/retro/ - Y2K

1990s and 2000s Nostalgia

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Wanna watch some /retro/ TV? Check out https://www.my00stv.com/



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Alright, this is meant to be a successor to /y2k/ on the old 8chan, however I have expanded it to include both the 1990's and the 2000's and NSFW content is allowed, provided it's actually related to the purpose of this board and doesn't violate any of the site's core rules.
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And a belated happy new year!

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So, what are some of your favorite memories of the old internet?

Can be websites, memes, events or any other aspect of the days of Web 1.0 and 1.5

For a quick reference, here's what I would define as Web 1.0 and Web 1.5

>Web 1.0: Usenet, Geocities and Angelfire, AOL (1991-2001)
>Web 1.5: Early YouTube, ED, 4chan in its "wild west" days, MySpace, YTMND, Newgrounds and the peak years of dA and Fanfiction.net (2001-2008)

You also had cross-generation stuff like GameFAQs and IMDB which are still around today, although sadly IMDB's infamous message boards are gone
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Maybe it can fit there.
Nah. It went to hell instead of losing to the likes of Lowtax. Its a lame listicle site now. Looks like Funnyjunk won.
One neat thing I've learned recently is that a single domain can lead to a bunch of different servers if the www is followed by a number. E.g. trashchan could have a www2.trashchan.xyz and a www3.trashchan.xyz and so on, each hosting completely different content.
Replies: >>4721
That's called a subdomain. The old convention of every website redirecting to a "www." subdomain is actually due to a misunderstanding...
Replies: >>4725
>The old convention of every website redirecting to a "www." subdomain is actually due to a misunderstanding...
Is www itself supposed to be a subdomain, but everyone added it all the time? I though it disappeared from the URLs because at some point browsers just hide it.

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What is your favorite operating system? Do you prefer MS-DOS, Windows 3.1, 95, or something else? FreeDOS? Some flavor of Linux?
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>Now do you have any retort other than indirectly calling me fat?
Take your pick.
Replies: >>4719
>screenshot taken with Windows
Oh okay so you're just butthurt. I don't have anything against anyone who chooses to stay on Windows, for the record. Mediocre at everything but spyware it may be, if it gets the job done with the least amount of work, then so be it.
Replies: >>4722
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Dude, if you look at the man in >>4714 and take a comparison to him as an insult then that's your own crippling self-loathing talking, and if you don't find any humor in a thread about the usability of modern OSs being derailed into griping about windows slave boys then you're beyond help.

Please remember the internet is for having fun.
Replies: >>4723
Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry. Thanks for grounding me.
Replies: >>4724
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*hugs u*

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Let's have a new thread without a tonne of broken images.  Have there been any new forms of /retro/ media (could be movies, games, anime, websites, etc.) that wanted to look old and actually succeeded?

There's an artist called BlueTheBone who makes "retro"-styled animations, cheesecake, and porn.  Like any modern hack, he overdoses on visual clutter and uses filters that don't actually resemble the time period he's trying to emulate - but despite that, I think his style is consistently decent.  If he relied less on computers and filters, then I think he'd be a much better artist, but that goes without saying for most contemporary artists.

The really weird things happen when he tries to make modern character designs and media look old, like pic 2.  It isn't exactly wrong, but there is something perplexing about viewing characters and series that were developed specifically with modern aesthetics in mind.
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Are there any resources online for making /retro/ sounding audio? While there's tons of people online who've been reproducing old visual styles, it seems like hardly anyone has tried to accurately simulate VHS tape quality or emulate old audio codecs.
Replies: >>4704 >>4706
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These are all amazing and could have easily fooled me, especially the Puggy and Gerald videos. Thanks for posting.

I once made an acceptable tape audio effect by just compressing a track, applying a LPF, then adding high frequency noise (HPF noise / "hiss"). See the attached files.
I'm sure this can be improved with some reading about the tape format itself and its limitations.
>emulate old audio codecs
Such as?
Replies: >>4705
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>Such as?
I was thinking of old MS-DOS game compression formats, but WHOOPS I'M AN IDIOT WHO DIDN'T DO FIVE MINUTES OF RESEARCH, it turns out you just have to convert your file into an 8/16-bit WAV file with a sampling rate at around 22kHz.

Anyway, in the meantime I've discovered that you can emulate old internet video artifacts by converting to flv and back with ffmpeg. For example:
ffmpeg -i {input video} -filter:v scale=352:-1 -f flv -vb 275k -ab 48k -ar 11025 {output video}
ffmpeg -i {output video} {modern video format}
Replies: >>4706
I know this probably isn't what you're looking for, but there are guitar pedals out there that aim to do something along those lines. The Generation Loss from Chase Bliss is the first that comes to mind for me:

The Shallow Water pedal is neat, but it's more strictly a modulation pedal rather than something that attempts to simulate the entire range of effects that make up the old tape sound (like wow and flutter, noise, saturation, and dropouts).
Unlike the Generation Loss, it gets snob points for being analog.
>it turns out you just have to convert your file into an 8/16-bit WAV file with a sampling rate at around 22kHz.
That's good to know. I was curious about that. I've always loved the voices and crunchy sampled sounds in games like Dune II.
I should try that technique out at some point and see how close I can get 
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New version of https://brawlersworld.com just dropped.

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>ITT: Weeb shit from the Clinton and Bush years
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I watched Planetes, but it was years ago. About the only things I remember now are the opening scene of the disaster caused by the orbiting bolt, and the fact the 12yo girl was as big as a fullgrown woman.
Replies: >>4700
What all's good about it?
Replies: >>4700
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The Lunarian girl, yeah. It was nice to see a series that had science fiction concepts like people living on the moon and added details like the health problems a human would face growing up and going through puberty at a fraction of Earth gravity.

The number one thing I can say about both the anime and the manga is that they are absolutely gorgeous. The manga was published in 1999, so stylistically it combines the 90s grit with the more human proportions and style that became prevalent in the 00s. Visually, the manga is a beautiful blend of highly detailled mechanical stuff and endearing human characters with incredible detail put into the backgrounds and set dressing. The anime is also very detailled given that it aired in 2003-04, around the time that anime began to lose its way and rely too much on digital shortcuts.

The anime is also incredibly sound on a technical level, which is especially impressive since so much of the series takes place in zero-gravity, low-G, and normal-G environments, the characters often require a fundamentally different approach to how they're animated. It'd be really easy to have a lot of bland, slideshow shots of them sliding across stiff backgrounds, but whenever the characters aren't in normal-G environments they actually move like it. The sound design underscores this too: the 
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Replies: >>4701
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Some examples of the anime addressing how astronauts actually move around in zero-G environments.

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>These guys think they're bad because they walk slow...
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Daily reminder that zoom zoom will never experiance good music being produced in the era of their life time.
Replies: >>4592

Bruh, you don't know where to look

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Found this Wallpaper/Screensaver thing while looking for a visualizer. Turns your entire screen into an animated background, incorporating your existing wallpaper.
If you're running Winamp, you can turn on the visualizer plugin to synchronize the animations with your music. Lots of little configurations to play around with.
The one big issue is that it also covers your icons, so you can't select anything on your desktop. The program was made back in 2002, so it was developed with Windows 98-XP in mind.
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=owzvqwLNW_g The Roches New York Christmas Show, December 22nd, 1990. Enjoy, and merry Christmas!
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>discovered los angeles: critical mass a couple years ago >>3239
>tried to find torrents for a high-quality rip of the album
>instead torrented another series of albums named critical m@55 by mistake that are aggrotech and darkwave 
>love every part of them
and i just noticed the uploader's name is DivineShadow, which is the antagonist of Lexx which i consider my absolute favofite scifi series ever made. what a small fucking world holy shit.

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I want to go back. When browsing the Web felt like going on an adventure.

What substitutes for "Wild West" these days? All I can think of are Tor, Zeronet, and the vast array of imageboards. Discord can feel pretty wild too sometimes, that is if you can find the right servers.

Post what you know, please.
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95% of neocities blogs were made by future tumblr users. most new geo/neocities-like websites made today are single-page "DNI" lists made by LGBT teenagers who were just too cool to use tumblr and carrd.
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I was making Doom levels (for the DOS version, not newer ones) and it stopped being interesting once I realized that scene has moved on and wants "bigger, better, harder" stuff. I basically went in thinking it's a retro scene and found out the hard way it's not. So I gave up on all that because it's just not what I'm looking for. Like I would post stuff on their forum (doomworld) and this one dude Graf Zahl would say shit like "LOL you're stuck in the past!" and that pretty much conveys the nature of this scene.
I might try some other games that haven't been subverted this way. There's a bunch of older ones that let you design your own levels or entirely new game. I spent lots of time looking at old BBS and CDROM archives like on textfiles.com and other archival sites, where you can often still find the games exactly was they were released (not yet installed, original timestamps on files, etc.) This turned out to be a good idea because for this one game (pic) the repacked version doesn't work, it's missing subdirectories and their contents, so the game gives an error and exits. But the original that was distributed in 4 separate ZIP files, that one does create the proper directory structure and the game is playable. Anyway this game was made in Bard's Tale Construction Kit, which apparently is very flexible. I haven't found many others done in this, just what they mentioned here:
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Replies: >>4638
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>I was making Doom levels (for the DOS version, not newer ones) and it stopped being interesting once I realized that scene has moved on and wants "bigger, better, harder" stuff. I basically went in thinking it's a retro scene and found out the hard way it's not. So I gave up on all that because it's just not what I'm looking for. Like I would post stuff on their forum (doomworld) and this one dude Graf Zahl would say shit like "LOL you're stuck in the past!" and that pretty much conveys the nature of this scene.
I get what you mean. I tend to prefer my Doom experience to be close to the vanilla versions, and I don't want it loaded up with a bunch of BULLSHIT. I gave Brutal Doom a try a long time ago, and while it seemed fun I felt like it ruined the feel of the game. I also played Skulltag back in the day. I'm at the point where if I feel like playing Doom nowadays, then PrBoom+ is about as wild as I'm willing to get.
Replies: >>4679
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At this point I've had enough of 3D games tbh, and especially the FPS stuff. Time for other things now.
Replies: >>4688
I generally prefer 2D games too. I'm more into strategy games than any other genre, and I don't feel like most 3D strategy games benefited from going 3D.

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You realize that you're an internet oldfag when: 

>You've been registered at old sites and forums with old local emails you don't use anymore and probably they don't even exist.
>You have saved images at BMP. format
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I do this as well, never had to extract anything though. But on some skins the transparencies don't work properly in Audacious for some reason. Pic related for example, I ended up learning how the masking works so I could redo it and make it work.
 I lost my minecraft account from 2010 this way, never buying it again
It was such a surprise when Winamp suddenly came alive and asked me if I want to update. I was, like, lolwut.
And no, I didn't update. My 5.552 version from april 2009 has everything I could ever need.
I was do the first. Good times, but they will not back more.
Replies: >>4684

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Post videos that capture what life was like in the 90s and 2000s

e.g. home videos, TV programs, news segments, documentaries etc.
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I've filmed a little bit of original XBOX gameplay for an unrelated project, hope it fits the aesthetic.
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New York City March 17 2000
Video from St. Patrick's Day March 17, 2000
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Concorde's Take-off over the Neighbourhood
Video from user Maguirerichardson, Heathrow UK, 2003

By now a famous video showing a small glimpse of bri'ish everyday life in big city suburbs, many of the video's visual cues are pure early-00's.
Replies: >>4492
Jesus fuck imagine living there
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cosplay in Japan 1999

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Retro /tech/.
PDAs, pagers, old mobile phones, mp3 players.  I miss them.  They were so less intrusive to privacy.
It sounds really weird, but I'd love it if I could somehow still have a pager as opposed to a cell phone.
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>Not gonna lie, I do miss the days of flip phones and MP3 Players.
Well, I still use an MP3 player. Not an old one - a new one, which is basically just a USB stick with some buttons. But it is quite comfortable, way more comfortable than a huge ass smartphone. Or even an old phone, which I also use. A dedicated MP3 player is still quite a thing, really.
Could you link some more information? Every time I use my smartphone I have to stop myself from breaking it with hammers.
There's really not much more info.
you plug in your landline, plug in the power cords, and link the cell2jack to a cell phone using bluetooth.

Unfortunately for me I get bad call quality on the device because my specific cell phone has a bug with low volume on bluetooth headsets which is very annoying. But the device itself works fine.
Can you still get parallel and serial cards for newer computers?

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