through or not. It pretty much kills the game for me, which is a shame because it does have comfy elements.
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I found the DS Castlevania titles to be oddly  comfy, especially POR. I really have a thing for Victorian aesthetics.
Replies: >>1009 >>1010
I wood recommend you to install the best mod for stalker: Stalker Anomaly.  It combines the best elements from all 3 games :
- atmosphere and open world from SOC
- faction war from Clear Sky
- weapon/armor modification and non-linear quests from Call of Prypiat.

It  basically run without crushes and bugs for 90 % of gameplay time.

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Those games are berry comfy and Charlotte is berry cute.
>I found the DS Castlevania titles to be oddly  comfy
I think it partially because of the pixel art. It's berry reminiscent of the classic consoles, but a little more detailed and with a wider range of colors.
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Minecraft is especially comfy when you build comfy places.
Looks berry comfy.
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If you're a fan of turn-based RPGs, I recommend Knights of the Chalice.
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>>962 (OP) 
Cheydinhal from TES4: Oblivion is quite underrated. I could easily see myself relaxing here during the springtime.
Super Mario 64 on the DS just ships on the original.
>don't have the original version
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>pic 5
SuperTuxKart has an old add-on map called City Lights that mostly still works (e.g. trees are missing). I find it pretty comfy; night but light, empty city, nostalgic graphics.
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There's something I just love about a game which gives you a hostile world you have to fight your way through, but also has pockets of civilization where you can just relax, take in the atmosphere, and gear up for your next journey
Okay I wanted to ask this - I've been playing Hollow Knight a lot recently (berry addicting). And I was thinking of trying Castlevania SOTN. Many say it's the best metroidvania game out there. But the thing is my dumb ass watched a video showcasing how good the maps and bosses are. In other words, a spoiler video. 

Should I still play a video game even if I got the spoilers?
Replies: >>1019 >>1022
Silly question. You should still play it because its a fun game.
Replies: >>1020
Yeah but the fun in a game stems from unexpected things waiting to leap onto you. Then the experience is geniune. Like I'm gonna try and practice the habit of never looking up a walkthrough for a game unless I REALLY give up. There were times like that. An example wood be Super Mario Sunshine. There was a King Boo boss in the hotel casino level. I had no idea wtf I was supposed to do because the game can't tell me.
Replies: >>1022
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Yeah you should still play SotN, it's a great game, though I woodn't call it the best metroidvania while this exists
>the fun in a game stems from unexpected things waiting to leap onto you
I believe the fun in this kind of games stems from exploration and figuring out stuff like "How the hell do I open those yellow doors?"
Replies: >>1024 >>1037
minecraft is comfy when you build bridges to cross rivers or islands that close. No more swimming and hoping from the  boat , carrying and reusing again in the next body of water.
Super Metroid was AMAZING. Like it was a retro game that genuinely got me hooked. I play most retro games because of how fun they are and also how much of a nostalgia fag I am. It was like advertising to me that games like these CAN exist and that it will be fun. 

Truck that one Norfair secret though. You know which one I'm talking about.
Replies: >>1025
>Truck that one Norfair secret though. You know which one I'm talking about
I try to 100% the game eberry time but not sure which one you're talking about.
Replies: >>1026
You don't know? It's the one where you Xray a wall and it shows that you cant go through it. But you actually can. Sneaky devs wanting you to find that 1% in the next playthrough...
Replies: >>1027
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You mean this one? It's kinda tricky I guess. Thing is I've been playing this game for so long that I feel like I've known these things since forever, so I don't even know how I figured this out, or maybe I just read it in a magazine.
Replies: >>1028
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No no, it's this one. This pic shows that the player has gone past the wall (the right one) but what I mean is that if you xray it before you go in, it shows nothing (making you think you can't pass through it). But you actually could. I am so glad that DEER FORCE did not do this more than once. If the game had half of such secrets, the trust between the tools given and the player wood be broken and it wood make him give up.
Replies: >>1029 >>1030
>the wall (the right one)
Sorry I meant the wall that's slightly near the center of the screenshot
Replies: >>1030
Oh ok that one, but that's not a secret, it's the path you have to follow...
I think it's in the same room, the thing about that room is that since it has those firefly things lightning works differently and the X-Ray scope doesn't work. But I think it's just hardware limitations, not devs being cheeky.
>greenish wood stairs
Mod or texture pack?
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I got myself a 3DS and I'm currently playing DKC2 on it.
Despite audio issues, it's berry /comfy/
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Another game I find oddly comfy- Quake. Specifically with some of the modded maps, they look quite cool and perfectly match the gritty 90s look of the original while expanding it in to so much more. The mapmakers clearly appreciate good architecture.
Replies: >>1035 >>1037
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You'll call me crazy but I find the fitst RE game comfy, I already played it so many times it's no longer a challenge to me and exploring the mansion and listening to the music feels just right.
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Same here anon, but for a different reason.
I've been playing the ship out of Quake Live recently and while I'm still ship enough that eberrybody wipes the floor with me, it feels good to slowly see the progress in your skill levels and the fact that this game is still there. There can be cataclisms, impending doom etc. and you'll still find someone, somewhere, playing Quake. It's one of those static points in a constantly moving world.
Replies: >>1037
Been playing Umihara Kawase as of late, it's pretty /comfy/.
Replies: >>1038
B-but Aria of Sorrow is the best Metroidvania....

I'm actually replaying Super Metroid  (right after playing through Aria of Sorrow on it to see if the Eurasia intro rom wood freeze, didn't) on my pocketgo. Lags with all layers showing sadly. I always wanted a gp2x and blah blah blah. 

It's a nice game but I always feel stuck at one point or another in that snes game.

Quake did have good art.
Replies: >>1038
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Berry comfy but also berry tough, I haven't beaten it.
>B-but Aria of Sorrow is the best Metroidvania....
It's up there, definitely one of the best Castlevanias.
>I always feel stuck at one point or another in that snes game
Did you remember to break tubes
Replies: >>1040 >>1044
Golden Sun is peak comfy, probably one of my fav games ever, even if it's a bit generic in some parts.
Replies: >>1040
I get stuck at bosses often and forgot to super run down the hall to break the floor to power bomb it. That burned me out and I switched to metroid II and are now running in circles trying to kill all the metroids. I've not beaten metroid II before so I feel like I'm missing out. With the gambatte emulator I can choose many fun looking 'mono pallets' and such, super gameboy makes Samus look kinda orange and probably looks the best but I tend to keep vb and 'gb' mode on. But I'll probably stop and play something else on my backlog like Grandia 1 before I end up dying from old age on the game(s) (I've not played). The pocketgo won't allow that though so I figure I might try out Oriental Blue or something instead that I've not played at all as it will run on it and JPRG's are easy so no stress. I've also never played through lunar legends, the gba port wood work on it. 

Back onto Castlevania, on my normal computer,  I was playing the Castlevania n64 and stopped when you have to carry around that bomb without jumping nor being hit. Too stressful D:

I quit games a lot in short. 

The first two are indeed of my favorite games ever. I wish my pocketgo could play the second one, it cannot. First one acts like it will be okay though. Gpsp has a page on github somewhere complaining about how badly the second is programmed but I've seen evidence that the second pocketgo (of which you literally cannot buy as it's always sold out) will play it on it's regba, for mips cpu's, the first device is for arm so it can't do that emulator. At the same time I should probably stop using the thing in general but I feel at least safe from my android a bit having an alternative 'in the woods' sized device to rely on. Also technically it can read books but not really with no bookmark nor searching of text files. Also, one could use it's media player but I have not. I like 'general' devices. 

But anyway, yes  golden sun 1 and 2 are great.
Replies: >>1041
update: Oriental Blue is about zombies apparently so it might not be technically in a comfy game category.
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>Berry comfy but also berry tough, I haven't beaten it.
That depends, I'm playing the 3ds version and it isn't as difficult as the SNES one, since you can choose from which level to start.
I've only got two endings, but getting all the bags is a big challenge in itself
Replies: >>1045
Oh I see, I've only played the Snes version
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I want to know how to play mahjong with vidya, no 5 hour video. Is there any cool game that teaches you that?
Preferably on the DS/3DS, but I can emulate as well
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The comfiest!
Replies: >>1048
berry comfy
Just downloaded and played Crazy Taxi for cacas and giggles but stayed for the comfy frenzy feel it gave me. Managed to reach class A after a while.
Berry nice 10/10
Replies: >>1050
I remember this game..maybe I'll dust off the old PS2 some day.
Replies: >>1051
You're gonna be happy for having done it, trust me.
I like building "natural" places, ie, digging out a cavern that looks like it came that way. And sometimes adding structures that go with the land instead of flattening out a place and dropping buildings on top of it. Who needs a plains biome when you can make a tree village accessible by vines? A lot of extra work to drag villagers up there (temporary plank/dirt stairs to push them up or a boat up a temporary waterfall with a lead...) but worth it, and an alternative to defending a town with a fence then a row of berry bushes and/or cacti.
In retrospect (no pun intended) I should put FF9 here for 'comfy' and also lose the Castlevania in that list for something like The Minish Cap or a Mario game like the first RPG one on the SNES of course. I never play FF9 as it lags on my favorite potato a bit. More like skips randomly. Jus' saying, FF7 and Castlevania are dark games really. Metroid Prime 2 might be stressful also even if pretty. Something like Spyro, though far too easy, is comfy. Kirby is a good example of overly easy and baby looking but obviously comfy. This image is merely my fav image image when i should have made another one. 

Then again it does not need to be 12, so subtracting FF7 and Aria of Sorrow makes it 10 anyway as it might should be, then switch out Echos for FF9 or Mario RPG or something....

Also switch out Twilight for Minish I guess. 

>metroid prime
>golden sun 
>golden sun 2
>megaman legends
>megeman legends 2
>cave story
>chrono trigger
>minish cap

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Tokyo Xtreme Racer: Zero is my go to comfy game. It can get tough in the later stages if you're new to racing games, the TXR series, or don't min/max your builds. However, cruising around the highways (even if you don't race) is really comfy to me. Unfortunately after a fair of amount of 6th gen entries the series died after their one and only 7th gen entry, Import Tuner Challenge. Thankfully it has enough of a cult following that there's a one man dev team working on a spiritual successor called Night Runners that I'm really excited for.
Replies: >>5877
>>962 (OP) 
league of legends
Replies: >>1056
  I feel soo bad for you.
Replies: >>1058
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Mount&Blade is comfy. Even combat is comfy when you get good at it
You stoopy fags your fave games are from the 90s cause your sad neckbeards
fight me irl
Replies: >>1060 >>1061 >>1062
That's not berry nice.
Replies: >>1063
In a year i will have the cash to waste on unnecesary travels, when that time comes i will find your home, beat you and  call you idiot. I bet you won't be tough after that.
Replies: >>1063
Sad neckbeard here, I like games from all decades since the 80s
Replies: >>1063
He's just griefing. Ignore him and the I.P he listed
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>>962 (OP) 
Dark Souls is the comfiest caca, when you crawl through some undead cacahole and finally return to firelink
Replies: >>1065
How is it comfy? I break at least one keyboard while playing the game.
Replies: >>1067
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>playing with a keyboard
There's your problem
Replies: >>1069
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Exploration in Souls games is quite comfy even if enemy encounters  might not be for you.
I think this is arguably one of the things that makes Sekiro so good since you can sneak around unseen or grapple away from most encounters if you just want to explore and sight see. 
The environments themselves are extremely comfy.
The reason why i play witha keyboard is i broke the ps controller while playing ds2.
Replies: >>1070 >>1074
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While you were playing DS2 or because you were playing DS2?
Replies: >>1071
After wasting my life watching buff men i created die in stoopyest ways, i had a schizoid attack and broke the controller thinkingu was winning.
Replies: >>1072
Was it the hitboxes that got ya or was it the lack of invincibility during door opening animations?
Replies: >>1073
I think that was in the first giant area's bonfires door. Some skeletony thing comes and hits me while my fat lard tries to push the quacking door. It was horrible. I don't like games when they put restriction on my characters instead of making the enemies strong, i also don't like when games force me to be tryhard.
find better games
No love for Stardew Valley? You escape your droll, work-a-day life to chill on a farm in the comfy Pelican Town. No rush, just grow your crops, make friends, fall in love, rebuild your community. It's great
Rather than exploration, i like to build and enhance my little comfy village in Minecraft, i can spend hours and hours
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Just wanted to mention a new board >>>/valis/ is now open on the webring.
It's a place about entertainment systems using video or rich visual mechanisms as feedback that may or may not have been put together by a few 8vg anons :^)
Discussion can also range to saloon activities like cue games and card shuffling due to their social and classic nature in the ludic activities of people around the world.
Having or remembering fun and sharing tips and tricks sounds like the goal, come visit sometime
Replies: >>1079
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have you played Vintage Story? It has a stronger emphasis on voxel based crafting/forging rather than just building giant structures out of blocks

It also looks a lot better with more realistic biomes and weather, exploring it feels a lot more meaningful than just the endless repetition of Minecraft worlds

Also make sure you're using the most up-to-date survival expansion mods for vintage story, the base game is caca unless you mod it out the ass, trust me.
What are some comfy games to play with friends lads? An open-world game like Minecraft or Vintage Story (see post above) seems like a good idea, but I want something different. Maybe an RPG like FFXIV that one's really popular right now.
Replies: >>1082 >>1083 >>1084
I used to play valheim with a couple of guys and it sounds pretty sinilar to vintage story from what you're describing. I thought it was really comfy building a base and taming wolves or boars to have as pets.
Divinity Original Sin 2, or similar party-based rpgs
Breath of the Wild. It's such an easy game for me to just get lost in. In a good way ha.
Replies: >>1085
botw is probably the comfiest gaem I've ever played, I could just spend hours doing nothing, just screwing around in the map
Replies: >>1086
I used to do that in Morrowind.
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>What is Veloren?
Veloren is a FREE AND OPEN SOURCE spiritual successor to the short-lived Cube World. It uses similar combat mechanics to cube world, similar crafting mechanics to Valheim, exploration quirks like BoTW, and a minecraft aesthetic. It has both a third person and first person mode, and is all about running around as cute little cube people and murderhoboing your surroundings (or the villages). It is a community-led project that gets almost daily updates. Most importantly, it can run on potato PCs. The entire server uses about half a gig of RAM. The game can be obtained here: https://veloren.net/
> get elytra for the first time
> try it out
> smash face into ground
> half health, but didn't die thanks to feather falling IV
> this apparently pissed off two endermen
> hurting for certain due to half health and not wearing chest plate
> they're too fast: can't eat, can't run
> die for the first time since I got all diamond armor with prot IV
Replies: >>1089 >>1093
It seems you had quite a lot of fun on your minecraft run. Try spawning monsters and do a tower defence scenario.
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god games are one of the comfiest genres imo

doshin the giant is a nice shrimple one.
i also love the aesthetic of populous: the beginning.

recently i've been playing some modded minecraft
Replies: >>1091
>i also love the aesthetic of populous: the beginning.
That's a highly underrated game. I just played a level from Undiscovered Worlds not that long ago, and the game popped into my head again today. Apparently there are still people playing multiplayer, but I've never tried it.
Replies: >>1092
yeah there's a decent little community that plays regularly at popre.net

they have a matchmaking application, and there's another singleplayer version they have somewhere on there with some little extra patches etc
reject modernity, embrace minecraft tradition anon.
i don't have a new game to recommend but i just bought a gamecube and luigi's mansion this weekend and i'm stoked
Replies: >>1096
Monster hunter is great
Going to the hub after killing monsters is crazy comfy and I always spend more time there than I should
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How much was it? Have you been enjoying it? I am thinking about getting one of these but I’m not sure I will use it when I have a nice gaming rig, a laptop, a phone and an iPad mini already.
Replies: >>1097
That's the Miyoo Mini right? Those Chinese handhelds are pretty good actually if you have a use case for them (lunchbreaks for instance). Something to consider with the Mini is that it's only about the size of a playing card, so cramping is likely to be an issue.
Replies: >>1098
Yeah it’s the Miyoo Mini. It does seem like cramping wood be an issue. I also don’t have any specific games in mind so I’ve been on the fence about getting one. Lunch breaks and playing out in the sun most likely. I don’t really like playing games on my phone for whatever reason. I sweat out of my hands more than anywhere else. I’ve already played through Pokémon back when I was able to run an emulator on my iPhone. Now I’ve already talked myself out of it lol.
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Discovering Gun on PS2. It foreshadows what will be the Red Dead Redemption series. Besides the action phases it's bretty comfy. I like wandering in the lands on my horse.
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>>962 (OP) 
I'm looking forward to yeo's (the man who made The Friends of Ringo Ishikawa) next game, Fading Afternoon. He always cultivates a unique vibe, which I love.

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Playing (again) Beyond Good & Evil. I think I'll buy an old Xbox to replay those classics of my younger years.
Just remembered the name of that snowboarding Xbox game I played younger : SSX On Tour.
I see it runs on PCSX2 so I know what I will do in a short future.
I remember the game had ice music and esthetic and was berry comfy. I turned of the music during the rides so I just listen to the noise of the snow under my bard.
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>>962 (OP) 
Still a rainy day comfy go-to.
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Not all but some point & click are comfy. Currently playing Loom on ScumVM, I like a lot how you do the actions with the music. Once you learned the things it's bretty funny.

Also I plan to replay Escape From Delirium, I discoverer it as a kid on a shareware compilation we had on the old computer. It have a nice atmosphere.
Replies: >>5219
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I find Monster Hunter World comfy
Yeah the late game is hard, like any monster hunter (in fact this is probably the easiest game in the franchise) but whenever it gets too tough you can just go back to earlier levels and have fun, there are a ton of weapons and armors to craft and keep you busy, each weapon has an unique moveset so whenever you get bored of one you can try a new one, it's almost like you're playing a new game. Love the art direction, the monster design is great (although too many monsters look like generic dragons/wyverns for me) and the armors look cool as quack, also you can make layered armor that don't affect the stats of whatever you're using. Only downside is that sometimes I feel guilty killing monsters that are just minding their own business. My favorite monsters are Paolumu and Pukei-Pukei, they're just too cute.
Not working tonite, here I go for some good ol' Splinter Cell on PCSX2.
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Spy Fox in "Dry Cereal" was one I had fun with as a kid. Being a children's game, it's not exactly difficult though. I don't mind because I'm not good at adventure games.

I see The Neverhood has ScummVM compatibility too, but I haven't tried it with that. I probably should at some point just because I remember the demo from when I was a kid.
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No one mentioned Ico. I plan to try it soon, looks like a good game.
Replies: >>5642
It's berry good, have fun anon.
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I'm playing Ultima inspired games, since I already played all those. Nox Archaist is mega comfy, also roguelikes like Shadow of the Wyrm. Any recs?? Pic related is shadow
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Sega Games
Replies: >>9122
Replies: >>7649
The Y2K atmosphere is berry present, especially in the music. Also the intro scene is quite wtf.
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Dunno why but flying bombers with glass canopies in WW2 flight sims has always appealed to my inner sense of comf.
There's tense moments when you're over your target getting shot at by AA and trying to make sure you time your bomb drops just right but the before and after is just the right mix of nothing habbening but also not so little habbening that you're getting bored since you're still flying over enemy territory with a possible interceptor presence.
Mix it with proper graphics and especially nice soothing engine audio and the landing approach after a successful mission becomes downright serene.

This does however require something like a He-111 with both a nice big canopy and cockpit instrumentation placed out of the way so as not to obstruct the view, it's nowhere nearly as comfy with a conventional cockpit like a B-17 or even the Ju-88 which does have a bubble of sorts but the cockpit instrumentation blocks most of the lower view.
If you want somewhat more autistic comfy drivan I can recommend BeamNG, the game has a whole plethora of autism settings and customization but no set goals beyond what you pick/mod.
I usually just spawn some AI traffic and drive around the nice countryside maps.
Replies: >>7845
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>>962 (OP) 
Well, allow me to participate...
>Phoenotopia: Awakening
Metroidvania that shrimply had no rights to be as good and comfy as it truned out to be. Nothing will able to tell you how this game is. Well, maybe some gameplay video, but I didn't try it. Either way, when it comes to comfy - this is peak comfy in my opinion.
Someon calles it a poor man's Zelda, but I've never played any Zeldas, but I don't know. The game is the game itself is definitely in the middle grounds, a small title that is easy to criticize. But I think it is equally easy to concentrate on the good parts and enjoy it. If you launch and like it, then click your fantasy on and let it fill all the empty spots. My fantasy does work like that, so I've enjoyed the game and quite so. And if it doesn't work for you this way - well, just delete and forget.
Kickstarter code is THANKS4BACKING - yep, just like that. 
>Princess Remedy
There are two games: In A Heap Of Trouble and In A World Of Hurt. Both are bretty much the same thing. Cute, charming, small games. They pretend to be ZX Spectrum ones, which kinda works for me, because I actually usually play retro stuff. The biggest downside is that both games are short.
If you want to go through them, I advice you to check walkthrough and search for anything related to the Jealous Chest if you wish to get 100% in your first try.
>Cthulhu Saves The World
Complete nonsense, yet surprisingly charming. Your typical JRPG. One of the few games I've completed two times, even if in different modes. There's also Cthulhu Saves Christmas, which is lore-wise a prequel, but technically is a sequel, hence it features pumped up graphics. It also has probably the best New Game + stuff I've ever seen. If you like me and hate New Game Pluses - well, this is one game where New Game + is, actually, not quite a New Game +, so don't skip it this time.
Students' project. Berry beautiful. Criminally short. Should be available for free on itch.io and, perhaps, other places. Since it was never expected to be a full-fledged game, it lacks a lot of functionality: among other things, you can't change controls, which in this case is kinda severe because the game was made for the french layout of the keyboard rather than your typical WASD. It can be bypassed with AutoHotKey script (I've uploaded one on itch.io and it should still be in the comments), or by changing your layout to french one.
>Sea Dogs series
Or bretty much anything else where you can be a pirate, but I like Sea Dogs the most. Sea Dogs 2 especially has some beautiful storm graphics. These game have a community that is still active and provides a lot of mods, so if you are into age of sails, this might be just the thing.
>King's Bounty: The Legend
That's the only King's Bounty I've played, and I've liked it a lot. Really can't say what in particular was comfy about it, but... it was. The graphics were pleasantly bright, the dialogue was good, the character was awesome, you could marry a pirate girl... or some other girls, if you wish to. Yea, I need to try out later titles one day.
Replies: >>7705
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Second post, so I can stick in some more screens.
>Gemini Rue
I feel like there should be at least one point'n'click in my list, and I choose this one. I guess, it is not berry comfy, since it is kind of detective mystery kind of stuff, but, hey, people above posted TES, and TES has all kinds of things, so I guess it fits in the end of the day.
What striked me in this one is the ending. I've really liked it, liked the theme that the game played with and liked the thoughts it invoked and theories it proposed. Plus, the aforementioned ending was quite warm and comfy. Or so I think. Cannot really tell you anything else without spoilers.
>Republic: The Revolution
Once again, not sure if it can be qualified as comfy, since you gotta create a revolution, but something about this game just captivates. Maybe that's because I'm slav, so the whole aesthetic aspect of the game speaks to me. Still, the music, the graphics, the characters... It feel quite comfy to me.

Finally, special shout out to all the guys who mentioned driving games in this thread. They work in the same way for me, especially if I can drive a muscle car, a chopper or a hot-rod. Ridge Racer? Yes. Need For Speed? Yes. Burnout? Yes. Forza Motorsport? Yes. Midnight Club? Yes.
Give me an american machine and a road - and it will be comfy for me, no matter if it is a vehicular carnage, an arcade or a racing simulator. Some open world games work the same way for me - GTA or Saints Row, for example. But the top of the line, I guess, wood be
>Watch Dogs
Yep. The berry first one. I was surprised myself, given how much hate this game got at the time of the release. But I've actually tried it two years ago and I've liked it a lot. I've installed a Living City mod, and for the whole week it played like some kind of The Elder Scrolls game: I did not even touch the main plot. For a week I shrimply drove around Chicago on an old muscle car, making money by clearing out glove boxes of the cars on parking lots and then pawning the loot, spending those money drinking and playing poker. That was good.

And, well, honorable mention to the The Elder Scrolls series, obviously. My favorite wood be Oblivion. I just liked the color pallette. I like bright colors.
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The Donkey Kong Country games especially DKC2 are among the most comfy games to play of all time. Sipping on a nice hot cup of coffee on a cold Winter's night while doing a marathon of 1 through 3 during a night is maximum levels of comfy vidya. More than likely that'll be my night for New Year's Eve.
When I was younger I used to love being a bomber pilot, taking my time by slowly climbing to a self-imposed altitude, listening to classical music and reading poems once I started to level off and flying the tens, hundreds of kilometers towards the target I was meant to destroy.
Ah... shrimpler times filled with joy and patience that nowadays seems to not exist anymore, sadly...
I'm curious if I'd ever experience the same soul warming feeling that I once felt, possibly once I manage to fly those warbirds I might have that long-awaited feeling to overwhelm me as it did in my childhood and I'd feel like a little boy again. ^^

Also, for immersive and/or comfy purposes, I'd wear some knitted olive coloured cotton/wool clothes with a subtitle vanilla smell after a comfortable bath, a quick shave and general self-care routine to feel fresh and to start the mission in a new chapter of life, a chapter of total comfyism. ^^
Absolutely! I still play the THPS games when I want to just sit back and relax. If I go too long without playing them I just end up listening to the soundtracks. Had some good times smoking a little bit of weed and kicking back playing the games while staying the night with friends in high school. I still remember messing around with all of the cheats and unlocking the bail videos too.
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This game is so good
Replies: >>9270 >>9351
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>NES games
Solar Jetman.  A physics game where you explore planets and steal everything that isn't bolted to the ground.

You venture out of your ship in an exploration pod.  The pod has a central thruster that thrusts you in the direction you're pointing.  It has a tow cable to pick up objects, which all have mass and acceleration.  You mostly navigate caverns, trying not to slam yourself against the walls as you haul away diamonds and boxes of random stuff.

Cave interiors have hazards beyond your own carelessness, and you feel relief when you escape, loot in tow, gauging whether you have enough fuel in the pod to make it back to your ship.  The hazards are intense, yet it also kinda has the feel of a jigsaw puzzle or maybe Powerwash Simulator in how you explore all the corners through the small viewport into the world that the NES hardware provided, methodically denuding the landscape of its valubles.

You try to be efficient, but the faster you go, the more mistakes you'll make, and that's something you have to balance.

I really want to make my own spin on it when the AGDG jam is over. 
 There were a lot of problems with the physics, lacked procedural generation, etc.
Replies: >>9334
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Sega certainly had its own aesthetic.  There's just something about how they did 3d games in particular that gives you a sense of unity between them.  I noticed that even PSO and Typing of the Dead have sound effects in common.

Brawlers in general are pretty comfy.  The Rushing Beat series I recommend to anyone who likes walking to the right while slamming dudes head first into the pavement.  There were three games on the SNES, and Shura was probably one of the last, best examples of the genre before it went 3d and turned into things like Fighting Force 64, Yakuza and Devil May Cry.

It had multiple paths, secret characters, most having good and a bad ending.  My brother and I would rent it and play through it all weekend, but I never troubled myself to learn all the routes.

It also had weapons, which are cumbersome but give you a little satisfaction when you can actually use them effectively.  Same with the environmental hazards which as you see in vidrel, are challenging to weaponize.

It's not a hard game, but a 1cc takes a bit of skill.

I never really get tired of it.
It's been decades and I'm STILL playing this game.
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Discovered this game called Snake Pass from a friend's library. I remember seeing it on social media when I used to be active on social media, MANY damn years ago.
It is insanely /comfy/, despite the difficulties the ambience is nice and the music is so good. I'd suggest people to play it if they want to just relax for a while as a snake.
Replies: >>9333 >>9336 >>9343
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Of course the music is /comfy/, it's done by the composer of the SNES Donkey Kong Country games, David Wise!
Replies: >>9334 >>9336
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He did >>9120 as well, coincidentally.  Not quite the sound he came to be known for, lol.
Does that game have anything to do with Snake Rattle 'n' Roll at all? That has probably my favorite David Wise soundtrack next to the SNES version of Battletoads & Double Dragon.
Replies: >>9343
I still need to play this. I think I have it in my library.
In fact the soundtrack was made by Dave Wise too!
Replies: >>9346
>In fact the soundtrack was made by Dave Wise too!
That's why I was curious if there's any connection or if the snake theme is just a coincidence.
Every year ever since 2012, I have this ritual of re-installing and modding Morrowind at least once for a single playthrough. I'll never get tired of this game. It's guaranteed to comfort me irrespective of what horrors life throws at me.
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This game is insanely fun, I feel a bit bad just discovering it now.
Replies: >>9576
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I'm far from being a phonefaguser but there is a comfy pinball game I discovered recently : https://github.com/dozingcat/Vector-Pinball
The physic and sound design are really satisfying.
platformers from that generation are peak /comfy/
Replies: >>9578
I need to download more games for the system. I just finished 100%ing it and I would like to play something else.
Currently I got some games in my head.
>Symphony of the night
>The sequel Gex 3
>Redownload Spyro 2 since it seems my ISO has audio issues
The PS1 is a system which I never grew up with so it's nice to discover slowly the games it has.
My favourite of it is still is Ace Combat 2, that game is insanely good and it makes me feel sad I didn't play this while growing up because of how good it is. Brings a tear to my eye, it really is something unique next to the PS2 games personally speaking (although I never finished 5 and didn't touch X I think it was called)
Replies: >>9597
>My favourite of it is still is Ace Combat 2
I haven't played any of the ace combat games, weird because I love armored core, by the same developer, do you think I should start with 1?
Replies: >>9598 >>9599
never mind, they're not the same dev, only the last games were distributed by bandai namco
don't know where I got that idea from
Replies: >>9599
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>I haven't played any of the ace combat games, weird because I love armored core, by the same developer, do you think I should start with 1?
I think any franchise should be started with the first release, unless the first release is just something that is completely different to the next games.
Gex 1 for example is a fairly rudimentary platformer from what I've seen, but Gex 2 is 3d so that is a plus.
As for Ace Combat, yeah start with Air Combat and then play the next games, seeing the evolution of a franchise is always amazing.
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I just beaten Mario Land last night. The whole game is an acid trip, I really like how this is just like parallel Mario
>turtles explode instead of sliding
>character falls like an anvil from platforms if he doesn't jump
>movement is ass
>1ups are just hearts
>Mario flights a plane and kills a bunch of things Gradius-style
>Mario becomes an astronaut and does the same thing as above it's a submarine but i like the idea of astronaut Mario better
>Chinese warriors are enemies
>Spiders? Enemies
>Bugs? Enemies
OHHH THIS GAME IS SO GOOD, too bad it's short. I'm gonna play Mario Land 2 now so there's that, but I just wish the Mario series took some queues from Sonic and actually had the guts to try something different. I really liked this game.
Replies: >>9620
I loved Super Mario Land 2.
I actually never knew the name of it for years but knew it was a Game Boy game that had Mario fighting a witch and going up to the moon. The whole memory felt like a fever dream to me.
Sorry for the triple post. but my post kept getting blocked and I was trying to figure out what the offending words were.
Replies: >>9670
Sorry, see >>9668
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I enjoyed Fallout 3, despite being relatively dark I remember a comfy feeling while wandering in the wastelands. Today I will play it again on Lutris, hope it's working well.
Replies: >>9972 >>9991
How was it?  Did you get to go sunnin?
Replies: >>9990
Games runs nice with Lutris once I figured out how to install it. I didn't bother installing mods so i'm playing vanilla and I have lot of fun.
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I tried to play fallout 3 recently but i just cant with the low framerate i really wanted to enjoy it, the atmosphere was great its what brings this game to life. might try to play it again but its fairly dated. it plays way better on 360. fallout games are just made for consoles i guess.
>Fire Emblem (Path for Radiance, Sacred Stones, Rekka no Ken, Awakening, Shadows of Valentia)
>Ori and the Blind Forest
>Mark of the Ninja
>Skyrim (if properly modded)
>State of Decay (curiously enough)
heard a lot of good things about Vampire the Masquerade but as a wageslaveadult I don't have 2k hours to spend in a game

ive heard of this only recently, the idea sounds berry comy indeed indeed
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I have been messing around with my Game Boy Advance.  Most of the games I had need thier bateries replaced, but I've been able to play a bit of this Yu-Gi-Oh game.  It's crapy but nostalgic.
Replies: >>10742
I've been playing some open-source Heroes of Might and Magic remakes lately. I somehow never played any of the games until last year (unless King's Bounty counts), which is kind of surprising since I'm so into strategy games. I feel genuinely nostalgic for the second game, since I remember getting it as a kid but it not working on the computer my family had. It did come with King's Bounty though, and that worked just fine. That was about all the knowledge I had about the series until recently. For all its flaws in terms of balance, I think Heroes of Might and Magic 2 is becoming one of my favorite games.

The odd thing is that the box art didn't match up with any version I've seen online. I remember it having a minotaur on the cover, but the Game Boy Color game is the only one I can find like that. It's bretty strange.

Have some relaxing music.
The Game Boy Advance was the pinnacle of the Game Boy line to me, especially once I got an SP. Not only did I love Advance Wars 2, but the system could play bretty faithful ports of older console releases  and was also backwards compatible. I spent a lot of time playing Activision Anthology. Even if some of the games included weren't that good, there were ones like Kaboom!, Crackpots, and Plaque Attack that were fun to kill time with. If you reached a high enough score in a lot of the games, you could often virtual patches. The achievement system really made the games more fun that trying to keep track of your scores the old-fashioned way. I think it also was among the first games to do something like that, since Wikipedia says it came out in 2003.

When the DS came out, I was really disappointed that it couldn't play Game Boy or Game Boy Color games like the Game Boy Advance could. Being able to play 3D games wasn't much of a priority for me either, although at the time having a handheld system capable of that felt crazy.
Replies: >>10751
Somehow I managed to forget the great swamp theme:
I've begun playing on my Nintendo DS again after who knows how many years, and it's a breath of fresh air. Star Wars Battlefront Elite Squadron, all the Call of Duty's (yes, Call of Duty games were made for the DS and they're all fantastic), Brain Age Express, Flipnote Studio, it's been comfy. I've decided to get more games for the thing, I never had many (and they all have to come with the original case and manual, I won't have it any other way). Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy is on its way. It's buggy, broken, and just plain weird and I have to see it for myself.
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How has this not been mentioned yet? This is basically the pièce de résistance, the GOAT of comfy gaming.
Replies: >>11656
This game turned me into a furry
Replies: >>11657
What's your fursona?
Replies: >>11663
I don't have one, I don't interact with the fandom whatsoever and never have. It is berry /comfy/ to close my eyes and see all the kind animal people.
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I find the latest zelda game to be berry comfy
Replies: >>11746
It looks really cute.  Have you played through it yet?
Replies: >>11754
I'm two thirds of the way in, it's really easy
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