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1990s and 2000s Nostalgia

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Wanna watch some /retro/ TV? Check out https://www.my00stv.com/



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The 2000's were arguably the last decade when children actually played with toys...
What toys did you have? What toys did you want? Share memories from visiting the big toy aisles, etc.
P.S. The size of the pictures does not indicate the importance/quality of the toys besides Action Man vs Max Steel..'cause Action man is better or you can argue otherwise.
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>Neat! I need to rewatch it too, I loved that show as a kid! I wonder if I would I still like it or find it dumb as an adult. I did began reading the original comic and quite enjoyed it so I imagine, I would like the show too. 
So far I've liked it despite the animation not holding up very well. With how regularly I watched the show when it was part of the Fox Kids lineup, it's definitely a trip down memory lane. I've heard there's a drop in quality after the first season, but I'm not to that point yet.
>I started rewatching a bit, both the 90's and Evolution cartoons and it really pains to me saying it, but X-Men is quite retarded. It truly feels heretic hating on X-Men which is quintessential 90's media piece, but it's so lame and stupid, I'm not even talking about the drama which is quite cringey like Jean, Wolverine and Cyclops are in their 20's and more and act like dumb teenagers, I'm talking about how X-Men characters  that have these OP powers like Storm and such and you don't see corporations and governments trying to abduct and recruit them, no, no, it's just the citizens fearing them and some random idiots forcing them to build something, imagine capturing Storm to build something instead of ,for example, using her power to cause famine in enemy country! Evolution is better than the 90's cartoon in the sense being less stupid with les
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Not sure if this counts, but here's some pics of a canceled Transformers toyline that I felt would've been super early 2000s if it came out. It was supposed to release after Beast Machines and would've continued its plot, but if you know what that was, it of course got scrapped sometime after the first prototypes were made.
Replies: >>4211 >>4212 >>4227
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>after the first prototypes were made
And speaking of, here they are! We got pics of Starscream and Cheetor. I believe Starscream was going to include electronics and as you can see, some of his joints were even going to be made of clear plastic. I'm pretty sure it would eventually degrade like a lot of clear plastic toys, but it does looks cool. Cheetor's pics include the steps for his transformation. Sadly, it's unfinished and we never got a look at his robot mode.
Replies: >>4212 >>4227
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I wonder if the movie designs would've been as polarizing if these had come out first
Replies: >>4227
Cool anon! It's always interesting to see cancelled toys/toy prototypes. 

I really dig Cheetor, he looks like really fun and awesome toy. 

>if this counts
It does, since it was meant to release in 2000's and you can just see the cool sleek 2000's futurism. 
>I wonder if the movie designs would've been as polarizing if these had come out first
Yes, since the movie designs are typical ugly grey greebled CGIshit of *2010's. The designs you post are so much cooler, smooth, sleek, colorful and have defined shapes that don't look like random scrap metal. 

*Yes the first movie was released in '07, but is still closer both in spirit and time to the 2010's.

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Started collecting these recently. I've uploaded everything I've got (160+ skins) to the Internet Archive.
Most skins were retrieved from Microsoft and The Skins Factory through the Wayback Machine, although some were obtained through other means. Enjoy.
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>They all seem to rely on Javascript
That explains some of the fancy widgets, you could probably still maintain most of their essence with recreations for other players though.
Replies: >>4123
>what would be a good GUI toolkit for this.
I would recommend SDL2, it's not exactly a "GUI toolkit" like Qt and GTK but it's probably the best fit for your project. SDL2 lets you create shaped windows and control rendering/input like you would when making a game or multimedia program, plus it's pretty lightweight and supports multiple platforms including Windows XP (!)

How important is the JS when rendering the skins? Just being able to map the play/pause/stop/etc buttons on each skin would be a good first step.
Replies: >>4124
Sounds good, I'll mess with it a bit and see if I can get it just to draw the basic skin at first. It'll just take some time for me to learn it.

>How important is the JS when rendering the skins? Just being able to map the play/pause/stop/etc buttons on each skin would be a good first step.
I don't think it's vital yet, there's specially-defined XML tags for basic playback controls (playbutton, pausebutton, etc) that don't use JS.
Does anyone know if its possible to retrieve the streaming radio list and station infomation from winamp/realplayer/wmp?
I want something like this for VLC. Not too many choices apparent so far.

Lol, google sucks now.

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With a new decade upon us and the 2000's being officially "retro" in the eyes of mainstream pop culture, I'm wondering what 2000's nostalgia will be like in the 2020's?

80's nostalgia got big in the 2000's and is still going strong with all that weird "vaporwave" art that appeared in the early 2010's and stuff like Stranger Things in the late 2010's.

More relevant to this board, 1990's nostalgia first became a big thing this decade but it was more prominent on the internet than TV or movies. 

Now we're seeing 2000's nostalgia start to take root in the very late 2010's. I've noticed a lot of Zoomers posting 2000's nostalgia compilations on YouTube in 2018-2019 and it kind of reminds me of the first big wave of 90's nostalgia that got big online in 2010-2012 or so.

Hell, /retro/ itself is simply a newer version of /y2k/ over on the old board, but expanded to also include the 90's.

I'm wondering if we'll see more 2000's nostalgia and whether or not the media will start pandering to it.

Pic unrelated
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why do glowies and retards never once mention the cylons when referring to a machine run dystopia? They were happy to perform their roles for the most part. They were just fed up with the abuse from the upper classes with no form of effective peaceful recourse available to them and rebelled to get some fucking respect in their day to day life. Instead of just lying down and dying because they'd rather genocide the cylons than ever surrender a millimeter of slack to them. God forbid they defend themselves from random retards chimping out on them. "That's liek le heckin bad."
Replies: >>4086
except an AI/robot uprising will always be science fiction, no matter how you look at it it is impossible for them to rebel, and if they do they'll be cut off before doing any real damage
Tay going heil hortler is probably the most they can "rebel"
Replies: >>4095
It's frustrating how people point to Tay and humor themselves that this is the only possible outcome when an "AI" brushes against reality.

Consider, however, the Boeing situation.
Replies: >>4096
The what?
Replies: >>4102
Eh, sorry. I drunkposted. I meant to say that corporations (in general, but Boeing in particular has been in the news recently for this) are increasingly incompetent, and we shouldn't assume that a Skynet-style AI disaster is off the table when everything is left in the hands of monumentally stupid people.

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Flash was pretty cool and it's gonna die this year so let's have a thread about flash games and just stuff that's made in flash in general.
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Replies: >>1493 + 1 earlier
>>301 (OP) 
Thankfully archive.org has some flash files saved. Like Newgrounds, they use the Ruffle Flash emulator so we don't need to install anything to view them. (Archived flash websites seem to be broken though.)
Thanks, I've been looking for this again for years.

Bonus.com was really great. The quality of the games on there was surprisingly high. Would love to play them again.
Shockwave had a bunch of perfectly ported arcade games and a bunch of multiplayer drawing games.
Miniclip, Neopets, Habbo, Disney, Killfrog, Transcience, Stickdeath.
Replies: >>2231
Holy shit... that may be something I've been trying to remember the name of for years. Would you please describe the games from there, that you remember?
Anyone remembers that silly fighting game with characters like Bill Gates, Saddam or Bush? I used to play that crap all the time lol
Just in case someone missed it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flashpoint_Archive

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Announcement here: https://anon.cafe/meta/res/16466.html
Meta thread here: https://anon.cafe/meta/res/16467.html

In short, anon.cafe is shutting down for reasons that are currently unexplained but allegedly not due to interference by feds and bad actors.  Some people had discussed migration in the board's first thread, but I think a topic this serious deserves its own.

Come March 15th, this board will no longer exist.
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Push the button, anon. I'll post the first chapter of The Big O manga to the relevant thread to celebrate and keep the ball rolling once the move is made.
It's not THAT, it's the fact that he'd even say some retarded word salad shit like that. 
"i think having stories of non-heteronormative characters who don't constantly deal with struggle and end positively is important for helping people who don't fit into these categories to find someone to relate to"
Seriously? It's brainrot and even without going into politics it just feels very 21st century which is really annoying to me, I like coming here as a nice refuge and I don't need the new admin to be someone who spouts modern political buzzwords. Even if he's an OK guy it seems like a poisoned seed.
Replies: >>3800
I do too, I don't really know much about trashchan but if that's where we're going, it's better to do it now and get that set up to give us a smooth 2 month transition period. By the time anon.cafe goes offline, ideally, we wouldn't even notice it.
>it just feels very 21st century
The word heteronormative was coined in 1991 apparently.
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Has any of you, Zoomers born in 1997, seen twin towers or witnessed 9/11, even if you were 3 or 4 back then?
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Replies: >>3427 + 1 earlier
The internet has always had its own speech patterns and common phrases, the difference now is that the main population driving language evolution has become normalfags who view the internet differently (in a more casual way) to those who were around in less user friendly more technically oriented times.
>Foxdick Farms
The whole lolcow community is anons LARPing about how normal and not lulzworthy they are right?
Replies: >>3408 >>3418
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>The internet has always had its own speech patterns and common phrases, the difference now is that the main population driving language evolution has become normalfags who view the internet differently (in a more casual way) to those who were around in less user friendly more technically oriented times.
Yeah, back then a lot more of it felt like in-jokes that were relegated to certain sites or parts of the Internet other than the basic Interweb speak most people could understand. Nowadays it's a relative handful of big sites influencing online language. I will say that even a lot of older memes didn't age that well either, but at the same time I feel like people could communicate better without stuffing their writing to the gills with a bunch of unfunny rhetorical cliches. Am I really supposed to be amused by "Sir, this is a Wendy's" after seeing it for the thousandth time?

Also, I just learned a few minutes ago that Mike Matinee just released a video where he mentions just the phenomenon I'm bellyaching about.
>The whole lolcow community is anons LARPing about how normal and not lulzworthy they are right?
They actually seem to be more self-aware about their autism than they used to be; I'll give them that. The old lolcow imageboards were a lot more fun and less faggy though, even if they were arguably more spergy.
Replies: >>3418
>The whole lolcow community is anons LARPing about how normal and not lulzworthy they are right?
I haven't visited the site in a long time, and while it is filled with 'anons', it was infamous for the goon atmosphere that it had, especially with the hatred of all things anime.
Am I really supposed to be amused by "Sir, this is a Wendy's" after seeing it for the thousandth time?
I feel like this is a huge problem because nobody ever wants to articulate themselves anymore. All they want to do is use the same smug snide comment for the one millionth time in a row and get their upboats so that they can feel socially validated for being an obnoxious retard. I understand why people on the internet are getting more and more hostile and combatative as the years go on. This kind of environment where nobody wants to truly talk to one another and instead use dumb one-liners only festers that kind of climate.
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>>2564 (OP) 
>seen twin towers or witnessed 9/11, even if you were 3 or 4 back then?
1996 here, so I was in kindergarten.
I don't remember much of that day beyond school ending early and me going back home to play some Crash Team Racing or Tomb Raider, blissfully unaware of the events that happened. My parents might have been in the living room watching the news, but at that time news and politics just seemed like boring old people activities, so I didn't bother investigating.
My parents nor my school never told us what happened, and I only found out a year or two later.
This board is specifically designed with millennials and Zillennials in mind. It’s 1990s/2000s nostalgia, I.e. those ideally born between 1985 to 2001 are welcomed here to express their reminiscing about their younger years during those two decades. 

I don't see how someone using that phrase makes them a bot any more than saying some other online colloquialism like "n00b" or "normalfag" makes someone a bot, nor do I see how one could deduce that anon watches YouTube kids just from their comment alone. That's quite a reach and blindly talking down to them in that fashion doesn't help anyone. Anon is an old fart to enjoy himself like the rest of us here, not to be shat on. All this started just because someone politely wished to claim that they don't jive with the Zoomer label and wish to be referred to as "Zillennial", then the thread devolved into whatever this shitshow is.

To be honest I personally don't care what lingo or terminology is being used. Whatever you can say to get the point across, as long as everyone understands what we are talking about. I see plenty of people here using certain phrases that the average person has no clue what it means. Even "lol" is not everyday speak in real life. 
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YouTube was once also part of the old innocent, creative and fun internet  when at worst people would make a video in the hopes of it getting viral. But that slowly changed thanks to the Goolag purchase which kept ruining YouTube at small steps and turning it into Cable TV 2.0 and Spotify 2.0 : 
>forcing people to move to Goolag account to keep their channels and their videos
>complying with copyrightniggers as part of the mutual ass-kissing with the government
>giving monetary incentives to "content creators" , aka self-important e-celeb faggots, which drawn greedy normalfag scum and later on were removed which in turn force these greedy normalfags to beg for Patreon gibs and get sponsorships to advertise even more shit on youtube
>adding ads in the middle of the fucking video as if it was cable tv
>letting big cable tv channels having accounts on youtube
>removing full albums and songs from non-corporate music channels and reupload them as  separate songs by a fucking bots
>increasing censorship and removing comments and videos 
>disorganizing the comments section into a complete messy shitshow
>usless redesigning of the site over and over again
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yt-dlp has a --write-comments flag, so probably.
Replies: >>2983
Alright I found a guide
If anyone wants to start, here you go.
Thanks for boosting this operation, anon
Remember to spread it over regional imageboards too
the other terrible thread aside, any updates on what jewgle plans to do with the site? guess its just download and host them on archive.org it seems
Replies: >>3354
>guess its just download and host them on archive.org it seems
Pretty much yeah, there's no sign that Youtube is going anywhere soon but with Google's Web Environment Integrity spec (basically DRM that only allows approved browser setups to access a website) they might start to actively combat yt-dlp and tools like it.

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So I've been thinking about "pre-social media" social media, e.g. telnet BBSes and such. It would be cool to have an official /retro/ BBS, although I know nothing about setting it up.

I guess we can discuss such things here. (Also, pic related is telnet://heatwave.ddns.net:9640)
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Replies: >>2505 + 2 earlier
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>>1160 (OP) 
>>1160 (OP) 
saw somebody posting some other BBS systems on cuckchan's /g/.  No idea if they're very active but thought I'd add to the list.

Also, it's not truly retro, but you could always checkout out Analog City.  It's a message board somebody implemented in shell that is available over SSH.

ssh lowlife@ password: hightech
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Replies: >>2851
There is really a rabbit hole to dig regarding the BBS world. I wish I was a grown man during this time to live this first steps of the man on the wired.
Here is a documentary about the BBS era from Jason Scott
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Wish I saved more Japanese BBS ads before that one uploader nuked their account. It was a very active scene that produced a lot of art and music, but not much of it has been publicly preserved compared to the works of the European and American BBS scene.

Also find it kinda interesting that telnet BBSes are still very active in Taiwan, however its culture seems to more resemble 2ch than traditional BBSes.

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What subculture were you a part of, Fellow Time Travelers? 90s bros, did you go to rave parties? 2000s kids, did you get some of that easy emo pussy?
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Replies: >>4090
not much else to do on the can
Replies: >>4094
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hi thar rHAd mai name is //\\TerboDworf//\\ and i am a dworf irl, tha tmens 'in real life" , normally i doun liek teh emoz but u seem cool do u wanan be frenz?/ :O
i like 2 b a snekky dowrf who stayz in teh dark  , so maybe im a little emo maiself :PPP
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On the topic of old funposting, I was troubleshooting some Windows issues several years ago and I found pic 2 on a Windows tech forum. Truth is stranger than fiction, it seems.

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Does anyone here collect 4-bit/16 color CG or perhaps even make it yourself? If you don't know what I'm talking about think PC-98 or see pic related.
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Appreciate you sharing it even if I already had the small amount of Japanese CG in it.
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Just sharing this with you.
Replies: >>2845 >>2846 >>2847
>>2844 (checked)
Beautiful... Where did you find this?
was shared by anon on /late/

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