/retro/ - Y2K

1990s and 2000s Nostalgia

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Wanna watch some /retro/ TV? Check out https://www.my00stv.com/



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Alright, this is meant to be a successor to /y2k/ on the old 8chan, however I have expanded it to include both the 1990's and the 2000's and NSFW content is allowed, provided it's actually related to the purpose of this board and doesn't violate any of the site's core rules.
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You don't bump a stickied thread. 

In other news, it appears the spammer plaguing Smug has found /retro/. Hope the BO is up and about.

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Which ones are your favorites?

Pic related
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Say, do nature documentaries count? This is Treasures of the Great Barrier Reef from 1995. My parents tape recorded it for me and I just found it again after watching 2013's Megalodon. Give it a whirl, it's amazingly colorful and the musical ambiance is relaxing.
Replies: >>4444
Was gonna make a bunch of reviews of that kind of shows in the /film/ thread about cartoons but got sidetracked, MTV really made tons of interesting stuff and Daria was kinda what i still imagine a slice of life if it was grungy and american.

An excellent documentary with decent 3D work which my grandparents recorded for me on tape back then.
Replies: >>4445
Blessed quads. VHS documentaries are very special to me, I used to watch a few by the BBC when I was younger so I'm sure I will enjoy this as well. The page of the uploader has more VHS goodness too.
Replies: >>4446
Oh my, didn't notice that or the Discovery Channel section.

>  I am a scientist who has developed a profound ardor for acquiring knowledge through various means such as books and videos. My objective revolves around the preservation and restoration of antiquated historical documents and videos. These materials have been either collected or recorded in VHS format during my youth. It is imperative to note that I do not claim ownership not do I purport to have any proprietary rights over these materials. Moreover, I hold no vested interest in engaging with matters concerning copyright infringement. My sole focus is of an academic nature, devoid of any monetary transactions associated with the utilization of said material. Feel free to access and download this material at your convenience. Safeguarding this heritage is to enable individuals who are unable to access or experience these antiquities, thereby ensuring its availability to both current and future generations. I express my heartfelt gratitude to Internet Archives for its contribution in preserving this legacy.

A man after this board's heart. What do you want to dig out next?

Oh hey, a Montenegrin Akathist from 2005, wasn't expecting that.

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>ITT: Vidya of the 90's and 2000's

Keep it limited to the scope of this board, so basically Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Generation consoles only for now. 

For those who don't know what consoles are part of which generation, here's a quick rundown of the time frame we're talking about...

>Fourth Generation: SNES, Sega Genesis/Sega CD
>Fifth Generation: PS1, N64, Sega Saturn
>Sixth Generation: Dreamcast, PS2, Gamecube, OG Xbox

Discussion of games from the Seventh Generation consoles (PS3/Wii/Xbox 360) is allowed as well, but I'd like the thread to mainly focus on the 4th-6th console genererations since the 7th Gen era carried over into the 2010's and a lot of the games from that era onward obviously have far more in common with modern gaming than stuff from the 16-bit consoles or the PS1 and PS2 eras.
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I remember Eternal Darkness from my early teenage years. Well, I remember watching my friends play it, and just roll through the cutscenes in one go.  That left an impression on me, of how eldritch horror could look in a video game. ...In fact, I might've been exposed to this game before I was exposed to the works of HP Lovecraft.

Does anyone else recall it, and what it accomplished?
Replies: >>4377 >>4378
I still hope for a demo version with a playable crusader character to pop up one day. Just want to get at least an unfinished part of his story.
The game was clearly awesome, quite daring and ricky in a way new games somehow never try. The madness mechanic was unique, the fact that it broke the fourth wall only added - no, still adds to the feeling. Do not want to spoil anything, but one of those literally made me shake when I was playing the game about 4 years ago for the first time.
And the voice acting in Maximilian Roivas' autopsy records is straight top notch. In other words, the game is awesome.
Not awesome enought to complete it three times legitimately to get the true ending though, as the final area especially where you have to repeat the same 9 or so rooms over and over again is quite tedious. But there are savegames for the true ending, and other than the last area, the game is solid 10/10.
Replies: >>4425
I remember seeing it reviewed in a magazine but never played it. I think it was in GamePro.
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It really is the test of a good game that time does little to nothing to hamper its impact.

...Though I suppose the only financially reasonable method to play it these days is to emulate it. I wonder what other games and media it had an influence on.  

Could the equally cult-tier and forgotten Haunting Ground be one of them?

Pen Pen Trilcelon. Only just found it existed  thanks to Anna Logue. One of the most hyperactive game intros that I've seen in a while, it's reminded me of how the /retro/ era was the golden age of wacky races in particular, and racing games in general. Was it the sense of fun, the drive to experiment, or something else that made them possible?

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Let's have a new thread without a tonne of broken images.  Have there been any new forms of /retro/ media (could be movies, games, anime, websites, etc.) that wanted to look old and actually succeeded?

There's an artist called BlueTheBone who makes "retro"-styled animations, cheesecake, and porn.  Like any modern hack, he overdoses on visual clutter and uses filters that don't actually resemble the time period he's trying to emulate - but despite that, I think his style is consistently decent.  If he relied less on computers and filters, then I think he'd be a much better artist, but that goes without saying for most contemporary artists.

The really weird things happen when he tries to make modern character designs and media look old, like pic 2.  It isn't exactly wrong, but there is something perplexing about viewing characters and series that were developed specifically with modern aesthetics in mind.
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I just noticed that she had more skins than one thanks to you. Me like.

What's the difference between those two?
Replies: >>4435
>What's the difference between those two?
How cozy is it under that rock?

Jet Set Radio Future was a cult classic hit from the 00s on the original Xbox that combined street graffiti, hip hop music, cel shaded graphics, roller blading, in a distinct Japanese package. There's never been anything like it since, despite it being a cult classic that everyone I know played and loved. You've certainly heard the music before even if you don't know the titles: https://youchu.be/watch?v=8VyaShl6urc

Bomb Rush Cyberfunk is the spiritual successor to JSRF that was released last year after quite a while in development. It was made by Team Reptile, who previously made Megabyte Punch (which no-one remembers) and Lethal League Blaze (which no-one played, but which is awesome and which has a guest track by Hideki Naganuma, the composer for JSRF). It is apparently very good and very easy to mod, leading to a lot of indie game characters, memes, shitposts. I recall there being a functioning multiplayer mod appearing within the first month or two of release, which surprised the devs.
Replies: >>4436
>Megabyte Punch
Oh shit I remember that, somehow stiffer than Smash 64 IIRC which was a problem other indie smash-likes from the time had, for instance Abyss Odyssey.
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Replies: >>4442
Good glory, those are some Mechwarrior vibes. And Gundam

Wonder what combat will look like.

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Anyone else here /retro/maxxing? I've realized there is no point in denying myself happiness and gigacoziness and I may as well go all in on my retro obsessions even if it's a bit weird. 

I could list a bunch of things I'm doing but I'll start with just a couple here

>film photography
I have never bought a digital camera and I have stopped being a NEET lately. I have a small comfy job so I have some money and I buy rolls of film on occasion and I carry a late '90s point and shoot camera with me almost everywhere I go. It's fun and super comfy. I also started developing black and white film myself, at home.

I have set up my windows machine to look like windows 98 (not completely accurate but I've changed over the icons and use a classic theme, etc. 

And on my linux machine I have set it up to look like some versions of UNIX from the late 80s to early 90s.

And for my browser I use Pale Moon and I have it set to look like Netscape.

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laserdiscs are an analogue medium and can't store data in terms of bits
sorry autism
Replies: >>4433 >>4438
What made floppies so useful to them for so long?
Replies: >>4434
Too soon

I think it was primarily likely due to just bureaucratic inertia and the natural reticence of herbivore men?
Jews did it.
the universe is an analogue medium therefore all storage medius are analogue, what makes them digital is the encoding
sorry more autistic
Does anyone have good suggestions for a CD player? I picked up a bunch of audiobooks thrown out by the library.

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One thing I loved about the 90's was the overabundance of bootleg merchandise, T-Shirts in particular.

The myriad knock-off shirts with Bart Simpson were so common in the early 90's it even became a meme.

You also had a lot of other common targets of bootlegs such as Sonic, TMNT, Sailor Moon, and as always, the big name rock bands and rappers.

After copyright enforcement got more stringent, you did not see this type of stuff as often, not even at the usual venues like flea markets, gas stations, fairgrounds, and any town with a major tourist  trap nearby.
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Late 90s, early 00s, used to go to Chinatown, look at bootleg dvds, and anime merch from the shiftiest vendors. Good times.
Bulls stuff was huge then. I've never followed any form of sportsball, but I think me or my younger brother might have had a Bulls sweatshirt or something when we were kids. It must be because of how big of a deal Michael Jordan was at that time.
Replies: >>3810
Yes, it was Jordan at his peak. However, the Bulls in the 90s were officially discussed as a Dream Team. Only sports news I have seen come close to how the Bulls were dominating in the 90s is Tom Brady and company in football.
I got one of those bart simpson gulf war shirts haha
Replies: >>4439
Remember where you bought it?

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Alright, I decided to expand the scope of this board a little more and include a containment thread for 80's nostalgia.

I mainly created this board to serve as both a successor to the old /y2k/ board, which was my favorite board on 8chan, and also expand the scope to include 90's nostalgia too, but after checking on this board, I noticed someone mentioning 80's nostalgia and I decided I would do something about it.

I personally don't care that much for 80's pop culture aside from the music and some of the old edgy anime, but 80's nostalgia did become a thing in the 2000's and I can see why others like the whole 80's style, so I'll allow it as long as it's mainly kept to this thread.
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We have our grand finale of Miami Vice tonight at 7:00 ET if any of you are interested (less than 3 hours from now).
https://annas-archive dot gs/md5/0f32d4bbeeb3ff67f50fab490a79723f

Who here likes Vietnamese nail salon art? Or rather, who likes Patrick Nagel?
Replies: >>4413
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Meant to post an example, woops.
Replies: >>4420
I love Duran Duran!

Replies: >>4424
I had no idea that they did Rio, let alone that they liked Nagel's art.

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Retro /tech/.
PDAs, pagers, old mobile phones, mp3 players.  I miss them.  They were so less intrusive to privacy.
It sounds really weird, but I'd love it if I could somehow still have a pager as opposed to a cell phone.
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Replies: >>4249 + 5 earlier
Cisco and some other companies have converter boxes that basically let you turn an analog RJ-11 phone into a pseudo-IP phone, you can look into that if you actually want to use it
Replies: >>4231 >>4248
I might try that at some point but right now I have purchased a Cell2Jack device which is smaller than a deck of cards and has an RJ11 port for a telephone and it routes calls over a cellular network by connecting to a cell phone which you can then just plug in and hide out of sight. I'm just trying it out for now so hopefully it works.

Today I just received the adapter in the mail as well as a pair of spare batteries for the telephone, which is still in the mail. I used to have this Southwestern Bell telephone but it's at my parents' place now so I thought it would be fun to get a cordless one for fun.
Replies: >>4248
Update: it works great. Hopefully it keeps working. I can recommend it to you guys here.
>>108 (OP) 
I just found out about FujiNet which is this thing you buy and plug it in to your Apple or Atari computer that lets it use TCP/IP and stuff. I only have a C64, but the fujinet device for commodore isn't out yet. But, once I get my c64 up and running again, hopefully this fujinet thing will be out and I can give it a try.


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Aesthetics thread
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Eggsellent. Post any favorites or inspiration you get from there.
budby i OWN the book >>2070
there are no instructions there for how they made it, except for the programs they use which really doesn't help me
New Horizons had a general guide for how he made those images, but in Metalheart there's no guide. it's just magic.
I love you anon
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This man may be insane:
Replies: >>4422
These are giving me Cruelty Squad vibes, very cool.

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Is it just me or was anything related to dinosaurs really fucking huge back in the 90's and very early 2000's?

You had the original Jurassic Park trilogy, Walking With Dinosaurs, Dino Crisis, Land Before Time, the Dinosaurs TV show, Disney's Dinosaur movie from 2000, even PBS kiddie shit like Barney.

Even the shitty 1998 Godzilla movie with Matthew Broderick tried to ape Jurassic Park.

Like, this was most obvious with children's media like Land Before Time and Barney, but you even saw it elsewhere in the 90's, like the Toronto Raptors

I guess the first Jurassic Park was where it all kicked off, considering how huge that movie was in the early 90's and a lot of the craze fittingly died down with Jurassic Park III, which was the worst of the original films in a lot of people's opinions (including my own)
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Oh I remember this.
3 > The Lost World
Replies: >>4361 >>4418
Replies: >>4418
Jurassic Park I assume you mean. I'm not really sure myself but I would tend to agree. The first one was head and sholders the best though.
That reminds me. Did anyone ever play the DOS/Windows JP game where the first part was an overhead view where you played as Grant with a tazer electro cannon and you had to rescue Tim and Lex in each stage; Then in the second part of the game it switches to a FPS where you have to fight raptors in dark caves and tunnels?
Replies: >>4419
3 really was overhated compared to LW, and I'm not sure why.

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